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Messages - overlord raf

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: 7thQRC Tuesday Line Battle Event Lights Spot Open
« on: August 25, 2015, 04:20:03 pm »
Regiment Name: 1er Art
Preferred Faction:  France
Preferred Class: Artillery
Expected Attendance: 5-8
Regiment Steam-Contact: [1er_Art]Col Serralta

Accepted, However we can only give you 1 cannon if that would be alright. Will you be a permanent or temporary regiment?

Events: EU / Re: 7thQRC Tuesday Line Battle Event Lights Spot Open
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:05:46 pm »
Regiment Name: 1erTrG
Preferred Faction:  France
Preferred Class:  Light
Expected Attendance: 8-15
Regiment Steam-Contact: DVpalslo

Both of our Lights slots have already been taken, sorry. One of them, however, has yet to be confirmed, so this reply may change later today if you would be patient enough.

Events: EU / Re: 7thQRC Tuesday Line Battle Event Lights Spot Open
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:58:15 am »
Regiment Name:  5e Hussards
Preferred Faction:  France
Preferred Class:  Cav Huss
Expected Attendance: 15
Regiment Steam-Contact:,

Accepted. Will you be permanent or temporary?

Events: EU / Re: 7thQRC Tuesday Line Battle Event Lights Spot Open
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:21:38 pm »
A slot for a cavalry regiment/detachment has recently opened up in the Tuesday 7thQRC line battle. Sign up now to take this spot, whether temporarily or permanently. Thank you.

Also, I, Overlord, am a new deputy event admin, due to the bussy schedule of my superior, Coldsteel, so, if you require information about our event, or wish to inform the 7thQRC of developments in your own events (should we be part of them), please add me, [7thQRC] Overlord, on steam. Thank you.  :)

Events: EU / Re: 7thQRC Tuesday Line Battle Event Lights Spot Open
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:17:27 pm »
regretfully the gri regiment won't attend this event anymore

Thank you for informing us of your decision. We are sad to see you go, however what must be done, shall be done. We greatly enjoyed your regiment's contribution to our event and farewell and good luck in your further endeavors.

I was banned from your Humans vs bots server a couple of days ago, but I don't actually know what for. I think it may have been because my name was "Adolf_Hipster" (y'know, as a joke), however I have changed it to "2nd_Guards_Rct_Overlord" (if that helps). I didn't want to offend anyone, could I please have an unban? my steam name is "overlord_raf" if that helps. Cheers in advance.

Pages: 1