Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Bello Civili - The Roman Civil War => Released Modifications => Events => Topic started by: josericgarcia on June 23, 2016, 09:41:44 am

Title: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: josericgarcia on June 23, 2016, 09:41:44 am
Salve Friends of Rome! We invite every of you to join and play with us in these bello civili events

It's a public event, and it will take place on Saturdays at 18 GMT/ 1pmEST

If your clan wishes to attend this event please contact Legatus_Procella onsteam for additional details.

Plebians(random) people not have to confirm assistance.
Bienvenidos amigos de Roma! Nos complace invitaros a que juguéis con nosotros en el Bello Civili, ¡En los juegos del César!

Es un evento público, y tendrá lugar los miércoles 19:00 GMT+1 (hora peninsular)

Si quieres unirte con un clan, para participar en los eventos de los sábados has de agregar a Legatus_Procella en steam.

Aquellos sin clan, pueden unirse sin confirmar asistencia.


General Rules/Reglas Generales:

-Random must take the classes designated to them by the admin and they must follow an officer from a respected clan of admin choosing
-Clans may not take special classes unless registered; must have a basic infantry group and if large enough will get skirms, cavalry, engineers and arty.
-Basic infantry can spread out only one map of spacing.
-No rambo unless last member of your team, if you survive a charge and find yourself alone, you must join an allied line
-Musicians are optional for lines.
-Can't wear two shields
-Los que no tienen clan han de escoger la clase que diga el admin, principalmente será legionario, y tendrán que unirse a una linea.
-Los clanes deberán coger infantería de línea, es decir, legionarios, cualquier otra cosa habrá de ser solicitada.
-Las lineas de infantería solo pueden separarse una persona de ancho.
-No se puede ser rambo, si sobrevives en carga, vuelve con una linea amiga.
-Musicos, abanderados y toda la pesca es opcional.
-No se pueden llevar dos escudos. Obviamente ni tres ni cuatro.

Rules Basic Infantry/Reglas de infantería básica
-They can't spread out.
-Min of 4 people.
-Must have an officer.
-For groups higher of 10 people, eagle is obliged
-No puede abrirse excepto en combate.
-Mínimo 4.
-Deben llevar oficial, almenos optio,
-Para grupos de más de 10 personas, es obligado llevar áquila o estandarte.

Rules skirmisher/Reglas escaramuceros
-They can't separate of the line except if there are more of three archers.
-Fire arrows aren't allowed.
-All skirmisher type units are allowed.


-A no ser que sean más de 3, han de ir junto a la linea a la que pertenecen.
-No se permiten proyectiles de fuego.
-Todos los tipos de escaramuceros están permitidos.

Rules Cavalry/Reglas Caballería
-The number of cav will be told in the event.


-La cantidad de jinetes permitidos será comunicada en el evento, dependiendo de la cantidad de gente.


Copy, past, edit and post it to join the event with your clan: /Copia, pega, edita y postealo para unirte al evento con tu clan:

Name of Clan:
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players:
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic):
Prefered Class:
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Alistair on June 23, 2016, 10:58:39 am
Good luck!
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: josericgarcia on June 23, 2016, 12:10:07 pm
Name of Clan: Legio X Equestris
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 14
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Basic Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: XIIIProcella on June 24, 2016, 09:16:14 am
Name of Clan: Legio XIII Gallica
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 10
Prefered Faction (Popularis/Optimates
Prefered Class: Infantry, Cavalry, Skirmishers
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Mike24 on June 26, 2016, 09:05:29 pm
Name of Clan: Legio VII Gemina
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 10/15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Basic Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Deniolser on June 30, 2016, 08:14:20 pm
( (

Name of Clan: XII LEGIO FULMINATA (clan Rome at War)
Steam URL of Leader: Rojus:
Number of Players: 10+
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome (Roma Invicta !)
Prefered Class: Basic Infantry

Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Napobona on July 15, 2016, 08:54:13 pm
Name of Clan: III Legio Cyrenaica
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 6-10
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Basic Infantry, Skirmisher, Cavalry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: XIIIProcella on July 16, 2016, 09:20:33 am
Salve The Senate and People of Rome are accept you happily Legio III. If you're looking for more information on the mod development you have me on steam, but here is the link to my steam regardless 

Our event in the meantime anticipates your men, if you need anything myself an our community leaders would be happy to do what we can!
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: XIIIProcella on July 16, 2016, 09:29:23 am
If you or any of your group has any knowledge or wish to learn for redevelopment of this mod have them come to me and we'll work on some tasks to pan out, if anyone is interested. No tasks too small to be important
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Owaine on July 23, 2016, 03:56:19 pm
Name of Clan: Legio XXII "Primigenia"
Steam URL of Leader: [LegioXXII] Owen
Number of Players: 10-15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Basic Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: janne2 on August 03, 2016, 05:47:53 pm
Name of Clan: Legio LXIX Elites
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of players: 10+
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry, Cavarly
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: XIIIProcella on August 20, 2016, 08:41:37 am
The Caesarian Event Welcomes you Legio LXIX I hope to see you at many more events, and hope your Friday events take off as well. For those unaware the LXIX Hosts an event also. See listed topic
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: JasperTheDictactor on August 22, 2016, 11:47:19 am
Name of Clan: Legio : 3rd Rhode Island
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 5-10+
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Don't Care
Prefered Class: Infantry

Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Dozdhik on August 24, 2016, 03:30:23 pm
Name of Clan: ImperialGuard
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 3-10
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): nvm
Prefered Class: Skirmishers
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: janne2 on August 24, 2016, 03:48:06 pm
Name of Clan: ImperialGuard
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 3-10
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): nvm
Prefered Class: Skirmishers

Legio LXIX welcomes you and your men, Dozdhik!
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: XIIIProcella on August 25, 2016, 07:30:09 am
Alright guys we've had a good string events, Rome welcomes the 3rd Rhodians, as well as the Imperial Russians. JasperTheDictator whats your steam URL. It's reading invalid just so you knwo
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Fexion on September 07, 2016, 06:11:49 pm
Name of Clan: Howling_Ravens
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 10-15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): NONE
Prefered Class: Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: janne2 on September 10, 2016, 11:09:43 pm
Hey everyone, as Procella has stepped down for admining these events I have been granted the ability to run these community events as the Senior Admin. Wednesday events will be relaunched and will occur the same time as before (6PM GMT), rules will be the same.

The event will remain public (you don't need a legion to join the event). If you do not have me already on Steam and you are a leader of a legion that parcipates or wishes to parcipate in this event, add me on Steam: Runkkuritari

The junior admins for these events are:
and Jose
You can also add these persons on Steam if you have any questions concerning the event. We hope to see you on the events and have a good time!
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: VictorL on September 14, 2016, 05:31:36 pm
Name of Clan: FoedusGallias
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of players: 10-15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry, Cavarly
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: janne2 on September 14, 2016, 05:47:56 pm
Name of Clan: FoedusGallias
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of players: 10-15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry, Cavarly

See you at the event :)
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Coldstreamer on September 19, 2016, 03:06:35 am
Name of Clan: Legio XXI Rapax
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 7-12
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): I dont really care, mainly Rome though
Prefered Class: Any chance for arty? if not inf plz :)
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: Eternal on September 23, 2016, 09:07:06 pm
Name of Clan: Legio XIX
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: About 9
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: mario890t on September 28, 2016, 10:26:52 pm
Name of Clan: La Legio del Gran Oldest
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 10-15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: janne2 on September 29, 2016, 08:05:17 am
Name of Clan: La Legio del Gran Oldest
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 10-15
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry
Name of Clan: Legio XIX
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: About 9
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry

Welcome both, remember events at Wednesday 6PM GMT and Saturday 8PM GMT (2 hour difference).
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: adamsimon on October 09, 2016, 10:43:42 am
Name of Clan: Legion IX Hispana
Steam URL of Leader:
Number of Players: 5-10
Prefered Faction (Rome or Ptolemaic): Rome
Prefered Class: Infantry
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: XIIIProcella on November 13, 2016, 03:05:44 am
Salve brothers of the Republic, i'd like to list that this event is still developing (As well as the updated Sunday event run by a different party.) Regardless we'd like to keep developing our Community and keeping a consistent group; Now we fully understand real life comes first, I myself have been unable to attend my own events this last month with Two full time jobs and college. But Just know if you have a group dedicated to the ancient culture we have a home for your group, you'll of course have to abide by our rules but we are very lenient until drastic measures must be taken.

Gentlemen the Caesarian Event is still operationable and STILL PUBLIC

if you have any questions, Issues, or concerns Add me via steam we'll help set you up .

-Lvcivs Horativs Procella, Legio XIII Gallica Legatus, Praetor of Roma
Title: Re: Caesarian Public Event 2016
Post by: josericgarcia on February 17, 2017, 08:18:06 pm
Damas y caballeros, los eventos del bello civili empiezan de nuevo, los sábados a las 19:00 GMT+1

Guys, bello civili events start again, Saturdays at 18:00 GMT