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Messages - LastSpartan

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Events: EU / Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« on: November 28, 2023, 07:19:56 pm »
Ok, finally our official registration for the entire battle group. Sorry it took a while:

CO Name: (Last)Spartan
CO Steam ID:
Regiment:  [KSA] Åbo
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 4
Faction: Austria

Events: EU / Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« on: November 23, 2023, 10:05:16 pm »
Name:  LastSpartan
Steam ID:
Class:  Infantry OR Light infantry
Faction:  ANY

I have read and understood the rules. I'll play any infantry, light infantry or garrison on ANY faction. Hook me up up any time anywhere  8)

Events: EU / Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« on: November 19, 2023, 11:14:11 pm »

Just dropping this in here since I didn't see a message from Nasse yet

[KSA] Åbo will be bringing 6-7 players into this event and co-operating with Svea on this. We will likely spread our players between cavalry and infantry. Sorry this is not in official form its just very late here and I'm now going to bed  :'(


Too much teamkilling and reviving. People should not be revived at whim :(

Where do you even copy these unban appeal forms? There is none provided on the opening post :D
Also its not your friends fault you write toxic messages on chat. This game is well known for toxic and racist messages in public chat and such behavior has and always has been punished for on any server.

Community / Question about tournaments
« on: December 09, 2016, 09:01:41 pm »
Hello. I am the leader of Karjalan Prikaati. We bring 25-35 people (all finns) to weekly events. We have never participated in any tournaments as a regiment, and quite frankly only a few people have asked me about Karjalan Prikaati participating any tournaments. I consider myself to be active on the forum but I've never really ever read what the tournaments are even about.

So I'd like to ask you: do you consider participating in the tournaments to be a joyful thing or just something you have to do if you want to stay in your regiments? Or perhaps something else? I want to ask because they often are a hot topic in public chats during linebattles, and I'd really like to know if competetive play is something most of you play this game for, or are there still lot of people like me, who play it for the sake of playing together to have fun.

I have never found joy in being better than the average guy in melee, and I am certain I represent the opinion of most of our players when I say that Napoleonic Wars is about doing stuff together and having fun while doing it, not trying to turn it into esports. Winning is not the most important, if at all important, when fighting linebattles.

hello i need unbanned on a server on mount and blade man vs bots rebirth my id is 1327533 i got banned for something i didnt do and i didnt get told how many sandbags could be used pleasse help thanks

Humans_vs_bots_rebirth is a different server. This thread is for 15th_Humans_vs_bots server. Try posting your appeal here instead

Sorry, we will be skipping next week of this event. No event 4.11  :'(

After some unfortunate events we were forced to ban Preobraz from our server. If you don't like the event you can just leave. There's no need to spam the hoster with Steam messages, or is it acceptable to take class (in this case cavalry) that you are not signed up for without permission, because this will ruin the event's balance for everybody else!

After a server reset our custom maps were no longer on the server files last Friday. We hope to recover them and have proper maps again next week.

Sign ups open for 4.11

And so we have a full event. See you on the battlefield(s) :)

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Commander Battle Event *Unique Ruleset* [EU]
« on: October 10, 2016, 06:30:53 pm »
Good luck! I love commander battle but I'm pretty sure no one else in our regiment would really want to partake in an event like this, so I guess I'll just stick to EU_Commander :(

Events: EU / Re: Karjalan Prikaati Friday linebattle (Next event: 7.10)
« on: October 07, 2016, 07:01:17 pm »

if you haven't been accepted yet you can try applying for next week

Events: EU / Re: Karjalan Prikaati Friday linebattle (Next event: 7.10)
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:45:33 pm »
We are currently calculating the numbers since the server can only host max 100 people. Will answer to the rest of you tomorrow evening a couple hours before the start.

Events: EU / Re: Karjalan Prikaati Friday linebattle (Next event: 8.10)
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:48:36 am »
In the end it was up to Ase from Karjalan Prikaati to win the day. He was fighting against 4 enemies alone, yet prevailed, bringing the total score to 3 - 2 for Karjalan Prikaati!
Thanks to all who attended the event last evening, it was great fun.

Sign ups for next week open

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