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Messages - AubeS

Pages: 1
Ingame name? - Hololo
Steam Name? - [IX]eHololo(AS) (here is my Steam profile in case Steam search has some nasty bug :
Age? - 20
Timezone? - CEST
Country? - France
Will you be active? - Yes
Previous Regiment Experience? - 45e régiment d'infanterie, 5e régiment de voltigeur, 7e hussard.
Why should we accept you? (give a developed answer) - Because i have discipline, i know how following the order of the commanding officer is vital to insure victory, i may not be the best with he saber but i can definitely make my part. (Alslo i'm usualy really quiet on TS during linebattle).
How much are you willing to improve? - As much as necessary.
Where did you find out about us? - When i whas he member of the 7e i  heard of what happened betwen our officier and that there whas he scission in the regiment (wich made me really sad  :-\)

Posted hen application.

Regiments / Re: 1st Kings Dragoon Guards
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:38:57 pm »
Wish i can join the regiment, where do i enlist ?  :P

Your In-game preferred name: As
Your Steam name: Hololo[1st}
Regimental experience (NW?): IVe corps (NW), 21e corps (BI/NS).
Current residency (EU or NA?): Paris
Have you got TeamSpeak 3?: Of courseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mylord.

Iron Europe / Re: Suggestions
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:10:22 pm »
Add smoke grenade and Smoke shell for arty.

Creating new artillery projectiles isn't as easy as it may seem :P the MGs are impressive in themselves.

Yeah it's only some suggestions but if the team of the mods can do it, it will be he nice add. All the work that they already finished  is really impressive.

Iron Europe / Re: Suggested faction unit rosters list (My ideas)!
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:28:34 pm »
No austrian and german are not the same thing. There whas probably some german engaged on the austrian army, but you can't say they are ALL german. He regiment hired on hen Austrian-Hungarian region is Austrian-Hugarian and not German.

PS : Then why you can't accept the fact austrian and german are not the same thing ?

Iron Europe / Re: Suggestions
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:22:32 pm »
What is the point of playing on he map like this there is only some trench, he vast open field and he bunch of crater and since the only way of moving on this game is just running and walk. Some suggetion which I would have to make are a following one :
Add some NCO class (Sergeant for exemple)
Add smoke grenade and Smoke shell for arty.
Make he Verdun and he Somme themed map before talking about he Passchendaele map, since the mod is aimed on the 1916-1917 period (I know Passchendaele whas on 1917)

Iron Europe / Re: Suggested faction unit rosters list (My ideas)!
« on: February 27, 2014, 02:57:45 pm »
Dunno austrian and german are not the same thing. So no the Austrian inf regiment dot not consist of german but of austrian.

Iron Europe / Re: Which faction is better? [Poll]
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:20:27 pm »
I have played some time on IE US server and it's just hilarious how much people whait on spectator for have he place on the German faction.

Iron Europe / Re: Which faction is better? [Poll]
« on: February 21, 2014, 07:53:17 pm »
France because who finnaly win ?  :P

Without Britain France would have been utterly screwed, Britain kept the trade routes open and also blockaded Germany.

And with that statement, may the arguing begin!

No need to discuss it we let us know all that without the assistant brought by Britain Europe would have was lost in hands of the Germans or then the conflict would have duration much more time. Also i have a lot of respect for the British army.

Iron Europe / Re: Which faction is better? [Poll]
« on: February 21, 2014, 03:23:04 am »
France because who finnaly win ?  :P

Iron Europe / Re: Anymore Factions?
« on: February 21, 2014, 03:22:25 am »
Yeah just make he Commonwealth faction with the Brit, Scot, Aussie, etc. And why not add Belgium and US inside the France faction. On the other hand why to speak about Japan which to play a role of the most minor in the war.

Iron Europe / Re: Anymore Factions?
« on: February 19, 2014, 06:27:44 pm »
Uhhh why not simply give the modder the time to make they work ? Personally I think that faction should be developed in this order: UK, Austria Hungary, Russia, other faction.

Need some reference about the uniform ?
Then just visit this page and click on HD view :

Pages: 1