Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Regiments => Topic started by: Alexander on June 28, 2016, 10:28:20 pm

Title: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Alexander on June 28, 2016, 10:28:20 pm


Youtube Channel

( ( (http://steam://friends/add/76561198058209961)

"Pink Booty Shorts Highlanders"

Battle Record
75th vs 58e   0-10
75th vs 5th7-3
75th vs 34e      9-1
75th vs FG      7-3
75th vs FG      10-0
75th vs 17th   10-0
75th vs Nr48   7-3
75th vs 84e      10-0
75th vs 58e     6-4
75th vs 4th     9-1
75th vs 15thSE  10-0
75th vs 5th   2-8
75th vs Nr52 10-0
75th vs 58e  5-5
75th vs Nr52 8-2
75th vs 8th   7-4
75th vs 80th 7-3
75th vs 12te 7-1
75th vs 71st  8-2
75th vs 18th  7-6
75th  vs 8thRoyal 6-4
75th  vs 2eChef 6-4
75th  vs 104th 9-1
75th  vs 1er 4-0

75th  vs 58e4-0[/size]

Updated Weekly on Friday
Maximum amount of people in each rank!


Col = 1
Maj =1
Cpt = 1
Lt = 1
Adj = 1


Coulour Sjts = 1
Serjeants = 2
Corproals = 3

Scotsman (melee Specialist) = Infinite
Guardsman(Melee Specialist) = Infinite
Guard = Infinite
Regulars = Infinite
Fusiliers = Infinite
Private = Infinite
Recruits = Infinite
Applicants = Infinite


Ranking System

(Regimental leader)

Lieutenant Colonel
(Regimental second-in-command)

(Regimental third-in-command)

(Regimental fourth-in-command)

(Regimental fifth-in-command, Colonels right hand man.)


Colour Sergeant
(Regimental Flag Bearer)

(Regimental Role model and Highest ranking NCO)

(Regimental NCO in Training)


(Pro Meleer)

(Trained Guard)

(Above Average Player)

(Committed member of the Regiment)

(Committed member shows interest in improvement)
(A Normal Enlisted inside the regiment)

(A new member of the Regiment)

(Testing to see if the regiment is their style, not 100% committed.)

Want to talk to the CO's?

( (

How to get Promoted



Colonel - Col - Regimental first in command.

Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol - 2nd in Command, Helps get people on, Recruit, Runs Events/Trainings.

Major - Maj - 3rd in command, does everything the Lieutenant Colonel does. First in command of the 2nd Company.

Captain - Cpt - 4th in command, 2nd in command of the 2nd Company.

Lieutenant - Lt - 5th in command, helps the 2nd company with recruiting and organizing roster.

Adjutant - Adj - 6th in command, Colonels right hand man.


Colour Serjeant - CSjt - Regiments bester meleer.

Serjeant - Sjt - become trained as a corporal and show more loyalty.

Corporal - Cpl - Prove your leading ability & become known to be loyal.

Scotsman (Specialist) - Scot - Become a well respected and a well prized member of the regiment and one day you may reach Kingsman

Guardsman ( Specialist) - Gdm  - Become a better meleer & Prove your worth as a guard

Guard - Grd - Must be accepted by trial

Regular - Rgl - have to be active, Skillful, and Disciplined in the Regiment. Also is noticeable getting better in all points in the game. Takes 2-3 weeks to get depending on how long it takes for you to require these skills. Most of the members stop at this rank, as many are hand picked for greatness.

Fusilier - Fus - Have to be active, has been trained decently. Disciplined in the regiment during linebattles. Has show loyalty. Takes 1 1/2 weeks to receive.

Private - Pte - Must have passed your Recruit training & must know all basic commands

Recruit - Rec - Newly joined the regiment. Over watched carefully for Dedication, Discipline, Skill, and understanding of the commands. If you do we do all of these u will be promoted

~~~Ban List~~~
Sir Pwoob



The 75th (Highland) Regiment of Foot was raised in the county of Stirling in 1787, and embodied at Stirling in June 1788. Their Colonel was Robert Abercromby of Tullibody, hence the Regiment's familiar title of 'Abercrombie's Highlanders.' The Regiment was soon dispatched to India, where they fought in the Mysore campaign of 1799 and at Seringapatam, both in 1792 and 1799. The Regiment, much depleted, returned home in 1806, in 1809 their title was changed to the 75th Regiment of Foot, and again in 1862, to the 75th (Stirlingshire) Regiment. In 1881, they were linked with the 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot to form the 1st Battallion of The Gordon Highlanders.

The 75th were raised in 1787 by Robert Abecromby, their first colonel, and were known as Abercromby's Highlanders. They first saw action in India, fighting at Seringapatam and Mysore. During the Napoleonic Wars the 75th were stationed in the Mediterranean. Later, during the colonial period they served in South Africa during the Kaffir War of 1832, and in India during the Sepoy Rebellion. In 1862 they became the 75th (Stirlingshire) Regiment.
In 1881 as part of the Childers Reforms the 75th amalgamated with the 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot to become the 1st battalion, the Gordon Highlanders.

The Army List for 1799 shows Sir Robert Abercromby still Colonel of the Regiment, and Nicholas Brutton as one of the Lieutenants. In Ker Porter's great Panorama of the Storming of Seringapatam, 'Lieut Bruton 75th wounded' is shown lying beside the tiger cannon in the centre foreground. Other causualties in the 75th Regiment, for the period 4th April - 4th May 1799, are listed in the General Return, dated at Seringapatam, 5th May 1799. 16 men were killed, including Lieut Matber on 4th April; 64 were wounded, including Capt. John Gordon on 21st April and Lieuts. Turner, Broughton and Skelton, all on 4th April. In the final assault on Seringapatam, the 75th fought with the Bombay army in the Centre Brigade, under Colonel Dunlop, and their Regimental badge, a tiger within a wreath of thistles, is a lasting reminder of these Indian campaigns. It was also the inspiration for the title of the National Galleries of Scotland's bicentennial exhibition 'The Tiger and the Thistle : Tipu Sultan and the Scots in India,' in 1999.

British-Indian Campaign

Turning to the 1st Battalion, it was raised for service in India in 1878, and was then commanded by Colonel Abercromby as a Highland Regiment; but this was abandoned in 1807-8, owing to the paucity of the Highlanders in the ranks, and the Line uniform was substituted for it until 1881, when the "territorialisation" of the regiment led to its union with the Gordon Highlanders and the assumption of the Highland costume.  As this change was carried into effect at Malta, the regiment was at first laughingly called the "Strada Reale Highlanders", and this joke was further emphasised by the regimental conundrum, which went to state that the "difference between the 92nd and 75th" was that
"one are real Highlanders, the other Reale Highlanders".

Its history in all three phases of uniform, whether kilted, trewed, or kilted again, is sufficiently glorious, and for years it shared in that portion of the making of India which began with the operations against Tippoo and terminated with the assault on Bhurtpore.  During this period, when often it was the only leaven of white troops the Sepoy army had, it shared in the severe skirmishes and storms of Chowghasset, Travangarry, amd the capture of Ferokabad; and in the operations which accompanied the attack on Bangalore it had to cover the retreat of Abercromby's column on Coorg as a rear-guard, which it did with distinguished success.  It was also present in the battle outside Seringapatam in 1792, which was followed by a peace broken again the following year, because of the aggressive action of the French Republic in declaring war against England and Holland.  Tippoo naturally sided with our ancient enemy, and in the operations which ensued Mahe was taken from the French and Seringapatam fell.  The regiment lost heavily in the attack and in the storm, where the forlorn hope of its own column was led by Corporal Roderick Mackenzie and Sergeant Graham.  Finally, after much continuous minor service against unruly chiefs and refractory natives, such as the capture of Fort Kerria and Baroda, it finished its active service for the time at Bhurtpore, where it lost heavily, among the killed being that same Sergeant Graham who had so distinguished himself at Seringapatam.  For this gallant work it bears "Seringapatam" and "India" among its badges, with the Royal Tiger.  Beyond the ordinary routine duty, it saw no further active service until the Kaffir rising of 1834, when it was employed continually under the severe and trying conditions of frontier warfare, rightly earning the title "South Africa 1835".  It may be noted that this is one of the first, if not the first, recorded regiments that saw the value of mounted infantry, for a "troop" was formed and did good work for more than two years.

The outbreak of the Mutiny saw it again employed on the scene of its former glorious successes.  It began well, by making a forced march of forty eight miles, and formed part of the column directed upon Delhi.  It met the mutineers at Badli-ke-Serai, and in the hard-fought action that carried by assault the enemy's heaviest battery, occupying the key to the enemy's position, though with a loss of eleven officers and sixty six men.

It completed the work begun outside the walls by the storm of the city on October 13th 1857, and was then transferred to Sir Colin Campbell's command in his advance on Lucknow, where it shared inthe fighting from the Alam Bagh until the end of the year, and finally formed the funeral party when Havelock died.

After these events the old 75th was posted to Sir James Outram's command, and took part in the difficult Oude campaign, Major Gordon displaying both gallantry and tactical skill in the defence of the advanced post of Dungapur.  It returned home to England in 1862 with its former Indian reputation enhanced, and with the authority to bear "Delhi", "Lucknow", and "Central India" among the regimental honours.  Three Victoria Crosses were also won during this campain; Private Green, Sergeant (afterwards Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel) Wadeson, and Colour Sergeant Coghlan were all conspicuous for saving life under fire, and the latter for "cheering and encouraging a party which hesitated to charge down a lane in Subzee Mundee, Delhi, lined on each side with huts and raked by a cross fire, then entering with the said party into an enclosure filled with enemy and destroying every man."  Though still clothed like an ordinary Line regiment, its national origin was recognised, in 1863, by the permission to wear a "diced border" to the Kilmarnock forge cap, and this was further altered to the Glengarry eleven years later.

The regiment had some trying frontier experience against the Kaffirs in 1872.  Next, as the1st Battalion of the Gordons, and kilted, it sharedin the Egyptian campaign of 1882, in Sir Archibald Alison's Highland Brigade; and at the storming of the lines of Tel-el-Kebir lost two officers and thirty three men killed and wounded.  For this "Tel-el-Kebir" and "Egypt 1882"  (and later "1884") were permitted to be worn on the appointments.

Finally transferred to the Eastern Soudan, the battalion formed the front face of the square at the battle of El Teb against Osman Digna, taking part also in the affairs of Tamai and Tamanieh, and after a brief period in garrison at Cairo, formed part of the Nile expeditionary force for the relief of General Gordon, adding to the list in the campaign roll the name "Nile 1884-5".  In this expedition the regiment ascended the great river 1,300 miles in sixty three days, doing the return journey in twenty eight days.


WHILE Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell was appointed Colonel of the 74th, the colonelcy of its coeval regiment, the 75th, was conferred on Colonel Robert Abercromby of Tullibody. He had commanded a light infantry brigade during six campaigns in the American war; and as several companies of this brigade had been composed of the light infantry of the Highland regiments then in America, the colonel was well known to the Highlanders, and had acquired an influence among them rarely enjoyed by officers born south of the Grampians. There are instances, no doubt, such as those of the Marquis of Montrose and Viscount Dundee, and others of modem date, "where Highland corps have formed attachments to officers not natives of their country, and not less ardent than to the chiefs of old;" and if the instances have been few, it must be attributed entirely to want of tact in officers themselves, who, from ignorance of the Highland character, or from some other cause, have failed to gain the attachment of the Highland soldiers.

From personal respect to Colonel Abercromby, many of the Highlanders who had served under him in America, and had been discharged at the peace of 1783, enlisted anew, and, with about 300 men who were recruited at Perth, and in the northern counties, constituted the Highland part of the regiment. According to a practice which then prevailed, of firing the headquarters of a regiment about to be raised in the neighbourhood of the colonel’s residence, if a man of family, the town of Stirling was appointed for the embodying of the 75th; and here, accordingly, it first assembled in June 1788, and immediately thereafter proceeded to England, and embarked for India, where it arrived about the end of that year.

For eighteen months after its arrival in India, the regiment was subjected to extreme severity of discipline by one of the captains, who appears to have adopted the old Prussian model for his rule. A more unfortunate plan for destroying the morale of a Highland regiment could not have been devised, and the result was, that, during the existence of this discipline, there were more punishments in the 75th than in any other corps of the same description. But as soon as the system was modified by the appointment of an officer who knew the dispositions and feelings of the Highlanders, the conduct of the men improved.

The regiment took the field in 1790, under the command of Colonel Hartley, and in the two subsequent years formed part of the force under Major-General Robert Abercromby, on his two marches to Seringapatam. The regiment was also employed in the assault on that capital in 1799, the flank companies having led the left columns.  From that period down to 1804, the regiment was employed in the provinces of Malabar, Goa, Goojerat, and elsewhere, and in 1805 was with General Lake’s army in the disastrous attacks on Bhurtpoor.

Attack of Bhurtpoor

The regiment was ordered home in 1806; but such of the men as were desirous of remaining in India were left behind. In 1809 there were not one hundred men in the regiment who had been born north of the Tay; on which account, it is believed, the designation was at that time changed.

It still retained its old number, and, while known as the "Stirlingshire Regiment" from 1809 to 1881, had a distinguished career, having taken part in the Kaffir War of 1835, as well as in many of the engagements which have been noticed in connection with the other Highland Regiments. As will be seen in the account of the 78th Highlanders, the 75th formed part of the force with which Sir Colin Campbell marched to the relief of Lucknow in November 1857, and guarded the Alum Bagh, while Sir Colin, with the rest of the force, made his way to the besieged garrison on the 14th of that month.

Under the Territorial Scheme, however, introduced in 1881, the 75th was once more restored to its position among the Highland Regiments, and, resuming the kilt and Highland dress after a lapse of seventy-four years, became the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, the 92nd Regiment forming the 2nd Battalion, and the Royal Aberdeenshire Militia the 3rd. The depot was fixed at Aberdeen. When this change was announced by a Special General Order, dated the 11th of April, as to come into force on the 1st of July, the 75th was stationed at Malta, where it had arrived from England on the 20th of March, and where, on the 18th of June 1882, it paraded, for the first time since 1808, in full Highland uniform.


Battle Honours:


Battle of Seringapatam
Siege of Bhurtpoor
Kaffir Wars
Sepoy Rebellion
Siege of Lucknow

TNWL | 6 - 0

75th vs FG      10-0
75th vs 17th   10-0
75th vs Nr48     7-3
75th vs 8th       7-2
75th vs 12te     7-1
75th vs 18th     7-6

TNWL S2 | 3 - 0
75th vs 8thRoyal 6-4
75th vs 2eChef 6-4
75th vs 104th 9-1
75th vs TBD


*all  days can be replaced with 1v1's*
*30 Minute warmups before every event*


Code of Honor

This regiment is souly to have fun.
but here are our main rules
  • Respect Your Officers
  • Maturity, at battle times
  • Speak one at a time during linebattles
  • Activity
  • No Trolling
  • it's a game, don't rage
  • Have Fun
Tips on how to Easily be Promoted
1.) Be on time to Line-battles
2.) Show your full respect to others
3.) Preform with skill and excellence
4.) Don't push an officer to promote you it will most likely lead to the opposite
5.) we always are looking for leadership qualities in a person, so always preform as your best

In-Game Tag's



In-Game Reskin

75th Skins]DOWNLOAD LINK (http://)

Thanks to Marks for making the skins

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Alexander on June 28, 2016, 10:31:28 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Carson on June 28, 2016, 10:33:52 pm
gud luk
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Commander Bondage on June 28, 2016, 10:39:22 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Alexander on June 28, 2016, 10:39:59 pm
mira mira puto
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Glenn on June 28, 2016, 10:41:38 pm
good luck bois
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Chieef on June 28, 2016, 11:07:36 pm
Good luck :)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: DeadEye on June 28, 2016, 11:30:50 pm
Good choice.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on June 29, 2016, 12:02:06 am
Good luck!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Windflower on June 29, 2016, 12:41:46 am
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Skittykiller on June 29, 2016, 12:53:43 am
Good luck
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: PurplePanda on June 29, 2016, 12:57:14 am
Welcome back Alex
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: ~NickCole~ on June 29, 2016, 01:22:42 am
Alex and chan are my parents  ::)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Alexander on June 29, 2016, 01:29:15 am
Alex and chan are my parents  ::)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] CANT BE STOPPED.
Post by: Alexander on June 29, 2016, 02:30:32 am
Welcome back Alex
you da homie, thanks.

Good luck
suh dude. ty

Good luck!
Fucking join bruv.


Good choice.

gud luk
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Glenn on June 29, 2016, 02:32:44 am
damn i didn't even get replied too


what happened to being apart of the rattpack

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on June 29, 2016, 02:35:55 am
damn i didn't even get replied too


what happened to being apart of the rattpack

only rattpack knows they don't need replies to be appreciated

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Glenn on June 29, 2016, 03:12:33 am
damn i didn't even get replied too


what happened to being apart of the rattpack

only rattpack knows they don't need replies to be appreciated


you riiighhht
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Ambiguous on June 29, 2016, 04:22:40 am
Good Luck
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Coconut on June 29, 2016, 04:24:56 am
Interesting... good luck :D
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: AeroNinja on June 29, 2016, 01:15:20 pm
Ayyyy. Best of luck again Alexander. I'm sure u won't need it.  :-*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: |Heinrich| on July 02, 2016, 03:15:19 pm
Good Luck
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 05, 2016, 11:46:15 pm
Ayyyy. Best of luck again Alexander. I'm sure u won't need it.  :-*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Glenn on July 05, 2016, 11:51:06 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: John Price on July 06, 2016, 12:05:07 am
Dedication? Fuck off Alexander you have never been dedicated to anything
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 06, 2016, 12:10:17 am
Dedication? Fuck off Alexander you have never been dedicated to anything
dedicated to carrying you fat brits in 1v1s  :-*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: John Price on July 06, 2016, 12:23:21 am
put your money were your mouth is. Come back to 18e, 1v1 this thursday 2pm EST.

If we don't win I want a stat trak. Dont care which one
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 06, 2016, 02:09:49 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: BabyJesus on July 09, 2016, 12:13:28 am
This is a dead reg.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Louisss on July 09, 2016, 02:44:36 pm
This is a dead reg.
your so like hmmmmmmmmmmmmm godlike innit
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 15, 2016, 06:25:56 am
This is a dead reg.
I was on vacay.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 15, 2016, 05:15:14 pm
more like vapenaysh
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 16, 2016, 01:22:09 am
more like vapenaysh
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: PurplePanda on July 16, 2016, 06:23:26 am
Why did you t-bag me today?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 16, 2016, 09:22:52 am
Why did you t-bag me today?
idk honestly lol./
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 28, 2016, 11:28:15 am
won first tnwl today 6-4. we did fist charges once we were up 6-1. ez lb
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: PurplePanda on July 28, 2016, 04:00:03 pm
How couldn't you win the fist charges?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 28, 2016, 06:13:30 pm
How couldn't you win the fist charges?
because harambe.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 28, 2016, 07:32:15 pm
How couldn't you win the fist charges?
because harambe.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 28, 2016, 07:32:28 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 28, 2016, 11:23:21 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Nappy Surena on July 29, 2016, 12:08:11 am
Alex is ur avatar a pic of u?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 12:24:21 am
Alex is ur avatar a pic of u?
i wish i was fucking rihanna.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: J. Campbell on July 29, 2016, 12:25:41 am
Are we doing a 1v1 tonight or is that another reg? I'm a bad NCO :/ And btw Alex if you were Rihanna I'd faint every time I seen you in game.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 12:51:24 am
Are we doing a 1v1 tonight or is that another reg? I'm a bad NCO :/ And btw Alex if you were Rihanna I'd faint every time I seen you in game.
Rihanna is my celebrity crush. I'd fuck the shit out of her.

and we are 1v1ing 2eChef tonight for TNWL
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Windflower on July 29, 2016, 12:57:47 am
that forehead is THICC
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 01:04:40 am
that forehead is THICC

who is ur celeb crush wind?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 01:47:08 am
member is streaming here:
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Becker- on July 29, 2016, 02:53:40 am
Tell me what this woman is doing to win a p250 sand dune
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Windflower on July 29, 2016, 02:54:28 am
suckin cack
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: StevenChilton on July 29, 2016, 02:56:39 am
Tell me what this woman is doing to win a p250 sand dune

Eating a banana like Harambe the gorilla (our regimental mascot)?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 06:23:58 am
won TNWL 6-4. Was up 6-0 before fist charges.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 06:43:37 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: DeadEye on July 29, 2016, 06:48:02 pm
Ay 5ths got it goin onnn
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 06:50:34 pm
Ay 5ths got it goin onnn
yoooooooooooooooooo waz up
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: DeadEye on July 29, 2016, 07:16:17 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 07:47:25 pm
fuck them all
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Windflower on July 29, 2016, 08:13:41 pm
that forehead is THICC

who is ur celeb crush wind?
Can't say I'm all that infatuated with celebrities, but if I had to choose

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AeroNinja on July 29, 2016, 08:20:05 pm
Bump for Alexander bae.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] Only Dedication Creates Greats
Post by: Alexander on July 29, 2016, 09:03:07 pm
that forehead is THICC

who is ur celeb crush wind?
Can't say I'm all that infatuated with celebrities, but if I had to choose

i'd fuck.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 29, 2016, 09:44:59 pm
Today I went bikeriding with no boxers on. I had a hard fall and crushed my nuts against the seat. Never again.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~Midnight~ on July 29, 2016, 11:24:10 pm
Today I went bikeriding with no boxers on. I had a hard fall and crushed my nuts against the seat. Never again.
sounds kinky
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on July 30, 2016, 07:20:07 pm
Today I went bikeriding with no boxers on. I had a hard fall and crushed my nuts against the seat. Never again.
ohm y god. im glad ur ok dad
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 30, 2016, 07:37:51 pm
Today I went bikeriding with no boxers on. I had a hard fall and crushed my nuts against the seat. Never again.
ohm y god. im glad ur ok dad
Yeah im fine. I can still nut
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 01, 2016, 08:29:53 pm
Chan is a meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 04, 2016, 01:27:21 am
ciber is streaming 75th vs 104th in 30 mins
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: John Price on August 04, 2016, 01:29:10 am
Dont need to watch it to know its a 9-1
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: John Price on August 04, 2016, 02:39:03 am
called it
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 04, 2016, 02:39:11 am
called it
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Louisss on August 04, 2016, 01:19:30 pm
Flaash- playing with freakazoid on my streammmm dayummm  :)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: StevenChilton on August 04, 2016, 08:46:12 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 05, 2016, 05:06:44 am
I'm finally in 75th again :D
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: DeadEye on August 05, 2016, 05:10:53 am
I'm finally in 75th again :D
can u actually play in TNWL
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 05, 2016, 06:21:15 am
I'm finally in 75th again :D
can u actually play in TNWL
I would hope so since I only played 1 match for 2e
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: DeadEye on August 05, 2016, 07:03:24 am
Yea I have no idea, they through A fit when I was trying to play for 45e when having Nr7 cuz they played 1 match already, by tho I mean group A and 45e is like C or D Lmfao
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 05, 2016, 07:05:34 am
Yea I have no idea, they through A fit when I was trying to play for 45e when having Nr7 cuz they played 1 match already, by tho I mean group A and 45e is like C or D Lmfao
I hope they don't catch a fit with me since I suck dick at NW and I'm barely active anyway
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: DeadEye on August 05, 2016, 07:06:17 am
xD gl
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 05, 2016, 07:17:35 am
Flaash- playing with freakazoid on my streammmm dayummm  :)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 05, 2016, 07:19:02 am
fucking legendary meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Siwi on August 05, 2016, 04:43:52 pm
Nickcole is bandwagon trash
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 05, 2016, 07:01:53 pm
Nickcole is bandwagon trash
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 06, 2016, 05:14:14 am
Nickcole is bandwagon trash
please I'm not a bandwagon fag*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 06, 2016, 05:17:04 am
Nickcole is bandwagon trash
please I ain't to band wagon feg
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on August 06, 2016, 09:19:34 am
Ive worn my girlfriend's panties
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 06, 2016, 10:02:11 am
Ive worn my girlfriend's panties
Bondage stop lying, you don't have a girlfriend.

You mean your mother's panties don't you?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on August 06, 2016, 10:12:02 am
Ive worn my girlfriend's panties
Bondage stop lying, you don't have a girlfriend.

You mean your mother's panties don't you?
I also wore her bra. There are pictures
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 06, 2016, 10:13:35 am
Ive worn my girlfriend's panties
Bondage stop lying, you don't have a girlfriend.

You mean your mother's panties don't you?
I also wore her bra. There are pictures
Pics or it didn't happen, your mom wouldn't let you do that. 
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 06, 2016, 05:12:59 pm
WindFlower's mom is cute
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on August 06, 2016, 10:11:35 pm
Ive worn my girlfriend's panties
Bondage stop lying, you don't have a girlfriend.

You mean your mother's panties don't you?
I also wore her bra. There are pictures
Pics or it didn't happen, your mom wouldn't let you do that.
Maybe someday
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 07, 2016, 02:13:52 am
bondage is a cutie
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 07, 2016, 02:15:48 am


Youtube Channel

( ( (http://steam://friends/add/76561198058209961)

"Pink Booty Shorts Highlanders"

Battle Record
75th vs 58e   0-10
75th vs 5th     7-3
75th vs 34e      9-1
75th vs FG      7-3
75th vs FG      10-0
75th vs 17th   10-0
75th vs Nr48   7-3
75th vs 84e      10-0
75th vs 58e     6-4
75th vs 4th     9-1
75th vs 15thSE  10-0
75th vs 5th   2-8
75th vs Nr52 10-0
75th vs 58e  5-5
75th vs Nr52 8-2
75th vs 8th   7-4
75th vs 80th 7-3
75th vs 12te 7-1
75th vs 71st  8-2
75th vs 18th  7-6
75th  vs 8thRoyal 6-4
75th  vs 2eChef 6-4
75th  vs 104th 9-1

Updated Weekly on Friday
Maximum amount of people in each rank!


Col = 1
Maj =1
Cpt = 1
Lt = 1
Adj = 1


Coulour Sjts = 1
Serjeants = 2
Corproals = 3

Scotsman (melee Specialist) = Infinite
Guardsman(Melee Specialist) = Infinite
Guard = Infinite
Regulars = Infinite
Fusiliers = Infinite
Private = Infinite
Recruits = Infinite
Applicants = Infinite


Ranking System

(Regimental leader)

Lieutenant Colonel
(Regimental second-in-command)

(Regimental third-in-command)

(Regimental fourth-in-command)

(Regimental fifth-in-command, Colonels right hand man.)


Colour Sergeant
(Regimental Flag Bearer)

(Regimental Role model and Highest ranking NCO)

(Regimental NCO in Training)


(Pro Meleer)

(Trained Guard)

(Above Average Player)

(Committed member of the Regiment)

(Committed member shows interest in improvement)
(A Normal Enlisted inside the regiment)

(A new member of the Regiment)

(Testing to see if the regiment is their style, not 100% committed.)

Want to talk to the CO's?

( (

How to get Promoted



Colonel - Col - Regimental first in command.

Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol - 2nd in Command, Helps get people on, Recruit, Runs Events/Trainings.

Major - Maj - 3rd in command, does everything the Lieutenant Colonel does. First in command of the 2nd Company.

Captain - Cpt - 4th in command, 2nd in command of the 2nd Company.

Lieutenant - Lt - 5th in command, helps the 2nd company with recruiting and organizing roster.

Adjutant - Adj - 6th in command, Colonels right hand man.


Colour Serjeant - CSjt - Regiments bester meleer.

Serjeant - Sjt - become trained as a corporal and show more loyalty.

Corporal - Cpl - Prove your leading ability & become known to be loyal.

Scotsman (Specialist) - Scot - Become a well respected and a well prized member of the regiment and one day you may reach Kingsman

Guardsman ( Specialist) - Gdm  - Become a better meleer & Prove your worth as a guard

Guard - Grd - Must be accepted by trial

Regular - Rgl - have to be active, Skillful, and Disciplined in the Regiment. Also is noticeable getting better in all points in the game. Takes 2-3 weeks to get depending on how long it takes for you to require these skills. Most of the members stop at this rank, as many are hand picked for greatness.

Fusilier - Fus - Have to be active, has been trained decently. Disciplined in the regiment during linebattles. Has show loyalty. Takes 1 1/2 weeks to receive.

Private - Pte - Must have passed your Recruit training & must know all basic commands

Recruit - Rec - Newly joined the regiment. Over watched carefully for Dedication, Discipline, Skill, and understanding of the commands. If you do we do all of these u will be promoted

~~~Ban List~~~
Sir Pwoob



The 75th (Highland) Regiment of Foot was raised in the county of Stirling in 1787, and embodied at Stirling in June 1788. Their Colonel was Robert Abercromby of Tullibody, hence the Regiment's familiar title of 'Abercrombie's Highlanders.' The Regiment was soon dispatched to India, where they fought in the Mysore campaign of 1799 and at Seringapatam, both in 1792 and 1799. The Regiment, much depleted, returned home in 1806, in 1809 their title was changed to the 75th Regiment of Foot, and again in 1862, to the 75th (Stirlingshire) Regiment. In 1881, they were linked with the 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot to form the 1st Battallion of The Gordon Highlanders.

The 75th were raised in 1787 by Robert Abecromby, their first colonel, and were known as Abercromby's Highlanders. They first saw action in India, fighting at Seringapatam and Mysore. During the Napoleonic Wars the 75th were stationed in the Mediterranean. Later, during the colonial period they served in South Africa during the Kaffir War of 1832, and in India during the Sepoy Rebellion. In 1862 they became the 75th (Stirlingshire) Regiment.
In 1881 as part of the Childers Reforms the 75th amalgamated with the 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot to become the 1st battalion, the Gordon Highlanders.

The Army List for 1799 shows Sir Robert Abercromby still Colonel of the Regiment, and Nicholas Brutton as one of the Lieutenants. In Ker Porter's great Panorama of the Storming of Seringapatam, 'Lieut Bruton 75th wounded' is shown lying beside the tiger cannon in the centre foreground. Other causualties in the 75th Regiment, for the period 4th April - 4th May 1799, are listed in the General Return, dated at Seringapatam, 5th May 1799. 16 men were killed, including Lieut Matber on 4th April; 64 were wounded, including Capt. John Gordon on 21st April and Lieuts. Turner, Broughton and Skelton, all on 4th April. In the final assault on Seringapatam, the 75th fought with the Bombay army in the Centre Brigade, under Colonel Dunlop, and their Regimental badge, a tiger within a wreath of thistles, is a lasting reminder of these Indian campaigns. It was also the inspiration for the title of the National Galleries of Scotland's bicentennial exhibition 'The Tiger and the Thistle : Tipu Sultan and the Scots in India,' in 1999.

British-Indian Campaign

Turning to the 1st Battalion, it was raised for service in India in 1878, and was then commanded by Colonel Abercromby as a Highland Regiment; but this was abandoned in 1807-8, owing to the paucity of the Highlanders in the ranks, and the Line uniform was substituted for it until 1881, when the "territorialisation" of the regiment led to its union with the Gordon Highlanders and the assumption of the Highland costume.  As this change was carried into effect at Malta, the regiment was at first laughingly called the "Strada Reale Highlanders", and this joke was further emphasised by the regimental conundrum, which went to state that the "difference between the 92nd and 75th" was that
"one are real Highlanders, the other Reale Highlanders".

Its history in all three phases of uniform, whether kilted, trewed, or kilted again, is sufficiently glorious, and for years it shared in that portion of the making of India which began with the operations against Tippoo and terminated with the assault on Bhurtpore.  During this period, when often it was the only leaven of white troops the Sepoy army had, it shared in the severe skirmishes and storms of Chowghasset, Travangarry, amd the capture of Ferokabad; and in the operations which accompanied the attack on Bangalore it had to cover the retreat of Abercromby's column on Coorg as a rear-guard, which it did with distinguished success.  It was also present in the battle outside Seringapatam in 1792, which was followed by a peace broken again the following year, because of the aggressive action of the French Republic in declaring war against England and Holland.  Tippoo naturally sided with our ancient enemy, and in the operations which ensued Mahe was taken from the French and Seringapatam fell.  The regiment lost heavily in the attack and in the storm, where the forlorn hope of its own column was led by Corporal Roderick Mackenzie and Sergeant Graham.  Finally, after much continuous minor service against unruly chiefs and refractory natives, such as the capture of Fort Kerria and Baroda, it finished its active service for the time at Bhurtpore, where it lost heavily, among the killed being that same Sergeant Graham who had so distinguished himself at Seringapatam.  For this gallant work it bears "Seringapatam" and "India" among its badges, with the Royal Tiger.  Beyond the ordinary routine duty, it saw no further active service until the Kaffir rising of 1834, when it was employed continually under the severe and trying conditions of frontier warfare, rightly earning the title "South Africa 1835".  It may be noted that this is one of the first, if not the first, recorded regiments that saw the value of mounted infantry, for a "troop" was formed and did good work for more than two years.

The outbreak of the Mutiny saw it again employed on the scene of its former glorious successes.  It began well, by making a forced march of forty eight miles, and formed part of the column directed upon Delhi.  It met the mutineers at Badli-ke-Serai, and in the hard-fought action that carried by assault the enemy's heaviest battery, occupying the key to the enemy's position, though with a loss of eleven officers and sixty six men.

It completed the work begun outside the walls by the storm of the city on October 13th 1857, and was then transferred to Sir Colin Campbell's command in his advance on Lucknow, where it shared inthe fighting from the Alam Bagh until the end of the year, and finally formed the funeral party when Havelock died.

After these events the old 75th was posted to Sir James Outram's command, and took part in the difficult Oude campaign, Major Gordon displaying both gallantry and tactical skill in the defence of the advanced post of Dungapur.  It returned home to England in 1862 with its former Indian reputation enhanced, and with the authority to bear "Delhi", "Lucknow", and "Central India" among the regimental honours.  Three Victoria Crosses were also won during this campain; Private Green, Sergeant (afterwards Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel) Wadeson, and Colour Sergeant Coghlan were all conspicuous for saving life under fire, and the latter for "cheering and encouraging a party which hesitated to charge down a lane in Subzee Mundee, Delhi, lined on each side with huts and raked by a cross fire, then entering with the said party into an enclosure filled with enemy and destroying every man."  Though still clothed like an ordinary Line regiment, its national origin was recognised, in 1863, by the permission to wear a "diced border" to the Kilmarnock forge cap, and this was further altered to the Glengarry eleven years later.

The regiment had some trying frontier experience against the Kaffirs in 1872.  Next, as the1st Battalion of the Gordons, and kilted, it sharedin the Egyptian campaign of 1882, in Sir Archibald Alison's Highland Brigade; and at the storming of the lines of Tel-el-Kebir lost two officers and thirty three men killed and wounded.  For this "Tel-el-Kebir" and "Egypt 1882"  (and later "1884") were permitted to be worn on the appointments.

Finally transferred to the Eastern Soudan, the battalion formed the front face of the square at the battle of El Teb against Osman Digna, taking part also in the affairs of Tamai and Tamanieh, and after a brief period in garrison at Cairo, formed part of the Nile expeditionary force for the relief of General Gordon, adding to the list in the campaign roll the name "Nile 1884-5".  In this expedition the regiment ascended the great river 1,300 miles in sixty three days, doing the return journey in twenty eight days.


WHILE Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell was appointed Colonel of the 74th, the colonelcy of its coeval regiment, the 75th, was conferred on Colonel Robert Abercromby of Tullibody. He had commanded a light infantry brigade during six campaigns in the American war; and as several companies of this brigade had been composed of the light infantry of the Highland regiments then in America, the colonel was well known to the Highlanders, and had acquired an influence among them rarely enjoyed by officers born south of the Grampians. There are instances, no doubt, such as those of the Marquis of Montrose and Viscount Dundee, and others of modem date, "where Highland corps have formed attachments to officers not natives of their country, and not less ardent than to the chiefs of old;" and if the instances have been few, it must be attributed entirely to want of tact in officers themselves, who, from ignorance of the Highland character, or from some other cause, have failed to gain the attachment of the Highland soldiers.

From personal respect to Colonel Abercromby, many of the Highlanders who had served under him in America, and had been discharged at the peace of 1783, enlisted anew, and, with about 300 men who were recruited at Perth, and in the northern counties, constituted the Highland part of the regiment. According to a practice which then prevailed, of firing the headquarters of a regiment about to be raised in the neighbourhood of the colonel’s residence, if a man of family, the town of Stirling was appointed for the embodying of the 75th; and here, accordingly, it first assembled in June 1788, and immediately thereafter proceeded to England, and embarked for India, where it arrived about the end of that year.

For eighteen months after its arrival in India, the regiment was subjected to extreme severity of discipline by one of the captains, who appears to have adopted the old Prussian model for his rule. A more unfortunate plan for destroying the morale of a Highland regiment could not have been devised, and the result was, that, during the existence of this discipline, there were more punishments in the 75th than in any other corps of the same description. But as soon as the system was modified by the appointment of an officer who knew the dispositions and feelings of the Highlanders, the conduct of the men improved.

The regiment took the field in 1790, under the command of Colonel Hartley, and in the two subsequent years formed part of the force under Major-General Robert Abercromby, on his two marches to Seringapatam. The regiment was also employed in the assault on that capital in 1799, the flank companies having led the left columns.  From that period down to 1804, the regiment was employed in the provinces of Malabar, Goa, Goojerat, and elsewhere, and in 1805 was with General Lake’s army in the disastrous attacks on Bhurtpoor.

Attack of Bhurtpoor

The regiment was ordered home in 1806; but such of the men as were desirous of remaining in India were left behind. In 1809 there were not one hundred men in the regiment who had been born north of the Tay; on which account, it is believed, the designation was at that time changed.

It still retained its old number, and, while known as the "Stirlingshire Regiment" from 1809 to 1881, had a distinguished career, having taken part in the Kaffir War of 1835, as well as in many of the engagements which have been noticed in connection with the other Highland Regiments. As will be seen in the account of the 78th Highlanders, the 75th formed part of the force with which Sir Colin Campbell marched to the relief of Lucknow in November 1857, and guarded the Alum Bagh, while Sir Colin, with the rest of the force, made his way to the besieged garrison on the 14th of that month.

Under the Territorial Scheme, however, introduced in 1881, the 75th was once more restored to its position among the Highland Regiments, and, resuming the kilt and Highland dress after a lapse of seventy-four years, became the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, the 92nd Regiment forming the 2nd Battalion, and the Royal Aberdeenshire Militia the 3rd. The depot was fixed at Aberdeen. When this change was announced by a Special General Order, dated the 11th of April, as to come into force on the 1st of July, the 75th was stationed at Malta, where it had arrived from England on the 20th of March, and where, on the 18th of June 1882, it paraded, for the first time since 1808, in full Highland uniform.


Battle Honours:


Battle of Seringapatam
Siege of Bhurtpoor
Kaffir Wars
Sepoy Rebellion
Siege of Lucknow

TNWL | 6 - 0

75th vs FG      10-0
75th vs 17th   10-0
75th vs Nr48     7-3
75th vs 8th       7-2
75th vs 12te     7-1
75th vs 18th     7-6

TNWL S2 | 2 - 0
75th vs 8thRoyal 6-4
75th vs 2eChef 6-4
75th vs 104th 9-1


*all  days can be replaced with 1v1's*
*30 Minute warmups before every event*


Code of Honor

This regiment is souly to have fun.
but here are our main rules
  • Respect Your Officers
  • Maturity, at battle times
  • Speak one at a time during linebattles
  • Activity
  • No Trolling
  • it's a game, don't rage
  • Have Fun
Tips on how to Easily be Promoted
1.) Be on time to Line-battles
2.) Show your full respect to others
3.) Preform with skill and excellence
4.) Don't push an officer to promote you it will most likely lead to the opposite
5.) we always are looking for leadership qualities in a person, so always preform as your best

In-Game Tag's



In-Game Reskin

75th Skins]DOWNLOAD LINK (http://)

Thanks to Marks for making the skins

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 07, 2016, 05:54:51 am
Nice quote alex
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 07, 2016, 08:35:32 am
yea i suck at foruming
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 08, 2016, 01:20:47 am
10/10 true
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on August 08, 2016, 05:35:16 am
yea i suck at foruming

lol, I've done that a few times. But the real question is, why haven't you removed it yet  ???
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 08, 2016, 07:59:49 am
yea i suck at foruming

lol, I've done that a few times. But the real question is, why haven't you removed it yet  ???

i suck
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 10, 2016, 11:29:50 pm
no longer b0rked
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 11, 2016, 03:48:45 am
no longer b0rked
good meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 11, 2016, 06:32:21 pm
no longer b0rked
good meme
ur meme is a good meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 12, 2016, 01:55:55 am
no longer b0rked
good meme
ur meme is a good meme
ye it's the best meme ever!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on August 12, 2016, 03:56:38 am
My life is a meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 13, 2016, 07:56:47 am
My life is a meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 13, 2016, 06:47:16 pm
Merius is now a 75th. Welcome back.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 13, 2016, 10:34:39 pm
Pistol ace from my match the other night:
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: RussianFury on August 13, 2016, 10:41:44 pm
doesn't compare to the glock king
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 14, 2016, 01:33:51 am
some kid is trying to buy our roster. LMAO
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: StevenChilton on August 14, 2016, 01:44:09 am
Buying regiments is now a thing.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Glenn on August 14, 2016, 01:47:47 am
some kid is trying to buy our roster. LMAO

who put him on blast
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Who- on August 14, 2016, 02:20:52 am
Some kid tryed to buy the 12th Roster years ago, He isnt original!1111!1111!!!!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: John Price on August 14, 2016, 02:21:22 am
I offered you 40 dollars why didnt you sell to me? :(
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 14, 2016, 09:20:54 pm
I offered you 40 dollars why didnt you sell to me? :(
because your ugly
jk bb ilu  :-*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 15, 2016, 12:09:05 am
Some kid tryed to buy the 12th Roster years ago, He isnt original!1111!1111!!!!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Siwi on August 15, 2016, 02:38:19 am
As the MVP, I accept, and will take 60% of the profits
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AeroNinja on August 15, 2016, 09:00:20 am
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th Stirlingshire Regiment of Foot ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 16, 2016, 01:14:01 am
As the MVP, I accept, and will take 60% of the profits
go ahead. best player in 75th rite here
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on August 16, 2016, 04:28:14 am
Bondage will always be the best player the 5th ever had hands down
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 16, 2016, 10:40:10 pm
Bondage will always be the best player the 5th ever had hands down
behind meinsoldat ofc
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: PurplePanda on August 17, 2016, 03:51:42 am
lock this thread
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~Midnight~ on August 17, 2016, 05:21:56 am
lock this thread
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on August 17, 2016, 06:04:51 am
lock this thread
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 17, 2016, 08:50:12 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Nappy Surena on August 20, 2016, 01:22:18 pm
stop being inactive u fuks
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 20, 2016, 05:56:14 pm
stop being inactive u fuks
tell that 2 chan. we cant LB without him XDD1
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 20, 2016, 06:36:48 pm
I haven't done a line battle in month and a half Chan plz cum back
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 20, 2016, 06:37:33 pm
I haven't done a line battle in month and a half Chan plz cum back
dont worry u have 1 with us today ,
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 20, 2016, 06:38:40 pm
I haven't done a line battle in month and a half Chan plz cum back
dont worry u have 1 with us today ,
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 20, 2016, 08:11:46 pm
Looking through old screenshots brings me so much nostalgia. Good times  :'(
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 20, 2016, 09:07:47 pm
Alexander why didn't you lead the EQFL? Ur a brony right?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 20, 2016, 09:08:01 pm
Alexander why didn't you lead the EQFL? Ur a brony right?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 20, 2016, 09:08:54 pm
Alexander why didn't you lead the EQFL? Ur a brony right?
I remember that avatar from 2014 lol, everybody called you a brony so you stopped using it.

Fuckin brony
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 20, 2016, 09:11:50 pm
Alexander why didn't you lead the EQFL? Ur a brony right?
I remember that avatar from 2014 lol, everybody called you a brony so you stopped using it.

Fuckin brony
ye. then i learned i dont give a shit about what anyone says. XDDD
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 20, 2016, 09:29:25 pm
I actually predicted you would say that exact sentence
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 20, 2016, 11:01:06 pm
I actually predicted you would say that exact sentence
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~Midnight~ on August 20, 2016, 11:04:35 pm
windflower is time travewlelrlrelerlrlewlre confermed 11!!1!11
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 20, 2016, 11:09:40 pm
hehe xd

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 21, 2016, 04:24:57 am
Windflower more like MemeFlower
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 21, 2016, 06:32:16 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AsianP on August 22, 2016, 04:03:44 am
1v1 us
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 22, 2016, 06:31:06 am
1v1 us
no u
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AsianP on August 22, 2016, 08:10:04 am
1v1 us
no u
ok ill 1v1 myself should be easy im bad
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 22, 2016, 03:13:36 pm
1v1 us
no u
ok ill 1v1 myself should be easy im bad
I feel ya man same here
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 22, 2016, 10:10:40 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on August 23, 2016, 02:29:37 am
lost 5-0 to 1er. Aids ass linebattle. still putting it on record.

we left early is the reason for 5-0
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on August 23, 2016, 03:29:12 am
lost 5-0 to 1er. Aids ass linebattle. still putting it on record.

we left early is the reason for 5-0
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 30, 2016, 04:31:10 am
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Windflower on August 30, 2016, 05:12:46 am
dead reg
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Siwi on August 30, 2016, 06:11:36 am
Ur mom is a reg
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: RussianFury on August 30, 2016, 05:14:26 pm
dead reg
please disband
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 31, 2016, 04:29:02 am
dead reg
please disband
only if you do it first!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on September 10, 2016, 01:10:18 am
thread died holy shit
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ da k1ng's 75th ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 10, 2016, 05:39:22 am
thread died holy shit
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on September 16, 2016, 09:35:37 pm
we out here. we still alive
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AeroNinja on September 16, 2016, 09:37:48 pm
Hi baes.  :-*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on September 16, 2016, 09:43:17 pm
Hi baes.  :-*
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AeroNinja on September 17, 2016, 05:07:36 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Commander Bondage on September 17, 2016, 10:08:59 pm
Fat lard poses for group of horny old real estate agents
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Skittykiller on September 18, 2016, 12:43:02 am
Alexander due i dont want anymore trouble i have decided to change name
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: AP0CALYPS3 on September 18, 2016, 02:38:05 am

this whole regiment is a meme
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Alexander on September 18, 2016, 04:31:04 am
we will see about that if we play you in tnwl  ;)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: Wastee on October 05, 2016, 04:45:34 pm
Asah dude
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on October 07, 2016, 03:48:14 am
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th 'The Retards...' ♦ [NA] 'Thee Underdogs'
Post by: ~NickCole~ on October 13, 2016, 12:15:53 am
Back to the Top son
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Alexander on December 14, 2016, 10:43:54 pm
The Show Goes On
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Wastee on December 14, 2016, 10:52:01 pm
ye ye ye eye
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BabyJesus on December 14, 2016, 11:06:06 pm
Did you end at the top?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Alexander on December 14, 2016, 11:30:25 pm
Did you end at the top?
oh yes
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Sanders on December 14, 2016, 11:58:22 pm
Did you end at the top?
oh yes
Time to rejoin the squad for one more ride
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Commander Bondage on December 15, 2016, 01:09:08 am
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Phillyz on December 15, 2016, 01:35:58 am
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BabyJesus on December 17, 2016, 06:27:52 am
alex is so good at cs that i decided to join his shit reg
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Theodin on December 17, 2016, 06:40:01 am
How dare you BabyJ
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BabyJesus on December 17, 2016, 07:08:01 am
How dare you BabyJ
ur in a bandwagon reg
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Theodin on December 17, 2016, 03:45:20 pm
I'm the reason for the bandwagon BabyJ
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Alexander on December 17, 2016, 08:04:19 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BearofNW on June 01, 2017, 05:06:35 pm
hey guy we are back with another food review
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: J. Campbell on June 01, 2017, 05:08:00 pm
Today we will discuss the importance of the guacamole sauce.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Marceaux on June 01, 2017, 05:12:35 pm
The 21e would like to formally invite you to attend our new High Class Line Infantry ONLY LineBattle Event, the event will focus on infantry only combat with a rule set more similar to that of EU events. We hope to see you sign up and attend!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BearofNW on June 01, 2017, 05:15:14 pm
i apreciate your formail intervitation but i dont think i can make

recards honeybear
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Wastee on June 01, 2017, 05:16:14 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Wastee on June 01, 2017, 05:24:44 pm
You wanna join fam?
Let's merge
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Wastee on June 01, 2017, 05:31:36 pm
You wanna join fam?
Let's merge
Can i get 4 star general?
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: ~NickCole~ on June 01, 2017, 06:26:15 pm
I miss this reg  :'( and chan's dank memes
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BearofNW on June 01, 2017, 06:45:05 pm

Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Wastee on June 01, 2017, 09:12:11 pm
Chantakey already got muted rip
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Windflower on June 03, 2017, 09:47:14 pm
Chantakey already got muted rip
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 05, 2018, 10:13:11 am
Let this live on! The Show Goes on, the year of underdogs never will end.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 05, 2018, 10:14:47 am
75th vs 58e   0-10
75th vs 5th    7-3
75th vs 34e      9-1
75th vs FG      7-3
75th vs FG      10-0
75th vs 17th   10-0
75th vs Nr48   7-3
75th vs 84e      10-0
75th vs 58e     6-4
75th vs 4th     9-1
75th vs 15thSE  10-0
75th vs 5th   2-8
75th vs Nr52 10-0
75th vs 58e  5-5
75th vs Nr52 8-2
75th vs 8th   7-4
75th vs 80th 7-3
75th vs 12te 7-1
75th vs 71st  8-2
75th vs 18th  7-6
75th  vs 8thRoyal 6-4
75th  vs 2eChef 6-4
75th  vs 104th 9-1
75th  vs 1er  4-0
75th  vs 58e  4-0

Only regiment to give us a problem was the weebs
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 05, 2018, 10:20:12 am
6thKFG 2-0
27thRM 1-0
16thFoot 2-0
4thRI 2-0
190th 1-0 Forfeited
14th 1-2
25e 1-2
Wens 3v1 2-0
Thurs 3v1 2-1
26thCSR 2-0
Wen 2v1 2-0
5th vs 12th 0-6
5th vs Nr92 6-2
5th vs 8thCat & 8th 2-0
5th Vs 8th 8-2
5th vs 52nd 2-0
5th vs 63e 0-2
5th vs 80th 2-0
5th vs 16thFG 2-0
5th vs 34e 2-0
5th vs PDK 2-0
5th vs MoskovGren 2-1
5th vs 71st 7-3
5th vs 3eVolt 6-4
5th vs USMC 6-4
5th vs 87th 7-3
5th vs 71st 0-10
5th vs 4teSLR 9-1
5th vs 1stRL 9-1
5th vs 27th  6-4
5th vs 35th 8-2
5th vs Nr7 8-2
5th vs 8teLeib 6-2
5th vs 71st 8-2
5th vs Nr7 8-2
5th vs Nr42 6-4
5th vs 71st 8-2
5th vs 84e 7-3
5th vs 40th 6-2
5th vs Nr37 7-3
5th vs Nr37 6-4
5th vs Nr37 7-3
5th vs 63e 7-3
5th vs Nr37 6-4
5th vs 92nd 6-4
5th vs 18th 5-5
5th vs 34e 8-2
5th vs 63e 9-1
5th vs 3eVolt 7-3
5th vs 102ndRG 9-1
5th vs 79th 9-1
5th vs 1erGren 8-2
5th vs 87th 7-3
5th vs Nr21 1-9
5th vs 54th 7-3
5th vs Nr21 7-3
5th vs 58e 5-5
5th vs 34e 9-1
5th vs 7thKGL 8-2
5th vs 18th 7-3
5th vs 71st 7-3
5th vs 12te 7-3

75th vs 58e   0-10
75th vs 5th    7-3
75th vs 34e      9-1
75th vs FG      7-3
75th vs FG      10-0
75th vs 17th   10-0
75th vs Nr48   7-3
75th vs 84e      10-0
75th vs 58e     6-4
75th vs 4th     9-1
75th vs 15thSE  10-0
75th vs 5th   2-8
75th vs Nr52 10-0
75th vs 58e  5-5
75th vs Nr52 8-2
75th vs 8th   7-4
75th vs 80th 7-3
75th vs 12te 7-1
75th vs 71st  8-2
75th vs 18th  7-6
75th  vs 8thRoyal 6-4
75th  vs 2eChef 6-4
75th  vs 104th 9-1
75th  vs 1er  4-0
75th  vs 58e  4-0
5th vs 58e    3-7

51-15-1 In Total it truly was a legend and a time to be alive. It was a year of underdogs and a true old one the teenage tenacity.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BabyJesus on June 05, 2018, 01:02:02 pm
The 71st only beat the 5th once? That feels really wrong  ???
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Commander Bondage on June 05, 2018, 03:10:39 pm
You all live beneath the shadow of the mighty 1st Foreign Legion
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Lawrence on June 05, 2018, 03:53:16 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 05, 2018, 04:53:17 pm
The 71st only beat the 5th once? That feels really wrong  ???
It shows they won alexander was autismo and didn't get that your score goes first,  there is like 5 losses or more to 71st and the 75th only played them once and we won that one.

You all live beneath the shadow of the mighty 1st Foreign Legion


tots my goats bro, you tism this reg is 1 1v1 a year
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Aurum on June 05, 2018, 05:38:24 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Windflower on June 05, 2018, 06:58:56 pm
The last time this was brought back was not pretty

But gl anyway
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 05, 2018, 07:56:42 pm
Ffs it never went away.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Becker- on June 05, 2018, 08:47:32 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: ~Midnight~ on June 05, 2018, 09:57:50 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Theodin on June 06, 2018, 03:13:38 am
We beat you like 10 times wtf!!!
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 06, 2018, 06:48:49 pm
We beat you like 10 times wtf!!!
Theyre all on there lol, you only played the 75th once and we won that one.  The 5th lost i think all but one lol.  He just doesn't know how to put numbers like i said.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: BabyJesus on June 06, 2018, 08:49:23 pm
Looks like the there have been 4 lbs with the 5th and the 71st won all of them. According to the 71st record anyways
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 06, 2018, 09:51:10 pm
Looks like the there have been 4 lbs with the 5th and the 71st won all of them. According to the 71st record anyways
There were a bunch and yeah, 75th won the only meeting 71st v 75th that happened, 5th is diff story.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Theodin on June 06, 2018, 10:37:30 pm
We beat you like 10 times wtf!!!
Theyre all on there lol, you only played the 75th once and we won that one.  The 5th lost i think all but one lol.  He just doesn't know how to put numbers like i said.
Still a winning record vs your group :)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Sanders on June 06, 2018, 10:38:45 pm
Blast from the Past (5th mainly)
My favorite regiment all time other than 18e and Millander regs (15e, 1stFKI)
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 06, 2018, 10:50:06 pm
We beat you like 10 times wtf!!!
Theyre all on there lol, you only played the 75th once and we won that one.  The 5th lost i think all but one lol.  He just doesn't know how to put numbers like i said.
Still a winning record vs your group :)
Yep still was always fun 5th vs 71st lol never a dull moment in em,
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Theodin on June 06, 2018, 11:29:26 pm
We beat you like 10 times wtf!!!
Theyre all on there lol, you only played the 75th once and we won that one.  The 5th lost i think all but one lol.  He just doesn't know how to put numbers like i said.
Still a winning record vs your group :)
Yep still was always fun 5th vs 71st lol never a dull moment in em,
I miss those yea
Win or lose you guys always continued to play us, which regiments even today still won’t do
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Commander Bondage on June 06, 2018, 11:49:29 pm
The 1stFL chooses not to fight you because you are not worthy of our efforts.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 06, 2018, 11:57:40 pm
We beat you like 10 times wtf!!!
Theyre all on there lol, you only played the 75th once and we won that one.  The 5th lost i think all but one lol.  He just doesn't know how to put numbers like i said.
Still a winning record vs your group :)
Yep still was always fun 5th vs 71st lol never a dull moment in em,
I miss those yea
Win or lose you guys always continued to play us, which regiments even today still won’t do
Im trying to get AEF to do that.

The 1stFL chooses not to fight you because you are not worthy of our efforts.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: |Viper| on June 08, 2018, 07:22:12 pm
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on June 08, 2018, 07:23:17 pm
Next 1v1 in 6 months!!! OMG so excited like lmfaa this is gonna be so great like omg.
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Commander Bondage on July 14, 2019, 05:23:53 am
Well that turned out to be a fucking lie
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Glenn on July 14, 2019, 05:39:47 am
Well that turned out to be a fucking lie

You shit out a kid since the last 1v1
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: Chantakey on August 01, 2019, 12:00:11 am
Well that turned out to be a fucking lie

You shit out a kid since the last 1v1
Title: Re: [NA] ♦ 75th started from the bottom and ended on the top ♦ [NA] The Show Goes On
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 01, 2019, 12:36:42 am
Well that turned out to be a fucking lie

You shit out a kid since the last 1v1