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Messages - Valta

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: The Jail Break Server
« on: April 07, 2014, 11:38:04 pm »
Admin Application:

In game Name: Valta
Steam Name: Valta
Admin History: a yet brief adminship in Jean Valjean's RP server. I also sent a admin application to 178th RP server but I didn't get the position
Why you want to be admin: Jailbreak seems like a very good RP server, but it doesn't seem to have enough admins in comparison to the amount of people it gets. I thought that I could help in this matter.
Who can vouch for you?: Probably nobody of the current Jail Break admins... I'm not so sure who would count as a good voucher, a clan/regiment leader? Rune, leader of the 11thLROF and Gamling, leader of The Kingdom of Rohan, might vouch for me.

Servers / Re: 176th_Roleplay_Server
« on: January 25, 2014, 03:31:54 pm »
Name (IN GAME): Valta

Regiment: None, but in a Full Invasion 2 clan called Rohan Mercenaries

NA or EU: EU.

Previous Experience: None as an admin, But I have played M&B: Warband and Napoleonic wars for some 450 hours and also have played a lot in the Role-playing server (20 hours or so).

Reference: None that I know of, some rople-players can vouch for me for sure, maybe an admin even.

Reasons for becoming admin: I love the server and the role-playing. Homewer, things go to hell quick if there's no admin on. Especially when the factions change to something else than Russia vs. UK. Also, I have witnessed situations where people kill before 57:00, troll around and such, and the admins can't react because they didn't see the situation or are too busy (happens when there are a lot of players). I hope that I could help the admins on this. I also hope to be a reasonable admin who wouldn't prevent players from having fun while also setting the trolls straight.

Well, I lack experience and don't have any proper references. Still, even if I don't get this adminary post I hope that we'll get good admins and the roleplaying server will be a fun place to be in. :D

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