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Messages - SniperV

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 14
Events: EU / Re: 40eRI Friday Siege Event * Lines and Lights needed *
« on: July 06, 2018, 09:21:32 pm »
1stEB and 77y banned from the event for troll

What a bunch of nigger faggots

spam coz yolo

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade Arty
Class/Unit: Arty
Expected Attendance: 5-12
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Leaders Steam Link:

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade Cav
Class/Unit: Cav
Expected Attendance: 8-15
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Leaders Steam Link:

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade Line
Class/Unit: Line
Expected Attendance: 15-25
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Leaders Steam Link:

Regiments / Re: ☭ The Bolsheviks [Rofles] [EU]
« on: August 15, 2016, 11:45:54 pm »
How much for Crumpets sister?

1 fedora and 2 camels

I was banned about 2 years ago while i was in marks reg, can i be unban please?

Regiments / Re: 179th Mameluke Bedouin Bashi Bazook Camel Riders
« on: November 19, 2015, 05:43:44 pm »

Regiments / Re: 27th Inniskilling Regiment of Foot - "The Skins" [EU]
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:31:45 pm »

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: August 19, 2015, 01:21:47 am »
So from your own statement the other guy who if I remember was a fresh spawned infantry teamkilled, so thats his ban cleared up. As for yours I just need one more detail do you use the red banner with some white curved lines.

It sounds similar to mine, yes. I was an artillery ranker, and was stood at the cannon closest to spawn when this event happened.

The other arty ranker: slayed and cautioned had me following him till the map change
Yourself: temporarily banned for 2x team hitting and artillery  trolling (interfering with another's shot)

The guy in bold was the fucking troll. You CAUTIONED him?
I loaded the cannon and he fired it. I hit him out of anger, to tell him to go away.

Don't accuse me of trolling, you snake.
Right after this either talk to me over steam or stop. It doesn't matter if you loaded the shot it was his cannon end of story, and the reason I know you was there second is because you first team hit me and the ran over there and 30 seconds later trouble starts.

You liar. It wasn't his cannon at all, the round just started and I got there a good 20 seconds before anyone else.

Kody, I didn't hit you, just stop. You've been reported before.

Nice to see the server owner letting his Admins be blatantly corrupt and letting their friends fuck around. GG from me.

*I won't post no further, but anyone players reading this:

Avoid this gutter of a server.

I think you're just a bit salty; you have been arguing over who did what for the past three days over a temp ban (1 hour) the fact is that you team hit and unless you have actual proof you didn't or it wasn't you then

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: August 16, 2015, 03:13:01 am »
Name: SniperV
Regiment (if you have one): none atm
Age: 20
Country/region: UK
Spoken languages: English
Write something: I'm on mini-siege every time I'm on NW and instead of just telling an admin I want to get further involved in the moderation of the server, I have been an admin in the past on the commander battle server but i got bored of it after a while and decided to take a short break. However if given this position i would become very active since the lack of a regiment i will be spending all my time on mini-siege. Feel free to add me on steam SniperV (sniperviper789) if you haven't already :3

Regiments / Re: ☭ The Bolsheviks [Rofles] [EU]
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:54:11 pm »

commissar means political officer you kike

political officers are completely unrelated to battlefield officers

> Implying the Bolsheviks are a battlefield unit

Look at the roster . . . you'll see it says party etc.

>implying you aren't trying to troll and are pretending to use fse like 4chan

look mum i can greentext

just disband please


Regiments / Re: ☭ The Bolsheviks [Rofles] [EU]
« on: August 12, 2015, 07:39:41 pm »
Communism 4 the win

Regiments / Re: 4e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "L'Impétueuse" [EU]
« on: August 10, 2015, 10:14:41 pm »
- You've been told not to post here.

Regiments / Re: 4e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "L'Impétueuse" [EU]
« on: August 10, 2015, 08:52:33 pm »

k bai

Didn't take you for a childish troll

well what did i do when i left marks reg? what did i do with the 1stKGL? and here is another example :P

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