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Messages - xxxNoScopeJackxxx

Pages: 1
Your Name: Jack
Your Steam Name (please give a link):
Your Nation: Netherlands

i will see you on the battlefield

Events: EU / Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nation Cup ♞
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:19:52 pm »
Your Name: Jack
Your Steam Name (please give a link):
Your Nation: Netherlands

i will see you on the battlefield

Servers / Unban
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:18:11 pm »
Steam Name: [WRE] GandalfThePink
Name of which you were banned: Tropical Paradise
Date when you were banned:  10/22/2014
Action leading to ban: putting 1 tnt down
Why should you be unbanned: beacse 1 tnt................. in the middel of the map
PlayerID: 73rd_Cav_Trp_Jack

Pages: 1