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Messages - Rubber_Walrus

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: Household Division Friday Linebattle (Lines Needed)
« on: August 09, 2015, 09:36:05 pm »
REGIMENT NAME: 172nd Royal Green Jackets

Regiment Name: 172nd Royal Green Jackets
Unit Type: Rifles
Numbers: 5-10
Representatives Steam: you have me on steam
One time or weekly: weekly
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules: yes

Events: EU / Re: 19eRD Cavalry event-Special Waterloo Edition
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:38:02 am »
-Name of the Regiment: 172nd Royal Green Jackets
-Regiment leader's steam name + one additional contact:
- Class to be played: Dragoons
-Amount of people you bring: 5-10
-Prefered faction: Anything but France
-Do you have read and agreed the rules: Yes

Events: EU / Re: New Thursday Battle event !
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:37:13 am »
Regiment name: 172nd Royal Green Jackets
Class: Rifles
Preffered nation: Anything but France
Expected attendance: 5-10 lads
Leader/Representative's Steam:
Have you read and agree to the rules: Yes

Events: EU / Re: 68th Wednesday LB
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:36:20 am »
Regiment Name: 172nd Royal Green Jackets
Preferred Nation: Anything but France
Preferred Unit: Rifles
Expected attendance: 5-10
Leaders/Representative's steam:
Once or Regular: regular
Have you read the rules and agreed with them?: yes

Servers / Re: Dedicated Server Hosting Guide
« on: March 01, 2015, 02:51:31 pm »
It's only appearing in the LAN list. There are also two instances of the server, despite only opening the bat file once...

Servers / Re: Dedicated Server Hosting Guide
« on: March 01, 2015, 02:37:53 pm »
Just a shot in the dark, but are you sure WAN is the right interface ?

Thanks for replying. I've just tried changing the interface, but the server still appears in the LAN server list. The only other interface is PVC1, and I have had no experience using this or any knowledge of what it does :/

Servers / Re: Dedicated Server Hosting Guide
« on: February 28, 2015, 05:37:23 pm »
I have an issue in that while the server is running, it appears in LAN, not Internet. I have set up the firewall exception for port 7240, and also made the virtual server rule with the same port. I have done tests on the different protocol types, but none of them work.

Can anyone help? I've been trying to work on this for about a week now.

Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:14:38 pm »
Community name: Cookie_Guru

Steam Name: A Squidgy Rubber Walrus, ( -- In-game name: 172nd_RGJ_Cpl_Rubber_Walrus or 10th_JBH_Hsm_Rubber_Walrus

Age: 17

Location/Timezone: England, GMT +00:00

Applying for (Servers): Cavalry_Groupfighting

Regiments: 172nd_RGJ, 10th_JBH

About yourself:I'm  a college student who procrastinates... So I spend most of my time on M&B... I basically just enjoy computing and music ^-^
Why you would be a good admin: I have experience moderating on other games, and I don't allow for a lot of breaking of rules. If I see a rule being broken, I'll give a warning, a kick the second and third time and finally result in a ban. I do not consider myself to be harsh to people and I am very accepting of different cultures and people. I speak basic German and French, so I can communicate with some non-speaking English people on a simple level.

Previous Experience (if any): So I have had experience in regiments which demand discipline, and I have also moderated other games (although no longer do due to failing of servers), including Garry's Mod and Europa Universalis IV.

Thank you,
     A Squidgy Rubber Walrus
This thread is for applications dealing with the official servers such as NA1 and EU1

I am sorry about that :/

I've made an application in the right place now. I'm new to the forums and I'm just finding it a little difficult to navigate. No problems now though, all sorted!

Hi there,

I cannot connect to the admin application page, so I will post the usual information here.

In-Game Name: 10th_JBH_Hsm_Rubber_Walrus
Steam Name: A Squidgy Rubber Walrus
Regiment/Rank(If Any): 10th_JBH - Horseman, 172nd_RGJ - Corporal and also soon to be 8e and 55th.
Experience: I spend most of my time on M&B as cavalry, and very often on Cav_GF. I used to be of high ranking in an old regiment a long time ago...
Reason Why You Want This Role: I'm on the server a lot. I often see people breaking the rules, and there is not an admin on when we need them. I want to ensure that the server is kept free of any people who break the rules deliberately to ruin others experience.

Location/Timezone: England, GMT +00:00
Age: 17

Thank you,
     A Squidgy Rubber Walrus.

Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:14:38 am »
Community name: Cookie_Guru

Steam Name: A Squidgy Rubber Walrus, ( -- In-game name: 172nd_RGJ_Cpl_Rubber_Walrus or 10th_JBH_Hsm_Rubber_Walrus

Age: 17

Location/Timezone: England, GMT +00:00

Applying for (Servers): Cavalry_Groupfighting

Regiments: 172nd_RGJ, 10th_JBH

About yourself:I'm  a college student who procrastinates... So I spend most of my time on M&B... I basically just enjoy computing and music ^-^

Why you would be a good admin: I have experience moderating on other games, and I don't allow for a lot of breaking of rules. If I see a rule being broken, I'll give a warning, a kick the second and third time and finally result in a ban. I do not consider myself to be harsh to people and I am very accepting of different cultures and people. I speak basic German and French, so I can communicate with some non-speaking English people on a simple level.

Previous Experience (if any): So I have had experience in regiments which demand discipline, and I have also moderated other games (although no longer do due to failing of servers), including Garry's Mod and Europa Universalis IV.

Thank you,
     A Squidgy Rubber Walrus

Pages: 1