Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Servers => Topic started by: Unitater on June 20, 2018, 04:13:34 am

Title: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: Unitater on June 20, 2018, 04:13:34 am


BBG Public Duel NA

This is a friendly place for people to practice their dueling skills against other infantrymen.

What is it?
Duels are a 1v1 engagement, and help to foster important skills necessary to become better at melee as a whole. All are free to come and practice!

Server Rules
Our rules are very simple:
1. Do not troll, be it through actions, exploits, or spamming chat. Please try not to disturb the other players.
2. Do not use Racial Slurs.
3. No recruiting, with the exception of BBG Regiments.
4. Do not interfere with duels.

Contact Information

Head Administrator
( (

Community Administrator
( ( (http://steam://friends/add/'.76561197962007296.')

Admin List:
Awesome Cool Snake

Ban/Unban Requests
Ban Request:
Ban Request:

Unban Request:
Unban Request:
Why should you be unbanned?
User ID #:

Admin Application:
How long have you played on the server?:
Current weekly hours on the server?:
How active can you be?:
Current Regiment/Clan:
Admin experience:
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?:
Why do you want this role?:
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Unitater on June 20, 2018, 04:14:13 am
About time we got a thread out there!

Thanks to everyone for your continued use of the BBG Servers! I am happy to have added the Duel to our family of servers along with BBG Bot Survival and BBG Arena Champion, as well as our partner server the APPL NA Zombies server!

Should your regiment wish to join the BBG Community, and use our private 25/50/200 man servers and be able to recruit on BBG servers, contact Tired.

Admin apps are open, but they will be vetted very hard. I can tell you this now, those in bad standing within the community, or trolls/etc. will be denied.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Jakester on June 20, 2018, 04:49:41 am
Nickname: Jakester
GUID: 1252303
Steam: 25th Jakester (
How long have you played on the server?: Frequently, usually a daily/every other day deal.
Current weekly hours on the server?: Seven or eight hours a week.
How active can you be?: I can be active every day.
Age: 18
Timezone/Location: Eastern Time Zone
Current Regiment/Clan: LegAndes (SA), AEF (NA), 25th (EU)
Admin experience: KOB, NANWL, EIC, A Tuesday Linebattle Event, BoB Groupfighting Moderator, etc
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Tired?
Why do you want this role?: To ensure the server stays normal and troll free, and in the rare event of an incident to be able to help out.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Sleek on June 20, 2018, 04:50:33 am
shitty server reset it
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: BabyJesus on June 20, 2018, 05:55:39 am
Steam:my steam is updating
How long have you played on the server?: since it became a thing i think?
Current weekly hours on the server?:i dont keep track but im pretty active
How active can you be?:pretty active
Current Regiment/Clan:71st Hivemind
Admin experience:All of dans tournaments, BoB groupfighting, NAPL, Mod of Godfreids duel league
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?:idk
Why do you want this role?:i play on the server pretty often. Keep the server troll free and etc
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: purplishdragon on June 20, 2018, 06:01:45 am
Nickname: purplish
GUID: 1452379
How long have you played on the server?: all of the time
Current weekly hours on the server?: 10 idk
How active can you be?: yes
Age: 17
Timezone/Location: CST
Current Regiment/Clan: Nr4
Admin experience: Chefs of Swaziland
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Unitater
Why do you want this role?: cus i want it
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Fartknocker on June 20, 2018, 06:01:56 am
Nickname: Fartknocker
GUID: 1169334
How long have you played on the server?: Since it has existed
Current weekly hours on the server?: Not sure but a lot
How active can you be?: Daily
Age: 20
Timezone/Location: EST
Current Regiment/Clan: 63e
Admin experience: BoB, 63e Servers, Chefs Server
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Unitater
Why do you want this role?: The server has a lot of trolls and not a lot of admins. Need to enforce the rules boi.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Unitater on June 20, 2018, 06:55:04 am
I'll approve certain admins from the application pool of those who submit by this saturday.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Krastinov on June 20, 2018, 05:36:13 pm
Nickname: Krastinov
GUID: I'd have to provide this at a later date.
How long have you played on the server?: Since its conception.
Current weekly hours on the server?: 8-10+
How active can you be?: I'd be able to hop on multiple times during the day depending on my work schedule and stick around to monitor and enjoy the server with those playing with me.
Age: 21
Timezone/Location: EST - Southeastern Ontario
Current Regiment/Clan: 71st..ish
Admin experience: 63 NA Siege, 63e Backup, Roma Oritur(PW reskin), NA Groupfighting Mod for 2-3+ years.
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: I've not even been aware of any active admins so currently, no.
Why do you want this role?: I've had my hand in administrating an active-fast paced(lol) group fighting server and enjoyed every moment of it. I was definitely strict but I don't think I was given enough credit for what I did allow without ruining the fun. I'd like to bring an open mind with a clear and concise knowledge of the rules to help keep things enjoyable for everyone without being overbearing.

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: BabyJesus on June 20, 2018, 05:50:02 pm
Nickname: Krastinov
GUID: I'd have to provide this at a later date.
How long have you played on the server?: Since its conception.
Current weekly hours on the server?: 8-10+
How active can you be?: I'd be able to hop on multiple times during the day depending on my work schedule and stick around to monitor and enjoy the server with those playing with me.
Age: 21
Timezone/Location: EST - Southeastern Ontario
Current Regiment/Clan: 71st..ish
Admin experience: 63 NA Siege, 63e Backup, Roma Oritur(PW reskin), NA Groupfighting Mod for 2-3+ years.
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: I've not even been aware of any active admins so currently, no.
Why do you want this role?: I've had my hand in administrating an active-fast paced(lol) group fighting server and enjoyed every moment of it. I was definitely strict but I don't think I was given enough credit for what I did allow without ruining the fun. I'd like to bring an open mind with a clear and concise knowledge of the rules to help keep things enjoyable for everyone without being overbearing.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Krastinov on June 20, 2018, 05:59:43 pm
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: ~Midnight~ on June 20, 2018, 07:18:51 pm
Nickname: Krastinov
GUID: I'd have to provide this at a later date.
How long have you played on the server?: Since its conception.
Current weekly hours on the server?: 8-10+
How active can you be?: I'd be able to hop on multiple times during the day depending on my work schedule and stick around to monitor and enjoy the server with those playing with me.
Age: 21
Timezone/Location: EST - Southeastern Ontario
Current Regiment/Clan: 71st..ish
Admin experience: 63 NA Siege, 63e Backup, Roma Oritur(PW reskin), NA Groupfighting Mod for 2-3+ years.
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: I've not even been aware of any active admins so currently, no.
Why do you want this role?: I've had my hand in administrating an active-fast paced(lol) group fighting server and enjoyed every moment of it. I was definitely strict but I don't think I was given enough credit for what I did allow without ruining the fun. I'd like to bring an open mind with a clear and concise knowledge of the rules to help keep things enjoyable for everyone without being overbearing.


Just because I remember you being a good Roma Oritur badmin.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Krastinov on June 23, 2018, 03:49:14 pm
alright big boy wheres my admin
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Unitater on June 23, 2018, 04:17:32 pm
alright big boy wheres my admin

I’m busy will review apps in a couple days
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA
Post by: Unitater on June 24, 2018, 01:00:03 am
Nickname: Jakester
GUID: 1252303
Steam: 25th Jakester (
How long have you played on the server?: Frequently, usually a daily/every other day deal.
Current weekly hours on the server?: Seven or eight hours a week.
How active can you be?: I can be active every day.
Age: 18
Timezone/Location: Eastern Time Zone
Current Regiment/Clan: LegAndes (SA), AEF (NA), 25th (EU)
Admin experience: KOB, NANWL, EIC, A Tuesday Linebattle Event, BoB Groupfighting Moderator, etc
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Tired?
Why do you want this role?: To ensure the server stays normal and troll free, and in the rare event of an incident to be able to help out.


Nickname: Krastinov
GUID: I'd have to provide this at a later date.
How long have you played on the server?: Since its conception.
Current weekly hours on the server?: 8-10+
How active can you be?: I'd be able to hop on multiple times during the day depending on my work schedule and stick around to monitor and enjoy the server with those playing with me.
Age: 21
Timezone/Location: EST - Southeastern Ontario
Current Regiment/Clan: 71st..ish
Admin experience: 63 NA Siege, 63e Backup, Roma Oritur(PW reskin), NA Groupfighting Mod for 2-3+ years.
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: I've not even been aware of any active admins so currently, no.
Why do you want this role?: I've had my hand in administrating an active-fast paced(lol) group fighting server and enjoyed every moment of it. I was definitely strict but I don't think I was given enough credit for what I did allow without ruining the fun. I'd like to bring an open mind with a clear and concise knowledge of the rules to help keep things enjoyable for everyone without being overbearing.

ACCEPTED. If you make this NA GF tho ill smack that furry ass.

Nickname: Fartknocker
GUID: 1169334
How long have you played on the server?: Since it has existed
Current weekly hours on the server?: Not sure but a lot
How active can you be?: Daily
Age: 20
Timezone/Location: EST
Current Regiment/Clan: 63e
Admin experience: BoB, 63e Servers, Chefs Server
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Unitater
Why do you want this role?: The server has a lot of trolls and not a lot of admins. Need to enforce the rules boi.


Steam:my steam is updating
How long have you played on the server?: since it became a thing i think?
Current weekly hours on the server?:i dont keep track but im pretty active
How active can you be?:pretty active
Current Regiment/Clan:71st Hivemind
Admin experience:All of dans tournaments, BoB groupfighting, NAPL, Mod of Godfreids duel league
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?:idk
Why do you want this role?:i play on the server pretty often. Keep the server troll free and etc

ACCEPTED. I havent seen you admin too much before besides BoB so ill keep an eye on you.

As a note to everyone, remember admin complaints are open. If you see any admin abusing their powers, submit a post on this forum with screenshot evidence, and I will take a look into it. No admin abuse will be tolerated on this server.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: BabyJesus on June 24, 2018, 01:04:08 am
I’ll be keeping my eye on you too bb
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Unitater on June 24, 2018, 01:11:02 am
All admins have been added to the whitelist.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: KillerShark on June 24, 2018, 07:51:54 am
Nickname: KillerShark
GUID: 292112
Steam: {EWG} KillerShark (
How long have you played on the server?: Ever since I started seeing people play on it
Current weekly hours on the server?: Depends when I'm on and other people are on
How active can you be?: Couple hours a day for like half a week
Age: 20
Timezone/Location: EST. East Coast USA
Current Regiment/Clan: 98e
Admin experience: NAGF, BoB Groupfighting, reffing 2 seasons of NANWL, 12th servers, 29th servers, etc
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Probably any of them. Krastinov more so maybe
Why do you want this role?: Because I'm a proven, veteran melee server admin that knows how to lay down the law
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: purplishdragon on June 25, 2018, 12:12:59 am
Admin List:

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Unitater on June 25, 2018, 03:01:52 am
Admin List:


Any 15e who holds the rank of ESO or above automatically has admin. Perk of the job.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: ~Midnight~ on June 25, 2018, 04:08:26 am
Admin List:


Any 15e who holds the rank of ESO or above automatically has admin. Perk of the job.
Where's my admin since I'm the 15e Fake Col???  ??? ???
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: ~NickCole~ on June 25, 2018, 04:28:51 am
Admin List:


Any 15e who holds the rank of ESO or above automatically has admin. Perk of the job.
Where's my admin since I'm the 15e Fake Col???  ??? ???
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Unitater on June 25, 2018, 05:13:21 am
Admin List:


Any 15e who holds the rank of ESO or above automatically has admin. Perk of the job.
Where's my admin since I'm the 15e Fake Col???  ??? ???

I can give u fake admin to match ur fake col
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: ~Midnight~ on June 25, 2018, 05:19:30 am
Admin List:


Any 15e who holds the rank of ESO or above automatically has admin. Perk of the job.
Where's my admin since I'm the 15e Fake Col???  ??? ???

I can give u fake admin to match ur fake col
Finally! The recognition I deserve..
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Brian Chiu on June 27, 2018, 02:20:04 am
Nickname: Yoloswag
GUID: 1216887
How long have you played on the server?: Since it first started because I was banned on Kyle's Server
Current weekly hours on the server?: AVG of 40 hours In 2 weeks
How active can you be?: Everyday except days I have a Ball game
Age: 16
Timezone/Location: NA EST
Current Regiment/Clan: AEF
Admin experience: None
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Uhhhh Puppy and Uni uhhh BabyJ I have no clue.
Why do you want this role: I like Dueling.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Kovyjack on July 07, 2018, 04:45:59 am
Can we have the old pub duel na map? thx
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: Unitater on July 07, 2018, 05:29:56 am
Can we have the old pub duel na map? thx

you're gonna have to ask tired since i dont think we have that map file.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Open*
Post by: tired on November 02, 2018, 01:16:39 am
Can we have the old pub duel na map? thx

I don't have it, and it was laggy for some reason for me. I can make a super simple one if that helps with FPS
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: tired on November 20, 2018, 04:52:29 am
ok updated the map, I tried to do a rebuild of that one from the PSH duel server. Albeit with a few small changes. This map is also available for groupfights as I set it up for that too, a bit boring but should help with fps.


And here's the scene code for scenes.txt

scn_mp_bbg_duel mp_bbg_duel 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000005000000000000000000041ef00005ae800003c55

It's a custom map name, so just write it over any map slot that you'll use, probably a custom map slot will work best, if this doesn't make sense feel free to ask.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: ~NickCole~ on November 20, 2018, 02:01:04 pm
Nickname: NickCole
GUID: 484235
Steam: You have me
How long have you played on the server?: since it opened
Current weekly hours on the server?: 2-4
How active can you be?: Anyday of the week
Age: 19
Timezone/Location: EST/Georgia
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience: Multiple Leagues, tournaments hosted & Reffed on EU & NA, and a couple of events
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Idk ask anyone
Why do you want this role?: To moderate & watch over the server like I do the other 2 BBG servers.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: Unitater on November 20, 2018, 09:06:17 pm
Nickname: NickCole
GUID: 484235
Steam: You have me
How long have you played on the server?: since it opened
Current weekly hours on the server?: 2-4
How active can you be?: Anyday of the week
Age: 19
Timezone/Location: EST/Georgia
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience: Multiple Leagues, tournaments hosted & Reffed on EU & NA, and a couple of events
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Idk ask anyone
Why do you want this role?: To moderate & watch over the server like I do the other 2 BBG servers.

accepted bigboi
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: |Viper| on November 20, 2018, 11:44:49 pm
Nickname: NickCole
GUID: 484235
Steam: You have me
How long have you played on the server?: since it opened
Current weekly hours on the server?: 2-4
How active can you be?: Anyday of the week
Age: 19
Timezone/Location: EST/Georgia
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience: Multiple Leagues, tournaments hosted & Reffed on EU & NA, and a couple of events
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Idk ask anyone
Why do you want this role?: To moderate & watch over the server like I do the other 2 BBG servers.

accepted bigboi
Welcome to the club.  8)
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: ~NickCole~ on November 21, 2018, 12:57:40 am
Nickname: NickCole
GUID: 484235
Steam: You have me
How long have you played on the server?: since it opened
Current weekly hours on the server?: 2-4
How active can you be?: Anyday of the week
Age: 19
Timezone/Location: EST/Georgia
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience: Multiple Leagues, tournaments hosted & Reffed on EU & NA, and a couple of events
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Idk ask anyone
Why do you want this role?: To moderate & watch over the server like I do the other 2 BBG servers.

accepted bigboi
Welcome to the club.  8)
Thank you my son
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: tired on November 21, 2018, 05:06:57 pm
Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*

This place is full of lies - "admin apps closed" unless you're friends with unitater
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: Unitater on November 21, 2018, 07:13:47 pm
Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*

This place is full of lies - "admin apps closed" unless you're friends with unitater

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: ~Midnight~ on November 22, 2018, 10:31:14 pm
Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*

This place is full of lies - "admin apps closed" unless you're friends with unitater


Even he admits it. Smh.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: David_Schrein on December 07, 2018, 06:09:07 am
Unban Request:

Name: TZ0_Movement
Offense: i said nick gur
Why should you be unbanned?: im sorry that i triggered a 40 year old map maker / server hoster for this amazing game! I am so sorry for what i did! forgot that my gilles de la tourette syndrome went off!!!! I AM DEEPLY SORRY WALLAH
User ID #: 1269742
Time/Date: now

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: |Viper| on December 07, 2018, 06:11:26 am
I'm sorry for my mentally challenged Dutch son. He'll take full resposibility for his bad words in this Napoleonic Wars Server. He again said a bad word and is retarded. Unban this retarded bloonk bloonk child. Don't take it personal, I have children too.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: tired on December 07, 2018, 06:15:10 am
Unban Request:

Name: TZ0_Movement
Offense: i said nick gur
Why should you be unbanned?: im sorry that i triggered a 40 year old map maker / server hoster for this amazing game! I am so sorry for what i did! forgot that my gilles de la tourette syndrome went off!!!! I AM DEEPLY SORRY WALLAH
User ID #: 1269742
Time/Date: now


I still feel like you're insulting me. That's the problem. How about a serious unban request.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: David_Schrein on December 07, 2018, 06:17:44 am
Unban Request:

Name: TZ0_Movement
Offense: i said nick gur
Why should you be unbanned?: im sorry that i triggered a 40 year old map maker / server hoster for this amazing game! I am so sorry for what i did! forgot that my gilles de la tourette syndrome went off!!!! I AM DEEPLY SORRY WALLAH
User ID #: 1269742
Time/Date: now


I still feel like you're insulting me. That's the problem. How about a serious unban request.
how am i insulting u good sir!

Unban Request:

Name: TZ0_Movement
Offense: I insulted when i was popping off on the server!
Why should you be unbanned?: i want to train to become best NA on this server! I do still have tourettes
User ID #: 1269742
Time/Date: -
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: Godrod15 on December 07, 2018, 06:17:53 am
My Name Is godrod15 ja palun vabandage mu venna liikumine. ta kannatab toureti sündroomi tohutu hulga ja on väga ebaharilik kuldkollane pealetükkimine võrreldes oma vanusega ületavate inimestega; ta vajab professionaalset abi, mistõttu me võime teda tänava nunnuni tänada teid kõigi oma pediaatria ja mõistmise eest tänan. kui sa saaksid selle väikese Danishi hullu poisi andeks anda, siis jääme igavesti tänulikuks ja viskame vetro suureks basseiniks just sinu jaoks ja peksime teda, kuni ta on horny hüvasti
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: David_Schrein on December 07, 2018, 06:19:49 am
My Name Is godrod15 ja palun vabandage mu venna liikumine. ta kannatab toureti sündroomi tohutu hulga ja on väga ebaharilik kuldkollane pealetükkimine võrreldes oma vanusega ületavate inimestega; ta vajab professionaalset abi, mistõttu me võime teda tänava nunnuni tänada teid kõigi oma pediaatria ja mõistmise eest tänan. kui sa saaksid selle väikese Danishi hullu poisi andeks anda, siis jääme igavesti tänulikuks ja viskame vetro suureks basseiniks just sinu jaoks ja peksime teda, kuni ta on horny hüvasti

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps Closed for now*
Post by: tired on December 07, 2018, 06:23:53 am
My Name Is godrod15 ja palun vabandage mu venna liikumine. ta kannatab toureti sündroomi tohutu hulga ja on väga ebaharilik kuldkollane pealetükkimine võrreldes oma vanusega ületavate inimestega; ta vajab professionaalset abi, mistõttu me võime teda tänava nunnuni tänada teid kõigi oma pediaatria ja mõistmise eest tänan. kui sa saaksid selle väikese Danishi hullu poisi andeks anda, siis jääme igavesti tänulikuks ja viskame vetro suureks basseiniks just sinu jaoks ja peksime teda, kuni ta on horny hüvasti


Add me on steam.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Unitater on January 10, 2019, 06:27:15 pm
There have been some major updates to this server recently. Of course, first a thank you to Tired for uploading the old pub duel map. Second, the ban list has been reset. That being said, please continue to follow rules or you will be banned again, and i don't know when I'll feel like a clean wipe again  :-*. Third, the admin pool has been reshuffled. First, Isaac/Cool Snake/Capone have been added as admins as the SS has joined the BBG. Krastinov and Jakester have had their admins revoked due to inactivity. MATT and VetroG have had their admins taken due to complaints over their tenure as admins so far. BabyJ, NickCole, Dan, and Fart will retain their admins along with myself, Jolly and Tired of course.

Since we have removed several admins, admin apps are now open. But be warned, if I receive reports of admin abuse and the logs provide evidence your admin will be revoked (or if you are inactive). I strive to see this duel server prosper, and have a strong admin core to maintain stability. That being said, apply away  ;D

Edit: Since vetro is contesting his admin being removed, below is the log of the day of the complaint which got his admin taken away (modified to show only the relevant chat):

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Sanders on January 10, 2019, 07:50:55 pm
Fat bastard
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: MATT123456789 on January 10, 2019, 09:44:57 pm
Would love to see the screenshot of me abusing my admin.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Runepkyz on January 11, 2019, 05:48:13 pm
GUID: 503386
Steam: Runepkyz
How long have you played on the server?: Loeng tiem
Current weekly hours on the server?: Few hours a week
How active can you be?: I'm usually on.
Timezone/Location: EST/KY
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience:I once got admin on a 63e sever (someone said their admin chat through a stream n' someone gave it to me.) and banned a lot during an after event.
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Probably evey person that plays this game.
Why do you want this role?: I'm an elite admin and eveyone should know.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Fartknocker on January 12, 2019, 12:29:26 am
GUID: 503386
Steam: Runepkyz
How long have you played on the server?: Loeng tiem
Current weekly hours on the server?: Few hours a week
How active can you be?: I'm usually on.
Timezone/Location: EST/KY
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience:I once got admin on a 63e sever (someone said their admin chat through a stream n' someone gave it to me.) and banned a lot during an after event.
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Probably evey person that plays this game.
Why do you want this role?: I'm an elite admin and eveyone should know.

Good times. I support this man.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Doc_Philip on January 21, 2019, 06:47:09 am
GUID: 1736708
How long have you played on the server?: ever since i realized i suck at this awhile
Current weekly hours on the server?: no clue, maybe 5 or 7 i jump from server to server cause i get bored quick
How active can you be?: almost anytime after 3:45 tuesday and Wednesday, before 6:30 and after 8:15 Thursday through Sunday and monday
Age: 16
Timezone/Location: central, wisconsin
Current Regiment/Clan: 15e
Admin experience: BBG bot survival, naval warfare, cav group fighting, and commander battle
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: no
Why do you want this role?: To Yee the Haws of all those who wish to troll on such a wonderful server partner...and to make up for all my failures :/
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: oceanman9 on January 22, 2019, 10:00:35 pm
Nickname: michael
GUID: 1472506
Steam: Oceanman9
How long have you played on the server?:Been playing since 2016 or so, regularly since then under different usernames, oceanman9, scrotulfungus, and right now bun_clapper
Current weekly hours on the server?: probly every day for 2 hours
How active can you be?: I can be active every day.
Age: 19
Timezone/Location: Eastern Time Zone
Current Regiment/Clan: HRE
Admin experience: None
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: non, but if you ask admins about bun_clapper, or oceanman9 they'll say he's on a lot and likes talking a lot in the chat with other players
Why do you want this role?: i play the game a lot and really like the community, id like to be able to help out more
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on January 22, 2019, 10:24:09 pm
Why not

Nickname: Godfreid
GUID: 415702
Steam: Godfreid (
How long have you played on the server?:Pretty much since it's been up
Current weekly hours on the server?: 0
How active can you be?: hella, except for some weekends
Age: 23
Timezone/Location: Eastern Standard Time
Current Regiment/Clan: 42nd
Admin experience: Too much to list
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Feel like most of the admin staff has been in a tournament/event I've hosted/admined at one point over the years
Why do you want this role?:I duel a lot and am pretty much on the server anytime it's populated.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: tired on January 23, 2019, 04:20:31 am
Unitater you going to look at these?
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Unitater on January 23, 2019, 05:05:47 am
Unitater you going to look at these?
Yea I’ll go over em this weekend dw. Figured I’d have a decently long application window.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: tired on January 23, 2019, 05:47:13 pm
Unitater you going to look at these?
Yea I’ll go over em this weekend dw. Figured I’d have a decently long application window.

Check bot survival thread, I made one guy wait 1 year 3 months. There's no rush LMAO
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Heath on February 06, 2019, 01:22:05 am
Unban Request:
Name: Heath
Offense: Slur
Why should you be unbanned? I won't do it again
User ID #:1237676
Time/Date: 2/5/19
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Unitater on February 06, 2019, 01:23:20 am
Unban Request:
Name: Heath
Offense: Slur
Why should you be unbanned? I won't do it again
User ID #:1237676
Time/Date: 2/5/19

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: MATT123456789 on February 06, 2019, 02:25:34 am
Unban Request:
Name: MATT
Offense: Slur
Why should you be unbanned? I didn't know slurring wasnt allowed + dont even remember logging into the server wtih that username
User ID #:1515998, idk who that other cd key belongs to lol
Time/Date: 2/4/19
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Unitater on February 06, 2019, 02:49:25 am
Unban Request:
Name: MATT
Offense: Slur
Why should you be unbanned? I didn't know slurring wasnt allowed + dont even remember logging into the server wtih that username
User ID #:1515998, idk who that other cd key belongs to lol
Time/Date: 2/4/19

unbanned - the rules are on the server and thread.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: tired on April 02, 2019, 12:27:37 am
Nickname: Derps9
GUID: 1635470
How long have you played on the server?: For a long time idk how long but most likely almost 2 years pretty active
Current weekly hours on the server?: maybe 2-3
How active can you be?: Pretty active most days other than Tuesdays and Thursdays when i work
Age: 15
Timezone/Location: I am Eastern Standard Time
Current Regiment/Clan: HRE
Admin experience: BoB Groupfighting, BBG  Zombie Survival
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Capone, Awesome
Why do you want this role?: I play on this server alot and notice that there aren't many admins on and would like to change that

HRE what? are you SS? if you are then Capone can just give it out as a perk, tell him to message me if you've earned it.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Kirigaya on April 12, 2019, 03:50:29 am
Nickname: Kiri
GUID: 795934
Steam: You guys have me
How long have you played on the server?: Ages
Current weekly hours on the server?: Several
How active can you be?: Pretty active for a dead game
Age: 21
Timezone/Location: EST
Current Regiment/Clan: N/A
Admin experience: BBG Cav, Several Events
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Uni bb and Tired <3
Why do you want this role?: Most servers these days seem like the wild west in that slurs go unpunished and general trolling is everywhere. Been on duel a bit the past week and haven't seen a single admin, even when it was pretty popped. If nothing else, keep an eye on it :)
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Mexican on May 21, 2019, 10:57:17 pm
Nickname: Mexicant
GUID: 493505
How long have you played on the server?: Years
Current weekly hours on the server?: 7-8
How active can you be?: Usually everyday
Age: 20
Timezone/Location: PST California
Current Regiment/Clan: 1aSvea
Admin experience: Events here and there, old groupfighting servers
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Prolly Uni
Why do you want this role?:
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Finlay on May 31, 2019, 03:29:37 am
GUID: 1679242
How long have you played on the server?: 1Year (Different steam account for majority)
Current weekly hours on the server?: Usually hop on for about 30 minutes or so a day.
How active can you be?: I can do 1 hour to 2 hours a day.
Age: 17
Timezone/Location: East Coast
Current Regiment/Clan: 25e Regiment D'infanterie & 77y Pehotniy Polk
Admin experience: North & South Saturday EU Line Battle Event
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Aztir, Gurudennis
Why do you want this role? So I can intervene when obnoxious people interrupt duels.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: David_Schrein on June 01, 2019, 08:40:24 pm
GUID: 1679242
How long have you played on the server?: 1Year (Different steam account for majority)
Current weekly hours on the server?: Usually hop on for about 30 minutes or so a day.
How active can you be?: I can do 1 hour to 2 hours a day.
Age: 15
Timezone/Location: East Coast
Current Regiment/Clan: 25e Regiment D'infanterie & 77y Pehotniy Polk
Admin experience: North & South Saturday EU Line Battle Event
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Aztir, Gurudennis
Why do you want this role? So I can ddos people.
i updated it for u, no worries man
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: JollyCanadian on June 02, 2019, 05:38:24 am
GUID: 1679242
How long have you played on the server?: 1Year (Different steam account for majority)
Current weekly hours on the server?: Usually hop on for about 30 minutes or so a day.
How active can you be?: I can do 1 hour to 2 hours a day.
Age: 17
Timezone/Location: East Coast
Current Regiment/Clan: 25e Regiment D'infanterie & 77y Pehotniy Polk
Admin experience: North & South Saturday EU Line Battle Event
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Aztir, Gurudennis
Why do you want this role? So I can intervene when obnoxious people interrupt duels.
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: Glenn on June 04, 2019, 01:55:35 am
Nickname: Glenn
GUID: 793812
How long have you played on the server?: like an hour
Current weekly hours on the server?: like an hour
How active can you be?: pretty
Age: 20
Timezone/Location: CALI
Current Regiment/Clan: LG
Admin experience: BBG_Bot_Survival
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Uni, Jolly, Tired, Dan, BabyJ
Why do you want this role?: I want to be an admin for a BBG server but not Bot Survival
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps OPEN*
Post by: JollyCanadian on June 04, 2019, 05:41:09 am
Nickname: Glenn
GUID: 793812
How long have you played on the server?: like an hour
Current weekly hours on the server?: like an hour
How active can you be?: pretty
Age: 20
Timezone/Location: CALI
Current Regiment/Clan: LG
Admin experience: BBG_Bot_Survival
Any Active Admins that can be a referral?: Uni, Jolly, Tired, Dan, BabyJ
Why do you want this role?: I want to be an admin for a BBG server but not Bot Survival
Aren't you already admin?
if not then accepted
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: Mexican on June 04, 2019, 10:12:16 pm
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 04, 2019, 10:46:05 pm
servers a joke and terribly ran
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: BabyJesus on June 05, 2019, 12:28:05 am
servers a joke and terribly ran

I was accepted as admin and never given the pass/whitelisted. It’s only been a year but still
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: JollyCanadian on June 05, 2019, 04:08:55 am
servers a joke and terribly ran

I was accepted as admin and never given the pass/whitelisted. It’s only been a year but still
I didn't do any off the server admininistration then but I can get it for you now
Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: JollyCanadian on June 30, 2019, 08:04:15 pm
Admin applications for all BBG server will now be done on our Discord. If you have any questions please pm me on fse or steam.

Title: Re: BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
Post by: Glenn on July 03, 2019, 01:30:45 am