Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Released Modifications => North & South: First Manassas => Topic started by: Pinkamena on November 11, 2012, 10:11:18 pm

Title: National Flagball League Association™
Post by: Pinkamena on November 11, 2012, 10:11:18 pm

Welcome to the main thread for the NFLA, the soon to be National Flagball Association™ of North and South. We're pleased to announce the founding of a simple, fun and worryingly deadly game to be played aside from Line-battles. The idea was formed in the late night tussles that take place on the 4th Vermont's server, coming from a simple game of keep away between Aumas, Dreadmaul, TwilightSpurkel and others. After that, and with the corralling of a few other pubbers and regiment players, we had created two rudimentary teams with which to play the game.

It's a rather silly game, similar to keep-away, but covered with a bit more rules and regulations and spectated and announced by yours truly, with the intention of making the greatest possible experience for all. Small teams of 5-7 are made, similar to a reduced American Football team, without set positions. There's Team Captains, perhaps a few additional positions that are more for show, and a single judge/referee (In most cases myself). We'd hope to make a decent little league of a few teams at least, split into a similar system with the NFL involving divisions and conferences if possible.

Game Rules
-Each team will have 2 timeouts per round, the Captain of the team may use these at any time during the match.
-The game halts for halftime when 100 of the 200 kills are reached. This will be a short recess.
-All players start on horse, and cavalry is the required class for all players.
-Any and all attacks are allowed, firing from horseback, etc.
-If during the course of the match, the flag falls and becomes buried below ground, then a temporary time out where no combat takes place will come into effect until the flag is discovered, or failing that a reset will occur.
-During a reset, both teams will be set on either side of the field and the flag will be placed in the center, upon the referee's orders play will resume with a headlong charge in most cases.
-In order to win, the team with the flag needs to reach 200 points AND have possession of the flag in order to officially win the game. If a team has over 200 points and manages to pick up the flag, it's an automatic win.
-As the game reaches halfway in terms of kills, a half-time of sorts is called and enforced. It ends after a short break with the two teams restarting in lines away from each other and the flag with whomever had it at the end of half.
-Always listen to the Referee, his rulings are final always.

TBD when teams and people are formed together. As a rule most events will be normally at or around 5:00 PM PST whatever day it's on.

The Teams
-Burlington Applebuckers-                            Record 0-0
-Jeremiah J. Aumas <Captain>
-Jerry Bohan
-Twilight Sparkle
-Burning Bullet
-Forte <Backup>
-Jak_Sherman <Backup>

-Columbus Fudgepackers-                            Record 0-0
-Zoochenie <Captain>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>

-Boston RamRods-                                         Record 0-0
-Custer <Captain>
-Jay <Backup>
-AN Assassin <Backup>
-Conrad <Backup>

-Bridgeport Bastards-                                     Record 0-0
-Brandenburger <Captain>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>

-Toledo Continentals-                                      Record 0-0
-SaintKyle <Captain>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>

I'd prefer to get a few more teams before a season is discussed, feel free to sign up, don't be shy!

Applying for a team
Team Name: <City> + <Noun or something>
Team Captain:
Are you and your team active and willing to play the game and have fun?:

Watch it here! (

This is a potentially fun game, but also totally new and also meant to be for fun, so take it with a grain of salt.