Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Events: EU => Community => Competitive EU Events/Tournaments => Topic started by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 04:16:54 pm

Title: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 04:16:54 pm

Prizes Consist Of the Following:

- All players 1st Place (Including subs) will receive a £20 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
- After the Final match is complete, the Bronze match will take place for 3rd and 4th Place. Whichever team comes 3rd, will then fight the loser of the final (2nd place) for the Smaller prize.
- Whichever team wins the lower prize match, All players will receive a £10 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
- The Winner of the Duels Final will receive one of the two Options:
        - A £20 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
        - A Copy of Bannerlord when Released 

(May change upon the upcoming days, however pool will not change, just prize organisation and distribution)

Total Prize Pool: £200-240


Welcome to the 4v4 Tournament Forum page. This tournament will initially be taking place on the 11th November 2017 at 8 BST (Semi-Finals and Finals Date yet to be set!) and Will consist of Both Duelling and Groupfighting (Shown in the rules Below). Prize pool will depend on the amount of teams participating (if not enough participate, no prize pool will be given, More teams = more prizes): Minimum £80 (£20 steam game each) Maximum £150 (If you want to help out with prizes, throw me a message, i'm not made of money). Applications are below. Good luck to all entering.
All Team Captains please add me on steam: (
All Team Captains request to join the steam group: (




1. All participants to respect each other. Slaying/Banning will be down to Head Admins (within reason), and will not be questioned or contested.
2. If a member of your team gets slayed or team-killed in the arena (doesn't count accidental), the round will not be reset, and he will sit out for the current round. If banned, you may continue as a 3, but MAY NOT Use a sub for that current match. i.e: will play THAT MATCH with 3, not 4 members.
3. Matches will be ft7, Duels at the start of the first round (1 duel per match) will be ft3, Whichever duellist wins, gains their team a 1 point lead
4. The way the matches will work: Each team will nominate 1 player at the start of the MATCH to do a single FT 3, Whichever player wins, gains an instant 1 point lead in the Groupfighting for their team.
5. The points from the DUELS will be added up, and counted at the end (say you win 3:1 in a duel, you will get 3 points, enemy gets 1). The top 4 duellers(including a single dueller throughout the tournament who either played well, or humiliated his opponent. Picked between myself and the referees)  will then go on to do single elimination at the end of the Groupfighting tournament for separate prizes, in a first to 7. (2 1v1's + a final 1v1).
6. Teams are allowed 2 substitutes only.
7. Referees participating in matches, will NOT use admin abilities.


1. Groupfighting Rules: Bayonets Only, Line Infantry Only. No leaving the arena once the round has started. All 4 Members present in the arena before starting
2. No glitching, Hacking, Autoblock, Autochamber/any other shite you guys have found that isn't naturally in Mount & Blade.
3. 4 Members allowed in the arena at one time only!
4. Any form of delaying e.g: team killing at the end which wastes time, you will be slayed/even banned.
5. Medium Melee speed, 4v4 appropriate arenas and maps.
7. no team limit Cap.
9. If you are NOT playing, or are NOT on one of the teams playing. Stay spectator. No exceptions.
10. If you are not playing, but your team is, you may stand on the stand or on the side of the arena, if you troll other players or other arenas, you and your team will be punished
11. Respect each other and the Head Admins (They're decision is the only decision, if a decision seems unfair, i may review it)
12. Anyone caught playing for a team which they are not apart of, will disqualify the entire team, unless it is allowed by a Head admin.


Its a 4v4 GROUPFIGHT. At the start of EACH MATCH. there is a 1v1 (one player of each team),  whoever wins in the duel (first to 3) wins their team a point in the GROUPFIGHT, so at the start of EVERY MATCH it will be 1:0 to the winning team of the duel.  At the END OF THE TOURNAMENT, all points from the DUELS, will be added up, to go into a DUEL TOURNAMENT which consists of 3 1v1's.



Team Application:

Team name:
Captain's steam (Link required):

Head Admin Application (max 2):

Community Name:
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience:

    Referee Application (max 4):

     Community Name:
     Steam Contact (Link required):
     Previous Experience:


Teams (Current: 18, Max: N/A)

- Team name: JagerbomberSS
  Captain's steam (Link required): Movement
  Members: Movement, Cookie, Janne, Louis, Marxeil

- Team name: Poosy
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Hertz, Dren, Ledger, Fwuffy, Bagins, Stark

- Team name:3P1P
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Knightmare,MrDonaldTramp,DontkillFred,PT,Wilson,bullet

- Team name: FrenchTouch
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  Drake, ExtaZz94, LeBrave, Maharbaal, Muha.

- Team name: GIB
  Captain's steam (Link required):

- Team name ChimpZ
  Captain : ThrowuptheY
  Team : Hokej Vortx Freddie ThrowuptheX Berkovic Pheonix

- Team name: Flowers
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Desant,Ext_Kill,Melsyo,Moussolini,Alex123

- Team name: 5th "Northumberland" Regiment of Foot
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Daniel Carrick (alax), Conall ONeill (sarado), William Collins (haji), William Monroe (shakalis), Lewis Waters (water)

- Team name: TBE
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Hursty Pheonix MightyPaiN Loufoks Frankie and Mister Soda

- Team name: Young Drillers
  Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey
  Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k and Kore.

- Team name: [Team] 9-11
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  ~Blacktham~, ~Felociraptor, ~Skorpien~, ~Wolpi~

- Team name: RFKC
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  RzR, Fotin , Kennedy , Cr3ativity , TBA

- Team name: Team Elements
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  MrDixon, max1m, Retamar, Lvov, Archangel, Dinex

- Team name: OHANA
  Captain's steam (Link required): Smallest <3
  Members: Smallest, Kroglog, Water, Heinrich, Henri, Hypno

- Team name: FuckHoldfast
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: bunter_igel, Tenshi, Batman1942, Fabian, MrGerher, Tigere

- Team name:  VICIOUS
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  David_Faucet, Napoleon_Valois, Quenouille_Lefort, Valentin,
  Replace:  Harper

- Team name: Kirin-Tor
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Planta , Centurion , Eespike , Spartacus , Sycrim

- Team name: ~PlusUltra~
  Steam Contact:
  Members: Chicken, Marquez, Alatriste, Mr_T, Alex, Padawan.

Head Admins (Current: 1, Max: 2)
- Nero (Kevin)

Referees (Current: 3, Max: 4)
- MarxeiL (DF)
- Herishey
- Chicken




[15/09/2017] - I know the date has not been set at this current time. However, the date will be around mid - late october, and will be on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Due to this being a tournament including prizes, i do not just want to hand them out for a tournament with a small amount of teams, therefore at the current moment we have around 14 teams participating. If everything goes according to plan in relation to the Referee's and Admins, The prizes will start at 16 teams involved, and will increase every time a new team signs up (provided the team actually attends and participates) up to a cap (of course i'm not loaded). So long story short, the more people you bastards try to persuade to participate, the more i become poor. I would also appreciate any volunteers who wish to cast (providing you have a youtube/streaming channel, or at least the clips to send to me and i will edit it into a video. I also would prefer this to be done in English. If anyone has any suggestions for the rules or wishes to provide servers, then please contact me. Thanks.

[25/09/2017] - Things you need to do:   Make sure that your team name and rosters are up to date, i will need these all in there most updated form by October 15th. If you are having any troubles, please message me and i will try to give you an extended time period. THOSE WHO DO NOT MESSAGE ME, I WILL ASSUME YOU ARE HAPPY WITH YOUR TEAM!. NO Transfers and adjustments may be made any time after the 15th of October unless i am aware, and provided i approve of it. If emergency changes need to be made on the day of the tournament for ANY reason at all (some can't make it, someone transferred), make sure you contact me, otherwise you may be disqualified. I will discuss it with the admins and we will come to a fair decision, to whether your changes shall be allowed. I will then update rosters and notify ALL TEAM LEADERS of any emergency team changes, to make sure no team has an unfair advantage. (IF YOU CHANGE YOUR TEAM, OR LET SOMEONE PLAY FOR YOU THAT IS NOT ON THE ROSTER, THE PLAYER, ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE TEAM, WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! NO EXCEPTIONS!). The Date of the Tournament will be decided at the end of September and will be put on the forum front page. (PLEASE  NOTIFY ME IF YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS DATE, if too many teams cannot make it, i'll try and change it. Join the Tournament steam group, so you will receive server info, notifications and will be notified when the forum updates: ( Make sure if you are a team captain, you have me added on steam. If not, please do so: (

[27/10/2017] - Tournament is STILL happening, however i will be moving it back to Saturday 11th November. If you're team is not fully updated, as shown on the forum front page, let me know please so i can update it. Final Updates moved forward to 2nd November. if there are still "tbd" or "tba" etc on the team, i will be removing you, unless you notify me.
Prizes will still be the same. Also Depending on how intense the duels are, will determine whether i give an additional prize for the winner of the duels
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Hertz on September 09, 2017, 04:18:34 pm
First! Good luck :P
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Piercee on September 09, 2017, 04:20:31 pm
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Fwuffy on September 09, 2017, 04:20:39 pm
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Ambiguous on September 09, 2017, 04:33:54 pm
reserved, looks like a cool format.
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Fwuffy on September 09, 2017, 04:51:41 pm
like hannibaru's davis cup ::)
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Knightmare on September 09, 2017, 04:55:18 pm
Anybody take me???????????????????????????????
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Haze on September 09, 2017, 04:58:12 pm
Good luck, the format seems interesting.
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: MarxeiL on September 09, 2017, 05:06:35 pm
gl hercie
Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Haze on September 09, 2017, 05:52:26 pm
So from what i understood of the actual rules via steam, this is not a davis cup format but a duel and 4v4 tournament at same time, with very little importance from the duel side on the 4v4 side. One event for 2 tournament (4v4 and duel)

4v4 match with ft7 format, before each ft 7 (4v4 match) start, an 1v1 duel ft 3 will take place between 2 fighters picked by their team, the winner of this ft wins one point lead for his team (its start 1:0 for one of the team in the 4v4 match).

Each rounds of duels give one point for a duellist to get himself only in the pre-final of the duel tournament
If duellists from the same team switch over the tournament they get less chances of getting points for them individually so then less chances to get in the duel pre-final.
Pre-final will consist of 3 people :  the 2 duellists that have won the most duel rounds + one picked by the admin staff will confront each other (3 1v1s) to get in final to face someone picked by the admins staff from the admins staff in the duel tournament final.

Title: Re: * UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Hercules 4v4 Tournament
Post by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 05:59:30 pm
So from what i understood of the actual rules via steam, this is not a davis cup format but a duel and 4v4 tournament at same time, with very little importance from the duel side on the 4v4 side. One event for 2 tournament (4v4 and duel)

4v4 match with ft7 format, before each ft 7 (4v4 match) start, an 1v1 duel ft 3 will take place between 2 fighters picked by their team, the winner of this ft wins one point lead for his team (its start 1:0 for one of the team in the 4v4 match).

Each rounds of the duels give one point for the duellist to get himself only in the pre-final of the duel tournament
If duellists from the same team switch over the tournament they get less chances of getting points for them individually so then less chances to get in the duel pre-final.
Pre-final will consist of 3 people :  the 2 duellists that have won the most duel rounds + one picked by the admin staff will confront each other (3 1v1s) to get in final to face someone picked by the admins staff from the admins staff in the duel tournament final.

Every thing is perfectly explained, apart from the last part. "to get in final to face someone picked by the admins staff from the admins staff in the duel tournament final." Whoever wins the most points out of the 3 1v1's  Wins.  My fault on that last part.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Ambiguous on September 09, 2017, 06:09:13 pm
Team name: 5th "Northumberland" Regiment of Foot
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Daniel Carrick (alax), TBA
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on September 09, 2017, 06:14:34 pm
Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me. (
Previous Experience: GFL S1, GFL S2, 2v2 Tournament, 1v1 Tournaments, a lot of russian tournaments.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 06:20:22 pm
Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me. (
Previous Experience: GFL S1, GFL S2, 2v2 Tournament, 1v1 Tournaments, a lot of russian tournaments.

Head Admin or Referee?

Note: if you become head admin, you cannot participate
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on September 09, 2017, 06:22:52 pm
Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me. (
Previous Experience: GFL S1, GFL S2, 2v2 Tournament, 1v1 Tournaments, a lot of russian tournaments.

Head Admin or Referee?

Note: if you become head admin, you cannot participate
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: David_Schrein on September 09, 2017, 06:31:51 pm
Team name: JagerbomberSS
Captain's steam (Link required): u haz me
Members: JanneSpammer CookieUglyguy LouisScouser MovementImmigrant Melsyo1-16 MonsTheNonce
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 09, 2017, 06:41:00 pm
Team name: Poosy
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hertz, Dren, Ledger, Python, Bagins, Stark
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 06:46:45 pm
Team name: Poosy
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hertz, Dren, Ledger, Python, Bagins TBA

Sorry i dont recognise that captain as legit


only jock
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 09, 2017, 06:47:39 pm
Team name:3P1P
Captain's steam (Link required):
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Haze on September 09, 2017, 06:49:28 pm
Team name: FrenchTouch
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  Drake, ExtaZz94, LeBrave, Maharbaal.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Gi on September 09, 2017, 08:27:45 pm
Team name: tbd
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: tbd
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Fwuffy on September 09, 2017, 08:49:47 pm
Team name: Nemesis
Captain's steam (Link required): Here (
Members: Fwuffy, Vortx, Michal, Zork, MarxeiL & Hokej.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 09:21:45 pm
Team name: JagerbomberSS
Captain's steam (Link required): u haz me
Members: JanneSpammer CookieUglyguy LouisScouser MovementImmigrant Melsyo1-16 MonsTheNonce

Team name: Poosy
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hertz, Dren, Ledger, Python, Bagins, Stark

Team name:3P1P
Captain's steam (Link required):

Team name: FrenchTouch
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  Drake, ExtaZz94, LeBrave, Maharbaal.

Team name: tbd
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: tbd

Team name: Nemesis
Captain's steam (Link required): Here
Members: Fwuffy, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA & TBA.

Team name: 5th "Northumberland" Regiment of Foot
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Daniel Carrick (alax), TBA


Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me.
Previous Experience: GFL S1, GFL S2, 2v2 Tournament, 1v1 Tournaments, a lot of russian tournaments.

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on September 09, 2017, 09:30:54 pm
Community Name: Lone
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me
Previous Experience: NWGFL, NWWC, RGL, RGF, good amount of little tournaments
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 09, 2017, 09:33:18 pm
Community Name: Lone
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me
Previous Experience: NWGFL, NWWC, RGL, RGF, good amount of little tournaments

You need to tell me whether its for Referee or Head Admin, both have the same app. Which one
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on September 09, 2017, 09:45:05 pm
Community Name: Lone
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me
Previous Experience: NWGFL, NWWC, RGL, RGF, good amount of little tournaments

You need to tell me whether its for Referee or Head Admin, both have the same app. Which one

The thing you want me to do.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 09, 2017, 09:50:48 pm
Do people understand the difference between head admin and referee? Head admins run the server. Note down the scores for the duels. Referees are obvious. They ref the matchs being played unless they're playing in which a head admin will take over the job of refereeing the match. Head admins manage the server but do not play. Therefore if you're in a team you cannot be a head admin.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 09, 2017, 10:47:41 pm
wtf is this
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 09, 2017, 11:06:59 pm
wtf is this
read title kek
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 09, 2017, 11:17:31 pm
wtf is this
read title kek
shut the fuck up you faggot
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 09, 2017, 11:28:06 pm
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Janne on September 09, 2017, 11:42:26 pm
wtf is this
read title kek
shut the fuck up you faggot
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 09, 2017, 11:52:10 pm
wtf is this
read title kek
shut the fuck up you faggot
nice baiting you fat immigrant mug
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 09, 2017, 11:57:40 pm
wtf is this
read title kek
shut the fuck up you faggot
nice baiting you fat immigrant mug
i just said shut the fuck up you fat acne looking faggot
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:04:52 am
I'm not going to listen to someone I don't fucking know one bit you retarded sheep.

Soz Hercules for the spam but it's necessary for people like him  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:06:36 am
wtf is this
read title kek
shut the fuck up you faggot
nice baiting you fat immigrant mug
i just said shut the fuck up you fat acne looking faggot
I'm not going to listen to someone I don't fucking know one bit you retarded sheep.

Soz Hercules for the spam but it's necessary for people like him  ::) ::)
listen to me

shut the fuck up
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 10, 2017, 12:10:43 am
Beef  :o :o
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:11:01 am
Beef  :o :o
you shut the fuck up too
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:14:47 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:16:17 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
i will smack you with my shoe if you don't shut up
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on September 10, 2017, 12:18:57 am
Team name: Slavics (Ironically)
Captain's steam (Link required): ThrowUpTHex
Members: sLAV1 sLAV2 sLAV3 sLAV4 Shogunai
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:22:16 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
i will smack you with my shoe if you don't shut up
Don't have a valid argument Stark then don't say shit in the first place.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:23:18 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
i will smack you with my shoe if you don't shut up
Don't have a valid argument Stark then don't say shit in the first place.
i have no idea what you are talking about? ???
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:26:01 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
i will smack you with my shoe if you don't shut up
Don't have a valid argument Stark then don't say shit in the first place.
i have no idea what you are talking about? ???
Does your brain work Stark?Do you have one?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:26:45 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
i will smack you with my shoe if you don't shut up
Don't have a valid argument Stark then don't say shit in the first place.
i have no idea what you are talking about? ???
Does your brain work Stark?Do you have one?
im wondering when you realise that im fucking with you
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:27:21 am
Stark we get it your angry at something but divert that shitty anger somewhere else before somebody whops your ass.
i will smack you with my shoe if you don't shut up
Don't have a valid argument Stark then don't say shit in the first place.
i have no idea what you are talking about? ???
Does your brain work Stark?Do you have one?
im wondering when you realise that im fucking with you
I'm still memeing here too if you couldn't notice.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:28:22 am
no i actually think ur annoyed
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:28:54 am
no i actually think ur annoyed
I can't get annoyed by provocations because I know they are provocations so no I'm not :).
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 10, 2017, 12:29:34 am
no i actually think ur annoyed
I can't get annoyed by provocations because I know they are provocations so no I'm not :).
u just took the bait again man
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 10, 2017, 12:29:52 am
no i actually think ur annoyed
I can't get annoyed by provocations because I know they are provocations so no I'm not :).
u just took the bait again man

hercules can remove it
Team name:3P1P
Captain's steam (Link required):
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 10, 2017, 01:09:42 am
Well. I would appreciate no spam. So mods dont get annoyed. But. its kinda entertaining sooo xd
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on September 10, 2017, 01:32:30 am
Update the my name to Bolsheviks please
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Golden. on September 10, 2017, 03:28:58 am
Update the my name to Bolsheviks please

 ??? ???
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Kore on September 10, 2017, 04:44:21 am
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on September 10, 2017, 09:21:46 am
Do people understand the difference between head admin and referee? Head admins run the server. Note down the scores for the duels. Referees are obvious. They ref the matchs being played unless they're playing in which a head admin will take over the job of refereeing the match. Head admins manage the server but do not play. Therefore if you're in a team you cannot be a head admin.

Actually this is up to the organizer. To just give an example: At the 2v2 and 1v1 of Tardet we always managed it that even the head admin of a server can play, it's just a question of cooperation. That's why I asked Hercules what he wants me to do.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Desant on September 10, 2017, 10:49:17 am
Team name: TBA
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: TBA
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 10, 2017, 12:39:12 pm
Do people understand the difference between head admin and referee? Head admins run the server. Note down the scores for the duels. Referees are obvious. They ref the matchs being played unless they're playing in which a head admin will take over the job of refereeing the match. Head admins manage the server but do not play. Therefore if you're in a team you cannot be a head admin.

Actually this is up to the organizer. To just give an example: At the 2v2 and 1v1 of Tardet we always managed it that even the head admin of a server can play, it's just a question of cooperation. That's why I asked Hercules what he wants me to do.

Well. In this kind of tournament, because so much information needs to be kept track of. Ft3 score. Then giving the score to the head admin, then 4v4 score, then the rules etc etc.  Just would be easier if we had myself. Then 2 others (say eg Tardet and gi), just as an example. As people who will keep track of everything, then give everything back to me so we can tally it up. I'd prefer head admins not to play to avoid bias, and i'd prefer the head admins to be people from different parts of the community.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: DeaD on September 10, 2017, 07:03:45 pm
Team name: 5e Régiment D'Infanterie de Ligne
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Napo, TheDeaD, Thom, Bigoudis, Tosariel, Sean_Renard
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on September 10, 2017, 07:10:48 pm
Team name: TBE
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hursty Pheonix MightyPaiN Griggs Frankie and Irish
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 10, 2017, 08:04:17 pm
- Team name: Bolsheviks
  Captain's steam (Link required): ThrowUpTHex
  Members: sLAV1 sLAV2 sLAV3 sLAV4 Shogunai

- Team name: TBA
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: TBA

- Team name: 5e Régiment D'Infanterie de Ligne
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Napo, TheDeaD, Thom, Bigoudis, Tosariel, Sean_Renard

- Team name: Orlovi
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Gojkov MightyPaiN Knezevic bash

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: 7eFlq_Sheytalio on September 10, 2017, 08:50:44 pm
Team name: De_Google
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Sheytalio, Isaac_Blixen, Centurion, EeSpike
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 11, 2017, 10:55:40 am
If anyone wants me I should be free most of October, kthxbai.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Tigere on September 11, 2017, 11:53:59 am
If anyone wants me I should be free most of October, kthxbai.
I'll give u one banana m8
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: EeSpike on September 11, 2017, 12:39:51 pm
A saturday plz
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Tardet on September 11, 2017, 02:05:55 pm
Depending on when the tournament happens, I might be able to help Hercules with this as referee or head-admin but can't promess anything as it is still quite far away.

Good luck nontheless, cool be a fun idea.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 11, 2017, 02:11:01 pm
Such a nice guy Tardet :P
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: ~Midnight~ on September 11, 2017, 02:11:41 pm
if I actually wasn't going to school again and if only I was half decent on EU I'd apply
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 11, 2017, 02:42:27 pm
Team name: Young Drillers
Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey (
Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, rest TBD.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 11, 2017, 06:44:53 pm

Steam Link: (
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 11, 2017, 06:45:51 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Kore on September 11, 2017, 06:46:15 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 11, 2017, 07:32:24 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 11, 2017, 08:33:44 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

As said before bro. Brackets will be made to be fair for everyone. You might lose the 4v4, but you might win duels, visa versa.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 11, 2017, 09:05:40 pm
Community Name: Herishey/Prophet
Steam Contact (Link required): Herishey (
Previous Experience: As if I have to tell you.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 11, 2017, 10:53:52 pm
Community Name: Herishey/Prophet
Steam Contact (Link required): Herishey (
Previous Experience: As if I have to tell you.

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 11, 2017, 11:20:50 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 11, 2017, 11:46:08 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Piercee on September 12, 2017, 04:00:10 am
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

bad move m8
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 12, 2017, 04:11:56 am
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

bad move m8
no seriously who is he
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on September 12, 2017, 07:07:30 am
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

bad move m8
no seriously who is he

A person better than you
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 12, 2017, 09:48:13 am
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
Oh another you?  ;)  ???
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 12, 2017, 01:16:09 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

Ahahahhaha. That's funny. Idc if you know who I am or not. Just stop sucking up to people Like Herishey and HaZe. Just because HaZe applies doesn't mean he's going to win. Take the 7v7 and 5v5 for instance.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on September 12, 2017, 01:35:44 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

Ahahahhaha. That's funny. Idc if you know who I am or not. Just stop sucking up to people Like Herishey and HaZe. Just because HaZe applies doesn't mean he's going to win. Take the 7v7 and 5v5 for instance.
stop getting baited you dumb fuck
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 12, 2017, 01:44:58 pm
Well thats just rude Stark :(
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Kore on September 12, 2017, 01:52:43 pm
Well thats just rude Stark :(

truth is rude
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 12, 2017, 01:54:34 pm
Well thats just rude Stark :(

truth is rude
truth is jan
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on September 12, 2017, 02:38:10 pm
Well thats just rude Stark :(

truth is rude
truth is jan
hertz is 15
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 12, 2017, 02:39:58 pm
Arent we all?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 12, 2017, 03:21:07 pm
Well thats just rude Stark :(

truth is rude
truth is jan
hertz is 15

Still off by 1 year Marx. Maybe one day you Ukrainians will learn how to count properly. Or maybe 15 is the highest you get taught in school in Ukraine?  :o
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on September 12, 2017, 03:26:40 pm
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 12, 2017, 03:34:34 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

Ahahahhaha. That's funny. Idc if you know who I am or not. Just stop sucking up to people Like Herishey and HaZe. Just because HaZe applies doesn't mean he's going to win. Take the 7v7 and 5v5 for instance.
Honestly don't care you who are now,that was some easy bait tho.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Haze on September 12, 2017, 05:04:40 pm
If Frenchtouch and Herishey's team have applied doesn't this mean they've already won?

Wow theres Another suckup guys!!!!!!
who r u?

Ahahahhaha. That's funny. Idc if you know who I am or not. Just stop sucking up to people Like Herishey and HaZe. Just because HaZe applies doesn't mean he's going to win. Take the 7v7 and 5v5 for instance.
You are right, yet i can understand him as i won 11 tournaments on 13 participation in 2017 but that doesn't mean i can't be beaten, no one is invincible.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on September 12, 2017, 09:16:45 pm
^^ Exactly. Some People really love chatting shite xD
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 13, 2017, 10:02:29 am
Team name: Young Drillers
Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey (
Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k, last TBD.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Luke_Blacktham on September 13, 2017, 05:21:02 pm
Team name: tba
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  ~Blacktham~
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 14, 2017, 02:48:33 pm
Team name: tba
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  ~Blacktham~

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on September 15, 2017, 07:03:25 am
wag1 head admin inbound

Community Name: Nero
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: NWGFL S2, RGT, Tardet's 1v1
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on September 15, 2017, 09:03:30 am
wag1 head admin inbound

Community Name: Nero
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: NWGFL S2, RGT, Tardet's 1v1
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Janne on September 15, 2017, 09:37:08 am
wag1 head admin inbound

Community Name: Nero
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: NWGFL S2, RGT, Tardet's 1v1
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Ambiguous on September 15, 2017, 10:21:52 am
wag1 head admin inbound

Community Name: Nero
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: NWGFL S2, RGT, Tardet's 1v1
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 16, 2017, 12:01:35 am
wag1 head admin inbound

Community Name: Nero
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: NWGFL S2, RGT, Tardet's 1v1


(all of the below will be put on the front of the forum page, along with any other major updates and news, to save you scrolling through pages trying to find updates)

I know the date has not been set at this current time. However, the date will be around mid - late october, and will be on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Due to this being a tournament including prizes, i do not just want to hand them out for a tournament with a small amount of teams, therefore at the current moment we have around 14 teams participating. If everything goes according to plan relating to the Referee's and Admins, The prizes will start at 16 teams involved, and will increase every time a new team signs up (provided the team actually attends and participates) up to a cap (of course i'm not loaded).So long story short, the more people you bastards try to persuade to participate, the more i become poor. I would also appreciate any volunteers who wish to cast (providing you have a youtube/steaming channel, or at least the clips to send to me and i will edit it and i would prefer this to be done in English. If anyone has any suggestions for the rules or wishes to provide servers, then please contact me. Thanks.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on September 16, 2017, 12:30:48 am
k nice
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 16, 2017, 12:35:34 am
k nice
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 18, 2017, 08:20:01 pm
Team name: Young Drillers
Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey (
Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k, last TBD.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hikitaaa on September 19, 2017, 04:32:01 pm
Referee Application:

Community Name: Werder
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: Some duel tournaments ^^
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: RzR on September 19, 2017, 10:35:51 pm
Team name: RFKC
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  RzR, Fotin , Kennedy , Cr3ativity , TBA
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 20, 2017, 12:46:10 am
Referee Application:

Community Name: Werder
Steam Contact (Link required):
Previous Experience: Some duel tournaments ^^


Team name: RFKC
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  RzR, Fotin , Kennedy , Cr3ativity , TBA

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hypno on September 21, 2017, 12:44:07 am
Team name: Young Drillers
Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey (
Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k, last TBD.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MrDixon on September 21, 2017, 03:03:26 pm
Team name: TBA
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  MrDixon, Lvov, Kamikaze, Retamar, max1m, TBA
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on September 21, 2017, 03:35:53 pm
Team name: TBA
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  MrDixon, Lvov, Kamikaze, TBA
dream team comes in
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MrDixon on September 21, 2017, 03:57:15 pm
Team name: TBA
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  MrDixon, Lvov, Kamikaze, TBA
dream team comes in
No one wants me, so...
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Haze on September 21, 2017, 04:08:55 pm
Team name: FrenchTouch
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  Drake, ExtaZz94, LeBrave, Maharbaal, Muha.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 21, 2017, 09:21:12 pm
Team name: Young Drillers
Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey (
Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k and Kore.
Lineup finished.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Moskito on September 21, 2017, 11:07:22 pm
If anyone is still looking for some rusty Player message me  :-*
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on September 22, 2017, 09:59:19 am
If anyone is still looking for some rusty Player message me  :-*
I'm sure you woulda fit in with me and Mopin then.  ;)

If anyone drops out or can't come you can always come with us meine freund.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on September 22, 2017, 10:25:35 am
Team name: Evil Emperors
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Pheonix MightyPaiN Munj Storm Micros
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Smallest on September 22, 2017, 02:57:05 pm
Community Name: Smallest
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me
Previous Experience: EIC, RGL, NLC, GF Admin, Drake's Tournies and many more

Team name: OHANA
Captain's steam (Link required): You have me
Members:  TBA
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: David_Schrein on September 24, 2017, 12:38:48 pm
Team name: tba
Captain's steam (Link required): u haz me
Members: Cookie Movement tba
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Tigere on September 24, 2017, 01:11:45 pm
Team name: TBA
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: bunter_igel, Tenshi, Batman1942, Fabian, MrGerher, Tigere
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Ambiguous on September 24, 2017, 02:14:57 pm
Team name: 5th "Northumberland" Regiment of Foot
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Daniel Carrick (alax), Conall ONeill (sarado), William Collins (haji), William Monroe (shakalis), Lewis Waters (water)
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 25, 2017, 05:09:21 pm
Newly Accepted Teams

- Team name: RFKC
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  RzR, Fotin , Kennedy , Cr3ativity , TBA

- Team name: TBA
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  MrDixon, Lvov, Kamikaze, Retamar, max1m, TBA

- Team name: OHANA
  Captain's steam (Link required): Smallest
  Members:  TBA

- Team name: TBA
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: bunter_igel, Tenshi, Batman1942, Fabian, MrGerher, Tigere

Newly Updated Teams
- Team name: Young Drillers
  Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey
  Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k and Kore.

- Team name: FrenchTouch
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members:  Drake, ExtaZz94, LeBrave, Maharbaal, Muha.

- Team name: Evil Emperors
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Pheonix MightyPaiN Munj Storm Micros

- Team name: 5th "Northumberland" Regiment of Foot
  Captain's steam (Link required):
  Members: Daniel Carrick (alax), Conall ONeill (sarado), William Collins (haji), William Monroe (shakalis), Lewis Waters (water)


Considering Referee's and Head Admins (still waiting for more Head Admin Applications before decision).


Things you need to do:
- Make sure that your team name and rosters are up to date, i will need these all in there most updated form by October
  15th. If you are having any troubles, please message me and i will try to give you an extended time period. THOSE WHO DO NOT
- NO Transfers and adjustments may be made any time after the 15th of October unless i am aware, and provided i approve of it. If
  emergency changes need to be made on the day of the tournament for ANY reason at all (some can't make it, someone transferred),
  make sure you contact me, otherwise you may be disqualified. I will discuss it with the admins and we will come to a fair decision, to
  whether your changes shall be allowed. I will then update rosters and notify ALL TEAM LEADERS of any emergency team changes, to
  make sure no team has an unfair advantage. (IF YOU CHANGE YOUR TEAM, OR LET SOMEONE PLAY FOR YOU THAT IS NOT ON THE

- The Date of the Tournament will be decided at the end of September and will be put on the forum front page. (PLEASE
   NOTIFY ME IF YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS DATE, if too many teams cannot make it, i'll try and change it.
- Join the Tournament steam group, so you will receive server info, notifications and will be notified when the forum updates!: (
- Make sure if you are a team captain, you have me added on steam. If not, please do so: (
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 25, 2017, 05:14:02 pm
Sounds gut. :)
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Janne on September 25, 2017, 05:40:24 pm
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on September 25, 2017, 05:42:19 pm
no changes after october 15th thats all
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 25, 2017, 05:52:22 pm
the fuck does tldr mean xD
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Smallest on September 25, 2017, 05:59:19 pm
Community Name: Smallest
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me
Previous Experience: EIC, RGL, NLC, GF Admin, Drake's Tournies and many more

Team name: OHANA
Captain's steam (Link required): You have me
Members:  TBA


Team name: OHANA
Captain's steam (Link required): You have me
Members: Smallest, Kroglog, Bidbig, Rapez, Henri
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on September 25, 2017, 06:02:27 pm
the fuck does tldr mean xD

asking for a quick summary
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on September 25, 2017, 06:39:59 pm
the fuck does tldr mean xD

asking for a quick summary

thankyou bby
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Tigere on September 25, 2017, 09:04:04 pm
Team name: FuckHoldfast
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: bunter_igel, Tenshi, Batman1942, Fabian, MrGerher, Tigere
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Smallest on September 28, 2017, 01:53:56 pm
Community Name: Smallest
Steam Contact (Link required): You have me
Previous Experience: EIC, RGL, NLC, GF Admin, Drake's Tournies and many more

Team name: OHANA
Captain's steam (Link required): You have me
Members: smallest, Kroglog, Bidbig, Corey, Rapez, TBA

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on October 02, 2017, 11:11:21 pm


Please let me know if you need this date to be brought forward sooner
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: ExtaZz94 on October 03, 2017, 05:34:01 pm
hi , i want pley this turnament for win and gette the pussies rewards for get holdfast the nwiou napoelonic ware and finally pley the competitivity melee at this game because
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on October 03, 2017, 06:11:27 pm
hi , i want pley this turnament for win and gette the pussies rewards for get holdfast the nwiou napoelonic ware and finally pley the competitivity melee at this game because

Never seen Cela
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on October 26, 2017, 03:59:09 am
Tournament is STILL happening, however i will be moving it back to Saturday 11th November. If you're team is not fully updated, as shown on the forum front page, let me know please so i can update it. Final Updates moved forward to 2nd November. if there are still "tbd" or "tba" etc on the team, i will be removing you, unless you notify me.


Prizes will still be the same. Also Depending on how intense the duels are, will determine whether i give an additional prize for the winner of the duels
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on October 26, 2017, 10:10:12 am
no problem stevens fam, I know u iz busy atm gettin' friend zoned.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on October 26, 2017, 10:30:47 am
no problem stevens fam, I know u iz busy atm gettin' friend zoned.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Gi on October 26, 2017, 10:39:17 pm
updating my app

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, Munj
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on October 27, 2017, 02:23:02 am
updating my app

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, tbd
I'd like to make a reappearance as waterboy of GIB
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Gi on October 27, 2017, 03:17:01 am
updating my app

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, munj
I'd like to make a reappearance as waterboy of GIB
alright saves me from having to ask anyone
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on October 27, 2017, 03:29:33 am
updating my app

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, tbd
this is cruel
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on October 27, 2017, 04:54:41 pm
Sign us up Stevens!

Team name ChimpZ
Captain : Me, you got me on steam
Team : Hokej, X, Voluble, TBD, TBD
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Tardet on October 27, 2017, 05:24:03 pm
If I'm not playing, I should be free to help you with the event Hercules, let me know if you still need, in any case good luck with your tournament man, glad to see its finally happening! :)
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on October 27, 2017, 06:28:13 pm
Time to shine  i hope my first round will be against Gibraltar
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on October 27, 2017, 09:00:37 pm
If I'm not playing, I should be free to help you with the event Hercules, let me know if you still need, in any case good luck with your tournament man, glad to see its finally happening! :)

Yeah Tardet i would really appreciate the help ty man!

Team name: Young Drillers
Captain's steam (Link required): Herishey
Members: Herishey, Mopin, Asian, Hypno, MaNdar1nch1k and Kore.

Team name ChimpZ
Captain : Me, you got me on steam
Team : Hokej, X, Voluble, TBD, TBD

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, tbd

Team name: OHANA
Captain's steam (Link required): You have me
Members: Smallest, Kroglog, Bidbig, Rapez, Henri

Team name: FuckHoldfast
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: bunter_igel, Tenshi, Batman1942, Fabian, MrGerher, Tigere


Head Admin: Nero


ALL TEAMS IN RED ON THE "TEAM APPLICATIONS" TAB. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR UPDATED TEAM. Whether it be the roster or team name. If you have "TBD or TBA" you will not be accepted.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on October 27, 2017, 10:38:40 pm
Team name: Nemesis
Captain's steam (Link required): Here
Members: Fwuffy, Vortx, Michal, Zork, MarxeiL & Hokej.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: David_Schrein on October 28, 2017, 05:55:28 pm
Team Name: AK
Captains Steam: you got me
Roster: Movement Water Cookie Archangel Bob

-Update of jagerbomber
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Centurion2 on October 28, 2017, 06:33:48 pm
Team name: Kirin-Tor
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Planta , Centurion , Eespike , Spartacus , Sycrim
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: EeSpike on October 28, 2017, 06:34:48 pm
Team De_Google Inactive - Remove thx
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on October 28, 2017, 09:02:49 pm
Team name: TBE
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hursty Pheonix MightyPaiN Micros Frankie and Irish
Last Update
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: pieter on October 30, 2017, 11:41:03 am
updating my app

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, tbd

I feel left out as a true GIB player
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: [2eFusGre] David_Faucet on October 31, 2017, 11:19:04 pm
Team name:  VICIOUS
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members:  David_Faucet, Napoleon_Valois, Quenouille_Lefort, Valentin,
Replace:  Harper
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Munj on November 01, 2017, 01:00:22 am
Oi take me out of Evil Emperor's and put me back in GIB, I never agreed to that shit
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 01, 2017, 01:11:39 pm
9 days left
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 01, 2017, 01:15:25 pm
Team name: TBE
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hursty Pheonix Praetorian MightyPaiN Micros Frankie and Irish
Last Update
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Gi on November 01, 2017, 03:59:25 pm
updating my app

Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me
Members:Gi,Chriseh,Pluto, tbd

I feel left out as a true GIB player
GIB's only for people that can win league 3 nwl sorry
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 01, 2017, 11:19:11 pm
Remove hokej and add lonedoge shogunai and destiny
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 01, 2017, 11:19:14 pm

Note you have until tomorrow 11:59pm to edit your roster, if your team is still in red, and an update is not posted on the forums by 11:59pm (2nd November) your team will not be playing
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Fwuffy on November 02, 2017, 12:27:29 am
Team name: Nemesis
Captain's steam (Link required): Here (
Members: Fwuffy, Vortx, Michal, Zork, MarxeiL & Hokej.
Remove us from the list, sorry for inconvenience.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Moi~ on November 02, 2017, 11:59:46 am
Team name: ~PlusUltra~
Steam Contact:
Members: Chicken, Marquez, Alatriste, Mr_T, Retamar, Alex, Padawan.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on November 02, 2017, 03:00:37 pm
Team name: Poosy
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hertz, Dren, Ledger, Fwuffy, Bagins, Stark
Removing Python and Adding Fwuffy <3
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 02, 2017, 03:11:59 pm
Team name: Poosy
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Hertz, Dren, Ledger, Fwuffy, Bagins, Stark
Removing Python and Adding Fwuffy <3
dont make it worse  :'(
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: David_Schrein on November 02, 2017, 03:12:28 pm
Team Name: JagerbomberSS
Captains Steam: you got me
Roster: Movement Cookie Janne Louis

-Update of jagerbomber
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Fwuffy on November 02, 2017, 03:41:58 pm
rip pyfong he was best NW player ;-;
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on November 02, 2017, 03:47:09 pm
rip pyfong he was best NW player ;-;
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Desant on November 02, 2017, 05:46:42 pm
Team name: Flowers
Captain's steam (Link required):
Members: Desant,Ext_Kill,Melsyo,Moussolini,Alex123
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 02, 2017, 11:27:03 pm
Please update my roster to Hokej Vortx Lonedoge Me and Berkovic
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 02, 2017, 11:58:43 pm


Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: VGC on November 03, 2017, 01:00:28 am
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: retamar123 on November 03, 2017, 01:02:11 am
Thats not my fault plus ultra added me without asking me
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on November 03, 2017, 01:59:55 pm
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: pieter on November 05, 2017, 12:51:53 am

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on November 06, 2017, 11:46:50 am
Why disallow team updates now? Why not just wait until the day, I imagine most people don't know for certain if they can attend until at least the day before.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Fwuffy on November 06, 2017, 12:09:02 pm
not to mention it takes place on more than one day so the uncertainty rises
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 08, 2017, 08:04:42 am
Why disallow team updates now? Why not just wait until the day, I imagine most people don't know for certain if they can attend until at least the day before.

The main reason is purely because I need to set out brackets, and due to them being made by myself to make it a fun tournament, I want to allow space for me to get them as fair as possible, with help from my admins/refs, instead of doing them on the day, and having people complain and having the brackets changed 4 more times like most tournaments lately.  I have been considering moving the tournament back 1 day to Sunday as apparently that suits a lot of people better. But we shall see, would appreciate people letting me know if they agree with this. If there is an absolute emergency where some members cannot make it, I may allow some last minute substitutions as long as they are brought to me as soon as possible. 

Concerning the second date for semi-finals and finals, this date will be picked by team captains, to ensure all teams can make it, however some compromise must be allowed, and if a date isn't picked within a week, I will pick a date myself which will be the official date.

Please let me know if there are any more queries.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on November 08, 2017, 09:55:43 am
Setting out brackets is fine, why would updating teams affect that? E.g. changing team members because they can no longer attend?

I'm not trying to be pedantic but that doesn't make sense, closing sign ups makes sense but not changing team members being locked.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 08, 2017, 03:11:31 pm
I'll be fine with this saturday as the date, although confused as to whether the signups closing includes adding reserves as well?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on November 08, 2017, 03:43:34 pm
Sunday is RGL night! :-[
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Tigere on November 08, 2017, 06:20:31 pm
Ye we also prepare saturday
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 08, 2017, 07:21:30 pm
Sunday is RGL night! :-[
Nero join 77y and stop complaining
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on November 08, 2017, 07:26:06 pm
Sunday is RGL night! :-[
Nero join 77y and stop complaining
why would i do that
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Fwuffy on November 08, 2017, 07:30:08 pm
can i join 77y
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 08, 2017, 08:17:44 pm
can i join 77y
of course you can kitty
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 09, 2017, 12:27:57 am
Sunday is RGL night! :-[
Nero join 77y and stop complaining
already enough dutch  ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Piercee on November 09, 2017, 12:46:30 am
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 09, 2017, 12:51:18 am
Hi can I update my roster to add Freddie Destiny Michal
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Herishey on November 09, 2017, 12:39:52 pm
Roster updates are closed, sorry.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 09, 2017, 03:26:35 pm
Hi can I update my roster to add Freddie Destiny Michal
no and fuck off
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 09, 2017, 03:50:00 pm
Hi can I update my roster to add Freddie Destiny Michal
no and fuck off
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 09, 2017, 09:03:30 pm
Hi, I did a bit of a dumb dumb and I might not be there nor will lonedoge, so it is possible to add a sub past deadline? Sorry bout this.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 10, 2017, 02:09:02 am
Okay, due to people have unexpected dropouts etc, I will allow changing of rosters, up until 3pm Saturday. Sign ups are closed. Any changes please post on the forums.


I am currently chasing server trying to find a suitable server and map, currently I have one available, but maps will be a problem, hopefully this will be fixed for Saturday, but if anyone can help out with this at all, please contact me through steam
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 10, 2017, 05:22:58 pm
Team name:3P1P
Captain's steam (Link required):
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on November 10, 2017, 05:29:41 pm
looking for a team?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 10, 2017, 06:10:07 pm
looking for a team?
Youre Welcome in  TBE :P
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 10, 2017, 10:15:17 pm
Can I update it still? I wasn't on my PC or phone at all today so I couldn't check FSE for a response. Apologies (if I can however, I would like to add Destiny Pheon1x and Freddie thanks)
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on November 10, 2017, 10:18:38 pm
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 10, 2017, 11:34:08 pm
Can I update it still? I wasn't on my PC or phone at all today so I couldn't check FSE for a response. Apologies (if I can however, I would like to add Destiny Pheon1x and Freddie thanks)

That would put you at 8 members. You can only ahve two reserves. Kick two out.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 11, 2017, 12:46:03 am
- Team name ChimpZ
  Captain : ThrowuptheY
  Team : Hokej Vortx Freddie ThrowuptheX Berkovic Destiny Pheonix ()

I just updated it for you to avoid confusion. Thanks
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 01:52:04 am
- Team name ChimpZ
  Captain : ThrowuptheY
  Team : Hokej Vortx Freddie ThrowuptheX Berkovic Destiny Pheonix ()

I just updated it for you to avoid confusion. Thanks

Still comes to 7 member bud. You can only have 6
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 11, 2017, 01:55:03 am
- Team name ChimpZ
  Captain : ThrowuptheY
  Team : Hokej Vortx Freddie ThrowuptheX Berkovic Destiny Pheonix ()

I just updated it for you to avoid confusion. Thanks

Still comes to 7 member bud. You can only have 6
exclude x, hes gonna be spec anyways
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 11, 2017, 02:09:42 am
Take out destiny, god i cannot count for days. Sorry about this Herc
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Kore on November 11, 2017, 02:10:09 am
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Cr3A on November 11, 2017, 02:25:58 am
nice meme X
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: ๖ۣۜFreddie on November 11, 2017, 09:14:20 am
X coming in with the quick maffs
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Vortx on November 11, 2017, 10:51:10 am
2 + 2 is 3 -1 thats 4 quick X
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Lone on November 11, 2017, 11:19:04 am
2 + 2 is 3 -1 thats 4 quick X

Your dad is 44
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 01:34:45 pm

We may end up playing the tournament on a single server. Which is no worry, it allows us to play multiple matches at once, getting through it quicker.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 11, 2017, 02:29:23 pm
Irish out mister soda in
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 04:14:39 pm

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 11, 2017, 04:27:16 pm
Rip chimpz
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Cr3A on November 11, 2017, 05:12:02 pm
no more rip
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Gi on November 11, 2017, 05:29:19 pm
Team name: GIB
Captain's steam (Link required): chu got me

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 11, 2017, 05:41:39 pm
Good luck lads
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 11, 2017, 05:47:30 pm
somebody beat frenchtouch plz
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 05:54:18 pm
Brackets Updated
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 11, 2017, 06:02:19 pm
Dan im coming for you babyy
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 07:33:11 pm
Have been some troubles with the servers. I had a server lined up but unfortunately it is now unavailable. So been looking around. Eg i can get a 200 slot server, but map is too big, So i have found a server with the map for a 4v4 tournament, but it is only 50 slots,
 therefore i may have to call certain teams on a certain times. Which means if you cannot get on the server, and you are meant to play, don't worry, people will be kicked to allow room. If you have been eliminated from the tournament, please leave the server. I estimate there to be around 90 players so we will have to just make due. Sorry about this i did not realise this would happen. Thanks to the 77y and Highlord for lending the server at such short notice
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Cr3A on November 11, 2017, 07:43:36 pm
Installing a proper map on the 200 slots server would take 4 min for the owner
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 08:26:18 pm
Installing a proper map on the 200 slots server would take 4 min for the owner

Yeah i know. They either refuse to do so, or cba
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 09:00:04 pm

Server: 4v4_Tournament_1  pw: 4v4
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Bagins on November 11, 2017, 09:20:27 pm
BTW Poosy Names :
Breath = Bagins
Jooce = Fwuffy
Skoopi = Sk
Drengly = Dren
Gabe_Horn = Ledger
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: RebelliouS on November 11, 2017, 09:31:55 pm
BTW Poosy Names :
Breath = Bagins
Jooce = Fwuffy
Skoopi = Sk
Drengly = Dren
Gabe_Horn = Ledger

Knew it , Ledger was always into gabe horn not suprised there .
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Janne on November 11, 2017, 10:21:11 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MightyPaiN on November 11, 2017, 10:23:31 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: David_Schrein on November 11, 2017, 10:26:16 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Learn to not poke, same goes for cookie and marxeil ffs.
and teach louis how to 1v1
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on November 11, 2017, 10:32:01 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Just because your meme team is bad. Don't cry when things don't go your way plox.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Janne on November 11, 2017, 10:38:15 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Just because your meme team is bad. Don't cry when things don't go your way plox.
kid u werent there so u dont know what happened
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on November 11, 2017, 10:41:36 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Just because your meme team is bad. Don't cry when things don't go your way plox.
kid u werent there so u dont know what happened
well i was there xD nice one dude
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 11, 2017, 10:41:40 pm
Rly Sorry if rules were confusing, tried to make as simple as possible.  Finals will be posted when i've talked to captains. Prizes will also be announced soon. Ty again for coming. Updates will come soon
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Louisss on November 11, 2017, 10:43:04 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Just because your meme team is bad. Don't cry when things don't go your way plox.
kid u werent there so u dont know what happened
well i was there xD nice one dude
you're a strange one
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Moi~ on November 12, 2017, 12:12:59 am
jagerbomber utterly btfo

there is no recovery from this

im still waiting for a special mention to my persona and the great regiment that lended the server
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 12, 2017, 12:14:04 am
what happened, had to cancel so wasn't dere.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on November 12, 2017, 12:20:25 am
SPECIAL MENTION TO CHICKEN FOR GETTING A SERVER LAST SECOND  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Cr3A on November 12, 2017, 02:52:14 am
SPECIAL MENTION TO CHICKEN FOR GETTING A SERVER LAST SECOND  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Kore on November 12, 2017, 04:17:12 am
shame this was hosted on Saturday

would've been cool to be able to attend

not really tbh xd

shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Just because your meme team is bad. Don't cry when things don't go your way plox.
kid u werent there so u dont know what happened
well i was there xD nice one dude


just fuck off
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: DayBoul on November 12, 2017, 01:42:14 pm
shit tournament shit teeams shit hosting shit fucking evertyhngin yfuck you all
Just because your meme team is bad. Don't cry when things don't go your way plox.
kid u werent there so u dont know what happened

In the words of a wise man :

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 12, 2017, 04:05:29 pm
When all of Semi's are completed, Duel scores will be announced. The top 3 Duellers with the most points, and 1 dueller that myself, Nero and Chicken agree on, will be sent forward to duels final, to win a separate prize to the groupfight (if your GF team wins, and you win duels, congrats you have double prize!)

Chicken will help me and Nero decide our special pick due to him helping with the server last minute. Thank you to Chicken and the K-KA! Also another thanks to Highlord for being ready with a backup server

Also the reason that we are deciding a special pick for the duels finals, is due to giving other people a chance to win, even if their team lost early making them unable to fight more duels to gain points. If some players have the same points when we add up all the points (including the Semi-finals points but not including the finals points) Then we will make those players do separate duels before the finals to decide who progresses. Thanks. Let me know if anyone has gotten confused further

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 16, 2017, 10:01:41 am
Prizes Consist Of the Following:

- All players 1st Place (Including subs) will receive a £20 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
- After the Final match is complete, the Bronze match will take place for 3rd and 4th Place. Whichever team comes 3rd, will then fight the loser of the final (2nd place) for the Smaller prize.
- Whichever team wins the lower prize match, All players will receive a £10 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
- The Winner of the Duels Final will receive ONE of the two Options:
        - A £20 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
        - A Copy of Bannerlord when Released 

(May change upon the upcoming days, however pool will not change, just prize organisation and distribution)

Total Prize Pool: £200-240
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 16, 2017, 10:03:39 am
- The Winner of the Duels Final will receive one of the two Options:
        - A £20 Steam Gift ONLY. (No Transfers / G2A) However if you wish you can receive it in multiple steam games.
        - A Copy of Bannerlord when Released 
thats 1 not 2 hehe
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 16, 2017, 10:05:09 am
What?  I said One, of the Two prizes?  I don't get what you mean mate xD
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 16, 2017, 10:09:33 am
What?  I said One, of the Two prizes?  I don't get what you mean mate xD
*bannerlord is never coming meme*
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 16, 2017, 10:47:37 am
What?  I said One, of the Two prizes?  I don't get what you mean mate xD
*bannerlord is never coming meme*

Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on November 16, 2017, 02:01:23 pm
What?  I said One, of the Two prizes?  I don't get what you mean mate xD
*bannerlord is never coming meme*

i live to serve
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: MarxeiL on November 17, 2017, 07:27:13 am
Banner is 40€ btw
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: ExtaZz94 on November 18, 2017, 10:20:31 am
it's tonight ?
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 18, 2017, 03:29:51 pm
it's tonight ?

Finals date still being discussed with team leaders, once all agreed, will be posted on here
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hypno on November 19, 2017, 06:57:54 pm
hypno can't make it wed, thu, fri or sat so we can't really do those days. sorry lads.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 22, 2017, 08:04:12 pm

So I've spoken to all the team captains (those that needed a specific date). And the feeling i'm getting is that the 3rd would be the best. PLEASE inform me if this NEEDS to change. If you just have 1 sub that cannot make it, then this isn't a major issue. But if half your team cannot make it, you need to let me know asap. To save confusion and too many date changes, teams have until the 25th to let me know if they want to change the date. If not, then you will have to play with whoever you have.

In terms of the duels, looking at the current score board i would like the following players to sit in spec if their team is knocked out, ready for the duel final while the semi-finals are taking place (remember if you have high points, but your team has been knocked out, you cannot earn more points, so if the duellers in the semi's do really well, you may not make it in the finals and will be asked to leave the server). Potential Duel Final members:
- Ledger (Can still earn Points)
- Khadgar (No more points to be earned)
- Hokej (Can still earn Points)
- Haze (Can still earn Points)
- Mightypain (No more points to be earned)
- Henri (Can still earn Points)
- Vortx (Can still earn Points)

The "Wild card" Duellist is still being decided. So far potential players are:
- MrGerher
- Veteran
- Other
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: PhilosophicalPhilosopher on November 22, 2017, 11:36:31 pm
Hi Herc, the 3 points given to vortx were default points. Can you give them to Hokej instead please? Cheers
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on November 26, 2017, 08:15:34 pm
Hi Herc, the 3 points given to vortx were default points. Can you give them to Hokej instead please? Cheers

Hokej was already given the three default points, just forgot to take them away from vortx, my mistake.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Fwuffy on December 03, 2017, 03:01:51 pm
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on December 03, 2017, 08:21:33 pm
Details have been posted to leaders. Also can MrGerher ( if he doesnt turn up, then Verteran, then if not, then a member from the points system will be chose. please attend ) if he wishes to participate in the Duel finals, as he is the Admins Choice

Also What i will be doing, Due to some teams having difficulties. I will allow transfer of duel Points. So for example. Haze can give his points to another player in his team, to carry on instead of himself for example. This is due to some players not being able to attend.

Due to OHANA having troubles with their team, they have been allowed one invite due to all subs and one member being absent
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Haze on December 03, 2017, 11:02:52 pm
gg chimpz and poosy.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hertz on December 03, 2017, 11:04:11 pm
Yeah GG FrenchTouch. Was a fun and intense match.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hokej on December 03, 2017, 11:07:47 pm
GG Cykas
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Keita on December 03, 2017, 11:08:08 pm
Yeah GG FrenchTouch. Was a fun and intense match.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Hercules on December 05, 2017, 09:03:45 pm
Congrats too Frenchtouch earning first place prize of £20 each. Congrats to Poosy earning 2nd Place prize of £10 each.
 Unlucky to chimpz coming 3rd place and OHANA 4th place, Well played all!!!!

In terms of Duels, Congratulations Haze and Hokej making into the final match, unfortunately due to time, we were not able to do the actual final, only the semi duels. So unlucky to Stark and Khadgar who did not qualify. The final will take place whenever Hokej and Haze are ready, for the chance to win £20.

Special thanks to Chicken and the K-KA for the 200 slot server for the main brackets of the tournament, and another special thanks to Highlord for having a backup server ready, and providing the server for the finals! 

One more thanks to all of the players taking part for allowing it to run smoothly and without too much delay, and also to the amazing admins who helped me out, especially to Nero, was always there and ready to help when needed, and exceptional at recording scores and matches. Thanks to Chicken and marxeil for helping referee for the main tournament, really helped me out.

I'm hoping to do another tournament soon, with similar prizes and rules, however may make it a large tournament (8v8) with a 2v2 duel at the start for a chance to earn your team a free point. Thanks again for all attending.

Hopefully for the next tournament, all teams will be able to attend, due to the prize pool once again...being £200.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Nero_ on December 05, 2017, 09:19:41 pm
and also to the amazing admins who helped me out, especially to Nero, was always there and ready to help when needed, and exceptional at recording scores and matches.
Title: Re: Hercules' 4v4 Groupfighting/Duel Tournament (Check Rules) (Prizes Included)
Post by: Knightmare on December 05, 2017, 09:47:44 pm
and also to the amazing admins who helped me out, especially to Nero, was always there and ready to help when needed, and exceptional at recording scores and matches.
mr fus nero will always bestmin