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Messages - Nyvyan

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: March 19, 2014, 03:51:13 am »
Community name: Damocles

Steam Name:Damocles


Location/Timezone:Vancouver/ Pacific Time

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA1

Regiments: 29th Worcestershire

About yourself: I was born in London, England and moved to Canada in 2007. I now attend high school and am in my second to last year. Most people like to go outside and have fun, but I will admit I would rather sit down and read deeply into a book. For  fun I like to read, obviously :), play Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars (obvious again), Rome Total War 2 and any of the Star Wars franchise, I also like to play with the other members of the 29th Worcestershire Regiment. Finally I like to have fun and play with a friendly encouraging community.

Why you would be a good admin: I believe I would make a good admin because I am a just and fair person, who adheres to the rules. I am one who does not take sides and deals swift judgement where it is needed. From my experience on NW_Official_NA1 many of the admins tend to take many of comments made to them by the community, on the server, close to heart and have taken unjust actions to the perpetrators of those comments, I however will not make emotionally rash decisions that would jeopardize the appearance and reputation of the administration as a whole.
Previous Experience (if any): To be honest I have no experience of being an admin before.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my application and considering me as a candidate in the future.
Yours Sincerely

Pages: 1