Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Regiments => Topic started by: 12th Turkish Regiment on July 26, 2020, 12:56:05 am

Title: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: 12th Turkish Regiment on July 26, 2020, 12:56:05 am


( to 12th Turkish Regiment, we are here for the fun. 12th created by Starfall Gaming members. Starfall Gaming formed in 2016 and played other Warband modes and other games. We are here for the change. 12th Turkish Regiment is a roleplaying based Napoleonic Wars community. We are Turkish but we have started recruitment of foreigners.

We were tried creating another regiment in 2017 but we weren't own any experience about regiments and we are lost. But today we know regimental tactics and officerdom. Have only 3-4 regiments in Napoleonic Wars Turkey but we want to enlist Turks and foreigners and create a peaceful and friendly gaming area.

Did you want to join Miralay Oner's order? Oner waits great Turkish or foreigner troops, but all soldiers have only one task: Serve to Ottomans


( III was crowned in 1789. Current Ottoman guards didn't have experience and they were weak to defend the Sultan. Selim III made a reformation and created 12th Sultan's Guards Regiment with 400 guards. The members of the 12th Sultan's Guards were a lot of experience. They enlisted by Grand Vizier for Sultan's service.

After some time war declared between France and the Ottomans. A lot of 12th Company soldiers disbanded from Sultan's defense and sent to Anatolia, Balkans, and Iraq for recruitment. 12th Company members were army instructors.

Napoleon Bonaparte recruited an army and made naval invasion to Egypt. When Napoleon captured the Egypt, Sultan gave an order. Some militias gathered from Anatolia, Balkans, and Iraq. They learned basics about the military and sent to  Egypt by Ottoman officers. Napoleon captured Egypt but the English navy bombed Napoleon's ships. Napoleon had to capture some ships and French army moved to Acre. But 12th Regiment took cover in the Castle of Acre and started the battle with the French army. The Turkish army won with English navy support.


( (Private)

Nefers are bones of the Ottoman Army.  They are completed basic training and ready for combat. Nefers take orders from Başçavuş. They have a lower priority than onbaşı. If have a lot of onbaşıs in the line, nefers can be musician, sapper, flag bearer or field medic.

Example Roles: Infantry, Support Infantry, Reserve, Sapper, Musician, Flag Bearer, Field Medic
Commander of This Rank: Başçavuş

(şı (Corporal)

Onbaşıs are master nefers of the army. They are well trained in the discipline, melee, and shooting. Master nefers do not use for the charge because they are valuable than nefers. They can train nefers.

Example Roles: Infantry, Reserve
Commander of This Rank: Başçavuş

(Çavuş (Sergeant)

Çavuş is the first rank of officerdom. They are NCOs and must train nefers. They can command 4 soldiers in battles and they are responsible from those soldiers.

Example Roles: Infantry Instructor, Assistant Officer
Commander of This Rank: Başçavuş

(şçavuş (Sergeant Major)

Başçavuş is the leader of nefers. They are responsible for nefer's. They must train nefers and corporals. And corporals must listen to orders of Başçavuş.

Example Roles: Infantry Instructor, Cadet Officer
Commander of This Rank: Yüzbaşı

(ülâzım-ı Sani (Second Lieutenant)

Mülâzım-ı Sani is leader of assistant officers and company. Mülazım-ı Sanis takes command of a company. That means they are company leaders. They are directly joined line battles or sieges but don't fires or join melee combats. They are field commanders.

Example Roles: Officer
Commander of This Rank: Kaymakam

(ülâzım-ı Evvel (Lieutenant)

Mülâzım-ı Sani is leader of assistant officers and company. Mülazım-ı Sanis takes command of a company. That means they are company leaders. They are directly joined line battles or sieges but don't fires or join melee combats. They are field commanders.

Example Roles: Officer
Commander of This Rank: Kaymakam

(üzbaşı (Captain)

Yüzbaşı is the assistant of Miralay. Yüzbaşı's suggestions are important in the regiment. They can give orders to NCOs and the Yüzbaşı is the high-commander of a company.

Example Roles: Senior Officer
Commander of This Rank: Miralay

(ğası (Senior Captain)

Kolagasi is the leader of all of the a line in battles. Kolagasi must recruit new officers and recruit Çavuş and Başçavuş ranks.

Example Roles: Officer Instructor
Commander of This Rank: Miralay

(şı (Major)

Have the same duty with Kolagasi but they have experienced officers and directly promoted by High-Command of the Ottoman Army.

Example Roles: Co-Leader of the Regiment
Commander of This Rank: Birinci Ferik (but Miralay can give orders)

( (Senior Major)

Have the same duty with Binbaşı, but that rank is directly assistant of Miralay.

Example Roles: Senior Assistant of Miralay, Assistant Regiment Commander
Commander of This Rank: Birinci Ferik (but Miralay can give orders)

( (Colonel)

Miralay is the commander of the regiment and has all permissions in the 12th Turkish Regiment. Miralay can train or recruit the army or join wars.

Example Roles: Regiment Commander
Commander of This Rank: Müşir


IMPORTANT NOTE: This is only the bone team of the 12th Turkish Regiment.
We are formed today (25/07/2020) and we will make enlistment.


( Miralay Oner


Not any personnel in this position.


( Nefer AliAga
( Nefer Sabre
( Nefer GlsogTurk
( Nefer Cladius
( Nefer Viewpaw
( Nefer Nexus
( Nefer kartalsevgisi

Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: 12th Turkish Regiment on July 26, 2020, 12:56:37 am




Miralay Oner needs you and wants you! Did you want to be a Turkish soldier and join skirmish for Ottomans? We can recruit you. Haven't any requirements (microphone etc.) for the 12th Regiment. We aren't using voice co-ordination because that's not good. We will teach what situation needs what action to you. We have only one criterion about joining the regiment: Activity. We want your join to events (expects real-life events, if you have trouble, you can pass this event)

You can contact me via Steam only for asks about the application. Please don't send application via Steam.
( ( (http://steam://friends/add/'.76561198320668459.')
That's Miralay's official Steam account. Do not contact with fake accounts.

Send that application form to the 12th Turkish Regiment via PM (Private Message) on the FSEGames forum.

Copy and paste that form please:
What's your username in-game?:

Why you want to be a Turkish soldier?:

What's your total game time in Warband?:

Please write your old Warband clans?:

Give me your contact please (Discord or Steam, if Discord use Name#XXXX format):
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: 12th Turkish Regiment on July 26, 2020, 12:57:19 am


Reserved, we will add.
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Wursti on July 26, 2020, 01:08:32 am
gl abi
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Steinmann on July 26, 2020, 02:46:00 am
I want to be turkisk
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: retamar2 on July 26, 2020, 02:53:29 am
Really good to see more turkish people in nw  sad thing that i am not turkish but anyways iyi şanslar
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Shadey on July 26, 2020, 04:34:43 am
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Skaen on July 26, 2020, 09:03:44 am
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Jakob van Bicke on July 26, 2020, 03:55:28 pm
GL firstly, but...

We aren't using voice co-ordination because that's not good.
It isn't? You should have told us earlier. All of the NW community has done that wrong for over 8 years by now
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: MarjioviçR on July 26, 2020, 04:23:07 pm
gl gardaşım
zück i just read it all and i think its a bit cringy xd
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Oner on July 26, 2020, 05:27:15 pm
GL firstly, but...

We aren't using voice co-ordination because that's not good.
It isn't? You should have told us earlier. All of the NW community has done that wrong for over 8 years by now

Yeah, we see that wrong. We will not use voice chat.
Thank you for your interest.
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Shadey on July 26, 2020, 05:52:42 pm
Yeah, we see that wrong. We will not use voice chat.
Thank you for your interest.
TBE in the form of a regiment
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: ZaferBeyy on July 26, 2020, 08:52:46 pm
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on July 27, 2020, 10:51:48 am
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Dias10 on July 27, 2020, 06:58:46 pm
gl guys
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Oner on July 27, 2020, 08:11:53 pm
gl abi
GL firstly, but...

We aren't using voice co-ordination because that's not good.
It isn't? You should have told us earlier. All of the NW community has done that wrong for over 8 years by now
gl gardaşım
zück i just read it all and i think its a bit cringy xd
Yeah, we see that wrong. We will not use voice chat.
Thank you for your interest.
TBE in the form of a regiment
gl guys

Thanks for all comments. We are starting with Groupfighting training on Wednesday.
Title: Re: 12th Turkish Regiment
Post by: Rikus on July 28, 2020, 01:06:03 am