Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Off Topic => Topic started by: Eamon on June 18, 2020, 05:27:20 pm

Title: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 18, 2020, 05:27:20 pm
Its tiring to see media about BLM whether it's the soccer game with City vs Arsenal last night kneeling and having BLM on their shirts or if its indie developers pulling or threatening to pull their games from Steam because Steam apparently won't put out their standpoint on the whole debacle. I mean sure sports people may feel particularly strongly about the issue or some may not but a Sky Sports commentator said something along the lines of "this shows sports has the power to change governments" I fail to see what any one particular government can do for BLM I don't see any inherently racist laws or way of life particularly in Britain where this match was played out. If anybody can enlighten me otherwise please do.

I know there is no smoke without fire but the whole world at least in the media appears to have gone crazy and I am just looking for your guys opinions because surely real people (on a gaming forum lol ikr) have a more realistic outlook on these issues that at least to me appear to be more of a cultural American issue rather than a worldwide one where every media outlet or public figure HAS to support the movement or be viewed as racist. Obviously there can be alot of factors and reasons why things are like this but I do not have the energy to put all these into this post.

Tl;dr FSE if you don't support BLM I may have to boycott you sorry
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 18, 2020, 05:38:36 pm
fse fix racism pl0x
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Harford on June 18, 2020, 05:40:02 pm
soccer game with City vs Arsenal


commit death now
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 18, 2020, 05:43:24 pm
soccer game with City vs Arsenal


commit death now

Ireland has its own football
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eazy-E on June 18, 2020, 05:48:17 pm
I don't know why you think a predominantly white, male internet gaming forum would have a "more realistic outlook on these issues" than pretty much every BAME public figure, including the majority of footballers in the game you mentioned.

Just because you can't see the systemic racism in Britain yourself doesn't mean it isn't there, and the fact that you respond to black people trying to educate the wider public about this injustice as unecessary is part of the problem. I'm white, have never had any difficult interactions with the police because I'm middle class and live in a nice area. It doesn't mean it doesn't go on. Stop and search in London, for example, has been disproportionatly targetting BAME people for decades. The Metropolitan Police (among other police forces in the UK) was found to be systemically racist by the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry - this was reaffirmed in 2015 by the Met Police Commissioner.

Just think about how fortunate you are that the worst thing going on for you right now is getting annoyed with the message that "black lives matter" being shoved down your throat - it's a much better position to be in than a black person living in a society that is systemically racist. (Again, this is not opinion, it is fact - there have been a lot of studies into it that you can access with a quick google. We might not be as bad as the US, thankfully, but it doesn't mean there aren't problems in the UK too).

I'd really recommend watching the Jane Elliott "Blue eyes-Brown eyes" experiment where she creates situations where white people can begin to understand the racism that BAME people have to deal with on a day to day basis.

TL;DR - Just because you can't see the racism, doesn't mean it isn't there. The fact you are upset about BLM being everywhere right now is problematic because it implies you don't take the complaints of ethnic minorities seriously. So no, nobody is forcing you to back the movement, but complaining about it either shows an ignorance of the facts at best or an unwillingness to listen and change, suggesting some degree of racism yourself, at worst.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 18, 2020, 05:51:57 pm
issues that at least to me appear to be more of a cultural American issue rather than a worldwide one
western countries are USA vassals in many sectors eversince Marshall Plan, including culturally = any controversy occuring in america will unevitably have some echo in Europe regardless of whether its relevant for us or not
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 18, 2020, 06:06:28 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eazy-E on June 18, 2020, 06:09:36 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

Good one, just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it's not happening
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 18, 2020, 06:12:29 pm
xD well F for eazy-e, yet another fallen brother who slipped in the brainwash machine

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 18, 2020, 06:19:18 pm
can you elaborate about this "brainwashing machine"

you seem like a truly based and red pilled individual so i definitely want to hear more
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: BabyJesus on June 18, 2020, 06:20:04 pm
I really wish I was able to join the protest in Minneapolis. I heard target was giving away free TVs
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kulouš on June 18, 2020, 06:20:34 pm
Move to the mighty Czech republic - people here don't give a shit about races and its problems.

This ain't any kind of racist comment. It's just how it is.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Golden. on June 18, 2020, 06:34:06 pm
I agree why has FSE not come out as supporting the movement? Anyone up for pillaging the server farms for hosting these virtual web forums?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 18, 2020, 06:58:10 pm
I don't know why you think a predominantly white, male internet gaming forum would have a "more realistic outlook on these issues" than pretty much every BAME public figure, including the majority of footballers in the game you mentioned.

Just because you can't see the systemic racism in Britain yourself doesn't mean it isn't there, and the fact that you respond to black people trying to educate the wider public about this injustice as unecessary is part of the problem. I'm white, have never had any difficult interactions with the police because I'm middle class and live in a nice area. It doesn't mean it doesn't go on. Stop and search in London, for example, has been disproportionatly targetting BAME people for decades. The Metropolitan Police (among other police forces in the UK) was found to be systemically racist by the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry - this was reaffirmed in 2015 by the Met Police Commissioner.

Just think about how fortunate you are that the worst thing going on for you right now is getting annoyed with the message that "black lives matter" being shoved down your throat - it's a much better position to be in than a black person living in a society that is systemically racist. (Again, this is not opinion, it is fact - there have been a lot of studies into it that you can access with a quick google. We might not be as bad as the US, thankfully, but it doesn't mean there aren't problems in the UK too).

I'd really recommend watching the Jane Elliott "Blue eyes-Brown eyes" experiment where she creates situations where white people can begin to understand the racism that BAME people have to deal with on a day to day basis.

TL;DR - Just because you can't see the racism, doesn't mean it isn't there. The fact you are upset about BLM being everywhere right now is problematic because it implies you don't take the complaints of ethnic minorities seriously. So no, nobody is forcing you to back the movement, but complaining about it either shows an ignorance of the facts at best or an unwillingness to listen and change, suggesting some degree of racism yourself, at worst.

To answer your first paragraph - Because this forum contains people more accessible / contactable and BLM is not exactly prevalent in my local area so asking the locals is not much more than what i already know or what i am aware of.

I should clarify it is not that i don't see racism, i don't live in the UK so i don't hear the news as much as yourself for London etc. I just want to know if this is a proportionate response because there has been violence in the past but never this much reaction to it, and the media like to sensationalize a lot of things so i wanted more of a feet on the ground opinion.

I am not exactly upset, more annoyed by the excessive reporting on it - even if the situation calls for excessiveness to get people to listen to the message, is everybody, companies etc. doing it for the right reasons, or are they just bandwagoning?
(not exactly relevant but wasn't too long ago that Irish people were discriminated against lmao so thankfully i have nothing to complain about nowadays)

And again the complaints of ethnic minorities at least on a local level has not applied to me directly yet, so i would not know. I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eazy-E on June 18, 2020, 07:30:10 pm
To answer your first paragraph - Because this forum contains people more accessible / contactable and BLM is not exactly prevalent in my local area so asking the locals is not much more than what i already know or what i am aware of.

I should clarify it is not that i don't see racism, i don't live in the UK so i don't hear the news as much as yourself for London etc. I just want to know if this is a proportionate response because there has been violence in the past but never this much reaction to it, and the media like to sensationalize a lot of things so i wanted more of a feet on the ground opinion.

I am not exactly upset, more annoyed by the excessive reporting on it - even if the situation calls for excessiveness to get people to listen to the message, is everybody, companies etc. doing it for the right reasons, or are they just bandwagoning?
(not exactly relevant but wasn't too long ago that Irish people were discriminated against lmao so thankfully i have nothing to complain about nowadays)

And again the complaints of ethnic minorities at least on a local level has not applied to me directly yet, so i would not know. I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Well first thanks for actually taking the time to respond - the reason why I replied in the first place was because it seemed like a genuine question, opening yourself up to differing opinions which is always valuable - even if a thread like this is gonna get memed to shit by people too lazy to actually get involved and join the discussion.

Fair enough that this is your first port of call for getting opinions outside your family/friends/local circle where, if you're living in Ireland, I assume it isn't as big an issue due to there being just fewer BAME people in general - as well as not having that imperialist history which is part of the issue in the UK. I would just say that typically places like these aren't the best to get actual information from (even though I realise you're just looking for opinions, I'm just saying they aren't going to be representative of the wider public due to how niche this game/community is), so you're going to get a lot of bandwaggoning of opinions here as well.

I can see the frustration in all these corporations shoving a political stance down your throats. And yes, it is virtue signalling. It happened a few years ago in the UK when gay marriage was on the table and companies started using the rainbow flag in their logos etc. I don't think it's genuine at all, and clearly they are just hopping on the bandwagon and trying to appear trendy - note how they are always late to the party and never do these things out of their own initiative. So I would see corporations doing this not out of the goodness of their hearts but rather because they can see which way the wind is blowing on an issue and want to make sure they can still market to people. I would use corporations as a measure for how big a social issue is rather than them having any influence over it.

I know too well how Irish people were discriminated against in the UK. My grandparents were Irish and when they moved to London in the 50s there would be signs on businesses that said "No blacks, no Irish, no dogs", something my grandparents never really got over. So there are definitely historical and current examples of racism that aren't about skin colour, but the point of the BLM movement isn't to try to undermine those issues, it's just about putting things in perspective.

I think the reason this has picked up so much momentum compared to previous protests is the widespread social media element. If you go on reddit to /r/publicfreakout or /r/2020policebrutality you can see hundreds of videos from the past month of mainly American police being way too heavy handed with peaceful black and BLM protesters, whilst also ignoring or even encouraging violence from groups on the other side. Trump has been throwing fuel on the fire as well, using racist dogwhistles to prevent people from using their constitutional right to protest.

TL;DR Corporations don't give a shit and are jumping on a bandwagon, but that is evidence of the size of the movement and scale of the issue at hand. Fortunately, most of us here will never have experienced racism against us so I think we should be more willing to stop and listen to what black and ethnic minority people have to say about it.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 18, 2020, 07:41:56 pm
To answer your first paragraph - Because this forum contains people more accessible / contactable and BLM is not exactly prevalent in my local area so asking the locals is not much more than what i already know or what i am aware of.

I should clarify it is not that i don't see racism, i don't live in the UK so i don't hear the news as much as yourself for London etc. I just want to know if this is a proportionate response because there has been violence in the past but never this much reaction to it, and the media like to sensationalize a lot of things so i wanted more of a feet on the ground opinion.

I am not exactly upset, more annoyed by the excessive reporting on it - even if the situation calls for excessiveness to get people to listen to the message, is everybody, companies etc. doing it for the right reasons, or are they just bandwagoning?
(not exactly relevant but wasn't too long ago that Irish people were discriminated against lmao so thankfully i have nothing to complain about nowadays)

And again the complaints of ethnic minorities at least on a local level has not applied to me directly yet, so i would not know. I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Well first thanks for actually taking the time to respond - the reason why I replied in the first place was because it seemed like a genuine question, opening yourself up to differing opinions which is always valuable - even if a thread like this is gonna get memed to shit by people too lazy to actually get involved and join the discussion.

Fair enough that this is your first port of call for getting opinions outside your family/friends/local circle where, if you're living in Ireland, I assume it isn't as big an issue due to there being just fewer BAME people in general - as well as not having that imperialist history which is part of the issue in the UK. I would just say that typically places like these aren't the best to get actual information from (even though I realise you're just looking for opinions, I'm just saying they aren't going to be representative of the wider public due to how niche this game/community is), so you're going to get a lot of bandwaggoning of opinions here as well.

I can see the frustration in all these corporations shoving a political stance down your throats. And yes, it is virtue signalling. It happened a few years ago in the UK when gay marriage was on the table and companies started using the rainbow flag in their logos etc. I don't think it's genuine at all, and clearly they are just hopping on the bandwagon and trying to appear trendy - note how they are always late to the party and never do these things out of their own initiative. So I would see corporations doing this not out of the goodness of their hearts but rather because they can see which way the wind is blowing on an issue and want to make sure they can still market to people. I would use corporations as a measure for how big a social issue is rather than them having any influence over it.

I know too well how Irish people were discriminated against in the UK. My grandparents were Irish and when they moved to London in the 50s there would be signs on businesses that said "No blacks, no Irish, no dogs", something my grandparents never really got over. So there are definitely historical and current examples of racism that aren't about skin colour, but the point of the BLM movement isn't to try to undermine those issues, it's just about putting things in perspective.

I think the reason this has picked up so much momentum compared to previous protests is the widespread social media element. If you go on reddit to /r/publicfreakout or /r/2020policebrutality you can see hundreds of videos from the past month of mainly American police being way too heavy handed with peaceful black and BLM protesters, whilst also ignoring or even encouraging violence from groups on the other side. Trump has been throwing fuel on the fire as well, using racist dogwhistles to prevent people from using their constitutional right to protest.

TL;DR Corporations don't give a shit and are jumping on a bandwagon, but that is evidence of the size of the movement and scale of the issue at hand. Fortunately, most of us here will never have experienced racism against us so I think we should be more willing to stop and listen to what black and ethnic minority people have to say about it.

I'd like to think If i had a black friend or colleague come to me with these issues i do believe i would take them seriously, i think it is more the virtue signalling as you mentioned that annoys me and takes away from my ability to take the whole media / social media approach to it seriously, as it doesn't seem all too genuine in some cases like you said mostly corporate entities trying to save face and keep any potential controversy away from them in terms of what the general public approves / disapproves.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eazy-E on June 18, 2020, 07:47:16 pm
I'd like to think If i had a black friend or colleague come to me with these issues i do believe i would take them seriously, i think it is more the virtue signalling as you mentioned that annoys me and takes away from my ability to take the whole media / social media approach to it seriously, as it doesn't seem all too genuine in some cases like you said mostly corporate entities trying to save face and keep any potential controversy away from them in terms of what the general public approves / disapproves.

And my response to that would be we should try not to let our annoyance at corporations or sensationalist media detract from the original purpose of the protests, which very much are genuine and backed by a lot of data and academic research. There's definitely a seperate argument to be made about whether corporations doing this helps or hinders the movement, but at the very least it's got us talking about it here.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 18, 2020, 07:51:09 pm
I'd like to think If i had a black friend or colleague come to me with these issues i do believe i would take them seriously, i think it is more the virtue signalling as you mentioned that annoys me and takes away from my ability to take the whole media / social media approach to it seriously, as it doesn't seem all too genuine in some cases like you said mostly corporate entities trying to save face and keep any potential controversy away from them in terms of what the general public approves / disapproves.

And my response to that would be we should try not to let our annoyance at corporations or sensationalist media detract from the original purpose of the protests, which very much are genuine and backed by a lot of data and academic research. There's definitely a seperate argument to be made about whether corporations doing this helps or hinders the movement, but at the very least it's got us talking about it here.

Unfortunately i will have to watch and wait as locally like i said not really a prevalent social issue here with not many BAME, although i work in a hospital with many BAME but outside of that you don't encounter many people.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 18, 2020, 09:09:41 pm
Going to be honest with you bro.

Most of the people protesting in America don't give two flying fucks about African Americans. Within a manner of days, people that were entirely ignorant of American racial issues were suddenly experts, casting judgement on any that they deemed "complicit" in the systematic racism against POC. Why is this happening? Well, it's kind of simple when you live her and examine the situation closely. The lockdown orders were defied by a good portion of our population from day one. They either don't believe its a major issue or flat out deny its existence entirely, sweeping it under the rug as a leftist conspiracy plotting to establish an authoritarian state. Even the ones who stayed home weren't particularly too happy about their current state of affairs, and are now using the protests as a means of catharsis. The virtue-signaling is on full display. On my Instagram feed alone, I have seen people white as the insides of french bread proclaim their devotion towards black businesses, artists, and politicians regardless of what they stand for.  It's bandwagoning on a scale I have actually never seen before, likely exacerbated by the fact that over 50 million of us are out a job. I guarantee you that if Floyd had been murdered on any year besides this one, the protests and subsequent riots would be relatively contained to a small group (looking at you Seattle). Despite this, the amount of relationships that have been evaporated over these issues is unprecedented. It has reached a point that your political stance WILL damage every aspect of your life. The line has been blurred and there is no going back.

Same thing happened with Travyon Martin, Eric Gardner, Michael Brown, and dozens of others. They die by the polices's hand, media stirs up a frenzy, everyone starts talking about how this will be the revolution that finally kickstarts actual change, then nothing. Happens every time. Nothing short of marching on Capitol Hill by the millions will change anything now.

This started with Desert Storm in the 90s, no reason to expect it will stop now. The outrage is now running on fumes, in a few weeks will go back to Corona when the death toll finally climbs to a point where it can no longer be ignored. The media needs these kinds of events so that their profit is maximized.  When the protest's usefulness is finally expended, they will find their next resource to exploit, eventually rendering it barren. Repeat ad infinitum.

As for Europe, I can't say I'm surprised. The Easterners will routinely mock our racial disparities and borderline dystopian police force while continuing to call for the genocide of the Romani. The Westerners will argue that their problems are nowhere near the level of America's, using this as deflection so that they may ignore their own sociopolitical issues. They are right in the sense that American news dominating the news cycle is moronic, but that's about as far as it goes. When the next immigrant wave crosses the Mediterranean, you will see the same racism be spewed, of this I am certain.

It's humorous watching a select few Balkan countries manufacture solidarity when all they need is a personality-cult dictator in power to convince them that a mass killing-spree targeting the Bosniaks is wholly justified.

Concerning Ireland, I guess you could kind of see why they are protesting.... if this was during any other year. Most of the protesters seem to be college students fed up with their own lockdown. This is going to be a stretch, but Ireland's history of oppression by the English, specifically the Troubles, may or may not contribute. The Irish were treated like shit for centuries, so maybe they see something of a resemblance in how African Americans are being treated in the USA, and now stand in solidarity with them. Either that or the virtue-signalling has now went global, and the USA has secured a cultural victory, infecting every corner of the planet with its cancerous 24/7 news machine.

EDIT: Found this earlier, pathetic but also hilarious.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Glenn on June 18, 2020, 09:15:39 pm
At the end of the day we’re all just toys to our governments
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 19, 2020, 10:04:24 pm
can you elaborate about this "brainwashing machine"

you seem like a truly based and red pilled individual so i definitely want to hear more
if this is being redpilled then we are truly fucked
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Rutger Müller on June 19, 2020, 11:23:41 pm
a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: ~NickCole~ on June 19, 2020, 11:41:33 pm
a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Queeeeen on June 19, 2020, 11:47:37 pm
a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: fruitocino on June 20, 2020, 01:39:42 am
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

When the next immigrant wave crosses the Mediterranean, you will see the same racism be spewed, of this I am certain..

People never stopped being upset about illegal immigration on a large scale. Sure there probably is racism involved but the term is used so inflationary i don't think its fitting here. I think what Irish said is a bit more on point, imo most of these people feel some form of xenophobia. 

I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Most of these people should also just take a step back to realise how little it has actually affected their personal life.
At least the whole event breathed some life back into German/European politics, which I definitely prefer to the usual snoozefest EU politics tend to be.

As for the the protests in the US I find it strange that it takes yet another case of (racially motivated?) police brutality towards a black guy to trigger people to give BLM such a platform when other black people have been dying by the numbers for years not just at the hands of police, pointing to a much larger underlying problem than just police brutality.
The cause for these protests might be fair, but the riots and the vandalism take away so much credibility for everyone involved.

On a side note I wish everyone would give police officers more respect for doing their job, I feel especially people in "our" generation can really improve on that.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Ricky. on June 20, 2020, 03:00:41 am
only thing i hate more than racists are the negros wops jews and asians
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Rutger Müller on June 20, 2020, 04:28:31 am
only thing i hate more than racists are the negros wops jews and asians
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: No0B on June 20, 2020, 04:59:04 am
BLM doesn't matter as a law movement as much anymore, its more of a social movement.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kore on June 20, 2020, 07:06:17 am
Everyone has the same rights. The fact that afro Americans are oppressed in any way is in a sense their own fault too - as fancy mentioned;

a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

There has to be a change in people first, not in governments.  And BLM movement is not helping.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 20, 2020, 07:39:54 am
Everyone has the same rights. The fact that afro Americans are oppressed in any way is in a sense their own fault too - as fancy mentioned;

a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

There has to be a change in people first, not in governments.  And BLM movement is not helping.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 20, 2020, 01:43:24 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

When the next immigrant wave crosses the Mediterranean, you will see the same racism be spewed, of this I am certain..

People never stopped being upset about illegal immigration on a large scale. Sure there probably is racism involved but the term is used so inflationary i don't think its fitting here. I think what Irish said is a bit more on point, imo most of these people feel some form of xenophobia. 

I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Most of these people should also just take a step back to realise how little it has actually affected their personal life.
At least the whole event breathed some life back into German/European politics, which I definitely prefer to the usual snoozefest EU politics tend to be.

As for the the protests in the US I find it strange that it takes yet another case of (racially motivated?) police brutality towards a black guy to trigger people to give BLM such a platform when other black people have been dying by the numbers for years not just at the hands of police, pointing to a much larger underlying problem than just police brutality.
The cause for these protests might be fair, but the riots and the vandalism take away so much credibility for everyone involved.

On a side note I wish everyone would give police officers more respect for doing their job, I feel especially people in "our" generation can really improve on that.

It is going to be difficult to change human nature full stop.

I imagine that if you are an immigrant in a country unknown to you, the people around you and you yourself,consciously or subconsciously, will believe that you will not have the same opportunities as the native population.
Obviously that makes sense as you were not born there and do not have an automatic passport for that country and residence / nationality etc, but these factors whether intentional or not is probably what feeds the perpetual circle of inequality or said perceived circle, which leads people down certain paths which eventually feeds into the native populations general attitude on those people, coupled with varying degrees of xenophobia.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 20, 2020, 01:45:42 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

I was on about black lives matter not generally racism. In that regard why arent we talking about china? or the fact nigeria has never had a white/asian/native american/inuit/marsian president yet?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 20, 2020, 01:58:23 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

I was on about black lives matter not generally racism. In that regard why arent we talking about china? or the fact nigeria has never had a white/asian/native american/inuit/marsian president yet?
if you would ask most people they would probably agree that these countries have racial problems? when you're a developing country and you can't even feed your most citizens, of course you wouldn't expect them to be able to deal with racial injustice.

i'm sure your peanut brain can also understand that these countries are outside of the western sphere. nobody cares about what's going china, they're literally genociding a group of people, but it barely even gets mentioned
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Ry@n on June 20, 2020, 02:16:39 pm
to keep it short... Its blown up by the media, corporations and white left-wing people trying to 'look good' by trying to prove they aren't racist...

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 20, 2020, 02:22:06 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

I was on about black lives matter not generally racism. In that regard why arent we talking about china? or the fact nigeria has never had a white/asian/native american/inuit/marsian president yet?
nobody cares about what's going china
racist much?

to keep it short... Its blown up by the media, corporations and white left-wing people trying to 'look good' by trying to prove they aren't racist...
i put a link to blm on my insta profile im not racist trust me
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 20, 2020, 02:23:39 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

I was on about black lives matter not generally racism. In that regard why arent we talking about china? or the fact nigeria has never had a white/asian/native american/inuit/marsian president yet?
nobody cares about what's going china
racist much?

how is it racist ?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Gi on June 20, 2020, 02:39:31 pm
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

I was on about black lives matter not generally racism. In that regard why arent we talking about china? or the fact nigeria has never had a white/asian/native american/inuit/marsian president yet?
nobody cares about what's going china
racist much?

to keep it short... Its blown up by the media, corporations and white left-wing people trying to 'look good' by trying to prove they aren't racist...
i put a link to blm on my insta profile im not racist trust me
Don't even need to have a black friend anymore, true efficiency
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 20, 2020, 11:39:07 pm
The modern age has made it impossible to pay meaningful attention towards these atrocities.

Yemen is currently being reduced to rubble by the Saudis who employ weapons subsidized by Western powers, no one cares. Myanmar's "parliamentary" republic is effectively an authoritarian regime on campaign against the Rohyinga, no one cares. Erdogan and his TAF lapdogs are rumored to be genociding local ethnic groups in the name of national security, no one cares. Boko Haram massacres hundreds indiscriminately every year across Western Africa, no one cares.

The only one that got substantial attention by both media and the public was the Uighur holocaust committed by the CCP, but it seems everyone forgot about that one too.

There is simply too much going on and not enough anger to do anything about it. Out of sight and mind.  It's an information overload. Maybe Kacynzski had a point, technology has made us more out of touch than ever.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 20, 2020, 11:46:18 pm

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 21, 2020, 12:02:53 am
This is has to be like one of the few places on the internet where you can advocate for racial profiling and have people agree with you
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Fartknocker on June 21, 2020, 02:04:12 am
This is has to be like one of the few places on the internet where you can advocate for racial profiling and have people agree with you

There's a lot of scummy places on the internet
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eazy-E on June 21, 2020, 02:19:19 am
This is has to be like one of the few places on the internet where you can advocate for racial profiling and have people agree with you

Whole place is an echo chamber. Remember, the best regiment in NW was run by a man who larped as a nazi. Lots of white kids playing nerdy games in online communities are going to spread shitty worldviews because they only socialise on teamspeak with similar kinds of people.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kore on June 21, 2020, 02:59:54 pm
Or people actually use their brains to make their own educated opinion instead of jumping on the leftist bandwagon.

Tragic to witness how brainwashing the western media is nowadays.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Ambiguous on June 21, 2020, 03:07:01 pm
Statistics don't lie.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Cameron. on June 21, 2020, 03:28:44 pm
to keep it short... Its blown up by the media, corporations and white left-wing people trying to 'look good' by trying to prove they aren't racist...
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Fartknocker on June 21, 2020, 04:23:55 pm
People in the US don’t realize how nice they have it. Europeans are way more racist. These dudes still yell racial slurs at people during their sporting events lmao. Only place that still does that in America is Boston.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Queeeeen on June 21, 2020, 05:23:15 pm
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 21, 2020, 05:44:36 pm
People in the US don’t realize how nice they have it. Europeans are way more racist. These dudes still yell racial slurs at people during their sporting events lmao. Only place that still does that in America is Boston.
Eh, Southern California, specifically Los Angeles and San Diego, are extremely racist despite having a diverse population. Burbank is the only place in America where I have seen Hispanics treat blacks like utter garbage in comparison to your average hill roamer in the Appalachians.

In Europe, ethnic discrimination is far more rampant, but I suppose that term is synonymous with racism.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 22, 2020, 12:31:13 am
You guys just straight up hate black people lmao
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: BabyJesus on June 22, 2020, 12:51:50 am
You guys just straight up hate black people lmao
your like the most racist one here tho smh
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Glenn on June 22, 2020, 01:10:26 am
You guys just straight up hate black people lmao
your like the most racist one here tho smh

Man used the wrong your smh
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: BabyJesus on June 22, 2020, 01:16:38 am
You guys just straight up hate black people lmao
your like the most racist one here tho smh

Man used the wrong your smh
man don’t care
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 22, 2020, 11:00:21 am
You guys just straight up hate black people lmao
your like the most racist one here tho smh

Man used the wrong your smh
man don’t care

Smh my head
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: sidney crosby on June 22, 2020, 07:34:28 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 22, 2020, 07:45:45 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.

Dylann roof shoots up a black church, murders nine people, and gets treated to Burger King by his handlers.

Philip Brailsford mows down Daniel Shaver at point blank range while he is the ground, claims PTSD, and now reaps government benefits while laying back in the Arizona sun.

Stephon Clark gets filled with lead in his grandmother's backyard while on the phone. The cops are later acquitted, their experiences being labeled as tragic, while Clark is dismissed as a druggie thug who had it coming.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: sidney crosby on June 22, 2020, 08:04:12 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.

Dylann roof shoots up a black church, murders nine people, and gets treated to Burger King by his handlers.

Philip Brailsford mows down Daniel Shaver at point blank range while he is the ground, claims PTSD, and now reaps government benefits while laying back in the Arizona sun.

Stephon Clark gets filled with lead in his grandmother's backyard while on the phone. The cops are later acquitted, their experiences being labeled as tragic, while Clark is dismissed as a druggie thug who had it coming.

dude aired out a church and they didn’t kill him.... if that can happen then 95% of these deaths are inexcusable.

Worst one is still George Zimmerman, you don’t need to have seen what happened to know that piece of shit was guilty. Dude sulks around like a god damn celebrity, pretty sure I saw that he was auctioning the gun he killed trayvon with like it was a relic or some shit. Also heard he gets paid to go to gun stores and sign autographs... fucking crazy.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 22, 2020, 08:59:27 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
cops do fucked up shit everywhere to everyone

>France : thousands upon thousands of mostly white yellow-vests, including many elders, killed, wounded, one-eyed, their limbs ripped off = no one cares, and when they do its only an excuse to shittalk the french government
>One random black french dude killed by cops : strikes, newspaper frontpages, social media losing their shit

>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist

yes my NA bros, call the europeans more racist than u
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 22, 2020, 11:04:28 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
cops do fucked up shit everywhere to everyone

>France : thousands upon thousands of mostly white yellow-vests, including many elders, killed, wounded, one-eyed, their limbs ripped off = no one cares, and when they do its only an excuse to shittalk the french government
>One random black french dude killed by cops : strikes, newspaper frontpages, social media losing their shit

>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist

yes my NA bros, call the europeans more racist than u
but his name was trayvon!
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Gi on June 23, 2020, 12:23:24 am
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist
Black people in america are more important then white working class people in the UK, get with the times buddy. A couple of thousand drugged and sexually exploited children across the working class north of England are a price worth paying in the name of diversity!
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 23, 2020, 12:27:16 am
you cannot be serious right now
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 23, 2020, 12:41:58 am
Western society is so fucked LMAO
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kore on June 23, 2020, 01:41:39 am
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 23, 2020, 05:37:41 am
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 23, 2020, 02:25:32 pm
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
The people of russia elect their leaders yes.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: sidney crosby on June 23, 2020, 04:20:51 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist
Black people in america are more important then white working class people in the UK, get with the times buddy. A couple of thousand drugged and sexually exploited children across the working class north of England are a price worth paying in the name of diversity!
wasn’t this a couple years ago? I don’t really see how it’s relevant to what I said
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Gi on June 23, 2020, 05:05:26 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist
Black people in america are more important then white working class people in the UK, get with the times buddy. A couple of thousand drugged and sexually exploited children across the working class north of England are a price worth paying in the name of diversity!
wasn’t this a couple years ago? I don’t really see how it’s relevant to what I said
I was directing it at dayboul, not at you. And it's been brought up again recently as the government tried to avoid publishing the report on the grooming gangs, that they'd spent the last few years creating.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Knightmare on June 23, 2020, 06:25:45 pm
not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist
Black people in america are more important then white working class people in the UK, get with the times buddy. A couple of thousand drugged and sexually exploited children across the working class north of England are a price worth paying in the name of diversity!
wtf man
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 23, 2020, 11:27:50 pm
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
The people of russia elect their leaders yes.

i hope your being sarcastic but tbh idk anymore
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 24, 2020, 07:03:25 am
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
who the fuck cares?
how is it your business?
how is this legislation a bad thing?

so many questions

not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist
Black people in america are more important then white working class people in the UK, get with the times buddy. A couple of thousand drugged and sexually exploited children across the working class north of England are a price worth paying in the name of diversity!
wasn’t this a couple years ago? I don’t really see how it’s relevant to what I said
its relevant as in cops do "fucked up shit" everywhere to everyone and if there are obv some places on earth where ethnic minorities get it worst than the indigenous group the West certainely isnt part of them, quite the opposite actually
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 24, 2020, 07:32:18 am
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
who the fuck cares?
how is it your business?
how is this legislation a bad thing?

so many questions

not a political issue lol if you don’t see the wrong in what’s happening you’re probably just racist. While western media is trash (mostly), the unedited videos that random people upload of cops doing fucked up shit has been going on for years now.
>UK : Telford racially motivated child sexual exploitation by Pakistani gangs on white girls involving thousands of them
>UK government: literally forbids its police from investigating the affair so they dont look racist
Black people in america are more important then white working class people in the UK, get with the times buddy. A couple of thousand drugged and sexually exploited children across the working class north of England are a price worth paying in the name of diversity!
wasn’t this a couple years ago? I don’t really see how it’s relevant to what I said
its relevant as in cops do "fucked up shit" everywhere to everyone and if there are obv some places on earth where ethnic minorities get it worst than the indigenous group the West certainely isnt part of them, quite the opposite actually

well BLM aside.... you are advocating for homophobia?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 24, 2020, 09:28:53 am
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 24, 2020, 10:28:18 am
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 24, 2020, 10:52:14 am
are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
The people of russia elect their leaders yes.

i hope your being sarcastic but tbh idk anymore
thats what the italics are for.

now for the americans:

Just because in america you feel bad because slaves in america where black it doesnt translate into an all encompassing theory of human psychology. Some people are racist, some arent. My grandmother was a slave-servant for a german family during WW2. Many Polaks were deported to siberia and forced into slave labour. boohoo black slaves waaa. It seems like you are those kinds of people who are on the less racist side, but remember there always will be those who are racist. Every human on earth has a reaction of caution to other people who look and act weird to them - perhaps its a useful trait to have, same as when you encounter a wild animal you dont just go straight at it.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 24, 2020, 10:57:26 am
nobody tell phailur that jim crow laws still existed 65 years ago.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 24, 2020, 11:03:58 am
nobody tell phailur that jim crow laws still existed 65 years ago.
wow janne u r god
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 24, 2020, 11:05:35 am
nobody tell phailur that jim crow laws still existed 65 years ago.
wow janne u r god
Imagine being that low of a human being that the only thing you truly enjoy when you turn on your computer is being a dick to others. I took the time to explain why the descriptions were the way they were, yet you couldn't prevent yourself from attempting at trashtalking it, probably because you truly have nothing better to do in your life.

Your overall contribution on this forum seems to be a constant uphill struggle against stupidity, anger and envy. I honestly pity you.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Phailur on June 24, 2020, 11:08:55 am
nobody tell phailur that jim crow laws still existed 65 years ago.
wow janne u r god
Imagine being that low of a human being that the only thing you truly enjoy when you turn on your computer is being a dick to others. I took the time to explain why the descriptions were the way they were, yet you couldn't prevent yourself from attempting at trashtalking it, probably because you truly have nothing better to do in your life.

Your overall contribution on this forum seems to be a constant uphill struggle against stupidity, anger and envy. I honestly pity you.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: sidney crosby on June 24, 2020, 02:47:53 pm
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard
lol what rights were taken away from you

are we fighting for equal rights or for more rights for blacks, women, transgender, etc?

wait, everyone already has equal rights

so were just going to act like half of eastern europe doesn't pass heavily anti lgbt legislation hidden behind the veil of religion?
The people of russia elect their leaders yes.

i hope your being sarcastic but tbh idk anymore
thats what the italics are for.

now for the americans:

Just because in america you feel bad because slaves in america where black it doesnt translate into an all encompassing theory of human psychology. Some people are racist, some arent. My grandmother was a slave-servant for a german family during WW2. Many Polaks were deported to siberia and forced into slave labour. boohoo black slaves waaa. It seems like you are those kinds of people who are on the less racist side, but remember there always will be those who are racist. Every human on earth has a reaction of caution to other people who look and act weird to them - perhaps its a useful trait to have, same as when you encounter a wild animal you dont just go straight at it.
American social movements aren’t happening because of slavery dude
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Eamon on June 24, 2020, 04:36:24 pm
nobody tell phailur that jim crow laws still existed 65 years ago.
wow janne u r god
Imagine being that low of a human being that the only thing you truly enjoy when you turn on your computer is being a dick to others. I took the time to explain why the descriptions were the way they were, yet you couldn't prevent yourself from attempting at trashtalking it, probably because you truly have nothing better to do in your life.

Your overall contribution on this forum seems to be a constant uphill struggle against stupidity, anger and envy. I honestly pity you.

I want to say this was a jock but I'm not so sure  ???
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: saf on June 24, 2020, 08:56:20 pm
do u guy like gay ppl?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kulouš on June 24, 2020, 09:07:49 pm
do u guy like gay ppl?

Only if they are french
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 24, 2020, 10:15:23 pm
do u guy like gay ppl?

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Fartknocker on June 25, 2020, 12:52:48 am
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 25, 2020, 01:02:49 am
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 01:30:46 am
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard
lol what rights were taken away from you
attempting to pass laws forcing me to refer to trans-LGBTQblablabla people exclusively by their pathetic fanciful made-up pronouns under threat of being fined violates my right to freedom of speech - which includes my right to call anyone by whatever the fuck i want to with the only exceptions of what encompasses "hate speech" and "inducing clear and present danger to people" - to the benefit of someone else, namely trans-LGBT people, and is literally unconstitutional

u knw my dude i guess there's been some legitimate laws prohibiting people from refering to a certain group by using certains slurs (e.g FUCKING NIGGER COON), but prohibiting people from refering to a group by ANYTHING ELSE than their imaginary pronouns, thats got to be a fucking first in human history

what a time to be alive
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 26, 2020, 02:38:55 am
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard
lol what rights were taken away from you
attempting to pass laws forcing me to refer to trans-LGBTQblablabla people exclusively by their pathetic fanciful made-up pronouns under threat of being fined violates my right to freedom of speech - which includes my right to call anyone by whatever the fuck i want to with the only exceptions of what encompasses "hate speech" and "inducing clear and present danger to people" - to the benefit of someone else, namely trans-LGBT people, and is literally unconstitutional

u knw my dude i guess there's been some legitimate laws prohibiting people from refering to a certain group by using certains slurs (e.g FUCKING NIGGER COON), but prohibiting people from refering to a group by ANYTHING ELSE than their imaginary pronouns, thats got to be a fucking first in human history

what a time to be alive

Who tf is forcing you to call anyone anything, you can call others gay if you want to or not but that's besides the point, in professional settings you have to respect them and just because you can't go around calling them slurs doesn't mean that your rights are being violated.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 02:48:58 am
i like how dayboul complains about "main stream brain washing" but clearly he's been watching a bit too much jordan peterson
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 26, 2020, 02:56:26 am
i like how dayboul complains about "main stream brain washing" but clearly he's been watching a bit too much jordan peterson

It's the equivalent of Tucker Carlson yelling at the mainstream media when he has one of the most popular shows on the most watched news channel in America.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 11:24:59 am
above all i advocate for self-absorbed north-american countries not meddling with what clearly is none of their business

secondly the aim of the LGBTQRZAFHDG2X-i'll-let-u-guys-complete-the-scrabble movements isnt to grant equal rights to those theyre defending, its to give more rights than that of the average citizen since its also supposed to deprive him from several of his rights. so in fact passing this anti-LGBT legislation is in a sense more equalitarianistically driven than anything the US has ever done in that regard
lol what rights were taken away from you
attempting to pass laws forcing me to refer to trans-LGBTQblablabla people exclusively by their pathetic fanciful made-up pronouns under threat of being fined violates my right to freedom of speech - which includes my right to call anyone by whatever the fuck i want to with the only exceptions of what encompasses "hate speech" and "inducing clear and present danger to people" - to the benefit of someone else, namely trans-LGBT people, and is literally unconstitutional

u knw my dude i guess there's been some legitimate laws prohibiting people from refering to a certain group by using certains slurs (e.g FUCKING NIGGER COON), but prohibiting people from refering to a group by ANYTHING ELSE than their imaginary pronouns, thats got to be a fucking first in human history

what a time to be alive

Who tf is forcing you to call anyone anything, you can call others gay if you want to or not but that's besides the point, in professional settings you have to respect them and just because you can't go around calling them slurs doesn't mean that your rights are being violated.
wtf read the whole post before answering?
actually i think you did but, as a result of being part of the notoriously self-centered american people you're just oblivious to it since this didnt happen in your country

i like how dayboul complains about "main stream brain washing" but clearly he's been watching a bit too much jordan peterson
the irony, in my experience people labeling someone as either against or in favour of peterson solely based on their position regarding trans-LGBT issues are usually the ones who watch him the most :-X i dont like him but i can admit when someone i dont like is right, evidently a concept ur unfamiliar with
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 11:44:49 am
you know transgenderism is included in the lbgT?

I don't really understand what you're trying to say in your first part of the message. People who talk about Peterson's views watch him the most? I'm pretty sure his followers watch him the most.

Don't say what I'm saying is ironic when you don't even know how much I watch Peterson's videos. The irony is you parroting his arguments, while complaining about mainstream "brainwashing"

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 26, 2020, 11:59:44 am
you know transgenderism is included in the lbgT?

I don't really understand what you're trying to say in your first part of the message. People who talk about Peterson's views watch him the most? I'm pretty sure his followers watch him the most.

Don't say what I'm saying is ironic when you don't even know how much I watch Peterson's videos. The irony is you parroting his arguments, while complaining about mainstream "brainwashing"

this y'alls intellectual? yikes
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 12:01:14 pm
you know transgenderism is included in the lbgT?

I don't really understand what you're trying to say in your first part of the message. People who talk about Peterson's views watch him the most? I'm pretty sure his followers watch him the most.

Don't say what I'm saying is ironic when you don't even know how much I watch Peterson's videos. The irony is you parroting his arguments, while complaining about mainstream "brainwashing"

this y'alls intellectual? yikes


"he's just asking questions" xdd
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 26, 2020, 12:03:23 pm
Jordan Peterson is a "philosopher" for white incels who think white genocide is a thing while perpetrating "race science" and hating on women
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 12:17:28 pm
you know transgenderism is included in the lbgT?

I don't really understand what you're trying to say in your first part of the message. People who talk about Peterson's views watch him the most? I'm pretty sure his followers watch him the most.

Don't say what I'm saying is ironic when you don't even know how much I watch Peterson's videos. The irony is you parroting his arguments, while complaining about mainstream "brainwashing"
so you dont watch peterson's videos but still you're that knowledgeable about his arguments that you know when someone is parroting them? mate you're contradicting yourself 24/7 its embarassing lmao

person 1 : says something about LGBT issues
person 2 : instantly labels that person as either pro-peterson or anti-peterson depending on what the person said while it has very little to nothing to do with the discussion
who is the more likely to be watching peterson videos? you can do it

Jordan Peterson is a "philosopher" for white incels who think white genocide is a thing while perpetrating "race science" and hating on women
the first part is true but define "white genocide?"
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: saf on June 26, 2020, 12:18:43 pm
lgbt ppl are a bunch of *snip*
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 12:19:55 pm
lgbt ppl are a bunch of  *snip*
god damn true asfuck saf u tell em
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 12:28:53 pm
you know transgenderism is included in the lbgT?

I don't really understand what you're trying to say in your first part of the message. People who talk about Peterson's views watch him the most? I'm pretty sure his followers watch him the most.

Don't say what I'm saying is ironic when you don't even know how much I watch Peterson's videos. The irony is you parroting his arguments, while complaining about mainstream "brainwashing"
so you dont watch peterson's videos but still you're that knowledgeable about his arguments that you know when someone is parroting them? mate you're contradicting yourself 24/7 its embarassing lmao

person 1 : says something about LGBT issues
person 2 : instantly labels that person as either pro-peterson or anti-peterson depending on what the person said while it has very little to nothing to do with the discussion
who is the more likely to be watching peterson videos? you can do it

Jordan Peterson is a "philosopher" for white incels who think white genocide is a thing while perpetrating "race science" and hating on women
the first part is true but define "white genocide?"

I never said I haven't watched Petersons videos.

I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove with your hypothetical. That i watch more Peterson? I've seen enough of his shit that I can tell when someone is pretty clearly parroting their arguments.

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kore on June 26, 2020, 12:32:58 pm
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 12:34:03 pm
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?

did anybody ever mention you?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kore on June 26, 2020, 12:37:36 pm
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?

did anybody ever mention you?

You'd say the same to me if I shared my opinions first lmao. I'm legit just asking so can you please answer instead of being the tRoLl you like to be?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 12:43:38 pm
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?

did anybody ever mention you?

You'd say the same to me if I shared my opinions first lmao. I'm legit just asking so can you please answer instead of being the tRoLl you like to be?

The arguments dayboul is making have been popularized by Peterson. It's a pretty safe assumption to make that he's watched some of his content and is now parroting what he's heard from him.

I doubt you'd be typing the exact same arguments Peterson has made without being familiar with his arguments. What dayboul has been writing just reeks of Peterson and he's not even denying it.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 12:53:23 pm
guys peterson has complete monopoly over all arguments that ever existed regarding this subject and he can sue you for using them, fucking deal with it yall

How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?
did anybody ever mention you?
same can be said about u, you're out there roaming fse threads all day eveeryday to post 2229 posts no one asked for only to give your unsolicited opinion you might aswell shut the fuck up, idk why you'd ever assume ppl want to hear what can possibly come out of your ugric cave dwelling untermensch brain
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Kore on June 26, 2020, 01:08:55 pm
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?

did anybody ever mention you?

You'd say the same to me if I shared my opinions first lmao. I'm legit just asking so can you please answer instead of being the tRoLl you like to be?

The arguments dayboul is making have been popularized by Peterson. It's a pretty safe assumption to make that he's watched some of his content and is now parroting what he's heard from him.

I doubt you'd be typing the exact same arguments Peterson has made without being familiar with his arguments. What dayboul has been writing just reeks of Peterson and he's not even denying it.

Fair enough, though I'm sure I'd use very similar arguments, as I verily disagree with having someone to force me to call a biological woman a man or vice versa.
I do realise the world isn't black and white and that this might be an extreme but at the same time I believe all this violence against black people is an extreme overblown by media as well.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 01:37:23 pm
nordic countries have a long lasting tradition of being germany's bitch, i thought you'd understand better in german:)

guys peterson has complete monopoly over all arguments that ever existed regarding this subject and he can sue you for using them, fucking deal with it yall
you're again just putting words in my mouth. it's pretty clear that you're unable to handle a conversation. you just try to own and get epic gotchas.
what, using someone else's perfectly valid point makes it automatically incorrect? i've just made a point and you keep whining about how it resembles one that some other dudes made. Not only did i never appropriate myself the argument - not that its only his to use anyway - but it doesnt invalidate it either.
so far your only point u kept repeating is "its peterson's argument" which isnt even correct, and even if it were i dont see the problem in that

same can be said about u, you're out there roaming fse threads all day eveeryday to post 2229 posts no one asked for only to give your unsolicited opinion you might aswell shut the fuck up, idk why you'd ever assume ppl want to hear what can possibly come out of your ugric cave dwelling untermensch brain
completely missed the point of my question. i asked if anybody ever mentioned him, because he assumed that what i said about you would also necessarily apply to him.

also good job showing your true colours nazi boy
which you said right after he literally stated that he agreed with me so it was gonna apply to him anyway?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 01:45:32 pm
guys peterson has complete monopoly over all arguments that ever existed regarding this subject and he can sue you for using them, fucking deal with it yall
you're again just putting words in my mouth. it's pretty clear that you're unable to handle a conversation. you just try to own and get epic gotchas.
what, using someone else's perfectly valid point makes it automatically incorrect? i've just made a point and you keep whining about how it resembles one that some other dudes made. Not only did i never appropriate myself the argument - not that its only his to use anyway - but it doesnt invalidate it either.
so far your only point u kept repeating is "its peterson's argument" which isnt even correct, and even if it were i dont see the problem in that

I've never even said that "your" arguments were incorrect or correct. so far I've only said that "It's funny that you're complaining about mainstream media brainwashing while parroting Peterson's arguments".

which you said right after he literally stated that he agreed with me so it was gonna apply to him anyway?

I haven't directly challenged any of your arguments so no.

nordic countries have a long lasting tradition of being germany's bitch, i thought you'd understand better in german:)

something something battle of france, nice one bro.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2020, 02:11:48 pm
guys peterson has complete monopoly over all arguments that ever existed regarding this subject and he can sue you for using them, fucking deal with it yall
you're again just putting words in my mouth. it's pretty clear that you're unable to handle a conversation. you just try to own and get epic gotchas.
what, using someone else's perfectly valid point makes it automatically incorrect? i've just made a point and you keep whining about how it resembles one that some other dudes made. Not only did i never appropriate myself the argument - not that its only his to use anyway - but it doesnt invalidate it either.
so far your only point u kept repeating is "its peterson's argument" which isnt even correct, and even if it were i dont see the problem in that
I've never even said that "your" arguments were incorrect or correct. so far I've only said that "It's funny that you're complaining about mainstream media brainwashing while parroting Peterson's arguments".
i dont see how completely devoid of arguments virtue-signalling brainwash targeted at masses by medias who overwhelmingly belong to the same political side is comparable to an elaborated point

nordic countries have a long lasting tradition of being germany's bitch, i thought you'd understand better in german:)
something something battle of france, nice one bro.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 26, 2020, 07:13:11 pm
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?

did anybody ever mention you?

You'd say the same to me if I shared my opinions first lmao. I'm legit just asking so can you please answer instead of being the tRoLl you like to be?

The arguments dayboul is making have been popularized by Peterson. It's a pretty safe assumption to make that he's watched some of his content and is now parroting what he's heard from him.

I doubt you'd be typing the exact same arguments Peterson has made without being familiar with his arguments. What dayboul has been writing just reeks of Peterson and he's not even denying it.

Fair enough, though I'm sure I'd use very similar arguments, as I verily disagree with having someone to force me to call a biological woman a man or vice versa.
I do realise the world isn't black and white and that this might be an extreme but at the same time I believe all this violence against black people is an extreme overblown by media as well.
You're 2.5x more likely to get fatally shot by police in America if you are black (

Now now, I know people LOVE to bring up the fact most of this is done by blacks themselves, but allow me point something out. Every single ethnic/racial group in America that has faced discrimination, gentrification, marginalization, and inequity follows the exact same path of activity. Italians? Yep. Russians? Yep. Irish? Yep. Jews? Yep. Chinese? Yep. Turns out most of the violence occurring amongst said groups, was disproportionately committed by their own people. It's nothing new.

Furthermore, all of the groups I just listed, suffered or continue to suffer by the hand of the US government and certain subsections of the intergrated population.  The government-funded death squads during the Contra War even funneled cocaine across the border, much of which ended up in minority communities that still have profoundly negative impacts on them, nearly 40 years after the fact.  As a result, the only feasibly way they could provide for their families was through illegal methods, primarily organized crime. Does this justify their crimes? No, but they weren't exactly given any other choice. They do not, by any sort of reasonable measure, have the social and economic opportunities that other groups benefit from. They grow up in lousy environments, are taught under a severely underfunded education system, and have next to zero ways of advancing to the middle-class.

The most ridiculous thing to come out of this whole debacle is the absurd notion that somehow being black inherently makes you more prone to acts of violence. Black on black crime? No shit pal, segregation may have ended in the 60s but that doesn't mean the races started to magically intermingle with each other. Of course they are going to similar rates of violence when they all live relatively close to each other. Speaking of crimes rates by color, where are the discussions revolving around white on white violence? You know, the most common demographic that makes up the majority of criminal activity? Oh that's right, I forgot we can't make it an issue because it does not serve its purpose as a wedge to further complicate the already overwhelming issue of American racial disparities! Who would have ever guessed that in a mostly segregated society, people will commit crimes against their own ethnic group, within their own municipality, instead of towards those that are outside of it?  One of the more bizarre aspects is the usage of black crime statistics as a method of diverting attention from the rampant acts of misconduct committed by an unrestrained police force tripping on power.

If you want to take this to a national level, the orange protofascist and his posse of cultists certainly aren't helping with their racially-charged rhetoric directed at minorities. You can't expect to address these problems with any sort of validity when you DENY that the problem even exists. This isn't even a race problem anymore, as some of the more cognitive-lacking portions of this nation have actually convinced themselves that wearing a mask during a pandemic is a sign of ideological conformity.

We could also discuss how the RCMP has a bad tendency to beat the shit out of First Nations peoples.

Studies from the CCA indicate, and I quote, the following:

• Indigenous Canadians are 11 times more likely than non-Indigenous Canadians to be accused of homicide.

• Indigenous Canadians are 56 per cent more likely to be victims of crime than other In 2016, Indigenous Canadians represented 25 per cent of the national male prison population and 35 per cent of the national female prison population.

•  In 2016, Indigenous Canadians represented 25 per cent of the national male prison population and 35 per cent of the national female prison population

Of course, most Canadians will respond will the classic "not as bad as America" deflection to avoid any sort of uncomfortable conversation. Oh well!

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 26, 2020, 10:20:51 pm
guys peterson has complete monopoly over all arguments that ever existed regarding this subject and he can sue you for using them, fucking deal with it yall
you're again just putting words in my mouth. it's pretty clear that you're unable to handle a conversation. you just try to own and get epic gotchas.
what, using someone else's perfectly valid point makes it automatically incorrect? i've just made a point and you keep whining about how it resembles one that some other dudes made. Not only did i never appropriate myself the argument - not that its only his to use anyway - but it doesnt invalidate it either.
so far your only point u kept repeating is "its peterson's argument" which isnt even correct, and even if it were i dont see the problem in that
I've never even said that "your" arguments were incorrect or correct. so far I've only said that "It's funny that you're complaining about mainstream media brainwashing while parroting Peterson's arguments".
i dont see how completely devoid of arguments virtue-signalling brainwash targeted at masses by medias who overwhelmingly belong to the same political side is comparable to an elaborated point
i mean you're just deluded

now can't know why you think "media" is all brainwashing virtue signalling whatever, but if i had to guess it's rooted in some kind of ((((conspiracy)))). really makes you think who's actually "brainwashed" xd
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on June 26, 2020, 10:59:53 pm
lgbt ppl are a bunch of  *snip*
god damn true asfuck saf u tell em

really wonder what was said here hmmm
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Knightmare on June 27, 2020, 05:51:09 pm
never expected jane to be a lIbTaRd
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 27, 2020, 07:09:17 pm
guys peterson has complete monopoly over all arguments that ever existed regarding this subject and he can sue you for using them, fucking deal with it yall
you're again just putting words in my mouth. it's pretty clear that you're unable to handle a conversation. you just try to own and get epic gotchas.
what, using someone else's perfectly valid point makes it automatically incorrect? i've just made a point and you keep whining about how it resembles one that some other dudes made. Not only did i never appropriate myself the argument - not that its only his to use anyway - but it doesnt invalidate it either.
so far your only point u kept repeating is "its peterson's argument" which isnt even correct, and even if it were i dont see the problem in that
I've never even said that "your" arguments were incorrect or correct. so far I've only said that "It's funny that you're complaining about mainstream media brainwashing while parroting Peterson's arguments".
i dont see how completely devoid of arguments virtue-signalling brainwash targeted at masses by medias who overwhelmingly belong to the same political side is comparable to an elaborated point
i mean you're just deluded

now can't know why you think "media" is all brainwashing virtue signalling whatever, but if i had to guess it's rooted in some kind of ((((conspiracy)))). really makes you think who's actually "brainwashed" xd
yes bro the majority of medias arent making profit but they're still around by the work of the holy spirit, its magic. Whoever funds a media has partial to total power over what it says its not even something far-fetched or out of line and im pretty sure most ppl would agree on it? if a business isnt financially worth it yet still operational, then it means its made worth it by having a non-pecuniary return on investment e.g in this case : popular opinion, its not even that complicated

i said most medias, not "all", and mainly in america, i'd say the farther west you go the more blatant it is. if you genuinely believe there's not even a shred of doubt that medias are used for absolutely nothing else than selflessly conveying unselected and unaltered information to the public, either you must have lost touch with reality at some point or you're an exceptionally optimistic individual

the fact you're so quick to call "conspiracy" something that literally falls under common sense simply because it exceeds your own very limited imagination tells me that you're more affected by medias than me

never expected jane to be a lIbTaRd
its scary what a nordic country does to you
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 28, 2020, 12:05:26 am
"yes bro the majority of medias arent making profit but they're still around by the work of the holy spirit, its magic. Whoever funds a media has partial to total power over"
source bro

just go on and admit that you think the jews are behind this all and i can stop responding to your bullshit

"its scary what a nordic country does to you
i don't even know why you would say to this when our largest political party is populist right wing memes
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 28, 2020, 01:08:52 am
why the fuck are you talking about jews now?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 28, 2020, 01:55:00 am
gee i wonder
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: MrMonty on June 28, 2020, 11:47:03 am
I can't speak for other countries but what I noticed about our protests here in Sweden they felt mostly imported from the US.

People were shouting "What's his name" And then they responded with "George Floyd!".
And they were doing it all in full english.

To me it just seems like getting on the trend of blacks vs whites while our more pressing problems here lie with discrimination towards Iraqis, Somalis, Turks and other middle-eastern ethnicities. Our major issue is not black swedes getting opressed.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: fruitocino on June 28, 2020, 01:40:40 pm
I can't speak for other countries but what I noticed about our protests here in Sweden they felt mostly imported from the US.

People were shouting "What's his name" And then they responded with "George Floyd!".
And they were doing it all in full english.

To me it just seems like getting on the trend of blacks vs whites while our more pressing problems here lie with discrimination towards Iraqis, Somalis, Turks and other middle-eastern ethnicities. Our major issue is not black swedes getting opressed.

Exactly, every country has its own issues. Some of these local issues are a lot more relevant than others, but i guess people want to follow a current "trend".

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

-> no need for a BLM movement over here
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 29, 2020, 05:45:52 pm
gee i wonder
read the whole post before typing + stop attributing your own thoughts to me tyvm
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on June 29, 2020, 05:50:31 pm
ight nazi boi
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on June 30, 2020, 02:21:06 am
How can him, or me, as I pretty much agree with most of what dayboul said, parrot ideas of someone I have never watched nor cared about?

did anybody ever mention you?

You'd say the same to me if I shared my opinions first lmao. I'm legit just asking so can you please answer instead of being the tRoLl you like to be?

The arguments dayboul is making have been popularized by Peterson. It's a pretty safe assumption to make that he's watched some of his content and is now parroting what he's heard from him.

I doubt you'd be typing the exact same arguments Peterson has made without being familiar with his arguments. What dayboul has been writing just reeks of Peterson and he's not even denying it.

Fair enough, though I'm sure I'd use very similar arguments, as I verily disagree with having someone to force me to call a biological woman a man or vice versa.
I do realise the world isn't black and white and that this might be an extreme but at the same time I believe all this violence against black people is an extreme overblown by media as well.
You're 2.5x more likely to get fatally shot by police in America if you are black (

Now now, I know people LOVE to bring up the fact most of this is done by blacks themselves, but allow me point something out. Every single ethnic/racial group in America that has faced discrimination, gentrification, marginalization, and inequity follows the exact same path of activity. Italians? Yep. Russians? Yep. Irish? Yep. Jews? Yep. Chinese? Yep. Turns out most of the violence occurring amongst said groups, was disproportionately committed by their own people. It's nothing new.

Furthermore, all of the groups I just listed, suffered or continue to suffer by the hand of the US government and certain subsections of the intergrated population.  The government-funded death squads during the Contra War even funneled cocaine across the border, much of which ended up in minority communities that still have profoundly negative impacts on them, nearly 40 years after the fact.  As a result, the only feasibly way they could provide for their families was through illegal methods, primarily organized crime. Does this justify their crimes? No, but they weren't exactly given any other choice. They do not, by any sort of reasonable measure, have the social and economic opportunities that other groups benefit from. They grow up in lousy environments, are taught under a severely underfunded education system, and have next to zero ways of advancing to the middle-class.

The most ridiculous thing to come out of this whole debacle is the absurd notion that somehow being black inherently makes you more prone to acts of violence. Black on black crime? No shit pal, segregation may have ended in the 60s but that doesn't mean the races started to magically intermingle with each other. Of course they are going to similar rates of violence when they all live relatively close to each other. Speaking of crimes rates by color, where are the discussions revolving around white on white violence? You know, the most common demographic that makes up the majority of criminal activity? Oh that's right, I forgot we can't make it an issue because it does not serve its purpose as a wedge to further complicate the already overwhelming issue of American racial disparities! Who would have ever guessed that in a mostly segregated society, people will commit crimes against their own ethnic group, within their own municipality, instead of towards those that are outside of it?  One of the more bizarre aspects is the usage of black crime statistics as a method of diverting attention from the rampant acts of misconduct committed by an unrestrained police force tripping on power.

If you want to take this to a national level, the orange protofascist and his posse of cultists certainly aren't helping with their racially-charged rhetoric directed at minorities. You can't expect to address these problems with any sort of validity when you DENY that the problem even exists. This isn't even a race problem anymore, as some of the more cognitive-lacking portions of this nation have actually convinced themselves that wearing a mask during a pandemic is a sign of ideological conformity.

We could also discuss how the RCMP has a bad tendency to beat the shit out of First Nations peoples.

Studies from the CCA indicate, and I quote, the following:

• Indigenous Canadians are 11 times more likely than non-Indigenous Canadians to be accused of homicide.

• Indigenous Canadians are 56 per cent more likely to be victims of crime than other In 2016, Indigenous Canadians represented 25 per cent of the national male prison population and 35 per cent of the national female prison population.

•  In 2016, Indigenous Canadians represented 25 per cent of the national male prison population and 35 per cent of the national female prison population

Of course, most Canadians will respond will the classic "not as bad as America" deflection to avoid any sort of uncomfortable conversation. Oh well!

Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 30, 2020, 04:16:12 am
It's a pity but there is no denying it. The colonizers and many of their descendants all across North America mercilessly slaughtered the natives, gave the survivors enough booze to dull the pain, and ripped away their children for "reeducation". Now, they sit on their reservations doing fuck all. A once great people reduced to trogs.  I know the noble savage trope is folly, but that doesn't make up for the pathetic attempts to cover up the colonizer's actions that followed.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on June 30, 2020, 10:27:10 pm
ight nazi boi
nazi stands for national socialist btw
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on July 01, 2020, 12:46:59 am
ight nazi boi
nazi stands for national socialist btw

ok and? North Korea is also called the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on July 01, 2020, 06:53:47 pm
just making sure he knows "nazi" tecnically isnt the word he's looking for to insult me
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on July 01, 2020, 08:07:52 pm
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Rutger Müller on July 01, 2020, 09:06:46 pm
I can't speak for other countries but what I noticed about our protests here in Sweden they felt mostly imported from the US.

People were shouting "What's his name" And then they responded with "George Floyd!".
And they were doing it all in full english.

To me it just seems like getting on the trend of blacks vs whites while our more pressing problems here lie with discrimination towards Iraqis, Somalis, Turks and other middle-eastern ethnicities. Our major issue is not black swedes getting opressed.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: MrMonty on July 02, 2020, 10:32:41 am
I can't speak for other countries but what I noticed about our protests here in Sweden they felt mostly imported from the US.

People were shouting "What's his name" And then they responded with "George Floyd!".
And they were doing it all in full english.

To me it just seems like getting on the trend of blacks vs whites while our more pressing problems here lie with discrimination towards Iraqis, Somalis, Turks and other middle-eastern ethnicities. Our major issue is not black swedes getting opressed.
Depends really how you view it. Are there black ethnic Swedes? I doubt it as any long-term black presence would disappear due to natural adaptation of their skin.
I've met several black people who have swedish citizenship, speak perfect swedish and are well-integrated into swedish society, so I see no problem in considering them swedish nationals. Which is also one way of being 'swedish'.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Rutger Müller on July 03, 2020, 01:17:48 am
Wow Herishey.... I couldn’t imagine being that cucked

I was saying that Africans are not Europeans.. that’s it. It’s a pretty easy distinction to make. If I went to Japan and spoke Japanese and was a functioning member of society nobody there would accept me as Japanese. You can still respect each other and state the factual differences between one another. This is why all unique cultures will eventually be destroyed.
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on July 03, 2020, 07:23:42 am
I can't speak for other countries but what I noticed about our protests here in Sweden they felt mostly imported from the US.

People were shouting "What's his name" And then they responded with "George Floyd!".
And they were doing it all in full english.

To me it just seems like getting on the trend of blacks vs whites while our more pressing problems here lie with discrimination towards Iraqis, Somalis, Turks and other middle-eastern ethnicities. Our major issue is not black swedes getting opressed.

hmm wonder what was said here
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on July 04, 2020, 04:13:44 pm
I can't speak for other countries but what I noticed about our protests here in Sweden they felt mostly imported from the US.

People were shouting "What's his name" And then they responded with "George Floyd!".
And they were doing it all in full english.

To me it just seems like getting on the trend of blacks vs whites while our more pressing problems here lie with discrimination towards Iraqis, Somalis, Turks and other middle-eastern ethnicities. Our major issue is not black swedes getting opressed.
HAHA how the fuck was that worth a warning?

i think germans are also untermenschen but ok
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on July 05, 2020, 12:42:57 am

wow fancypants nword funny xd xd
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Rutger Müller on July 05, 2020, 12:55:16 am
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Hawkince on July 05, 2020, 02:25:18 am

damn bro you got the whole squad laughing
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Janne on July 05, 2020, 09:00:03 am
wait so he openly admits to being a racist?? i wish dayboul was that honest
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: Knightmare on July 05, 2020, 11:32:37 am
wait so he openly admits to being a racist?? i wish dayboul was that honest
whats wrong with racism cracker?
Title: Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
Post by: DayBoul on July 06, 2020, 03:36:24 pm
wait so he openly admits to being a racist?? i wish dayboul was that honest
why u accusing me bro, your mom fucking die?