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Messages - paradox

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:51:12 pm »
Any Reg's recruiting that play only once or twice a week or that wouldn't mind if I played with them once or twice a week?(due to my lack of time for NW now)
I will play any class and will listen to all offers, so feel free to message me even if someone has already contacted me

Thanks, Paradox

Regiments / Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:27:14 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a new regiment

Thank you for all the replies but i have joined a regiment now

Regiments / Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« on: December 21, 2014, 05:12:10 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a new regiment

About me:
 - Ingame name: Paradox
Steam Name: Paradox
Location: Ireland
Occupation: Student
NW Experience: have fought in 4 regiments
Competency: Skilled and experienced
Former Rank: Grenadier Guard
About what I'm after: I am looking for a regiment that is disciplined yet can have some fun while playing, and a regiment that could offer opportunities in training me to become an CO. Also a regiment that takes part in big line battles with  friendly faces.
Language : English Speaking regiment

What I can offer:
I can offer your regiment a mature, disciplined, skilled and seasoned soldier who is very willing to learn

Feel free to PM Me.

Thank you.

Pages: 1