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Messages - Yuri325

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: Infanterieregiment Rohr Nr.48 [EU + NA Recruiting!]
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:24:24 pm »

Events: NA / Re: [NA] Army of Brittania - Saturday Siege
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:51:56 pm »

 :-\ I can not seem to find the right Zoom levels that will be able to make this message big enough to read. I mean, why would you even make everything Lowercase letters?!  :o
The Army of Britannia gave me a home after i was banned from a regiment for not agreeing to the leader. If you really care about the NA community, then stop the bullying that goes on in some NA Regiments! Everyone in the Army is friendly and can be awesome friends if you get to know them.
I don't even see how someone could steal members? DO they go to the persons house and tie them up and point a gun to their head and force them to join?

Pages: 1