Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Events: EU => Topic started by: Fordo on February 14, 2016, 01:29:25 pm

Title: 73rd Thrusday Minisiege Event
Post by: Fordo on February 14, 2016, 01:29:25 pm
Day: Thursday
Time: 7PM GMT (the time will be 7PM BST when mainland Europe switches over to summer time, not America or other special people who want to be different, you will be notified of this when the time comes)
Server: 73rd_Siege_Event
Factions: Any and all factions, we will switch now and then depending on which maps we're playing
People hoped to attain : 60-120 (120 is the max)

Rules (and info) :
1. The minisiege event is made possible due to the collaborations of yours truly and the owner of the minisiege server. questions about the maps should be addressed to him (his name is maximilien ( These maps are specifically designed for a small version of the 200 player sieges, so apologies in advance if we have to turn some regiments down because we don't have enough room (read the 6th point in this list).
2. Defending team may not use TNT (unless it is to block off an area of the map e.g. a bridge) and attackers can not prop spam
3. You can split your regiment up into different groups if you want to, all classes are allowed !
4. Sometimes, there are tunnels on the maps, if so : only 5 attackers are allowed in the tunnel at any given time, this rule is enforced lightly, but keep the number around this.
5. Attackers may not move out unless they have three or more men, from whichever regiment.
6. If the attendance is much higher than expected, the server capacity can be raised to 200 players, there will be other siege maps playable for these moments, so no worries about bringing too many people.
7. I have permission to use the minisiege maps in these events, you are not allowed to use them for a public server, neither are we for that matter.

Want to sign up your regiment ?
[b]Group name :[/b]
[b]Expected attendance :[/b]
[b]Have you read and agree to the rules? :[/b]
[b]Questions ? :[/b]
Title: Re: 73rd Thrusday Minisiege Event
Post by: Ă–verste Karolinen on February 22, 2016, 04:25:45 pm
Is this event still active? In that case this would be an attractive event for us :P
Title: Re: 73rd Thrusday Minisiege Event
Post by: Fordo on February 23, 2016, 08:03:47 pm
Yes it is ! we will host our first event this thursday
Title: Re: 73rd Thrusday Minisiege Event
Post by: 2ndHessHorus on May 05, 2016, 10:32:10 am
Group name :2ndHessian Artillery
Expected attendance :6-8
Have you read and agree to the rules? :Yes
Questions ? :No
Title: Re: 73rd Thrusday Minisiege Event
Post by: De_Caulaincourt on May 05, 2016, 12:45:34 pm
i love thrusday events ;)