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Messages - Pakzii

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event (Cancelled)
« on: December 16, 2014, 04:13:06 pm »
Sorry, but we have to cancel the event. :c

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event (17th of December) *Sign ups open*
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:17:39 pm »
Regiment Name: Ve_1erC
Preferred Nation: France
Troop/Class: Cav heavy
Amount Attending: 8-12
Steam Name: 1erC_Rogue,[1erC]Fixou


Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event (17th of December) *Sign ups open*
« on: December 11, 2014, 06:05:48 pm »
There's still a lot of spots open! Sign up now to get your desired spot!

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event ***Sign Ups Open***
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:48:27 pm »
Great event this week, very fun!

Regiment Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Preferred Nation: UK
Troop/Class: Infantry
Amount Attending: 15-20
Steam Name: [59th] Tim

Accepted. :)

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event (17th of December) *Sign ups open*
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:45:36 pm »
DDF will be hosting another Wednesday event on the 17th! Remember to sign up. :)

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event ***Sign Ups Open***
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:07:17 pm »
Regiment Name: 1eCF
Preferred Nation: France
Troop/Class: Light
Amount Attending: 10-15
Steam Name: 1eCF_Cpl_Vincent

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event ***Sign Ups Open***
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:06:50 pm »
Regiment Name: Kaiserliches Heer (kk)
Preferred Nation: all the same ;)
Troop/Class: Rifles / Skirmisher
Amount Attending: 10~
Steam Name: NelSon-Senpai~   /

Regiment Name: Kaiserliches Heer (kk)
Preferred Nation: all the same ;)
Troop/Class: Cav
Amount Attending: 8-12~
Steam Name: NelSon-Senpai~   /


Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event ***Sign Ups Open***
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:19:49 pm »
Regiment Name: 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Foot - Line
Preferred Nation:UK
Amount Attending:10-15
Steam Name: curlyconnor

Regiment Name: 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Foot - Scots
Preferred Nation:UK
Amount Attending:15-20
Steam Name: curlyconnor

Regiment Name: 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Foot - Lights
Preferred Nation:UK
Amount Attending:10-15
Steam Name: curlyconnor

Regiment Name: 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Foot - Rifles
Preferred Nation:UK
Amount Attending:10-15
Steam Name: curlyconnor

Regiment Name: 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Foot - Arty
Preferred Nation:UK
Amount Attending:10
Steam Name: curlyconnor

Overall Expected Attendance: 55-75

Just this week we will come as we plan to host a seige event on wednesday :)

Accepted. See you there!

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event ***Sign Ups Open***
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:33:58 am »
Ekstremt Pakzii....


Ekstremt? What do you mean? O.o

Events: EU / Re: DDF Wednesday Event ***Sign Ups Open***
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:37:57 pm »
Sign ups are finally open! Sign up now to get your desired spot!

Events: EU / DDF Wednesday Event (Cancelled)
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:50:52 pm »
DDF Wednesday Event

IP to the DDF teamspeak :

We, the DDF are hosting an event on Wednesday (10th of December)
The event will be hosted this Wednesday at 7:00pm GMT

The server name will be renamed to DDF_Event_Server 30 minutes before the event will begin.
Sign ups are open and you can find the sign up format further down in the post

The password will be given out via our Teamspeak at 6:45 pm GMT

Please get all your men on the server as soon as you get the password.
The event will be a best out of 6 with map change after 3 rounds.

Sign Up Format
Regiment Name:
Preferred Nation:
Amount Attending:
Steam Name:

Unit Limits Per Team
Line Infantry - Minimum 5 - Maximum 20
Cavalry - 1 Regiment as Cav per side - Minimum 5 - Maximum 15
Light Infantry - 1 Regiment as Light per side - Minimum 5 - Maximum 15
Skirms - 1 Regiment of Skirms per side - Minimum 5 - Maximum 15
Artillery - 1 Regiment per side - Minimum 3 - Maximum 10
Artillery example: 1 officer, 1 train, 2 reloaders, 1 sapper, 5 guards.

Line Infantry Rules
May only fire when in a FULL line or anti-cav formation
No weapons may be fired during a charge.
May not crouch except when formed in an anti cav formation or a double column.
Must maintain a line formation at all times unless charging.
May not reload in a charge.
May only move out in a column or double column.
May advance or retreat a short distance if they maintain a formation.

Cavalry Rules
Must maintain cohesion.
Dragoons are allowed to shoot off horseback and only when they are in a line formation.
Dragoons are not allowed to shoot in charge.
Dragoons are classed as line infantry when dismounted.

Skirmisher Rules
May use 5 man spacings.
Skirmishers are allowed to crouch.
Must maintain cohesion.
Are not allowed to fire in charge.

Light Infantry Rules
Are allowed to use two man spacings.
Are allowed to crouch.
Are not allowed to fire in charge.
Are only allowed to move out in a column or double column
Are allowed to advance and retreat if they maintain their formation.
Must maintain cohesion.

Artillery Rules
Artillery regiments are allowed to howitzers and canons but can only have two pieces in total. Example: 1 howitzer, 1 cannon or 2 cannons. 

General Rules
Anyone who gets a kill by breaking any of the rules will be slain.
No teamkilling.
No Ramboing.
No Officer aiming.
Absolutely no trolling.
No spamming in team or global chat.
Listen to the admins and respect their decision.
No glitching (this includes headglitching).

All Charge
If a round has gone on for too long, an admin can issue an "All Charge". If an admin writes "All Charge" via admin chat, everyone will have to stop shooting and melee charge their opponents. Everyone who does not obey this rule will be slain.

Attending Regiments

Team 1 - UK
FF 15-20
59th 15-20





Total Attending for Team 1 : 15-20/100

Team 2 - France



Ve_1erC 8-12


Total Attending for Team 2 : 8-12/100

Event Admins

Pages: 1