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Messages - Sanczez

Pages: 1
Ban Request;
Name of the person causing trouble: 101st_Anti_Maj_Awsome and 101st_Anti_Gen_Warrior
Nature of their offense: Kicking me, killing artillery horse while I was heading for my cannon (they said that they will be only ones who use artillery), they enjoyed that they killed artillery horse and it is unable to play artillery for anyone else. Everything was intentionally. On last screenshot you can see that it is "done" by one of them.
Time and date of their offense: 27.04.2014 about 11a.m.
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question:
Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots (use spoilers!):


Servers / Re: Jail_Break2 59th Edition
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:13:51 am »
Admin Application

Steam: Redcoat

In-game: Redcoat

Age: 15

Experience: I have some experience working as an admin. I handled my own server alot of the time, but I shut it down due to unpopularity. I have also worked on various TF2 servers. I have also being in servers such as 176th roleplay, Jail_Break and even your server: I've seen people trolling, posting racist comments, and genially being a rule-breaker.

Who would support me: Blazern, Swissman and Count-Adhemar.

Why should I be admin: I think I'd be an excellent admin because I know all of the rules in the roleplay server. I think it's great, and I'd handle all the rule-breakers.


No way, seen this guy randoming few times, he was slayed several times for that only yesterday! I have seen many people telling that redcoat is rdm. And I can confirm that this is truth.

NO for redcoat, he is randomer... Do not do that to this good server. :(

Age 15, oh, how predictible by that bad behaviour.

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:15:45 pm »

I posted an application on page 4. To help the admins, Im re-posting it.

The admins were very busy that day, and till this day. They might have gotten caught up and something and could get to it :)

All good!

Thanks again ;D

My application:

In Game Name: Dish/ 176th_RenMan

Steam Name: [176th] RenMan

Ive had a lot of fun with this server! I would really love to help admining here! Thanks!

Admin History:  I have recently admined on another Napoleonic Wars Role-play server, (not jail break), but very similar rules.
For ex: Revolt time was 57:00 for us, (56:00) for you, I had to deal with rdmers, trolls, early revolt (or riot what you guys call it) etc. I kinda like the jail break idea even better then the original rp idea.
On the roleplay server, British were "officers" and partizani were "villagers". The map would be on any town/ village (normally slov. village). Officers would patrol the town, and partizani could revolt at 57;00. Of course, other admins and I would be the ones looking out for those rdms, tks, early revolts, etc. I am very familiar with the admin panel from the rp server, (kick, slay, ban, etc). Hopefully this is enough experience! ;)

Obviously I will have some adjusting to do, but I would love to become one!

Why I want to become one:  The previous rp server I admined on has sadly, changed regiments (now I cannot admin there). They said the only reason I cant admin there anymore is because they changed regiments. ;/.  I really loved it and so did other people. I have seen many of these problems, (rdming mostly) on the server, preventing the full experience to players. So, I want to help the players get the full, fun experience on the server. I respect the other admins, but I want to offer help to them on the server and be part of the team. I lust for the same experience I had on the RP server. I hope I can do this well, and make the players have the best experience they can have, as possible.

Who Can Vouch for me: Previous admins on the RP server. Like...  1stIFA_MrLuke... [107th] Rocco., Sanczez, If you need other names, just ask me

I Am in fact, from Europe, but moved to NA for something. So, if that's one of the problems on the server, I am happy to help! ;D

If I left anything out, just ask me then I can reply.

I will definitely vouch. Great guy, I learned a lot from him and he was very patient. Vote for him!

Servers / Re: Jail_Break2 59th Edition
« on: April 11, 2014, 07:47:25 pm »
Admin Application

Steam name : DonVitoGrubas (Sanczez visible on friends list)
Experiance : Admin on our regimental server and was an admin on many servers in different games.
Age : 23, I just realized and thought I am still 22...
Ingame name : 3pp_XW_StFiz_Sanczez
Can anyone support you : Colonel of my regiment (Czolo) for sure and I am not sure about some admins, but I assume they know that I am mature player and I hope they can see in me calm guy respecting the rules.
Why should you be an admin : I like having fun on 59th JB server. I can see still many randomers and trolls wasting other people time and destroying the pleasure. I think I can be good admin because I am calm and mature guy, I respect the rules and I expect others to respect them too. I think I find myself helpful at this work.

I hope my application will be applied and I will be able to help on the server!

Cheers guys and see you on 59th JB! ;)

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 10, 2014, 02:30:22 pm »

nevermind... There are now two jail break servers with same name... Top lel... What is going on? I do not know where am I now :D

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 09, 2014, 05:06:44 pm »

Hello everyone here!

At the beginning, I would only like to say that I am amazed by your server. Really great and much fun! ;)

In game Name: 3pp_XW_Kpr_Sanczez (Kpr actually but it can be changed, you know... It is only a rank)
Steam Name: DonVitoGrubas (but "Sanczez" is visible on friends list)
Admin History: 3pp_XW official server on Napoleonic Wars, there was no complaints about my work, I was also an admin before in many games like CS 1.6, Call of Duty series etc.
Why you want to be admin: It is very simple, because I really enjoy playing on your JB server, but the pleasure is being destroyed by people who do not follow the rules (randoming, obeying the rules with purpose etc.). I would love to play in a good atmosphere always, and I would like the same for other people, and this is why I want to become an admin. I am very patient and calm guy. I am not 12-14-16 and even 20 years old, I am little older, I respect other people. I love when every single person is having fun and I would like to provide this. Fun because there will be no breaking rules.
Who can vouch for you?: I think that nobody at this moment and nobody from JB server. Shame on me, I know...

I will be glad if you will accept my offert for admin position. I am really really interested!

See you on JB.

No vouchers.

I think that's all I'll do for now....

Hello Conway! Actually some guy vouched for me in a post 2-2 pages ago. I do not know him and I was really happy when someone vouched for me without my actions in this matter.

I hope you will use my application in future cause it is still actual!

Cheers man! ;) Thanks for answering! ;)

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:05:30 pm »
Hello, I've been permanently banned without any advise or warning by Kernow a few minutes ago just cause of i was friendly fist fighting with my teammates. The nick i was using was Jesus_Christ.

Is there any chance to get unbanned?

Thank you.

I think I can vouch for "Jesus_Christ" cause I have seen him and had opportunity to play with for some time and he seem to be good player, respecting rules... Also, seen SA_kernow banning good people. :/

I am talking about JB#2.

Thank you very much man, and yeah i forgot to say it was on the Jail_break2 server. Anyway Kernow is totally out of control. Dunno if his admin status has been revoked or not, the only thing  i know is i have been perma banned for a reason that was not enough. I won't say i didn't deserve slay or temp banned (although i wasnt warned and my fist-fight was not harmful for the server stability) but perma banned is too much and a true admin shouldn't behave that way.

Hope this can be solved.
im afraid this is not the forumn for the Jail_Break2 Server, they are a rivaling server, so Kernow will most likely have his admin removed if this occured on the other server.

I noticed that he is the only admin who is mass-slaying everyone for early riots. And we haven;t played 7 rounds in a row cause mass-slay... This is sad... :(

You can no longer damage Guards before 56:00...Only thing they can still do is break doors and escape before 56:00 but that's a bit easier to look out for.

So, I can't hit guard before 56:00 but guard can random kill me? That's really nice. Really...

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 08, 2014, 04:35:55 pm »
Hello, I've been permanently banned without any advise or warning by Kernow a few minutes ago just cause of i was friendly fist fighting with my teammates. The nick i was using was Jesus_Christ.

Is there any chance to get unbanned?

Thank you.

I think I can vouch for "Jesus_Christ" cause I have seen him and had opportunity to play with for some time and he seem to be good player, respecting rules... Also, seen SA_kernow banning good people. :/

I am talking about JB#2.

Thank you very much man, and yeah i forgot to say it was on the Jail_break2 server. Anyway Kernow is totally out of control. Dunno if his admin status has been revoked or not, the only thing  i know is i have been perma banned for a reason that was not enough. I won't say i didn't deserve slay or temp banned (although i wasnt warned and my fist-fight was not harmful for the server stability) but perma banned is too much and a true admin shouldn't behave that way.

Hope this can be solved.
im afraid this is not the forumn for the Jail_Break2 Server, they are a rivaling server, so Kernow will most likely have his admin removed if this occured on the other server.

I noticed that he is the only admin who is mass-slaying everyone for early riots. And we haven;t played 7 rounds in a row cause mass-slay... This is sad... :(

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 08, 2014, 04:16:04 pm »
Hello, I've been permanently banned without any advise or warning by Kernow a few minutes ago just cause of i was friendly fist fighting with my teammates. The nick i was using was Jesus_Christ.

Is there any chance to get unbanned?

Thank you.

I think I can vouch for "Jesus_Christ" cause I have seen him and had opportunity to play with for some time and he seem to be good player, respecting rules... Also, seen SA_kernow banning good people. :/

I am talking about JB#2.

Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:56:10 pm »
Hello everyone here!

At the beginning, I would only like to say that I am amazed by your server. Really great and much fun! ;)

In game Name: 3pp_XW_Kpr_Sanczez (Kpr actually but it can be changed, you know... It is only a rank)
Steam Name: DonVitoGrubas (but "Sanczez" is visible on friends list)
Admin History: 3pp_XW official server on Napoleonic Wars, there was no complaints about my work, I was also an admin before in many games like CS 1.6, Call of Duty series etc.
Why you want to be admin: It is very simple, because I really enjoy playing on your JB server, but the pleasure is being destroyed by people who do not follow the rules (randoming, obeying the rules with purpose etc.). I would love to play in a good atmosphere always, and I would like the same for other people, and this is why I want to become an admin. I am very patient and calm guy. I am not 12-14-16 and even 20 years old, I am little older, I respect other people. I love when every single person is having fun and I would like to provide this. Fun because there will be no breaking rules.
Who can vouch for you?: I think that nobody at this moment and nobody from JB server. Shame on me, I know...

I will be glad if you will accept my offert for admin position. I am really really interested!

See you on JB.

Pages: 1