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Messages - Fridericus

Pages: 1
Modifications / Re: Have a question about Modding? Ask Here!
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:32:12 pm »
It needs to be saved at Dx5 compression (IIRC) for the Alpha channel to be saved.

If I try to save it as DXT5 the changes I made don't show. The number on the backpack should be 68, but still displays as 51.

Modifications / Re: Have a question about Modding? Ask Here!
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:04:29 pm »
I'm using Photoshop and nVidia's DDS plugin. When I save the skin the alpha won't save and give me the following result:

Black boxes around the edited parts. If I try to save in a format which save the alpha the changes I made won't save, it still shows up as for this very instance 51st, when I'm trying to change the text to 68th.

Regiments / Re: Regiment Leaders Steam Contact
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:27:53 am »

Regiments / Re: Regiment List - New Manager (Again)
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:23:04 am »
- Regiment Name: Andra Gardesregementet
- Regiment Tag: 2a_Garde
- Faction: Kingdom of Sweden
- Class: Guard Infantry
- Based: EU
- Thread Link:

Looking forward to tomorrow's joint training operations :)

Here is to that mate.

Training schedule can now be seen on the thread.

Regiments / Re: Altpreußisches Infanterieregiment No. 7 [EU]
« on: November 10, 2013, 01:59:13 pm »
Best of luck gentlemen.

Thanks for the support!

Regiments / Re: Andra Gardesregementet "Det Yngre" [Recruiting Officers] EU
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:33:55 pm »
I want to remind everyone that officer recruitment is ongoing. If interested throw a forum PM to Fridericus.

Regiments / Re: Andra Gardesregementet "Det Yngre" [Recruiting Officers] EU
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:24:39 pm »
Great looking thread. Best of luck from 68th (Durham) Regiment of Foot! :)

Thanks. The support is much appreciated.

Regiments / Andra Gardesregementet "Det Yngre" (Guard Infantry) [DISBANDED]
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:16:13 pm »

Andra Gardesregementet, or the Second Guards Regiment, also known as "The Younger" was formed by infantrymen from different regiments thoughtout the Kingdom of Sweden. Some of these regiments was Sandel's Jägers of Foot,
the Grand Admiral's Regiment, marines, and battalilons from Ehrenmalm and Tornéhelm. The reason why the regiment is called "The Young" is in respect for the former regiment serving 
in 1790 which they call "The Older". Andra Gardesregementet was formed in 1809 after having previously been called af Paléns Regiment.
In 1818 the regiment was moved and stationed in Stockholm to remain there for the rest of the era.

Andra Gardesregementet, även känd som "Det Yngre" bildades av infanterister från olika regementen i Kungadömet Sverige. Några av dessa regementen var Sandels Fotjägare, Storamiralens Regemente, marinsoldater
och bataljoner från Ehrenmalm och Tornéhelm. Anledningen regementet kallas för "Det Yngre" är i förhållande till det tidigare regementet som tjänade under 1790 kallar "Det Äldre". Andra Gardesregementet
bildades år 1809 efter att tidigare ha hetat af Paléns Regimentet. 1818 flyttades regementet och placerades i Stockholm för att stanna kvar där för resten av epoken.

If you're looking for a small, personal, and well structured regiment; We're what you've been seeking. We accept all nationalities, but English is a requirement. We don't primarily look on how good you're at the game,
we want to create a nice atmosphere among our members. At the moment we don't participate in battles because of our low numbers. But we're preparing to host battles for other
regiments of the community. We have a server which we use for internal trainings and events. Andra Gardesregementet is in an alliance with the
68th Regiment of Foot and cooperate in trainings and events. We can be found here, as well as on our Steam Community Group
and TeamSpeak 3 Server. To find us on the field, we use the following regiment tags: "2a_Garde_Rank_Name".

Steam Community Group

Regiment Forum (WIP)
TeamSpeak 3 Server (Andra Gardesregementet's channel)

We use English abbreviations for our ranks to avoid confusion

Regiment Officers
Överste (Colonel)
Överstelöjtnant (Lieutenant Colinel)
Major (Major)
Company Officers
Kapten (Captain)
Löjtnant - (Lieutenant)
Underlöjtnant - (Second Lieutenant)
Non-Commissioned Officers
Fänrik (Ensign)
Sergeant (Sergeant)
Korpral (Corporal)
Enlisted Men
Menig (Private)
Rekryt (Recruit)

Regiment Officers
Överste Fridericus
Överstelöjtnant -Vacant-
Major Matthew
Company Officers
Kapten -Vacant-
Löjtnant -Vacant-
Underlöjtnant -Vacant-
Non-Commissioned Officers
Sergeant Albin
Enlisted Men
Menig Leonidas
Menig Petteri

Monday - N/A
Tuesday, 19:00 - Training and Promotions
Wednesday - N/A
Thursday, 19:00 - Training
Friday, 19:00 - Training
Saturday, 19:00 - Training
Sunday, 19:00  - Training

We are currently recruiting experienced officers and NCOs. If you feel lucky, throw a forum PM to Fridericus using the enlistment form below.
If you want to apply for regular enlistment use the same form and post it on this thread.

Thank you very much for choosing us as your Napoleonic Wars regiment. To participate in our activities, please complete the form below. You will be contacted by the current Colonel
on Steam with further instructions. Please be patient with your application; there may be people before you awaiting review.

Ingame Banner:

[b]Steam Community Name:[/b]
[b]Country:[/b] (We only accept Europeans for now)
[b]Ingame Name:[/b] (Must be a historical/realistic name)
[b]How long have you been playing?[/b]
[b]Can you participate in our scheduled trainings?[/b]
[b]Have you been a member of a regiment before?[/b]
[b]Can you understand and communicate in English?[/b]


Good luck soldier! See you on the field.

Regiments / Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:15:36 am »

New to-be-started regiment looking for available experienced officers from EU to be involved and support the regiment's emergence. If you are interested, and feel you want to help
with something new? Contact Överste Fridericus on Steam by adding him to your friends list. You can find him here:
You will have to answer a few quick questions and get to know the regiment in depth until you're put in one of the vacant positions.

Click on the regiment coat of arms to get to the regiment thread.

Pages: 1