Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Released Modifications => Topic started by: caseofinsanity on March 22, 2013, 12:33:47 am

Title: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: caseofinsanity on March 22, 2013, 12:33:47 am
Napoleonic Wars++ is a mod that aims to enhance teamwork features and Conquest mode for historical battle events.

Originally, the mod was designed for hosting Waterloo event but I believe this mod enhances gameplay experience in general regardless of event type

Download link here  v0.74 (

General Changes
1. New faction - Waterloo Coalition, featuring UK and Prussian units
2. New map - Waterloo
3. Commanders can send messages to officers in the team (broadcast or one-to-one)
4. Detachable bayonet (press B to fix or unfix bayonet, EXAMPLE VIDEO (
5. Speed bonus for charge (pressing C gives temporary speed bonus, only works if you are using fixed bayonet/one-handed weapon/on horseback   and enemies are not within 9m distance)

Conquest mode changes
1. Each base flag is worth 4 points instead of 2
2. Each conquest flag can generate different team points (can generate no team point or a lot)
3. Separately adjustable starting team points for Team 1 and Team 2
4. You cannot spawn in your flag area if the chosen flag position is occupied by enemies (conditions: 3+ enemies near the flag or the flag is being pulled)
5. If a general unit dies, the team suffers 20% loss from the current team points
6. Added deployment barriers. They can be placed at the start of each game by map makers, giving time for commanders to position the troops. After a fixed time, the barriers disappear.

1. Mod installer size is less than 2MB (install happens by copying the existing NW and replacing some content)

Commander Chat

Commanders and Officers can send messages between each other.
(Officers can only send messages to the commander. But Commanders can choose to broadcast messages to officers or just to a specific officer)
Press O to open up commander chat box

For Commanders

Press B to change the target Troop class (Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery)
Press between 1 ~ 6 or 0  to change the target group/regiment


Groups are determined in the following fashion:


Flag engagement

A flag is engaged when either condition is met:

Note: The base flag spawn is immune to the consequence of flag engagement.


Waterloo Map





Mod in action! - Historical Battle: Waterloo
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: Reverse on March 22, 2013, 12:42:42 am
Looks nice, downloading now!
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: zac on March 22, 2013, 04:10:44 am
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: BSM 'Shut up' Williams on March 22, 2013, 04:57:44 pm
I had this mod for a long time now its great.
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: Xanderman on March 23, 2013, 09:58:06 am
Hmmmm interesting
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: TheItalianoX on April 03, 2013, 07:04:50 pm
Very interesting!
I tried the mod and it's awesome!
Only one thing: charge animation doesn't look real. If u can work on this.
Thanks!  ;)
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: Mack on April 04, 2013, 01:39:44 pm
The idea's of this mod are really good, and its good to see that you already finished some cool features. Personally, I won't download this mod as it will be much work to send the mod to all the regiment bla bla, but I hope the FSE team will talk with you about adding some of your made features in the game. Besides that, if you'd like to have my waterloo map, I'd send it straight away. It's historical accurate, and it has been tested by tons of events. Even a FSE Developer looked at it :)

Edit: Is there no way, that you can add some of those great features serverside? Such as the bonus if you press C ?
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: TomaHawkAU on April 23, 2013, 01:13:56 am
The idea's of this mod are really good, and its good to see that you already finished some cool features. Personally, I won't download this mod as it will be much work to send the mod to all the regiment bla bla, but I hope the FSE team will talk with you about adding some of your made features in the game. Besides that, if you'd like to have my waterloo map, I'd send it straight away. It's historical accurate, and it has been tested by tons of events. Even a FSE Developer looked at it :)

Edit: Is there no way, that you can add some of those great features serverside? Such as the bonus if you press C ?

This mod is inactive however I am talking to case about him handing over the mod to me so I can revive it looking for modellers, coders and sound art developers as well as suggestions.
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: Mack on April 29, 2013, 10:26:33 pm
I can see what I can do, with some lessons I could texture ( a bit ) I can already make colours & banners. Besides that, I can map for you.
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: TomaHawkAU on May 03, 2013, 09:38:39 am
I can see what I can do, with some lessons I could texture ( a bit ) I can already make colours & banners. Besides that, I can map for you.
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: MadManYo on September 24, 2013, 09:25:52 pm
can you make Rifles fix bayonets?
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: TWking on December 01, 2013, 08:57:03 pm
Is this server side or does everyone need it?
Title: Re: [NW][M] Napoleonic Wars++ STABLE VERSION
Post by: BSM 'Shut up' Williams on December 01, 2013, 09:54:22 pm
Everyone needs it.