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The Lounge => Off Topic => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: DanteIsKing on June 12, 2018, 07:55:26 am

Title: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: DanteIsKing on June 12, 2018, 07:55:26 am
So a lot of you here, have many misconceptions on how to get a woman, and some of you don't have a clue. I am here to help you all with your questions, and help you get laid.

Word of the day: Confidence

A lot of people like to use the term "confidence" as if it'll magically change everything or if you can fake it. For a man, the biggest boost for his confidence will be his financial situation. Do you think Lil Wayne was more confident before he got rich and famous, or now? The answer is, he is way more confident now, than he was before he got famous, mainly because of his finances. Now of course there are some men, who can work at Mcdonald's and be "confident" but that is a very very small percentage that isn't even worth mentioning. For most men, their finances is what makes them confident. When you have money, you feel like you are the shit, and this is where the confidence comes from. I'm not saying you can't be confident when you aren't rich, all I'm saying is you will be MORE confident when you are rich. It is just the way it is.

The second thing, is your appearance. You see, women spend hours everyday choosing a stylish outfit to go outside with, and what makeup to put on. They literally go above and beyond with their appearances, and they judge other females who don't look good. So the point is, if women are going above and beyond with looking good, then don't you think they want a man who looks good too? Some of you, leave the house with flip flops and basketball shorts looking like you have no style at all. Now how exactly are you going to be confident if you are dressed like that? The key is to dress good everyday for yourself, because you want to look good to feel good, and you also never know who you will meet. You shouldn't dress good and be like "I'm only dressing good so I can go to this event and hopefully see a cute girl." That is the wrong mentality, you should dress good for yourself and not even try to impress women, when you are looking good and feeling good, that aura naturally is felt by others, and they will be drawn to you. When you are dressed good everyday, you naturally feel like you are attractive, so if you ever see a cute girl, you can't make that excuse, "Oh but I'm wearing flip flops and basketball shorts." Instead you will feel like, "Man my outfit is super on point, she will be impressed." Which one is more confident? The latter.

Now that you have your money up, and you are dressed good, you will naturally be confident. It's very hard to be confident if you are broke, and dress like shit. It's possible, but very unlikely. For 99% of men, they will need to make more money to feel like they're the man, and also dress good. All of this benefits you. Women are just the byproduct of this. Do this for yourself first.

Some of you may be like, "Dude I don't want to attract gold diggers blah blah blah." Shut the fuck up. For you to even approach a girl, you need to be confident, and where does that confidence come from? It comes from what I said. If you tell a girl, "Hey I got this and that etc." That is unattractive and comes off really bad. That is not what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is make money for yourself, so you can be confident for yourself, thus with that newfound confidence you can approach a girl, she doesn't have to be a stripper (lol). 

There's also many of you in this situation: You aren't yet rich, but you know you will be rich in the future, whether that's from going to medical school or starting a business. That is equally fine, as long as you know you're going somewhere, that aura will be felt and it'll help your confidence. Let's say you work at KFC, and you are just finishing your last year there, to pay off for your college, and you know you'll get a job that pays you good money after. That will make you confident. That's good, you are getting somewhere.

Now we have confidence, so how do we approach?

All that, "Hey I think you're very beautiful my name is _____" Is all bullshit. It's cringy, its embarassing, it doesn't work. You see here's the thing. When you compliment a woman, more than likely she will say, "thanks." And that's about it. It's very very unlikely she will be like,  "Thanks, you're cute too. Wanna fuck." It's not going to happen. When you compliment a woman, you already validate her. You show her, "Hey I really like you." She knows where you already stand, you aren't a challenge.

Instead, you see a girl that you think is cute, you approach her, introduce yourself, ask her if she wants to grab a drink/lunch sometime, and offer her your number. That's it. You don't ask her for her number, you don't compliment her, nothing. She already knows why you're approaching her. If you are dressed good, she'll already see you as an attractive guy. You don't ask her for her number, instead you offer yours. Why? Because we aren't trying to waste our time, going after bitches that aren't interested. That's why. You see when you offer your number, she is thinking, "Wow this guy is unclingy, he is attractive, and he is cool. He must get a lot of women." If she sends you a text, you already know she is interested. If not, we don't give a fuck. You know why? There's billions of women out there, and we should be happy that she saved us our time, and didn't waste it with the friendzone bullshit. More than likely, she sends you a text. Once you get the text, you try to setup a date. You don't text her back quick, remember you're supposed to be a cool, busy guy. You think Justin Bieber texts these instagram thots real fast? Fuck no. He probably replies every 4 hours. You too, you reply every 4 hours. You keep her on her toes, and you show her that you are a busy man and that your time is valuable. By waiting every 4 hours, I don't mean you just sit down with your dick in your pants waiting. You should be trying to make money, go to the gym, hang out with friends, self improvement shit. When you reply every 4 hours, she will more than likely reply fast, and ask what you're doing. You got to be careful and not talk your way out of the pussy, by texting and texting etc. Get a date setup, and once you setup a date, stop the texting PERIOD. The day before the day, you just say, "See you at 1pm tomorrow." That's just to get a confirmation without being a wierdo.

We'll talk about the date tips, next post.
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Sgt.Winters on June 12, 2018, 07:56:31 am
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: William on June 12, 2018, 07:57:29 am
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Superbad on June 12, 2018, 08:00:02 am
You've posted this on the PERFECT forum. Good job!
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Grimsight on June 12, 2018, 08:27:40 am
post a selfie, chad
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Unitater on June 12, 2018, 08:30:06 am
post a selfie, chad
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Oatmeal on June 12, 2018, 08:32:54 am
this man has his pc specs on his steam profile, this “can I get a hug” cargo shorts wearing virgin ain’t seen pussy since he came out one
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: DanteIsKing on June 12, 2018, 08:38:28 am
this man has his pc specs on his steam profile, this “can I get a hug” cargo shorts wearing virgin ain’t seen pussy since he came out one

Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: DanteIsKing on June 12, 2018, 08:39:59 am
post a selfie, chad

Oh man you got this whole thing fucked up! You think I'm doing this for me? You serious? No I'm doing this for you guys! Dante is good, Dante has 3 bitches that he's fucking on rotation. I'm going to be good. It's YOU GUYS who are fucked. Instead of asking for selfies, why don't you post your picture, and your style and I'll see if I can help you. Once again, remember. Dante is GOOD, it's YOU GUYS who aren't getting shit. I'm doing this for YOU!
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Suns on June 12, 2018, 08:47:30 am
this man has his pc specs on his steam profile, this “can I get a hug” cargo shorts wearing virgin ain’t seen pussy since he came out one

holy fuck oatmeal LOL
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 12, 2018, 12:03:53 pm
Holy shit thx Dante got laid my first time last night bcuz of u!!!!

Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Eamon on June 12, 2018, 12:44:44 pm
Knight of Saint John should beat you harder
Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: Pinoy12 on June 12, 2018, 06:43:14 pm
Holy shit thx Dante got laid my first time last night bcuz of u!!!!

Title: Re: The no Bullshit guide on how to get laid/GF/etc.
Post by: DjOverJoy on June 14, 2018, 04:07:24 am
I remember when Dante was asking me for advice in school and women, it's really sad to see him using the advice I gave him and plagiarizing it. Plus there was no mention about owning Gucci slides or anything.