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Messages - darthmaul14

Pages: 1
North & South: First Manassas / Seeking a map maker!
« on: July 19, 2015, 02:26:17 am »
Hey guys, im looking for a map maker who can make a map for me in the North and South server! Please add darthmaul141 on steam or reply on this thread

Servers / Re: Official Union Army server [EU][1.0]
« on: July 11, 2015, 11:21:58 pm »
Unban Request
Name under which you were banned: Darth_Maul
Time and date: Aprox. 5:10 PM EST (about 11:10 pm on this website) on 07/11/15
Why were you banned?: Admin was abusing their power (was teleporting people, dragging the end of the round, making stacks of planks and teleporting their team members on top so they wouldnt get shot), and when we (as the almost the whole server) started complaining about the admin (I for instance 'said that maybe you should'nt abuse your power'), we started gettig kicked and banned
What is your user Id Number: I don't know

Servers / Re: 54th_Groupfighting | Taking Applications for Admins
« on: March 31, 2014, 05:56:24 am »
Community Name: darthmaul14
Steam Name (Links preferred): darthmaul141
Regiment (Leave blank if you do not apply): 54th Regiment
Admin History:Admined a few games outside this game
Why would you be a good admin: I'm often on this server and would like to help keep the trolls/shooters outside the server

Servers / Re: Denied_Commander_Battle
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:11:06 am »
Steamname: darthmaul141
Why should we choose you?: I would like to be chosen because I want to help the community by admining while helping my self by gaining admin experiance. By becoming an admin, I would promise to follow every rule and purge the server from trolls in an apt manner. Thank you for considering me :D.
Previous Experience: None

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server [Accepting New Admins]
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:54:04 pm »
Steam Name: darthmaul141
In-game Name: 54th[Pte]Darthmaul
Why you should be an administrator?: I am very active in Napoleonic Wars, and follow all rules that are imposed by the creators.
Previous Experience(If Any): None on this game

Servers / Re: 54th_Groupfighting | Taking Applications for Admins
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:24:12 pm »
Steam Name (Links preferred):
Age: 18
Regiment (Leave blank if you do not apply): 54th Regiment
Admin History: None on this game
Why would you be a good admin: I want to prove I am the best at what I do. I am not afraid to ask questions and learn from every mistake and I ensure you that I never make the same mistake twice. I work as efficiently as possible to ensure accuracy. I will not look at it as a job, but as a way to help the community.

Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:14:35 pm »
Community name: darthmaul14

Steam Name: darthmaul14

Age: 18

Location/Timezone: New York/ Eastern

Applying for (Ts/Servers)
: 54th_Groupfighting

Regiments: 54th Regiment

About yourself: I am currently a college student in the State of New York, so I am either doing homework or I'm on Mount and Blade (I hardly sleep :D.) I've recently bought M&B Warband and M&B With Fire and Sword, and I love them! In two weeks, I've gotten over 100 hours on Mount an Blade Warband in just 2 weeks xD.I'm majoring in Finance in college, and so far I really enjoy it!
Why you would be a good admin: I want to prove I am the best at what I do. I am not afraid to ask questions and learn from every mistake and I ensure you that I never make the same mistake twice. I work as efficiently as possible to ensure accuracy. I will not look at it as a job, but as a way to help the community.

Previous Experience (if any): I helped the admins multiple times in a browser-based game.

Pages: 1