Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Historical Discussion => Historical Reenactment => Topic started by: König on September 28, 2013, 04:16:04 pm

Title: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: König on September 28, 2013, 04:16:04 pm
I thought it would be a fun idea to start a weekly poll for reenactors. I'll pick a new topic every Saturday and you guys can vote on it, and discuss it. Some questions may be more humorous, while others more serious.

So without further-ado, here's this week's poll:

Should the Vietnam War be reenacted, why or why not?:

Vietnam reenactment has been growing bigger lately, and with it comes the question of whether or not it should be reenacted at all. Some think that it can and should just like any other period. While others think that perhaps it's still "too soon" to reenact something that only happened a few decades ago.

So what are your thoughts?

As always, please be civil. :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: DeoVindice61 on September 28, 2013, 04:31:09 pm
Never been on NIGHT guard. It came up at GAC and 3 guys promised to return by evening battle. They returned late night. So capt had them on night guard XD

However my next first ww2 event is already being planned for 2 hour watch per man in foxholes through the night. Oy vey
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Mr T on September 28, 2013, 04:42:03 pm
Ain't been on guard yet ;)
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: zac on September 28, 2013, 04:48:49 pm
Was on 3 day camp back 2010 on Goat Island, Sydney Harbour, and was closing my eyes,half asleep, it had been a long night before. Our Marine Captain spotted me, and after screaming at me for the sake of the public, i had to run around the drill square,Goat islandhas an old 1830's barracks on it, with my musket above my head for 10-15 minutes,which isnt easy in a bicorn/long tailed redcoat/high gaitors and leather and backpack. and i didnt mentioned the great Aussie SUN!!!!  ;D

Havnt done it since xD twas fun
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Landrik on September 28, 2013, 09:55:29 pm
I was put on watch from 10pm to 3am and was ever vigilant. It's not a comfortable sleep, so my battle buddy in my foxhole mentioned when he would be drifting between being asleep and awake, "There I was, standing eyes forward and listening like a robot."

All my time having to wait around in realism for whatever reason has paid off. :P

However, no Ami attack during my post. Of course it had to happen after I got my time to sleep. Slept pretty well when the rest of my guys went out on patrol.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: König on September 28, 2013, 10:08:13 pm
I suppose I might as well tell my story (I might have posted this before, dunno)...  ::)

Alright, I admit it. I slept on guard duty. I regret nothing.

My two comrades had gone out as part of a patrol that night, leaving me behind to hold down the fort foxhole. Keep in mind this was sometime between 12:00am to 4:00am. I sat in the foxhole staring off into space for awhile, then I decided to cover the bottom of the foxhole with a shelter-half. Next came placing my haversack behind my head. Then I covered myself with a blanket. And then... I was out cold (literally and figuratively).

I was awoken by a member of the returning patrol. Rather than just telling me to wake up, he said something in what I presumed was... Spanish... So, not knowing why he was speaking Spanish to me, I slowly lifted my body, rubbed my eyes, and went on as before... except awake.

Come to find out, as I spoke with my comrades later on, he had been speaking in... German. Probably thinking it would scare the crap out of me. Well, so much for that idea. lol
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Landrik on September 28, 2013, 10:11:40 pm
Damn, I wish I could've been the one to return to your foxhole and scare the shit out of you, haha!

"Kamerad, bist du müde?" Then slice your neck with my knife-hand and make a slicing sound effect and say "yer ded" xD
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: König on September 28, 2013, 10:52:49 pm
Damn, I wish I could've been the one to return to your foxhole and scare the shit out of you, haha!

"Kamerad, bist du müde?" Then slice your neck with my knife-hand and make a slicing sound effect and say "yer ded" xD
The Blue Division? :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Duuring on September 29, 2013, 12:00:52 am
I've never been to a tactical event, and usually those concentrate more on daylight skirmishes then night patrols. Though in may 2014 (Damn that's a long time) there's a 4 day event where we probably will have skirmishes and possibly night patrols. I, as a light cavarlyman, shall certainly earn my wages.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Millander on September 30, 2013, 04:11:05 pm
At ,y events provost guard is in groups of two so you dont really fall asleep.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: munky-wunky on October 01, 2013, 10:08:32 pm
now why woud anybody fall asleep
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Mr T on October 02, 2013, 12:07:52 am
now why woud anybody fall asleep

Because they're tired.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: munky-wunky on October 02, 2013, 01:49:40 pm
now why woud anybody fall asleep

Because they're tired.

but this is reenacting, of course the latest i have done it for was 11-12
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Mr T on October 02, 2013, 06:48:01 pm
now why woud anybody fall asleep

Because they're tired.

but this is reenacting, of course the latest i have done it for was 11-12

So they're re-enacting tired soldiers.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: DeoVindice61 on October 02, 2013, 08:28:19 pm
Reenacting tired soldiers....your a genius! BLOODY GENIUS.

Totally going to tell my cpl that if I ever fall asleep on guard.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: munky-wunky on October 03, 2013, 03:34:09 am
Reenacting tired soldiers....your a genius! BLOODY GENIUS.

Totally going to tell my cpl that if I ever fall asleep on guard.

lol ya i think all do that
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Millander on October 03, 2013, 07:19:40 am
Sgt : Private you fell asleep on Provost!

Me : I was only reenacting sir!

btw cant believe a majority of you havent done provost. MArching around in full gear at 3AM is something every reenacter must do!
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: munky-wunky on October 03, 2013, 01:38:18 pm
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Duuring on October 03, 2013, 01:45:21 pm
Sometimes, I wished people would go to bed at some more historical times. I know, people like to stay up and have a good time, drinking and talking, etc. But I regularly see people being up to 1 or 2 am. I mean, that's when soldiers sometimes woke up.

And then of course, the next day they are tired as fuck, refuse to wake up early, parade or walk guard. Sigh. It aches me to admit Napoleonic re-enacting could use a little historical behavior-boost.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Millander on October 03, 2013, 04:17:11 pm
/Is there a hardcore community and units inNapoleonic?
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #1 To Guard or Not to Guard?
Post by: Duuring on October 03, 2013, 06:06:49 pm
Sure there is. Most of them are more out east - Germany, Poland, Russia. Hardcore cavalry is mostly found in either France or Russia, for some reason.

More at home, I can only really think of the 7e BvL that fits the 'hardcore unit' description. It differs per event, of course. Events such as La Boissere are visited by people from all corners and groups, and it's pretty much as hardcore as you can imagine. Well, it was. This year it was a 'light version', due to shortage of participants. Do note it's not like all groups in the Netherlands are farbs - The great majority are people who spend lots of time and money into an accurate impression (uniform etc.). I know one guy, a engineer sergeant, who is probably the most typical beer-campfire guy you can imagine, and he has spend countless hours doing research to the uniform of the engineers and their role in the battlefield. They even made field fortification a couple of times. He is one of the many guys I know that, given the chance, they would love to participate in guard duties and patrols and such.

There's good news, though. Events and groups itself are more and more looking at historical accurate camplife etc. A new group doing light infantrymen is planning on having their cooks made in a historical organization (a group of men sharing one cooking pan, with a different guy responsible every day) and the general idea of more historical accurate behavior seems to rise. After Waterloo 2015, I'm convinced we will see a drop in numbers, but those will mostly be 'hobby'-re-enactors, while people who are more willing to become more realistic will stay. Plus, with less anniversary events, we will have more events of our own, where we can develop ourselves.

There's an event in november where they are already planning to have a march to the field and pre-battle skirmishes, and a 4-day event next year where the plans are...interesting.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: König on October 05, 2013, 09:04:33 pm
Poll updated for this week, check the main thread. Please be civil this.  :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Mr T on October 05, 2013, 09:19:03 pm
Apparently you ended the poll very early :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: George385 on October 05, 2013, 10:53:10 pm
thats a bad topic...

I have women in my group and we treat them the absolute same, even though in the Dark Ages they were basically sex slaves.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Duuring on October 06, 2013, 12:13:26 am
I have two opinions that are relevant to this subject.

Firstly, People should not be 'not allowed' to re-enact because of things they can't simply change, however, units can decide to have certain qualifications for their members, including age, sex, weight, you name it. It's within their right as an independent group. But you can not forbid all women in general from re-enacting, that goes against my first principal.

Here in the Netherlands, there are a few female soldiers, and each of them look just as good as the men and make as much an effort. There's one woman in my cavalry group, and we really couldn't do without her  :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Landrik on October 06, 2013, 01:48:08 am
Can't seem to vote. Anyways, I appreciate it when women reenactors only do impressions that are of women's. Only time I could possibly not mind is if their appearance and impression was squared away and could fool anyone. "B-But Landrik! You have fat, old guys who don't look any good! It's a valid excuse to inject more farbiness into the hobby with women!" Yyyyeeaaaahhh I wouldn't recruit a fatty anyways unless he actually was making progress to be in shape and slim down. Also, I wouldn't reenact VC or IJA because I'm not asian in the slightest or couldn't even look remotely close to it.

Reenacting, however, does not a grand overarching authority. Only two authorities: Units and Event Organizers. I like it like that.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: DeoVindice61 on October 06, 2013, 10:06:27 am
Women fought for their rights in the past mainly just to reenact with us. Ladies love dem Enfield and Springfield!
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Mr T on October 06, 2013, 02:25:23 pm
At the moment, the 21e's looking to do more with our ladies in terms of camp life, since we have quite a few camping women, a few come out with us to battle, I think we have one full time woman as a soldier but any woman's aloud to be in the line. 
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: König on October 06, 2013, 07:34:10 pm
The poll should be working now.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on October 06, 2013, 08:25:47 pm
I've never seen the problem with a woman reenacting, as long as she puts forward as much of an effort as all the other members.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Commissar Jdf on October 06, 2013, 08:28:31 pm
What are they going to be reenacting, the 19th amendment?!
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: George385 on October 06, 2013, 11:35:06 pm
What are they going to be reenacting, the 19th amendment?!

even though its not historically correct, the people in the Dark Ages reenactment society do let women fight. In fact, women can sometimes hit harder than men. And you hit them hard back, not knowing its a girl because they are fully kitted up. And than they get angry at you after the battle. A guy in my reenactment group once hit a girl so hard that she had to go to hospital, just imagine how guilty he felt!
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Landrik on October 07, 2013, 12:04:49 am
What are they going to be reenacting, the 19th amendment?!

even though its not historically correct, the people in the Dark Ages reenactment society do let women fight. In fact, women can sometimes hit harder than men. And you hit them hard back, not knowing its a girl because they are fully kitted up. And than they get angry at you after the battle. A guy in my reenactment group once hit a girl so hard that she had to go to hospital, just imagine how guilty he felt!

Well, if she's going to reenact combat with other men, she's ought to be prepared to get beat up like a guy (Your Dark Ages reenacting or any other one that focuses on melee combat). Double standards should not apply for women combat reenactors.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: George385 on October 07, 2013, 12:06:33 am
What are they going to be reenacting, the 19th amendment?!

even though its not historically correct, the people in the Dark Ages reenactment society do let women fight. In fact, women can sometimes hit harder than men. And you hit them hard back, not knowing its a girl because they are fully kitted up. And than they get angry at you after the battle. A guy in my reenactment group once hit a girl so hard that she had to go to hospital, just imagine how guilty he felt!

Well, if she's going to reenact combat with other men, she's ought to be prepared to get beat up like a guy (Your Dark Ages reenacting or any other one that focuses on melee combat). Double standards should not apply for women combat reenactors.

double standards dont apply to women. you just feel a little guilty.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on October 07, 2013, 01:30:12 am
It's a male thing, whenever you do something to a girl odds are you're going to feel worse.

It's because we've had the "Men are the protectors" role society has made, we feel bad whenever we do anything to women... most of the time.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: George385 on October 07, 2013, 01:57:58 am
It's a male thing, whenever you do something to a girl odds are you're going to feel worse.

It's because we've had the "Men are the protectors" role society has made, we feel bad whenever we do anything to women... most of the time.

I love how at the end you said most of the time...
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: König on October 07, 2013, 02:51:31 am
It's a male thing, whenever you do something to a girl odds are you're going to feel worse.

It's because we've had the "Men are the protectors" role society has made, we feel bad whenever we do anything to women... most of the time.
Heh, there's a time and place for that but a reenactment isn't one of them (well, most of the time). lol  :P

Anyways, I think a woman should be able to reenact whatever she wants provided she can look the part (doing a historically female part is a plus though). Basically what Duuring and Landrik said.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: GodsonGuys on October 10, 2013, 09:52:44 am
Historical Point of View: Depending which time period, and what society thought of them and what they needed to do...

From a Social Point of View: Well, by Law we are equal, and if we don't let them participate, shit miiiighttt hit the fan, so I think they should.

Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #2 Women Reenactors?
Post by: Riddlez on October 10, 2013, 05:57:35 pm
Let it be determined by the group.

Not that I am against women on the line, but this way, groups can reject other kinds of people as well, if they want to. You will get more different styles or hardcore, I guess.

But that's my view as a non-reenactor.

Personally, rejecting women is bullshit.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: König on October 13, 2013, 12:07:49 am
New poll is up. Not much debating here. But it will be interesting to see people's opinions.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Duuring on October 13, 2013, 12:11:49 am
If all four had big healthy fun communities, I'd probably go with the Mexican-American war.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: König on October 13, 2013, 12:58:04 am
If all four had big healthy fun communities, I'd probably go with the Mexican-American war.
Ah, that's a good point. I'll add it in the first post.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Albert Eisenberg on October 13, 2013, 01:01:38 am
Hmm, thse seem relatively controversial, but some more than others. I mean, the Vietnam War, that's really hard to get away with doing without some protest. And the Fifth Crusade, well, it was a crusade. English Civil War would be weird to do with the weaponry and tactics, so I guess by process of elimination, I'd prefer the Mexican American war. :-\

I find the MAW kind of boring. :-\
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Duuring on October 13, 2013, 01:02:36 am
I find the MAW kind of boring. :-\

Then go see 'One man's hero'.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Mr T on October 13, 2013, 01:07:40 am
Hmm, thse seem relatively controversial, but some more than others. I mean, the Vietnam War, that's really hard to get away with doing without some protest. And the Fifth Crusade, well, it was a crusade. English Civil War would be weird to do with the weaponry and tactics, so I guess by process of elimination, I'd prefer the Mexican American war. :-\

I find the MAW kind of boring. :-\

All the listed impressions exist and are presented often, English Civil War is pretty big here in the UK, as is Crusade and Vietnam.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Albert Eisenberg on October 13, 2013, 01:09:49 am
Ah okay, I assumed it would be kinda hard to pull off. I am surprised that Vietnam war is reenacted, I can't imagine how that would be done, I'll be sure to look into it though. :)
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on October 13, 2013, 01:14:38 am
5th Crusade would be real fun, fighting the same way as my ancestors defending their land. ^.^

Plus I've always loved melee combat, give me a scimitar and a shield, no one's getting through.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Landrik on October 13, 2013, 01:48:58 am
I'm going to be starting Vietnam reenacting next year and onwards, but if I had to pick something else it'd probably be MAW as a Mexican.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Millander on October 13, 2013, 02:10:09 am
Really it depends on the amount of people there. Im thinking Mexican - American war.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: GodsonGuys on October 13, 2013, 05:19:40 am
Ah okay, I assumed it would be kinda hard to pull off. I am surprised that Vietnam war is reenacted, I can't imagine how that would be done, I'll be sure to look into it though. :)

Watch this.
Part One
Part Two
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: zac on October 13, 2013, 05:28:47 am
dont mention that thing xD
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: König on October 13, 2013, 06:09:27 am
Hm... it seems I've inadvertently started next week's topic a tad early. :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: GodsonGuys on October 13, 2013, 06:17:27 am
dont mention that thing xD

The americans refuse to play fair in that. They obviously don't listen to the Marshal...
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Landrik on October 13, 2013, 03:20:29 pm
That's actually the same land and event where I'm going to do Vietnam reenacting. Funny thing is that was the first event as a feeler. Things get better each year. Funny to see familiar faces. :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Keita on October 21, 2013, 01:48:55 pm
English civil war for me.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: Landrik on October 23, 2013, 09:59:00 pm
Time for a new poll, yeah?
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #3 Which one?
Post by: König on October 24, 2013, 02:50:42 am
Well, since I guess there's still some interest in this; yeah, I guess so.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 24, 2013, 05:26:59 am
Of course Vietnam should be reenacted. Nothing is sacred or untouchable.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: George385 on October 24, 2013, 07:48:06 am
why would it not be reenacted? we cant just forget the war ever happened and that we should ignore it because alot of people were against it...
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: GodsonGuys on October 24, 2013, 07:50:08 am
If your referring to the War Crimes, Let me just direct you to just about every other war.

There is nothing wrong with "reliving History." Why should there be. NO point in trying to Forget it, as someone will always remind you.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Bramif on October 24, 2013, 03:31:59 pm
Why not? I think it would be awesome to try...  :)
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on October 24, 2013, 04:10:34 pm
Of course Vietnam should be reenacted. Nothing is sacred or untouchable.

Let's re-enact deathcamps, gas chambers, beheadings of Allied POW's by the Japs, and mass executions of German soldiers by Americans.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Olafson on October 24, 2013, 04:24:08 pm
War crimes commited by the Allies? Impossible!
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: zac on October 24, 2013, 04:33:30 pm
 :-X Warcrimes, never heard of such a thing  :-X
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: DeoVindice61 on October 24, 2013, 04:52:58 pm
Vietnam hmm? I wouldn't mind unless a civvies execution take place. Count me the fuck out.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on October 24, 2013, 04:58:54 pm
Good idea. Let's just re-enact the fun parts. Bad parts are to be ignored, naturally.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: DeoVindice61 on October 24, 2013, 05:37:00 pm
I am sure no one reenact the rape and atrocities of Napoleonic war in Peninsular war eh?

All war have ugly side. Deal with it.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Riddlez on October 24, 2013, 06:18:03 pm
Would be fun to see napalm strikes re-enacted.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on October 24, 2013, 06:40:53 pm
I am sure no one reenact the rape and atrocities of Napoleonic war in Peninsular war eh?

All war have ugly side. Deal with it.

We have loot and plunder scenarios. As well as houses going up in flames. And actors playing civilians. Plus, I don't re-enact the Peninsular war.

Most importantly, we don't deny it happened.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 24, 2013, 08:30:25 pm
Of course Vietnam should be reenacted. Nothing is sacred or untouchable.

Let's re-enact deathcamps, gas chambers, beheadings of Allied POW's by the Japs, and mass executions of German soldiers by Americans.

Yes, let's. It's in TV programs anyways.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on October 24, 2013, 10:10:55 pm
And it shows all the horror of it. Something re-enactors often fail to do.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 24, 2013, 10:57:58 pm
Reenactors often fail to portray actual battle conditions. What's your point?
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on October 24, 2013, 11:11:06 pm
If you portray a SS deathsquad, but just sit around the campfire and drinking beer and telling people 'they weren't that bad' - You're doing a really bad job.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 24, 2013, 11:49:58 pm
When has anyone done this?
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on October 25, 2013, 12:30:26 am
Thank god they didn't, but apparently, there's nothing wrong with doing it. After all,

Nothing is sacred or untouchable.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on October 25, 2013, 12:54:39 am
The Vietnam War is... well a war. Reenactors will start reenacting it sooner or later.

Problem is, no one is going to dare be the Viet Cong. The VC are despised extremely by most in this nation.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 25, 2013, 02:07:57 am
I still stand by what I said. Even if some jackasses in camp guard uniforms were to walk around and say there was nothing wrong with mistreatment of prisoners then they'd be laughed off whatever event they were at and never invited again.

I know people who do VC and sometimes there are events where there are more VC and NVA than Americans. It's a very cheap impression so you can invite some of your friends over for the weekend and outfit them all for the same price it'd be to do an American impression for one man.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on October 25, 2013, 09:11:45 pm
That's... surprising. I never thought someone'd willingly reenact the Viet Cong.

Well it's good to see at least.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 25, 2013, 10:09:31 pm
Most reenactors are amateur military historians and don't really have too much bias about things. Well, most in my opinion. You do have those people who refuse to do the other side.

A friend of mine who does loads of different periods including Rev War British, Napoleonic French, WWI German, and WWII (German, Soviet, and French).

Hint: He's on the left.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Londnred on October 28, 2013, 11:20:50 am
I never thought someone'd willingly reenact the Viet Cong.

Love the way you said "Willingly reenact the Viet Cong" I just have images In my head of someone being forced to reenact as Viet Cong in my head.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: DeoVindice61 on October 28, 2013, 02:08:23 pm
I never thought someone'd willingly reenact the Viet Cong.

Love the way you said "Willingly reenact the Viet Cong" I just have images In my head of someone being forced to reenact as Viet Cong in my head.

You're alllllllive!
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on October 29, 2013, 08:35:31 pm
I never thought someone'd willingly reenact the Viet Cong.

Love the way you said "Willingly reenact the Viet Cong" I just have images In my head of someone being forced to reenact as Viet Cong in my head.

Well, yeah that's what I meant. It's like in NW and you have one side that British and the other is French, some Brits may need to be moved to France for balance.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Landrik on October 29, 2013, 09:52:19 pm
I know quite a few people that like to take the piss out of G.I.s no matter what time period and do the lesser known side.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Captain America on November 06, 2013, 08:40:09 am
I certainly hope so, then if I win the lottery I have the excuse to get a Huey and do a bitching air cav impression! On a serious note, people reenact WWII, which is probably far more morally reprihensible
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 06, 2013, 02:02:02 pm
Air cavalry...

Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Captain America on November 06, 2013, 05:25:49 pm
Hey, someone's gotta be air cav! Though I can imagine they're massively over subscribed and incredibly farby
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: König on November 06, 2013, 05:30:27 pm
Which reminds me, I'll change the topic as soon as I can think of something good to discuss.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Riddlez on November 06, 2013, 10:24:25 pm
Air cavalry meaning?

I thought modern cavalry was recon and scouting? SO would it be paratroop scouts?
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 06, 2013, 10:25:32 pm
It was just air-mobile troops and helicopters who carried on the traditions of the cavalry.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Riddlez on November 06, 2013, 10:27:12 pm
It was just air-mobile troops and helicopters who carried on the traditions of the cavalry.

So that's airborne mechanised infantry.

Rode baretten in the Netherlands? Some infantrymen call them the menstruationbrigade
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 06, 2013, 10:29:05 pm
Regiment always get fancy names and traditions to make people feel more proud in their profession.

That's why our 'tanks' still carry the traditions of the Hussars of Boreel.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Riddlez on November 06, 2013, 10:30:58 pm
Regiment always get fancy names and traditions to make people feel more proud in their profession.

That's why our 'tanks' still carry the traditions of the Hussars of Boreel.

I don't see being called the menstruationbrigade makes you proud =P

And they aren't called tanks, FYI, they are called light assault vehicles.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 06, 2013, 10:34:23 pm
I'm pretty sure they don't use those nicknames when referring to themselves.

I don't care what they are called. They are not horses. End of story.   :P
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on November 06, 2013, 10:41:00 pm
Air Cavalry, in US terms, are military divisions which specialize in rotor wing aircraft. Armored Cavalry are tanks.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Riddlez on November 06, 2013, 10:42:53 pm
Air Cavalry, in US terms, are military divisions which specialize in rotor wing aircraft. Armored Cavalry are tanks.

I thought tanks were artillery?
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 06, 2013, 10:45:19 pm
Artillery is artillery. Nothing changed there.

They just named Air Cavalry to make it sound cool. I'm pretty sure of that.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on November 06, 2013, 11:18:15 pm
Artillery is artillery. Nothing changed there.

They just named Air Cavalry to make it sound cool. I'm pretty sure of that.

No, the Air Cavalry divisions descended from old Calvary regiments (Ones on horses) in the old US army.

Armored Cavalry was the name used for shits and giggles, but pretty much every English speaking nation calls their tank divisions "Armored Cavalry".
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 06, 2013, 11:32:46 pm
Read a few posts back, I said the exact same thing. It's all about carrying on traditions.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: munky-wunky on November 08, 2013, 03:59:30 am
Artillery is artillery. Nothing changed there.

They just named Air Cavalry to make it sound cool. I'm pretty sure of that.

No, the Air Cavalry divisions descended from old Calvary regiments (Ones on horses) in the old US army.

Armored Cavalry was the name used for shits and giggles, but pretty much every English speaking nation calls their tank divisions "Armored Cavalry".

everybody loves the romanic idea of horseback calvary
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 08, 2013, 02:39:09 pm
That's cos we have Swag, boy.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on November 08, 2013, 11:58:18 pm
That's cos we have Swag, boy.

Suuure, Swag. Up until I put a bullet in your horse's head. on't think that Hussar Pelisee is gonna save you now :D
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 09, 2013, 12:20:10 am
Or you miss. In which case, there's a sabre heading for your skull.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on November 09, 2013, 12:23:18 am
Or you miss. In which case, there's a sabre heading for your skull.

God gave me a bayonet for a reason. That and the ability to dodgeroll (If Id did that I'd have to ditch my musket though X.X)

Eh, I think I'll just form square.
Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Duuring on November 09, 2013, 12:31:28 am
Eh, I think I'll just form square.

Title: Re: The Weekly Reenactor Poll - #4 Vietnam
Post by: Carson on November 09, 2013, 05:10:35 am