Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Topic started by: Refleax on March 29, 2013, 11:43:22 pm

Title: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Refleax on March 29, 2013, 11:43:22 pm
2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!

Hey Everyone,

Here we are again, this time for the second term of community reps to put themselves forward for election. The last group of 10 worked admirably in the interests of the community as a whole, and we hope that the next group of you will prove to be just as enthusiastic and competent in improving the forums and game for the community you represent.

Application Form

Please fill in the below form to apply. Thanks, and good luck to those who apply!




Why do you think you can speak for the community?


1st Step: People apply in this thread.

2nd Step: We will add every applicant to a massive poll, and everyone will be given one vote.

3rd Step: The top ten voted will be made the representatives.

Who can Apply?

Anyone on the forums can apply for this position - Anyone. This includes but is not limited to:

1. Previous Community Representatives (You may run for community representative as many times as you like).

2. Global Moderators and Game Admins (On the Official Servers).

3. Regiment members (Regardless of rank or time spent in the regiment).

However, it is worth noting that only you are allowed to make your own application - you are not allowed to make applications for other people, and other people may not make applications for you. This means that members who are muted or banned during the application phase will not be able to run for Community Representative - So, behave!

Voting will commence in one week (from the date of this post).

We hope you’ve enjoyed the changes implemented by the last term of Community Representatives, and we wish you good luck in the coming election.

The FSE Administration
Title: Re: NW Community Representatives Applications
Post by: Kitty on March 29, 2013, 11:48:00 pm
Username: Kitty

Steamname: sarinchen87

Why do you think you can speak for the community? Because i think i know what majority of the community want and i have the best ways of pulling wishes through...
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Blobmania on March 29, 2013, 11:50:54 pm
Good luck to all who apply.
Title: Re: NW Community Representatives Applications
Post by: Malakith on March 29, 2013, 11:51:07 pm
Username: Malakith


Why do you think you can speak for the community?

Having been a community representative last time around I believe I provided a good service to those I represented, evidence of which can be found on post 2 and 3 of

I wish to continue this work in the future and hope you agree that I carried out the role to the best of my ability.
Title: Re: NW Community Representatives Applications
Post by: Matthew on March 29, 2013, 11:55:53 pm
Username: Matthew

Steamname: (UMC) Matthew

Why would I be good for this role: I have been in this community for a good amount of time but have never really followed or associated myself with any big powerful members I share the same worries and concerns as most other regular members ,  I think things through and and discuss my arguments and make sure to look at them from a different view point and multiple perspectives,  overall I feel I would be in a very good position to articulate the concerns of most people and represent most people and their values.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Rackio on March 30, 2013, 12:17:27 am
Username: Rackio

Steamname: Rackio

Why do you think you can speak for the community?
Well i have lots of free time in which to act busy when im really not. so sounds like the job for me
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Fortune on March 30, 2013, 12:24:54 am
Username: Fortune


Why do you think you can speak for the community? I am an active member in the community and I try to be around as much as possible. I am a rational, logical and mature person and it is my believe that these are core traits required for a proper community representative.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Millander on March 30, 2013, 12:25:02 am
Username: Commander Millander

Steamname: [1stFKI] Millander (

Why do you think you can speak for the community?

  I have been in the community for a very long time. I have seen the NA community change from a single Friday event a week where you could fit every NA regiment onto one 250 slot server to 1,000 playing on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am very proud of this evolution and im happy I have been able to help in small ways such as Creating the first North American Tuesday event.

 During my term if you folk deem me worthy of being a representatives for the NA community I will do everything in my power to better it with the help of you guys, the community. Any grievances or questions that you will have can be brought up to me through simply steaming me or pming me through this forum.

 I eagerly await the communities decision. ~ Millander 
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Gokiller on March 30, 2013, 01:48:56 am
Why not...

Username: Gokiller

Steamname: miketensen (aka) Gokiller

Why do you think you can speak for the community?
I've been around this community for more then 2 years by now, I've seen how the community works, and I've actively taken part in the community for that time being. During that time, I also got know a lot of people in the community from various sides, and I am therefor quite sure that I will be enable to first of all avaible to everyone and hear their grievances, and to help them.

Thanks for your time,


Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: James Grant on March 30, 2013, 02:47:30 am
Username:James Grant


Why do you think you can speak for the community?

Honestly, I'm not entirely certain, last time round I was set to it and determined to do so but since then I've taken a backseat, avoiding arguments a tad more. I would also say leading my own regiment has made me a tad more respectful of other CO's.

Anyway,vote for me or don't vote it makes little difference to me. I reckon I'd do a good job of being a rep and at the end of the day if I don't make it I don't mind, and if I do I'll try do some good for this broken community.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Johan on March 30, 2013, 10:49:52 am
Username: Johan

Steamname: AG_163

Why do you think you can speak for the community?:

Honestly because i think i could do the job. Been around the community for about a year now, seen alot of stuff happen even if i dont post as much as i check the forums. If i do get elected i will do my best to help the community with just about everything. I am ready to spend alot of time into it so that's why i think i can speak for the community.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Kator Viridian on March 30, 2013, 04:26:07 pm
Username: Kator Viridian

Steamname: kator_viridian

Why do you think you can speak for the community?:

Quite a lot of people are saying they can "Do the job" but are unwilling to take part in those discussions whilst they don't have the title, after suggesting several things to be dicussed by the Community Reps already as well as suggesting courses of actions and gathering information ... I would find myself more than fit for the job without actually needing a title anyway.

There are quite a lot of Regimental leaders applying, but most of them would seem to be caring about their own rather than the community as a whole due to a lack of interaction with it, whilst I do not post 100 posts a day of spam I do focus on talking to reigmental leaders and regimental members through teamspeak, spending a fair amount of time with regiments like the 5th Brigade, Drabant and Brunswick Uhlans.

Job Jobbed.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Stunned Lime on March 30, 2013, 04:41:14 pm

Username: Stunned Lime

Steamname: [75th]Stunned Lime[11thNY]

Why do you think you can speak for the community?

I have been in this community for a very long time , I have seen how things go and I know how hard it can be to run a regiment. My goal is to make this community a brighter place by aiding fellow regiment members/leaders and stop the things that ruin the community. I am no longer the Lime that argues , I have resolved all previous issues with regiments like the 79th etc. etc. I wish to help this community grow and make it a gaming community of which we shall all be proud of. Another thing I wish to stop in this community is corruption,trolling,regiment jumping and alot more. I want to stop all arguments on forums and keep them to teamspeak discussions,private messages and steam. This community and it's forums needs to be a fun and interesting place for everyone, not full of arguments and mad people.


Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Crusader on March 30, 2013, 09:00:56 pm
Username: Crusader

Steamname: fieldtoby

Why do you think you can speak for the community?

Well there was once a time where i remember the server struggled to get 20 people on. Since MM's release not only have i stuck through thick and thin i have also dedicated the last few years in service to the mod and now the DLC. I was one of the original people that started up weekly linebattles and continued to host these and lead this with Highlander back in the ol MM days, since then linebattles have grown and i can proudly boast hosting the Saturday Linebattle which regularly exceeds 4 servers and beyond, with a total cap of ~1100 players.

Not only have i hosted the Saturday Linebattle for 2 years but i have also been an admin for longer than 2 years and have recently been made the new EU Senior Admin slot where i continue to work to fulfill server needs, ban and unban requests, and v.soon admin applications, i believe that i know what the community wishes for and how best to approach and resolve these issues.

Furthermore i am constantly on the forums, browsing, posting and just reading which gives me a better understanding of both POV and allows me to already consider community issues,

Thank you for your consideration,

Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Joker on March 30, 2013, 10:56:41 pm
Goodluck to anyone applying!
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: OGNValjean on March 30, 2013, 11:03:01 pm

Username: OGN_Col_Valjean

Steamname: OGN_Col_Valjean

Why do you think you can speak for the community?

In my Opinion I believe I represent the Cavalry, even with some of my Radical Factual Based Ideas.
Also I am very open in my opinions on buffs and nerfs, Espically Lancers, Couch Only Please, i think so. And also buff Heavy Cav raming Damage, thats what their horse's speed sacirifice is really for, killing people with a horse. So yea, Real Cav. Representive #VoteforValjean2013
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Brock on March 30, 2013, 11:05:58 pm
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Lowlander on March 30, 2013, 11:47:08 pm
"I give homage to Napoleonic Wars! And if this is your community, why does it go?" asked Lowlander.

"We didnt come here to fight for them!" replied the veteran. "Home! The Admins are too many!".

"Son's of Scotland! I am Lowlliam Landerallace!" declared Lowlander.

"Lowlliam Landerallace is seven feet tall!" retorted a veteran.

"Yes I've heard. And if he was here, he would consume the Admins with rocket launchers from his eyes and ban hammers from his arse." joked Lowlander.

"I am Lowlliam Landerallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"

"Fight against that?" responded the veteran.  "No! We will run - and we will live!"

"Aye!" Lowlander shouted back. "Fight and you may die. Run and you will live... at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our FREEEEEEEDOM!"
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Menelaos on March 31, 2013, 12:14:04 am
Username: Menelaos

Steamname: Menelaos16

Why do you think you can speak for the community? I'm not going to beg for votes, I'm active and you know who I am. Vote me in and I'll send you dickpic's.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Brock on March 31, 2013, 12:30:21 am
Vote me in and I'll send you dickpic's.
:o you have my vote!
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Johan on March 31, 2013, 12:35:51 am
Username: Lowlander

Steamname: Lowlander

Why do you think you can speak for the community?

"I give homage to Napoleonic Wars! And if this is your community, why does it go?" asked Lowlander.

"We didnt come here to fight for them!" replied the veteran. "Home! The Admins are too many!".

"Son's of Scotland! I am Lowlliam Landerallace!" declared Lowlander.

"Lowlliam Landerallace is seven feet tall!" retorted a veteran.

"Yes I've heard. And if he was here, he would consume the Admins with rocket launchers from his eyes and ban hammers from his arse." joked Lowlander.

"I am Lowlliam Landerallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"

"Fight against that?" responded the veteran.  "No! We will run - and we will live!"

"Aye!" Lowlander shouted back. "Fight and you may die. Run and you will live... at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our FREEEEEEEDOM!"

Definetly voting you mate, simply brilliant. *Joytears from my eyes.*
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Thundersnow on March 31, 2013, 08:15:12 am
Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Audiate on March 31, 2013, 09:26:50 am
Username: Sir Audiate

Steamname: [93rd] Audiate

Why do you think you can speak for the community?: I have been dedicated to this community since I've joined it almost a year ago. Not only active, but invested into the affairs of the community as a whole. I'm not going to run some fancy campaign about why I should be voted Community Representative; I found last term's campaigning absolutely ridiculous and put people into representative position just for throwing slogans around willy nilly. If I'm elected, I'll try my hardest to represent the community, as I have been since I joined it.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Onii on March 31, 2013, 01:06:28 pm
Username: Onii-Chan

Steamname: onii-chan

Why do you think you can speak for the community?

For the short period of time I've been in the community, I think I've met a lot of nice people that I know that I can trust.
And thus I would love to help out with whatever is needed to keep the community ever growing and ever as lovely.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: hypern on April 01, 2013, 01:14:53 am
Username: Hypern
Why do I believe that I can speak for the community?

My involvement in communities has been wide and gone on for years. I believe that with my previous work in the past 3 years in this community, I have significant experience to communicate, manage, and coordinate the community on a professional level.

- I started out in 2010, in the HM. I ended up becoming a community manager. This involved ironing out disagreements between regiments, community members, Significant leaders, helping with events and external public relations.
I was also heavily involved in aiding The first EC, which was a break off from the HM which  in community building, Helping in event organization, teaching them how to strengthen, grow and develop their regiments.

-I moved from the HM to aid a new community 'Tactical Carnage' in mid 2011, where I helped their Mount & Musket community develop as it was transferring to Napoleonic Wars; where I was a public speaker for the regiments in the community. I Provided fledgling regiments a home in Tactical Carnage, where I was also able to provide these regiments with experienced players to aid, and train in the building of their regiments.

I'm already well known for aiding, and offering help to communities and regiments.

Pyrots gaming
Darkstar Gaming
Maximus Venatus Community
Scottish army
PBI community
A new hope gaming
Regimental Gaming
1st EC

2nd CS
1st Yorks
58th RUT
2nd CS
Asian P's regiment
3rd regiment of foot
1st MD
3rd Royal
21st Brit
48th advisor
Marines de linge
1st BE
1st SD

As I am not a member of any kind of regiment or community, I therefore do not have a Regimental Agenda. I act on what I believe is best for the community entirely and do not keep the interests of a single regiment at heart as I fear will happen with a lot of other people that came forward.

This I believe to be essential to be appointed to a community representative as you are supposed to represent the entire community without benefiting any party or handicap and ignore the rest of the community who needs me the most.

In the past two months as a community Representative I was an important pool of knowledge about structure of the community, using this to inform the Council and Developers how to best formulate and adapt the rules of the FSE forums to better suit the community. I also raised issues about the external Powers of the Community Representatives and suggested forming a uniformed etiquette that would best serve the community, rather than any single, or small collection of Community Representatives. Sadly these suggestions were dismissed.

Therefore why do I believe that I should speak for the community?
My overall goal, is for this great game to last as long as possible. The way to do this was to develop and maintain, in ways I can and have done, a strong community. A community I then came to love.
I have been a Community Representative for one term and would ask the honour of continuing for a second term.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Audiate on April 01, 2013, 04:16:22 am
Username: Hypern
Why do I believe that I can speak for the community?

My involvement in communities has been wide and gone on for years. I believe that with my previous work in the past 3 years in this community, I have significant experience to communicate, manage, and coordinate the community on a professional level.

- I started out in 2010, in the HM. I ended up becoming a community manager. This involved ironing out disagreements between regiments, community members, Significant leaders, helping with events and external public relations.
I was also heavily involved in aiding The first EC, which was a break off from the HM which  in community building, Helping in event organization, teaching them how to strengthen, grow and develop their regiments.

-I moved from the HM to aid a new community 'Tactical Carnage' in mid 2011, where I helped their Mount & Musket community develop as it was transferring to Napoleonic Wars; where I was a public speaker for the regiments in the community. I Provided fledgling regiments a home in Tactical Carnage, where I was also able to provide these regiments with experienced players to aid, and train in the building of their regiments.

I'm already well known for aiding, and offering help to communities and regiments.

Pyrots gaming
Darkstar Gaming
Maximus Venatus Community
Scottish army
PBI community
A new hope gaming
Regimental Gaming
1st EC

2nd CS
1st Yorks
58th RUT
2nd CS
Asian P's regiment
3rd regiment of foot
1st MD
3rd Royal
21st Brit
48th advisor
Marines de linge
1st BE
1st SD

As I am not a member of any kind of regiment or community, I therefore do not have a Regimental Agenda. I act on what I believe is best for the community entirely and do not keep the interests of a single regiment at heart as I fear will happen with a lot of other people that came forward.

This I believe to be essential to be appointed to a community representative as you are supposed to represent the entire community without benefiting any party or handicap and ignore the rest of the community who needs me the most.

In the past two months as a community Representative I was an important pool of knowledge about structure of the community, using this to inform the Council and Developers how to best formulate and adapt the rules of the FSE forums to better suit the community. I also raised issues about the external Powers of the Community Representatives and suggested forming a uniformed etiquette that would best serve the community, rather than any single, or small collection of Community Representatives. Sadly these suggestions were dismissed.

Therefore why do I believe that I should speak for the community?
My overall goal, is for this great game to last as long as possible. The way to do this was to develop and maintain, in ways I can and have done, a strong community. A community I then came to love.
I have been a Community Representative for one term and would ask the honour of continuing for a second term.

Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Brock on April 01, 2013, 05:23:01 am
You will aid the community, then practically call a members application bullshit? Get some big boy pants on and stop creating unneeded drama.

Why do I take every post serious? :'(

Sorry auditate
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Audiate on April 01, 2013, 05:26:04 am
You will aid the community, then practically call a members application bullshit? Get some big boy pants on and stop creating unneeded drama.

 It was a joke. I think most people who would read that would realize that. I hardly ever use all caps, which makes it a common sign of me making a joke. To add every text-modifier to his post just adds some odd form of surreal comedy into the mix. Sorry for the confusion.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Brock on April 01, 2013, 05:27:55 am
My bad Audi.  :'(
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: 5arge on April 01, 2013, 10:20:52 pm
Username: 5arge

Steamname: 5arge

Why do you think you can speak for the community? I am running for reelection.  8)
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Lowlander on April 01, 2013, 11:22:47 pm
Username: 5arge

Steamname: 5arge

Why do you think you can speak for the community? I am running for reelection.  8)

Smooth as fuck. Goodluck 5arge! You did a good job last term.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: USE4life on April 02, 2013, 12:19:40 am
Username: USE4life

Steamname: USE4life
Why do you think you can speak for the community? I've been a part of the community since MM3 and have seen the community evolve significantly. I have many friends and acquaintances within the community. I've partaken in many events across the EU/NA communitys and have been in regiments and communitys from both sides. I also hosted the Public linebattle with success for a few months and have hosted multiple successful servers before. 

Most of all I believe I understand what the community would most prefer and some possible improvements for it.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: OGNValjean on April 02, 2013, 12:52:25 am
Wait, I just realized, our Voices dont matter, this is a Democratic Dictatorship!

All Hail Fallen Admins in Arms!
*Relocating Letters and words due to Censor*
All Hail Vincenzo! All hail FSE!
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Blobmania on April 02, 2013, 10:39:23 am
Please keep comments on-topic, OGNCaljean.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Van_Hulstein on April 02, 2013, 03:43:04 pm
Username: Van_Hulstein

Steamname: swordnl

Why do you think you can speak for the community? Because I'm quite active on the forums and I'm neutral to things.
I'm in the community since 2010 and I know how people in this community are like.
Thats why I want to be it.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Evanovic on April 03, 2013, 08:25:03 pm
Username: Evanovic

Steamname: Evanovic

Why do you think you can speak for the community? Because I think 91st comprised a large portion of the vote last time and if I can be arsed I could get them all to vote for me.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Audiate on April 03, 2013, 08:37:36 pm
Why do you think you can speak for the community?: Because I think 91st comprised a large portion of the vote last time and if I can be arsed I could get them all to vote for me.

 Genius. Just found my choice.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Lowlander on April 03, 2013, 11:09:49 pm
I hereby withdraw my application. I do not wish to stand for re-election.
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Orcaryo on April 03, 2013, 11:55:43 pm
Username: Orcaryo

Steamname: Orcaryo

Why do you think you can speak for the community? : Well because I have been here long enough to see what people want. While people may not know me, I feel that I know other people. I know a lot of people one these forums. I feel that people like me on the forums(please send me a message if you do not because I love constructive criticism).

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Please vote for me and thank you for considering me -Orcaryo
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Stunned Lime on April 05, 2013, 06:09:34 am
Shouldn't voting go up now? 1 weeks passed or will soon ..
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Super on April 05, 2013, 11:51:54 am
Shouldn't voting go up now? 1 weeks passed or will soon ..

It's only just a week today, voting will start anytime today I guess, or maybe for tomorrow.

Good Luck to all entered!
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Spearing on April 05, 2013, 10:36:51 pm
Title: Re: 2nd Term - NW Community Representatives Applications!
Post by: Stunned Lime on April 06, 2013, 05:17:08 am
Shall the voting begin ? Good Luck everyone!