Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Released Modifications => Whigs & Tories => Topic started by: Kammin on September 27, 2015, 02:22:29 pm

Title: What's going on? Armies, server hosting, lets debate.
Post by: Kammin on September 27, 2015, 02:22:29 pm
So I've noticed a lot of you have been closing your events after the first week, most likely due to a lack of regiments showing up? And judging by the fact that you've put the time to make both a regiment and admin an event I would hope that majority of you would do your best to keep the mod alive by keeping a solid base of events running! Don't get disheartened! Make your events fun, even if only 20-40 people show up, get in contact with other regimental leaders and work together to help grow events. Look at North and South for example that mod has been placed on it's knees multiple times, and yet no matter how hard it gets slapped down it still manages to pull in new players.

Moral of the story? Don't throw in the towel at the first sign of danger, that's not how this community works and it never will be. The majority of you are regimental leaders, you're -hopefully- smart enough to find a way to keep this mod alive. (With or without the devs help, may I add)
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Kammin on September 27, 2015, 02:25:16 pm
On a side note. Armies, armies would be good.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: DarthTaco on September 27, 2015, 08:35:58 pm
Personally I'm of two minds on armies. On one hand you've got a great way for regiments to maintain both a teamspeak, and server as well as a community that you know will (or should be able to) maintain their own populations for events, in my opinion the DA, UA etc. are the primary things holding the NaS community together. On the other hand it leads to drama, "monopolies" so to speak on events, and people feel pressured to join in an army or be squashed.

I think they can help, but the community needs to set standards for armies, their events, etc.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Johann on September 27, 2015, 09:27:43 pm
Standardised armies is better then no armies. I still question some of the developers decisions about some matters, such as the no army and not having a DL link to server files. Sure pubbers are what keeps the mod popular, but it's regiment's that keeps the mod alive, and making it a pain in the ass to get a server up on WaT isn't really helping the regiments.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: usnavy30 on September 27, 2015, 11:17:56 pm
Standardised armies is better then no armies. I still question some of the developers decisions about some matters, such as the no army and not having a DL link to server files. Sure pubbers are what keeps the mod popular, but it's regiment's that keeps the mod alive, and making it a pain in the ass to get a server up on WaT isn't really helping the regiments.
"not having a DL link to server files" what, is it so bad a user could request them? I put the link up on the thread.

I agree events still around because they do not give up after one bad turn out or so.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Kammin on September 28, 2015, 01:51:23 am
If people can't cope with hosting an event with 40 or so people to start with perhaps they shouldn't be hosting them in the first place? Perhaps armies are the way forward, however we'll need to band regiments into armies as swiftly as possible before they begin to dwindle. Secondly, remember most of the regiments that will be playing are from NW, events cannot clash with NW events. A mod will not win that fight.

Server files? Well forming armies would solve that issue as it would lead to a few popular and hopefully populated servers!
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Earth Bby on September 28, 2015, 02:10:26 am
So if I let armies exist in WaT, what can I expect?

I'm guessing you haven't seen my stance on them  ::) I've scared away a lot of the autistic NA children from playing WaT by stopping armies, the arguments I had with people over it made me hate them even more. The only thing I argue for armies is the professional event hosting side and cycle of players, 10 man regiments die those 3 active people left can easily join another group thus the cycle continues. But when the events are high ping and horribly admined that kills mods and armies have the ability to cut away from developers goals, stepping in wouldn't be worth the hassel.

Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Furrnox on September 28, 2015, 02:23:21 am
So you would rather see your mod die?
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Kammin on September 28, 2015, 02:34:23 am
Well perhaps armies from a dev point of view are damn right cancerous to the development, but they can also provide the life blood for you to have a stable base. But of course you wont have complete control, I mean banning people from the mod would be harmful to say the least. Perhaps take a more active role yourself, pull people together and speak with them in Teamspeak. I suppose the other option people have of course is to simply make 'large regiments' and host events against one and other, of course this would lead to more or less the same atmosphere.

I guess only time will tell, however on it's current course...Well lets hope that your allow some capable admins to take the reins on events.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: usnavy30 on September 28, 2015, 02:41:59 am
Since the first starting events are primarily EU based. I am simply quite busy myself. EU event times do not work, me being NA timezone. We mod developers cannot always be asked to host events ourselves. I mean we have a big update being worked on to make the mod more enjoyable.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Kammin on September 28, 2015, 02:50:32 am
Well no one is asking you to do -anything- in fact they want you to do the opposite, they want you let loose the reins and see how far the community can run. I mean I just read through some threads, and it seems the NA community is getting quite a lot of flak. I mean I personally have been playing the game for what nearly three years now? And trying to control regimental leaders is foolish to say the least, all you can do is aim them. What do I mean by that? Well to put it simply, the regiments that survive in the NW and it's counterparts do so because of their commander, his ego and his command. Trying to control someone while they're in that state of mind will just lead to conflict, your better of just keep and maintaining an awesome 'offical' set of servers. Bring in those pubs! They're the life blood of the community, and the regiments are the beating heart. One cannot operate without the other.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Earth Bby on September 28, 2015, 02:53:06 am
Well perhaps armies from a dev point of view are damn right cancerous to the development, but they can also provide the life blood for you to have a stable base. But of course you wont have complete control, I mean banning people from the mod would be harmful to say the least. Perhaps take a more active role yourself, pull people together and speak with them in Teamspeak. I suppose the other option people have of course is to simply make 'large regiments' and host events against one and other, of course this would lead to more or less the same atmosphere.

I guess only time will tell, however on it's current course...Well lets hope that your allow some capable admins to take the reins on events.

I hosted (still do) a free teamspeak for any regiments to use as well as 1 public server and 1 event server, I've been more than active.

@ Furrnox Thanks for the input as always.

I'll work something out as it's clear it's something the mod community crave not sure why, NW works fine.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: usnavy30 on September 28, 2015, 02:55:01 am
Funny enough it seems some people do expect mod developers to be the server hosters, to be admins relied upon. Which we cannot do always. I'm quite busy myself.

Public play tends to come and go, I mean we have the Workshop page so that should be well enough promotion so people know the mod exists.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Earth Bby on September 28, 2015, 02:59:42 am
I'm surprised it has done so well considering how less hyped it was compared to mods like L'aigle and using a player base lower than half of what other mods got to launch with. If you want to keep the mod super active add regiment leaders and host an event, good luck fitting it in with peoples schedules.

If you want to dig through my posts to comfirm what i'm about to say, "I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months" something along those lines :s
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Kammin on September 28, 2015, 03:04:35 am
Just remember, you chaps have done all the bloody hard work already! You've brought this thing to life even if it's only in beta, so what can we do to keep her running...Well armies is an easy and quick-ish way, but it will end up with two or more people being in charge of large portions of the community which as we've seen in NaS can be good...but also corrupt as all hell. Dev run armies? Could work I guess, I mean you seem to be more then happy to take control and it would allow you to personally shape the community.

I can imagine it would be rather easy to pull this rabble together and form them into something with a purpose, and it could damn well help with growing the community, promoting via youtube etc. If I was you? I'd gather up as many leaders as you can and see what they all think, remember the public are the life blood, however you will also need the heart.

"I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months"- Perhaps we could put that on the tombstone for this thread?
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Earth Bby on September 28, 2015, 03:05:53 am
Just remember, you chaps have done all the bloody hard work already! You've brought this thing to life even if it's only in beta, so what can we do to keep her running...Well armies is an easy and quick-ish way, but it will end up with two or more people being in charge of large portions of the community which as we've seen in NaS can be good...but also corrupt as all hell. Dev run armies? Could work I guess, I mean you seem to be more then happy to take control and it would allow you to personally shape the community.

I can imagine it would be rather easy to pull this rabble together and form them into something with a purpose, and it could damn well help with growing the community, promoting via youtube etc. If I was you? I'd gather up as many leaders as you can and see what they all think, remember the public are the life blood, however you will also need the heart.

"I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months"- Perhaps we could put that on the tombstone for this thread?

No time to manage so many people.

If you buy me a nice stone then sure :^) black with gold font
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Kammin on September 28, 2015, 03:12:15 am
As you don't have the time to manage so many people perhaps you should allow someone who does to step in and help forge the regiments into something that can actually organise and prepare events. Perhaps in the coming days I'll pull some of the regiment leaders who are willing to 'get the ball rolling' as to say together, and see if we can't organise a decent bloody event.

Just remember when you start saying 'You only care if it lasts four months'...that many people will simply not bother playing this mod if even it's own dev team is expecting it to die. I'm quite sure that this mod could crawl on just like North and South has.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Ry1459 on September 28, 2015, 04:06:45 am
Just remember, you chaps have done all the bloody hard work already! You've brought this thing to life even if it's only in beta, so what can we do to keep her running...Well armies is an easy and quick-ish way, but it will end up with two or more people being in charge of large portions of the community which as we've seen in NaS can be good...but also corrupt as all hell. Dev run armies? Could work I guess, I mean you seem to be more then happy to take control and it would allow you to personally shape the community.

I can imagine it would be rather easy to pull this rabble together and form them into something with a purpose, and it could damn well help with growing the community, promoting via youtube etc. If I was you? I'd gather up as many leaders as you can and see what they all think, remember the public are the life blood, however you will also need the heart.

"I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months"- Perhaps we could put that on the tombstone for this thread?

No time to manage so many people.

If you buy me a nice stone then sure :^) black with gold font
I made this just for you Merks :^)

Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: BUS STOP 14 on September 28, 2015, 04:35:19 am
Just remember, you chaps have done all the bloody hard work already! You've brought this thing to life even if it's only in beta, so what can we do to keep her running...Well armies is an easy and quick-ish way, but it will end up with two or more people being in charge of large portions of the community which as we've seen in NaS can be good...but also corrupt as all hell. Dev run armies? Could work I guess, I mean you seem to be more then happy to take control and it would allow you to personally shape the community.

I can imagine it would be rather easy to pull this rabble together and form them into something with a purpose, and it could damn well help with growing the community, promoting via youtube etc. If I was you? I'd gather up as many leaders as you can and see what they all think, remember the public are the life blood, however you will also need the heart.

"I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months"- Perhaps we could put that on the tombstone for this thread?

No time to manage so many people.

If you buy me a nice stone then sure :^) black with gold font
I made this just for you Merks :^)


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D IM DONE
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Sleepy on September 28, 2015, 04:38:35 am
Just remember, you chaps have done all the bloody hard work already! You've brought this thing to life even if it's only in beta, so what can we do to keep her running...Well armies is an easy and quick-ish way, but it will end up with two or more people being in charge of large portions of the community which as we've seen in NaS can be good...but also corrupt as all hell. Dev run armies? Could work I guess, I mean you seem to be more then happy to take control and it would allow you to personally shape the community.

I can imagine it would be rather easy to pull this rabble together and form them into something with a purpose, and it could damn well help with growing the community, promoting via youtube etc. If I was you? I'd gather up as many leaders as you can and see what they all think, remember the public are the life blood, however you will also need the heart.

"I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months"- Perhaps we could put that on the tombstone for this thread?

No time to manage so many people.

If you buy me a nice stone then sure :^) black with gold font
I made this just for you Merks :^)

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What's going on? Armies, server hosting, lets debate.
Post by: Ry1459 on September 28, 2015, 05:17:24 am
I published on imgur, and people don't seem to enjoy it.

Title: Re: What's going on? Armies, server hosting, lets debate.
Post by: Bravescot on September 28, 2015, 11:56:20 am
Considering you do not have the time to organize an army why not appoint someone you really trust who will stick to the developer's choices to manage the Army? It will mean that something that could plod along with a number of regiments filling the slots and you'll have someone you know won't go and start putting the Dev's in a tight spots like what has happened in other mods.
Title: Re: Give your events a chance!
Post by: Earth Bby on September 28, 2015, 12:42:53 pm
Just remember, you chaps have done all the bloody hard work already! You've brought this thing to life even if it's only in beta, so what can we do to keep her running...Well armies is an easy and quick-ish way, but it will end up with two or more people being in charge of large portions of the community which as we've seen in NaS can be good...but also corrupt as all hell. Dev run armies? Could work I guess, I mean you seem to be more then happy to take control and it would allow you to personally shape the community.

I can imagine it would be rather easy to pull this rabble together and form them into something with a purpose, and it could damn well help with growing the community, promoting via youtube etc. If I was you? I'd gather up as many leaders as you can and see what they all think, remember the public are the life blood, however you will also need the heart.

"I'm happy if the mod is only played for 4 months"- Perhaps we could put that on the tombstone for this thread?

No time to manage so many people.

If you buy me a nice stone then sure :^) black with gold font
I made this just for you Merks :^)


you never fail my Ry  :-*
Title: Re: What's going on? Armies, server hosting, lets debate.
Post by: Earth Bby on September 28, 2015, 12:46:28 pm
locking this thread for a new one, i'll make an announcement on the steam group so more people can be involved and know the outcome.