Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Regiments => Topic started by: [6SAr] Aurequa on April 03, 2020, 12:00:18 am

Title: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on April 03, 2020, 12:00:18 am
🔷 The Sixth Coalition. 🔷


Audaces fortuna iuvat.
Fortune succors the bold.
Audaces fortuna iuvat.  (



Sixth Coalition Origination.


The Sixth Coalition for Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars originates from it being founded on the 17th of June, 2020 by two likeminded regiments, the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ and the 95th Regiment of Foot.


Sixth Coalition History.

The Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars Sixth Coalition has its humble beginnings as a Coalition of two regiments, the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ and 95th Regiment of Foot.
On the 24th of June, the 1-Regiment Polish officially joins the Coalition, becoming the third member of the Coalition and conclusively placing the Senate into denouement.
Culminating to the entrance of the 13 Pułk Artylerii on the 26th of June, 2020.
To be followed with the 95th (Rifles) Regiment of Foot disbanding on the 4th of July, 2020.
On the 6th of July, 2020 - The Павловский Гренадерский Полк (Pavlovskey Grenaderskey Polk) unofficially enters the Sixth Coalition.
On the 8th of July, 2020 - The Павловский Гренадерский Полк (Pavlovskey Grenaderskey Polk) was refused official entry into the Sixth Coalition.
Making their entrance since late 2012, on the 23rd of July, 2020 the 5te Lützowsches Freikorps officially joins the Sixth Coalition becoming its fourth member.
On the 28th of July, 2020, with its founding, the 22y Preobrazhensky Lifeguard Polk officially joins the Sixth Coalition.
To be followed by the 4th Czechoslovakian Legion on the 5th of August, 2020.
On the 10th of August, 2020, the Sixth Coalition officially founds its very first Community Sunday Linebattle (
On the 12th of August, 2020 - The Sixth Coalition officially completes its historical community initiative and founds the "Old Division", consisting of: The 95th Regiment of Foot, 5te Lützowsches Freikorps, 6ú Mumhain Reisimint, King's Division, (104th "New Brunswick" Regiment of Foot & 2tes Hessisches Jäger Regiment.) 2. Pułk Artylerii, (a.k.a Drugi Pułk Artylerii.) Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr4 ''Königin Augusta'', 1a Svea Livgarde, Regiment des Königs No. 15, Garde Regiment zu Fuß Nr. 1, BabyBummers, The Olds, Vikings, Pirates/Sailors/Musicians from Tropical Paradise, Government of Chadland, Giga Turks & ;-;.
On the 16th of August, the 92nd 'NightTown Company' with the oldest Turkish Artillery Battery on Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars, the 'Shadow Cannon', credible of eliminating twenty four players in one shot, officially joins the Sixth Coalition.
On the 17th of August, the 29th Preußische Landwehr joins the Sixth Coalition.
On the 23rd of August, the older Generalstab Preußen alongside the younger 1tes Leib-Husaren-Regiment joins the Sixth Coalition's Old Division.
To be followed on the same day by the renowned 11th 'Prince Albert's Own' Hussars.


War of the Sixth Coalition. (1812-1814)
The war of the sixth coalition finally saw the removal of Napoleon from power in France and subsequent exile to the Italian island of Elba. Consisting of Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, Spain, and Portugal. The sixth coalition was the most unanimous display of European purpose in hundreds of years, it hemmed in French forces on all sides and allowed the allies to finally overpower Napoleon and throw off the French yoke of oppression.

In 1812, the French empire was at its zenith, both Austria and Prussia had been subjugated and were in nominal alliance with France. Furthermore, while the Duke of Wellington and his Anglo-Iberian army was advancing through Spain, this was but a minor threat to Napoleon’s empire. Perhaps bored by the relative calm that had settled over Europe, Napoleon decided on an invasion of Russia. The goal of this expedition was to capture the Russian capital of Moscow and force the Russian Tsar Alexander to recommit to the continental system, from which Russia had been straying.

On the 23 June 1812, Napoleon crossed the Neman River on the Russian border with a force numbering around 650 000 men, of which about half were French and half were German and polish allied troops. The Russian forces pulled back in front of the French, conducting a scorched earth campaign to deprive the French of all food and supplies. This continued until the 7 September, when the Russian army gave battle at Borodino. This battle, though devastating for both the French and Russians (35 000 french and 45 000 Russian casualties were sustained), was inconclusive and the Russians were forced to continue their retreat. On the 14 September, Napoleon and his army entered Moscow, but found the city abandoned and empty of much needed food and supplies. The French, seeing that their current position was untenable, and with the harsh Russian winter setting in, commenced what would go on to be called the Great Retreat. By November, when the remnants of the army re-crossed the German frontier after enduring frigid temperatures, a lack of food, and all the while being hounded by Russian forces; the French had lost 370 000 men to fighting, starvation, and desertion, as well as 200 000 men captured. In total the French had lost approximately 88% of their initial force. The Russians, having themselves lost 400 000 men were not immediately ready to pursue the French into Germany, but the ball was now in their court.

At this point, the Russian forces met with the Prussian military command (then supposedly allied with France) to formulate the Convention of Tauroggen, ending hostilities between Prussia and Russia, this would mature into the Treaty of Kalisch (28 February 1813), in which Prussia allied with Russia, Sweden, and Great Britain as well as declaring war on France.

The third country to change sides to the allies (both Russia and Prussia had been allied with France) was Sweden. After her possessions in Swedish Pomerania were reoccupied by French forces on the 9 January 1812; Sweden, now ruled by a former French marshal (Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, now Crown Prince Charles John) signed a secret treaty with Russia against France. This paved the way for the creation of the Treaties of Orebro, formally ending the state of war between Britain and Sweden and Russia. These treaties also included a formal declaration of war between Sweden and France.

Following his Russian disaster, Napoleon returned to Paris; there he vowed to rebuild his forces on the eastern front to what they were prior to the Russian campaign. In this at least, he was successful, in several months, he was able to augment his army to around 400 000 men. At the battles of Lutzen (2 May 1813) and Bautzen (20-21 May 1813) Napoleon was able to inflict 40 000 casualties on the advancing allies. This did not improve his fortunes however, due to the fact that he lost only slightly less than the allies. At this point the warring factions declared an armistice, lasting from the 4 June to the 13 august. This allowed both sides to recover from their horrendous losses in the past year’s fighting. During this time, negotiations on the part of the allies succeeded in bringing Austria, and her 300 000 man army, into the coalition. By the time that fighting resumed, the allies had a total force (in Germany) of around 800 000 front line troops, with a strategic reserve of 350 000. Napoleon was able to bring about 650 000 French and allied soldiers to bear in Germany, with 100 000 more in Italy, and 200 000 in northern Spain. The allies also included the Anglo-Iberian army of the Duke of Wellington, which numbered around 150 000 veteran troops, poised for an offensive across the Pyrenees and into southern France. In total, French forces numbered around 900 000 troops in all theaters, they were opposed by a little over 1 000 000 allied troops, not counting the strategic reserve under formation in Germany.

As hostilities recommenced, Napoleon and the French seemed to regain the initiative with their victory at the Battle of Dresden (26 – 27 August 1813). This French victory, though inspiring for the French troops, did little to turn the tide of the war; as French forces suffered a series of minor, but strategically important defeats at Grossbeeren, Katzbach and Dennewitz. This was followed by the destruction of a whole French army corps at the battle of Kulm. (29 – 30 August 1813)

Under pressure from the allied forces, Napoleon withdrew 175 000 troops to the village of Leipzig in Saxony, there he planned a defensive action intended to halt the advance of the converging allied armies. The ensuing battle, which saw a total of 191 000 French troops defeated by more than 430 000 allied soldiers, went on to be called the Battle of the Nations (16 – 19 October 1813). Involving a total of more than 600 000 men, it was the largest single battle Europe had ever seen and would remain so until the outbreak of WWI. This defeat forced the French to retreat across the Rhine and take up defensive positions on that front. Meanwhile, in Spain, The duke of Wellington had broken French power in Spain by defeating a French army at the Battle of Vitoria (21 June 1813). The British, with their Portuguese and Spanish allies then advanced towards France itself. On the night of the 9 November 1813, the British army crossed the Pyrenean passes and entered France, the first allied army to do so since the first coalition. Wellington would then go on to fight a series of battles in the south of France, culminating with the bloody Battle of Toulouse (10 – 13 April 1814), fought several days after the capture of Paris and the capitulation of the French. In total 10 000 men fell after the peace had been implemented.

Back in Germany, the Allies offered peace in the form of the Frankfurt proposals. These allowed Napoleon to remain emperor in France, but limited France to “her natural boundaries”. This would mean that France would have to cede all the territory she had won in Germany, Spain, Italy, and Poland to the Allies. These terms were instantly refused by Napoleon and the invasion of Northern France began. The Allies forced Napoleon steadily backwards with overwhelming numbers. After a brief campaign, they entered Paris on the 30 march 1814.

Napoleon abdicated on the 11 April 1814 after his marshals mutinied and demanded that he step down. This was followed by the Treaty of Paris, signed the 30 May 1814, ending the war between France and the major powers of Europe.

Following a month of victory celebrations, the leaders and top diplomats of the Allies moved on to Vienna for the Congress of Vienna (September 1814 – June 1815). There they were to redraw the map of Europe and decide the fate of Napoleon and the French nation. These negotiations were highly successful, and kept relative peace in Europe for nearly 100 years. In general, they reduced France to her frontiers before the war of the first coalition. They also eliminated the duchy of Warsaw and added many of the smaller German states to Prussia. As to Napoleon, he was exiled to the tiny Mediterranean island of Elba, while France was given to the restored king Louis XVIII.



Sixth Coalition General Information.


Sixth Coalition General Information.
Sixth Coalition Official Classifications.
Sixth Coalition, Regimental Tags & In-Game Banner.
6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
Official Sixth Coalition 6SAr Tags: VIC_6SAr_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 6SAr Tags: 6SAr_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 6SAr In-Game Banner: (
1-Regiment Polish.
Official Sixth Coalition 1-RegPoll Tags: VIC_1-RegPoll_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 1-RegPoll Tags: 1-RegPoll_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 1-RegPoll In-Game Banner: (
15 Полтавский Полк.
Official Sixth Coalition 15thPp Tags: VIC_1-RegPoll_15thPp_Rank_Name.
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 1-Regiment Polish, 15thPp Tags: 1-RegPoll_15thPp_Rank_Name.
Official Traditional 15thPp Tags: [15thPp][Rank]Name.

Official Traditional 15thPp In-Game Banner [At War.]: (


Official Traditional 15thPp In-Game Banner [At Peace.]: (

13 Pułk Artylerii.
Official Sixth Coalition 13pa Tags: VIC_13pa_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 13pa Tags: 13pa_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 13pa In-Game Banners:
Non-Commissioned Officer:
22y Preobrazhensky Lifeguard Polk.
Official Sixth Coalition 22y Tags: VIC_22y_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 22y Tags: 22y_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 22y In-Game Banner: (
4th Czechoslovakian Legion.
Official Sixth Coalition 4thCSL Tags: VIC_4thCSL_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 4thCSL Tags: 4thCSL_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 4thCSL In-Game Banner: (
The Old Division
95th Regiment of Foot.
Official Sixth Coalition 95th Tags: VIC_95th_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 95th Tags: 95th_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 95th In-Game Banner: (
6ú Mumhain Reisimint.
Official Sixth Coalition 6ú Tags: VIC_6ú_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 6ú Tags: 6ú_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 6ú In-Game Banner: (
King's Division
104th "New Brunswick" Regiment of Foot.
Official Sixth Coalition, King's Division, 104th Tags: VIC[KD]104th_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional King's Division 104th Tags: [KD]104th_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 104th Tags: 104th_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 104th In-Game Banner: (
2tes Hessisches Jäger Regiment.
Official Sixth Coalition, King's Division, 2teHess Tags: VIC[KD]2teHess_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional King's Division 2teHess Tags: [KD]2teHess_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 2teHess Tags: 2teHess_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 2teHess Infantry In-Game Banner: (
Official Traditional 2teHess Artillery In-Game Banner: (
2. Pułk Artylerii. (a.k.a Drugi Pułk Artylerii.)
Official Sixth Coalition 2pa Tags: VIC_2pa_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional 2pa Tags: 2pa_Rank_Name
Official Traditional 2pa In-Game Banner: (
Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr4 ''Königin Augusta''
Official Sixth Coalition GGRNr4 Tags: VIC_GGRNr4_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional GGRNr4 Tags: GGRNr4_Rank_Name
Official Traditional GGRNr4 In-Game Banner: (
1a Svea Livgarde.
Regiment des Königs No. 15.
Garde Regiment zu Fuß Nr. 1.
5te Lützowsches Freikorps.

The Olds.
Vikings, Pirates/Sailors/Musicians from Tropical Paradise.
Government of Chadland.
Giga Turks.

Sixth Coalition Game Server(s), TeamSpeak³(s) & Discord(s)
The Mount & Blade: Warband Napoleonic Wars Official Sixth Coalition Game Server & Sixth Coalition Community TeamSpeak³ have been humbly provided by our Patron Game Server & TeamSpeak³ Host, Nettelbeck.

( Official Sixth Coalition Game Server : VIC_Official (

( The popular, old fashioned Official Sixth Coalition Commander Battle Server : VIC_Commander (

( Official Sixth Coalition 1-RegPoll Game Server : 1-RegPoll (

( Official Sixth Coalition TeamSpeak³ : (

( Official Sixth Coalition 1-RegPoll TeamSpeak³ : (

( Official Sixth Coalition 13pa TeamSpeak³ : (

( Official Sixth Coalition 15thPp TeamSpeak³ : (

( Official Sixth Coalition 15thPp Discord : (

"We thank Nettelbeck for his ambitious initiative to support us in our time of need with these two very exceptionally powerful tools that are a necessity for every coherent professional Coalition. We also thank him for his time, patience and charitability for setting up these two necessities." ~ Marshal Aurequa on behalf of the Sixth Coalition.
Sixth Coalition Schedule.
6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“

( Saturday 18:30 ---> 19:00 GMT/UTC+1 Artillery Train on [VIC_Official] (

( ( 1. Rheinische Infanterie Regiment Nr.25 von Lützow Saturday Linebattle. (Artillerie.) ( (


1Rhein_SaturdayLB (
19:00 p.m GMT.

1. Linebattle lasts five rounds.
1.2. Two maps will be played.

2. Officers may request to:
2.1. slay.
2.2. kick.
2.3. ban.
2.1,2,3.1. any of the members from the regiment the officer belongs to.

3. Every player on the server has to play with a tag.
3.1. If the admin doesn't know to which regiment the player belongs to:
3.1.1. The admin will kick the concerning player from the server.

4. After a mapchange the leading officers can vote on whether to:
4.1. "keep"
4.2. "change"
4.1,2. the map.
4.1,2.1. The majority wins the voting process.

5. Reviving in admin's sole discretion relating to:
5.1. Teamkills.
5.2. (O)fficer(A)im.
5.3. Wrong unit type.

6. If three players from a regiment have been banned from the server the whole regiment must leave.
7. The administrator must find a new balance when the "skill" is not equally shared.

8. If there is any certain phrase or rule which becomes invalid it shall not affect the validity of any other phrase or rule.
8.1. If any rule becomes:
8.2. Fragmentary.
8.3. Uninterpretable.
8.2,3.1. Both parties agree on analogous rules.
8.2,3.2. Standards.
8.2,3.1,2.1. According to the closest interpretation established by the 1Rhein Administration Staff.
1. Buildpoints:
1.1. 100 @ 2 cannons.
1.2. 120 @ 3 cannons.
1.3. 150 @ 4 cannons.

2. Bonuses:
2.1. Off.
3. Chance to fall:
3.1. Off.
4. Damage, when cavalryman falls:
4.1. Off.
5. Teamdamage:
5.1. On. (100% to friends.)
1. Do not:
1.1. Teamkill on purpose.
2. Trolling:
2.1. Not allowed.

3. No:
3.1. Glitching! (Stones, trees, …)
3.2. Climbing.
3.2.1. Unless there is any: Ladder. Platform.,2.1. Placed by the map itself.,2.1.x. Not by the players.

4. Do not destroy the structures from an allied sapper unless he tells you to.
1. Only:
1.1. Officers are allowed to use the All Chat.
1.2. All Chat of the:
1.2.1. Dead.
1.2.2. Team Chat.
1.2.1,2.1. Can be used by everybody.

2. Admins will stay on the TeamSpeak 3 ( after the event.
2.1. Admins are available for:
2.1.1. Requests.
2.1.2. Complaints.
2.1.1,2.x. After the event.

3. Use the chat in a:
3.1. Respectful.
3.2. Appropriate way.
3.1,2.1. Including no:
3.1,2.1.1. Insults.
3.1,2.1.2. Provoking.
3.1,2.1.3. Political statements.
3.1,2.1.4. Advertisements.
3.1,2.1.5. Recruiting.

4. Usage of any language permitted.
Concerning Units.
1. If a unit is not exceeding the maximum number of allowed players:
1.1. Supporting units such as:
1.1.1. Musicians.
1.1.2. Flag bearers.
1.1.1,2.1. Are allowed to pick up muskets in order to exceed the given limit again.

2. Only:
2.1. 1 General per team allowed.
2.2. 2 Officers are allowed per unit at most.

3. Attending regiments may change their unit (In the ranks of Artillery this is limited.) unless:
3.1. They do not change their unit type. i.e Artillery registered members can not suddenly start playing as lights.

4. If the admin calls an All Charge: (“AC”)
4.1. Everybody has to follow the administrator's order.
4.2. No firing during an Allcharge. (Administration permits a flying cannonball before the AC as a valid shot with all of its potential accompanying kills.)
[4.2.1.] This includes Artillery and all other units who have a ranged function enabled.
4.3. Cavalry has to dismount.
4.3.1. If Cavalry is in combat (in a charge) at the same time the AC is called, then they have to dismount immediately after the combat has been completed.
4.4. Administrator may exclude parts of the map for Allcharge.

5. Artillery can only use sappers!

6. Not Allowed:
6.1. Sailors.
6.2. Partizani.
6.3. Shotguns.
1. (O)fficer(A)im allowed for:
1.1. Gunners.
1.2. Riflemen.
2. Forbidden for any other unit type.

3. Exceptions:
3.x. (O)fficer(A)im allowed when:
3.x.1. Officer charges.
3.x.2. Officer stands:
3.x.2.1. In.
3.x.2.2. Behind.
3.x.2.1,2.1. The Line.
3.x.3. Officer stands:
3.x.3.1. In an open formation.
3.x.3.2. Inside a square.
3.x.4. Officer joins another line.
3.x.5. Officer's Line counts only 2 in total.
3.x.6. Officer enters:
3.x.6.1. Urban terrain.
3.x.6.2. Artillery defence.

4. Not allowed when:
4.1. Officer:
4.1.1. Takes cover.
4.1.2. Is leading a line in which the officer finds that the officer is in front of the line that the officer leads.
4.1.3. Stands: Next to the officers' line. On: A elevated position alone. Something similar alone.
5. (O)fficer(A)im is related to all:
5.1. Officers.
5.2. Generals.
1. Firing out of Formation ("FooF") not allowed.
2. If you join another line you adopt their unit rules.
3. Ramboing not allowed.

4. Units:
4.1. With less than three players do not count as a unit.
4.2. Who have less than three players must:
4.2.1. Join another unit.
4.2.2. Fall back to the Artillery to: Reload. Shoot.
4.3. of Cavalry (with less than 3 players.):
4.3.1. Must: Dismount. Only attack one unit Except IF there is another unit closeby.
4.4. of Artillery:
4.4.1. Can hold its position with 1 player.

5. Not allowed to join another unit with:
5.1. Three.
5.2. More than three men.

6. Every unit is allowed to:
6.1. Split its unit behind defensive structures, taking cover behind them.
6.2. Take cover behind the artillery position's defensive structures. e.g Sandbags, Earth works.
7. (F)ire(i)n(C)harge and (R)eload(i)n(C)harge still forbidden.
(F)ire(i)n(C)harge | (R)eload(i)n(C)harge.
1. Categorically forbidden:
1.1. (F)ire(i)n(C)harge.
1.2. (R)eload(i)n(C)harge.
1.x. Unless you are:
1.x.1. Inside an artillery defensive square.
1.x.2. At urban terrain.
1.x.3. Inside houses.

Situational 2. Administrator decides on which maps this 1. Rule counts.
1. Officers may:
1.1. Leave their unit in order to scout.
1.2. Shoot with their pistol:
1.2.1. Out of formation.
1.2.2. During: The charge. "Officer-Duels".
1. Only 1 medic per line is allowed.
2. Medic does not exceed the unit limit.
3. Medics may:
3.1. Move next to the line.
3.2. Defend themselves in melee.
4. Medics:
4.1. Not allowed to participate in ranged combat until they reinforce their unit.
4.2. Are:
4.2.1. Allowed to reinforce a unit.
4.2.2. Not allowed to exceed the given limit of a unit by attaching to it.

5. When joining a unit, the medic(s) adopt the unit rule that the unit they joined follows.
Musician/Flag bearer.
1. Only 1:
1.1. Musician.
1.2. Flag bearer.
1.1,2.1. Per Line allowed at most.

2. First support unit does not exceed the unit limit.
3. The second does.

4. Supporting units:
4.1. May:
4.1.1. Move next to the line.
4.1.2. Defend themselves in melee.
4.1.3. Not participate in ranged combat unless they reinforce their unit.
4.2. Are allowed to reinforce their unit.
4.3. If merged, count as normal soldiers.
4.4. Not allowed to exceed the given limit of a unit by attaching to it.
1. For:
1.1. One cannon:
1.1.1. 4 player crew minimum.
1.1.2. 8 player crew maximum.
1.2. Two cannons:
1.2.1. 8 player crew minimum.
1.2.2. 12 player crew maximum.

2. Only one sapper per team is allowed.
2.1. If two regiments share one artillery slot it is allowed to pick 1 sapper for each cannon.

3. Only:
3.1.  2:
3.1.1. Cannons.
3.1.2. Howitzers.
3.1.1,2.x. Per Team are allowed.
Exchange Rate: 1 cannon/howitzer = 2 rocket launcher but only on large maps.

4. No restrictions on how far away the artillery pieces are deployed from each other.

5. Not allowed to build:
5.1. Flying platforms.
5.2. Towers.
5.1,2.x. Similar constructions.
Conditional 5.3. Has to be built on the ground.

6. (F)ire(i)n(C)harge:
6.1. Allowed for Artillery.
Conditional 6.2. Not included for the allcharge.

7. Explosives not allowed to be placed by sappers.
1-Regiment Polish.

Thursday Event.

Saturday Event.

Понедельник - тренировка в 20:00
Вторник - тренировка 20:00
Среда - отдых
Четверг - ивент 21:00-22:00
Пятница - тренировка 20:00, ивент 21:00-22:00
Суббота - отдых
Воскресенье - ивент 21:00 - 22:00.
13 Pułk Artylerii.

Wednesday Event.

Sixth Coalition Regimental Rules:
6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
The indispensable rules of the Regiment not mentioned in (What we expect from you?)

1. Official Recognition.
In order to be officially recognised as a member of this regiment, you must be recruited specifically by a Officer and or a Staff Officer.

2. Competitive PTS.
PTS [Permission To Speak] will always be active in any competitive linebattle or tournament. PTS may be enforced at any time by a Officer or Staff Officer mentioning, "PTS is active.". To speak a player would have to request permission to speak by saying "PTS".
1-Regiment Polish.
1-RegPoll Полковые ведомости (
1-Regiment Polish Polk Statements:

1. Essentials:

- Admitting weakness, characterizes a public sentence.
- Cowardness or retreat without order characterizes a sentence and execution by fusillade on the spot with your permanent banishment from the Polk.
- Public shame of the Polk and or Company characterizes banishment from the Polk.
- Insulting brothers-at-arms characterizes a public sentence and punishment. (By the perception of the officers.)
- Insubordination of orders and violating them characterizes execution by fusillade on the spot.
- (Being in the) Condition within two and more Polks, (such is) forbidden and characterizes banishment from the Polk.
- Freelancing (as a Mercenary) for foreign Polks is forbidden and characterizes public humiliation with your permanent banishment from the Polk.
- Poaching individuals from a different Polk characterizes banishment.

2. Responsibilities and Authority:

2.0 - Responsibility and duty of soldiers:
2.0.1 - Must know the rules and follow them.
2.0.2 - Must attend events and inform (the officers) in case of the possibility of not being able to attend.
2.0.3 - Right to state an petition, report staff officers. (promotion, complaint etc.)
2.0.4 - Leaving from a (news?) conference is regarded like leaving the Polk.
2.0.5 - Right to leave the Polk or enlist as a reserve.
2.0.6 - Right to ask officers or individuals from the veteran branch for extra trainings.
2.0.7 - Must be in the appropriate channel within the TeamSpeak 3, in time for the event.
2.0.8 - Must wear the Polk tag and banner in time for the event. - Polk tag - 1-RegPoll_Rank_Name. - In-game banner: Red-White-Red flag in the style of horizontal lines. (example in the "Information desk")

2.1 - Responsibilities and Authority of the General: Wields absolute power, co-ordinates work of officers and the Polk altogether.

3. Polk Staff:

3.1 - Polk Staff includes all officers of the Polk.
3.2 - Polk Staff exercises the administrative function of controlling the Polk.
3.3 - Polk Staff places in front of themselves the (following) tasks:
- Administrative control of the Polk.
- Receiving cardinal (of importance) decisions.
- Co-ordinating actions of the overall Polk in the absence of the General.
- Tasks of a diplomatic kind.
- Changing the general course of politics - Expansion or conformation of the Polk.

3.4 Responsibilities of individuals within the Staff:
- Provide reports, being at the Staff meetings.
- Each of the Staff branch has the right to demand an immediate assembly of Staff.
- Transfer to the Commanding branch only possible with the possession of a microphone.
- Officer responsible for the (juxtaposition? of) lists of the Polk.

4. Roster of the Polk:

4.1 - Roster of the Polk - It is a Google Document, in which there is:
- Name of the individual within the Polk.
- Steam or contact data of the individual of the Polk.
- Activity of the individual of the Polk.
4.2 - Includes a common roster of the Polk (with a consistent pattern?).
4.3 - Be fair and focused.
4.4 - In your work, such co-ordinates with the Staff.
4.5 - Before the arrival of information about inactivity, not completing tasks - Complaints from the soldiers? with rights of return to an officer rank.
4.6 - For what you can be punished:
- Chatting in time of combat.
- Not following orders.
- Insulting comrades.
- Absence of your registry in-game and on TeamSpeak.
- Your absence from TeamSpeak in time of the event.
- Missing in parts of the event. (i.e Partially attending events.)
- Unjust behaviour.
- Disclosure of confidential information.
- Breaking established rules.

5. Discipline

- Dont spin in a line.
- Dont talk during the time of the event.
- Dont run out of the line, dont crouch and dont aim without the given orders.
- Dont insult officers and comrades.
- Dont shame the Polk.

[Translated by Aurequa.]
13 Pułk Artylerii.

Jam jest Golem twój który Cię wywiózł z ziemi Skorpiońskiej z domu nie woli.
I am your Golem who brought you out of the land of Scorpio, out of the house of bondage.

§1. Nie będziesz miał innych Pułkowników poza Donem Golemem.
You will not have other Colonels except Don Golem.

§2. Nie będziesz marnował czasu Dona Golema.
You won't waste Don Golem's time.

§3. Pamiętaj, żeby na eventy i treningi przychodzić.
Remember to come to events and trainings.

§4. Szanuj Pułkownika swego i towarzyszy swoich.
Respect your Colonel and his companions.

§5. Nie teamkilluj.
Dont teamkill.

§6. Nie Trolluj.
Dont troll.

§7. Nie kradnij.
Do not steal.

§9. Nie ma punktu 8.
There is no point 8.

§10. Nie będziesz żądał naładowanej armaty kolegi swego.
You will not demand a charged cannon from your friend.

§11. Ani żadnej broni, która jego jest.
Nor any weapon that is his.
Sixth Coalition Community Official Information.
Community benefit.
As a Mount & Blade Warband: Napoléonic Wars Gaming Community that uses TeamSpeak³, (@ [Thank you Nettelbeck] we wish to spread the generousity of our patron and Coalition to support any group of players or a player [who does not necessarily have to be an NW player but can be a player of any other game.] who may wish to use TeamSpeak³. On our TeamSpeak³ exclusively are you given the opportunity to own in a public or private environment your own channel or set of channels on the consensus that you actively use our provided TeamSpeak³.
This service is provided free of any charges or responsibilities by the user or user(s) who may wish to use this service thanks to the capacity of the TeamSpeak³ [112 slots].
With this humble invitation, every person is welcome to come, stay and play on our TeamSpeak³.
[Please add "Aurequa" on Steam if you would like to use this service, thank you.]
About the:

6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“

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Für den König und Königsberg!

Entstehung | Origin.


Das 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ wurde am 08.06.2020 von „Aurequa“ gegründet.
The 6th Royal Prussian, Castle Artillery Regiment „of Königsberg“ was founded on the 8th of June, 2020 by „Aurequa“.
From the 8th of June it was led by Königsmajor Aurequa, his second in command, Kastellan JC and third in command, Premier-Leutnant Kadabraa.
On the 17th of June, the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ formed the "Sixth Coalition" with the 95th Regiment of Foot.
Willing to lead in determination and good faith, Königsmajor Aurequa of the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ accepted the role of Marshal and Leader of the Sixth Coalition.
Effectively creating the Sixth Coalition Senate on the 17th of June with the institution of the ranks "General" and "Adjutant".
On the 19th of June, with the procession of the Sixth Coalition Senate coming into its full effect, Marshal Aurequa with Premier-Leutnant Kadabraa initiated Trevozo as the representative General of the Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ within the Sixth Coalition Senate.
On the 26th of June, a honest decision within the Staff of the regiment was reached.
Noticing his lack of time, Kastellan JC formally resigned from his office and responsibilities to be followed by Premier-Leutnant Kadabraa.
On the same day, Kadabraa accepted the role of "Adjutant" proposed by Marshal Aurequa on behalf of the General, Trevozo, of the Sixth Coalition Senate.

Geschichte | History.

( (

In 1814, by the order of the Flügeladjutant to König Wilhelm von Preußen, Oberst Mutius created an Imperial Castle Guard, the Schloßgarde-Kompanie to defend Königsberg and the König von Preußen himself.
After many years of service, the unit serving with excellence and prestige expanded into various careers, one popular career was in defending the heart of Preußen, Königsberg itself.
It were the walls of his majesty, König Wilhelm von Preußen that many Prussians strived to defend, the battlements of Königsberg Castle.
Coincidentally to strengthen security within the Prussian Capital, Königsberg, Oberst Mutius raised an Imperial Artillery retinue to defend those very battlements.
With every passing day they do service to their König, Königsberg and Preußen.

We are an mature, disciplined [on having fun] English-speaking international, multinational Prussian-themed Mount & Blade Warband: Napoléonic Wars Gaming Community & [historical based] Regiment.
As an independent new (as of 8th of June, 2020) Artillery Regiment, we are very focused on a casual gaming style incorporating elements of both competitiveness and best performance. (based on the abilities of each player in our regiment.)
Motivated by the activity of the unquenchable Mount & Blade Warband: Napoléonic Wars Community, it gives us immense enthusiasm to continue playing with old and new regiments alike who not only instil the notion of activity but allow us to continue playing thanks to an overall active Mount & Blade Warband: Napoléonic Wars Community.

It is our honour to fight with you and against you in the many battles to come, hip hip!

1-Regiment Polish


Since 30th of January, 2016.


Дружелюбный, адекватный и сильный полк.
Friendly, Adequate and Strong Polk.


Мероприятие | Historical Event.
On the 31st of January, 2016 at 20:00 Moscow Time a training battle commenced with the 3GK.
"Спасибо всем кто прибыл." ~ General Roltonish @ 8:31 p.m.
Повышения за актив! | Promotions for activity!
30th of January, 2016.

[25th March, 2018.]
-- [Active.] --
1) Явка на тренировку 1б. [Явка на тренировку 3б.]
1) Turnout for training, 1 point. [Turnout for training, 3 points.]

2) Явка на Лб, ТПБ, КВ 2б. [Явка на Лб, ТПБ, КВ 3б.]
2) Turnout at Linebattle, TPB, KV, 2 points. [Turnout for Linebattle, TPB, KV, 3 points.]

Послушание[/Дисциплина.] - Obedience[/Discipline.]
1) Четкое исполнение приказов 1б.
1) Clear execution of orders, 1 point.

2) Адекватность 1б. [Адекватность 2б.]
2) Adequacy, 1 point. [Adequacy, 2 points.]

3) Разговор по мере нужды 2б. [3)* Пресечение дисциплины других участников 1б.]
3) Talking only when required, 2 points. [3)* Drilling discipline into other participants, 1 point.]

Умения - Skill
1) Командирские умения 1б.
1) Commander skills, 1 point.

2) Знание стандартных плстроений. [построений.] 2б.
2) Knowledge of standard formations, 2 points.

3) Умение научить новому 5б. [3)* Польза полку (рекрутинг) 5б.]
3) The ability to teach new players, 5 points. [3)* Expansion (recruiting), 5 points.]

4) Отличие в бою 3б.
4) Exceptional performance in battle, 3 points.

НАКАЗАНИЯ - Punishment.

1) Мат -2б.
1) Profanity, -2 points.

2) Не послушание команд командущего -3б.
2) Not obeying the commands of the commander, -3 points.

3) Неадекватство -1б. [Неадекватство -2б.]
3) Inadequacy, -1 points. [Inadequacy, -2 points.]

4) Неявка на мероприятие -1б. [Неявка на мероприятие -3б.]
4) Failure to attend events, -1 point. [Failure to attend events, -3 points.]

5) Нарушение дисциплины -3б.
5) Violation in discipline, -3 points.
Since 6th June, 2019.
13 Pułk Artylerii.


W dniu 03.10.2017 po roku wspólnego grania i zakończeniu działalności 13pp sekcja artylerii nie poddała się i postanowiła kontynuować działalność jako 13 pułk artylerii i oto jesteśmy.
On 03.10.2017 after a year of playing together and the end of the 13pp activity, the artillery section did not give up and decided to continue operating as the 13th pułk artylerii, and here we are.

Looking to join a:
6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
What you can expect from the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
Friendly members.
Friendly fun and competitive Artillery Line battles.
Friendly casual and relaxed Artillery Trainings.
Fun events.
What the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ expects from you:
1. Friendliness.

2. Sharing your Knowledge, Experience.
Perhaps you may know more about Artillery then we do, we very much appreciate all knowledge of the field we operate in and in sharing your experience, knowledge would only improve our regiment.

3. Courtesy.
Be kind and respect your comrades, other players, admins, user's of FSE's forum and other members of other regiments.

4. Mature, professional behaviour.
We do not desire nor approve of derogatory, racial, sexual, ethical, national remarks, trolling to a very high regard, disrespect, insulting, swearing to a very high regard, and discriminatory or objectionable language.

5. Following Orders.
All orders assigned by a Non-Commissioned Officer, Officer and Staff Officer must be followed during all Trainings and Linebattles without challenge, contradiction and questioning.

6. Vengeance.
Practicing vengeance in Linebattles and Trainings is not allowed. Regardless whether the situation addresses you as an individual or the regiment. This can be seen in the form of team kills, verbal abuse, kicks etc. Upholding the reputation of the regiment in every scenario is deemed more important than the pettiness of the in-game actions of other players [from other regiments]. It is your duty and responsibility to not dishonour yourself and the regiment by committing the actions of the perpetrator as it would make you no better than the perpetrator.

If you agree with these expectations then please join us by adding a staff officer or officer below or by joining our TeamSpeak³ (
Мы Быстроразвивающийся полк Русского сообщества (но не только, так же и стран СНГ и Прибалтики)   .
Во-первых, наш актив 10-15 человек постоянно :embarrassed:. Во-вторых общий актив 30+ человек :D.
Так же мы входим в более крупных полк 1-Regpoll (состав 30+). Который входит в в шестую коалицию(100+ человек, но большая часть англоязычная :-).
Наш полк владеет всем для комфортной игры(свой сервер в Mount and Blade, свой сервер Teamspeak3, свой свой сервер в дискорде, а так же большая поддержка за спиной))  :D
По вопросам вступления писать мне: в Дискорд Komesk#9188 , в Вк komesk13 .в Телеграмм Komesk1300 .
A Coalition? The 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“, 1-Regiment Polish and 13 Pułk Artylerii present to every regiment the opportunity to join us in our mutual Coalition.

Why should we join a "Coalition"?
A Coalition unlike a brigade or any other binding body focuses more on the aspects of communal representation, mutuality and de-centralized activity.

We understand that every regiment is capable of representing themselves very well no matter their size, large or small.

We believe under-representation should be eliminated no matter how large or small your regiment is.

Factually when you have one or more regiments willing to represent you in your affairs, recruit for you and expand your regiment, suddenly together, your words appear heavier than the words spoken by you when you are alone.

We believe that proper representation is as important as playing mutually to the benefit of other regiments in a Coalition. This can be seen when each and every member is capable of joining the events of another member in a Coalition. This not only makes your regiment appear officially larger, but it also allows you to explore a new way of perceiving the game.

Your perception of the game stage would change because in a Coalition mutuality is a factor to be reckoned with. This includes proper, organized communication where leaders can communicate if they require assistance, in a scenario where two or more regiments are playing in the same event and on the same team, such communication is priceless. It may very well be the difference between a defeat and or a victory.

It should also change as you meet new people who are not a part of your regiment, it develops trust, it tests your patience, it creates new opportunities, it allows for future personal growth, it allows you to experience something different than what you normally would experience, it makes you go out of your comfort zone and challenges your willingness to change for a greater more selfless purpose.

This is why mutuality is key to the idea of a Coalition and should be revered for its ingenuity.

A de-centralized Coalition is the complete opposite of a centralized Coalition. The main differences between the two are that the members of the Coalition do not experience any change except the change of tags and preferentially the banner.

Why should we join your Coalition and not any other Brigade, Corps or similar organization?
We believe that you should join our Coalition because our Coalition can best serve you and your regiment.

As elaborated upon in why you should join a Coalition, we are firm believers of building a community upon trust and personal growth in the face of all difficulties and challenges it may bring with it.

This is why we think that by co-operating, new opportunities arise.

These opportunities can benefit anybody and everybody in our Coalition, down to a member of a regiment in its broadest sense.

This unique feature is vouched by our decision mechanism; the Senate.

The Senate, historically based on a Roman model of government and decision making is key to the functionality of the entire Coalition.

On a day which suits all of its members, they congregate to discuss an immediate agenda that is first thoroughly discussed, placed in a democratic vote and enforced by the Marshal of the Coalition.

In our Coalition all voices are heard through the designation of official representatives from each respective regiment in which there can only be two.
The first, known as a "General" is the main representative of a regiment within the Coalition. This role is designated by the leader of the regiment who may also accept such a role in the interests of the regiment.

The second, known as a "Adjutant" is the official in charge of representing the "General" when he may be unavailable. This role can be designated by the "General" only as this role is as important as the first.

Both roles have a vote each in the senate and for each regiment there is and can only be 2 official votes.

When an office is vacant, such as that of a General and Adjutant of a regiment, the Marshal reserves the right to represent the regiment by including the 2 votes with the Marshal's deciding vote which would break any "even" votes.

When the "General" role is assigned, the "General" is always guaranteed to have two votes if he or she does not wish to appoint an "Adjutant" or if the role of "Adjutant" is vacant for that specific regiment.

You will not find this fair democratic mechanism in any other Corps, Brigade and or Coalition.
This system of decision making is decisive in every aspect governing all regiments in the ranks of the Coalition.

Besides this rare feature, we also offer common features that any other Corps and Brigade can offer you.
This includes 2 Game Servers, 3 TeamSpeak 3's and the ability to use personal, independent forms of communication like other TeamSpeak's, Discord and finally also the ability to use your own servers.

While these details are attractive to many regiments who may not have them, we can offer much more than any other Brigade or Corps, just ask.

With all of this in mind, we trust in you to choose what is best for your regiment and players.

We will respect whichever decision you may choose within or out of our Coalition.

While many common characteristics are inherited due to the limited structure of the game, we do promise to do our very best for you.
A wish that we have is to leave a lasting impression on the Napoleonic Wars community by creating a trustworthy, honourable reputation upheld by the friendly regiments who have joined us and the more to common.

Ultimately what would make us stand out is a peculiar honest emphasis on trust, built on experience, enjoyment of the game, having a good time and feeling like the next time you join us, you will feel happy, accepted and proud to be a part of a successful project such as this.

We hope and trust in your ability to make the right choice for your players and regiment.


Sixth Coalition Official Regimental Ranks.


Sixth Coalition Official Ranks:


6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
Schloß Stab Offiziere | Castle Staff Officers
Burggraf „von Königsberg“
Burggraf Count of the Castle of Königsberg.
Schloß Offiziere | Castle Officers


Schloß Artillerie | Castle Artillery
[KMaj] Kings' Major.

Schloß Subaltern.   
[SLt] Castle Artillery Lieutenant.

Schloß Serjeant.
[BSr] Castle Artillery Sergeant.

Schloß Ensign.
[SEn] Castle Artillery Ensign.
Schloß Jäger Artillerie Wache | Castle Jaeger Artillery Guard
[KMaj] Kings' Major.

Schloß Jägerleutnant
[SJLt] Castle Jaeger Lieutenant.

Schloß Sekonde-Jägerleutnant.
[SJLn] Castle Second-Jaeger Lieutenant.

Schloß Fahnenträger-Jäger.
[SFJgr] Castle Jaeger Flag-Bearer.
Schloß Unteroffiziere | Castle Non-Commissioned Officers
Schloß Artillerie | Castle Artillery
Schloß Oberbombardier.
[SRBom] Castle Senior Bombardier.

Schloß Oberfeuerwerker.
[SRFwk] Castle Senior Ammunition Specialist.

[Sw] Castle Usher.

Schloß Quartiermeister
[SQtm] Castle Quartermaster.
Schloß Jäger Artillerie Wache | Castle Jaeger Artillery Guard
Schloß Colour Jäger-Serjeant.
[SCJSr] Castle Colour Jaeger Sergeant.

Schloß Mêlée Jäger-Serjeant
[SMJSr] Castle Mêlée Jaeger Sergeant.

Schloß Jäger-Serjeant   
[SJSr] Castle Jaeger Sergeant.

Schloß Lance Jäger-Serjeant.
[LSr] Castle Lance Jaeger Sergeant.
Schloß Unterstützungskorps | Castle Support Corps
Schloß Pionierkorps | Castle Pioneer Corps
Schloß Ober-Pionier.
[SOP] Castle Senior Pioneer.

Schloß Pionier Korporal.
[SPK] Castle Pioneer Corporal.

Schloß Pionier Lanze Korporal
[SPLK] Castle Pioneer Lance Corporal.

Schloß Seconded Pionier Lanze Korporal
[SPLKr] [Tenure unless Promoted] Castle, Seconded Pioneer Lance Corporal.
Schloß Arztkorps | Castle Medical Corps
Schloß Regimentsarzt
[SRzt] Castle Regimental Physician.

Schloß Oberarzt
[SObr] Castle Senior Physician.

Schloß Assistenzarzt
[SAzt] Castle Lieutenant Physician.

Schloß Unterarzt
[SUnr] Castle Sub-Lieutenant Physician.


Schloß Mannschaft | Castle Enlisted
Schloß Jäger Artillerie Wache | Castle Jaeger Artillery Guard
Schloß Jäger Eliten | Castle Jaeger Elite
Schloß Jäger Elite Garde
Schloß Jäger Veteranen | Castle Jaeger Veterans
Schloß Jäger Ober-Veteran
[SJgrOVet] Castle Jaeger Senior Veteran.

Schloß Jäger Ehrenveteran   
[SJgrEVet] Castle Jaeger Honourary Veteran.

Schloß Jäger Veteran
[SJgrVet] Castle Jaeger Veteran.
Schloß Jäger Wachen | Castle Jaeger Guards
Schloß Jäger Hartschier
[SJgrHr] Castle Jaeger Court Guard

Schloß Jäger Lieb Garde
[SJgrLGrd] Castle Jaeger Princely Guard
Schloß Füsiliere | Castle Fusiliers (Light Jaegers)
Schloß Regimental Füsilier
[SRFus] Castle Regimental Fusilier.

Schloß Füsilier.
[SFus] Castle Fusilier.
Artillerie Wache | Artillery Guards
Königlicher Garde.
[KGrd] Royal Guard.

Fuß Garde   
[FGrd] Foot Guard.

Artillerie Garde
[AGrd] Artillery Guard.

[Grd] Guard.
Jägers | Jaegers
[OJgr] Senior Jaeger.

[Jgr] Jaeger.

[Mus] Musketeer.

[OSz] Senior Rifleman.

[Sz] Rifleman.

[Gfr] Private. (First Class.)

[Gem] Private. (Second Class.)

[Vol] Volounteer.
Schloß Artillerie | Castle Artillery
Schloß Artillerie Eliten | Castle Artillery Elite
Schloß Marksman
[SMk] Castle Sharpshooter.
Schloß Artillerie Veteranen | Castle Artillery Veterans
Schloß Artillerie Ober-Veteran.
[SArOVet] Castle Artillery Senior Veteran.

Schloß Artillerie Ehrenveteran.
[SArEVet] Castle Artillery Honourary Veteran.

Schloß Artillerie Veteran
[SArVet] Castle Artillery Veteran.
Schloß Artillerie Feuerwerkeren | Castle Artillery Ammunition Specialists
Schloß Meister-Feuerwerker
[SMFwk] Castle Master Ammunition Specialist.

Schloß Feuerwerker
[SFwk] Castle Ammunition Specialist.
Schloß Artillerie Bombenschützen | Castle Artillery Bombardiers
Schloß Meister-Bombardier
[SMBom] Castle Master Bombardier.

Schloß Bombardier
[SBom] Castle Bombardier.

Schloß Lanze Bombardier
[SLBom] Castle Lance Bombardier.
Grenadiere | Grenadiers
Königlicher Grenadier
[KGren] Royal Grenadier.

Regimental Grenadier   

Kanoniere | Cannoneers
Schauspielkunst Kanonier
[SKan] Acting Cannoneer.

[VRm] Cannoneer. (First Class.)

[OKan] Senior Cannoneer.

[Kan] Cannoneer.

Limber Kanonier
[LKan] Limber Cannoneer.


[OKdt] Senior Cadet.

[Kdt] Cadet.
Schloß Unterstützungskorps | Castle Support Corps
Schloß Arztkorps | Castle Medical Corps
Schloß Arzt
[St] Castle Physician.

Chirurg Erste Klasse
[CEK] Surgeon First-Class.

Chirurg Zweiter Klasse
[CZK] Surgeon Second-Class.

Chirurg Dritter Klasse
[CDK] Surgeon Third-Class.

[Brtr] Aide.

[Inr] Intern.
Schloß Pionierkorps | Castle Pioneer Corps
Schloß Architekt
[SAk] Castle Architect.

Schloß Pionier
[SPnr] Castle Pioneer.

Schloß Unter-Pionier
Castle Sub-Pioneer.

Schloß Ober-Handwerker
[SRHn] Castle Senior Artisan.

Schloß Handwerker
[SHn] Castle Artisan.

Schloß Schreiner
[SLr] Castle Carpenter.
Schloß Pferdeartillerie | Castle Horse Artillery
Schloß Pferdeartillerie Eliten | Castle Horse Artillery Elite
[Kur] Cuirassier.
Schloß Pferdeartillerie Veteranen | Castle Horse Artillery Veterans
Schloß Pferdeartillerie Ober-Veteran
[SPOVet] Castle Horse Artillery Senior Veteran.

Schloß Pferdeartillerie Ehrenveteran   
[SPEVet] Castle Horse Artillery Honourary Veteran.

Schloß Pferdeartillerie Veteran
[SPVet] Castle Horse Artillery Veteran.
Schloß Pferdeartillerie Chevaulegers | Castle Horse Artillery Light Cavaliers
Schloß Ober-Chevauleger
[SOC]  Castle Senior Light Cavalier.

Schloß Chevauleger
[SCh] Castle Light Cavalier.

Schloß Lanze Chevauleger
[SLC] Castle Lance Light Cavalier.
Hauskavallerie | House Cavalry (Artillery Train Escort)
Schloß Ober-Reiter
[SOR]  Castle Senior Cavalryman.

Schloß Reiter
[SRt] Castle Cavalryman.

Schloß Lanze Reiter
[SLR] Castle Lance Cavalryman

Schloß Ober Kavallerist
[SOK] Castle Senior Cavalier.

Schloß Kavallerist
[SKav] Castle Cavalier.
Artilleriezug | Artillery (Train) Team
[Kr] Farrier & Health Inspector.

[TBr] Driver.

[Btm] (In the sense of an Artillery Train Runner.)

[Slr] Saddler.

[Mnt] Fitter.



Schloß Musikerkorps | Castle Musician Corps
Schloß Musikant
[SM] Castle Musician.

Musiker Erste Klasse
[MEK] Musician First-Class.

Musiker Zweiter Klasse
[Mz] Musician Second-Class.

Musiker Dritter Klasse
[Md] Musician Third-Class.

[Lhr] Apprentice.

[Akl] Acolyte.
Anfänger | Beginner
[Rkt] when a part of chosen career = [ARkt] (Artillery Recruit), [HARkt] (Horse Artillery Recruit), [MRkt] (Medical Recruit), [JRkt] (Jaeger Recruit), [PRkt] (Pioneer Recruit) and or [M] (Musician Recruit) are all possible choices of career upon joining officially the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“.
Versuch | Trial
[Vh] In accordance with the rules of the regiment, no player may officially be admitted into the regiment without the approval of either a Staff Officer / Officer.
Andere | Other
[Kng] In-game Invite // Royal Mercenary. (To avoid generic: Invite [Inv])

[Z] Spectator.

[V] Representative // Non-Commissioned Officer Envoy. (Diplomatic Service)
1-Regiment Polish.
Старшие офицеры | Senior Officers:
Comissar Commissar.

Генерал. (Полковник.)
[Gen] General. (Polkovnik.)

[pPlk] Podpolkovnik.

[Mr] Major.

(III) Капитан.
[Kpt] Captain.

(II) Капитан.
[Kpt] Captain.

(I) Капитан.
[Kpt] Captain.

[Prc] Poruchek.

[Febl] Feldwebel.

(II) Старший унтер-офицер.
[sUnt] Senior Unter-Offizier.

(I) Старший унтер-офицер.
[sUnt] Senior Unter-Offizier.

Унтер офицер.
[Unt] Unter-Offizier.

(II) Младший унтер офицер.
[mUnt] Junior Unter-Offizier.

(I) Младший унтер офицер.
[mUnt] Junior Unter-Offizier.

[Prp] Praporschek.
Рядовой состав | Rank & File:
[Gren] Grenadier.

[Lt] Lieutenant.

Старший сержант.
[sSerg] Senior Sergeant.

[Serg] Sergeant.

Младший сержант.
[mSerg] Junior Sergeant.

(III) Ефрейтор.
[Efr] Gefreiter.

(II) Ефрейтор.
[Efr] Gefreiter.

(I) Ефрейтор.
[Efr] Gefreiter.

(III) Старший рядовой.
[Rds] Senior Private.

(II) Старший рядовой.
[Rds] Senior Private.

(I) Старший рядовой.
[Rds] Senior Private.

(II) Рядовой.
[Rdv] Private.

(I) Рядовой.
[Rdv] Private.

(III) Младший рядовой.
[Rdm] Junior Private.

(II) Младший рядовой.
[Rdm] Junior Private.

(I) Младший рядовой.
[Rdm] Junior Private.

(III) Рекрут.
[Rec] Recruit.

(II) Рекрут.
[Rec] Recruit.

(I) Рекрут.
[Rec] Recruit.
[Zn] Ensign.

[Knk] Horseman.

[Mkn] Musician.
Звания полка:
Офицерский состав:
[Plk] полковник
[Pplk] подполковник

Рядовой состав:
[Maj] майор (600 баллов)
[Kpt] капитан (450 баллов)
[Shkpt] штабс-капитан (325 баллов)
[Prk] поручик (250 баллов)
[Pprk] подпоручик (192 балла)
[Prap] прапорщик (96 баллов)
[Sunt] старший-унтер-офицер (48 баллов)
[Unt] унтер-офицер (24 баллов)
[Munt] младший-унтер-офицер (12 баллов)
[Efr] ефрейтор (6 баллов)
[Rdv] рядовой (3 балла)
[Kdt] кадет (0 баллов)
13 Pułk Artylerii.
Oficerowie | Officers:
[Płk] Colonel.

Kapitan Artylerii.
[KptArt] Artillery Captain.

Porucznik Artylerii.
[PorArt] Artillery Lieutenant.

Podporucznik Artylerii.
[PporArt] Artillery Second Lieutenant.
Podoficerowie | Non-Commissioned Officers:
Starszy Ogniomistrz.
[StOgn] Senior Firemaster.

[Ogn] Firemaster.

Kapral Artylerii.
[KprArt] Artillery Corporal.

[Inż] Engineer.
Szeregowcy | Privates:
Starszy Bombardier.
[StBomb] Senior Bombardier.


Starszy Kanonier.
[StKan] Senior Cannoneer.

[Kan] Cannoneer.

[Sap] Sapper.

[Rek] Recruit.
Kapitan Gwardii.
[KptGwa] Guard Captain.

Starszy Gwardzista.
[StGwa] Senior Guardsman.

[Gwa] Guardsman.

Sixth Coalition Official Honours.


Sixth Coalition Official Regimental Honours:
6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“


Schwarzen Adler Ehrenmedaille
Highest Honour; Awarded for;
Discipline, loyalty, merit, seasoned experience and success within the regiment.
Iron Cross
Military Honour; Awarded for;
Valour in the face of all odds and difficulties.
Pour le Mérite
Military Honour; Awarded For;
Repeated, continual gallantry, heroism in action through commitment, undiminished loyalty and long service.
Königliche Hohenzollern-Medaille
Non-Commissioned Officer Military Honour; Awarded For;
Duty and in achieving, the highest Non-Commissioned Officer rank.
Brandenburgische Rotadler-Medaille
Military Leadership Honour; Awarded For;
Exceptional Commanding.
Officer Military Honour; Awarded For;
Loyalty in service, willingness in valour.
Das Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe
War Support Merit Honour; Awarded For;
Special merit for patriotic war aid.
Drill Serjeant
Officer Honour; Awarded For;
Drilling Discipline into the regiment.
Extreme Discipline
Regimental Honour; Awarded For;
Being a perfectly disciplined soldier.
Moves Like Jäger
Regimental Honour; Awarded For;
In one round, commit a melee massacre worth 10 enemy soldiers.
Regimental Honour; Awarded For;
Saving a Staff Officer and or Officer from certain doom.
Preciseness in Seconds
Regimental Honour; Awarded For;
Exceptional long range performance with a pistol.
Surgical Precision
Regimental Honour; Awarded For;
An unprecedented shooting performance long range and short range.
Tactical Bombardment
Regimental Honour; Awarded For;
What appears to be luck. Tactically eliminate 10 or more enemies by bombardment from a cannon.
1-Regiment Polish

Медали | Medals:

- За боевые заслуги 1-й степени.
в одиночку выиграть раунд против превосходящего числа противников не менее 3-рых.
- For military merits of the 1st degree.
Single-handedly win a round against a superior number of opponents of at least 3.

- За боевые заслуги 2-й степени.
убить 9-рых противников за раунд, оставшись в одиночку.
- For military merit of the 2nd degree.
Kill 9 opponents in a round, left alone.

- За боевые заслуги 3-й степени.
убить в одном бою 5-х противников оставшись один из своей команды.
- For military merit of the 3rd degree.
Kill 5 opponents in one battle, remaining as the last of your team.

Медали полка:
За верность 3-й степени (прослужить в полку 7 дней)
За верность 2-й степени (прослужить в полку 30 дней)
За верность 1-й степени (прослужить в полку 100 дней)
Орден Боевой товарищ (пригласить друга в полк, который прослужит тут 7 дней)
Штыковик (сдать экзамен и победить 1 в 3)
Гренадер (попасть в мишень с 50 метров 3 раза подряд)
Так же выдаются уникальные медали участникам победного ивента (или лб)



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Title: [6SAr] Aurequa's Valhalla
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on April 03, 2020, 12:03:14 am

Historically inspired from:

Free to Use Resources
Waving Texture:
Regimental Frame: (Re-Created by Aurequa)
Popular Polish Crown: (Created by Aurequa with Historical Inspiration for the NW Polish Community.)
Artillery Cannon Icon: (Retrieved from the Smolenskian Coat of Arms by Aurequa.)
Links to materials used/unused:
Schloßgarde-Kompanie (
Geschichte der Königlichen Schloß-Garde-Kompagnie zur Feier ihres 50jährigen Bestehens (
Kronendegen (
Schloßgarde-Kompanie | eLexicon (
Schloßgarde-Kompanie (

Павловский Гренадерский Полк


Павловский Гренадерский Полк | Pavlovskey Grenaderskey Polk.
Official Sixth Coalition [L-G]Pavlovsk Tags: VIC_[L-G]Pavlovsk_Rank_Name
Official Sixth Coalition In-Game Banner: (

Official Traditional [L-G]Pavlovsk Tags: [L-G]Pavlovsk_Rank_Name
Official In-Game Banner: (

( Official Sixth Coalition [L-G]Pavlovsk Game Server : *L-G_Pavlovsk (

( Official Sixth Coalition [L-G]Pavlovsk Game Server : **L-G_Pavlovsk (

( Official Sixth Coalition [L-G]Pavlovsk TeamSpeak³ : (
Устав | Rules:
Общие правила | General Rules:

1. Запрещено нарушать ранговую иерархию. Наказание: Выговор.
1. It is forbidden to violate the rank hierarchy. Punishment: Reprimand.

2. Запрещено неадекватное подеведение во всех формах. Наказание: Выговор/Понижение в звании.
2. Inadequate behavior in all forms is prohibited. Punishment: Reprimand / demotion.

3. Запрещено оскорблять сослуживцев любого ранга , если на то небыло весомой причины. Наказание: Выговор/Понижение в звании.
3. It is forbidden to insult comrades of any rank, if there was no good reason. Punishment: Reprimand / demotion.

4. Запрещено старшим по званию выдавать неадекватные приказы подчиненным. Наказание: Выговор/Понижение в звании.
4. It is forbidden for senior officers to issue inadequate orders to subordinates. Punishment: Reprimand / demotion.

5. Запрещено вести деятельность предпологающую в себе анти-полковую риторику. Наказание: Permaban.
5. It is forbidden to conduct activities that suggest anti-regimental rhetoric. Punishment: Permaban.

Формации/построения | Formations

Командир шеренги - офицер/унтер-офицер командующий шеренгой.
Commander of the line - officer / non-commissioned officer commander of the line.

Шеренга - формация при которой состав подразделения выставлен по диагонали.
Ranks - Is a formation in which the composition of a unit is set diagonally.

Командир колонны - офицер/унтер-офицер командующий колонной.
Commander of the column - officer / non-commissioned officer commander of the column.

Колонна - формация при которой состав подразделения выставлен по вертикали.
Column - a formation in which the composition of the unit is exposed vertically.

Цепь - формация при выполнении которой состав подразделения становится в названую командиром сторону друг за другом в форме дуги.
A Chain - Is a formation in which the composition of a unit becomes in the direction named by the commander one after another in the form of an arc.

Фронт - формация при выполнении которой подразделение шагает в сторону названную командиром паралельно ему с расстоянием пол метра.
The Front - Is a formation during which the unit steps towards the side named by the commander in parallel with him with a distance of half a meter.

Каре - формация при выполнении которой подразделение становится вокруг командира в форме квадрата или круга.
Anti-Cavalry Formation - The unit creates a protective square or circle within which the commander is protected.

Огневая цепь - формация при выполнении которой подразделение становится в "шахматном" порядке фронтом к цели.
Fire chain - Formation in which the unit forms a "checkboard" fashioned formation in the order of being in front to the target.

Двурядная шеренга - формация при выполнении которой шеренга разделяется на две и смотрит фронтом к цели при этом первый ряд встает на колено, а второй ряд стоит.
A two-row line - Formation in which the line is divided into two and looks straight towards the target, while the first row standing up fires, it then kneels to provide the second row to be able to cover fire while the first reloads and the process repeats.

Клин - формация при выполнении которой колонна становится в цепь по обе стороны от командира.
Wedge - Formation during which the column becomes a chain on both sides of the commander.

Правила дисциплины

1. Запрещено разговаривать в строю без разрешения строевого командира.
1. It is forbidden to speak in line without the permission of the combatant commander.

2. Запрещено двигаться в строю без разрешения строевого командира (приседать, прыгать, вертеться).
2. It is forbidden to move in formation without the permission of the combat commander (squat, jump, spin).

3. Запрещено входить в строй без разрешения строевого командира.
3. It is forbidden to leave in a file without the permission of the combatant commander.

4. Запрещено выходить из строя без разрешения строевого командира.
4. Forbidden to leave the file without the permission of the combatant commander.

5. Запрещена организация объеденений предпологающих в своей сути присвоение несуществующих привелегий , нарушение устава , вывод определенной личности в "авторитеты".
5. It is forbidden to organize associations of those who expect, in essence, the appropriation of non-existent privileges, violation of the rules, the withdrawal of a certain person into “authorities”.
Издательство «Павлов-Печать»
Publishing House "Pavlov-Seal"

Представляет летопись событий
Represents a chronicle of events

с Декабря 2019 по Июнь 2020 года.
December 2019 to June 2020.

Под названием:

«История Лейб-гвардии Павловского
гренадёрского полка»
"The history of the Life Guards Pavlovsky
Grenadier Regiment"

Автор – Jacob
Author – Jacob

Table of contents:

Предисловие автора - Author's Preface.
Раздел Первый - Зарождение полка -
Section One - The Origin of the Regiment

- Глава Первая - «Тотенкопф»
- Chapter One - Totenkopf
- Глава Вторая - 48-й Одесский им. Александра I Полк.
- Chapter Two - 48th Odessa Alexandra I Regiment.

Предисловие автора (Author's Preface)
(Или обращение его к читателю)
Я, пишущий эту книгу, эту летопись, волею судеб являющийся
штабным офицером Лейб-гвардии Павловского гренадерского полка в
звании капитана и по совместительству являющийся полковым
корреспондентом и главой «Павлов-печати». Я, пишущий эту книгу для
кадетов и поручиков, для ефрейторов и фельдфебелей, для просто
желающих прочесть. Я, пишущий с подмогой офицеров и ветеранов
нашего полка, за что им отдельная благодарность. Я, оставляю в памяти
букв еще одну историю полка, на сей раз историю моего единственного
полка – Лейб-гвардии Павловского гренадёрского.
В данной летописи описывается период в 8 месяцев (по сути
ничтожное время для жизни полка, но многое уже успело забыться в
памяти за этот отрезок времени). Описывается период правления Ken
(Odyssey), описывается смута в полку и последовавшее после этой смуты
время правления SAGE, которое продолжается до сих пор.
В заключение хотелось бы сказать спасибо всем тем офицерам,
которые разрабатывают систему полка, проводят интересные
мероприятия и реализовывают их. Спасибо администрации полка,
которая технически совершенствует полк и принадлежащие ему медиа.
Спасибо рядовому составу, который сквозь все недуги, случившиеся с
нашим полком, верой и правдой служит ему и обеспечивает хорошую
активность на мероприятиях. Спасибо всем ветеранам полка, которых в
полку осталось очень мало за то, что не дали задохнуться полку в раннее
его время.

Раздел Первый
Главa Первая
Декабрь 2019 – Январь 2020 года
Данная глава имеет множество неточностей и многое в ней забыто, так
как контакты с очень многими людьми, игравшими в тот период
потеряны. Консультант по Тотенкопфу многое успел забыть, из-за долгого
отсутствия в сфере Mount & Blade: NW.
История полка началась с первого набора Кена – 20 декабря 2019 года,
на котором Кен набрал первых двух, пока еще рекрутов. Ник одного из
них OLAV (данный человек является консультантом по периоду
Тотенкопфа) а ник второго рекрута забыт во времени.
Со слов OLAV (Александра Арманда) - «Первоначальной задумкой
данного полка было объединить новичков под одним полковым
знаменем и тренировать их до степени «выше среднего». Так же целью
было создать общество, сыгранных людей. Задачи создать очередной
полк, со старым, закостенелым лобби из игроков сборной СНГ не было,
это был полк новичков».
Без старого лобби так и не обошлось, оно пришло само собой, ему как
правило свойственно слоняться по полкам, в поисках либо новых связей,
либо просто повеселиться, зайти на 2-3 недели и быть исключенным при
чистке за отсутствие активности. И данное лобби однажды сыграло очень
злую шутку с Кеном, о чем будет говорится далее. Ключевым отличием
периода Кена (за исключением очень позднего времени, которое по сути
считать периодом Кена уже нельзя) было отсутствие какой-либо
классификации. То есть отсутствовали отдельные роты (прим.
Кавалерийский эскадрон и артиллерийская батарея). Так же практически
отсутствовало значение званий (абсолютное и верховное главенство в
решениях имел сам Кен).
Полк, под именем «Тотенкопф» просуществовал относительно недолго,
но в нем уже была проработана система званий, которая как было
сказано выше не давала никакой привилегии владельцу высокого звания,
а только лишь показывала на его время нахождения в полку и заслуги
перед ним. В «Тотенкопфе» очень частыми были внутренние ивенты, но
абсолютно не проводились внешние ивенты (за исключением ТПБ). К
сожалению, статистика побед и поражений тогда не велась, поэтому о
исходах тех битв уже никто не вспомнит.

Главa Вторая
Январь – Апрель 2020 года
В первых числах января (3-10 января) полк был переформирован в 48-ой
Одесский Пехотный имени Александра I полк.
Сделано это было скорее всего, из соображений исторической
достоверности. В этом названии Кен уместил и свой, родной украинский
колорит и угодил российской части своего полка, которая
превалировала, что собственно логично, так как полк набирался из
Данная часть жизни полка является на данный момент самой длительной
– с января по конец апреля. Но не смотря на одно название с полком
произошло очень многое и полк, сквозь трудности перемен резко
История полка под данным названием делится на четыре основных
1. Ранний
2. Основной
3. Дочерняя бригада «21st Skandenberg»
4. Поздний

Январь 2020
Отличительной особенностью раннего периода 48-ого Одесского
пехотного полка было продолжение политики замкнутости по
отношению к остальному M&B: NW Community, из внешних ивентов
проводились только ТПБ. В раннем периоде, лично Кеном была
разработана дореформационная система званий, которая более
опиралась на стандарты M&B: NW, чем на историческую достоверность.
На раннем этапе развития полка из-за замкнутости полка требовался
свой игровой сервер, который был создан на базе компьютера ветерана
Lich, который к сожалению, покинул наш полк по собственному желанию.
Автором карты с фортификацией был ефрейтор (дореформационн. –
старший рядовой) GGTeam, который был изгнан из полка за нарушения
адекватности, дисциплины и иерархии. На данном сервере и именно на
этой карте вплоть до середины второго периода проводились RP ивенты
по типу «поимки дезертира» и «патруля по периметру фортификации».
В 48 полку не было четкого распределения должностей тренеров, да и
тренер был как таковой всегда один – большую часть истории 48-ого
полка тренером выступал Кен. Только на границе истории 48-ого и Лейбгвардейского Павловского полков была введена система,
предполагавшая в себе разделение должностей тренеров (подробнее о
системе тренировок в 48-ом полку позже).

Февраль – март 2020
Во время основного периода 48-ой пехотный полк наконец вышел из
изоляционной политики и стал обильно посещать не только ТПБ, но и
ивенты по типу GF, LB и CW (так же проводились интернациональные
ивенты, то есть не только с СНГ полками), а также позднее даже сам
организовывать их.
Основной период полка характерен своей огромной численностью на
пике – свыше 75 солдат, из них примерно 10 в иностранном легионе, в
котором состояли люди с таких стран как: США, Канада, Франция, Швеция
и даже один солдат был из Пакистана. Но не смотря на такое обильное
количество солдат активность для данного количества была не самая
великая – 20-30% (т.е. 15-25 человек)
Снимок от восьмого января 2020 года, на карте созданной ефрейтором GGTeam
Два вышеописанных периода отличаются сильной политикой Кена как
полковника и практическим отсутсвием серьезных перемен в полку.

Март 2020
После окончания основного периода полка, который окончился из-за
прекращения появления полковника Кена, наступило время
двухнедельной полковой неактивности, которое по решению ветеранов
полка, под предводительством тогда еще ефрейтора (дореформационн. –
старшего рядового) Yakub, решено было прервать созданием нового
полка. Из соображений ностальгии изначально было решено назвать
полк именем «Тотенкопф», но в последствии всеобщего голосования был
переименован в 21-ую Сканденбергскую бригаду, которая
просуществовала менее одного месяца, но в ней была проработана
система званий, система голосований. 21-ая Сканденбергская бригада
была своей замкнутостью очень похожа на «Тотенкопф», но радикально
отличалась своей демократичностью, что было одной из ошибок данного
полка. Первоначальный состав полка был таков – Yakub (ныне Jacob),
OLAV, Lich и Garchitorena (ныне Garchit). Первоначальной задачей
Сканденбергской бригады было удержание людей из 48-ого полка
активными, но спустя примерно 2 недели безответности со стороны
полковника бригада решила стать полноценным членом СНГ сообщества,
но на данное преобразование ему не хватило времени, так как из
неактивности вернулся полковник Кен, который решил возродить 48-ой
пехотный полк. В итоге переговоров Yakub и Ken 21-ая Бригада была
упразднена и стала резервным плацдармом, а в последствии заброшена.

Март – апрель 2020
Поздний период начался с возрождения 48-ого полка вследствии
возвращения полковника Кена в свой полк. Данный период
характеризуется как самый неспокойный и сепаратистский период в
истории полка.
За этот период были установлены наградная система и несколько
реформ: две ранговые, одна взводная и юнкерская реформа, все они
были произведены под руководством нынешнего офицера Moff.
Moff (ранее Stolberg) – нынешний полевой офицер полка в ранге
капитана, командир Сибирского батальона, превознесший наибольшее
количество серьезных реформ в полк и по праву имеющий прозвище
«реформатора полка».
Golub – нынешний полевой офицер в ранге подпоручика, первый
офицер Сибирского Батальона, являлся постоянным спутником и
консультантом капитана Moff в его реформах.
Медальная система – была введена для повышения заинтересованности в
полковой жизни солдат и офицеров. Было введено двенадцать наград
разного рангового уровня.
Первая ранговая реформа – реформа произведенная Stolberg (ныне
Moff). Опирается данная реформа исключительно на историческую
достоверность. За данную реформу Moff был повышен до звания
ефрейтора лично Кеном. Данная система рангов притерпела изменение
со Второй ранговой реформой.

Юнкерская реформа – реформа, предполагавшая в себе обучение новых
офицеров для полка путем сдачи специального практического экзамена.
Экзамен представлял собой тестовое ЛБ против командира полка. Если
будущий офицер побеждал командира полка, то он повышался в звании
до юнкера. Данная реформа не прижилась из-за отсутствия должных
кандидатов на место новых офицеров и чрезвычайной централизации
полковником. Ни одного офицера не было произведено по этой
Первая взводная реформа – самая скандальная реформа полка, которая
впоследствии привела к расколу полка на «партии» двух взводных
командиров Pechenin и SAGE. Основную роль в расколе сыграл именно
Pechenin, благодаря нативной пропаганде в его взводе, которая
заключалась в превосходстве его взвода над взводом SAGE. Отличалась
крайней децентрализацией.
Изначально взводы были запланированы для рассеивания обязанностей
и увеличения дисциплины в полку, которая к тому моменту была очень
сильно нарушена из-за нежелания Кена управлять полком и играть в
M&B: NW, что он сам подтвердил, но уже позже в своем рапорте,
приложенном на следующем листе.

Сообщение солдатам и офицерам от уже бывшего полковника Кена
Бунт Печенина – бунт, по сути прекративший существование 48-ого
пехотного полка. После бунта полк был реорганизован в Лейб-гвардии
Павловский гренадёрский полк.
Pechenin – командир взвода во времена Первой взводной системы.
Предводитель бунта, вследствие которого на время полк покинули 5
человек и один ушел окончательно. Обрёл политическую силу благодаря
своему посту тренера и ослабшей позиции Кена в полку. В последствии
был изгнан за анти-полковую политику, но по прошествии времени
реабилитирован Кеном.
Со слов Golub – «Была запланирована децентрализация власти Кена, для
повышения активности и улучшения дисциплины, которая мягко говоря
была ужасна. Но в итоге все вылилось в полнейшую анархию и все стало
только хуже. Печенин предложил нам поменять «закостенелого» Кена на
96-ых. Но ничего хорошего для нашего взвода в 96-ом не было. Было
полное отсутствие ивентов. Печенин использовал бунт для своих, личных

Бунт взял свое начало 26 апреля со сговора 6 человек и их идеолога -
Печенина. Бунт, со слов самого предводителя (Печенина) предполагал в
себе эффект неожиданности, но данный эффект был потерян благодаря
ефрейтору Dmitry, который был среди слушателей Печенина. Он доложил
о готовящемся бунте полковнику вследствие произошла грубая
словесная перепалка между Печениным и Кеном. Это был знак - бунт
Действие бунта продлилось примерно 5 дней. Впоследствии 5 участников
бунта вернулись в полк. Печенин был изгнан из полка, а все, кто не
вышел из полка после призыва Печенина выдали медаль «За верность».
Вследствие переворота на место подполковника встал SAGE.
Генеральский состав | General Staff:
[Gen] General.

[Gprk] Lieutenant General.

[Gmaj] General-Major.
Штаб-офицерский состав | Staff-Officers:
[Plk] Polkovnek.

[Pplk] Podpolkovnek.

[Maj] Major.
Обер-офицерский состав | Senior Officers:
Kpt Captain.

[Prk] Lieutenant.

[Pprk] Sub-Lieutenant.
Унтер-офицерский состав | Non-Commissioned Officers:
[Fld] Feldwebel.

Старший Унтер-офицер.
[sUnt] Senior Unter-Offizier.

Младший Унтер-офицер.
[mUnt] Junior Unter-Offizier.
Рядовой состав | Rank and File:
[Efr] Gefreiter.

[Rdv] Private.

[Kdt] Cadet.
Воинские награды | War Honours.
Русской Императорской Армии | Russian Imperial Army.

Медаль “За верность” {Выдается за 2 недельный постоянный онлайн.}
Medal "Fidelity" {Awarded for playing 2 weeks online.}

Медаль “За службу и храбрость” {Выдается за 1 месячный постоянный онлайн.}
Medal "For Service and Courage" {Awarded for playing for 1 month online.}

Медаль “За отличие во владении штыком” {Выдается за умение хорошо пользоватся штыком.}
Medal “For exceptional skill using the bayonet” {It is issued for the ability to use the bayonet well.}

Медаль “За отличие во владении стрельбой” {Выдается за умение хорошо пользоватся мушкетом.}
Medal “For exceptional skill using firepower” {Awarded for using a musket well.}

Медаль “За отличие” {Выдается за 2 подряд отличия в сражениях.}
Medal “For Distinction” {Awarded for 2 consecutive distinctions in battles.}

Медаль “За победу” {Выдается за 2 подряд выигранных сражения.}
Medal “For Victory” {Awarded for 2 battles won in a row.}

Георгиевский Крест IV степени. {Выдается за военные заслуги : поочередно : 1/4.}
Cross of St. George IV degree. {Awarded for military merit: alternatively: 1/4.}

Георгиевский Крест III степени. {Выдается за военные заслуги : поочередно : 2/4.}
Cross of St. George III degree. {Awarded for military merit: alternatively: 2/4.}

Георгиевский Крест II степени. {Выдается за военные заслуги : поочередно : 3/4.}
Cross of St. George II degree. {Awarded for military merit: alternatively: 3/4.}

Георгиевский Крест I степени. {Выдается за военные заслуги : поочередно : 4/4.}
Cross of St. George I degree. {Awarded for military merit: alternatively: 4/4.}

Орден Святого Александра Невского. {Выдается за высшие заслуги в командовании.}
Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. {Awarded for the highest service in command.}

Орден Святого Георгия. {Выдается за высшие заслуги по всем направлениям.}
Order of St. George. {Awarded for excellence in all areas.}





































Other (FSE Textures Extracted by Aurequa.)
























































































































































































































Title: Re: 2tes Hessisches "Hesse-Kassel, 6ú Mumhain" Brigade
Post by: Mistakee on April 03, 2020, 07:00:36 am
Thread looks nice! Good luck!
Title: Re: 2tes Hessisches "Hesse-Kassel, 6ú Mumhain" Brigade
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on April 03, 2020, 10:36:55 am
Thread looks nice! Good luck!

Thanks Royal!
Title: Re: 2tes Hessisches "Hesse-Kassel, 6ú Mumhain" Brigade
Post by: ThunderstrucK on April 04, 2020, 12:00:32 am
Good luck!  ;D
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: Lightning. on April 20, 2020, 01:32:05 pm
Thread is open again after some changes. Most of the comments about the former topic have been deleted so please do not bring it up again.
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: Skaen on April 20, 2020, 01:38:19 pm
Best of luck friend. :)
Title: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg [Update]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on April 20, 2020, 02:01:40 pm
Thread is open again after some changes. Most of the comments about the former topic have been deleted so please do not bring it up again.
Best of luck friend. :)
Good luck!  ;D

Thank you ThunderstrucK and Skaen.
The thread is still a work in progress and requires more time and patience for it to come into its full effect. Some alterations have been made.
Have a good day.

~ Aurequa, Königsmajor of the Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg.
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: Kakashi on April 21, 2020, 07:54:57 am
Schönner Post

Freu mich drauf vielleicht mal mit euch zusammen in die schlacht zu Zihen. ;D
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: Babarossa on April 21, 2020, 08:57:41 pm
Hallo zusammen! Auch ich wünsche euch im Namen des 1.Rheinischen Infanterieregimentes Nr. 25 von Lützow alles Gute für die Zukunft!
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on April 23, 2020, 01:54:47 am
Quotes of Kakashi & Babarossa
Schönner Post

Freu mich drauf vielleicht mal mit euch zusammen in die schlacht zu Zihen. ;D
Hallo zusammen! Auch ich wünsche euch im Namen des 1.Rheinischen Infanterieregimentes Nr. 25 von Lützow alles Gute für die Zukunft!
Thank you :)

The thread is officially complete.
As you can see, the thread is very spoiler friendly - it is supposed to be small in length.
About quoting individuals.
As discovered by Zebaad Peritz through the manual way,
[In a quick summary for anybody interested in quoting individuals from the past without having to ask a Moderator.]
"Work out what the code references, replace the values for thread ID & post ID.
Work out how the date works. i.e 'number of seconds from a specific date'
The date functions in this manner; Number of seconds the post was posted past a set point.
The FSE Set Point: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am"
Topic Message
For the topic message "left click" and "inspect", find the "element", then fully fill in the quote's requirements and voila.
Thank you Zebaad once again.
I would personally like to thank Fatih (FSE=Volk) for sharing me a feature of spoilers, such as the spoiler=----, the headers have been useful throughout the thread.
Thank you Fatih for your suggestion.
Association officially exists between the:
13th Royal Scots Brigade
Pułk 25 Piechoty
Created by Aurequa exlusively for Pułk 25 Piechoty:
[Icon Used]
17 Pułk Piechoty
Hellwig'sches Freikorps
1.Rheinisches Infanterieregiment Nr.25 von Lützow
15th Yorkshire "The Snappers"
8 Pułk Kirasjerów
Created by Aurequa exclusively for 8 Pułk Kirasjerów
[Filled with Cuirassiers, 8pk]
[Without Cuirassiers, 8pk]
[Without Cuirassiers, 8pk Icon]
1st Yeniceri
It has been an absolute pleasure working with the associated regiments, I wish you all the best of luck.
The Korps no longer has any official companies and only has informal "active units", for any queries, please contact those who lead them.
The thread will be locked as it will no longer be updated. (by Aurequa.)
Aurequa has personally decided to retire from Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars and will no longer be held responsible as the official acting leader of Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg.
There is no official acting leader of the Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg. Therefore, each leader of each "active unit" will be held responsible for his "active unit" and in representing the Korps as a whole.
Besides this, I would like to personally thank every individual in both rosters and those in the steam group, it has been an absolute honour and a pleasure in leading the Korps to the best of my ability.
I would like to thank the Napoleonic Wars Community for making all of this possible as without it, none of the events nor the friends or foes I encountered on the battle field would have been possible to play with and meet.
This has been retired Königsmajor Aurequa of the Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg, thanking you and wishing you all the best.
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on May 13, 2020, 06:10:25 pm
Open for edits.
Feel free to post.
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: Vegi. on May 13, 2020, 08:34:18 pm
so ur back?
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on May 13, 2020, 09:15:33 pm
so ur back?
Unfortunately still retired, thanks for asking Vegi.
Edits complete as requested.
Thread once again closed as requested.
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on June 09, 2020, 03:50:30 pm
This thread is open once again.
Following the decision to create a new artillery regiment, this thread will be used and re-furnished.
(To answer Vegi's question again: Yes I am back, to give it another try :D )

~ Königsmajor Aurequa of the 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment "von Königsberg".
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: Hess on June 09, 2020, 08:24:23 pm
Good Luck from the 8e!
Title: Re: Königlich-Preußisches Rheinhessisches Schloßkorps zu Königsberg
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on June 09, 2020, 09:15:12 pm
Good Luck from the 8e!
Thank you Hess.

[This thread is still a work-in-progress]
Title: Re: 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
Post by: Skaen on June 09, 2020, 09:16:02 pm
Good luck my man
Title: Re: 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on June 09, 2020, 09:52:09 pm
Good luck my man
Thanks again Skaen, my best wishes go with the 98° European Company, good luck!
Title: Re: 6. Königlich-Preußisches Schloßartillerie Regiment „von Königsberg“ (Recruiting)
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on June 15, 2020, 07:41:01 pm

EDIT: Misinformation.
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on July 12, 2020, 02:38:27 pm
I am proud to announce that this humble FSE topic is finally complete.

@ 6SAr, 1-RegPoll, 13pa.


Let the bumping begin :)


Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: IR_Nr59_Lamastos on July 12, 2020, 04:11:32 pm
Good luck! Really nice thread, much effort was put into it, I'm sure.
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: Phailur on July 12, 2020, 04:49:09 pm
Good luck!

1 regiment polish smh
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on July 12, 2020, 05:56:36 pm
Good luck! Really nice thread, much effort was put into it, I'm sure.
Good luck!

1 regiment polish smh

Thank you Lamastos and Phailur.

Truly been a pleasure making this FSE topic. :D
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: ItsAlex on July 13, 2020, 02:25:57 am
Nice looking thread Aurequa!
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: ChatNoir on July 13, 2020, 03:43:55 am
I am proud to announce that this humble FSE topic is finally complete.

@ 6SAr, 1-RegPoll, 13pa.


Let the bumping begin :)



Nice post Aurequa. Best of luck for the Sixth Coalition  ;)
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on July 13, 2020, 10:49:35 am
Vixtro & ChatNoir
Nice looking thread Aurequa!
I am proud to announce that this humble FSE topic is finally complete.

@ 6SAr, 1-RegPoll, 13pa.


Let the bumping begin :)



Nice post Aurequa. Best of luck for the Sixth Coalition  ;)

Thanks Vixtro :D


A very lovely signature you got there. :P

ChatNoir, parece que estoy volando, haha. :D

Música española bastante encantadora, me gusta especialmente esta, gracias de nuevo :p

One of my favourites ^^

Thanks again guys :D
(Feel free to go off topic)

And have a good day !

Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on July 19, 2020, 07:05:53 pm

Loving that 70, another 30 to go!

Fantastic events!

The Sixth Coalition is surging forwards like a young nightingale, as always we would love the opportunity to meet regiments new and old who would be interested in joining our Sixth Coalition, perhaps if you and your regiment are intent on a larger purpose in the Mount & Blade: Warband Napoleonic Wars community then do add any of the provided contacts above or you can just add the Marshal, "Aurequa" :)

I must say in such a short amount of time we are doing incredibly well, we can make this dream a reality eh? @ 6SAr, 1-RegPoll (not forgetting 15.) and 13pa.
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on July 24, 2020, 10:33:22 am
On the 23rd of July, the 5te Lützowsches Freikorps Infanterie has heard the battle cry all the way from Lützow and officially joined the Sixth Coalition! Congratulations!

And then there were four:

@ 6SAr, 1-RegPoll [& 15], 13pa & 5teFKI.
Title: Re: The Triumphant Sixth Coalition. [VIC]
Post by: [6SAr] Aurequa on August 03, 2020, 09:44:15 pm

First groupfight for the 22y Preobrazhensky Lifeguard Polk of the Sixth Coalition, congratulations!


Thank you to the 92nd Night Town Company ( for coming, was a pleasure!

I completely forgot about it but here it is:


Old @ 6SAr, 1-RegPoll & 13pa


but Golden, haha.