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Messages - soapysoap

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:42:00 am »
Ingame name? - Soap
Steam Name? - Carolus Rex
Age? - 21 (as of today actually)
Timezone? - UTC+01:00
Country? - Sweden - Though my father is from England and my mother is from Scotland, I've lived in Sweden most of my life.
Will you be active? - Yes
Previous Regiment Experience? - 91st Regiment of Foot - Argyllshire Highlanders
Why should we accept you? (give a developed answer) - I have experience in the game in general, and as I'm sure you know the 91st is the most disciplined regiment in the game, so expect nothing less from me. I have fewer hours in cavalry than infantry but I am an experienced swordsman, as I have spent most of my time in NW in a duel server, training my swordsmanship. (I'm also interested in HEMA irl.)
How much are you willing to improve? - As much as possible, I hope to become a great cavalryman at some point.
Where did you find out about us? - Cavalry groupfighting, and my friend from the Rainbow knights. (Though it was I who made contact with first Majestic from this reg then he pointed me towards Erik.)

Pages: 1