Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Off Topic => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 07:00:19 am

Title: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 07:00:19 am
I'm a bit fucked in the head right now so forgive my unpleasant formatting as I attempt to dissect the female anatomy in a simplistic and somewhat digestible manner.

Some of this will be conjecture, but I will reference sources and provide them as necessary. Also a bit of a warning, going down this rabbit hole can make some people uncomfortable; don't read unless you are absolutely certain that concepts such as "true love" exist.


Most societies in the world believe in ideas of monogamy. It has become my belief that this is an ideal that can never be fully realized due to the primordial instincts of the human species.

The cycle shift hypothesis:

If you are somewhat versed in the world of evolutionary psychology, you can skip this part.

What is the cycle shift hypothesis?

The ovulatory shift hypothesis is the theory that women experience evolutionarily adaptive changes in subconscious thoughts and behaviors related to mating across the ovulatory cycle. (1)

What does this imply?

Numerous studies have shown that women’s sexual preferences change throughout the ovulatory cycle, heavily indicating evidence in favor of the good genes hypothesis.

Okay so what is the good genes hypothesis?

The good genes hypothesis states that a female's ideal mate choice among potential mates is one whose genes will produce male offspring with the best chance of reproductive success. This also implies that a potential mate's capacity as a parental caregiver or any other direct benefits the father can offer the mother, such as nuptial gifts or good territory, are irrelevant to his value as the potential father of the female's offspring. (2)

Okay, so what evidence do we have to support the good genes hypothesis?

1. Women’s sexual preferences during the ovulatory cycle:

The following studies show that when women are fertile, they feel significant increased attraction towards:

-more masculine faces (6)

-more symmetrical faces and bodies (7)

-the scent of men with more symmetrical faces and bodies (7)

-more physically fit men (7)

-more domineering behavior (9)

-more competitive behavior (9)

2. During their most fertile phase, women fantasize about sexual encounters with men who are not their current partner, and experience decreased satisfaction with their current partner:

Extra-pair copulation occurs when an individual mates outside of his/her own monogamous pairing. This (3) study shows that:

-women reported greater sexual interest in, and fantasy about, non–primary partners near ovulation than during the luteal phase;

-women did not report significantly greater sexual interest in, and fantasy about, primary partners near ovulation

And this (4) study shows that:

-pair-bonded women who were near ovulation reported greater extra-pair flirtation

-these effects were exhibited primarily by women who perceived their partners to be low on hypothesized good genes indicators (low in sexual attractiveness relative to investment attractiveness)

3. During their most fertile phase, women who have partners with imperfect genes (or asymmetrical faces) felt less close to their partner and were more critical of their partner's faults (5) (11)

4. When women are at their least fertile, they are more attracted to (11):




-resources and wealth

5. Women who self report less attraction to the physical characteristics mentioned previously have lower self esteem (or perceive themselves as less attractive). (8) (12)

The general idea:

Evolutionary psychology tells us that women are likely to experience a dichotomy of sexual attraction. If they can’t find a mate who can maintain their sexual desire while they are ovulating, they will feel a desire to seek out a mate with better genes to reproduce with. Women feel unattractive when they are paired with a genetically inferior mate and this drives their self esteem down. This can result in relationship problems that can serve as an excuse or justification of extra-pair copulation.

Okay but why does this all matter? How does this contradict ideas of love and monogamy?

Love in our society is deemed as a true attraction and infatuation with another person. Being with someone who you instinctively don’t want to reproduce with is a sign that their primary function is to serve as a provider of care and resources for a baby that isn’t genetically their own. This contradicts the idea that “there is someone for everyone” and rather implies that evolution has guided us towards a more efficient (but unfortunately less humanistic) system.

Situations like this one: revolve around the idea that women don’t enjoy being with someone who makes them feel unattractive. When someone with good genes offers to have sexual intercourse with them, they feel desired and then blame it on the husband (the one who subconsciously makes them feel unattractive through their unattractiveness) for not making them feel desired. In reality, there is not much the husband can to do fix this, because her lack of satisfaction comes from a sexual place, not an emotional one.

Some final words:

This is all a part of human evolution and has genetically gotten us to where we are today. I am not hating on women nor do I intend for this to be sexist, I’m really just a scientist who likes to analyze data. I did lurk r/incels but I myself am reasonably attractive and am not an incel. I thought their point of view was scattered, but intriguing. I still think they are wrong about most things, but in terms of evolutionary psychology they are mostly correct.

Resources (just going to put links to each corresponding reference here, not really a point in using APA format on it.):












Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 08, 2019, 07:00:56 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 07:03:56 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Highly doubt that hombre. This is a scientific look at the advanced workings of the female, peer reviewed and fucking supported by the top minds of the world. This isn't some useless shit that society surmised in order to make the obese neckbeards feel like they have a chance at the digging into some sweet, plump blonde ass.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 08, 2019, 07:09:54 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Highly doubt that hombre. This is a scientific look at the advanced workings of the female, peer reviewed and fucking supported by the top minds of the world. This isn't some useless shit that society surmised in order to make the obese neckbeards feel like they have a chance at the digging into some sweet, plump blonde ass.

peer reviewed?

yeah peer reviewed by a bunch of DUMBASSES

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 07:19:33 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Highly doubt that hombre. This is a scientific look at the advanced workings of the female, peer reviewed and fucking supported by the top minds of the world. This isn't some useless shit that society surmised in order to make the obese neckbeards feel like they have a chance at the digging into some sweet, plump blonde ass.

peer reviewed?

yeah peer reviewed by a bunch of DUMBASSES

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.
This is exactly why these triple chinned fucks need to get redpilled, and realize that settling for your beer belly ass simply isn't good enough. They need to hit the gym, freshen up, and get some fucking speech books so that the playing field may be leveled the way evolution needs it to be, where we strive for superior gains and don't settle for this basic shit. You want some good puss puss and know not just physically, but mentally that this chick is just begging for you to pound her like a fucking jackhammer.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?
Apparently so, as I have seen tens, if not HUNDREDS of women who would qualify easily for an 8/10 settle for below average, low income fucktwits who wouldn't know how to thrust if a tutorial vid was thrown straight their way. These poor women are literally fooling their fucking brain chemistry because society thinks it is believable that every man (provided he has a decent social personality) be given a chance at some prime coochie. This IS BULLSHIT, nature demands the best and a conditioning done out of the pity for the weakminded will lead to our downfall. Since evolution doesn't play by their rules, the superior male has to now conform to these rules in order for the rest of the pack to get some action.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 08, 2019, 07:26:40 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Highly doubt that hombre. This is a scientific look at the advanced workings of the female, peer reviewed and fucking supported by the top minds of the world. This isn't some useless shit that society surmised in order to make the obese neckbeards feel like they have a chance at the digging into some sweet, plump blonde ass.

peer reviewed?

yeah peer reviewed by a bunch of DUMBASSES

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.
This is exactly why these triple chinned fucks need to get redpilled, and realize that settling for your beer belly ass simply isn't good enough. They need to hit the gym, freshen up, and get some fucking speech books so that the playing field may be leveled the way evolution needs it to be, where we strive for superior gains and don't settle for this basic shit. You want some good puss puss and know not just physically, but mentally that this chick is just begging for you to pound her like a fucking jackhammer.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?
Apparently so, as I have seen tens, if not HUNDREDS of women who would qualify easily for an 8/10 settle for below average, low income fucktwits who wouldn't know how to thrust if a tutorial vid was thrown straight their way. These poor women are literally fooling their fucking brain chemistry because society thinks it is believable that every man (provided he has a decent social personality) be given a chance at some prime coochie. This IS BULLSHIT, nature demands the best and a conditioning done out of the pity for the weakminded will lead to our downfall. Since evolution doesn't play by their rules, the superior male has to now conform to these rules in order for the rest of the pack to get some action.

so you are saying that modern society has given the genetically inferior beta male a chance for some pussy?

yes i agree, but still, will beta male ACTUALLY benefit from the relationship? the inferior beta male will be walked all over , disrespected, being used only for his money, and only get boring uniinteresting sex twice a year from his "wife"

nature isnt always right, the weakminded getting pussy is NECESSARY for our survival and continuation as a species, if the betas werent getting any pussy theyd riot and shit would be BAD, they got strength in fucking numbers, as per the 80/20 rule, it doesnt matter how good you are, overwhelming numbers will always win
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 07:37:55 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Highly doubt that hombre. This is a scientific look at the advanced workings of the female, peer reviewed and fucking supported by the top minds of the world. This isn't some useless shit that society surmised in order to make the obese neckbeards feel like they have a chance at the digging into some sweet, plump blonde ass.

peer reviewed?

yeah peer reviewed by a bunch of DUMBASSES

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.
This is exactly why these triple chinned fucks need to get redpilled, and realize that settling for your beer belly ass simply isn't good enough. They need to hit the gym, freshen up, and get some fucking speech books so that the playing field may be leveled the way evolution needs it to be, where we strive for superior gains and don't settle for this basic shit. You want some good puss puss and know not just physically, but mentally that this chick is just begging for you to pound her like a fucking jackhammer.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?
Apparently so, as I have seen tens, if not HUNDREDS of women who would qualify easily for an 8/10 settle for below average, low income fucktwits who wouldn't know how to thrust if a tutorial vid was thrown straight their way. These poor women are literally fooling their fucking brain chemistry because society thinks it is believable that every man (provided he has a decent social personality) be given a chance at some prime coochie. This IS BULLSHIT, nature demands the best and a conditioning done out of the pity for the weakminded will lead to our downfall. Since evolution doesn't play by their rules, the superior male has to now conform to these rules in order for the rest of the pack to get some action.

so you are saying that modern society has given the genetically inferior beta male a chance for some pussy?

yes i agree, but still, will beta male ACTUALLY benefit from the relationship? the inferior beta male will be walked all over , disrespected, being used only for his money, and only get boring uniinteresting sex twice a year from his "wife"

nature isnt always right, the weakminded getting pussy is NECESSARY for our survival and continuation as a species, if the betas werent getting any pussy theyd riot and shit would be BAD, they got strength in fucking numbers, as per the 80/20 rule, it doesnt matter how good you are, overwhelming numbers will always win
Oh yes, the weaker man will without a doubt be trampled upon by his "significant other" as she drains him of cash, all the while fucking the poolboy every Saturday evening after an extensive spending spree at Sephora.

True, clearly the weaker members of the male sex reproduce at an abnormal rate that is necessary for the species to continue indefinitely.

This is shown perfectly in a clip from Idiocracy:

BUT, that does not mean men will always have to settle for this low standard in order for women to accept them and breed contemptuously for the good of mankind. Over time, we can slowly build up that standard, making it so they don't have to be 240 pounds, living in a shitty apartment, and wracked with mental issues in order for free pussy to be flung at them like rotten fruit at a condemned peasant heading to the gallows.

I'm so glad I'm nearing the end, this has finally opened my mind to the true functioning of evolution, and just how society has tried to tame it for the worst.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 08, 2019, 08:23:18 am
holy shit this is such basic bullshit everyone already knows

talk about something else
Highly doubt that hombre. This is a scientific look at the advanced workings of the female, peer reviewed and fucking supported by the top minds of the world. This isn't some useless shit that society surmised in order to make the obese neckbeards feel like they have a chance at the digging into some sweet, plump blonde ass.

peer reviewed?

yeah peer reviewed by a bunch of DUMBASSES

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?

the obese neckbeards know deep down inside its all bullshit(bluepill), but they just go along with it anyway to not be labeled a misogynist incel, because a man that doesnt get pussy, i.e. an incel, is the WORST, most despicable thing from societies point of view.
This is exactly why these triple chinned fucks need to get redpilled, and realize that settling for your beer belly ass simply isn't good enough. They need to hit the gym, freshen up, and get some fucking speech books so that the playing field may be leveled the way evolution needs it to be, where we strive for superior gains and don't settle for this basic shit. You want some good puss puss and know not just physically, but mentally that this chick is just begging for you to pound her like a fucking jackhammer.

motherfucker, you really think it takes a bunch of PHDs to find out that women just want to be FUCKEd by the most genetically superior being?
Apparently so, as I have seen tens, if not HUNDREDS of women who would qualify easily for an 8/10 settle for below average, low income fucktwits who wouldn't know how to thrust if a tutorial vid was thrown straight their way. These poor women are literally fooling their fucking brain chemistry because society thinks it is believable that every man (provided he has a decent social personality) be given a chance at some prime coochie. This IS BULLSHIT, nature demands the best and a conditioning done out of the pity for the weakminded will lead to our downfall. Since evolution doesn't play by their rules, the superior male has to now conform to these rules in order for the rest of the pack to get some action.

so you are saying that modern society has given the genetically inferior beta male a chance for some pussy?

yes i agree, but still, will beta male ACTUALLY benefit from the relationship? the inferior beta male will be walked all over , disrespected, being used only for his money, and only get boring uniinteresting sex twice a year from his "wife"

nature isnt always right, the weakminded getting pussy is NECESSARY for our survival and continuation as a species, if the betas werent getting any pussy theyd riot and shit would be BAD, they got strength in fucking numbers, as per the 80/20 rule, it doesnt matter how good you are, overwhelming numbers will always win
Oh yes, the weaker man will without a doubt be trampled upon by his "significant other" as she drains him of cash, all the while fucking the poolboy every Saturday evening after an extensive spending spree at Sephora.

True, clearly the weaker members of the male sex reproduce at an abnormal rate that is necessary for the species to continue indefinitely.

This is shown perfectly in a clip from Idiocracy:

BUT, that does not mean men will always have to settle for this low standard in order for women to accept them and breed contemptuously for the good of mankind. Over time, we can slowly build up that standard, making it so they don't have to be 240 pounds, living in a shitty apartment, and wracked with mental issues in order for free pussy to be flung at them like rotten fruit at a condemned peasant heading to the gallows.

I'm so glad I'm nearing the end, this has finally opened my mind to the true functioning of evolution, and just how society has tried to tame it for the worst.

damn RIP winters
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: ~NickCole~ on June 08, 2019, 09:44:58 am
Holy shit Winters wtf is this thread
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Tardet on June 08, 2019, 11:21:46 am
*A new challenger appears*
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Dokletian on June 08, 2019, 11:29:03 am
looks like someone got rejected
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Tommmy on June 08, 2019, 12:37:30 pm
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Riv on June 08, 2019, 01:23:24 pm
only a beta would waste time writing something like this
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Theodin on June 08, 2019, 02:54:30 pm
When did we as humans abandon the part of our mental lives that transcends the evolutionary? This species is the only one that lives detached from animalism, and while it’s necessary to understand our animal side, it is not the dominant side in any way
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sanders on June 08, 2019, 03:54:30 pm
The Last of the Neanderthals strikes again
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Eamon on June 08, 2019, 04:21:34 pm
That loss hit him hard
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Malkolm R. Lind on June 08, 2019, 06:07:47 pm
What exactly made you post this? I'm so confused.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Godsworn Alexiel on June 08, 2019, 06:15:33 pm
This is basic red pill stuff so you didn’t need to post a bunch of studies to prove a point that most people are well versed in aside from you either being new to it and experiencing Red Pill Rage or trying to convince blue pillers of it.

Just accept the true female nature for what it is and fuck these hoes to sleep with the playbook nibba

Improve yo self and don’t be retarded enough to unironically become black pilled cuz that’s equivalent to admitting defeat

u will feel smacked around by hotter bros in the game in the early 20s (unless you actually date highschool girls), so just focus on your grind and you’ll get to peak SMV at around age 26-30


Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 06:16:36 pm
What exactly made you post this? I'm so confused.
A revelation late at night while pondering the previous breakups and issues of my friends and family. This then led me to undertake extensive research into why these things act as they do, as I believe it is imperative that we break it down to the bare minimum. Why? So that we may have a better chance at identifying the root cause of these issues that people instead seem to mark up as "insecurities". Interestingly enough, this has only now occurred to me, almost like an epiphany as my health slowly takes a tumble down the proverbial hill.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 08, 2019, 08:03:42 pm
red pill is such cope lmao

everything a woman wants is genetically based, height, bones, and hair no amount of self improvement will improve/save any of those(except hair at the expense of your dick and mental functions)

all this game shit is cringy as fuck no one gives a shit, every relationship is transactional and both parties will overlook each others "personality" flaws as long as they are still benefiting from the relationship

i.e. giga chad acts like a super douche, and everyone justifies it as him just joking, ugly guy does it he becomes an outcasted scumbag.

societal norms only apply to betas "ur not cool enough to be different"

both red pill and the blue pill were invented to give the betas(lmao i hate using this term) a false sense of hope so they can continue to pay taxes, consume, and provide labor.

but now you know the facts dont become like the retarded autistic incels who hate women
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Earth Bby on June 08, 2019, 08:44:54 pm
Love is real but most people settle for lust.


Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Nero_ on June 08, 2019, 08:48:08 pm
the most american thread around
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Cameron. on June 08, 2019, 09:02:26 pm
this is embarassing
hoes aint shit
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Godsworn Alexiel on June 08, 2019, 09:50:13 pm
red pill is such cope lmao

everything a woman wants is genetically based, height, bones, and hair no amount of self improvement will improve/save any of those(except hair at the expense of your dick and mental functions)

all this game shit is cringy as fuck no one gives a shit, every relationship is transactional and both parties will overlook each others "personality" flaws as long as they are still benefiting from the relationship

i.e. giga chad acts like a super douche, and everyone justifies it as him just joking, ugly guy does it he becomes an outcasted scumbag.

societal norms only apply to betas "ur not cool enough to be different"

both red pill and the blue pill were invented to give the betas(lmao i hate using this term) a false sense of hope so they can continue to pay taxes, consume, and provide labor.

but now you know the facts dont become like the retarded autistic incels who hate women

Are you retarded

It’s not all biologically based

Genetics does play a large part but to say that it is the say all end all is retarded and contradictory to even your past statements

Let’s say a chad has great genetics but is poor and not very fit as of recent. Compare that to an average man in terms of genetics who grinded for strong finances and is very fit

Genetics and face won’t trump that

Hypergamy doesn’t stop at genetics

If you honestly believe it’s only genetics and you cannot change anything then you are unironically a black piller by definition of ideology

The only people in this camp with that ideology are incels
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Mexican on June 08, 2019, 09:57:04 pm
lol silly americans
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 08, 2019, 10:01:53 pm
red pill is such cope lmao

everything a woman wants is genetically based, height, bones, and hair no amount of self improvement will improve/save any of those(except hair at the expense of your dick and mental functions)

all this game shit is cringy as fuck no one gives a shit, every relationship is transactional and both parties will overlook each others "personality" flaws as long as they are still benefiting from the relationship

i.e. giga chad acts like a super douche, and everyone justifies it as him just joking, ugly guy does it he becomes an outcasted scumbag.

societal norms only apply to betas "ur not cool enough to be different"

both red pill and the blue pill were invented to give the betas(lmao i hate using this term) a false sense of hope so they can continue to pay taxes, consume, and provide labor.

but now you know the facts dont become like the retarded autistic incels who hate women

Are you retarded

It’s not all biologically based

Genetics does play a large part but to say that it is the say all end all is retarded and contradictory to even your past statements

Let’s say a chad has great genetics but is poor and not very fit as of recent. Compare that to an average man in terms of genetics who grinded for strong finances and is very fit

Genetics and face won’t trump that

Hypergamy doesn’t stop at genetics

If you honestly believe it’s only genetics and you cannot change anything then you are unironically a black piller by definition of ideology

The only people in this camp with that ideology are incels
Or they could just be miserable, rich, high aiming dudes with a self pity mechanism instilled within them from birth.

I'm looking at you Elliot Rodgers. :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 08, 2019, 10:38:00 pm
red pill is such cope lmao

everything a woman wants is genetically based, height, bones, and hair no amount of self improvement will improve/save any of those(except hair at the expense of your dick and mental functions)

all this game shit is cringy as fuck no one gives a shit, every relationship is transactional and both parties will overlook each others "personality" flaws as long as they are still benefiting from the relationship

i.e. giga chad acts like a super douche, and everyone justifies it as him just joking, ugly guy does it he becomes an outcasted scumbag.

societal norms only apply to betas "ur not cool enough to be different"

both red pill and the blue pill were invented to give the betas(lmao i hate using this term) a false sense of hope so they can continue to pay taxes, consume, and provide labor.

but now you know the facts dont become like the retarded autistic incels who hate women

Are you retarded

It’s not all biologically based

Genetics does play a large part but to say that it is the say all end all is retarded and contradictory to even your past statements

Let’s say a chad has great genetics but is poor and not very fit as of recent. Compare that to an average man in terms of genetics who grinded for strong finances and is very fit

Genetics and face won’t trump that

Hypergamy doesn’t stop at genetics

If you honestly believe it’s only genetics and you cannot change anything then you are unironically a black piller by definition of ideology

The only people in this camp with that ideology are incels

when it comes to pure sexual attraction its entirely biologically based

no matter how much money or status you have, you will never be able to turn a chick on like a homeless brad pitt would be able to

Genetics does play a large part but to say that it is the say all end all

it is, if you want innate love and not spurious love, because once you lose your money or status she'll bounce.

Let’s say a chad has great genetics but is poor and not very fit as of recent. Compare that to an average man in terms of genetics who grinded for strong finances and is very fit

Genetics and face won’t trump that

yes they will, the chick will fuck the "chad" behind the financially successful guys back, this shit happens all the time, especially today with tinder and social media where women have 100s of guys knocking on their door online, she'll constantly put off sex with her husband because she "doesnt feel like it".

who wins

the chad that gets to smash the chick constantly without having to pay for anything, or the nerd STEM major who gets pity sex twice a year while paying for all of her shit and giving her constant attention?

oh but mr STEM major makes 90-130k!!!! great, you can get the latest and greatest most expensive shit to flex on the other jokers in the same boat as you, you still have to work just as much if not more than everyone else, quality of life doesn't differ much in the united states, until you become a millionaire and obtain "fuck you money" where you then become free for the most part

literally look at jeremy meeks, he was bottom of the barrel in terms of money and status, and he married a supermodel millionaire, become a model, and started making millions himself.

do you get an equal return on the amount of work you put in if you are a beta? no

if a chick finds you attractive, she will come to you, you wont have to flex your money or status or try to "game" her like come on lmao its obvious

Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on June 09, 2019, 02:11:18 am
When are we going to play zombies
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 09, 2019, 02:22:58 am
When are we going to play zombies
Next year
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on June 09, 2019, 02:42:47 am
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 09, 2019, 03:04:22 am
i win this intellectual debate

the Ws just dont stop comin
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Theodin on June 09, 2019, 04:17:54 am
pride is a sin
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Runepkyz on June 09, 2019, 04:21:47 am
I didnt read any of this but the answer to everything is nutting in her butt.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 09, 2019, 06:05:41 am
Didnt read or agree with any of this but love is bullshit...
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Rutger Müller on June 10, 2019, 02:32:16 am
virgin detected
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 10, 2019, 03:11:24 am
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 10, 2019, 04:04:57 am
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 10, 2019, 04:17:54 am
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 10, 2019, 04:22:41 am
lol secularized metaphysics(religion)

think about it before you say "DURR DURR BUT SECULAR MEANS NOT RELIGIOUS"
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Theodin on June 10, 2019, 04:38:31 am
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
The religion for indecisive Western intellectual betas
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 10, 2019, 04:53:57 am
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
The religion for indecisive Western intellectual betas

western philosophy is TRASH

bunch of lower level nimrods who can't comprehend anything theurgic or transcendent
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Theodin on June 10, 2019, 09:17:40 pm
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
The religion for indecisive Western intellectual betas

western philosophy is TRASH

bunch of lower level nimrods who can't comprehend anything theurgic or transcendent
atheist western maybe
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 10, 2019, 09:35:08 pm
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
The religion for indecisive Western intellectual betas

western philosophy is TRASH

bunch of lower level nimrods who can't comprehend anything theurgic or transcendent
atheist western maybe
hI mY FAvoRItE pHiLoSoPHeR iS sAM hArRis
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Theodin on June 10, 2019, 09:35:43 pm
virgin detected
silly man I only answer to GOD

which god are we talking?
The religion for indecisive Western intellectual betas

western philosophy is TRASH

bunch of lower level nimrods who can't comprehend anything theurgic or transcendent
atheist western maybe
hI mY FAvoRItE pHiLoSoPHeR iS sAM hArRis
agh gross
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Smylie on June 10, 2019, 10:40:10 pm
Pretty gay, all these NA’s acting as if they know what love is. There are like 2 arguments for why this is wrong.
Btw define what love is
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Riv on June 10, 2019, 11:24:55 pm
Pretty gay, all these NA’s acting as if they know what love is. There are like 2 arguments for why this is wrong.
Btw define what love is

They have degrees in 'chad philosophy' wdym. I don't think scientific evidence can be used to discuss a word such as 'love', it's completely relative to the person, i'd say it's important not to get confused with the concept of 'love' with other things such as infatuation or sexual feelings, neither of with constitute love.
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on June 11, 2019, 12:56:26 am
Pretty gay, all these NA’s acting as if they know what love is. There are like 2 arguments for why this is wrong.
Btw define what love is

They have degrees in 'chad philosophy' wdym. I don't think scientific evidence can be used to discuss a word such as 'love', it's completely relative to the person, i'd say it's important not to get confused with the concept of 'love' with other things such as infatuation or sexual feelings, neither of with constitute love.
lmao imagine thinking girls are real
Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: Godsworn Alexiel on June 11, 2019, 01:11:00 am
lol blackpill is retarded matt

its literally formed on the basis of autistics who look for the quick fix to get girls and failed because quick fixes dont work very effectively

if you put in the work, get your body right, get your finances right, women will come to you

Title: Re: "Love" is bullshit and let me tell you why
Post by: MrTiki on June 11, 2019, 01:32:29 am
Yeah we don't need an incel thread thanks.