Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => General Discussion => Topic started by: Neon on February 23, 2013, 02:06:28 am

Title: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Neon on February 23, 2013, 02:06:28 am
(If there's a thread just like this=lock)

This is a thread where leaders/ex-leaders can put in their ways/tips on leading and running a regiment. If a new regiment shows up with a leader with little to no idea on how to lead the regiment properly, they can seek help from others here.

Basically to put it bluntly- put in your ways on how to do things/ask questions if your new to this/help other people out :)
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Father Jack on February 23, 2013, 02:09:16 am
Im sure Aztir will tell you this as soon as he see's this but I might as well tell you now.

Treat your members nicely, remember this is a game and they joined you to have fun and fight and once in a while treat them.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Menelaos on February 23, 2013, 06:18:50 am
Treat your members nicely, remember this is a game and they joined you to have fun and fight and once in a while treat them.

I wish I wasn't such a dick to certain people, I lost people by shouting at them for messing up commands. I now realise it's better to stay cool throughout it all.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Deofuta on February 23, 2013, 06:46:52 am
Don't use officer positions as tools to entice members into joining. Officers need to be selected on quality, not as a prize to be doled out.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Getty on February 23, 2013, 06:59:06 am
Two words: Commissary Executions.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Millander on February 23, 2013, 08:52:27 am
Always be polite and respectful to your members. In the real army a man can stand in ranks and receive shit for messing something up. Do the same in a video game the guy will leave to find a group that wont be rude to him.

What I did and is my opinion that most new regs should not do is DONT START AS LINE INFANTRY. Unless you are starting out fielding like 20 guys its not worth it. Line requires strict discipline and training which is hard to do but has great rewards. I would start as a skirmisher. They are very easy to command (good practice), its very easy to do as long as your guys are good shots, skirmishing is super chill in events because you can just sit back and watch the score rack up and most iimportantly you can be effective without having to field large numbers.. Plus its a good recruitment incentive.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Mr. Kochi on February 23, 2013, 09:55:07 am
One thing I learnt the hard way:

If you used to be a private, or even a low NCO in another clan, don't bring in the guys from that clan into yours. They wont see you as a leader, but rather, as the same shitty private/cpl who believes himself an officer.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: GoldenEagle on February 23, 2013, 10:52:53 am
I would also say that you should not let Trolling occur, specialy under LB's. The problem is that you have to know how to punish and when to punish. If a guy head bobs a few times after 1 hour with training, thats not really punishable, but if a guy disobeys commands or talks shit to other people/officers, then you should ban him for a few hours or even kick him out of regiment.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Archduke Sven on February 23, 2013, 12:52:45 pm
To not try to piss off other regiments excessively ( Under the right circumstances its ok ). Its always better to find friends  ;)

Otherwise just try to form a bond with your men so they feel a sense of camaraderie and maybe even a sense of loyalty to the regiment.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Kator Viridian on February 23, 2013, 02:21:13 pm
Have fun, enjoy the game and don't be serious snake ... done.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Neon on February 23, 2013, 02:44:12 pm
Be smart when electing new NCOs and COs, you must think about how their skills can benefit the regiment in a positive way. No point in having a CO pissing your other members off to the point of them leaving.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Harbinger on February 23, 2013, 03:16:09 pm
Be a dictator
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Deofuta on February 24, 2013, 04:19:31 am
Always be polite and respectful to your members. In the real army a man can stand in ranks and receive shit for messing something up. Do the same in a video game the guy will leave to find a group that wont be rude to him.

What I did and is my opinion that most new regs should not do is DONT START AS LINE INFANTRY. Unless you are starting out fielding like 20 guys its not worth it. Line requires strict discipline and training which is hard to do but has great rewards. I would start as a skirmisher. They are very easy to command (good practice), its very easy to do as long as your guys are good shots, skirmishing is super chill in events because you can just sit back and watch the score rack up and most iimportantly you can be effective without having to field large numbers.. Plus its a good recruitment incentive.

But then comes that oh so fun time when you need to make a transition to line, and some people who joined a skirmisher regiment may not be cool with that.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Kator Viridian on February 24, 2013, 12:47:57 pm
Always be polite and respectful to your members. In the real army a man can stand in ranks and receive shit for messing something up. Do the same in a video game the guy will leave to find a group that wont be rude to him.

What I did and is my opinion that most new regs should not do is DONT START AS LINE INFANTRY. Unless you are starting out fielding like 20 guys its not worth it. Line requires strict discipline and training which is hard to do but has great rewards. I would start as a skirmisher. They are very easy to command (good practice), its very easy to do as long as your guys are good shots, skirmishing is super chill in events because you can just sit back and watch the score rack up and most iimportantly you can be effective without having to field large numbers.. Plus its a good recruitment incentive.

But then comes that oh so fun time when you need to make a transition to line, and some people who joined a skirmisher regiment may not be cool with that.

Lines have never required strict dicipline, all it takes is some common knowledge and knowledge of how to play warband, lines battles and lines are dictated by Melee, if you don't have good melee players then any size of line infantry can beat it.

Skirmshing also does not require good shots it actually requires good tactical knowledge on when to reatreat and how to retreat and that is where skirmishers win or lose. A skirmishing group is great for point blanking and retreating in a slow fallback keeping some men behind to reload while the front retreat after killing the closest enemy, you can win entire battles like that. 52nd used to do it on the American servers and wiped out entire lines with about 1-2 men losses ... 20 against 1-2 is a great victory and then take on another line.

Strategy and good player instict is what makes a good line. Strategy holds a skirmishing regiment together.

Brains and Skills ... not training.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: TORN on February 24, 2013, 01:13:47 pm
Beat them
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Joshly on March 05, 2013, 02:24:45 am
A little old, but beings how often I'm around nowadays I'd figure I'd give a few things. (and also remind that its tips, not the e-peen thread)

The best advice for a new regiment - Set and stick to a set of standards the group should follow and believe in. Always treat people like people. And only ever give discipline when your expectations of those set "standards" has been broken, only then will someone know they've done wrong. Always be open minded and see EVERYONE'S point of view parallel to your own.

The best advice for a new Leader - Always put the group and the betterment of the group above yourself. "Nothing" is impossible, there is always a way to approach anything. Don't become someone you've disliked, or someone would dislike. "Although you'll never reach perfection, always persist to try!"

Thats what I think of, off the top of my head - if anyone has any questions, would like to chat, or is looking for advice, feel free to look me up on steam and add me!
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: KillerMongoose on March 05, 2013, 03:47:46 pm
Engage in love making with your regiment members. You will develop a close bond linked via penis insertion.

In all seriousness though, you need to be a leader that your men will like, somebody that they'll want to stick around with through anything even if you always lose. Be the guy that they want to stand by no matter what.  And never try to pull rank, that is the shit that will make people leave your regiment. It's a game, you're not really a colonel so don't act like you are.

And as far as leading a small regiment in a linebattle, you probably won't last in a firefight with a large regiment unless your men are crazy good shots (or crazy lucky) so try to isolate and target the smaller enemy regiments. If you can't do that then try to stick by a bigger regiment and provide support (IE- guard their flanks or provide extra firepower) A tactic that I have been able to pull off successfully before with a small regiment is to wait for a single medium-large sized regiment to engage with one of our regiments and then sneak around them and flank. A small regiment can slip around the battlefield unnoticed usually. Just be careful of cavalry, they will make short work of a small infantry regiment. I see small regiments try to "guard the artillery" a lot and I can tell you it's a bad idea, it almost always ends in being picked off by enemy cannons and not doing anything.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: OPEN_FIRE on March 07, 2013, 08:41:09 pm
I'm not a regiment leader but I've seen 2 kinds of leaders a lot that you shouldn't be, which are pretty much opposites.

1 - Don't be the huge power-trip with extreme and excessive rules that make no sense. Don't be a huge jerk to your men to keep them in line. Nobody will want to join your regiment if you ban them at the slightest infraction, or shout at them every linebattle.

2 - On the other hand, don't do absolutely nothing when your regiment is full of trolls. I used to be in a regiment, and sometimes now I merc for them, where people just completely ignore rules like no ramboing every round and constantly insult the other regiment(s) and end up making everyone hate them by the end of the linebattle. And then, after the linebattle when I talked to the leader about it he was like "oh it's just a game, the other regiments just shouldn't care, it's not that big a deal." ..... basically you can't just let your members do whatever the hell they want. Otherwise you're barely even a regiment.

The trick is to find the right balance.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Desert Thunda on March 08, 2013, 09:29:04 am
Don't be a dick towards members who do not wish to come to the event.

Remember line battles are played in a players spare time, this bullshit about "Compulsary attendance" only makes your men more mad. It makes it feel like they are forced to come to a (maybe) boring linebattle and be forced to follow orders or get shouted at.
Why should they come to your linebattle if he could be doing something more fun or entertaining FOR HIM.

I have seen about 10-20 people get kicked cause they said they wanted to play another game / or are busy in a MP match with a friend, may it be long games like CK2 or a short game like Ace of Spades, give your man a chance to breath and don't force them to do anything.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Althalus on March 08, 2013, 10:12:34 am
2 words.
Sorry Stick.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Tammo on March 09, 2013, 04:07:48 am
When advancing on a regiment, always move at an angle
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Menelaos on March 09, 2013, 07:07:06 am
Too bad COL SHARPE 214TH CAVALRY doesn't use the forums and probably would disband in a few days with or without any advice. Such good ideals here, hopefully somebody can use them.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Kator Viridian on March 09, 2013, 05:18:01 pm
Too bad COL SHARPE 214TH CAVALRY doesn't use the forums and probably would disband in a few days with or without any advice. Such good ideals here, hopefully somebody can use them.

Maybe you should?
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Rozza on March 09, 2013, 10:21:52 pm
Play with your members outside of Linebattles/Trainings. I constantly play with my members outside of Warband and as a result I have been told by many that my regiment is one of the most enjoyable one they have ever been in. Also, when in linebattles or events, don't troll or act stupidly. Be professional and understanding. If you are officer aimed, tell them not to do it again and accept an apology. Slaying instantly not only sends the mood into the shitter but makes you look angry and unforgiving.

inb4 evidence to back up my claim
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Menelaos on March 09, 2013, 10:38:27 pm
Too bad COL SHARPE 214TH CAVALRY doesn't use the forums and probably would disband in a few days with or without any advice. Such good ideals here, hopefully somebody can use them.

Maybe you should?
Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Not a leader of any group, this is all mostly common sense.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: nicknick12 on March 09, 2013, 11:53:08 pm
Be nice and funny
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Kator Viridian on March 10, 2013, 12:19:11 am
Too bad COL SHARPE 214TH CAVALRY doesn't use the forums and probably would disband in a few days with or without any advice. Such good ideals here, hopefully somebody can use them.

Maybe you should?
Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Not a leader of any group, this is all mostly common sense.

Maybe you should?

see still applies.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Rackio on March 10, 2013, 04:03:20 am
1) find a great second in command, this doesnt mean you have to like the or love them it's someone to give you a balance. i was in a regiment as second in command and all i did was end up arguing with the leader but through that he got to see different points of views and we made middle ground, but you must remember you are the leader its your choice in the end.

2) dont just play NW with your members play other games as well to build a community and a relationship(yes you can add penis) also out of line battles don't enforce strict discipline and be all hierarchical there is absolutely no point in doing this, in line battles be firm but not harsh out lb's be their friend.

3) be relaxed for the most part but ensure they know you are the boss and to teach your regiment where the boundary is between banter and abuse(in some regiments its all the same and people wither stay around for the agressive banter or they move on). you also have to dictate your racism, sexism, ect policies as some may get offended whereas some regiments let their members get away with whatever they want in TS (make sure this is just teamspeak)

and thats about me done i think, just have fun :)
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Skittles on March 10, 2013, 12:53:40 pm
Scream at them all till they learn to obey ;) Works a charm, be the enforcer your mother raised you to be.
Title: Re: Advice for New Regiment Leaders- Tips
Post by: Kator Viridian on March 10, 2013, 04:44:09 pm
1) find a great second in command, this doesnt mean you have to like the or love them it's someone to give you a balance. i was in a regiment as second in command and all i did was end up arguing with the leader but through that he got to see different points of views and we made middle ground, but you must remember you are the leader its your choice in the end.

2) dont just play NW with your members play other games as well to build a community and a relationship(yes you can add penis) also out of line battles don't enforce strict discipline and be all hierarchical there is absolutely no point in doing this, in line battles be firm but not harsh out lb's be their friend.

3) be relaxed for the most part but ensure they know you are the boss and to teach your regiment where the boundary is between banter and abuse(in some regiments its all the same and people wither stay around for the agressive banter or they move on). you also have to dictate your racism, sexism, ect policies as some may get offended whereas some regiments let their members get away with whatever they want in TS (make sure this is just teamspeak)

and thats about me done i think, just have fun :)

No point in having just any guy behind you, it had better be a decent friend covering your backside ;)