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Messages - blind_dude

Pages: 1 2
Hello fellas.

Due to life events i have to leave my postion and probably the active participation in events. Regiment leadership is temporary in hands of highest officer - hauptman Manicdefender.
As far as I can tell regiment is going to stay. A next leader for the regiment is going to be appointed from the current staff or taken from outside, so if you are experienced group leader you can contact any CO or NCO(including myself) of our regiment so we can make a decision.

Expect new topic for regiment.

And may Fun be with you, always.

Events: EU / Re: Mount&Musket Event, EU, 200 slot server.
« on: February 15, 2013, 07:02:29 pm »
Ok confirmed 19:00 GMT.

Events: EU / Re: Mount&Musket Event, EU, 200 slot server.
« on: February 15, 2013, 06:51:41 pm »
Dont tell me that it moved from 18:00 GMT to 19:00  ???

Events: EU / Re: Mount&Musket Event, EU, 200 slot server.
« on: February 15, 2013, 06:39:43 pm »
Just noticed that there is no rollcall information  :o Are we supposed just get on the server at the appointed time?

Events: EU / Re: Mount&Musket Event, EU, 200 slot server.
« on: February 09, 2013, 07:25:24 pm »
We go as Line if there will be enough people, I hope there will.

Events: EU / Re: Mount&Musket Event, EU, 200 slot server.
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:33:00 pm »
Regiment Name:Infanterie Regiment "Kaiser Franz I" Nr.1 (or just Kaiser Nr1)
Regiment Numbers: ~10
Preferred Nation:Prussia (not France please)
Unit Type: Line (or Skirmishers)
Leader: blind_dude, Manic .

Events: EU / Re: 90th Perthshire Friday Linebattle
« on: February 08, 2013, 02:40:55 pm »
Is this event still held?

Regiments / Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:46:34 pm »
Nr1 is participating at [EU] 7te & 4e Saturday Historical Conquest today.

Those of you who want to go as invited guests can join us at 18:30 gmt on our TS:
• TS Server adress: pass: kanr1

Wethere a map is historical or not depends purely on ones imagination  ;)

Events: EU / Re: [EU] 7te & 4e Saturday Historical Conquest [Waterloo]
« on: January 31, 2013, 05:06:16 pm »
Guys can you make a map or edit an existing one so there would be only two flags to spawn. Basically making battle gameplay more fun without that boring wait for end of a round to respawn. And probably more realistic since it will get target to capture and protect, not just to shoot down all the enemys.

Always wanted to do this  ;)

Power abuse? IMO this looks like a Chinese GREAT WALL OF TEXT.

Tsk. All I want to say, admins dont tolerate swearings, racism and political discussions. And for the love of sanity, start operating servers - change maps when it's crowded, organize mini-events. Get people busy so they wont have time to make ill.

Community / Re: The Arrangement-Recruitment (ATTENTION BIGGER REGIMENTS)
« on: January 31, 2013, 11:34:13 am »
The problem are not the big regiments, the problem is that 90% of the small regiments don't last more than 3 month. And very often members of these small regiments spam ingame chat with recruiting messages and start aggressive asking individuals "XXX_without_tag do you want to join my regiment?", the bigger regiments never do. That doesn't help to get bigger attention nor reputation. The "leaders" forget, that rising a good and well running regiment doesn't mean only beeing in Teamspeak, naming himself XXth_Colonel_X makes a good leader. No, you need social but more organisation skill. It helps a lot if you have served awhile as private in another (well leaded) regiment and later on as CO there to get skills. But only playing the game 2 weeks, creating a regiment name and then complaining about the big regiments absorbing all players don't helps!

And Clarke, you just registered here in the community 2 days ago. You can't demand directly to run a succesfull regiment when you're a "newbe" here! Learn the things I mentioned above!


Im one of the leaders of small(if you think 30 people is few) regiment that exists from the very beginning of NW (actually started far back as a different one). So im absolutely agree with Fred, there is no problem with big regiments recruiting, it's problem with unstable regiments that keep wasting peoples time.

Updates to the first post.

We got our own TS and training servers! Hell yeah! See you guys at Saturday conquest.

We also making a cRPG detachment of archers, to send volleys of arrows at times  ;D

I think you guys dont get the partisan term correct here.
Pasrtisans wasn't a disorganized crowds of people fighting here and there, it was a very well organized detachments led by military officers (in most cases) and their main tactic was stealth war and diversions against enemy army. And since they avoided most open confrontations it would look strange in game to have a partisan company in a line battle, unless it's an imbalanced battle where partisans used like ballast to compensate.

In short, Napoleonic Wars do not support partisan tactics (no supply lines, no ammo storages,etc.)

Events: EU / Re: Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee Friday LB!
« on: December 14, 2012, 05:12:06 pm »
Regiment Name: Kaiser Nr.1 - Infanterie Regiment 'Kaiser Franz I'
Numbers: ~10
Class Type: Line (Dragoons if below 10)

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