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Messages - Shrubbery

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: NW_Official Servers Administrative Applications
« on: May 27, 2016, 09:06:49 pm »
Community name: Nr9_Fahn_Shrubbery
Steam Name: Nr.9 Shrubbery

Age: 25
Location/Timezone: Vancouver, Canada - PST
Applying for (Ts/Na1 or EU1): NA1
Regiments: Nr.9

About yourself: I'm a Canadian Shrub (Male); I like discussing history and stabbing things in NW with bayonets.
Why you would be a good admin: I think I'm levelheaded and a pretty fair individual (I seed everyone equally.)
Will you be able to help administer the Public Line battle or other possible events on the official servers?: Yes, I will be able to help with this.
Previous Experience (if any): Previous admin in CS:S and I help admin the Fri/Sat events hosted by the Nr9.

Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:29:02 am »
Community name: Nr9_Gren_Shrubbery
Steam Name: Nr.9 Shrubbery
Age: 23
Location/Timezone: Surrey, BC, Canada. PST
Applying for (Ts/Servers): Server Admin - NW_Official_NA1

Regiments: Nr9 (Current) 24th (Previous)

About yourself: I am a twenty-three year old Canadian from British Columbia, I spend a good amount of time in game due to chronic illness that effects my ability to function on a day to day basis so gaming is pretty important for me as it allows me to escape from the near-constant state of sickness I deal with. I've been playing Napoleonic wars for at least two years before that I played crpg and native. The primary genre's of game I play when I'm not in warband are rpg's and strategy. I have a love of history and politics in general, I generally think I am a likeable enough fellow and am generally pretty impartial. I try not to offend too many people but I do like to keep my interactions non-serious for the most part. I am quite capable of being serious though, despite my I guess persona in game.

Why you would be a good admin: I am capable of upholding server rules not just among the in game server population but with myself as well, I think upholding server rules keeps a lot of well...tom-foolery that annoys a great deal of people from getting out of hand. We are all here to have a good time and relax, the rules of the server allow us to do that without a lot of unnecessary drama.

Previous Experience (if any): I have previous experience as an admin in a counter strike source server for a clan I was with known as otc (order-thru-chaos).

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