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Messages - James Watson

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Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:21:59 am »
Best regiment 2k13 get rekd scrubs.

Posting on behalf of Tavington.

Name: Tavington
Steam Name: [91st] Tavington
Nation: The Reich
Why should you be Captain?: It is necessary that a Reich be established, the country may no longer exist but it's accolades and achievements still stand to this very day. I will not take no for an answer, should you object you shall suffer Blitzkrieg.

I also wish to be a part of this glorious team. Für das Vaterland!

Community / Re: Is Tavington's banning acceptable?
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:59:11 pm »
His Teamspeak, his rules. So it is acceptable by his rules. But if you were asking whether he is a complete dick or not, well I suppose that is debatable.

Pointless thread is pointless.

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:03:49 pm »
Owning the 33rd at the moment.

Nickname: 91st_Sjt_James_Watson (Franciscus)
Steam name: [91st] Franciscus
Age: 18
Why?: I want to become an admin on this server for I believe it is currently one of the best siege servers in NW. It is very enjoyable to play on it, and I believe that I would be able to uphold the rules and make it even more so.
How active on the server: Usually go on every day.
Previous administration experience: Admin on 22nd siege (now Wolfpack_Siege) on native for a long time now, and I am also an admin on groupfighting.
Who can vouch for you?: I'm sure Morgoth, Dekkers and Jigstas can vouch for me :)

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: May 02, 2013, 08:55:20 pm »
Very nice lb tonight! Only got shot once! Unfortunately was at the same time as Jackie :(

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: April 22, 2013, 07:27:54 pm »
Loved commanding for a change. The power of the sword!

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:58:49 pm »
Congrats to all those promoted!

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:07:22 pm »
Awesome lb tonight!

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: March 24, 2013, 08:00:32 pm »
I so wanted to be there!! Fuck real life friends! :P

Yes, hope you fucked them hard Jackie.

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:09:59 pm »
Very nice line battle tonight, in spite of being shot every round but one  :)

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: March 17, 2013, 09:14:04 pm »
Very nice lb tonight. One of the best I've had in a while!

Servers / Re: 91st_NW_Duel
« on: March 11, 2013, 10:10:38 pm »
It seemed pretty sure he was using it at the time, especially when he only responded with immature comments and childish insults when I was trying to find out the truth. I spectated him for about 5 minutes and did not see him get the wrong block once during the time I was on the server. Hes block kept shifting perfectly after each ridiculous feint I made. He also never blocked in any other direction than downwards when the opponent was not attacking.

THe only ways he was killed was from holds, which worked surprisingly easy.

On defense of ZeroSkilled, I see him all the time on the Groupfighting server where he does miss blocks occasionally, but mostly 95% of the time, he gets every block in. Don't accuse him of hacking because he knows how to block after playing a considerable amount in groupfighting, and I am sure most people would agree with my statement.

That he plays there often does not change anything, And there are several scenarios where he could have tried it for the first time today or something in that directon. Naturally there is a possibility I am wrong, but I would not make pointless accusations because of anger, I am quite sure what I saw.

Don't accuse him of hacking because he knows how to block after playing a considerable amount in groupfighting

There is a difference in knowing how to block and using automatic block, and you can see the difference in the reaction time and movement, after nearly 1500 hours on this game I do recognize the difference rather well, I do not just accuse people of autoblock that are better than it than me.

As I said, I may be wrong about this, and if I am I apologize. My motive is not in any way to insult you, but to find out the truth.

First off, your accusation of him using autoblock is completely ridiculous. Zeroskilled is one of the most talented players I know, and most of the time I fight him, I barely get any hits in myself without having to spin around him like a headless chicken. Yes he does get a lot of successful blocks, but that's just because he is GOOD at it. I should know, I got him into the 91st, and he was completely shit back then. So don't accuse him of something just because he is better than you at it.

Second, although his ban request of you was over the top, there is no need to insult and tarnish his name in here. You kind of proved his point when you responded the way you did.

Servers / Re: Groupfighting Server
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:25:05 pm »
unban reqest
reason-speaking isn't told in rules and i think admin(daiels)must be punishment for this.he banned ot only me

First of all, it is a rule. Second, you and your friends were told repeatedly not to speak in Russian, by both Daniels and myself. If you can't speak in English, just don't speak at all.

Regiments / Re: 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
« on: February 21, 2013, 08:25:23 pm »
Good lb we are having, but a bit too much shooting  :P

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