Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Regiments => Topic started by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 03:34:35 am

Title: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 03:34:35 am

The 3rd Division is an army focused on discipline,skill and above all,
ensuring our members have a good time. Unlike the more historical
army however all of our Colonels have an equal say here with everyone
giving in their opinions of how we can ensure our regiments become the
best on the battlefield. Additionally all Division decisions are decided not
just by our Major General but by all colonels
as a whole in a most democratic way.
Ultimately we hope to become a coordinated and determined fighting force.


7th Hussars

Captain Cavendish
Staff Corporal Wheatley.
17th Leicestershire
Regiment of Foot

Captain Jammy
Lieutenant Tikki
60th Royal American
Regiment of Foot & Rifles

Colonel Peter Broetz
Captain Edmund Phipps.

87th Royal Irish Fusiliers

Major Stewart
Adjutant Lieutenant Potus
The Royal Recruits

Colonel Jupa
Lieutenant Colonel MPC


17th Colonel George Garth
17th 'Leicestershire'
Regiment of Foot
The 17th Regiment of Foot is a line regiment born from the ashes of the old
 51st Regiment, one renowned for exemplary personal skill and discipline.
It's descendant the 17th bears no less than the 51st with fine leadership,
excellent discipline and startling teamwork.

Led by Captain Jammy they bring about 20 men to each event.

Thread. (
87th Colonel John Doyle
87th 'Royal Irish' Fusiliers
Regiment of Foot

The 87th Regiment of Foot is a foot regiment focused on swift
line formations, crisp volleys and brutal bayonet charges. Led
by Lieutenant Colonel Bell they are a disciplined lot who have
faced off many a fearsome frenchman. Hosting both EU and NA
companies they fight frequently protecting the possessions of
his Majesty George III round the clock.

Led by Major Stewart they field about 18 men per
Thread. (

2/60th 'Royal American'
Regiment of Foot

The 2nd Battalion 60th is a well sized disciplined
Line Battalion of the 60th Regiment of Foot. With a keen focus
on careful maneuvering, overwhelming co-ordination and
good use of the musket the 2/60th are sure to prove
a challenge.

Led by Captain Edmund Phipps they field about 20 men
per event.
Thread. (

The Royal Recruits
The Royal Recruits are one of if not the oldest regiment
in the Napoleonic Wars community. Originally formed for
Battlegrounds in 2004 and soon moving onto BG2 and then
Napoleonic Wars the TRR are a group of crazed berserkers
who scream fear into their enemies hearts and crush all
who stand before them.

Led by Colonel Juper they field about 20 men
per event.
Thread. (


60th Colonel Frederick Augustus, Duke of York
60th Regiment of Foot
Royal American Rifles

The 5/60th is a disciplined regiment focusing on Skirmishing and
fine marksmanship.  A Rifles Battalion of the 60th Regiment these
chaps always find their targets and always prove a thorn in the

The 5/60th fields 15 men per event.
Thread. (
7th Colonel Henry Paget,1st Earl of Uxbridge
7th Regiment of Light Dragoons
Queens Own Hussars

The 7th Hussars are a passionate regiment of Light cavalrymen
led by Captain Cavendish. The Hussars generally aim to provide
a fun, casual experience for it's members whilst being a competitive
cavalry force. Aiming to fully replicate the fighting style of Hussars
the 7th strike hard and strike fast.

Led by Captain Cavendish the 7th can raise 10-15 Hussars per

A history of the 'Fighting 3rd', formation to Toulouse.

The Third Division of the British army was formed in the year 1809 by Arthur Wellesley,
 1st Duke of Wellington to supplement the Anglo-Portuguese army. Placed under the command of Sir
 Thomas Picton the division soon gained the moniker of 'The Fighting 3rd'. The third incidentally
contained three brigades. The 1st Brigade was commanded by one Major General Thomas Brisbane,
this brigade contained the 1/45th Nottinghamshire, 74th Highland, 1/88th and 3 Coys 5/60th Royal
American regiment of foot. Command of Pictons 2nd Brigade was given to Major General Charles
Colville with 1/5th Northumberland Fusiliers, 2/83rd Dublin, 2/87th Prince of Wales Irish and the
94th Regiment of Foot.
Powers Portuguese Brigade however was a much more motley affair with the the 9th and
21st foot and the 1th Cacadores. It is an unfortunate truth however, that Wellesley never
bestowed upon Picton the confidence shown to Beresford, Hill and Crauford. Nevertheless Picton
earned a fine reputation of being extremely punctual and extremely thorough, never deviating
from his set orders yet always following them to his best ability, to the letter. An example of
Pictons stern attitude was an event on the river Coa in July 1810. Craufords foolishly got his
division involved in an action against the French, Crauford had found himself surprised by Marchal
Neys division of 20,000. Crauford decided to fight regardless of being hopelessly outnumbered
with an unfordable river at his back. Picton, being closest with the 3rd stalwartly refused to assist
in keeping with Wellesleys orders of avoiding engagement.
It was not however until the battle of Busaco in September of the same year. Here he had a plain
duty, that of repulsing the French attack, and he performed that duty with a skill and resolution,
which indicated his great powers as a troop-leader.
A few months later Picton and the third once again excelled at the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro,
Here the 3rd Division with some of the 1st Division pushed forward in a counter attack after the
French ousted them from the town and successfully pushed forward until the French were forced
back from the town. This final effort secured the British victory by plummeting French morale.

In the first operations of 1812 Picton and Craufurd, side by side for the last time, stormed the
two breaches of Ciudad Rodrigo, Craufurd and Picton's second in command, Major-General
Henry Mackinnon, being mortally wounded. At Badajoz, a month later, the successful storming
of the fortress was due to his daring self-reliance and penetration in converting the secondary
attack on the castle, delivered by the 3rd Division, into a real one. He was himself wounded in
this terrible engagement, but would not leave the ramparts, and the day after, having recently
inherited a fortune, he gave every survivor of his command a guinea. His wound, and an attack
of fever, compelled him to return to Britain to recoup his health, but he reappeared at the front
in April 1813. While in Britain he was invested with the collar and badge of a Knight of the Order
of the Bath by the Prince Regent George, and in June he was made a lieutenant-general in the
At the Battle of Vitoria, Picton led his division across a key bridge under heavy fire. According to
Picton, the enemy responded by pummeling the 3rd with 40 to 50 cannon and a counter-attack
on their right flank (which was still open because they had captured the bridge so quickly) causing
the 3rd to lose 1,800 men (over one third of all Allied losses at the battle) as they held their ground.
The conduct of the 3rd division under his leadership at the battle of Vittoria and in the engagements
in the Pyrenees raised his reputation as a resolute and skilful fighting general to a still higher point.
Early in 1814 he was offered, but after consulting Wellington declined, the command of the British
forces operating on the side of Catalonia. He thus bore his share in the Orthez campaign and in the
final victory before Toulouse.
On the break-up of the division the officers presented Picton with a valuable service of plate, and on
24th June 1814 he received for the seventh time the thanks of the House of Commons for his great
services. Somewhat to his disappointment he was not included amongst the generals who were
raised to the peerage.

The 'Fighting 3rd' did indeed find itself at Waterloo, albeit under a new commander and with none
of the same regiments.


Division timetable.

The Division tries not to be overbearing on it's member regiments yet hopes to do just enough to
keeo everything enjoyable.
Monday-Fighting Third Mondays! (
Friday-Division training every 2nd Friday. Fridays inbetween reserved for battles against other armies.

Record of Engagements.


Officer Commanding
OpponentDate   Result
Major General
Joseph Kerr
XVe118/01/2012  3-1
N/A5th Brigade30/11/2012  3-1

1 XVe with the 14e,47e & elements of the 84e attached.

Joining the Fighting 3rd

Generally the 3rd Division is an invite only division, however
we do understand that it is easy for a young regiment to go
unnoticed. If you should like to join the Division,simply send
a private message to myself. You shall be given a short form
to fill in based upon which the Division staff shall make a decision.
If successful you shall be placed on a two week probationary
period before made a permanent member of the Division.

NOTE:We are currently on the look out for a Britsh artillery regiment.
If you are an individual wishing to join the Division,
simply fill in the form. From there you shall be
assigned to whichever regiment fits your needs
the most.

Steam Name:
Can you be active?:
Previous Regiment Experience:
Shooting ability (1-10)*:
Melee ability (1-10)*:
Preferred Regiment:
(*One being lowest)

Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 03:35:25 am
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 21, 2012, 03:48:06 am
Great! Here we go  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 21, 2012, 10:39:33 am
Great! Here we go  ;)

Couldn't help but hear "Here we go" in Mario's voice xD
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 21, 2012, 11:43:05 am
Just as Intended!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: CHARLES111MAC on November 21, 2012, 11:51:50 am
Good Luck lads :)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Lionheart on November 21, 2012, 12:14:23 pm
Good Luck !
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Flash on November 21, 2012, 12:56:35 pm
Another UK Army. Splendid.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 21, 2012, 01:11:40 pm
Ou of curiosity, does this mean another adjustment to our in-game tags? And I presume we shall be having Brigade training sessions from now on?
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 01:13:53 pm
Ou of curiosity, does this mean another adjustment to our in-game tags? And I presume we shall be having Brigade training sessions from now on?

No it doesn't, at least it's not something on the table. And we will indeed. We also hope to start hosting our own event.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's Third Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 21, 2012, 01:14:37 pm
Ou of curiosity, does this mean another adjustment to our in-game tags? And I presume we shall be having Brigade training sessions from now on?

No it doesn't, at least it's not something on the table. And we will indeed. We also hope to start hosting our own event.

Ooh errr, steady on Grant, you're making my tongue hit the floor with reckless abandon ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Daniel on November 21, 2012, 01:43:48 pm
nice looking thread you got here. Good luck with this.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Cop on November 21, 2012, 01:45:59 pm
Very nice thread!

Good luck!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 21, 2012, 02:15:17 pm
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: ThatSillyLucas on November 21, 2012, 02:27:44 pm
Aide de Campe James Grant XD
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 02:31:37 pm
Aide de Campe James Grant XD

Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Snowwi on November 21, 2012, 02:31:50 pm
Very nice thread, Good luck ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: PrideofNi on November 21, 2012, 02:35:05 pm
Good luck with this you sexy bastards! As I told james, if you need any help, you know how to contact me ;)

I see you were able to improve the thread even further, nice work James :)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 02:47:18 pm
KKA vs 3rd Division.


But seriously thanks for the support guys, especially you Pride you handsome devil!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 21, 2012, 02:48:04 pm
KKA vs 3rd Division.


But seriously thanks for the support guys, especially you Pride you handsome devil!

Sounds like a venerable plan good sir!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 21, 2012, 04:46:21 pm
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: KArantukki on November 21, 2012, 05:08:54 pm
How about 3rd Division vs. DL ?  :P

Or 3rd Division + K-KA vs. DL (and maybe an extra regiment) ?  ^^

And good luck btw.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: PrideofNi on November 21, 2012, 05:14:28 pm
All these hoes looking to kill meh  :'(
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 21, 2012, 05:16:26 pm
Finally got this thread up! Looks nice and I hope we will do some army battles soon with you chaps soon. ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 05:39:31 pm
How about 3rd Division vs. DL ?  :P

Or 3rd Division + K-KA vs. DL (and maybe an extra regiment) ?  ^^

And good luck btw.

These battles shall be glorious!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 21, 2012, 05:43:55 pm
How about 3rd Division vs. DL ?  :P

Or 3rd Division + K-KA vs. DL (and maybe an extra regiment) ?  ^^

And good luck btw.

These battles shall be glorious!

They shall be glorious. Cue the tea and crumpets lads! The 3rd division is going to war!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: McDirty on November 21, 2012, 06:06:50 pm
Good luck!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stewart on November 21, 2012, 06:55:52 pm
Come lads, let us go to the pubs and celebrate! The Connaught Rangers and Cuckoo Takers at the same table, this will either end in singing or a punch up! ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Stewart on November 21, 2012, 07:30:32 pm
I challenge you fine lads to play us and the 59th in a LB if you're up for it? ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Swii on November 21, 2012, 07:39:47 pm
Good luck..   And very nice layout    :-*
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Henry Cadogan on November 21, 2012, 09:07:53 pm
Best of luck ye fine lads!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: [91st] Official on November 21, 2012, 09:12:09 pm
Good Luck and nice thread.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 21, 2012, 09:19:29 pm
I challenge you fine lads to play us and the 59th in a LB if you're up for it? ;)
We may do in the near future once we get everything off the ground.  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 21, 2012, 11:52:07 pm
The 3rd vs the 59th and 91st. Child's play ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Greenbeard on November 21, 2012, 11:55:26 pm
This is a really nice looking thread, best of luck to you all!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 22, 2012, 12:05:38 am
This is a really nice looking thread, best of luck to you all!

Thanks Greenbeard. A compliment from the (thread making) King ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stunned Lime on November 22, 2012, 03:25:02 am
Wow this looks amazing <3 Good Luck mate :D
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 22, 2012, 11:17:29 am
Why thankyou Lime :)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 22, 2012, 06:39:08 pm
New profile picture time!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 22, 2012, 09:18:38 pm
Welcome the 17th to the Division!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Jammy on November 22, 2012, 09:25:04 pm
Its a pleasure to be a part of such a good division  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 22, 2012, 09:26:53 pm
Its a pleasure to be a part of such a good division  ;)
Welcome to the 3rd Division Jammy.  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 22, 2012, 10:44:34 pm
And lets also welcome the 7th Hussars! Good to have you onboard chaps!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stunned Lime on November 23, 2012, 12:03:10 am
Wow alot are joining :D keep up the good work ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 23, 2012, 12:56:02 am
Wow alot are joining :D keep up the good work ;)

Must admit negotiations were under way before the official launch ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Pinball Wizard on November 23, 2012, 02:05:19 am
Power house of the British army, always a challenge in linebattles.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 23, 2012, 07:02:55 am
Anyway, everything will kick off with the Division next week!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 23, 2012, 10:08:58 am
Anyway, everything will kick off with the Division next week!

Am thoroughly looking forward to some prospective Division training. Will be interesting to see how we work together in unison.

Perhaps this could provide me with another delectable snippet of a short story  - anything to help with  applications to Uni ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 23, 2012, 06:52:31 pm
Will be a grand display of the might of Picton!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Rikugun Taishō Ito on November 23, 2012, 09:46:07 pm
Interesting... third division..... hrm.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: G.Drew on November 23, 2012, 09:48:44 pm
Reporting in.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 25, 2012, 12:11:11 am
Reporting in.

Good to see you you beautifully accented Scot!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Neon on November 25, 2012, 02:41:44 am
85th added in the first post maybe? :3
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 25, 2012, 07:40:20 pm
Not too long till the armies first official gathering.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Krenok on November 25, 2012, 07:41:26 pm
Not too long till the armies first official gathering.

Can't wait!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 26, 2012, 12:41:52 am
I reckon it's time for a banner.

Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 26, 2012, 12:53:13 am
Looking good Jezza!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 26, 2012, 10:22:46 am
*Raises a glass of port in honour of the esteemed leaders of the 3rd Division*

87th, 17th and the 7th - It is a veritable boon to have you chaps with us in the "Fighting Third" - Make yourselves welcome and feel free to mingle with the other regiments around camp (A.K.A our TS).

Now who's for a spot of cricket!? Place your bets now lads, I'm sure the 60th will give you a most thorough thrashing :P
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Marsh on November 26, 2012, 01:41:00 pm
Where is the 85th?  :o
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 26, 2012, 02:17:36 pm
Where is the 85th?  :o

I recommend sending Aide de Campe James Grant a PM on that one :P
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 26, 2012, 05:41:22 pm
Where is the 85th?  :o

They aren't in the division. They never were.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 26, 2012, 09:44:29 pm
I can't wait for the Friday training. ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Krenok on November 26, 2012, 09:48:03 pm
I can't wait for the Friday training. ;)

Should be good.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: HWMHall on November 26, 2012, 10:07:26 pm
87th Royal Irish Fusiliers Artillery Detachment reporting Sir.
Place us where you need us.

Re-Lt Hall

Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on November 26, 2012, 10:08:43 pm
Haha! 3rd Division, Rolling out!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 27, 2012, 10:18:42 am
Weekly Monday event....Like a BOSS!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Bad_Highlander on November 27, 2012, 03:52:00 pm
Good luck
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Marsh on November 27, 2012, 03:54:30 pm
Where is the 85th?  :o

They aren't in the division. They never were.

So how come we use the TS? Will we eventually? :3
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 27, 2012, 04:48:59 pm
Where is the 85th?  :o

They aren't in the division. They never were.

So how come we use the TS? Will we eventually? :3
I have explained this many times to Solarz... You use the teamspeak because I knew Solarz and I knew he needed one. Now please, you have already asked about the 3rd a few times and I have explained. The staff will sort out what to do with you soon  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 27, 2012, 05:48:18 pm
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Neon on November 27, 2012, 06:07:37 pm
There was no need, he didn't know the situation.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 28, 2012, 01:27:22 am
Then he should have asked you.

Anyways lets hope our Monday event takes off the ground eh :)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Jammy on November 28, 2012, 08:51:16 am
Anyways lets hope our Monday event takes off the ground eh :)
well said old bean
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 28, 2012, 10:50:23 am
Then he should have asked you.

Anyways lets hope our Monday event takes off the ground eh :)

So... do we not have the Division event on Friday now then?
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 28, 2012, 11:46:59 am
Then he should have asked you.

Anyways lets hope our Monday event takes off the ground eh :)

So... do we not have the Division event on Friday now then?

Division training still on every second Friday, starting on the 30th. Fridays in between are reserved for battles against other armies/divisions/brigades.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 28, 2012, 11:56:08 am
Then he should have asked you.

Anyways lets hope our Monday event takes off the ground eh :)

So... do we not have the Division event on Friday now then?

Division training still on every second Friday, starting on the 30th. Fridays in between are reserved for battles against other armies/divisions/brigades.

Ahh, that shall be good going then :) And I'll be free on Friday's from this week until the 14th of December so I can definitely attend some events xD
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 29, 2012, 10:21:05 pm
Lets get ready gentlemen. Division training 22 hours from now.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 30, 2012, 10:05:36 am
Lets get ready gentlemen. Division training 22 hours from now.

Looking forward to tonight. Any idea when the division training starts?
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 30, 2012, 10:09:02 am
Lets get ready gentlemen. Division training 22 hours from now.

Looking forward to tonight. Any idea when the division training starts?
7:30 Officers shall meet in teamspeak at 7:15 to discuss the events of todays training.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Desparin on November 30, 2012, 10:12:22 am
Lets get ready gentlemen. Division training 22 hours from now.

Looking forward to tonight. Any idea when the division training starts?
7:30 Officers shall meet in teamspeak at 7:15 to discuss the events of todays training.

Fair enough. I presume we'll be doing some formation training en masse then? Perhaps we could do a miniature LB which teaches various regiments how to counter line/arty/skirmish/cavalry tactics in turn?
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 30, 2012, 07:21:25 pm
First Division training in half an hour :)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 30, 2012, 09:35:38 pm
Huzzah! Won our first Army battle aginst the XVE (& elements of the VIe,14e, 84e) with a score of 3-1. It was a damned close thing every round.

Good performance all round.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 30, 2012, 09:42:16 pm
Final score board!

Great games all around chaps, huzzah for the 3rd Division!  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stewart on November 30, 2012, 09:45:49 pm
I apologise that the 87th Line Companies were in the pub getting drunk and forgot to turn up for duty! The Gunners arrived on time though and rained death on the enemy though! Good show all around!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 30, 2012, 10:01:44 pm
Time for a flogging I reckon ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 30, 2012, 10:12:28 pm
I apologise that the 87th Line Companies were in the pub getting drunk and forgot to turn up for duty! The Gunners arrived on time though and rained death on the enemy though! Good show all around!
The men are deserting eh?

Time for a flogging I reckon ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on November 30, 2012, 10:47:29 pm
Engagement record added.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 01, 2012, 09:47:34 pm
I admit I was worried at first but we now have the full 200 slots for our first Monday event. Good stuff!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Neon on December 01, 2012, 11:03:13 pm
Does the army take reservations for the event or are sign ups necessary at the beginning of the event?
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 01, 2012, 11:05:51 pm
Does the army take reservations for the event or are sign ups necessary at the beginning of the event?

Unfortunately this weeks event is full and we don't have any spare slots. (Honestly trying to figure out ways to ensure everyone can fit their men in :D)
Sign ups for the second event,10th December,will open at 9 GMT on Monday.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Neon on December 01, 2012, 11:09:34 pm
Ah okay, thank you.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 03, 2012, 05:48:28 pm
Our first hosted event tonight, gonna be good!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 05, 2012, 05:35:26 pm
T'was rather good, though in future I'll use more balanced maps.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Wolff on December 07, 2012, 02:01:49 pm
A great thread u have!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 11, 2012, 06:42:44 pm
Why thankyou Wolf :)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 13, 2012, 10:12:52 pm
Division training tomorrow chaps.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stunned Lime on December 14, 2012, 03:14:08 am
Glad to hear you guys are doing good :D
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Joker on December 15, 2012, 01:31:15 pm
I'll be looking for another Army LB after the victory of last time!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 15, 2012, 07:26:55 pm
I'll be looking for another Army LB after the victory of last time!

I'm sure we can find some potential bait for our guns!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Connzcdf on December 17, 2012, 10:29:45 pm
I'll be looking for another Army LB after the victory of last time!

I'm sure we can find some potential bait for our guns!
Pew pew?
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Emperor Napoleon on December 19, 2012, 06:50:29 pm
Greetings, I see you are looking for an artillery regiment,

Well, here you go, the 1stRoyal Foot Artillery is here. But, are you EU?


Colonel Napoleon
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 19, 2012, 06:59:34 pm
Yes we are.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Emperor Napoleon on December 19, 2012, 07:02:05 pm
What is your steam name? so I may add you
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 21, 2012, 11:58:38 pm
On the scout for well sized, skilled line regiments by the way chaps.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stewart on December 22, 2012, 04:49:17 am

Bell, Stewart, Potus and the rest of the 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers, wish all of you in the 3rd Division a very Merry Christmas and good fortune for the New Year!

Get drunk and enjoy yourselves from the 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers

Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on December 22, 2012, 10:07:54 am
Love you too Stewie!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Henry Cadogan on December 22, 2012, 02:02:40 pm

Merry Christmas you fine gentlemen!

Best wishes,
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stewart on January 05, 2013, 03:32:32 pm
Sorry we were absent from the Div. training yesterday, just had everyone come back from Christmas! We will be there next time and of course we will be there on Monday!

Ever forward men!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 05, 2013, 03:34:57 pm
Missed you babe!  :(
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Kator Viridian on January 05, 2013, 03:38:31 pm
Link for the 17th regiment of foot leads to the 88th thread.

But goodluck ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 07, 2013, 09:46:03 pm
Excellent event tonight lads,you all performed brilliantly.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Youp on January 11, 2013, 03:03:03 pm
Nice forum page mate
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 11, 2013, 03:07:36 pm
Thanks Youp, having our 2nd army battle a week today against 5th brigade, That should certainly be challenging.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Flash on January 11, 2013, 04:30:01 pm
And now for a short poem by esteemed literary master Lord Thomas Flashheart

Oh Thirds Division thine end is near,
Our Grenadiers and Cav you'll fear.
For Friday marks your death at last,
In a battle to compare with ages past.

(I posted this on the 60th's thread thinking it was this one)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: TORN on January 12, 2013, 02:17:06 pm
this looks like a jolly good division
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Flash on January 12, 2013, 04:14:05 pm
this looks like a jolly good division

You'll look even better when you're all dead :3
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Connzcdf on January 12, 2013, 04:17:25 pm
this looks like a jolly good division

You'll look even better when you're all dead :3
Your blood will look better on our coats.  :-*
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Flash on January 12, 2013, 04:28:02 pm
this looks like a jolly good division

You'll look even better when you're all dead :3
Your blood will look better on our coats.  :-*

Why on earth would you want that? War is for Gentlemen, not savages.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Emperor Napoleon on January 12, 2013, 04:39:49 pm
Easy lads, for it is not the 3rd Division Infantry than will win, but its artillery!
Bang On!!!!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Connzcdf on January 12, 2013, 05:26:21 pm
this looks like a jolly good division

You'll look even better when you're all dead :3
Your blood will look better on our coats.  :-*

Why on earth would you want that? War is for Gentlemen, not savages.
We are Gentlemen on the field, were just a bit OTT sometimes.  ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 12, 2013, 06:03:17 pm
Ha! You should have seen us officers at our meeting earlier, fighting third gone wild!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Connzcdf on January 12, 2013, 06:09:41 pm
Ha! You should have seen us officers at our meeting earlier, fighting third gone wild!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on January 12, 2013, 06:11:56 pm
Ha! You should have seen us officers at our meeting earlier, fighting third gone wild!
Yeah... About that...



Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: TORN on January 12, 2013, 07:39:02 pm
You f*cking killed it Peter!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 16, 2013, 12:25:48 am
Not many days until we SMASH the 5th brigade in glorious combat ;)
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Flash on January 16, 2013, 12:30:21 am
Not many days until we SMASH the 5th brigade in glorious combat ;)

Keep telling yourself that. I'm looking forward to adding your sword to my collection.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 18, 2013, 10:29:45 pm
Brilliant victory this evening gentlemen.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Flash on January 18, 2013, 10:53:50 pm
Very good battle, Gents. Definitely need another in the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on January 18, 2013, 11:20:22 pm
Very good battle, Gents. Definitely need another in the foreseeable future.

Most definitely!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Stewart on January 22, 2013, 06:28:37 pm
So When shall we have our next Division meeting! There is much to discuss after our two very successful victories!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Peter Broetz on January 27, 2013, 04:41:45 pm
Welcome The Royal Recruits to the 3rd Division! Huzzah!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: MPC on January 27, 2013, 05:01:10 pm
Thanks guys. See you at the meeting tonight!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Augy on January 28, 2013, 01:28:50 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome brosephs!
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Shortshorts on January 28, 2013, 01:42:09 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome brosephs!
hugs.exe  :-*
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: MPC on January 28, 2013, 05:09:59 pm
Oh, I fixed the whisper problem. (Reinstalled Teamspeak :P )
Title: Resignation.
Post by: James Grant on February 15, 2013, 09:47:42 pm
After a quite frankly horrific event in which the Division was humiliated I have decided to step down as ADC and with it I will no longer administrate the Monday event nor organise events against other armies. I will also not administrate this thread at all.

With one regiment not showing up, another doing so barely and a ridiculous amount of rule breaking from one other regiment during the event I simply do not feel that if some of you are not willing to just come to an event then why should I organise them?

There will never be a rematch against the army with which we should have fought today as they are not willing to play an event with some of the regiments that were and even more importantly weren't present tonight.

I have enjoyed my time in the Division up to now, but clearly things aren't as they should be.

Goodbye, James Grant. Ex-Aide de Camp.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: MPC on February 15, 2013, 11:54:41 pm
Sorry to hear that James.

I'm only speaking from TRR's point of view here but we were not informed about the Line Battle until 17:50 today by Peter Broetz. With only 2 hours or so to gather a team, this was simply not doable from our point of view. At the time Peter informed me, I sent the message over to Augment, no one informed him about the match ahead of time either. At this point in time we only had around 8 members online, all playing another game. If we were given a few days notice in advance we would have been able to inform everybody in time and bring around 15-20.



After speaking to you on steam, I believe I was a bit too aggressive in my post. Sorry about that, and lets hope in the future those mentioned regiments are able to act in a better fashion.
Title: Re: Resignation.
Post by: Thomaas on February 16, 2013, 12:38:01 am
After a quite frankly horrific event in which the Division was humiliated I have decided to step down as ADC and with it I will no longer administrate the Monday event nor organise events against other armies. I will also not administrate this thread at all.

With one regiment not showing up, another doing so barely and a ridiculous amount of rule breaking from one other regiment during the event I simply do not feel that if some of you are not willing to just come to an event then why should I organise them?

There will never be a rematch against the army with which we should have fought today as they are not willing to play an event with some of the regiments that were and even more importantly weren't present tonight.

I have enjoyed my time in the Division up to now, but clearly things aren't as they should be.

Goodbye, James Grant. Ex-Aide de Camp.

Support Jezza 2013 XD <3
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Cara on February 16, 2013, 11:20:22 am
You were right Jezza on steam, ppl dont care  :-\
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: James Grant on February 16, 2013, 09:15:58 pm
You were right Jezza on steam, ppl dont care  :-\

I did get a nice pm from Rollie actually.
Title: Re: Sir Thomas Picton's 3rd Division. The 'Fighting Third!'
Post by: Jammy on February 18, 2013, 12:47:13 pm