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Messages - Oberst Uhtred

Pages: 1 2
Regiments / Re: The 19te Prussian Infantry [International] **Round Seis**
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:03:00 pm »
I made it to use a big Gun

Best Reg EU/NA/World

Regiments / Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:49:41 am »
Never thought I'd do this.

My Name is Uhtred, I have been the leader of the PW/Native Clan the Warlords of Bebbanburg for the past two years, i have recently handed over the reins of Leadership to one of the clan members, this therefore has made me free for other stuff.

I was part of the 84e under the glorious Furhership of Aldemar, and after playing an event all the old guys last night I kind of miss the old days of NW regiments.

Why might you want me, when or if I do get back into NW properly, I am not a bad shot with the musket, being able to get kills at a medium range. I am also respectable in melee, while I won't win a battle in a 3 V 1 situation I will fight normally well enough to take a few of the enemy down in a groupfighting situation.

I am looking for a respected regiment, and thus if I get any approaches I will check out your reg thoroughly, no offence to anyone if i don't join them afterwards.

Contact me through Steam. - LowesyPC (Uhtred) or

- Regiment Name: 73rd Regiment of Foot Perthshire
- Size (No. of Players): ~ 10-20
- Preferred Combat style (Inf, arch, cav) - Cavalry, cavalry and more cavalry
- Preferred faction (No effect tbh): Swadia
- Steam name.: KingKO, 73rd_twisted, [73rd] ♥Samsterz♥
- Regiment Name: Orden de Alcántara
- Size (No. of Players): 7-14
- Preferred Combat style (Inf, arch, cav):Cav
- Preferred faction (No effect tbh): Swadia
- Steam name:

Both Accepted to the Event remember to follow the rules for Inf, Archer and Cav

Events: EU / New Monday Night Native Linebattle Hosted by Bebbanburg/5th
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:34:37 pm »

Welcome to the New Monday Night Native Linebattle, after taking part in a Native Shieldbattles, we decided that the rules/factions and balance were not tailored enough to the clans and players involved. Therefore, Bebbanburg are hosting a new Monday Night Line/Shieldbattle.We have very simple rules and we have a system to ensure fairness for all. 

Our Rules

- Archers and Cavalry are allowed but they are limited.
- Archers are limited to 1/2 of the amount of Infantry and cavalry is limited to 1/4 the amount of infantry.
                - Meaning if a regiment/clan comes with 12 people they could have 8 infantry and 4 archers or 9 infantry and 3 cavalry, you can also have a mix of all three but they must abide by the limits.
- No ramboing.
- However if agreed in Game for fun we will allow champions to fight, this will have reflection on the round just a bit of fun.
- Don't capture master of the field.

Best of 5 rounds 3 on 1 map and 2 on another. The first map will be pre-decided by admins but the second map shall be selected by the players.
After the LB all clan leaders are invited to vote on next weeks factions the vote will require 2 members from each regiment or clan.

To join all you need to do is fill out this application by midday Monday and then i will review and allow you in or not.

- Regiment Name
- Size (No. of Players)
- Preferred Combat style (Inf, arch, cav)
- Preferred faction (No effect tbh)
- Steam name.

Team 1
- Bebbanburg - 15 - Inf/Archer
- Clan Colcloughs - 5/8 - Inf
 - Orden de Alcántara 7- 14 Preferred Cav

Min 27 Max 37

Team 2
- Firewynes - 10/12 - Inf/Archer
 - 73rd 10-20 Preferred Cav
Min 20 Max 32

This will also be done on the new Viking Conquest Expansion every now and then so a heads up there.

Events: EU / Re: NEW PW EVENT *Hunger Games*
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:16:33 pm »
If you wish so, doesn't mean we will let you win ;)

Events: EU / NEW PW EVENT *Hunger Games*
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:27:56 pm »
Welcome to the new PW Hunger Games!

The Bebbanburg Clan is starting to let our own little clan event go public.

It is very simply run and easy to understand.

The Event Runs every Wednesday at 7pm GMT, on our own map based around the default map of PW.
Each Person is given 3500 gold to train as a class, think wisely, the class you choose cannot be retrained and therefore may mean life or death.
On the Start of the Games there will be a selection of Random Equipment spawned in the centre of the circle.
There is chests, carts, crates and other storage items around the ma - be warned there may be dud rewards in the chests.
The Game ends when one person is left alive. No shitty Let two lovers live like in the actual books.

How do I Apply??

Simple leave a short message here saying:
Name(s) -
Clan or Regiment (optional) -
Do you have TS? -
Numbers -

Numbers means one person can apply for a group of up to 4 people including yourself.

Applications close on Sunday before the event at 12PM.

Best of Luck and may the Odds be forever in your favour!

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: June 17, 2014, 09:41:20 am »
The Gap Campaign.

Action on the 15 February 1812 was seen near the town of Gap. French forces with stolen Russian Uniforms launched a counter attack on a risky invasion of Southern France to cut off French Italy and divert troops from Spain. When the 5th arrived in Gap they saw the 17th and 8th Regiments had been pushed back and where deeply demoralised. Colonel Uhtred, commanded the 3 regiments to hold and wait for the French to come near a small farm house over looking a river. The 5th were spread along the line and Fox Company were placed on the right flank. After wave and wave of french forces they held and suffered only minor casualties of 9 men out of 120 of Fox Company.

Two days later the 5th, came up against  a Wuttermburg Fort, blocking the road towards Lyon.  For the strategic town to fall and the Gap Campaign to become successful this fort needed to be captured. Once again it fell to the 5th Regiment to fight again as this time the 17th and 8th were engaged with the 42e and other Regiments commanded to killed the British forces. The Germans defending the fort blew the bridge leading into the centre of the fortress, however 5th Regiment Sappers constructed wooden bridges across the river flanking the fort on the left and right, Fox and Alpha companies went left while;  Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Golf went right. Echo company were commanded to use the regiments artillery to attack the front. When the fighting began Colonel Uhtred led Fox and Alpha left, and came across a cavalry detachment ready to counter charge the progressing companies coming from the right. Fox and Alpha quickly subdued the cavalry and brought round the scaling ladders to go over the walls. At this time the Germans were concentrating most of there firepower on the Right Flank fearing that the main attack was coming from there as well as trying to counter the attacking Artillery. Colonel Uhtred and several men from Fox Company managed to scale and over power many of the forts defenders, due to many becoming panicked and fearing a larger force of attackers on the walls then there actually were. The Attack of the Wuttermburg Fort cost the lives of 54 soldiers of the 5th, and lead to almost 250 dead from the German side as well as a Regiment and a half worth of prisoners.

Gronzyy Campaign

On the 7th May 1812, a bold second French invasion from the Caucasus was planned to split Russian Defenders between defending Moscow and The Volga. A Russian call for aid was answer by London by sending Fox Company to support and help drill the Russians. Colonel Uhtred was to head with them. After an attack from the Caucasus' themselves the French regrouped and launched a night raid on the  outskirts of Groznyy in a town called Alkhan-Kala. The Russian Garrison was placed just outside the town and met the French forces first. Fox Company, who were stationed at the town hall, soon were called up as reserves. They shifted left and right throughout the night, responding to French threats from the woods on the Left flank and the farm House on the Right. Once again Fox Company showed excellent bravery. Although with greater casualties, 23 out of 108, the line held and many French surrendered after the Battle.

The Barracks of the 23rd Army Corps was attacked the next day on the 8th by the French Forces in the Area. Fox Company was sharing one of the Barracks with the 23rd and therefore were once again drawn into combat. The French Attackers were still two regiments strong and many were tasked with the capture of the Barracks that were holding the prisoners from the farmyard battle. The Russian sentries saw the French forces pushing over the bridge to the North East of the Barracks and quickly raised the alarm. Within a few minutes there was musket volleys flying from the roofs at french attackers. Fox Company was assigned with blocking the french attackers by setting up a barricade near the bridge and providing a suppressive base of fire onto the bridge. The Anglo Russian Forces held the bulk of the French attackers with the Russians taking almost 300 casualties, Fox Company was lucky and only lost 3 men. The barracks was secure however a small detachment of the French Grenadiers managed to swing round the Anglo Russian Lines and attack the Prison cells of the French.  Rescuing the French prisoners for the assault on Groznyy itself.

The battle of Gronzyy, on the 10th was a bloody conflict. Fox Company knew it was coming as did the Russian Garrison of the town. The Garrison was made up of older men and young boys, however the 23rd Army Corps and Fox Company where nearby and where able to reinforce the town. The initial bombardment of the town on the morning of the 10th, rocked the town and many of the garrison retreated further into the town therefore giving the French a foothold in the outskirts. As the French forces of over 3,000 troops pushed further into Gronzyy, the 23rd took up defensive portions in the town centre covering the central crossroads  with 3 cannons and half a dozen mortars. Fox company of the fifth took up positions on the rooftops and balcony's surrounding the point providing over watch and sniper positions. Multiple times the French pushed through the first defensive line of the Russian forces. Colonel Uhtred recieved sharpnel in to the lower leg from a friendly mortar shell and one of the replacements known by the men as Dark was wounded as a bayonet cut the side of hisface and eye after a squad of French tried to push some of Fox company out of house on the main street. However after losses estimated of around 700 fusiliers the French forces pulled back from the town. Another victory for the Fox company of the 5th and the Russian forces in the Georgian region was achieved and the french were near enough broken from their advance into their advance into the south.  The 23rd themselves lost almost a 1000 of their regulars, whereas Fox Company only lost 5 men who where killed by a French Artillery shell destroying the building they were using as cover.

Colonel Uhtred heading towards the CP while witnessing a French Bayonet charge on the Eastern Flank of Groznyy

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: June 17, 2014, 09:39:50 am »
Due to our actions on PW/Native we are becoming more a fun RP regiment, still up for LBs though.

Few after action reports coming.

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:01:54 pm »
We are EU yes

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: February 23, 2014, 11:48:30 am »
nice stuff

we still better baby!

Well we did the research the Fusiliers didn't come about until after 1815 .... But yeah we are a little in active but we do exist.

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: February 23, 2014, 11:45:07 am »
Right why are there people talking about LBs on my Thread I have been busy with College work but we are alive. Yes and open to LB offers we are planning to do some with the 9th Lieb

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: January 11, 2014, 06:56:04 pm »

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: January 11, 2014, 04:05:10 pm »
Nickname: Ser_Kirby
Age: 19
Where are you from: UK
Do you speak english: Yes
Steam ID: Ser Kirby
Taleworlds accountname/FSE accountname (Optional): SerKirby
Do you have TS3 and/or a Microphone?: Yes
Are you able to attend trainings? : yes (most likely)
What is your timezone? (Please respond in a GMT+N format): GMT + 0
How long have you played  Napoleonic Wars (or Mount&Musket): 2 years

How did you find out about the regiment?: In Game, i was offered a place
Prior clan/regiment experience: none
Why do you want to join 5th?: seems like a fun regiment that isnt too big

Nicely written, Welcome aboard Volunteer, your tags for the 5th will be 5th_Vol_Ser_kirby i will add you to the steam group and you'll become a Private within a few trainings if you are active

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:14:29 pm »
It's not really we applied for the Name the 5 th Northumberland Regiment of Foot due to fact it had not already been taken.

Regiments / Re: 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:04:12 pm »
Update - Added Current Roster to the List.

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