Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Topic started by: LedZepp1109 on November 12, 2012, 08:04:39 pm

Title: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: LedZepp1109 on November 12, 2012, 08:04:39 pm
Post your favorite moments of NW, through images, text, or video :D!
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: LedZepp1109 on November 12, 2012, 09:07:09 pm

>Be leading a line
>Cannonball destroys entire line of 16 people

Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Doctor Scherzando on November 12, 2012, 09:39:58 pm
>be behind officer
>see puff of smoke from cannon in the distance
>veer slightly left, everyone behind me also moves
>officer still running, cannon ball rails him in the head
>rest of the line is saved
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: LedZepp1109 on November 12, 2012, 10:39:13 pm
>be behind officer
>see puff of smoke from cannon in the distance
>veer slightly left, everyone behind me also moves
>officer still running, cannon ball rails him in the head
>rest of the line is saved
I'd imagine we aren't the only one with cannon related stories :P
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Megaberna on November 13, 2012, 03:03:44 pm
I just love to ignite my crate and manage to kill 5 or 6 guys
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Affjoris on November 13, 2012, 03:24:17 pm
Lets go with cannonbal stories then,

Be invite with 5 guys of your regiments
Line you are in gets hit with by a cannon
Only you and the 5 guys of your regiment die, all the others live.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: LedZepp1109 on November 13, 2012, 03:25:42 pm
I just love to ignite my crate and manage to kill 5 or 6 guys
Reminds me of another time, I was driving a boat of about 15 people. I coordinated with one of the guys from the regiment to go underwater under the boat as a sapper and put an explosive crate. Essentially it ended with 15 people dying, and the boat sinking :3
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Rogov on November 13, 2012, 06:14:07 pm
I have to admit my favourite moments are the absolutely horrifying ones... it's these situations where I find myself really able to empathize with the ordinary soldier in these wars.

-Roundshot (or two, or three, heck throw in a howitzer shell too) wipes out the entire line save for yourself and a few others.

-Well timed/placed volley by an enemy line decimates your regiment and destroys your chain of command. Meanwhile cavalry are descending upon your rear...

-Three enemy regiments appear over the edges of the valley you're marching through (to your left, front, and right), and proceed to fire at and charge you. The perfect ambush.

Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: LedZepp1109 on November 14, 2012, 05:53:14 am
I have to admit my favourite moments are the absolutely horrifying ones... it's these situations where I find myself really able to empathize with the ordinary soldier in these wars.

-Roundshot (or two, or three, heck throw in a howitzer shell too) wipes out the entire line save for yourself and a few others.

-Well timed/placed volley by an enemy line decimates your regiment and destroys your chain of command. Meanwhile cavalry are descending upon your rear...

-Three enemy regiments appear over the edges of the valley you're marching through (to your left, front, and right), and proceed to fire at and charge you. The perfect ambush.
I feel you.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: imTaco on November 14, 2012, 03:23:45 pm
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Snowwi on November 14, 2012, 04:11:41 pm
My favourite moments in NW are, even after ~ 2 years of NW/MM experience, the linebattles.

It's just awesome to see many different regiments walking in one big line, and then the moment when the line stops, turns and fires ... just awesome !
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Xeroth on November 14, 2012, 04:14:29 pm
Was playing seige, dropped the ladder white an attacker was jumping off, he glitches and teleported like 10 feet past the wall, flying like a rock and falling to his death. I think I laughed for maybe 10-15 minutes. His response : "wtf".

When Nr20 linebattles us and we were having a fire fight, the only person getting kills was AsianP, an officer using a PISTOL. He killed three people! Remember that Zepp? The good days..  :-\
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: MackCW on November 14, 2012, 06:36:17 pm
Polar Bear formerly of the IHA has a habit of stealing spyglasses and looking through windows of friendly garrisoned houses. Hard not to laugh when you're trying to aim and you see a guy pop up in front of your window (looking at you through a spyglass) that looks like the Gorton's fisherman.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Jacob on November 14, 2012, 11:09:19 pm
When I hit a 12 man on the 4e, remember that mack? xD
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: 15th General De Army Cody on November 15, 2012, 02:03:08 am
The time at a 10te training when we were told to fire in the air straight up, our general comes over to see how were doing my bullet comes down and headshots him.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Japan on November 15, 2012, 05:55:58 am
During a line battle, and you are losing, but at the end you prove to be a challenge.Making suffer but still lost.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: KillerMongoose on November 15, 2012, 03:37:54 pm
I remember one linebattle when I was commanding the 7de Belgische Bataljon Infanterie Van Linie where we charged a great British redoubt and took it by storm even though it was defended by around 2-3 regiments and we charged alone. And once we took the redoubt we held it against a massive British onslaught which we shot down and bayoneted every last one. We did this every round on that map until the final round when they finally came out of the redoubt and were formed up on a hill. They were engaged in a firefight with two French regiments but it was a stalemate thus far until we came charging out of the woods on their left flank and absolutely shattered them by ourselves, keep in mind we were outnumbered roughly 4-1, as there were two massive regiments, 1 of highlanders, the other of footguards. However we were eventually overpowered because none of the other regiments charged in with us despite the fact that we alone reduced them to less than a dozen men. We won the round however, mainly due to the damage our charge inflicted. It was a very proud moment for me as a commander to see my men perform so heroically.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: McEwan on November 15, 2012, 04:04:47 pm
I have three.  :)

The Marins were artillery, and we were desperately holding off a fierce attack by the pubbers and the rest of the enemy team in a Friday line battle. This is the result.

As it so happens, this was the first NW event the Marins had ever been to. We were artillery (of course) and on one map, We spawned in a little valley, with a large, sloping hill off to our left. Naturally, we decided to deploy on the high ground and wait for the enemy to come to us. They did. It seemed like the whole enemy team just materialized out of the forest to our immediate front and left, and with about 1/3 of our team on the other half of the map, we had to try to hold off about 4 lines (who were very well organized, I must say) with only one allied line to our left.

So, we had our sapper dig as many defenses as he could before the enemy reached us, and while our artillery crewman readied their shots, me and the rest of the Marins formed up in light infantry formation to screen our guns. With our defenses only half completed, the lines in front of us (I believe they were the 1stEPI and the 1stFKI) halted and began firing on our position. Some of our men fell, but we got behind our new defenses and began firing back, while our allies held back the enemies on our left flank.

Then our guns began firing, and it was glorious. Whole groups of men fell to our canister and impossibly placed downhill howitzer shells by Munro. The enemies in our front were ripped to shreds, and after the Marins charged and finished the job, we turned to the enemies to our left. We did so with a few well placed volleys, and we secured victory that round.

The next round we just went wild. After a minute or so of artillery barrage, we decided to finish the map. With the Reddit and the rest of our team behind us, we made our first mile-long charge of our NW careers. The Marins came over the ridge in the middle of the map, and even though we were the only ones in view, the enemy lines facing us turned tail and ran. We swamped every regiment we saw, and went on to destroy the enemy artillery and win the map.

That was probably my favorite event in my NW career.

This should explain everything.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: LedZepp1109 on November 15, 2012, 04:16:43 pm
I have three.  :)

The Marins were artillery, and we were desperately holding off a fierce attack by the pubbers and the rest of the enemy team in a Friday line battle. This is the result.

As it so happens, this was the first NW event the Marins had ever been to. We were artillery (of course) and on one map, We spawned in a little valley, with a large, sloping hill off to our left. Naturally, we decided to deploy on the high ground and wait for the enemy to come to us. They did. It seemed like the whole enemy team just materialized out of the forest to our immediate front and left, and with about 1/3 of our team on the other half of the map, we had to try to hold off about 4 lines (who were very well organized, I must say) with only one allied line to our left.

So, we had our sapper dig as many defenses as he could before the enemy reached us, and while our artillery crewman readied their shots, me and the rest of the Marins formed up in light infantry formation to screen our guns. With our defenses only half completed, the lines in front of us (I believe they were the 1stEPI and the 1stFKI) halted and began firing on our position. Some of our men fell, but we got behind our new defenses and began firing back, while our allies held back the enemies on our left flank.

Then our guns began firing, and it was glorious. Whole groups of men fell to our canister and impossibly placed downhill howitzer shells by Munro. The enemies in our front were ripped to shreds, and after the Marins charged and finished the job, we turned to the enemies to our left. We did so with a few well placed volleys, and we secured victory that round.

The next round we just went wild. After a minute or so of artillery barrage, we decided to finish the map. With the Reddit and the rest of our team behind us, we made our first mile-long charge of our NW careers. The Marins came over the ridge in the middle of the map, and even though we were the only ones in view, the enemy lines facing us turned tail and ran. We swamped every regiment we saw, and went on to destroy the enemy artillery and win the map.

That was probably my favorite event in my NW career.

This should explain everything.

Jk, that's all very interesting. It's even more interesting that the Marins were bound for greatness from the start :D, they didn't even need training :P
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: McEwan on November 15, 2012, 04:30:18 pm
Well, we had been active since June the year before. It seemed like we didn't need training because we already had it. ;)
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Peter Broetz on November 15, 2012, 05:22:15 pm
During a line battle I was commanding my rifles when we came under heavy fire from a enemy cannon. There was a enemy line moving behind us and as the cannon fired he missed us by inches and the ball had managed to bounce its way across the map only to hit the Colonel of the enemy regiment. So it just resulted in one of the most hilarious teamkills ever  ;D
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Thunderstormer on November 16, 2012, 12:24:37 pm
I just love to ignite my crate and manage to kill 5 or 6 guys
Reminds me of another time, I was driving a boat of about 15 people. I coordinated with one of the guys from the regiment to go underwater under the boat as a sapper and put an explosive crate. Essentially it ended with 15 people dying, and the boat sinking :3
I tried doing that a while back but you kept moving the boat away.  A few times i was so close but I was shot before I could pull it off.  :(  but I had fun doing attempting.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Duuring on November 16, 2012, 01:03:21 pm
It happened yesterday, on a 84e siege map (The one with the single fortress island). The bridge had offcourse allready been destroyed, and the attackers were sallying forth to the right flank. Me and a guy named named MrAlexsander took a boat, and sailed just north of the right flank, and flanked the enemy. We killed more then fiveteen, if not more, attackers together, and we didn't stop until we ran out of cartridges. We sailed back, picked up new ones, and resumed our position. I got shot barely a minute later though, but that didn't matter ; there was just 2 minutes left, and we won.

I lóve the 84e siege server.  :D
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: rocknok2 on November 16, 2012, 01:20:09 pm
I have three.  :)

The Marins were artillery, and we were desperately holding off a fierce attack by the pubbers and the rest of the enemy team in a Friday line battle. This is the result.

As it so happens, this was the first NW event the Marins had ever been to. We were artillery (of course) and on one map, We spawned in a little valley, with a large, sloping hill off to our left. Naturally, we decided to deploy on the high ground and wait for the enemy to come to us. They did. It seemed like the whole enemy team just materialized out of the forest to our immediate front and left, and with about 1/3 of our team on the other half of the map, we had to try to hold off about 4 lines (who were very well organized, I must say) with only one allied line to our left.

So, we had our sapper dig as many defenses as he could before the enemy reached us, and while our artillery crewman readied their shots, me and the rest of the Marins formed up in light infantry formation to screen our guns. With our defenses only half completed, the lines in front of us (I believe they were the 1stEPI and the 1stFKI) halted and began firing on our position. Some of our men fell, but we got behind our new defenses and began firing back, while our allies held back the enemies on our left flank.

Then our guns began firing, and it was glorious. Whole groups of men fell to our canister and impossibly placed downhill howitzer shells by Munro. The enemies in our front were ripped to shreds, and after the Marins charged and finished the job, we turned to the enemies to our left. We did so with a few well placed volleys, and we secured victory that round.

The next round we just went wild. After a minute or so of artillery barrage, we decided to finish the map. With the Reddit and the rest of our team behind us, we made our first mile-long charge of our NW careers. The Marins came over the ridge in the middle of the map, and even though we were the only ones in view, the enemy lines facing us turned tail and ran. We swamped every regiment we saw, and went on to destroy the enemy artillery and win the map.

That was probably my favorite event in my NW career.

This should explain everything.

I remember #2!
I was Munro's favorite re-loader!
Those cannons were being pumped before the smoke cleared!  'Twas an awesome linebattle, We were mostly picking off enemy arty during the end though ^^
I miss you guys.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Jacob on November 17, 2012, 11:50:10 pm
In a linebattle I was an arty captain, I jump on the arty horse, ride across the map and charge the last enemy cav guy, he was running in circles around me so one well placed swing and he goes down. i wet myself in teamspeak.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Blade on November 18, 2012, 01:08:56 am This was when i was still in 54e.

Samurai goes NW 
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Joker on November 18, 2012, 05:39:35 pm
Probably the funniest moment I have ever had in NW.

Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: McEwan on November 18, 2012, 05:57:33 pm
In a linebattle I was an arty captain, I jump on the arty horse, ride across the map and charge the last enemy cav guy, he was running in circles around me so one well placed swing and he goes down. i wet myself in teamspeak.
Oh you reminded me of something! This recollection is from MM, but it's awesome so who cares?

This was a while back, so I can't exactly remember if we (The Marins) were known as the Royal Scots or the Marins at the time. In any case, we were artillery during a line battle, and it was the last map I think. We were doing fairly well, despite the fact that the only good position had trees blocking a good portion of our line of sight. It was the last round, and after we had been shelling our enemies who were camping on and behind a hill, most of our team was dead with a good part of the enemy team still alive. Despite the circumstances, we were "bored" so we decided to do something a little...unorthodox. We had been experimenting with this concept a few days before on the MG server (miss you :D) to great effect.

You might know this concept as "tanking".

Yes, I along with the cannon guards caught the 2 artillery trains and boarded the carriages while Munro and Panther "drove". We set out for the occupied hill, angling to the left, as we wanted to get around the hill as fast as possible. About halfway to the hill, we were spotted and a line started bearing down on our right, and Munro gave the order to begin firing. With a very well thought out and top secret system, me and the rest of the "gunners" started giving fire. To our utter surprise and excitement, in our first round of shots, we killed 5 men (I'm pretty sure the enemy was incredulous as to what they were seeing).

The line backed off, and after a little confusion, we started up the left side of the hill once again. When we were about to crest the hill, a beautiful arc shot over the hill by Smithy took out one of the artillerists on the opposite side of the hill. We crested, and came into full view of their artillery and the remains of their team. That said, a cannon fired and blew Panther off his horse without killing the horse (our TS was fairly loud atm). I quickly jumped up to drive, and we began our retreat to the opposite side of the hill, as we would have gotten decimated if we had stayed. when we reached the right side of the hill, a line appeared at the top and began firing on us. We quickly skirted around to the right into some trees, while taking potshots.

We finally got tired of waiting and began the charge. While drifting to the right, we started bearing down on the enemy guns. The lines started to move up, but got held up by the remains of our team. A we approached the guns, our worst nightmare came true. The guns fired and blew through my artillery horse and killed everyone in the carriage (except for Oreo, who has amazing reflexes). The horse of the other train got hit too, so we were floundering in plain sight of their guns. With our allies defeated, the enemy line was bearing down on our backs, so we had to time to lose. We charged straight towards the enemy guns, and took them out, losing one of us to a point blank shot. Sadly, though we put up a valiant defense, the enemy line overwhelmed us, thus ending the awesome round.

This is actually my favorite memory, even though it's from MM. Hope you enjoyed it!  ;D
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: rocknok2 on November 18, 2012, 06:09:46 pm
In a linebattle I was an arty captain, I jump on the arty horse, ride across the map and charge the last enemy cav guy, he was running in circles around me so one well placed swing and he goes down. i wet myself in teamspeak.
Oh you reminded me of something! This recollection is from MM, but it's awesome so who cares?

This was a while back, so I can't exactly remember if we (The Marins) were known as the Royal Scots or the Marins at the time. In any case, we were artillery during a line battle, and it was the last map I think. We were doing fairly well, despite the fact that the only good position had trees blocking a good portion of our line of sight. It was the last round, and after we had been shelling our enemies who were camping on and behind a hill, most of our team was dead with a good part of the enemy team still alive. Despite the circumstances, we were "bored" so we decided to do something a little...unorthodox. We had been experimenting with this concept a few days before on the MG server (miss you :D) to great effect.

You might know this concept as "tanking".

Yes, I along with the cannon guards caught the 2 artillery trains and boarded the carriages while Munro and Panther "drove". We set out for the occupied hill, angling to the left, as we wanted to get around the hill as fast as possible. About halfway to the hill, we were spotted and a line started bearing down on our right, and Munro gave the order to begin firing. With a very well thought out and top secret system, me and the rest of the "gunners" started giving fire. To our utter surprise and excitement, in our first round of shots, we killed 5 men (I'm pretty sure the enemy was incredulous as to what they were seeing).

The line backed off, and after a little confusion, we started up the left side of the hill once again. When we were about to crest the hill, a beautiful arc shot over the hill by Smithy took out one of the artillerists on the opposite side of the hill. We crested, and came into full view of their artillery and the remains of their team. That said, a cannon fired and blew Panther off his horse without killing the horse (our TS was fairly loud atm). I quickly jumped up to drive, and we began our retreat to the opposite side of the hill, as we would have gotten decimated if we had stayed. when we reached the right side of the hill, a line appeared at the top and began firing on us. We quickly skirted around to the right into some trees, while taking potshots.

We finally got tired of waiting and began the charge. While drifting to the right, we started bearing down on the enemy guns. The lines started to move up, but got held up by the remains of our team. A we approached the guns, our worst nightmare came true. The guns fired and blew through my artillery horse and killed everyone in the carriage (except for Oreo, who has amazing reflexes). The horse of the other train got hit too, so we were floundering in plain sight of their guns. With our allies defeated, the enemy line was bearing down on our backs, so we had to time to lose. We charged straight towards the enemy guns, and took them out, losing one of us to a point blank shot. Sadly, though we put up a valiant defense, the enemy line overwhelmed us, thus ending the awesome round.

This is actually my favorite memory, even though it's from MM. Hope you enjoyed it!  ;D

Awesome indeed!
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: MackCW on November 18, 2012, 06:57:37 pm
Probably the funniest moment I have ever had in NW.


Damn dat ambush  :o. Looks like they were surprised too though, like it was an accident
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: GoblinOverlord on November 18, 2012, 07:51:19 pm
That ambush.... I couldn't see a single prussian! Well done Prussians!  :D
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Jacob on November 19, 2012, 08:55:10 am
Quality ambush :P
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Joker on November 19, 2012, 12:53:36 pm
:p Scared the hell out of everyone
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Desparin on November 19, 2012, 01:05:00 pm
During a line battle I was commanding my rifles when we came under heavy fire from a enemy cannon. There was a enemy line moving behind us and as the cannon fired he missed us by inches and the ball had managed to bounce its way across the map only to hit the Colonel of the enemy regiment. So it just resulted in one of the most hilarious teamkills ever  ;D

Ah peter, I remembre that moment fondly. Was a Monday Historical event on the Waterloo map xD

Personally, my favourite moment thus far has to be way back when I was a member of the 2nd Coldstream Skirmisher detachment under Peter (Has been rather a while old chap).

The map consisted of an open plain with a large hills in each spawn. The skirmishers (playing as riflemen) formed up on a small ridge to defend our artillery and Peter suggested we take a few pot-shots at the enemy lines emerging out of their spawn. Lo and behold, I scored a glorious head-shot right across the breadth of the map, I believe it was a large one. I can still remember the shock and congratulations flooding into the chat box. Oh, what happy times they were xD
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: MackCW on November 20, 2012, 02:42:49 pm

Watching a buddy of mine, an arty guy return and join the FKI. Goes 15-6 in tdm with a howitzer, causing peeps to rage.
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: GoblinOverlord on November 20, 2012, 04:51:56 pm
Yesterday i was playing N&S for once in a while, siege, and then most of our team made an attack squad. Under the guidance of bagpipes, fifes, horns and drums we marched to the walls. Men fell down to my left and right, before i also got hit. This special moments of teamwork without a regiment are the moments that make me love M&B.  :D
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Samuel J. Ahonen on November 20, 2012, 05:42:52 pm
I was playing on the 51st Siege Server on a custom made map. Lured people up to the cliffside of the fort (it had some paths on it). Got them into my killing corner and killed around 70 (if my memory isn't failing me) without dying too many times. x) Returned to the server another week and they had put a pathing on the corner. lol
Title: Re: Favorite moments in NW?
Post by: Rackio on November 20, 2012, 05:43:33 pm
seeing torn pretty much destroy a regiment in the first 2 minutes of a line battle with one howitzer shot