Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => EU Event Board Archive => Events: EU => Community => Napoleonic Wars League => Topic started by: DasBrot on August 20, 2015, 08:14:26 pm

Title: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on August 20, 2015, 08:14:26 pm


The famous NWL will start into the 6th Season soon! The Napoleonic Wars League will bring together as much as possible regiments to determine the best regiment around. It uses a large rule catalog and referees to enforce them. 14 to 16 Regiments per league will fight for glory and honor in this competative environment.

NWL was founded about 2 years ago by Bever and DasBrot. The idea was to create a standard for the international community. Since every regiment had its own favourite ruleset and statistics posted on their own sites and threads, it was difficult to determine who was "the best". So we figured out a league system similar to football. 1st and 2nd place of the second League will promote to the first league, 14th and 13th place of first league will demote to second league.

NWL was the first well running event of it's kind and got copied several times due to the success, but only the original league is supported by so many popular regiments and people. It also became the biggest event of the NW-Community, including 46 regiments with over 1200 players! The first five seasons are already finished.

Also, I want to thank Bever again for doing this league with me. Without you, this project wouldn't exist. Thank you for those awesome 5 seasons!


1. No Firing in melee or out of formation.
  1.1 A melee is where one bayonet or sword from either line strikes the player or weapon of the opposing team.
  1.2 Firing out of formation is where a shot is fired from a player of a line which is not stationary and in a tightly packed formation.
  1.3 The officer is not allowed to shoot on his own while his line is waiting in cover
2. Gaps have to be closed tight.
  2.1 If you fire without closing the gap beforehand, you may be punished by the referee.
  2.2 You are not allowed to open the gap after you take a shot.
3. No officer aiming. This only regards the player in the officer class.
  3.1 Officer aiming is only true in the following situations;
    Shot whilst marching ahead of the line.
    Shot whilst ranged combat and not within 5 man spacing of the original line.
  3.2 In the following situations, officer aiming does not apply.
    If the officer is standing in front, behind or in the line (from enemies viewpoint)
    In a definite and obvious charge movement towards the enemy line.
4. Allowed units: Rankers and officers of regular line infantry - No skirmishers, light infantry or guard infantry.
5. Only one line per regiment, only one officer per regiment.
6. No Bonuses, no musicians, no flag bearers.
7. Only a ONE man majority is allowed.
  7.1 The minimum attendance required for a balance is 15 men. If a regiment does not bring 15 their opponents may use 15 regardless.
  7.2 The maximum attendance is 35 men in play at any time.
8. Only 'Random x Medium' maps are to be used. And not on the "forest" setting.
  8.1 Both regiments have to agree on a map. After 5 rounds teams will be swapped to the opposing faction.
  8.2 The referee may pick a map on his own when it takes more than 10 minutes to agree on a map.
9. Matches have to be played on official NWL Servers.
  9.1 The referee may choose a server if the regiments can't agree on a server
10. You need to get a referee for your match, otherwise its invalid. A list of these is shown below.
  10.1 Both regiments need to agree on the chosen referee.
  10.2 Referees are not allowed to referee a match that their own regiment is partaking in.
11. You need to play your match in the given time.
  11.1. Matches can be played from the commencing Friday to Thursday.
12. If one regiment does not appear in time, the other one will get a 10-0 win.
13. If both teams don't appear, both will get a 0-0 loss. This will result in 0 points for both teams.
14. Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they must choose which one to play for.
15. No invites.
16. Slaying, freezing, kicking or banning is only allowed, if the target is from your own regiment.
  16.1 You are not allowed to reset or restart on own behalf.
17. Referee rulings have to be accepted in a running match. You may not discuss it within an unfinished match.
  17.1 Instructions of a referee must be followed; excluding instructions which would change the match dramatically
                   where no rules have been broken (e.g. charge orders or similiar orders)
  17.1.1 The referee may send spectators of any regiment which is not part of the competing regiments off the server
  17.1.2 The referee may forbid to use the global chat and global admin chat for everyone, other chats (internal ones) are not mentioned
  17.2 You may appeal a referees judgement with a video or screenshot if abusing behavior is seen, or a wrong/biased decisions has occurred.
  17.3 If you abuse the appeal system your further appeals may be ignored.
18. No flaming or insulting. Organizers may punish insults or inappropriate behavior with ceding or canceling points.
19. Organizers keep interpretational sovereignty

Rule 8 may still change. You will be informed in this thread if it does.


The Sign Ups for the 6th season of the NWL will open RIGHT NOW!
The Sign Ups are open until 11th September 2015 at 6pm CET!
Regiments which sign up before or after the posted dates will be ignored!
For signing up, post the following informations:

Estimated attendance:
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?:

If your Regiment was in NWL last season and you wish to continue, please use this form and mark it GREEN!

repeated participation

Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?:

The organizers may talk to signed up regiments after the sign ups closed to answer all questions. :)


If you have any questions, please tell us!

DasBrot (

Dodo ( || MrSt3fan (

Crowh ( || Gazerbeam ( || 10sec (

- List below -

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on August 20, 2015, 08:14:40 pm
NOTE: If your Regiment participated last season, use the form displayed in the post above to claim your slot!


Nr12 (
27th (
2Lhr (
15th_YR (
Spartans (
GGR_Nr4 (
8pp (
51st (
63e (
77y (
5pp (
66pp (
59th (
42nd (

Match-Schedule (

14 Regs / 13 Matchdays

6te_Garde (
25th (
61e (
33rd (
Saints (
Preobraz_LG (
23e (
5te (
Miquelets (
21o (
92nd (
3teFK (
LI_Ulster (

Match-Schedule (

13 Regs / 15 Matchdays

16th (
47e (
17th_JR (
1Pa (
52y (
72nd (RUS) (
Suisse (
12th (
54e (
1Rhein (
10th (
16e_Jeunes (
1°Reg (
Nr35 (
18e (

Match-Schedule (

15 Regs / 15 Matchdays


NOTE: If you are listed as a ref but wish to quit reffing, please contact me on steam!

DasBrot (
Bever (
Loyal (
Chief (
quickzR (
MrSt3fan (
Leonidas64 (
PrideofNi (
Godygamer (
Crowh (
Ketchup (
Munj (
Crazytoes (
Cold Steel (
Lucius (
Arminius (
Jones (
Macca (
Zappy (
John Price (
Dusan (
Hoonter (
GerRagnar (
Nick Lazanis (
Cazasar (
Herishey (
Rommel (
Gojkov (
Harris (
Chicken (
Salakien] (
Wüstenfuchs (
Warder (
Abekrampe (
Etherton (

You want to be a referee? Just send me (Brot) a PM over FSE:
Steam Name:
On which days do you have time?

You want to support NWL with servers? Contact me![/b]

Server list:

MrSt3fan (

Dodo - Beyond Servers (

Nettelbeck (

Emergency Server by myself


Thanks to McCrow - awesome work.




No longer up to date, check the link right below the League overviews
1st League
2nd League
3rd League

In the past seasons there were many misconceptions about the rules and how to enforce them.
Therefor, a FAQ on how2ref!

What is my job?
Your job is to enforce NWL rules, of course. But ONLY to enforce rules! Your personal preferences do not matter in this case. You don't like camping? Who cares? If one regiment camps, its not against the rules. You are not allowed to send them off to charge or something like that. Just saying ;)
A regiment FiC'd! Wat do?
First, you do nothing special. You note the name and watch how the round ends. Did the FIC change the outcome of the round? E.g. victim lost 2 men because of FiC and lost in a close charge - in this case, round has to be redone. E.g. FIC where the rule breaker already had 10 men advantage after shootout - in this case, you slay the respective person FiCing in the next round. Of course the regiment may not swap him out. If he does anyways, just slay any other ranker. In the end, the rule breaking regiment has to play at a disadvantage next round.
A regiment OA'd! Wat do?
Are you sure it was OA? (I will insert pictures here if ppl don't understand) If you are, same as FiC.
People keep bantering on global chat. Wat do?
As long as it isn't disrespectful or actual spam, nothing. When people start to insult each other, tell them to stop. When they don't, you may forbid global chat. People still don't stop to insult? Kick/slay them.
A regimental Leader broke the rules (FIC,OA). Shall i slay him next round?
No, just slay someone else from his line.
A regimental Leader/Member resetted a round on their own in a rage/midround or whatever. Wat do?
That regiment has just lost 0-10. Please contact me with date and time, I might check for bushpirate though.
I want to ban someone.
Only temp bans, please.
I want to use a NWL server for private events.
The servers are for NWL events, not for yours. Please contact the server sponsors, if you want a fine server for your event.
Someone is asking me for admin pass.
Tell them to add and ask me. You are not allowed to distribute the password.

You have additional common questions? Ask them!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on August 20, 2015, 08:16:10 pm

repeated participation
Regiment: 4e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "L'Impétueuse"
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: metrepefff on August 20, 2015, 08:17:26 pm
Regiment: Infanterie Regiment "von Braunschweig-Oels" Nr12
Estimated attendance: 20-25
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Pumti on August 20, 2015, 08:20:01 pm
We've been looking forward to this all year  8)

repeated participation
Regiment: 25th Regiment of Foot
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes!

Not sure if we want to be in league two or one, talk to you more on steam ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nicos on August 20, 2015, 08:31:22 pm
Regiment:16th Regiment Of Foot
Estimated attendance:15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?:Yes
We would like to be in the 3rd league if it is created.If not then on 2
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 20, 2015, 08:42:55 pm
Regiment: 61e régiment de ligne
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DaCrowh on August 20, 2015, 08:43:54 pm
repeated participation
Regiment:  2. Leib-Husaren Regiment
Leader's Steam:  Brinkhoff  (
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Jack [13te HG] on August 20, 2015, 09:00:47 pm
Regiment: 13te heidelberger Garde
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gurkha on August 20, 2015, 09:07:53 pm

Repeated Participation

Regiment: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)  N/A
Leader's Steam:MrSt3fan (
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Falk on August 20, 2015, 09:21:52 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers"
Estimated attendance: 25-30
Leader's Steam: [15th_YR] Falk
Accept rules?:Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on August 20, 2015, 09:32:56 pm
ferst paeg ehmehgehrd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on August 20, 2015, 09:35:34 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: Spartan Hoplites
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam: [Spartan]Obelix, you have him already
Accept rules?: yes !
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on August 20, 2015, 09:35:55 pm
*subscribes to thread*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on August 20, 2015, 09:48:39 pm
Regiment: 51st Regiment of foot
Estimated attendance: 30
Former Name: about half is 2nd members
Leader's Steam: [51st] notmoving
Accept rules?: yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 20, 2015, 09:51:59 pm
About time :D

Regiment: 75e Regiment d'infanterie de ligne
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: [75e] Heinrich
Accept rules?: Damn Straight
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bravescot on August 20, 2015, 10:19:16 pm
Regiment: 21e Regiment d'infanterie de ligne
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: [21e] Bravescot
Accept rules?: Hell yeah
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Beowulf on August 20, 2015, 10:25:50 pm
Regiment:17th Jaeger Regiment
Estimated attendance:15-25
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?:Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on August 20, 2015, 11:04:37 pm
Regiment: 57e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne "Les Terribles"
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes ofc
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on August 20, 2015, 11:09:43 pm
Steam Name: You have me
Regiment: 57e
References: 1vs1 admin, NWBC Head admin, NLC Head Admin, Event admin for a year, other bits and bobs with event support/
On which days do you have time? Mon 7pm onwards, Tues 7pm onwards,Thurs 7pm onwards, Fri 7pm onwards, Sat 7pm onwards
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on August 20, 2015, 11:21:18 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: Saints
Former Name: Saints
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules: Yes
We would like to play in the 2nd league
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: 23er_Official on August 20, 2015, 11:31:45 pm
Regiment: 23er Regimiento de a pie
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: Chicken (
Accept rules?: Of course
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Weezy on August 21, 2015, 01:27:05 am
Regiment: 25e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Ja!!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Louisss on August 21, 2015, 02:14:46 am
 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dusan on August 21, 2015, 02:37:59 am
yeah NWL is back
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bboyka on August 21, 2015, 02:40:12 am
Repeated Participation

Regiment: Перображенский Лейб-гвардии полк (Preobraz_LG)
Former Name: N/A
Leader's Steam: [Preobraz_LG] bboyka
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 21, 2015, 03:02:02 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 21, 2015, 03:33:16 am
yeah NWL is back

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Salakien on August 21, 2015, 10:49:51 am
repeated participation
Regiment: 66.Peší pluk
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fantasy.(wfry) on August 21, 2015, 11:23:03 am
Regiment:  [1Pa] Pierwszy Pułk Artylerii Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated attendance:  about 20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?:   Yeah!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: General Shepherd on August 21, 2015, 12:06:28 pm

Regiment : 82nd BashiBazouks "Shadow Company" | TCR | Regiments
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Accept rules?: Yes
Steam leader name : [82nd]General Shepherd [CG], [82ndBA] TC Borabey, [82nd] Hibirzullah [CG]
2nd Steam leader name : [82nd] Berat [CG] [VF], [82nd] #Uygar

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Beatz on August 21, 2015, 12:52:23 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr4 Königin Augusta
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 21, 2015, 03:02:44 pm
keeping this bumped..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 21, 2015, 03:46:59 pm
you bumphoe
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bigmama on August 21, 2015, 03:57:17 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 21, 2015, 04:05:43 pm
more regs pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 21, 2015, 04:32:50 pm
more regs pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on August 21, 2015, 05:33:15 pm
more regs pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Weezy on August 21, 2015, 05:40:58 pm
more regs pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bever on August 21, 2015, 06:00:47 pm
Wow, Sign Ups over Sign Ups. - looking good. :D
Good Luck with the upcoming season Broti :3

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on August 21, 2015, 06:41:04 pm
more regs pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kraz on August 21, 2015, 07:41:49 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: mat884 on August 21, 2015, 07:43:20 pm
Repeated Participation

Regiment: 23e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated attendance: 15 - 20
Leader's Steam: /
Accept rules?: hell yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Helvete on August 21, 2015, 08:21:00 pm
Regiment: 52y Vilenskiy pehotniy polk
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Sure
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 21, 2015, 10:53:33 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bigmama on August 21, 2015, 11:20:02 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on August 22, 2015, 12:06:29 am
Where all dem regs at
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on August 22, 2015, 12:14:58 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 22, 2015, 12:28:36 am
nwl is shieeet apparently

Odesláno z mého HTC One dual sim pomocí Tapatalk

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 22, 2015, 12:53:44 am

Sign up with your rec company stef.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on August 22, 2015, 01:12:47 am

Sign up with your rec company stef.

Lol :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: LordRevan on August 22, 2015, 01:23:23 am
Regiment: 21o SacredBand
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkLight on August 22, 2015, 01:59:59 am
nw is dead
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on August 22, 2015, 02:03:25 am
nw is dead
NLC and RGL had enough sign ups so no thats not the case
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on August 22, 2015, 02:07:00 am
nw is dead

Darklight does not go out much, he tends to mother when he can. But apart from that eats MacDonalds
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bever on August 22, 2015, 02:15:25 am
nw is dead
NLC and RGL had enough sign ups so no thats not the case

But they don't include 28+ regiments.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on August 22, 2015, 03:01:55 am
There's enough time left though. Just tell everyone that NWL will start again!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Tournesol on August 22, 2015, 11:06:41 am
There's enough time left though. Just tell everyone that NWL will start again!

i told lebrave don't worry
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: SKAT on August 22, 2015, 12:37:22 pm
Regiment: 72nd Regiment, Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders
Estimated attendance: 15-18
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Tyrionpk on August 22, 2015, 01:08:19 pm
nw is dead
NLC and RGL had enough sign ups so no thats not the case

But they don't include 28+ regiments.

rofl, the salt.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bever on August 22, 2015, 01:25:56 pm
nw is dead
NLC and RGL had enough sign ups so no thats not the case

But they don't include 28+ regiments.
rofl, the salt.

Salt is my 2nd name :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: General Shepherd on August 22, 2015, 01:37:31 pm
More regiment everyone!

Get up! Rangers lead on the way!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bruno73 on August 22, 2015, 02:11:16 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: 4e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam: (
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 22, 2015, 02:23:36 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 22, 2015, 02:31:25 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on August 22, 2015, 03:04:46 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist

But only 1 good one kek

4e Regimente de GrenScotsLigneGuard
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: GerRagnar on August 22, 2015, 03:08:04 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist

But only 1 good one kek

4e Regimente de GrenScotsLigneGuard

4e Regimente de Levevre Fountaine DEUTSCHLAND
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fantasy.(wfry) on August 22, 2015, 03:11:58 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist
4e Régiment des grenouilles françaises
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on August 22, 2015, 03:22:48 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist

But only 1 good one kek

4e Regimente de GrenScotsLigneGuard

4e Regimente de Levevre Fountaine DEUTSCHLAND
No, only fontaine.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 22, 2015, 05:45:49 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist
4e Régiment des grenouilles françaises

That's racist.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 22, 2015, 06:23:22 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist

But only 1 good one kek

4e Regimente de GrenScotsLigneGuard

4e Regimente de Levevre Fountaine DEUTSCHLAND
No, only fontaine.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on August 22, 2015, 06:43:53 pm
Unleash the pyramids ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Okra on August 22, 2015, 09:34:14 pm
Regiment: Pułk 8. Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated attendance: 20
Leader's Steam: TM&O2 (back at september) / [8pp] Okra(
Accept rules?:Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 22, 2015, 09:53:02 pm
Regiment: Pułk 8. Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated attendance: 20
Leader's Steam: TM&O2 (back at september) / [8pp] Okra(
Accept rules?:Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 22, 2015, 10:19:59 pm
There's enough time left though. Just tell everyone that NWL will start again!

i told lebrave don't worry
the reg full of Mercs/Invites and Reserves?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on August 22, 2015, 10:21:39 pm
ffs how many 4e regiments exist

But only 1 good one kek

4e Regimente de GrenScotsLigneGuard
What about les Hussards?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Munj on August 22, 2015, 10:36:54 pm
Regiment: 63e
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on August 22, 2015, 10:39:46 pm
There's enough time left though. Just tell everyone that NWL will start again!

i told lebrave don't worry
the reg full of Mercs/Invites and Reserves?
hey 27y had a full reg of invites and they were allowed!1111
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 22, 2015, 11:40:40 pm
There's enough time left though. Just tell everyone that NWL will start again!

i told lebrave don't worry
the reg full of Mercs/Invites and Reserves?
hey 27y had a full reg of invites and they were allowed!1111
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Alessandro on August 23, 2015, 12:32:46 am
hey 27y had a full reg of invites and they were allowed!1111

Who the fuck are you to say this?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on August 23, 2015, 12:47:53 am
hey 27y had a full reg of invites and they were allowed!1111

Who the fuck are you to say this?

calm down, he's new here
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on August 23, 2015, 01:01:38 am
hey 27y had a full reg of invites and they were allowed!1111

Who the fuck are you to say this?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 23, 2015, 01:28:51 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkLight on August 23, 2015, 02:49:11 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on August 23, 2015, 05:45:29 am
What ...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 23, 2015, 09:41:44 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dubie on August 23, 2015, 11:54:18 am
repeated participation
Regiment: Suisse
Former Name: 15-25
Leader's Steam: [Suisse] Dubie (
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Ambiguous on August 23, 2015, 01:07:57 pm
There's enough time left though. Just tell everyone that NWL will start again!

i told lebrave don't worry
the reg full of Mercs/Invites and Reserves?
hey 27y had a full reg of invites and they were allowed!1111
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on August 23, 2015, 01:16:36 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: james gilray on August 23, 2015, 04:23:22 pm
Estimated attendance:15-20
Leader's Steam: [12th] [NewOrder]James_TTT
Accept rules?: yes

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 23, 2015, 04:45:35 pm
Who the fuck are you to say this?

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 23, 2015, 06:52:36 pm
Everyone tell a lot of regiments about NWL spread the word
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Abekrampe on August 23, 2015, 09:18:12 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: 77y Pehontnye Polk
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam: &
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bruno73 on August 23, 2015, 10:28:33 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: 4e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam: (
Accept rules?: Yes

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on August 24, 2015, 02:05:41 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 24, 2015, 02:14:50 am
repeated participation
Regiment: 4e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam: (
Accept rules?: Yes

oi no pulling out
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Windflower on August 24, 2015, 07:19:28 am
pullout game be weak
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dukey on August 24, 2015, 10:41:41 am
Repeated Participation
Regiment: 14th Australian Fusiliers
Former Name: 14th Buckinghamshire
Leader's Steam: [14thAF] Dukey
Accept rules?: Yes, of course :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 24, 2015, 01:50:49 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkLight on August 24, 2015, 02:37:55 pm

just let it die
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 24, 2015, 02:38:57 pm

just let it die
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 24, 2015, 04:19:30 pm

just let it die
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Patricius on August 24, 2015, 05:57:52 pm
Regiment: 47ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: [VIe_47e] Patricius -
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fantasy.(wfry) on August 24, 2015, 06:05:33 pm
Regiment: 47ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: [VIe_47e] Patricius -
Accept rules?: Yes

Good luck!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: [BE] Wellington on August 24, 2015, 06:17:45 pm
Regiment: 23e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated attendance: 15 - 20
Leader's Steam: /
Accept rules?: hell yes

Come on  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on August 24, 2015, 06:50:17 pm
I will update the Lists in a few days. Since many regiments want to be placed into 2nd League, please state if you want to get into 1st or 2nd league!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 24, 2015, 06:52:01 pm
no 3rd league :[ i cri
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on August 24, 2015, 07:00:22 pm
no 3rd league :[ i cri
depends on number of signups ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 24, 2015, 07:10:22 pm
no 3rd league :[ i cri
depends on number of signups ;)
yeah ik :[ and dere is nut enuff:[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on August 25, 2015, 12:03:17 am
If there is a league 3 then 3 ofc if not then 2 :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 25, 2015, 12:29:26 am
If there is a league 3 then 3 ofc if not then 2 :P
wat he said
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 25, 2015, 11:08:07 am
3Lhr for second league, we rek all
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 25, 2015, 12:04:53 pm
There are 32 regiments who signed up so maybe a 3rd league but it would be easier if brot do the league with the score of season 5.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on August 25, 2015, 01:51:10 pm
*subscribes to thread*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 25, 2015, 03:42:28 pm
There are 33 regiments who signed up so maybe a 3rd league but it would be easier if brot do the league with the score of season 5.

ermahgerd possible 3rd league?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Salakien on August 25, 2015, 04:31:45 pm
1st should be fine and fun
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 25, 2015, 06:47:00 pm
There are 33 regiments who signed up so maybe a 3rd league but it would be easier if brot do the league with the score of season 5.

Just a question of balance, in my opinion, it's not interesting to see some regs getting destroy on league 1 and some other who are winning all in league 2.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 25, 2015, 08:58:59 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on August 25, 2015, 09:14:38 pm
#league3 #believe
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 25, 2015, 09:25:08 pm
#league3 #believe
Yes bring back League 3! (Protests)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on August 26, 2015, 01:29:16 am
League 2 please
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Hadley on August 26, 2015, 05:36:07 pm
We will be there!
Repeated participation
Regiment: 8. Leib (Nr.1 Brandenburgisches) Infanterie-Regiment
Former Name: 18e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on August 26, 2015, 09:05:02 pm
League 2 please
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nicos on August 26, 2015, 11:12:46 pm
Maybe those who have applied edit your apps and type what league you want?^^
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on August 26, 2015, 11:23:26 pm
Um, first they have to check if all regs from the previous seasons applied :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on August 27, 2015, 02:33:35 am
4e for league 1 as before
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on August 27, 2015, 09:38:28 am
Still waiting on confirmation of last season's league 3 winner... should be 8te.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 27, 2015, 10:09:47 am
Still waiting on confirmation of last season's league 3 winner... should be 8te.
gosh, we're all winners guys
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on August 27, 2015, 10:24:23 am
Still waiting on confirmation of last season's league 3 winner... should be 8te.
gosh, we're all winners guys

No, you're Polish.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 27, 2015, 02:12:15 pm
66pp won that league. 8te still salty, ehhh
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 27, 2015, 02:59:21 pm
66pp won that league. 8te still salty, ehhh

They are 2nd due to insult but on the field they won.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on August 27, 2015, 03:06:26 pm
66pp won that league. 8te still salty, ehhh

They are 2nd due to insult but on the field they won.

What he said. Though even if we were second we're still supposed to be in league 2. As for 66pp, cya in NLC.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 27, 2015, 03:13:12 pm
66pp won that league. 8te still salty, ehhh

They are 2nd due to insult but on the field they won.
Their bad :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Beatz on August 27, 2015, 07:27:54 pm
GGR_Nr4 for league 1 as before  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Beowulf on August 27, 2015, 11:03:12 pm
17th Jaeger Regiment for League 2
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 27, 2015, 11:08:15 pm
4e for league 5 pls. We're bad
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: GerRagnar on August 27, 2015, 11:13:12 pm
4e for league 5 pls. We're bad

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bigmama on August 28, 2015, 01:20:20 am
Nr12 League 1 plz
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Salakien on August 28, 2015, 08:58:21 am
Well tnh we destroyed that third league  ,last match when all was over and we were the winner , we lost to 61e 6 :4

We should me move to 2nd league but as far as I know many regs from second and third league disbanded so im okey with 1st ( tough but prestigue and fun for me ) , 2nd (well there were plenty of regs with good reputations ) and if you move us on third again we ll rekt it again :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: HerculesBG on August 28, 2015, 03:31:00 pm
repeated participation
Regiment:82nd Prince of Wales Own Volunteers
Leader's Steam:[82nd]Ace
Accept rules?:Yes I agree with the rules
we would like to be part of the 2nd league

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: General Shepherd on August 28, 2015, 04:52:30 pm

Regiment : 82nd BashiBazouks "Shadow Company" | TCR | Regiments
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Accept rules?: Yes
Steam leader name : [82nd]General Shepherd [CG], [82ndBA] TC Borabey, [82nd] Hibirzullah [CG]
2nd Steam leader name : [82nd] Berat [CG], [82nd] #Uygar


League is it does not matter :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 28, 2015, 05:45:57 pm
League 2 for us please as it should be due to our 3rd place in league 3.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 28, 2015, 05:49:12 pm
Well tnh we destroyed that third league.

8te did better than you on the field as i said, 6 victories, 2 draw and 1 defeat whereas 8te did 6 victories and 3 draw.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 28, 2015, 05:52:28 pm
Well tnh we destroyed that third league.

8te did better than you on the field as i said, 6 victories, 2 draw and 1 defeat whereas 8te did 6 victories and 3 draw.

yet they lost the league
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on August 28, 2015, 05:54:37 pm
Well tnh we destroyed that third league.

8te did better than you on the field as i said, 6 victories, 2 draw and 1 defeat whereas 8te did 6 victories and 3 draw.

yet they lost the league

But not on the field.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: haegon-2 on August 28, 2015, 06:08:51 pm
Regiment: 4te Linien-Infanterie-Regiment
Estimated attendance: 15
Leader's Steam: I dont ever use steam. Its mainly Teamspeak communication. So... Use this cu*t
Accept rules?: yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on August 28, 2015, 06:35:47 pm
Regiment: 4te Linien-Infanterie-Regiment
Estimated attendance: 15
Leader's Steam: I dont ever use steam. Its mainly Teamspeak communication. So... Use this cu*t
Accept rules?: yes

Hi Wolfster
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Wolfster on August 28, 2015, 09:41:29 pm

Hi Wolfster

Hi Crumpet.

Haegon wasn't lying when he signed up for NWL :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 28, 2015, 11:54:34 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: HerculesBG on August 29, 2015, 05:14:52 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bravescot on August 29, 2015, 05:49:41 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 29, 2015, 10:34:01 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More regs sign up please.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on August 29, 2015, 11:47:06 pm
Still plenty of time
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on August 30, 2015, 09:05:47 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 30, 2015, 09:07:59 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
like the 47th  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on August 30, 2015, 09:12:10 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
like the 47th  ::)

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 30, 2015, 09:13:20 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
like the 47th  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 31, 2015, 03:24:54 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Josh Faraday on August 31, 2015, 06:17:39 am
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
like the 47th  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on August 31, 2015, 07:08:52 am
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
like the 47th  ::)
Unknown Phailur with his knowledge of all pro (kinda 'pro' with 47th) strikes again!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on August 31, 2015, 07:57:54 am
We would like to play in the 2nd league
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on August 31, 2015, 01:18:52 pm
i count 33 or 34 regs I hope more guys join just a couple more and we can form a 3rd League
More STABLE regs sign up please.

I agree.
like the 47th  ::)
Unknown Phailur with his knowledge of all pro (kinda 'pro' with 47th) strikes again!
bm is life
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kraz on August 31, 2015, 01:40:14 pm
3Lhr c:
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: 45th Official on August 31, 2015, 02:07:36 pm
scratch that. Looked over the attendance.  :-X
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkBG on August 31, 2015, 04:50:11 pm
Regiment: 1st Bulgarian Grenadiers
Estimated attendance: 15
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on August 31, 2015, 08:59:02 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bravescot on September 01, 2015, 02:49:37 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Weezy on September 01, 2015, 10:43:21 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 01, 2015, 10:52:30 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Morgan on September 01, 2015, 02:00:39 pm
Regiment: 8 Московский гренадерский полк (8 Moscow Grenadier Regiment)
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Leader's Steam: [8th_MGR]Morgan
Accept rules?: yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Ambiguous on September 01, 2015, 09:26:48 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: 5te Westfalisches Landwehr
Former Name: (Only if a huge part of members are the same)
Leader's Steam: [5te] DanTheMan
Accept rules?: Yes

League 2 or 3 pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 02, 2015, 03:57:33 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 02, 2015, 08:07:10 pm

Yes indeed.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nicos on September 03, 2015, 07:27:01 pm
Can a mod sticky this like the season's 5 thread?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Barbaneth on September 03, 2015, 07:52:33 pm
Regiment: 10th Lincolnshire Regiment
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yeah
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bravescot on September 03, 2015, 09:50:42 pm
Why is this not pinned yet?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 03, 2015, 10:29:24 pm
Why is this not pinned yet?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 04, 2015, 12:35:24 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 04, 2015, 12:50:42 am
They see me bumpin', they hatin'
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 04, 2015, 02:58:24 pm
They see me bumpin', they hatin'
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Perrier on September 04, 2015, 09:28:53 pm
Regiment: 16e régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne de Jeunes Gardes
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: and "[16eJG] JBB28"
Accept rules?: YES
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: 18e Official on September 04, 2015, 11:20:24 pm
Repeated participation
Regiment: Nr.7 Grenadier Battalion "Carl Schröder"
Former Name: 18e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes!

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 05, 2015, 07:34:37 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DaPietro on September 05, 2015, 09:09:30 pm
repeated participation
Regiment: 5. Pułk Piechoty Legii Nadwiślańskiej
Former Name:
Leader's Steam: (
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 05, 2015, 11:30:46 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: 23er_Official on September 06, 2015, 02:53:40 am
Regiment: 23er Regimiento de a pie
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: Chicken (
Accept rules?: Of course

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 02:55:50 am
Regiment: 23er Regimiento de a pie
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: Chicken (
Accept rules?: Of course

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on September 06, 2015, 03:00:24 am
Regiment: 23er Regimiento de a pie
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: Chicken (
Accept rules?: Of course

gotta shut it down for now, we had a good run but wasnt enought, hope to see you next season ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 06, 2015, 04:06:58 am
can this get a sticky already.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 02:31:21 pm
can this get a sticky already.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 06, 2015, 03:21:42 pm
32 Regiments Signed up. Spread the word!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 03:23:18 pm
Currently making the schedules. League 2 and 3 are getting too full. Would almost make sense to create a 4th league...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 03:29:17 pm
Currently making the schedules. League 2 and 3 are getting too full. Would almost make sense to create a 4th league...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 03:52:25 pm
Ok gents, updates the rosters for each league. I need someone from 2nd League to go into 1st though. Tell me if you are interested!

If you think your regiment is in a really really wrong league, tell me over Steam or FSE PN.
If you think SOMEONE ELSES regiment is in a wrong league, keep it to you. No Drama pls ;)

A total of 42 regiments is currently signed up and listed. If you spot any errors, tell me immediately. Since it fits almost perfectly with the number of regiments at the moment,
signups will CLOSE at 12pm GMT TONIGHT.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 06:35:31 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Louisss on September 06, 2015, 06:39:12 pm
42 regiments NOICE!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 06, 2015, 07:32:06 pm
Does that mean NWL will start sooner?  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 07:33:50 pm
Does that mean NWL will start sooner?  ::)
maybe, need to get some maps done... (hint)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 06, 2015, 07:35:12 pm
1st Leagues gonna be interesting.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 06, 2015, 07:39:28 pm
1st Leagues gonna be interesting.
now imagine if we joined league 1 XD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 06, 2015, 07:41:48 pm
1st Leagues gonna be interesting.
now imagine if we joined league 1 XD

Easy points for all other regs in 1st league
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 06, 2015, 07:43:37 pm
1st Leagues gonna be interesting.
now imagine if we joined league 1 XD

Easy points for all other regs in 1st league
ayy lmao
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 07:48:41 pm
Does that mean NWL will start sooner?  ::)
maybe, need to get some maps done... (hint)
none like spartans pls. (NLC) :3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 06, 2015, 07:52:42 pm
NLC is not using custom maps anymore, that particular problem is behind us. I'm sure NWL will stick to its rules from the previous seasons and keep the random medium maps.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 06, 2015, 07:52:57 pm
Does that mean NWL will start sooner?  ::)
maybe, need to get some maps done... (hint)
none like spartans pls. (NLC) :3
yeah but does it have 42 regs and 3 leagues ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MaNdar1nch1k on September 06, 2015, 08:35:31 pm
Regiment: Vislensky Legion
Estimated attendance: 15+
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: JaJa
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 08:36:47 pm
NLC is not using custom maps anymore, that particular problem is behind us. I'm sure NWL will stick to its rules from the previous seasons and keep the random medium maps.

I'm actually thinking about implementing custom maps to prevent from camping. Maybe this is some stuff for a poll on this thread.

Regiment: Vislensky Legion
Estimated attendance: 15+
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: JaJa

you bring me in a bit of trouble m8 :DD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Morgan on September 06, 2015, 08:45:42 pm
Regiment: 8 Московский гренадерский полк (8 Moscow Grenadier Regiment)
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Leader's Steam: [8th_MGR]Morgan
Accept rules?: yes
Why are we not in the list?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on September 06, 2015, 08:57:30 pm
75e league 2, OMG.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 06, 2015, 09:00:30 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nock on September 06, 2015, 09:02:09 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 06, 2015, 09:06:18 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
kek kek kek kek

RGL will fix all the rustled jimmies ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 06, 2015, 09:07:02 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
kek kek kek kek

RGL will fix all the rustled jimmies ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 09:09:38 pm
75e league 2, OMG.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 06, 2015, 09:12:51 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dusan on September 06, 2015, 09:18:24 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
banned of the NLC
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 06, 2015, 09:19:32 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
banned of the NLC
Already told Crumpet I'm not going again anyway.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: HerculesBG on September 06, 2015, 09:20:20 pm
I want to see the vote for custom maps or random medium maps.I am not really accepting to have custom maps
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 06, 2015, 09:24:57 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
kek kek kek kek

RGL will fix all the rustled jimmies ::)
it better. At least it will fix obi's rustled jimmies when i said spartans host RGL kek
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Wolfster on September 06, 2015, 09:26:07 pm
Well. League 3. Bet we will come last :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 06, 2015, 09:28:48 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
kek kek kek kek

RGL will fix all the rustled jimmies ::)
it better. At least it will fix obi's rustled jimmies when i said spartans host RGL kek
I felt insulted
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 09:36:50 pm
About the custom Maps: I'm planning to do 2 - One with a single big hill in the middle, and one with 9 hills evenly spread sudoku style. Each map has to be played 5 rounds, where the Monohill map is rewarding for regiments who rush into the middle of the map, disadvantaging the regiment camping at spawn. And the multihill map which requires good manouvering and formations. Adding a poll so you can vote for custom maps. It will stay for 2 days.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 06, 2015, 09:38:54 pm
Can't wait for this to start, NLC is cancer.
kek kek kek kek

RGL will fix all the rustled jimmies ::)
it better. At least it will fix obi's rustled jimmies when i said spartans host RGL kek
I felt insulted
u2 are the best admins ::) dats why i said u hosted it bby
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 09:49:25 pm
About the custom Maps: I'm planning to do 2 - One with a single big hill in the middle, and one with 9 hills evenly spread sudoku style. Each map has to be played 5 rounds, where the Monohill map is rewarding for regiments who rush into the middle of the map, disadvantaging the regiment camping at spawn. And the multihill map which requires good manouvering and formations. Adding a poll so you can vote for custom maps. It will stay for 2 days.
they will camp on that 1 big hill.. and just rotate :3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 06, 2015, 09:50:13 pm
About the custom Maps: I'm planning to do 2 - One with a single big hill in the middle, and one with 9 hills evenly spread sudoku style. Each map has to be played 5 rounds, where the Monohill map is rewarding for regiments who rush into the middle of the map, disadvantaging the regiment camping at spawn. And the multihill map which requires good manouvering and formations. Adding a poll so you can vote for custom maps. It will stay for 2 days.
they will camp on that 1 big hill.. and just rotate :3
If it's in the middle then it should be fine.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 06, 2015, 09:54:46 pm
About the custom Maps: I'm planning to do 2 - One with a single big hill in the middle, and one with 9 hills evenly spread sudoku style. Each map has to be played 5 rounds, where the Monohill map is rewarding for regiments who rush into the middle of the map, disadvantaging the regiment camping at spawn. And the multihill map which requires good manouvering and formations. Adding a poll so you can vote for custom maps. It will stay for 2 days.
they will camp on that 1 big hill.. and just rotate :3
If it's in the middle then it should be fine.
if you don't want to get camped at, just go on the hill. either melee or you can gun them down in cover from said hill. there is no cover on spawns.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 06, 2015, 10:01:09 pm
first map: you are forced to go into melee, if you have a disatvantage in melee, you will get another while staying at spawn. its a nice way to test the regimental gf/melee strenght without camping

second map: the leaders are on their turn to show their skill in positioning the regiment and strategie

imo well done by brot
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on September 06, 2015, 11:15:38 pm
In my opinion it's not a good idea, we will see always the same matches with the same tactics, so annoying to play.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 06, 2015, 11:17:49 pm
In my opinion it's not a good idea, we will see always the same matches with the same tactics, so annoying to play.
better than camping
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 06, 2015, 11:30:47 pm
Yeah I agree with Huan, always the same tactics, which is rather boring. I would like to see 5 rather flat maps with small hills on them. You know, a perfect linebattle map. You can shoot if you want, you can melee if you want, but it won't allow for camping and it isn't a ''Rush to the middle and melee for 5 rounds'' map either. I've told Brot I can give him 5 maps like that
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 11:35:18 pm
Yeah I agree with Huan, always the same tactics, which is rather boring. I would like to see 5 rather flat maps with small hills on them. You know, a perfect linebattle map. You can shoot if you want, you can melee if you want, but it won't allow for camping and it isn't a ''Rush to the middle and melee for 5 rounds'' map either. I've told Brot I can give him 5 maps like that
I dont think reg map makers should really be put into this.

Cos usually maps that are made by regs are more on their favour.
If you know what i mean.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 06, 2015, 11:44:23 pm
just make like 4 - 6 pairs of these maps and rotate them every week
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 06, 2015, 11:46:29 pm
random best maps
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on September 07, 2015, 12:17:26 am
random best maps
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 07, 2015, 12:50:39 am
I'm not a fan of the custom map idea. NLC has tried it & failed hard, with any custom map even if its 6 or so different ones. Most regiments will end up playing the same map 3 + times & then begins the "Home advantage" of knowing the hills & best spots in the map.

Keep it simple with random maps

Also is there going to be the shooting script again this season?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 07, 2015, 01:24:12 am
Yeah I agree with Huan, always the same tactics, which is rather boring. I would like to see 5 rather flat maps with small hills on them. You know, a perfect linebattle map. You can shoot if you want, you can melee if you want, but it won't allow for camping and it isn't a ''Rush to the middle and melee for 5 rounds'' map either. I've told Brot I can give him 5 maps like that

I agree, do its St3fan!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Salakien on September 07, 2015, 10:46:35 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 07, 2015, 11:32:00 am
I'm not a fan of the custom map idea. NLC has tried it & failed hard, with any custom map even if its 6 or so different ones. Most regiments will end up playing the same map 3 + times & then begins the "Home advantage" of knowing the hills & best spots in the map.

Keep it simple with random maps

Also is there going to be the shooting script again this season?

Random maps are utter wank because regiments like 51st favour a hill and probably the most boring matches to play ever.

Custom maps prevent everything wrong that can happen in a match, NLC did not fail hard with custon maps at all. They failed at getting rid of custom maps because they gave in to complaints and votes.

Tbh if you cannot play on custom maps and adapt to the style off a balanced game that has been placed there for you then you should not be leading and your regiment is pretty crap.

Claiming its "tactics" and "manoeuvring" is complete bullshit as anyone can find a hill and call it their best friend......
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 12:40:18 pm
Shots fired
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 07, 2015, 12:45:17 pm

I think you need to add your salt to the bank.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 07, 2015, 12:52:57 pm

I think you need to add your salt to the bank.

Na no need, just adds fuel to the fire.

Just stating an opinion of custom maps ayy lmao
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 07, 2015, 12:54:04 pm
The maps in NLC are not really practical. They admitted it themselves. I really don't get why you are salty at us I don't have a clue who you are or what I have done to you but go for it.

As for the camping a hill, considering you have never played against us you can't make any real claims like that. When we do meet in NLC/NWL then if you still feel we camp go for it, but until then take your tears else where, I can't be asked to deal with drama like that.

as for the maps NWL has worked fine for 5 seasons with random maps why the need to change
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 07, 2015, 01:00:48 pm
Sorry if it seemed directed towards the 51st, its just complaints I have heard and witnessed via spectator that led me to see this.

So I used you as an example, far from salty either.
Frankly could not care less about whether you know me know me or not.
I was not insulting your regiment directly as I cannot stand drama or shit

Just stated that custom maps are the best alternative to solving people play styles that involve the worse matches.

Don't want to take this further as it will just be soiling the thread.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 07, 2015, 01:14:12 pm
What if I told you there's randomly generated 'custom maps' . Will upload some screenshots later when I get home
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 01:53:03 pm
What if I told you there's randomly generated 'custom maps' . Will upload some screenshots later when I get home
sounds interresting.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 07, 2015, 02:34:04 pm
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 07, 2015, 02:34:43 pm
What if I told you there's randomly generated 'custom maps' . Will upload some screenshots later when I get home

Stefan always here to save the day :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 02:36:07 pm
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, but they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping
Thats good :) These sound alot better.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 07, 2015, 02:41:41 pm
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, but they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 07, 2015, 05:02:05 pm
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, but they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping
Sound good :) Thank you, Stefan.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 07, 2015, 05:27:26 pm
The thing is, you can easily shoot from spawn to spawn, which favors the "melee weaker" Regiment  :-\

Btw, the Nr12 has 2 1vs1 Maps, some Regiments already played on them, no "complains till now, if interested ask us :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 07, 2015, 05:35:15 pm
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping

Those maps look good but I see a big misconception about them. Many regiments wanted to have flat maps in matches I refereed. When they are so flat as stated here, you can shoot from spawn to spawn. There is NOTHING that would force you out of spawn. You can literally just form a line from where you spawned and begin shooting at the enemy all the map until he comes close enough. Most camping I witnessed when i refd was on superflat maps.

Quote from: Exo
The thing is, you can easily shoot from spawn to spawn
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 07, 2015, 05:38:29 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on September 07, 2015, 05:38:45 pm
*subscribes to thread*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 07, 2015, 05:41:01 pm
The map issue could go on for ever, when is there not a map that is slightly biased to one side, if you get to play 5 rounds per side both teams fairly have that advantage, as its a competition to see which regiments are the best surely regardless of the bias the best leaders can turn that to their own advantage and win? yes some might camp etc, but if you do it right a hill isnt an issue.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 07, 2015, 05:41:44 pm
The map issue could go on for ever, when is there not a map that is slightly biased to one side, if you get to play 5 rounds per side both teams fairly have that advantage, as its a competition to see which regiments are the best surely regardless of the bias the best leaders can turn that to their own advantage and win? yes some might camp etc, but if you do it right a hill isnt an issue.
Don't try to bring logic into this
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 07, 2015, 05:43:06 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 05:47:25 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 05:47:40 pm
The map issue could go on for ever, when is there not a map that is slightly biased to one side, if you get to play 5 rounds per side both teams fairly have that advantage, as its a competition to see which regiments are the best surely regardless of the bias the best leaders can turn that to their own advantage and win? yes some might camp etc, but if you do it right a hill isnt an issue.
no thanks
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on September 07, 2015, 05:51:17 pm
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping

Those maps look good but I see a big misconception about them. Many regiments wanted to have flat maps in matches I refereed. When they are so flat as stated here, you can shoot from spawn to spawn. There is NOTHING that would force you out of spawn. You can literally just form a line from where you spawned and begin shooting at the enemy all the map until he comes close enough. Most camping I witnessed when i refd was on superflat maps.

Quote from: Exo
The thing is, you can easily shoot from spawn to spawn
Good idea by St3fan as long as you minimize the spawn to spawn shooting  :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 07, 2015, 05:51:43 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: timlef on September 07, 2015, 05:52:30 pm
Everyone has a chance to win, as long as they have good teamwork.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 07, 2015, 05:53:55 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Well spartan's shitty hosting in nlc is making it NOT fun.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 07, 2015, 05:55:46 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Well spartan's shitty hosting in nlc is making it NOT fun.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 07, 2015, 05:57:09 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Well spartan's shitty hosting in nlc is making it NOT fun.
Not Caz's fault tbf.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 07, 2015, 05:59:57 pm
The maps I showed are just an example guys, they're maps the 33rd has been using for a while. We can generate other maps, but I think the 3rd map is NWL worthy though. There's no spawn to spawn shooting and it has small hills rather than big hills for cover and pew pew action
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 07, 2015, 06:00:34 pm
What do you think about the following: NWL community submits own custom maps the next days, and then we have a vote on those maps, where we all pick the 5-10 best maps? Ref chooses then randomly from this mappool this season. (ty st3fan for brainstorming :* )
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 07, 2015, 06:02:55 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Well spartan's shitty hosting in nlc is making it NOT fun.
Not Caz's fault tbf.
Did i say caz?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 06:03:39 pm
:/ random maps
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 07, 2015, 06:04:11 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Well spartan's shitty hosting in nlc is making it NOT fun.
Not Caz's fault tbf.
Did i say caz?
Sorry dad.

What do you think about the following: NWL community submits own custom maps the next days, and then we have a vote on those maps, where we all pick the 5-10 best maps? Ref chooses then randomly from this mappool this season. (ty st3fan for brainstorming :* )
Thing is with that random map generator I used to use it for 17e events ages ago, all it will be is everyone submitting them so you may as well pick some good ones yourself imo.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 07, 2015, 06:07:06 pm
Maybe we could avoid camping by making it melee only? :3
15th yr will beat everything
so ? Still is loads of fun.

Spartans wont win NLC or NWL still we play it because its fun. If you only play for winning I feel sorry for you :(
Well spartan's shitty hosting in nlc is making it NOT fun.
Not Caz's fault tbf.
Did i say caz?
Sorry dad.

What do you think about the following: NWL community submits own custom maps the next days, and then we have a vote on those maps, where we all pick the 5-10 best maps? Ref chooses then randomly from this mappool this season. (ty st3fan for brainstorming :* )
Thing is with that random map generator I used to use it for 17e events ages ago, all it will be is everyone submitting them so you may as well pick some good ones yourself imo.

People will also be able to submit non randomly generated maps, like Exoticfail for example was talking about. He has own made custom maps. Those can be submitted too then
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 07, 2015, 06:09:59 pm
Thing is with that random map generator I used to use it for 17e events ages ago, all it will be is everyone submitting them so you may as well pick some good ones yourself imo.
People will also be able to submit non randomly generated maps, like Exoticfail for example was talking about. He has own made custom maps. Those can be submitted too then

But he's somehow right, it would just be some kind of map generator with a small pool to choose from. We can have unbiased maps, but then again
Quote from: huan
In my opinion it's not a good idea, we will see always the same matches with the same tactics, so annoying to play.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 07, 2015, 06:11:39 pm
Thing is with that random map generator I used to use it for 17e events ages ago, all it will be is everyone submitting them so you may as well pick some good ones yourself imo.
People will also be able to submit non randomly generated maps, like Exoticfail for example was talking about. He has own made custom maps. Those can be submitted too then

But he's somehow right, it would just be some kind of map generator with a small pool to choose from. We can have unbiased maps, but then again
Quote from: huan
In my opinion it's not a good idea, we will see always the same matches with the same tactics, so annoying to play.
It will end up being very similar to what we already do, just with less waiting I guess.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 07, 2015, 06:12:54 pm
Thing is with that random map generator I used to use it for 17e events ages ago, all it will be is everyone submitting them so you may as well pick some good ones yourself imo.
People will also be able to submit non randomly generated maps, like Exoticfail for example was talking about. He has own made custom maps. Those can be submitted too then

But he's somehow right, it would just be some kind of map generator with a small pool to choose from. We can have unbiased maps, but then again
Quote from: huan
In my opinion it's not a good idea, we will see always the same matches with the same tactics, so annoying to play.

The question here is: Do you want 5-10 good custom maps the community has voted for, or do you want to play with randomly generated maps which can be a pain in the ass to find a decent one, and it gives regiments the chance to find a map with the mount Everest, camp on it and ruin the entire 1v1. I personally would like a set of custom maps
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dominic on September 07, 2015, 06:34:35 pm
Regiment: 1.Westpreußisches Regiment Nr35
Estimated attendance: min. 25
Leader's Steam: Major Dominic ( and Leutnant Babun (
Accept rules?: Of course
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Marton on September 07, 2015, 07:47:48 pm
Just to clear it. The 72nd Seaforth Highlanders is back. I heard there is another one and I just want to make sure no one will mix us with these imposters. We are not in the NWL anyway.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 07, 2015, 08:13:29 pm
We are not in the NWL anyway
isn't that a bit offtopic then? :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Marton on September 07, 2015, 08:31:18 pm
We are not in the NWL anyway
isn't that a bit offtopic then? :)

I don't really think it does matter if I posted something I would like to share with the community. Or does it really bother you?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 07, 2015, 08:38:38 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 07, 2015, 08:53:53 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Salakien on September 07, 2015, 08:56:52 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 09:00:39 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 07, 2015, 09:02:54 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 07, 2015, 09:04:22 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 07, 2015, 09:17:03 pm
Mods get in here pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Earth Bby on September 07, 2015, 09:38:22 pm
Mods get in here pls

Aight, keep it on topic this isn't a thread for arguing as always take it to steam or PMs. OP report any continued flame.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 07, 2015, 09:53:15 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 07, 2015, 09:54:28 pm
Don't do it Kore xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 09:57:26 pm
 ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 07, 2015, 10:21:16 pm
Yeah lets be nice and try not to fuck up this fancy thread even before the league actually starts. There will be enough autism and drama after few matches. ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 07, 2015, 10:26:01 pm
Yeah lets be nice and try not to fuck up this fancy thread even before the league actually starts. There will be enough autism and drama after few matches. ::)
+1 to that
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 07, 2015, 10:28:08 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Super on September 08, 2015, 12:16:56 am
Regiment: 3rd (East Kent) Regiment of Foot - The Buffs
Leader's Steam: Super ( or Merfie (
Accept rules?: Yes

I believe we should be in League 1 after last season.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MaNdar1nch1k on September 08, 2015, 11:21:53 am

you bring me in a bit of trouble m8 :DD

True Dat.....
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 08, 2015, 04:18:24 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 08, 2015, 06:22:52 pm
Cant wait for this!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 08, 2015, 06:39:41 pm
Cant wait for this!
same ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Moi~ on September 08, 2015, 06:53:34 pm
i can wait
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 08, 2015, 08:00:58 pm
What to do with this vote tho
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 08, 2015, 08:03:29 pm
make an autonomous republic of fse within germany using the numbers in the vote as your population?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 08, 2015, 08:05:07 pm
What to do with this vote tho

Well since the old system was random maps and the new one didnt clearly win the poll then i guess not changing it makes sense.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 08, 2015, 08:10:22 pm
New system is so much better tho. Well as long as you are a good reg with a good leader.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 08, 2015, 08:23:23 pm
New system is so much better tho. Well as long as you are a good reg with a good leader.
If you imply good regs with good leaders, then we can keep old system, too
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 08, 2015, 08:25:01 pm
Some regs are good and have good leaders and still camp so sadly no
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Louisss on September 08, 2015, 08:42:34 pm
pew pew is tactic  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Rommel on September 08, 2015, 09:04:33 pm
Looking forward ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 09, 2015, 06:12:11 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Vir An on September 09, 2015, 06:24:01 pm
Regiment: 1° Reggimento Fanteria di Linea
Estimated attendance: 15
Leader's Steam:DI_VirAn (
Accept rules?: Yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 09, 2015, 06:25:09 pm
Some regs are good and have good leaders and still camp so sadly no
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 09, 2015, 07:11:37 pm
Some regs are good and have good leaders and still camp so sadly no
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 10, 2015, 01:56:21 pm
Sticky this please.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phoen!x on September 10, 2015, 02:57:04 pm
Steam Name: {JA} Phoen!x (
Regiment: Spartan Hoplites
References: RGL / NLC
On which days do you have time? Every day except for Saturday
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on September 10, 2015, 10:17:04 pm
Steam Name: -|TF|- Wüstenfuchs [6te | 2teGR]
Regiment: 6te Garde / 2te Grenadier Regiement
References: Organizer of the GR Nr9 Event, admin on many regimental servers
On which days do you have time? generally every day
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Tardet on September 10, 2015, 10:40:48 pm
What to do with this vote tho

You realise that public vote on FSE don't make really lots of sense when it comes down to taking decision in League or Tournaments. As far as I know, anyone can vote, no matter If they're taking part in the League or not, if they give a fuck or not.

Why not waiting for the sign ups to end, then ask all regimental leaders and see what the result is? Even though it can come down to the same situation, atleast you have people concerned by it who are voting, not some random plebs. And If they had to complain about this in the future (Cause some people never say the same thing twice) you could eventually show them their vote and say "Well, you voted, assume the consequence of it."
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 10, 2015, 10:47:18 pm
Well yeah kinda agree with Tardet.

Also I guess you will have to decide if you support passive regs or more agressive playstyles. If the vote will result in a draw. You should also make votes for each league as the experienced 1st league players can probably handel custom maps but the newer from 3rd league probably cant.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 10, 2015, 11:21:13 pm
What to do with this vote tho

You realise that public vote on FSE don't make really lots of sense when it comes down to taking decision in League or Tournaments. As far as I know, anyone can vote, no matter If they're taking part in the League or not, if they give a fuck or not.

Why not waiting for the sign ups to end, then ask all regimental leaders and see what the result is? Even though it can come down to the same situation, atleast you have people concerned by it who are voting, not some random plebs. And If they had to complain about this in the future (Cause some people never say the same thing twice) you could eventually show them their vote and say "Well, you voted, assume the consequence of it."

This is exactly what me and some other guys have been discussing the other day, i couldnt agree more
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 11, 2015, 06:51:30 am
Well yeah kinda agree with Tardet.

Also I guess you will have to decide if you support passive regs or more agressive playstyles. If the vote will result in a draw. You should also make votes for each league as the experienced 1st league players can probably handel custom maps but the newer from 3rd league probably cant.
You could be right.
but why do you want them to vote twice, if there is a draw?
Seperate the votes by leagues and wait for the results. If it is clearly one opinion, enforce it in all 3 leagues. If not, try to solve it in the leagues.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 11, 2015, 03:51:21 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Take on September 11, 2015, 04:10:23 pm
Regiment: 1.Rheinisches Infanterieregiment Nr.25 von Lützow
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: (
Accept rules?: yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 11, 2015, 04:15:37 pm
Regiment: 1.Rheinisches Infanterieregiment Nr.25 von Lützow
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam: (
Accept rules?: yes
was about time you finally signed up for this ! One of the oldest german regiments right here, good luck !
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 11, 2015, 07:41:49 pm
can we get a sticky already.... its a pain looking through this as the pages with events get posted on like fuck
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Loyal on September 12, 2015, 06:10:20 pm
can we get a sticky already.... its a pain looking through this as the pages with events get posted on like fuck

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 12, 2015, 06:32:15 pm
can we get a sticky already.... its a pain looking through this as the pages with events get posted on like fuck

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bigmama on September 13, 2015, 12:28:18 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 13, 2015, 03:13:06 am
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on September 13, 2015, 02:20:54 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 13, 2015, 02:21:43 pm
oh rlly?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 13, 2015, 02:32:22 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?

Same reason as 33rd is going into 3rd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dom_ on September 13, 2015, 02:36:21 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?

Same reason as 33rd is going into 3rd
Which is?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 13, 2015, 02:54:51 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?

Same reason as 33rd is going into 3rd
33rd is 2nd not 3rd?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Haze on September 13, 2015, 04:17:54 pm
3rd league is still opened for signups?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 13, 2015, 04:58:10 pm
3rd league is still opened for signups?
doubt it;/ theres like 17 regs in ;eague 3 xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dom_ on September 13, 2015, 06:29:40 pm
3rd league is still opened for signups?
doubt it;/ theres like 17 regs in ;eague 3 xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 13, 2015, 06:55:04 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?

Same reason as 33rd is going into 3rd

2nd* :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: huanmpth on September 13, 2015, 07:34:14 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?

Same reason as 33rd is going into 3rd

2nd* :)

3rd then.  :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 13, 2015, 08:00:43 pm
Why no 6te playing in the 1st league when they finished 2nd after the disbanded 27y?

Same reason as 33rd is going into 3rd

2nd* :)

oh sry m8 of course 2nd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 13, 2015, 10:05:33 pm
When does this re-start? Any rough estimate?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Wolfster on September 13, 2015, 10:05:37 pm
4te changed name to the 54th
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Chieef on September 13, 2015, 11:09:33 pm
3rd league is still opened for signups?
doubt it;/ theres like 17 regs in ;eague 3 xD

Yeah but 60% of them could barely bring 10 to any event
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 13, 2015, 11:13:16 pm
3rd league is still opened for signups?
doubt it;/ theres like 17 regs in ;eague 3 xD

Yeah but 60% of them could barely bring 10 to any event
How do you know that?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 13, 2015, 11:18:54 pm
because he has been in all of those regs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 13, 2015, 11:28:47 pm
because he has been in all of those regs
even the russians/french ones?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 13, 2015, 11:41:35 pm
because he has been in all of those regs
even the russians/french ones?
even the russian and the french ones.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 14, 2015, 02:00:55 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Salakien on September 14, 2015, 02:47:11 pm
3rd league looks great in my opinion i dont know every reg that play in that league but i hope it will be more balanced.
Wishing all guys best of luck and of course hope that 47e -CZSK regiment will show up a little . :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 14, 2015, 03:41:25 pm
EuNWL Hype!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Bigmama on September 14, 2015, 09:54:11 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 14, 2015, 10:08:01 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 15, 2015, 04:06:50 pm
EuNWL Hype!

just NWL
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 15, 2015, 04:08:18 pm
EuNWL Hype!

just NWL
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 15, 2015, 04:23:31 pm
Best league Eu  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 15, 2015, 04:44:50 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Macca on September 15, 2015, 04:58:27 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 15, 2015, 05:00:46 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 15, 2015, 05:01:33 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Wolfster on September 15, 2015, 05:12:08 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 15, 2015, 05:30:31 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 15, 2015, 06:39:05 pm
Just so you know: NWL will start approx 2 weeks from here. Will post an exact date later.

NWL won't use custom maps, and there won't be any scripts for munition. So choose the maps wisely!
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 15, 2015, 08:03:44 pm
Sounds good. Not looking forward to a few reg's without the script limit but still gut as always.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 15, 2015, 08:16:34 pm
Sounds good. Not looking forward to a few reg's without the script limit but still gut as always.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 15, 2015, 08:52:11 pm
Sounds good. Not looking forward to a few reg's without the script limit but still gut as always.
As Brot pointed out to me earlier there were ways around it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 16, 2015, 12:44:01 pm
I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 16, 2015, 05:07:13 pm
I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.

IF you are allowed to play for more than one reg it defeats the whole purpose of playing competetive NW. The whole point is being part of a reg, make friends, Improve your game, recruit, represent your reg i combat and wear your reg tags with pride etc. Win and lose together and all that stuff.
You can play with other regs in multireg events etc.

I'd rather see a rule where you're only able to represent one reg per NWL season, to fight the hopping.
Also, might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 16, 2015, 05:23:04 pm
I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.

IF you are allowed to play for more than one reg it defeats the whole purpose of playing competetive NW. The whole point is being part of a reg, make friends, Improve your game, recruit, represent your reg i combat and wear your reg tags with pride etc. Win and lose together and all that stuff.
You can play with other regs in multireg events etc.

I'd rather see a rule where you're only able to represent one reg per NWL season, to fight the hopping.
Also, might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.
Agree with carolus.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 16, 2015, 05:28:44 pm
might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.

Should check the regiment respects to why they left or name changed. Not out right do it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 16, 2015, 05:29:35 pm
might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.

Should check the regiment respects to why they left or name changed. Not out right do it.
fuck the 4e (also fix ur quotes nab)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 16, 2015, 05:33:01 pm
I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.

IF you are allowed to play for more than one reg it defeats the whole purpose of playing competetive NW. The whole point is being part of a reg, make friends, Improve your game, recruit, represent your reg i combat and wear your reg tags with pride etc. Win and lose together and all that stuff.
You can play with other regs in multireg events etc.

I'd rather see a rule where you're only able to represent one reg per NWL season, to fight the hopping.
Also, might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.
Agree with carolus.

But with that Rule you determinate the wish of an Reg, that did not played competitive for a long time, now willing to start playing competitive: Many Members of Regs who mostly played outside leagues, rather looking out for an enemy to battle by them self, got many members who joined another Reg to play competitive. If this Regs now want to change this, they cant, because half or theire members arent allowed to play.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: GerRagnar on September 16, 2015, 05:42:38 pm
I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.

IF you are allowed to play for more than one reg it defeats the whole purpose of playing competetive NW. The whole point is being part of a reg, make friends, Improve your game, recruit, represent your reg i combat and wear your reg tags with pride etc. Win and lose together and all that stuff.
You can play with other regs in multireg events etc.

I'd rather see a rule where you're only able to represent one reg per NWL season, to fight the hopping.
Also, might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.
Agree with carolus.

But with that Rule you determinate the wish of an Reg, that did not played competitive for a long time, now willing to start playing competitive: Many Members of Regs who mostly played outside leagues, rather looking out for an enemy to battle by them self, got many members who joined another Reg to play competitive. If this Regs now want to change this, they cant, because half or theire members arent allowed to play.

I agree with Bergen, I mean its not really competetive guys... Competetive means you earn money for it, but we are all here to have fun. As long someone is not playing in more then 2 regiments within the leagues, jt shouldnt be too hard. In the end someone will do it anyways by just using another account etc.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 16, 2015, 05:55:39 pm
That'd be shit ;/ means id be playin league 2 and then can join some league 1 reg aswell to do league 1 pretty stupid tbh.. means everyone will be trying to get all good meleers to double reg especially league 3 regiments..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 16, 2015, 05:55:58 pm
Competetive means you earn money for it
Competative means to fight each other to see who's the better regiment actually
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 06:00:35 pm
Tbh, No one likes fighting against double-claners and i really think that it shouldnt be allowed in NWL, except the other Regiment isnt playing in the NWL. For Example, Regiments could make deals in which their best Players fight for each Regiment. For Example: 3teFK 3rd League, Nr12 First League and then we say : Hey yo lets change our best Players for NWL....

This shouldnt be possible  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 16, 2015, 06:06:32 pm
Tbh, No one likes fighting against double-claners and i really think that it shouldnt be allowed in NWL, except the other Regiment isnt playing in the NWL. For Example, Regiments could make deals in which their best Players fight for each Regiment. For Example: 3teFK 3rd League, Nr12 First League and then we say : Hey yo lets change our best Players for NWL....

This shouldnt be possible  :-\

I dont think this would occur, i think the organisators should judge from case to case. Or do you really think, for Example the 3teFK, would do shit like this?  :-[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 06:09:20 pm
Ofc not, but the NWL is in its 6th Season, such things shouldnt be possible.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 16, 2015, 06:11:13 pm
I remember when we participated in the first two seasons, double regging wasnt even a topic in the community :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: GerRagnar on September 16, 2015, 06:11:58 pm
Competetive means you earn money for it
Competative means to fight each other to see who's the better regiment actually

you are right, some people just take it way to serious

Tbh, No one likes fighting against double-claners and i really think that it shouldnt be allowed in NWL, except the other Regiment isnt playing in the NWL. For Example, Regiments could make deals in which their best Players fight for each Regiment. For Example: 3teFK 3rd League, Nr12 First League and then we say : Hey yo lets change our best Players for NWL....

This shouldnt be possible  :-\

Good point, on the other hand people always leave and join regiments who play in different leagues and they are allowed to play: which is almost the same. Its also a shit ton of work to find out who is actually in a reg and who is not (NLC drama for example).

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 06:12:31 pm
I remember when we participated in the first two seasons, double regging wasnt even a topic in the community :D

Well back then People had Honor and were not double Claning so much  ;)

People fought for their ONE Regiment, nowadays you dont find this kind of things often :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 16, 2015, 06:14:16 pm
I remember when we participated in the first two seasons, double regging wasnt even a topic in the community :D

Well back then People had Honor and were not double Claning so much  ;)

People fought for their ONE Regiment, nowadays you dont find this kind of things often :p

Yeah, because competitive leagues became a bigger thing and people of regs that wont play in this leagues looked out for a second regiment   :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 06:15:59 pm

Tbh, No one likes fighting against double-claners and i really think that it shouldnt be allowed in NWL, except the other Regiment isnt playing in the NWL. For Example, Regiments could make deals in which their best Players fight for each Regiment. For Example: 3teFK 3rd League, Nr12 First League and then we say : Hey yo lets change our best Players for NWL....

This shouldnt be possible  :-\

Good point, on the other hand people always leave and join regiments who play in different leagues and they are allowed to play: which is almost the same. Its also a shit ton of work to find out who is actually in a reg and who is not (NLC drama for example).

This drama shouldnt be possible, this league should show the skill of a Regiment and not the skill of doubleclaners..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 16, 2015, 06:20:14 pm
I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.

IF you are allowed to play for more than one reg it defeats the whole purpose of playing competetive NW. The whole point is being part of a reg, make friends, Improve your game, recruit, represent your reg i combat and wear your reg tags with pride etc. Win and lose together and all that stuff.
You can play with other regs in multireg events etc.

I'd rather see a rule where you're only able to represent one reg per NWL season, to fight the hopping.
Also, might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.
Agree with carolus.

But with that Rule you determinate the wish of an Reg, that did not played competitive for a long time, now willing to start playing competitive: Many Members of Regs who mostly played outside leagues, rather looking out for an enemy to battle by them self, got many members who joined another Reg to play competitive. If this Regs now want to change this, they cant, because half or theire members arent allowed to play.

They absolutely can since now when they are playing competetive tournaments the members that decided to double reg/also "represent" another regs because of lack of competetive NW now has no reason to still represent that 2nd reg they joined anymore. If you are a regiment that doesnt play comp and you end up having members seeking other ways of being able to play comp.. maybe you should consider a change of policy and give your members what they want or suffer the consequences.

I would like to commit a suggestion:
The rules say "Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWL they
             must choose which one to play for."
I do understand the idea behind this rule. But i think this idea doesnt apply if the Regiments of the Player are not both in the same league. Why make it harder for Regiments that are willing to attend to League 3, only because some of theire members are also in a regiment attending League 1. The two Regiments wont play against each other within 2 Years.
Because of this i wanna suggest that the rule only applys, if both regs of the player are in the same leguae.

IF you are allowed to play for more than one reg it defeats the whole purpose of playing competetive NW. The whole point is being part of a reg, make friends, Improve your game, recruit, represent your reg i combat and wear your reg tags with pride etc. Win and lose together and all that stuff.
You can play with other regs in multireg events etc.

I'd rather see a rule where you're only able to represent one reg per NWL season, to fight the hopping.
Also, might be a good idea to think twice when accepting regs into the NWL that have a history of creating fse drama and leaving in the middle of tournaments.
Just my opinion.
Agree with carolus.

But with that Rule you determinate the wish of an Reg, that did not played competitive for a long time, now willing to start playing competitive: Many Members of Regs who mostly played outside leagues, rather looking out for an enemy to battle by them self, got many members who joined another Reg to play competitive. If this Regs now want to change this, they cant, because half or theire members arent allowed to play.

I agree with Bergen, I mean its not really competetive guys... Competetive means you earn money for it, but we are all here to have fun. As long someone is not playing in more then 2 regiments within the leagues, jt shouldnt be too hard. In the end someone will do it anyways by just using another account etc.

No sir, it definatley doesnt mean it has to be for money. Try winning matches with your friends or for the glory of your regiments name etc. As good if not better reasons imo.
Instead you should ask yourself why anyone would ever want to double reg. A regiment needs to fit you, the ppl, the code of conduct, the policy when it comes to competetive matches etc etc. If some of these aspects are more important to you then others then you might want to leave and find a new place that suits you better.

Tbh, No one likes fighting against double-claners and i really think that it shouldnt be allowed in NWL, except the other Regiment isnt playing in the NWL. For Example, Regiments could make deals in which their best Players fight for each Regiment. For Example: 3teFK 3rd League, Nr12 First League and then we say : Hey yo lets change our best Players for NWL....

This shouldnt be possible  :-\

Indeed my friend. Personally I dont even think using ppl from outside the league should be allowed. But that will take alot of effort to enforce since winning LBs is more important than honour and fair play to alot of ppl in this community.
But yes, all in all "double-claners" defeats the whole purpose of playing in a comp league.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 16, 2015, 06:25:20 pm
no ty dont like this idea.. for example 6te could ask Nr12 members to join them for League 2.. :/ and itd be way too OP and pathetic and unfair
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 16, 2015, 06:27:11 pm
no ty dont like this idea.. for example 6te could ask Nr12 members to join them for League 2.. :/ and itd be way too OP and pathetic and unfair

and it doesnt even make sence in the first place
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 06:29:56 pm
no ty dont like this idea.. for example 6te could ask Nr12 members to join them for League 2.. :/ and itd be way too OP and pathetic and unfair

aww fenks  :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 16, 2015, 07:05:32 pm
aye, you cant allow players to play in multiple leagues.

incordinatly, it would be possible to have the same reg in all 3 leagues. imo this cant be tolerated...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Louisss on September 16, 2015, 07:09:19 pm
aye, you cant allow players to play in multiple leagues.

incordinatly, it would be possible to have the same reg in all 3 leagues. imo this cant be tolerated...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kostis21 on September 16, 2015, 07:46:46 pm
I dont even understand why is this an idea. If we were to play on different leagues with different regiments lets just have one league with all regs in it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 16, 2015, 08:42:47 pm
By the way, if anyone has an actual idea how to effectively tackle the doubleregging issues, please tell me. If it was realistic, I would ban doubleregging completely from NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: bobertini on September 16, 2015, 08:49:23 pm
By the way, if anyone has an actual idea how to effectively tackle the doubleregging issues, please tell me. If it was realistic, I would ban doubleregging completely from NWL.
Please do ban it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dom_ on September 16, 2015, 08:56:55 pm
By the way, if anyone has an actual idea how to effectively tackle the doubleregging issues, please tell me. If it was realistic, I would ban doubleregging completely from NWL.
ban pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 08:58:06 pm
By the way, if anyone has an actual idea how to effectively tackle the doubleregging issues, please tell me. If it was realistic, I would ban doubleregging completely from NWL.
ban pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 16, 2015, 09:06:06 pm
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 16, 2015, 09:12:38 pm
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(
HEY that was our idea for RGL :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 16, 2015, 09:12:58 pm
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(

Ye thats exactly the problem
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 16, 2015, 09:24:53 pm
well If there are enough Refs i think it wont be a problem
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 16, 2015, 10:14:47 pm
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(

Ye thats exactly the problem
cant it be done with a programm?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 17, 2015, 05:48:59 am
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(

Just ppl out in the community if there's any volunteers. I'd do a couple of games per week if it bacame a banable offence.
Been screwed over so many times now. Fed up.

By the way, if anyone has an actual idea how to effectively tackle the doubleregging issues, please tell me. If it was realistic, I would ban doubleregging completely from NWL.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 07:56:14 am
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(

Ye thats exactly the problem
cant it be done with a programm?

You forget one thin ppl: What actually defines "Doubleregging"? You cant just say someone is double regging because he got two or more regimental steam groups in his profile. There are douzens of players, that just never clean up theire group list. So without personally knowing the person, in many cases, you cant say wheter he is double regging or not  ???
Also many players got two profiles or use on together with theire siblings. So i think banning double regging totally wont be possible.

The other thing is: I can more or less agree with the idea of do not allowing one player to play in two regiments inside the league. But banning people event when theire other reg wont play in the league  ??? ??? ??? I mean come on, you cant just impose your way of playing in a clan in this game or your understanding of "Clan Honour" on all players that want to  participate in a good league.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 17, 2015, 08:02:50 am
If someone is double-regging then A. Whats the point of leagues seperating skill level, and B. Whats the point of playing in a certain reg. You might as well be a merc if you consistently double-reg because if you want to play competitively you have to make a choice between one reg.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 17, 2015, 08:05:46 am
A Whitelist on every official server is probably the easiest way to solve the problem but with the League starting in a couple of weeks there is simply not enough time to collect one or two thousand IDs, not to mention the problems that would occur when a regiment wants to add new players to their roster mid-season. Also a whitelist will eventually disallow spectating matches for people who are not part of the NWL.

Considering this for the 7th Season though seems like a viable option.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 17, 2015, 08:14:08 am
Few thousand? Maybe 4 years ago. I don't think adding people to the white list mid-season would be problematic. But white list doesn't solve the problem of doubleregging at all.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 17, 2015, 08:21:18 am
Few thousand? Maybe 4 years ago. I don't think adding people to the white list mid-season would be problematic. But white list doesn't solve the problem of doubleregging at all.

There are 50 regimens assuming they have an average signed up roster of 25 people (which is a conservative prediction) they add up to more than a thousand, anyway being 8 hundred or 15 is not that important.

About the whitelist, i've seen some crazy scripts on warband the last 4 years, i really dont believe someone couldnt come up with some lines of code that checks the ID of the players to see if they are playing on the correct matches of their regiment. If the word whitelist was mistakenly used by me then i apologise
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 17, 2015, 08:25:52 am
I'd just make regiments post their roster with Player-ID's just like in Native leagues. But I don't know if anyone would be arsed with checking 40 - 60 ID's per match :(

Ye thats exactly the problem
cant it be done with a programm?

You forget one thin ppl: What actually defines "Doubleregging"? You cant just say someone is double regging because he got two or more regimental steam groups in his profile. There are douzens of players, that just never clean up theire group list. So without personally knowing the person, in many cases, you cant say wheter he is double regging or not  ???
Also many players got two profiles or use on together with theire siblings. So i think banning double regging totally wont be possible.

The other thing is: I can more or less agree with the idea of do not allowing one player to play in two regiments inside the league. But banning people event when theire other reg wont play in the league  ??? ??? ??? I mean come on, you cant just impose your way of playing in a clan in this game or your understanding of "Clan Honour" on all players that want to  participate in a good league.
Then the regimental leaders are forced to update an official roster every week/before a nwl match and the players are allowed to partizipate, if they are only in one regimental steam group.
Nevertheless with "smurf accounts" or your mentioned problem with the account usage by siblings isn't dealt
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 17, 2015, 08:30:18 am
All dis info my eyes  :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 09:05:59 am
Keep in mind that no leader checks regually if one of his members got another reg. I personally experinced it that i needed weeks to realize that one of my members got a second reg (he wanted to play arty beside the inf life) and that just because i took a look on his profile by accident.

What i want to say is: Banning all people with a second reg, even if this is outside nwl, is a shitload of work, i think no one wants to Do. It would not be worth all this work. I dont know many regs that built up only on dr, none to be honest, so i Think there is more drama than effort.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 17, 2015, 09:06:17 am
Few thousand? Maybe 4 years ago. I don't think adding people to the white list mid-season would be problematic. But white list doesn't solve the problem of doubleregging at all.

There are 50 regimens assuming they have an average signed up roster of 25 people (which is a conservative prediction) they add up to more than a thousand, anyway being 8 hundred or 15 is not that important.

About the whitelist, i've seen some crazy scripts on warband the last 4 years, i really dont believe someone couldnt come up with some lines of code that checks the ID of the players to see if they are playing on the correct matches of their regiment. If the word whitelist was mistakenly used by me then i apologise
Ah yeah sorry, I misunderstood.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 17, 2015, 09:10:44 am
Keep in mind that no leader checks regually if one of his members got another reg. I personally experinced it that i needed weeks to realize that one of my members got a second reg (he wanted to play arty beside the inf life) and that just because i took a look on his profile by accident.

What i want to say is: Banning all people with a second reg, even if this is outside nwl, is a shitload of work, i think no one wants to Do. It would not be worth all this work. I dont know many regs that built up only on dr, none to be honest, so i Think there is more drama than effort.
None said we should ban people with 2nd reg which is outside the league too. Or am I blind? :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 09:13:11 am
Keep in mind that no leader checks regually if one of his members got another reg. I personally experinced it that i needed weeks to realize that one of my members got a second reg (he wanted to play arty beside the inf life) and that just because i took a look on his profile by accident.

What i want to say is: Banning all people with a second reg, even if this is outside nwl, is a shitload of work, i think no one wants to Do. It would not be worth all this work. I dont know many regs that built up only on dr, none to be honest, so i Think there is more drama than effort.
None said we should ban people with 2nd reg which is outside the league too. Or am I blind? :o

Some people said they would like to. As far as i understood all of the disskusion, that was what the whitelist idea was about  :o ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Pumti on September 17, 2015, 09:16:28 am
There should have been a rule saying regiments need to be alive for 2 months atleast before the NWL, so they wont just disband after 10 days in the middle of the NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 17, 2015, 09:18:46 am
Keep in mind that no leader checks regually if one of his members got another reg. I personally experinced it that i needed weeks to realize that one of my members got a second reg (he wanted to play arty beside the inf life) and that just because i took a look on his profile by accident.

What i want to say is: Banning all people with a second reg, even if this is outside nwl, is a shitload of work, i think no one wants to Do. It would not be worth all this work. I dont know many regs that built up only on dr, none to be honest, so i Think there is more drama than effort.
None said we should ban people with 2nd reg which is outside the league too. Or am I blind? :o

Some people said they would like to. As far as i understood all of the disskusion, that was what the whitelist idea was about  :o ;D
The white list/player ID's idea would not disallow people with 2nd reg outside the league to play.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on September 17, 2015, 09:19:53 am
sent in my ref application like 2 weeks ago :'( no response.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 17, 2015, 09:25:57 am
sent in my ref application like 2 weeks ago :'( no response.
Well you are NA, we don't like NA
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 17, 2015, 09:37:48 am
My suggestion was to do an updated roster and only those players are allowed to partizipate. Doublereggers outside of nwl wouldn't be excluded.
It's close to the idea of that whitelist but would be more spontaneous and it would be more work for volunteers as they have to constantly check the rosters
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 10:04:19 am
As the season already startet, brot got a lot of time figruning a system out for the next one  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 17, 2015, 12:43:58 pm
that would be fun setting up an active roster for 50 regiments
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 17, 2015, 12:49:18 pm
that would be fun setting up an active roster for 50 regiments
Well if every Regiment post a active roster, its not that much work. The Regiments would have to update it regulary, but the Refs only need to compare then = easy to deal with. And its the perfect solution, since everyone hates it, when people join a Regiment directly before a important Match, they cant play instantly. I would like that idea tbh.

Keep in mind that no leader checks regually if one of his members got another reg. I personally experinced it that i needed weeks to realize that one of my members got a second reg (he wanted to play arty beside the inf life) and that just because i took a look on his profile by accident.

What i want to say is: Banning all people with a second reg, even if this is outside nwl, is a shitload of work, i think no one wants to Do. It would not be worth all this work. I dont know many regs that built up only on dr, none to be honest, so i Think there is more drama than effort.

Tbh, in the Nr12 doubleclaning is no topic at all, and i regulary check my Members  ;D if they d-clan lel, if they do without me knowing it its a clear Rip. But thankfully they ask me if they can, which i answer mostly with a nope  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 01:10:07 pm
Double regging was also not a topic in the FK, because me and bever never cared about it, as long as the events wont collide, so some members just did it :D Also most of our Members are older than 18, i dont think i can forbit adult people to do what they want. If they really want to play in another reg, they will.  :P ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 17, 2015, 01:14:43 pm
Double regging was also not a topic in the FK, because me and bever never cared about it, as long as the events wont collide, so some members just did it :D Also most of our Members are older than 18, i dont think i can forbit adult people to do what they want. If they really want to play in another reg, they will.  :P ::)

Well most ppl in Nr12 are over 18 as well and they accept that we dont allow it, but thats not the topic, the topic is, there should be no possibility to get invites or d-claners who also fight in another NWL Reg.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 01:36:57 pm
Double regging was also not a topic in the FK, because me and bever never cared about it, as long as the events wont collide, so some members just did it :D Also most of our Members are older than 18, i dont think i can forbit adult people to do what they want. If they really want to play in another reg, they will.  :P ::)

Well most ppl in Nr12 are over 18 as well and they accept that we dont allow it, but thats not the topic, the topic is, there should be no possibility to get invites or d-claners who also fight in another NWL Reg.

As said, i more or less agree with that :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Ambiguous on September 17, 2015, 01:50:36 pm
There should have been a rule saying regiments need to be alive for 2 months atleast before the NWL, so they wont just disband after 10 days in the middle of the NWL.
+1 to that you filthy dane :-* :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 17, 2015, 02:15:29 pm
I will definately tighten the rules concerning doublereggers the next season. On the current one, one may doublereg into a NWL reg from a non NWL regiment. But to all regimental leaders: You see that this is frowned upon and it will not help your reputation.
But what I can do this season is punish Regiments who use doublereggers as hard as possible (Kick them out of NWL). Keep in mind, if soldier is from regiment A and doubleregging in regiment B, technically both regiments are using a doubleregger. So be warned.

Also, is it against FSE rules to put a "hall of shame" section into the OP? I might want to list certain names or steamlinks in special cases... (NWL ragequit, doublereggers etc...)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 17, 2015, 03:00:35 pm
I will definately tighten the rules concerning doublereggers the next season. On the current one, one may doublereg into a NWL reg from a non NWL regiment. But to all regimental leaders: You see that this is frowned upon and it will not help your reputation.
But what I can do this season is punish Regiments who use doublereggers as hard as possible (Kick them out of NWL). Keep in mind, if soldier is from regiment A and doubleregging in regiment B, technically both regiments are using a doubleregger. So be warned.

Also, is it against FSE rules to put a "hall of shame" section into the OP? I might want to list certain names or steamlinks in special cases... (NWL ragequit, doublereggers etc...)
It would be fine to have the section with names, but Steam links I'm not so sure about.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 03:56:39 pm
I will definately tighten the rules concerning doublereggers the next season. On the current one, one may doublereg into a NWL reg from a non NWL regiment. But to all regimental leaders: You see that this is frowned upon and it will not help your reputation.
But what I can do this season is punish Regiments who use doublereggers as hard as possible (Kick them out of NWL). Keep in mind, if soldier is from regiment A and doubleregging in regiment B, technically both regiments are using a doubleregger. So be warned.

Also, is it against FSE rules to put a "hall of shame" section into the OP? I might want to list certain names or steamlinks in special cases... (NWL ragequit, doublereggers etc...)

Just to make this clear and bring the discusion to an End, from my point: I know i might created the impression with my postings but, the 3teFK is not, and was never a Regiment of double Reggers. Just to make this clear. As far as i know we got 4/5 double reggers out of 40 Members ( from which around 30 are all time active ). I held this disscusion not because of the 3teFK. I held it , because i was a bit shocked how harsh some people here are willing to controll other peoples way of playing this game. I do realize that my personal opinion is not the opinion of the majority in this case. But because if also think this wont be a barrier for the 3teFK to participate in this league, im fine with brots decision.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 17, 2015, 04:44:26 pm
I will definately tighten the rules concerning doublereggers the next season. On the current one, one may doublereg into a NWL reg from a non NWL regiment. But to all regimental leaders: You see that this is frowned upon and it will not help your reputation.
But what I can do this season is punish Regiments who use doublereggers as hard as possible (Kick them out of NWL). Keep in mind, if soldier is from regiment A and doubleregging in regiment B, technically both regiments are using a doubleregger. So be warned.

Also, is it against FSE rules to put a "hall of shame" section into the OP? I might want to list certain names or steamlinks in special cases... (NWL ragequit, doublereggers etc...)

+1 Really glad to read that post.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 17, 2015, 10:22:39 pm
I will definately tighten the rules concerning doublereggers the next season. On the current one, one may doublereg into a NWL reg from a non NWL regiment. But to all regimental leaders: You see that this is frowned upon and it will not help your reputation.
But what I can do this season is punish Regiments who use doublereggers as hard as possible (Kick them out of NWL). Keep in mind, if soldier is from regiment A and doubleregging in regiment B, technically both regiments are using a doubleregger. So be warned.

Also, is it against FSE rules to put a "hall of shame" section into the OP? I might want to list certain names or steamlinks in special cases... (NWL ragequit, doublereggers etc...)

Just to make this clear and bring the discusion to an End, from my point: I know i might created the impression with my postings but, the 3teFK is not, and was never a Regiment of double Reggers. Just to make this clear. As far as i know we got 4/5 double reggers out of 40 Members ( from which around 30 are all time active ). I held this disscusion not because of the 3teFK. I held it , because i was a bit shocked how harsh some people here are willing to controll other peoples way of playing this game. I do realize that my personal opinion is not the opinion of the majority in this case. But because if also think this wont be a barrier for the 3teFK to participate in this league, im fine with brots decision.

noone cares xd xd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Von Bergen on September 17, 2015, 10:36:39 pm
I will definately tighten the rules concerning doublereggers the next season. On the current one, one may doublereg into a NWL reg from a non NWL regiment. But to all regimental leaders: You see that this is frowned upon and it will not help your reputation.
But what I can do this season is punish Regiments who use doublereggers as hard as possible (Kick them out of NWL). Keep in mind, if soldier is from regiment A and doubleregging in regiment B, technically both regiments are using a doubleregger. So be warned.

Also, is it against FSE rules to put a "hall of shame" section into the OP? I might want to list certain names or steamlinks in special cases... (NWL ragequit, doublereggers etc...)

Just to make this clear and bring the discusion to an End, from my point: I know i might created the impression with my postings but, the 3teFK is not, and was never a Regiment of double Reggers. Just to make this clear. As far as i know we got 4/5 double reggers out of 40 Members ( from which around 30 are all time active ). I held this disscusion not because of the 3teFK. I held it , because i was a bit shocked how harsh some people here are willing to controll other peoples way of playing this game. I do realize that my personal opinion is not the opinion of the majority in this case. But because if also think this wont be a barrier for the 3teFK to participate in this league, im fine with brots decision.

noone cares xd xd

Nevertheless making this clear was important for me  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 18, 2015, 06:28:11 pm
Will Release the schedules on sunday-monday. Every one ready to Start next friday?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 18, 2015, 06:29:29 pm
Will Release the schedules on sunday-monday. Every one ready to Start next friday?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 18, 2015, 06:41:41 pm
Will Release the schedules on sunday-monday. Every one ready to Start next friday?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 18, 2015, 09:57:45 pm
Will Release the schedules on sunday-monday. Every one ready to Start next friday?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Steffan on September 18, 2015, 10:41:42 pm
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 18, 2015, 11:42:55 pm
Yes thread stickie dat last!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fantasy.(wfry) on September 19, 2015, 03:09:08 pm
Will Release the schedules on sunday-monday. Every one ready to Start next friday?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 19, 2015, 05:55:47 pm
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?
Close ages ago
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 19, 2015, 07:10:34 pm
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?

Only if Lord John is commanding :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Steffan on September 19, 2015, 11:30:28 pm
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?

Only if Lord John is commanding :D

He turned his back on us a long time ago so nej. :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Pumti on September 20, 2015, 12:02:32 am
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?

Only if Lord John is commanding :D

He turned his back on us a long time ago so nej. :p

The good ol 54e :) Steffan, im SURE alot of regiments will drop out, since some that joined the tournament recently formed, and wont last 14 weeks where the NWL is going. So why shouldnt you could fill their space, im sure you can :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Steffan on September 20, 2015, 12:21:45 am
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?

Only if Lord John is commanding :D

He turned his back on us a long time ago so nej. :p

The good ol 54e :) Steffan, im SURE alot of regiments will drop out, since some that joined the tournament recently formed, and wont last 14 weeks where the NWL is going. So why shouldnt you could fill their space, im sure you can :)

:D Such a positive individual Pumti! I will contact the organiser and see what we can do. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 20, 2015, 12:57:22 am
Hurry up with Schedules xD i wanna get sorted with things
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 20, 2015, 12:58:41 am
Hurry up with Schedules xD i wanna get sorted with things

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 20, 2015, 12:58:53 am
Hurry up with Schedules xD i wanna get sorted with things
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 20, 2015, 11:21:13 am
I will be home in a few hours. :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 20, 2015, 01:47:25 pm
I will be home in a few hours. :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 20, 2015, 01:47:40 pm
Hurry up with Schedules xD i wanna get sorted with things
Patience is a virtue.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 20, 2015, 01:58:01 pm
Hurry up with Schedules xD i wanna get sorted with things
Patience is a virtue.

Herishey talking about virtues... FSE has it all :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 20, 2015, 01:58:52 pm
Hurry up with Schedules xD i wanna get sorted with things
Patience is a virtue.

Herishey talking about virtues... FSE has it all :P
I know about virtues, doesn't mean I stick to them.  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 20, 2015, 05:13:59 pm
Pls check the links in referee list. Crowh's, Ketchup's and DaHunter profiles are not availible.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 20, 2015, 05:17:22 pm
errmgurd it got sticky that why i could not find it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 20, 2015, 05:36:12 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 20, 2015, 07:01:38 pm
errmgurd it got sticky that why i could not find it

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Pumti on September 20, 2015, 07:10:00 pm
errmgurd it got sticky that why i could not find it


Such faggot..  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 20, 2015, 09:07:45 pm
errmgurd it got sticky that why i could not find it


Such faggot..  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dom_ on September 20, 2015, 09:10:50 pm
errmgurd it got sticky that why i could not find it


Such faggot..  8)
Think I've found Pumti's favourite word  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 20, 2015, 09:18:04 pm
errmgurd it got sticky that why i could not find it


Such faggot..  8)

Woooow machine gun fire pewpewpewpew
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: notmoving on September 20, 2015, 10:54:38 pm
My special sperg moment was shared with all of you
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 21, 2015, 03:53:21 am
DasBrot add me please! And looking PM!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 21, 2015, 04:21:49 am
Signups closed? Guess we could be back-up if anyone drop-outs?

Only if Lord John is commanding :D

He turned his back on us a long time ago so nej. :p

John <3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 21, 2015, 12:49:59 pm
dun yet?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 21, 2015, 01:11:32 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 21, 2015, 01:11:40 pm
Waiting for some last infos so I can make the final schedule. You better not quit NWL in any way when it's released. Now is the last chance to chicken out.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 21, 2015, 01:15:14 pm
Waiting for some last infos so I can make the final schedule. You better not quit NWL in any way when it's released. Now is the last chance to chicken out.
cant w8 m8 i r8 8/8 m8
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 21, 2015, 05:30:57 pm
Schedules are done! You can access them at the 2nd post right below the attendence lists.
If you spot any Errors, feel free to report them.

1st Matchday
Sept. 25th - Oct. 1st

1st League
2nd League
3rd League

Will make a prettier post for the next matchday.
Also, in certain circumstances, start may be postponed by one week. If it happens, I will of course tell you. Referees should add me on steam to receive the admin password.

Also, one last reminder: NWL may be all about competative and stuff, but that does not mean we can't have fun in here. NWL is not for drama, not for forum fights or anything alike. Keep things fair, stick to the rules and at least try to respect each other. We're here for fun, so let's have some!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 21, 2015, 05:34:09 pm

oh wait
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 21, 2015, 05:34:40 pm

oh wait
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 21, 2015, 05:34:52 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 21, 2015, 05:46:04 pm
Oh god 59th...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 21, 2015, 05:59:15 pm
Oh god 59th...
have fun boi
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 21, 2015, 06:36:43 pm
We're here for fun, so let's have some!
I'm only here to rek moussolini
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 21, 2015, 06:48:02 pm
Schedules are done! You can access them at the 2nd post right below the attendence lists.
If you spot any Errors, feel free to report them.

1st Matchday
Sept. 25th - Oct. 1st

1st League
2nd League
3rd League

Will make a prettier post for the next matchday.
Also, in certain circumstances, start may be postponed by one week. If it happens, I will of course tell you. Referees should add me on steam to receive the admin password.

Also, one last reminder: NWL may be all about competative and stuff, but that does not mean we can't have fun in here. NWL is not for drama, not for forum fights or anything alike. Keep things fair, stick to the rules and at least try to respect each other. We're here for fun, so let's have some!

Awesome,  looking forward to get started.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 21, 2015, 08:59:58 pm
Just to make clear again how to fix a match in NWL:

Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour
Step 2: Agree on a ref. Both should be fine with the choice.
Step 3: Play the match on one of the NWL Servers hosted by MrSt3fan and Dodo (If you have servers to offer, let me know :*)
Step 4: Once you played the match, the ref posts score to me, optional to the thread.

You have to fix a match inside of "matchdays" - one matchday is a week, from friday to next thursday. If you can not fix it at all, you may get to postpone it one time.
You don't have to tell me when your match is happening. All you need is a referee who tells me the score.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 21, 2015, 09:07:51 pm
Just to make clear again how to fix a match in NWL:

Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour
Step 2: Agree on a ref. Both should be fine with the choice.
Step 3: Play the match on one of the NWL Servers hosted by MrSt3fan and Dodo (If you have servers to offer, let me know :*)
Step 4: Once you played the match, the ref posts score to me, optional to the thread.

You have to fix a match inside of "matchdays" - one matchday is a week, from friday to next thursday. If you can not fix it at all, you may get to postpone it one time.
You don't have to tell me when your match is happening. All you need is a referee which tells me the score.
now do a guide on how to win an NWL match ok
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 21, 2015, 09:36:10 pm
Just to make clear again how to fix a match in NWL:

Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour
Step 2: Agree on a ref. Both should be fine with the choice.
Step 3: Play the match on one of the NWL Servers hosted by MrSt3fan and Dodo (If you have servers to offer, let me know :*)
Step 4: Once you played the match, the ref posts score to me, optional to the thread.

You have to fix a match inside of "matchdays" - one matchday is a week, from friday to next thursday. If you can not fix it at all, you may get to postpone it one time.
You don't have to tell me when your match is happening. All you need is a referee which tells me the score.
now do a guide on how to win an NWL match ok

Step 1: Git gud
Step 2: Win
Optional: Drama
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 21, 2015, 09:36:52 pm
Just to make clear again how to fix a match in NWL:

Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour
Step 2: Agree on a ref. Both should be fine with the choice.
Step 3: Play the match on one of the NWL Servers hosted by MrSt3fan and Dodo (If you have servers to offer, let me know :*)
Step 4: Once you played the match, the ref posts score to me, optional to the thread.

You have to fix a match inside of "matchdays" - one matchday is a week, from friday to next thursday. If you can not fix it at all, you may get to postpone it one time.
You don't have to tell me when your match is happening. All you need is a referee which tells me the score.
now do a guide on how to win an NWL match ok

Step 1: Git gud
Step 2: Win
Optional: Drama
Drama is never optional.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Cazasar on September 21, 2015, 09:37:01 pm

will try to pass this knowledge to the spartans
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Dairus on September 21, 2015, 09:37:50 pm
Just to make clear again how to fix a match in NWL:

Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour
Step 2: Agree on a ref. Both should be fine with the choice.
Step 3: Play the match on one of the NWL Servers hosted by MrSt3fan and Dodo (If you have servers to offer, let me know :*)
Step 4: Once you played the match, the ref posts score to me, optional to the thread.

You have to fix a match inside of "matchdays" - one matchday is a week, from friday to next thursday. If you can not fix it at all, you may get to postpone it one time.
You don't have to tell me when your match is happening. All you need is a referee which tells me the score.
now do a guide on how to win an NWL match ok

Step 1: Git gud
Step 2: Win
Optional: Drama
so drama is a tool to win a match in your opinion? o.O
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 21, 2015, 10:50:16 pm
More like a tool to piss everyone off
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Phailur on September 21, 2015, 11:27:11 pm
More like a tool to decrease moral
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 21, 2015, 11:35:12 pm
More like a tool to decrease moral
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 21, 2015, 11:42:16 pm
Free to ref on any day and at any time.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 22, 2015, 12:11:22 am
Free to ref on any day and at any time.

k, i will make a match on Monday morning at 3 am.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 22, 2015, 12:12:30 am
Free to ref on any day and at any time.

k, i will make a match on Monday morning at 3 am.
Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 22, 2015, 12:12:55 am
Free to ref on any day and at any time.

k, i will make a match on Monday morning at 3 am.
Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour


Rekt mate
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 22, 2015, 12:31:54 am
Free to ref on any day and at any time.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 22, 2015, 12:34:34 am
Free to ref on any day and at any time.

k, i will make a match on Monday morning at 3 am.
Step 1: Fix the match with the opponent. Time should be 7pm gmt +/- 1 hour


Rekt mate

I feel offended. CYBERMOBBING!!!!! Get polize
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 22, 2015, 01:06:17 am
Remove urself before bs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 22, 2015, 09:43:32 am
Remove urself before bs

wat he said
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 22, 2015, 10:30:13 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Kore on September 22, 2015, 02:03:48 pm
snip, be nice
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Louisss on September 22, 2015, 02:24:29 pm
Don't be sad just because some inbred smelly cunt insults you, buddy.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: RPI on September 22, 2015, 05:18:53 pm
This smells tasty.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Carolus. on September 22, 2015, 05:25:46 pm
More like a tool to piss everyone off

 :D Nah thats leaving a tournament halfway through. Worst thing you can do imo

Damn auto correct
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 22, 2015, 06:35:32 pm
Servers 1, 2 and are up!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 22, 2015, 07:29:52 pm
Servers 1, 2 and are up!

:D Nice work St3fan
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 22, 2015, 09:56:51 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 22, 2015, 09:57:56 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee

Available if you want me.  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 22, 2015, 11:22:51 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee

Available if you want me.  ;)

Also available :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 22, 2015, 11:57:31 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee

Available if you want me.  ;)

Yeh nick you will be there, playing xD skrub
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: The English Doge on September 22, 2015, 11:57:41 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee

Available if you want me.  ;)

You're in the 57e xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 22, 2015, 11:59:04 pm
Good game Nick...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 22, 2015, 11:59:31 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee

Available if you want me.  ;)

Lol you want to ref and fight? Hehe. Thanks anyway though and good luck Friday! :)

Gojkov will referee the match!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 12:01:11 am
You bet mate.

Lol you want to ref and fight? Hehe. Thanks anyway though and good luck Friday! :)

Gojkov will referee the match!

Server will be NWL_1, Friday 19:00 GMT. See you.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 23, 2015, 12:18:13 am
I wish huanpth would come online ;(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 23, 2015, 06:50:42 am
[Saints] vs 5te Sunday 7 Gmt
Referee: Chief
Server: NWL_1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 23, 2015, 07:14:23 am
2Lhr vs 66pp 7 GMT
Searching for Ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 23, 2015, 10:10:57 am
2Lhr vs 66pp 7 GMT
Searching for Ref

I guess you're playing Friday but might want to add it to your post so referees that can probably ref know it too
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 10:23:22 am
Yeah guys, please add days/dates your playing on.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 23, 2015, 01:03:07 pm
2Lhr vs 66pp 7 GMT Wednesday
Searching for Ref

Sry, thought I added the day  :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 23, 2015, 02:57:02 pm
33rd vs 57e Friday 7 Gmt!
Looking for a referee

Available if you want me.  ;)

You're in the 57e xD

Well if you need me that much  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: DasBrot on September 23, 2015, 03:13:28 pm
In the past seasons there were many misconceptions about the rules and how to enforce them.
Therefor, a FAQ on how2ref!

What is my job?
Your job is to enforce NWL rules, of course. But ONLY to enforce rules! Your personal preferences do not matter in this case. You don't like camping? Who cares? If one regiment camps, its not against the rules. You are not allowed to send them off to charge or something like that. Just saying ;)
A regiment FiC'd! Wat do?
First, you do nothing special. You note the name and watch how the round ends. Did the FIC change the outcome of the round? E.g. victim lost 2 men because of FiC and lost in a close charge (5vs5 for example) - in this case, round has to be redone. E.g. FIC where the rule breaker already had 10 men advantage after shootout - in this case, you slay the respective person FiCing in the next round. Of course the regiment may not swap him out. If he does anyways, just slay any other ranker. In the end, the rule breaking regiment has to play at a disadvantage next round.
A regiment OA'd! Wat do?
Are you sure it was OA? (I will insert pictures here if ppl don't understand) If you are, same as FiC.
People keep bantering on global chat. Wat do?
As long as it isn't disrespectful or actual spam, nothing. When people start to insult each other, tell them to stop. When they don't, you may forbid global chat. People still don't stop to insult? Kick/slay them.
A regimental Leader broke the rules (FIC,OA). Shall i slay him next round?
No, just slay someone else from his line.
A regimental Leader/Member resetted a round on their own in a rage/midround or whatever. Wat do?
That regiment has just lost 0-10. Please contact me with date and time, I might check for bushpirate though.
I want to ban someone.
Only temp bans, please.
I want to use a NWL server for private events.
The servers are for NWL events, not for yours. Please contact the server sponsors, if you want a fine server for your event.
Someone is asking me for admin pass.
Tell them to add and ask me. You are not allowed to distribute the password.

You have additional common questions? Ask them!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Herishey on September 23, 2015, 03:16:56 pm
I'm sure that'll help clear things up for both regiments and referees, gj Brot. ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 23, 2015, 03:25:06 pm
I'm sure that'll help clear things up for both regiments and referees, gj Brot. ;)

Indeed :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 23, 2015, 03:30:44 pm
Hope ppl will stop shouting at refs now. :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 23, 2015, 03:35:09 pm
Hope ppl will stop shouting at refs now. :*

Drama is key
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on September 23, 2015, 04:56:24 pm
Hope ppl will stop shouting at refs now. :*

Hope ppl will stop asking me NWL things. :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 04:58:41 pm
Bever, how do I NWL?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 23, 2015, 06:23:47 pm
92nd v 61e
Referee: need one
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 06:26:14 pm
92nd v 61e
Referee: need one
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)

I can be your ref :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 23, 2015, 06:34:43 pm
92nd v 61e
Referee: need one
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)

I can be your ref :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 06:45:54 pm
Match: 1Pa vs 10thLR
Referee: Gojkov
Date: Friday, 25/09/2015; 18:00 GMT
Server: NWL_3

Match: 92nd v 61e
Referee: Gojkov
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)
Server: NWL_1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 23, 2015, 06:50:32 pm
Match: 1Pa vs 10thLR
Referee: Gojkov
Date: Friday, 25/09/2015; 18:00 GMT
Server: NWL_3

Match: 92nd v 61e
Referee: Gojkov
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)
Server: NWL_1

Gojkov add on me please .

[82nd] General Shepherd [CG]
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 06:55:30 pm
Match: 1Pa vs 10thLR
Referee: Gojkov
Date: Friday, 25/09/2015; 18:00 GMT
Server: NWL_3

Match: 92nd v 61e
Referee: Gojkov
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)
Server: NWL_1

Gojkov add on me please .

[82nd] General Shepherd [CG]

Baah, done... you know I'm not the only referee in NWL xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 23, 2015, 06:56:25 pm
Match: 1Pa vs 10thLR
Referee: Gojkov
Date: Friday, 25/09/2015; 18:00 GMT
Server: NWL_3

Match: 92nd v 61e
Referee: Gojkov
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)
Server: NWL_1

Gojkov add on me please .

[82nd] General Shepherd [CG]

Baah, done... you know I'm not the only referee in NWL xD
If you don't want people constantly asking don't put yourself out there on the thread. ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 06:57:25 pm
If you don't want people constantly asking don't put yourself out there on the thread. ;)

Thank you captain Hindsight  :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 23, 2015, 07:16:26 pm
Match: 1Pa vs 10thLR
Referee: Gojkov
Date: Friday, 25/09/2015; 18:00 GMT
Server: NWL_3

Match: 92nd v 61e
Referee: Gojkov
Date: 26th September 7pm GMT (Saturday)
Server: NWL_1

Gojkov add on me please .

[82nd] General Shepherd [CG]

Baah, done... you know I'm not the only referee in NWL xD

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 23, 2015, 07:21:50 pm
If you don't want people constantly asking don't put yourself out there on the thread. ;)

Thank you captain Hindsight  :-*

Okay , but ı choose you
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 08:38:22 pm
Pika pika - chu
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 23, 2015, 09:08:47 pm
Pika pika - chu

Bulbasaur :D  :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 23, 2015, 09:17:49 pm
'cus it makes so much sense for Bulbasaur to say Pikachu
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 23, 2015, 09:19:13 pm
2Lhr vs 66pp
Wednesday 7 GMT
searching for a ref

(Now I added the day :P)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 23, 2015, 09:22:07 pm
2Lhr vs 66pp
Wednesday 7 GMT
searching for a ref

(Now I added the day :P)

I can ref if you need me. :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 23, 2015, 09:59:01 pm
6te vs 3teFK Monday 7pm GMT.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Perrier on September 23, 2015, 10:16:34 pm
16e_JG vs 17th_JR Friday 20h30 (hour French)

16eJG v 17th_JR
Referee: need one
Date: 25th September 20H30 (Hour French) (Friday)

 Serveur= NWL_7
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 23, 2015, 10:28:07 pm
ayy lmao
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 24, 2015, 08:01:40 am
2Lhr vs 66pp
Wednesday 7 GMT
searching for a ref

(Now I added the day :P)

I can ref if you need me. :P

Would be nice
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 24, 2015, 01:36:10 pm
I'm free on Sunday if anyone needs a ref then.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 24, 2015, 02:22:28 pm
2Lhr vs 66pp
Wednesday 7 GMT
searching for a ref

(Now I added the day :P)

I can ref if you need me. :P

Would be nice

Will post details when I'm back home this afternoon.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 24, 2015, 04:49:58 pm
Match: 2Lhr VS 66pp
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Date: 30th September 7pm GMT |Wednesday|
Server: NWL_1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 24, 2015, 06:51:16 pm
82nd_Bashi thingy is pulling out of NWL. Want me to redo the schedules of 2nd league or just take them out so everyone has a week off in the season?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dominic on September 24, 2015, 07:03:59 pm
Who: Nr35 vs 16th
When: Friday 25.09.2015 / 19:00 gmt
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 24, 2015, 07:06:40 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 16th
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Date: Friday 25.09.2015 / 19:00 gmt
Server: NWL_2
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 24, 2015, 07:08:01 pm
82nd_Bashi thingy is pulling out of NWL. Want me to redo the schedules of 2nd league or just take them out so everyone has a week off in the season?
No need to redo schedules, just a week off.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 24, 2015, 07:12:50 pm
82nd_Bashi thingy is pulling out of NWL. Want me to redo the schedules of 2nd league or just take them out so everyone has a week off in the season?
or find replacement?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 24, 2015, 07:21:50 pm
82nd_Bashi thingy is pulling out of NWL. Want me to redo the schedules of 2nd league or just take them out so everyone has a week off in the season?
or find replacement?
There are already a lot of regiments in NWL, I highly doubt there are any more viable regiments about.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 24, 2015, 07:31:03 pm
I believe 54e wanted to step in as a replacement if possible?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 24, 2015, 07:34:32 pm
I believe 54e wanted to step in as a replacement if possible?
Yeah they posted a few days ago
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: John Price on September 24, 2015, 07:39:15 pm
Hasnt the 4te in 3rd league disbanded? or did Wolfster just leave?

Still too unreliable to include in NWL either way
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dom_ on September 24, 2015, 07:41:04 pm
Hasnt the 4te in 3rd league disbanded? or did Wolfster just leave?

Still too unreliable to include in NWL either way
Yea Wolfster is in the third, but I wouldn;t know if the reg't itself is still going.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 24, 2015, 08:00:57 pm
I believe 54e wanted to step in as a replacement if possible?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 24, 2015, 08:51:53 pm
54e sounds good. will message them!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 24, 2015, 08:54:50 pm
Hasnt the 4te in 3rd league disbanded? or did Wolfster just leave?

Still too unreliable to include in NWL either way
Yea Wolfster is in the third, but I wouldn;t know if the reg't itself is still going.
Most likely not ;3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Take on September 24, 2015, 09:00:29 pm
1rhein - 52y (3rd League)
Tuesday, 29.09 - 7pm GMT

Referee : Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Pumti on September 24, 2015, 09:54:37 pm
Need a referee for this Saturday.

82nd against the 25th - 19.00 GMT

NWL league 2  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on September 24, 2015, 10:00:01 pm
Need a referee for this Saturday.

82nd against the 25th - 19.00 GMT

NWL league 2  ;)

I could do this :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 24, 2015, 11:32:07 pm
Ok, looks like I misunderstood shepherds english... 82nd_Bashi is not going to quit NWL.
But if they do, I'll hack ur steam shepherd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: mat884 on September 24, 2015, 11:39:38 pm
23e vs 82nd Bashibouzouks this  Saturday 26th 9:00 Gmt +2 ! I ll need a referee for that one . Any volunteer ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 24, 2015, 11:42:55 pm
23e vs 82nd Bashibouzouks this  Saturday 26th 9:00 Gmt +2 ! I ll need a referee for that one . Any volunteer ?


Btw, 92nd vs 61e has been moved for Sunday 19:00 GMT; NWL_2.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 24, 2015, 11:43:35 pm
Ok, looks like I misunderstood shepherds english... 82nd_Bashi is not going to quit NWL.
But if they do, I'll hack ur steam shepherd

I'll cut you :)

23e vs 82nd Bashibouzouks this  Saturday 26th 9:00 Gmt +2 ! I ll need a referee for that one . Any volunteer ?

Come on referee!
Gojkov get in there :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 24, 2015, 11:46:43 pm
Readded, I need space nowadays so as soon as I heard you quit I had to delete you.. sorry, nothing personal it's just I'm refing a lot these days.

Alrighty, Saturday 26/09/2015; 19:00 GMT, NWL_3; 23e vs 82ndBashi; referee: Gojkov.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 25, 2015, 09:42:59 am
1rhein - 52y (3rd League)
Tuesday, 29.09 - 7pm GMT

Referee : Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on September 25, 2015, 11:32:58 am
Steam Name:Salakien - you have me
References:NLC and four events per week that i host
On which days do you have time?Monday,Wednesday,Sunday - but i could have NWL,NLC match on these day too so its not for 100% , i hope you got my point
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 25, 2015, 12:11:34 pm
Steam Name:Salakien - you have me
References:NLC and four events per week that i host
On which days do you have time?Monday,Wednesday,Sunday - but i could have NWL,NLC match on these day too so its not for 100% , i hope you got my point

Referee applications are supposed to be sent via private message (to DasBrot)...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on September 25, 2015, 12:18:40 pm

Referee applications are supposed to be sent via private message (to DasBrot)...

Oh didnt notice that , i ll do . Thanks
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 25, 2015, 05:01:29 pm
No problem :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 25, 2015, 05:34:34 pm
54e replacing 4te.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 25, 2015, 05:57:02 pm
54e replacing 4te.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 25, 2015, 06:11:12 pm
Ok just because people keep asking:

If you want a match played, its really simple..
You both choose a referee. You fix everything like in a usual match, eg Monday 7PM GMT. And then, when its finally 7PM GMT, you just go to a free NWL server (you of course have to communicate with ref and opponent), let the ref choose the map and there we go!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 25, 2015, 06:30:07 pm
NWL_4 and NWL_5 are now online, too. Thanks go to Dodo ( from beyond servers!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 25, 2015, 06:35:22 pm
Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 25, 2015, 06:54:03 pm
Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 25, 2015, 07:02:29 pm
Suisse vs 25e: 10 - 0 (Third league)
Match was meant to be played tonight at 7gmt but the 25e coudnt get any of their co or ncos online or to communicate.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 25, 2015, 07:35:16 pm
Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Perrier on September 25, 2015, 08:19:15 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 25, 2015, 08:40:37 pm
10thLR vs 1Pa: 6:4 (3rd league)
33rd vs 57e: 7:3 (2nd league)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 25, 2015, 09:02:26 pm
Good first match against the 57e! Thanks for the good battle 57e, and thanks Gojkov for being referee!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on September 25, 2015, 09:11:53 pm
17th JR 9 - 1 16eJG

Well played both sides!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 25, 2015, 09:23:13 pm
Guess not :P

Suisse vs 25e: 10 - 0 (3rd League)
Match was meant to be played tonight at 7gmt but the 25e coudnt get any of their co or ncos online or to communicate.

Preobraz_LG vs 14th: 9 - 1 (2nd League)
Close match, shame Dukey left at the last rounds and so did most of 14th

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nicos on September 25, 2015, 09:25:08 pm
Nr35 vs 16th 3rd League 6-4 Win to Nr35 Ref:Nick Lazanis Good game.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 25, 2015, 09:30:08 pm
one and a half hours ...boi that was a battle ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 25, 2015, 09:34:15 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dominic on September 25, 2015, 09:46:45 pm
Indeed good game against 16th. And yeeah it was a loooong battle. Nobody wanted to loose =D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 25, 2015, 10:42:14 pm
Alrighty, another match for me.

Regiments: 33rd vs 92nd
Time and date: 02.10.2015; 19:00 GMT
Server: NWL_2
Referee: Gojkov

Once again, tomorrow:

Regiments: 23e vs 82nd Beshi
Time: 19:00 GMT
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 25, 2015, 10:51:54 pm
And another one:

Monday, 28.09.2015;

Regiments: 3teFK vs 6te;
Time: 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov

Sorry for the double post.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 25, 2015, 11:34:05 pm
Just a reminder: There is no rule against headglitching! If a referee keeps enforcing it, please message me. And of course every ref should read this very post, since I expect from my refs to read this thread.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 25, 2015, 11:40:13 pm
Regiments: 4e vs 59th
Time and date: 30.09.2015; 19:00 GMT
Referee: Godygamer
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 25, 2015, 11:57:34 pm
Just a reminder: There is no rule against headglitching! If a referee keeps enforcing it, please message me. And of course every ref should read this very post, since I expect from my refs to read this thread.

Lol, who enforces headglitching... jesus...

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 26, 2015, 12:06:22 am
Just a reminder: There is no rule against headglitching! If a referee keeps enforcing it, please message me. And of course every ref should read this very post, since I expect from my refs to read this thread.

Lol, who enforces headglitching... jesus...


Who in the world would do that... (I like it being enforced though :P)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 26, 2015, 12:06:58 am
St3fan..  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on September 26, 2015, 12:08:37 am
And of course every ref should read this very post
Currently the only ref is goyimkov  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on September 26, 2015, 12:08:52 am
Match: 21e vs 12th
Time / Date: 26th September, 19:00 GMT
Referee: Rommel
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 26, 2015, 11:14:06 am
And of course every ref should read this very post
Currently the only ref is goyimkov  ::) ::) ::)

Hahaha, Memoslav Memovich Memovinski, hahahaha, egg.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 26, 2015, 12:53:16 pm
And of course every ref should read this very post
Currently the only ref is goyimkov  ::) ::) ::)

Hahaha, Memoslav Memovich Memovinski, hahahaha, egg.

Yugoslav name :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 26, 2015, 01:01:46 pm
Nah, just slav.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 26, 2015, 02:48:55 pm
Hahaha, Memoslav Memovich Memovinski, hahahaha, egg.

May i add, Memosevic and Memo :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 26, 2015, 03:44:17 pm
Slobodan Memosević - remove kebab
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 26, 2015, 04:10:22 pm
This isnt a thread for memes.... its for NWL
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 26, 2015, 04:26:31 pm
NWL week 1 - 40 pages
oh dear
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 26, 2015, 05:15:18 pm
30+ of them are from posts before the NWL even started :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 26, 2015, 05:29:30 pm
30+ of them are from posts before the NWL even started :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 26, 2015, 08:16:12 pm
To all refs: Specs are ok, as long as both regs agree. If not, please kindly ask them to leave the server before actually (temp)banning them.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 26, 2015, 08:41:52 pm
23e vs 82nd Beshi: 10:0

To all refs: Specs are ok, as long as both regs agree. If not, please kindly ask them to leave the server before actually (temp)banning them.

Unless they join with no tags, in the middle of a match...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on September 26, 2015, 08:46:29 pm
82nd 6:4 25th

nice game and well fought by both sides, but both had some problems with closing their gaps.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: The_Ace on September 26, 2015, 09:20:37 pm
Was a fun line battle in my opinion.
The 25th guys are very unpredictable :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 26, 2015, 09:35:16 pm
GG 23e Stronger regiment , but acting honestly I share how I do not know him.

Thanks for need , Referee Gujkov!

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bravescot on September 26, 2015, 09:46:12 pm
12th 10-0 21e

Thanks for being the ref Rommel!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: james gilray on September 26, 2015, 09:51:14 pm
Thanks for being a balanced and fair referee Rommel!.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ChubbyCat14 on September 26, 2015, 10:31:19 pm
Is it possible to watch the NWL? May I contact you on steam?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 26, 2015, 11:48:24 pm
Is it possible to watch the NWL? May I contact you on steam?
Yes of course, just the two part taking regiments have to say yes or no as far as I know
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: HughHefner on September 26, 2015, 11:49:07 pm
I would of signed 17e for this but it would be way too easy for us.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 12:10:24 am
Reminder for tomorrow:

Regiments: 92nd vs 61e;
Time: 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_2;
Referee: Gojkov.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 12:18:17 am
Reminder for tomorrow:

Regiments: 92nd vs 61e;
Time: 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_2;
Referee: Gojkov.
looking forward for it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 12:19:00 am
Reminder for tomorrow:

Regiments: 92nd vs 61e;
Time: 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_2;
Referee: Gojkov.
looking forward for it.

Likewise :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 27, 2015, 12:30:15 am
I would of signed 17e for this but it would be way too easy for us.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 12:30:50 am
I would of signed 17e for this but it would be way too easy for us.

would have*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 27, 2015, 12:31:29 am
I would of signed 17e for this but it would be way too easy for us.

would have*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dom_ on September 27, 2015, 12:33:11 am
I would of signed 17e for this but it would be way too easy for us.

would have*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 12:34:33 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dom_ on September 27, 2015, 12:37:47 am
mhmm humm gurl
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: bobertini on September 27, 2015, 12:50:03 am
I would of signed 17e for this but it would be way too easy for us.

would have*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 02:00:16 am
is it me or any of the original post images are not loading? links could be broken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: notmoving on September 27, 2015, 02:51:40 am
is it me or any of the original post images are loading? links could be broken

Not just you
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 27, 2015, 04:19:59 am
is it me or any of the original post images are not loading? links could be broken

Can confirm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: notmoving on September 27, 2015, 04:43:59 am

First one down, RIP 21e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 27, 2015, 09:03:49 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season Signups!
Post by: KOBZIK on September 27, 2015, 10:12:22 am
Regiment: 8 Московский гренадерский полк (8 Moscow Grenadier Regiment)
Estimated attendance: 15-25
Leader's Steam: [8th_MGR]Morgan
Accept rules?: yes
u can take this reg to  replace the 21e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Pumti on September 27, 2015, 11:36:44 am

First one down, RIP 21e

And more to come.. The NWL shouldnt accept newly formed regiments, it usually goes like this.
A regiment should be atleast 3 months old to join the NWL, to make sure they wont disband in the middle of the tournament.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: bobertini on September 27, 2015, 11:38:22 am

First one down, RIP 21e

And more to come.. The NWL shouldnt accept newly formed regiments, it usually goes like this.
A regiment should be atleast 3 months old to join the NWL, to make sure they wont disband in the middle of the tournament.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 11:40:48 am

First one down, RIP 21e

And more to come.. The NWL shouldnt accept newly formed regiments, it usually goes like this.
A regiment should be atleast 3 months old to join the NWL, to make sure they wont disband in the middle of the tournament.
id say about 1-2 months old.. Cos not everyone knows when NWL starts and stuff so they might start all hype wanting to go NWL then theyd get about 1-2 months old and it will start and he'd be too late to enter cos yeah
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on September 27, 2015, 11:50:21 am
23e 10-0 82nd_Bashi

Thanks to Gojkov for being referee and thanks to the 82nd for the (mostly) clean match, was fun! Good luck for the upcoming matches. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: huanmpth on September 27, 2015, 11:54:52 am

And more to come.. The NWL shouldnt accept newly formed regiments, it usually goes like this.
A regiment should be atleast 3 months old to join the NWL, to make sure they wont disband in the middle of the tournament.

You're right, some will disband but it's not about the age of a regiment that you can judge that.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 12:10:55 pm

And more to come.. The NWL shouldnt accept newly formed regiments, it usually goes like this.
A regiment should be atleast 3 months old to join the NWL, to make sure they wont disband in the middle of the tournament.

You're right, some will disband but it's not about the age of a regiment that you can judge that.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 27, 2015, 12:16:42 pm

And more to come.. The NWL shouldnt accept newly formed regiments, it usually goes like this.
A regiment should be atleast 3 months old to join the NWL, to make sure they wont disband in the middle of the tournament.

You're right, some will disband but it's not about the age of a regiment that you can judge that.

Indeed. Some may disband due to leader being inactive/irl problems. Etc
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: General Shepherd on September 27, 2015, 12:23:37 pm
23e 10-0 82nd_Bashi

Thanks to Gojkov for being referee and thanks to the 82nd for the (mostly) clean match, was fun! Good luck for the upcoming matches. :)

Thanks my brave , Gojkov new Hero! :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 12:46:36 pm
23e 10-0 82nd_Bashi

Thanks to Gojkov for being referee and thanks to the 82nd for the (mostly) clean match, was fun! Good luck for the upcoming matches. :)

Thanks my brave , Gojkov new Hero! :P

You're most welcome guys, it was a pleasure :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 12:51:44 pm
So, there's a free slot? We're just on the first week, and the 57e disbanded too
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 12:53:06 pm
57e is still here, they already played their first match against the 33rd. They did have some other tags though, BL_NWL, or something like that...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 01:32:08 pm
yeah, just saying as they closed all their events and etherton told me yesterday they disbanded, lets just wait it to be confirmed by themselves
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: bobertini on September 27, 2015, 01:33:28 pm
This is getting annoying now.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 01:45:44 pm
This is getting annoying now.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 01:46:15 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 27, 2015, 01:53:31 pm
The coming week we (16th) have a match against the 17thJR, their leader in an attempt to showcase extreme skills on situational judgement and post-modern culture and philosophy and obviously after carefull thinking he decided to... ignore both my friend requests.

I am posting this here in case someone from the 17thJR watches this thread and actually wants to play against us
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 02:09:06 pm
25e i believe have disbanded aswell..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 27, 2015, 02:11:58 pm
25e i believe have disbanded aswell..

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: james gilray on September 27, 2015, 02:21:53 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 27, 2015, 02:29:01 pm
But wait - there's more!

Yesterday, in the match 13teHG vs 21o, 13teHG used 2 invites. Therefor, 13teHG is being expelled from NWL. Also, the 2 players who invited are also banned from NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: james gilray on September 27, 2015, 02:32:17 pm
mom get the camera.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on September 27, 2015, 02:33:38 pm
4e and 15thYR have stopped playing NW and have merged to become a multi-gaming community too.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 02:33:49 pm
Server reservation.

Regiments: 23e vs 14th;
Time and date: Saturday, 03.10.2015, 19:15 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Cazasar on September 27, 2015, 02:33:54 pm
Was the Ref of the match, can confirm. The match was extremely close (5:5) and one of the invites was top score in every round. Pretty idiotic to use an invite in the first match :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 02:34:28 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 02:40:28 pm
4e and 15thYR have stopped playing NW and have merged to become a multi-gaming community too.
You wish
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: bobertini on September 27, 2015, 02:41:31 pm
4e and 15thYR have stopped playing NW and have merged to become a multi-gaming community too.
I wish.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Chieef on September 27, 2015, 02:48:15 pm

First one down, RIP 21e

Still continuing under different tags.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 02:51:24 pm

Which movie is this ? :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 02:55:32 pm

First one down, RIP 21e

Still continuing under different tags.
so 72nd v 72nd? nice.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 27, 2015, 02:57:28 pm

First one down, RIP 21e

Still continuing under different tags.
so 72nd v 72nd? nice.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 02:57:48 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 03:27:53 pm

Which movie is this ? :P
Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars "The movie"
nah i honestly dunno :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 03:36:26 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 27, 2015, 03:38:33 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)

R.I.P   :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 03:39:44 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)

Was nice having you :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 03:44:02 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)
pff right k
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 03:50:23 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)
pff right k

dont cri just cus your only pr0 opposition are gone
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Louisss on September 27, 2015, 03:52:43 pm
true true 92nd should be league 1  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 03:53:05 pm
true true 92nd should be league 1  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: bobertini on September 27, 2015, 03:58:14 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)
pff right k

dont cri just cus your only pr0 opposition are gone
But 33rd gave you the sausage.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AeroNinja on September 27, 2015, 03:58:58 pm
The 57e is Disbanding after the 25th event tonight. This has nothing to do with the fact we are new. Its the unfortunate fact i managed to get in around 20+ long time playing nw players who all within the space of the last 2 months have slowly retired from nw. Ive not had a player leave us for another reg in my understanding. Had 10 retire in the last 2.5 weeks only managed to bring half that in with recruits but inactive na ones. Its a sad day but twas fun. Maybe now the 92nd have a chance at winning League 2 ;)

Thanks to all who supported us. I think there is a conspiracy with French regiments disbanding this year as it is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo #RipMyFallenBrothers

Peace Bitches Etherskrub out  8)
pff right k

dont cri just cus your only pr0 opposition are gone
LOL. ok...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 27, 2015, 04:07:01 pm
Etherton +1  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:13:53 pm
92nd be hating cus they got rekt by League 3 Opposition RIP League 1 comments
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 04:14:58 pm
92nd be hating cus they got rekt by League 3 Opposition RIP League 1 comments
xD yeah k
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:15:35 pm
92nd be hating cus they got rekt by League 3 Opposition RIP League 1 comments
xD yeah k

Id 8-2 be a 92nd member thinking their memes are as good as mine :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 27, 2015, 04:16:52 pm
im confused now
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:18:28 pm
im confused now

92nd lost 8-2 to 17th JR (L3 team) in nlc so i like to meme Heinrich over it. that is where the 8-2 pun comes from :(

Also Rip Nr12 EtherOP:

Top memes ily Exotic :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 27, 2015, 04:18:58 pm
What is going on here.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AeroNinja on September 27, 2015, 04:19:00 pm
im confused now
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 27, 2015, 04:19:21 pm
U silly boi, dis is photoshop i swer
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 04:19:48 pm
Etherton seems to like starting arguements. What a "Ref" he is

92nd be hating cus they got rekt by League 3 Opposition RIP League 1 comments
and idc if we lost to 17th JR in NLC? xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Cazasar on September 27, 2015, 04:20:01 pm
U silly boi, dis is photoshop i swer
it is, etherton was and will be worst spartan AU
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:20:07 pm
U silly boi, dis is photoshop i swer

yeh i photoshopped Nr12 scores to make you look better  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 27, 2015, 04:20:53 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 27, 2015, 04:20:56 pm
What is going on here.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:21:15 pm
U silly boi, dis is photoshop i swer
it is, etherton was and will be worst spartan AU

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:21:47 pm
Heinrich cant take a joke, he gets to defensive when someone says something but when he says it its ok #DoubleStandards
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 04:22:46 pm
Heinrich cant take a joke, he gets to defensive when someone says something but when he says it its ok #DoubleStandards
am i defensive ;3?

i dont care xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:23:34 pm
Heinrich cant take a joke, he gets to defensive when someone says something but when he says it its ok #DoubleStandards
am i defensive ;3?

i dont care xD

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 27, 2015, 04:23:57 pm
Heinrich and etherton can shut the f up now. No drama. Thank you.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 04:24:27 pm
Funny that NWL ref starting arguements on the NWL page ;3

Im going to stop posting and only post relevant stuff towards NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Mr_Etherton on September 27, 2015, 04:25:22 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 04:30:11 pm
Whats happened to the pictures on first page ;o?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: huanmpth on September 27, 2015, 04:52:16 pm
1st week, 3 reg left in league 2  ::).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: 17th_JR_Pplk on September 27, 2015, 04:55:47 pm
The coming week we (16th) have a match against the 17thJR, their leader in an attempt to showcase extreme skills on situational judgement and post-modern culture and philosophy and obviously after carefull thinking he decided to... ignore both my friend requests.

I am posting this here in case someone from the 17thJR watches this thread and actually wants to play against us
The 1st week isnt over and u r already complaining. Add me on steam, we will fix the date problem.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Tournesol on September 27, 2015, 04:56:09 pm
1st week, 3 reg left in league 2  ::).

thx DasBrot...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 27, 2015, 04:57:03 pm
Im Hyped for today's Match #NWLHype!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Chieef on September 27, 2015, 04:58:03 pm

First one down, RIP 21e

Still continuing under different tags.
so 72nd v 72nd? nice.

Better than just leaving NWL, there's 2 82nd Regiments in league 2 so what's your problem matey?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 05:01:15 pm

First one down, RIP 21e

Still continuing under different tags.
so 72nd v 72nd? nice.

Better than just leaving NWL, there's 2 82nd Regiments in league 2 so what's your problem matey?
Haha thats true
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 27, 2015, 05:12:11 pm
If regiments disband, it would be nice if their leaders give me a short message on steam so I can h8 on them personally :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 05:49:07 pm
If regiments disband, it would be nice if their leaders give me a short message on steam so I can h8 on them personally :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 06:04:12 pm
Server reservation.

Regiments: 23e vs 14th;
Time and date: Saturday, 03.10.2015, 19:15 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov

They need one.

Alrighty, another match for me.

Regiments: 33rd vs 92nd;
Time and date: Saturday, 03.10.2015; 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_2;
Referee: Gojkov.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on September 27, 2015, 06:14:40 pm
How much memes could a memer meme if a memer could meme memes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: KOBZIK on September 27, 2015, 06:40:07 pm
How much memes could a memer meme if a memer could meme memes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on September 27, 2015, 07:03:15 pm
Server reservation.

Regiments: 23e vs 14th;
Time and date: Saturday, 03.10.2015, 19:15 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov

I can referee if needed.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Ambiguous on September 27, 2015, 07:37:46 pm
Need Ref Quickly 5te vs Saints, starting in 23 mins. Chieef stepped out last minute , If any available please contact me ( asap!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on September 27, 2015, 07:44:52 pm
Server reservation.

Regiments: 23e vs 14th;
Time and date: Saturday, 03.10.2015, 19:15 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov

I can referee if needed.

Problem solved already, Gody is doing it. But thanks Macca. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 27, 2015, 07:50:22 pm
Saints vs. 5te: 10 - 0
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 08:51:49 pm
92nd vs 61e: 6:4

Clean match, was fun to ref and watch.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 09:00:58 pm
92nd vs 61e: 6:4

Clean match, was fun to ref and watch.
the camps ;[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Saxon on September 27, 2015, 09:09:38 pm
92nd vs 61e: 6:4

Clean match, was fun to ref and watch.

must like karth too  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Lecourbe on September 27, 2015, 09:11:37 pm
Nice match... But.. at the end.. I cryyy :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on September 27, 2015, 09:17:33 pm
Nice match... But.. at the end.. I cryyy :'( :'( :'(
at the end i had to just clip the back of ur line haha
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: huanmpth on September 27, 2015, 09:24:01 pm
Good match 92nd see you on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dominic on September 27, 2015, 10:03:28 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 47e
League : 3rd League
Date : 6th of October
Time : 19gmt
Referee : Godygamer
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 27, 2015, 10:50:11 pm
Regiments: 16th vs 17thJR;
Time and date: Sunday, 04.10.2015, 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_5;
Referee: Gojkov.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Patricius on September 27, 2015, 10:55:59 pm
Match:  47e vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Rommel
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 27, 2015, 11:35:15 pm
Match:  Nr12 vs 3rd
League : 1st League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 28, 2015, 12:23:51 am
Match:  Nr12 vs 3rd
League : 1st League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Needed

I'd like to be your referee if you're willing to accept me :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on September 28, 2015, 12:27:31 am
Server reservation.

Regiments: 23e vs 14th;
Time and date: Saturday, 03.10.2015, 19:15 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov

I can referee if needed.

Problem solved already, Gody is doing it. But thanks Macca. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: notmoving on September 28, 2015, 01:58:06 am
Match: 51st Vs 8pp
League : 1st League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Stef
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on September 28, 2015, 09:02:54 am
Match:  Nr12 vs 3rd
League : 1st League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Needed

I'd like to be your referee if you're willing to accept me :P

for me it is ok :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 28, 2015, 02:53:48 pm
3rd accepted me as your ref as well so...

Regiments: Nr12 vs 3rd;
Time and date: Thursday 01.10.2015, 19:00 GMT;
Server: NWL_1;
Referee: Gojkov.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Beatz on September 28, 2015, 03:39:35 pm

Match:  GGR_Nr4 vs 63e
League : 1st League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 28, 2015, 04:25:47 pm
Match: 2Lhr VS 66pp
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Date: 30th September 7pm GMT |Wednesday|
Server: NWL_1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Spartan Hoplites Official on September 28, 2015, 05:42:20 pm
Match: Spartans vs. 77y
League : 1st League
Date : 4th of October
Time : 19:00gmt
Referee : Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on September 28, 2015, 05:47:30 pm
Match:  47e vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Rommel

veľa šťastia 47e/ good luck 47e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on September 28, 2015, 05:59:49 pm
Match: Spartans vs 77y
Referee: Salakien
Date: 2nd October 7pm GMT |Friday|
Server: NWL_1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Marton on September 28, 2015, 06:33:49 pm
As the 72nd is new in the NWL is there any chance we can actually play our first match with the 12th instead starting with a loss match?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 28, 2015, 06:56:52 pm
As the 72nd is new in the NWL is there any chance we can actually play our first match with the 12th instead starting with a loss match?
It's treated like you just renamed. No rematch.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Marton on September 28, 2015, 07:03:34 pm
As the 72nd is new in the NWL is there any chance we can actually play our first match with the 12th instead starting with a loss match?
It's treated like you just renamed. No rematch.

Actually the 21e merged to us and they will continue. But then change it to the right name. 72nd [English Speaking Company] as the original 72nd (the Hungarians) doesen't take part in it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 28, 2015, 07:39:23 pm
It's treated like you just renamed. No rematch.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Saxon on September 28, 2015, 07:43:25 pm
I'm resuming to ref, so hmu on here or steam if you need anyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 28, 2015, 07:47:07 pm
4e change name to 27th btw.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 28, 2015, 08:38:42 pm
An absolute honour to ref tonight's match.

3teFK vs 6te: 2:8
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 28, 2015, 08:42:17 pm
4e change name to 27th btw.
u srs m8?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Saxon on September 28, 2015, 08:46:58 pm
He is ^ good match for the 6te there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Marton on September 28, 2015, 09:01:44 pm
It's treated like you just renamed. No rematch.

Yes they renamed to 72nd [English Speaking Company] so would be happy if you could change their name to the right one. As only our EU company will take part in the NWL (21e) not the Hungarians. And if you just say "72nd Seaforth" it sounds like the whole 72nd is taking part in it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DarkLight on September 28, 2015, 09:25:26 pm
You will soon fear the might of London Santiago
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 28, 2015, 09:33:33 pm
Match: Saints vs 21o
League : 2nd League
Date : 4th of October
Time : 19 gmt
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 28, 2015, 09:43:30 pm
4e change name to 27th btw.
u srs m8?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on September 28, 2015, 09:58:01 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : dusan wittgen
Server: No Longer Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dusan on September 28, 2015, 10:00:09 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : Needed
Server: Needed
I am free  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Kore on September 28, 2015, 10:00:41 pm
wtf are there 651651321065 72nd regiments or wat
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on September 28, 2015, 10:09:30 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : Needed
Server: Needed
I am free  ;)

Excellent. i guess we simply hope one of the NWL servers are free?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on September 28, 2015, 10:10:57 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : Needed
Server: Needed
I am free  ;)

Excellent. i guess we simply hope one of the NWL servers are free?

Reservating one is better. Then you are sure you have one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Marton on September 28, 2015, 10:11:45 pm
wtf are there 651651321065 72nd regiments or wat

You are right 2 is so fucking much!!44 I will explain anyway. There is a russian 72nd (fake) and us the original 72nd. BUT we have an English speaking company (mostly old 21e members) and they will stay in NWL (so not the Hungarians). Is it clear now?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on September 28, 2015, 10:12:32 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : Needed
Server: Needed
I am free  ;)

Excellent. i guess we simply hope one of the NWL servers are free?

Reservating one is better. Then you are sure you have one
How does one?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 28, 2015, 10:14:21 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : Needed
Server: Needed

I'd be happy to be your ref.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on September 28, 2015, 10:15:20 pm
Hello, help please.

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : Needed
Server: Needed

I'd be happy to be your ref.

Thanks Gojkov. But dusan wittgen has stepped up to the plate. Next time!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dusan on September 28, 2015, 10:16:44 pm
ohu. my first nwl match as ref this season  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 28, 2015, 10:16:53 pm
No problem. Good luck! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dusan on September 28, 2015, 10:22:34 pm

Match: 72nd (Russian) v 54e
League : Turd League
Date : 2nd of October
Time : 7pm BST
Referee : dusan
Server: NWL 2
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: KOBZIK on September 28, 2015, 11:43:47 pm

League : Turd League

Abuse сука блять
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on September 29, 2015, 12:22:09 am

League : Turd League

Abuse сука блять

An honest spelling mistake...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: KOBZIK on September 29, 2015, 12:45:44 am

League : Turd League

Abuse сука блять

An honest spelling mistake...
so what
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 29, 2015, 07:37:17 am
Regiments: 1Rhein - 52y
Time: Tuesday, 29.09 - 7pm GMT
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Chicken

Regiments: Saints - 21o
Time: Saturday, 03.10 - 7pm GMT
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: wilu_daskar on September 29, 2015, 04:40:04 pm
Regiments: Saints - 21o
Time: Saturday, 03.10 - 7pm GMT
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Chicken

21o agreed on Sunday (04.10) i think

Match: Saints vs 21o
League : 2nd League
Date : 4th of October
Time : 19 gmt
Referee : Needed

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Falk on September 29, 2015, 06:52:33 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 5pp
League : 1st League
Date : 1st of October
Time : 20 CET
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Berkovic on September 29, 2015, 06:58:48 pm
4e change name to 27th btw.
wat is da point of changing a regimental name?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 29, 2015, 07:15:31 pm
4e change name to 27th btw.
wat is da point of changing a regimental name?
Because we want to?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on September 29, 2015, 08:33:48 pm
52y vs. 1Rhein: 6-4

A close and tense match, congrats to the 52y for their victory and the 1Rhein for this tought combat
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on September 29, 2015, 09:05:38 pm
League 1, no match played yet. Same story as always :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 29, 2015, 09:06:56 pm
Match: 2Lhr VS 66pp
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Date: 30th September 7pm GMT |Wednesday|
Server: NWL_1

One to be played soon bever ;P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on September 29, 2015, 09:30:09 pm
Match: 2Lhr VS 66pp
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Date: 30th September 7pm GMT |Wednesday|
Server: NWL_1

One to be played soon bever ;P

Wow. Awesome :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DarkTemplar on September 29, 2015, 10:22:43 pm
Thank you :D
But it's time till Friday so no matters :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Perrier on September 30, 2015, 02:08:59 pm
And for this week?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on September 30, 2015, 02:11:02 pm
Reminder: 3rd vs Nr.12 tomorrow at 19:00 GMT on NWL_1, referee - Gojkov.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 30, 2015, 03:06:13 pm
Did none of the 1st League teams play or did I just not enter the results?  :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 30, 2015, 03:06:48 pm
Did none of the 1st League teams play or did I just not enter the results?  :o
We play 59th tonight.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 30, 2015, 03:08:02 pm
So it's 2 matches tonight.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on September 30, 2015, 03:22:46 pm
I just made some nice pictures where you can view ALL MATCHDAYS. Will put it in the 2nd post, too. Just check the Number on the left column for matchday.
1st League
2nd League
3rd League
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on September 30, 2015, 07:46:09 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 5pp
League : 1st League
Date : 1st of October
Time : 20 CET
Referee : Needed

May I falkyboy?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Berkovic on September 30, 2015, 07:58:17 pm
4e change name to 27th btw.
wat is da point of changing a regimental name?
Because we want to?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Nick Lazanis on September 30, 2015, 09:00:30 pm
Match: 2Lhr VS 66pp
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Date: 30th September 7pm GMT |Wednesday|
Server: NWL_1

GG. 8-2 to the 66pp. Well played to both sides
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on September 30, 2015, 09:04:07 pm
Great start of the season , best 1st round i ever saw and nice screenshot from the match.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on September 30, 2015, 09:10:25 pm
27th 9-1 59th

Good match, one rule break for 59th but was dealt with quickly.

Thanks for Gody referring
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on September 30, 2015, 10:09:05 pm
27th 9-1 59th

Good match, one rule break for 59th but was dealt with quickly.

Thanks for Gody referring
GG, wasn't too bad.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on October 01, 2015, 09:05:52 am
27th 9-1 59th

Good match, one rule break for 59th but was dealt with quickly.

Thanks for Gody referring
GG, wasn't too bad.
Lost a round cos herishey teamkilled half of our team. What a troll.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 01, 2015, 11:13:29 am
27th 9-1 59th

Good match, one rule break for 59th but was dealt with quickly.

Thanks for Gody referring
GG, wasn't too bad.
Lost a round cos herishey teamkilled half of our team. What a troll.
M8 pls I got shot that round (I think).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Thorvic on October 01, 2015, 11:33:19 am
Hey there, I would have a single question to ask, let's take my personal case for example : i'm myself in the same brigade as the 16eJG, am i able, in this case, to take part to the league with them, in their matches, as regiment ally ? Or is that forbidden ?

Have a nice day !
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Ambiguous on October 01, 2015, 11:37:53 am
For the 2nd Round of NWL the 5te are supposed to play against the 82nd (Turks). I added their leader on steam and began talking to him and realised he doesn't fucking speak english and he used Google translate to communicate with me(At this point in time I wanted to kill myself it was so cringey). Then he told me, that he can play me only one day of the week and one time and no other during the entire week. So gg to that, I said no and then he responded by telling me that he has all these events he is busy with etc. I told him that he would have to be flexible if he wanted to actually be able to play all of his matches as not every single regiment plays by one schedule. And I told him he would have to leave one of the events that week and play us in NWL. In response, he began typing things to me in turkish and blocked me. How fun it is to communicate with turks  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 01, 2015, 01:37:53 pm
Hey there, I would have a single question to ask, let's take my personal case for example : i'm myself in the same brigade as the 16eJG, am i able, in this case, to take part to the league with them, in their matches, as regiment ally ? Or is that forbidden ?

Have a nice day !
I'd assume its forbidden as you are not actually in the regiment, detachments are treated differently but not brigades.

59th v 27th video up;

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 01, 2015, 01:59:28 pm
Match: Saints vs 21o
League : 2nd League
Date : 4th of October
Time : 19 gmt
Referee : Needed
Date corrected
Referee: Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Carolus. on October 01, 2015, 04:27:16 pm
For the 2nd Round of NWL the 5te are supposed to play against the 82nd (Turks). I added their leader on steam and began talking to him and realised he doesn't fucking speak english and he used Google translate to communicate with me(At this point in time I wanted to kill myself it was so cringey). Then he told me, that he can play me only one day of the week and one time and no other during the entire week. So gg to that, I said no and then he responded by telling me that he has all these events he is busy with etc. I told him that he would have to be flexible if he wanted to actually be able to play all of his matches as not every single regiment plays by one schedule. And I told him he would have to leave one of the events that week and play us in NWL. In response, he began typing things to me in turkish and blocked me. How fun it is to communicate with turks  ::) ::)

hahahaha dem turks gib falafel ples
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: pieter on October 01, 2015, 05:41:48 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 5pp
League : 1st League
Date : 1st of October
Time : 20 CET
Referee : Needed

May I falkyboy?

I am fine with it Ragnar
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on October 01, 2015, 05:49:04 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 5pp
League : 1st League
Date : 1st of October
Time : 20 CET
Referee : Needed

May I falkyboy?

I am fine with it Ragnar
No one asked for your opinion
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 01, 2015, 07:04:42 pm
phailur be an example of what proper civic conduct is please
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 01, 2015, 07:09:12 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 5pp
League : 1st League
Date : 1st of October
Time : 20 CET
Referee : Needed

May I falkyboy?

I am fine with it Ragnar
No one asked for your opinion
rude Milosz , I'll take it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 01, 2015, 07:28:07 pm
Regiments: 15th YR - 5pp
Time: Thursday, 01.10 - 7pm GMT
Server: NWL_4
Referee: Ragnar

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Henri on October 01, 2015, 07:31:03 pm
Regiments: 63e vs GGR4
Time and date: Thursday 01/10/15 19:00GMT
Server: NWL_2
Referee: Henri.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on October 01, 2015, 07:52:11 pm
phailur be an example of what proper civic conduct is please
that goes against the first rule of fse
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 01, 2015, 08:32:02 pm
Extremely clean match between 3rd and Nr.12 tonight. Honour to ref.

Final score: 8:2 for Nr.12.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 01, 2015, 08:35:41 pm
15th YR vs. 3pp 8:2 to the 15th good match  :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on October 01, 2015, 08:36:58 pm
GG to the 3rd. Enjoyable Match, we had a hard way to find into the Match in the first half.
Also it would be nice if we could not play on NWL1 again. Many People simply dont find the Server or are having a 160 Ping.

If this is not possible, well, we will accept it.

Thanks to Gojkov for reffing our Match, he did a great Job.
Thumbs up!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 01, 2015, 08:38:49 pm
Thanks Exotic for the kind words. I'll let St3fan know about the problem with his servers and make sure your next match is on Dodo's server or something (no matter who your next ref is). Good luck in the rest of the league.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Carolus. on October 01, 2015, 08:55:48 pm
First match utter cancer;_; Get a rule forcing lines to move after a certain amount of time please
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Henri on October 01, 2015, 08:55:59 pm
Final score 5-5 gg good match a lot of camping near the end though  >:(

Game : 63e v GGR
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on October 01, 2015, 08:56:38 pm
Regiments: Nr12 vs 2Lhr
Time and date: 6th October 7GMT
Server: None yet
Referee: Needed

Looking forward to it :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 01, 2015, 09:00:22 pm
51st vs. 8pp: 9 - 1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Carolus. on October 01, 2015, 09:18:26 pm
Final score 5-5 gg good match a lot of camping near the end though  >:(

Game : 63e v GGR

Who kept advancing? :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on October 01, 2015, 09:26:50 pm
Match:  47e vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Rommel and Salakien

Result 10:0 for 47e , there were some issues with ping and FoL
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Vir An on October 01, 2015, 09:53:19 pm
Match:  47e vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Rommel and Salakien

Result 10:0 for 47e , there were some issues with ping and FoL

"Some issues", when 3/4 of your regiment PING OVER 100 and from the enemy NO ONE OVER THE 70, I call it MORE THAN SOME IUSSES. We also proupose to change server AT THE 2-3nd ROUND, but it was refused. Maybe we wouldn't have win anyway, but at least it could have gone MORE better. I took also some videos where is visible that for the firing part the match was balanced (sometimes also better for us), while in melee people have STRONG difficulties in blocking and attacking on time.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: bobertini on October 01, 2015, 09:54:28 pm
Match:  47e vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 1. Oct. (Thursday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Rommel and Salakien

Result 10:0 for 47e , there were some issues with ping and FoL

"Some issues", when 3/4 of your regiment PING OVER 100 and from the enemy NO ONE OVER THE 70, I call it MORE THAN SOME IUSSES. We also proupose to change server AT THE 2-3nd ROUND, but it was refused. Maybe we wouldn't have win anyway, but at least it could have gone MORE better. I took also some videos where is visible that for the firing part the match was balanced (sometimes also better for us), while in melee people have STRONG difficulties in blocking and attacking on time.
Go outside and take a deep breath.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Vir An on October 01, 2015, 10:08:47 pm
Go outside and take a deep breath.

I'm not saying we have to re play the match, just saying that it's not fair that players from a nation can take advantage on things against the ones we can't do nothing. So thanks for your sarcasm, but we don't want it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 01, 2015, 10:12:16 pm
Go outside and take a deep breath.

I'm not saying we have to re play the match, just saying that it's not fair that players from a nation can take advantage on things against the ones we can't do nothing. So thanks for your sarcasm, but we don't want it.
Why sign up :/ not trying to be mean or anything..

Ping is ping.. and sometimes you have to deal with it..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dom_ on October 01, 2015, 10:16:13 pm
Go outside and take a deep breath.

I'm not saying we have to re play the match, just saying that it's not fair that players from a nation can take advantage on things against the ones we can't do nothing. So thanks for your sarcasm, but we don't want it.
Why sign up :/ not trying to be mean or anything..

Ping is ping.. and sometimes you have to deal with it..
It's a valid point. Ping is always going to be an issue, and say if the server was hosted in Italy then that's just an advantage to you.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Berkovic on October 01, 2015, 10:18:03 pm
For the 2nd Round of NWL the 5te are supposed to play against the 82nd (Turks). I added their leader on steam and began talking to him and realised he doesn't fucking speak english and he used Google translate to communicate with me(At this point in time I wanted to kill myself it was so cringey). Then he told me, that he can play me only one day of the week and one time and no other during the entire week. So gg to that, I said no and then he responded by telling me that he has all these events he is busy with etc. I told him that he would have to be flexible if he wanted to actually be able to play all of his matches as not every single regiment plays by one schedule. And I told him he would have to leave one of the events that week and play us in NWL. In response, he began typing things to me in turkish and blocked me. How fun it is to communicate with turks  ::) ::)

hahahaha dem turks gib falafel ples
*kebab pls, no falafel
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Vir An on October 01, 2015, 10:19:02 pm
Go outside and take a deep breath.

I'm not saying we have to re play the match, just saying that it's not fair that players from a nation can take advantage on things against the ones we can't do nothing. So thanks for your sarcasm, but we don't want it.
Why sign up :/ not trying to be mean or anything..

Ping is ping.. and sometimes you have to deal with it..

I know that, we were ready to put up with some lag, but there are other servers avaible from NWL, and we've asked at the start to change it to balance for all.
I don't want to make it an important problem, just that next time we hope our request will be listened if there's need.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Vir An on October 01, 2015, 10:21:26 pm
It's a valid point. Ping is always going to be an issue, and say if the server was hosted in Italy then that's just an advantage to you.

I really quote you. I don't want to have the best ping here around, just that if the situoation is too difficult, just change on a germany server (they were french, us italy), so it would have been a deal for both, as idea.

But just that. I don't want a re-match, or a server in Italy.
Thank you for the understanding.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 01, 2015, 10:57:55 pm
It's a valid point. Ping is always going to be an issue, and say if the server was hosted in Italy then that's just an advantage to you.

I really quote you. I don't want to have the best ping here around, just that if the situoation is too difficult, just change on a germany server (they were french, us italy), so it would have been a deal for both, as idea.

But just that. I don't want a re-match, or a server in Italy.
Thank you for the understanding.
Due to extra web protection in Germany hosting a server there makes EVERYONE lag, even the Germans.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 01, 2015, 11:46:02 pm
It's a valid point. Ping is always going to be an issue, and say if the server was hosted in Italy then that's just an advantage to you.

I really quote you. I don't want to have the best ping here around, just that if the situoation is too difficult, just change on a germany server (they were french, us italy), so it would have been a deal for both, as idea.

But just that. I don't want a re-match, or a server in Italy.
Thank you for the understanding.
Due to extra web protection in Germany hosting a server there makes EVERYONE lag, even the Germans.

My servers are hosted in France, as far as I know so are Dodo's. Changing server wouldn't have mattered ping wise
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 02, 2015, 08:12:41 am
Regiments: Nr12 vs 2Lhr
Time and date: 6th October 7GMT
Server: None yet
Referee: Needed

Looking forward to it :)

I can be your ref (again).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on October 02, 2015, 08:37:43 am
Of Cource, but ask the 2Lhr as well :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 02, 2015, 08:38:23 am
Will do.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on October 02, 2015, 10:32:31 am
"Some issues", when 3/4 of your regiment PING OVER 100 and from the enemy NO ONE OVER THE 70, I call it MORE THAN SOME IUSSES. We also proupose to change server AT THE 2-3nd ROUND, but it was refused. Maybe we wouldn't have win anyway, but at least it could have gone MORE better. I took also some videos where is visible that for the firing part the match was balanced (sometimes also better for us), while in melee people have STRONG difficulties in blocking and attacking on time.

Contact your ISP and switch to Fastpath, it is free ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Kostis21 on October 02, 2015, 01:49:08 pm
"Some issues", when 3/4 of your regiment PING OVER 100 and from the enemy NO ONE OVER THE 70, I call it MORE THAN SOME IUSSES. We also proupose to change server AT THE 2-3nd ROUND, but it was refused. Maybe we wouldn't have win anyway, but at least it could have gone MORE better. I took also some videos where is visible that for the firing part the match was balanced (sometimes also better for us), while in melee people have STRONG difficulties in blocking and attacking on time.

Contact your ISP and switch to Fastpath, it is free ;)

gotta love this guy ^
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 02, 2015, 03:10:57 pm
Who doesn't?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 02, 2015, 03:49:32 pm
Regiments: Nr12 vs 2Lhr
Time and date: 6th October 7GMT
Server: None yet
Referee: Needed

Looking forward to it :)

I can be your ref (again).

2Lhr confirmed me, cya on your next match.

Will be NWL_5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on October 02, 2015, 05:31:55 pm
100 Ping in Italy makes it obvious that he doesnt :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on October 02, 2015, 05:34:15 pm
77y vs Spartans
Ref : Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Vir An on October 02, 2015, 07:58:27 pm
100 Ping in Italy makes it obvious that he doesnt :P

Still loving you for BC  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on October 02, 2015, 09:12:50 pm
Match:  77y vs Spartans
League : 1st League
Date : 2. Oct. (Friday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Salakien

Result 7:3 for 77y , no problem great match :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on October 02, 2015, 10:00:20 pm
Only league that played their matches in time was 2nd League >:(

For the rest 0-0? Hurry up with your matches! Because

2nd Matchday
Oct. 2nd - Oct. 8th

started today!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 03, 2015, 02:35:38 pm
2nd league hype! :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Ndreval on October 03, 2015, 03:05:58 pm
Oh,remind me pls 2nd week is now( to 4.10) or next? ( 5-12)?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 03, 2015, 03:08:08 pm
2nd league hype! :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on October 03, 2015, 03:48:25 pm
Oh,remind me pls 2nd week is now( to 4.10) or next? ( 5-12)?
2nd Matchday
Oct. 2nd - Oct. 8th
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Vir An on October 03, 2015, 04:07:43 pm
Regiments: 1Pa vs 1°Reg
Time and date: 09/10/15 8.00 GMT
Server: None yet
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on October 03, 2015, 05:37:56 pm
Miquelets are now in 2nd league, hopped into 57e's Spot. Welcome to NWL :*

33rd vs Miquelets to be played from Matchday 1. Updated the fixtures picture in 2nd post.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 03, 2015, 05:54:41 pm
Miquelets are now in 2nd league, hopped into 57e's Spot. Welcome to NWL :*

33rd vs Miquelets to be played from Matchday 1. Updated the fixtures picture in 2nd post.
leage 2 omg rip
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 03, 2015, 06:21:05 pm
Miquelets are now in 2nd league, hopped into 57e's Spot. Welcome to NWL :*

33rd vs Miquelets to be played from Matchday 1. Updated the fixtures picture in 2nd post.
welcome to them i guess
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 03, 2015, 06:33:50 pm
oops wrong thread :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 03, 2015, 06:36:04 pm
oops wrong thread :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dominic on October 03, 2015, 07:30:52 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 17th_JR
League : 3rd League
Date : 11th of October
Time : 19gmt
Referee : Zappy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 03, 2015, 07:41:24 pm
72nd (Russians) 7 - 3 54e.

Not the best match, few number issues but overall well played to the Russian 72nd.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 03, 2015, 07:52:59 pm
Apologies for double post, editing is too mainstream.

2nd match - details

Regiments: 72nd (actual one) vs 54e
Date: 04/10/15
Time: 19:00 GMT
Referee: Needed.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 03, 2015, 08:16:40 pm
reupload the thread images please :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 03, 2015, 08:37:35 pm
Rather one sided match, yet clean.

8:2 for 92nd was the final score. Thanks for having me lads.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 03, 2015, 08:43:48 pm
61 3-7 6te, gg both but 61e pls watch your OA :P

Ty for reffing and gl for your next matches
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 03, 2015, 08:47:38 pm
61 3-7 6te, gg both but 61e pls watch your OA :P

Ty for reffing and gl for your next matches

Thank you for reffing so spontaniously and gg to 61e ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on October 03, 2015, 08:51:32 pm
23e 10-0 14th

Thanks to Gody! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 03, 2015, 08:58:11 pm
Regiments: 23e vs Miquelets
Time and date: Saturday 10/10/2015, 19:45 GMT;
Server: NWL_3
Referee: Gojkov
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 03, 2015, 09:01:22 pm
Rather one sided match, yet clean.

8:2 for 92nd was the final score. Thanks for having me lads.
Thanks for reffing :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 03, 2015, 09:03:44 pm
Rather one sided match, yet clean.

8:2 for 92nd was the final score. Thanks for having me lads.
Thanks for reffing :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 03, 2015, 11:39:08 pm
My pleasure lads.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Barbaneth on October 04, 2015, 02:49:55 pm
Can anyone ref tonight for 10thLR vs 72nd (Russians) at 7pm GMT?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on October 04, 2015, 06:43:40 pm
Match: 1°Reg vs 1Pa
League : 3rd League
Date : October, 9th
Time : 8pm GMT
Referee : Bever
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 04, 2015, 07:08:08 pm
Need a referee for tonight. Anyone free?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 04, 2015, 07:39:57 pm
10thLR needs one as well.. I literally asked everyone and nobody is free tonight.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 04, 2015, 08:36:46 pm
10thLR needs one as well.. I literally asked everyone and nobody is free tonight.
dusan is doing it ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 04, 2015, 08:41:56 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 04, 2015, 08:43:59 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd
Thanks for reffing.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Chieef on October 04, 2015, 08:44:22 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd

Absolute memes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 04, 2015, 08:46:27 pm
Saints vs. 21o: 8:2

A close combat with impressive last man standing duels 
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on October 04, 2015, 09:03:32 pm
Hey, Just wanted to suggest something for future tournaments. The +1 rule whereby a bigger regiment is allowed to field one extra player than their opponents is a bizarre rule and merely rewards bigger regiments. If both teams have 15 then the LB should be a balanced fight. It is weird when there are so many very competitive people competing here but can't agree to a fair fight...

I would also make it compulsory that both leaders have the ref on steam to help with in-battle communications. We had an issue with a ref not enforcing the rules and changing his mind on decisions and not answering simple queries on the decision which if we paused the battle and simply had a discussion then the matter would have been resolved, unfortunately it left a bad taste and atmosphere which ruined the rest of the fight. It was a good fight up until that point, both sides I'm sure would agree that it was so. 

Happy to talk to whomever about the specifics of the LB I mention.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 04, 2015, 09:03:47 pm
72nd vs. 10thLR: 7:3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Momchilo on October 04, 2015, 09:09:57 pm
Do we report referees here or is there a specific topic for that? Can any player from the participating regiments file a complaint, or does it have to be the regiment leader?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 04, 2015, 09:18:11 pm
Hey, Just wanted to suggest something for future tournaments. The +1 rule whereby a bigger regiment is allowed to field one extra player than their opponents is a bizarre rule and merely rewards bigger regiments. If both teams have 15 then the LB should be a balanced fight. It is weird when there are so many very competitive people competing here but can't agree to a fair fight...

I would also make it compulsory that both leaders have the ref on steam to help with in-battle communications. We had an issue with a ref not enforcing the rules and changing his mind on decisions and not answering simple queries on the decision which if we paused the battle and simply had a discussion then the matter would have been resolved, unfortunately it left a bad taste and atmosphere which ruined the rest of the fight. It was a good fight up until that point, both sides I'm sure would agree that it was so. 

Happy to talk to whomever about the specifics of the LB I mention.

Adding me on steam would have helped I cant be asked to ref a match 5 mins for 8 and then sort out every small issue people have.

The one man more thing has always been there.

Also as the rules state you shouldnt argue about decision during the event I just cant be asked to talk on 4 different chats at the same time, Im just a human.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dairus on October 04, 2015, 09:18:53 pm
Do we report referees here or is there a specific topic for that? Can any player from the participating regiments file a complaint, or does it have to be the regiment leader?
in my opinion, you should tell your leader about the reason. he is the right man for it to tell it brot
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: El_Presidente on October 04, 2015, 09:25:26 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd

Didn't realise challenging you over your decisions was against the rule, so I would like to apologise over that.

But I would like to point out that post is a bit immature for an admin, considering people were frustrated over your decisions, right or wrong.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Steffan on October 04, 2015, 09:27:09 pm
Hey, Just wanted to suggest something for future tournaments. The +1 rule whereby a bigger regiment is allowed to field one extra player than their opponents is a bizarre rule and merely rewards bigger regiments. If both teams have 15 then the LB should be a balanced fight. It is weird when there are so many very competitive people competing here but can't agree to a fair fight...

I would also make it compulsory that both leaders have the ref on steam to help with in-battle communications. We had an issue with a ref not enforcing the rules and changing his mind on decisions and not answering simple queries on the decision which if we paused the battle and simply had a discussion then the matter would have been resolved, unfortunately it left a bad taste and atmosphere which ruined the rest of the fight. It was a good fight up until that point, both sides I'm sure would agree that it was so. 

Happy to talk to whomever about the specifics of the LB I mention.

Adding me on steam would have helped I cant be asked to ref a match 5 mins for 8 and then sort out every small issue people have.

The one man more thing has always been there.

Also as the rules state you shouldnt argue about decision during the event I just cant be asked to talk on 4 different chats at the same time, Im just a human.

Yup that is why I would say pause the event to have that discussion. Your job is a hard one but the level of injustice we felt was intolerable and I'm afraid you chose to ignore what begun as reasonable requests and ended in farce.

On the +1 thing, just because it has always been there doesn't mean it can't change. It is common sense, I'm shocked it's been there from the start. I will be appealing to all our coming opponents to match our numbers in future, in the name of fairness.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 04, 2015, 09:33:40 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd

Didn't realise challenging you over your decisions was against the rule, so I would like to apologise over that.

But I would like to point out that post is a bit immature for an admin, considering people were frustrated over your decisions, right or wrong.

if you are frustrated keep it in your ts and dont start trolling and making it even harder to solve issues, getting spammed for certain things wont make it better since you especially were sitting in spectator writing a comment to everything what happend, I dont have a problem with people telling me what they think but if 20 people do it in the same time and start being trolls I just cant stand it and I go for what I feel fits best for the situation. I also cant really see a point of immaturity in my post since I just stated my opinion without going into detail and using unfitting words or insults.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 04, 2015, 09:43:36 pm
Match: Saints vs 82nd_Prince_of_Wales
League : 2nd League
Date : 10th of October
Time : 19gmt
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: El_Presidente on October 04, 2015, 09:46:22 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd

Didn't realise challenging you over your decisions was against the rule, so I would like to apologise over that.

But I would like to point out that post is a bit immature for an admin, considering people were frustrated over your decisions, right or wrong.

if you are frustrated keep it in your ts and dont start trolling and making it even harder to solve issues, getting spammed for certain things wont make it better since you especially were sitting in spectator writing a comment to everything what happend, I dont have a problem with people telling me what they think but if 20 people do it in the same time and start being trolls I just cant stand it and I go for what I feel fits best for the situation. I also cant really see a point of immaturity in my post since I just stated my opinion without going into detail and using unfitting words or insults.

I would like to point out when we officer aimed you not only originally stated he was too close but then changed your mind at the end of the round for no reason, when in fact there was a one man gap between the officer and his line when he was shot. You saw it, I saw it. If you are a human then you will understand how angry we became when they had lost that round anyway. Thus we were not in violation of:

3.1 Officer aiming is only true in the following situations;
    Shot whilst marching ahead of the line.
    Shot whilst ranged combat and not within 5 man spacing of the original line.

I would also like to point out we did not agree to have you as our referee, a representative of the 54e never had you on steam and as admin it is your duty to enforce the rules. The agreed referee was infact Dr.Brot:

10.1 Both regiments need to agree on the chosen referee.

I would also like to point out you never asked us whether we liked any of the maps, and the side swap was a round late:

8.1 Both regiments have to agree on a map. After 5 rounds teams will be swapped to the opposing faction.

I would also like to point out we were outnumbered by two men for at least 1 round (Possibly two), due to one of our guys being AFK who you failed to swap to spectator. We cannot swap him to spectator remotely!

Therefore the match simply has to be declared void. You know the above facts are true.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 04, 2015, 10:02:18 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd

Didn't realise challenging you over your decisions was against the rule, so I would like to apologise over that.

But I would like to point out that post is a bit immature for an admin, considering people were frustrated over your decisions, right or wrong.

if you are frustrated keep it in your ts and dont start trolling and making it even harder to solve issues, getting spammed for certain things wont make it better since you especially were sitting in spectator writing a comment to everything what happend, I dont have a problem with people telling me what they think but if 20 people do it in the same time and start being trolls I just cant stand it and I go for what I feel fits best for the situation. I also cant really see a point of immaturity in my post since I just stated my opinion without going into detail and using unfitting words or insults.

I would like to point out when we officer aimed you not only originally stated he was too close but then changed your mind at the end of the round for no reason, when in fact there was a one man gap between the officer and his line when he was shot. You saw it, I saw it. If you are a human then you will understand how angry we became when they had lost that round anyway. Thus we were not in violation of:

3.1 Officer aiming is only true in the following situations;
    Shot whilst marching ahead of the line.
    Shot whilst ranged combat and not within 5 man spacing of the original line.

I would also like to point out we did not agree to have you as our referee, a representative of the 54e never had you on steam and as admin it is your duty to enforce the rules. The agreed referee was infact Dr.Brot:

10.1 Both regiments need to agree on the chosen referee.

I would also like to point out you never asked us whether we liked any of the maps, and the side swap was a round late:

8.1 Both regiments have to agree on a map. After 5 rounds teams will be swapped to the opposing faction.

I would also like to point out we were outnumbered by two men for at least 1 round (Possibly two), due to one of our guys being AFK who you failed to swap to spectator. We cannot swap him to spectator remotely!

Therefore the match simply has to be declared void. You know the above facts are true.
Ragnar was correct to go back on his decision as far as we're concerned. I halted the line and ordered a fire at will and at that point I began to move away from the line which was clearly seen by both sides. One of your members whom I have forgotten the name of deliberately aimed at me (there was a clear distinction as my dead body was well away from the line) and shot. Pretty much officer aim.

Either way, thanks for the match. First few rounds were good until you decided to troll.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 04, 2015, 10:06:22 pm
72nd vs. 54e 10 - 0

54e trolled alot and argued all over there own mistakes they left the event in the last round, 72nd would have won anyway so gg to the 72nd

Didn't realise challenging you over your decisions was against the rule, so I would like to apologise over that.

But I would like to point out that post is a bit immature for an admin, considering people were frustrated over your decisions, right or wrong.

if you are frustrated keep it in your ts and dont start trolling and making it even harder to solve issues, getting spammed for certain things wont make it better since you especially were sitting in spectator writing a comment to everything what happend, I dont have a problem with people telling me what they think but if 20 people do it in the same time and start being trolls I just cant stand it and I go for what I feel fits best for the situation. I also cant really see a point of immaturity in my post since I just stated my opinion without going into detail and using unfitting words or insults.

I would like to point out when we officer aimed you not only originally stated he was too close but then changed your mind at the end of the round for no reason, when in fact there was a one man gap between the officer and his line when he was shot. You saw it, I saw it. If you are a human then you will understand how angry we became when they had lost that round anyway. Thus we were not in violation of:

3.1 Officer aiming is only true in the following situations;
    Shot whilst marching ahead of the line.
    Shot whilst ranged combat and not within 5 man spacing of the original line.

I would also like to point out we did not agree to have you as our referee, a representative of the 54e never had you on steam and as admin it is your duty to enforce the rules. The agreed referee was infact Dr.Brot:

10.1 Both regiments need to agree on the chosen referee.

I would also like to point out you never asked us whether we liked any of the maps:

8.1 Both regiments have to agree on a map. After 5 rounds teams will be swapped to the opposing faction.

I would also like to point out we were outnumbered by two men for at least 1 round (Possibly two), due to one of our guys being AFK who you failed to swap to spectator. We cannot swap him to spectator remotely!

Therefore the match simply has to be declared void. You know the above facts are true.

1. I didnt really see it at this point and got messaged by the 72nd representive saying it was clearly OA, so I reset the round you would have probably won I know, you lost the following round well getting angry then is understandable and was clearly a mistake from my side. After that you complained about OA when your officer was in the middle of the line or marching in front.

2. Brot asked me to do it for him 7 minutes before the event started, and nobody from the 54e seemed to be interested in the ref change nor adding me since you are supposed to add the ref and I cant be asked to set up the server and adding 10 people on steam at the same time.

3. Nobody complained about me nor the map in the beginning so I thought its fine and you seemed to use the maps advantages so I dont really get that argument tbh.

4. I give you that point that you were outnumbered by 2 for 1 round maybe but its hard to keep the overview when you constantly get spammed by people complaining.

I dont have a problem with the match being declared void but not behaving and being trolly and then complaining about every detail and giving me the fault for losing the match seems childish to me
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 04, 2015, 10:08:38 pm
54e, let's stop the bickering and call it quits. Regardless of the decision we would've won 8-2 anyway. I feel as if enough has been said on the matter so why carry on complaining when we won anyway?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: El_Presidente on October 04, 2015, 10:15:19 pm
@ Macca

You were well within a 5 man spacing, do not pretend you were not.

In that round numbers wise you had already lost that round by that point, so again, the admin was in violation of the rules in that he should have slain Jonathan (Yes, I was spectating, I saw who shot you and how close you were!) next round. As the same rules would have applied as for FiC. Here is the evidence:

Also @ Ragnar I would like to apologise some of our members were very immature, I even mentioned how annoying I found it when people global type at the start but the 72nd did partake in this as well, albeit I concede less times.

Also Macca as an officer your immaturity - no matter the actions of individual members - means the match has to be declared void.

Ragnar did concede that we should have won the match where we OAd you just before you, so we were winning by 3-1 at that point in theory. So don't try to gloat about anything.

EDIT: I made a mistake, it would have been 2-2. I apologise for that.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Kore on October 04, 2015, 10:20:18 pm
Match:  77y vs Spartans
League : 1st League
Date : 2. Oct. (Friday)
Time : 19:30 GMT
Referee : Salakien

Result 7:3 for 77y , no problem great match :)

77y back in business?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: El_Presidente on October 04, 2015, 10:24:48 pm
Ok I'm going to stop now, apologies for so many posts getting nowhere haha.

I'll let the official 54e representative deal with it through proper channels now.

(First time I come on the FSE forums in ages, and I'm thrown back into good old regimental drama ).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 04, 2015, 10:29:24 pm
Welcome back my sweetpie.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 04, 2015, 10:31:23 pm
@ Macca

You were well within a 5 man spacing, do not pretend you were not.

In that round numbers wise you had already lost that round by that point, so again, the admin was in violation of the rules in that he should have slain Jonathan (Yes, I was spectating, I saw who shot you and how close you were!) next round. As the same rules would have applied as for FiC. Here is the evidence:

Also @ Ragnar I would like to apologise some of our members were very immature, I even mentioned how annoying I found it when people global type at the start but the 72nd did partake in this as well, albeit I concede less times.

Also Macca as an officer your immaturity - no matter the actions of individual members - means the match has to be declared void.

Ragnar did concede that we should have won the match where we OAd you just before you, so we were winning by 3-1 at that point in theory. So don't try to gloat about anything.

EDIT: I made a mistake, it would have been 2-2. I apologise for that.

I gotta love those arguments over decisions, its like in football when a ref calls in a penal and its not sure if the player really got foult or just run over the leg by himself to get the penal. In that moment the ref needs to set up his own opinion and there will always be one side complaining about that decision.

I understand that it is hard but in the end its just a game, you are not playing for your live or a lot of money so either you kind of accept the end of all that or Brot kicks me out of the refs and let you do a rematch, I could understand both, but thats not up to me  :-X
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Momchilo on October 04, 2015, 10:34:08 pm
Do we report referees here or is there a specific topic for that? Can any player from the participating regiments file a complaint, or does it have to be the regiment leader?
in my opinion, you should tell your leader about the reason. he is the right man for it to tell it brot

He already knows it, I just got the evidence on my computer so thought it would be easier for me to post. Should the report be posted here?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Marton on October 04, 2015, 10:35:19 pm
@ Macca

You were well within a 5 man spacing, do not pretend you were not.

In that round numbers wise you had already lost that round by that point, so again, the admin was in violation of the rules in that he should have slain Jonathan (Yes, I was spectating, I saw who shot you and how close you were!) next round. As the same rules would have applied as for FiC. Here is the evidence:

Also @ Ragnar I would like to apologise some of our members were very immature, I even mentioned how annoying I found it when people global type at the start but the 72nd did partake in this as well, albeit I concede less times.

Also Macca as an officer your immaturity - no matter the actions of individual members - means the match has to be declared void.

Ragnar did concede that we should have won the match where we OAd you just before you, so we were winning by 3-1 at that point in theory. So don't try to gloat about anything.

EDIT: I made a mistake, it would have been 2-2. I apologise for that.

I gotta love those arguments over decisions, its like in football when a ref calls in a penal and its not sure if the player really got foult or just run over the leg by himself to get the penal. In that moment the ref needs to set up his own opinion and there will always be one side complaining about that decision.

I understand that it is hard but in the end its just a game, you are not playing for your live or a lot of money so either you kind of accept the end of all that or Brot kicks me out of the refs and let you do a rematch, I could understand both, but thats not up to me  :-X

If he didn't allow us to play our first match with the 12th and randomly gave us a 10-0 loss I don't really think we should have a rematch for it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 04, 2015, 10:41:28 pm
Do we report referees here or is there a specific topic for that? Can any player from the participating regiments file a complaint, or does it have to be the regiment leader?
in my opinion, you should tell your leader about the reason. he is the right man for it to tell it brot

He already knows it, I just got the evidence on my computer so thought it would be easier for me to post. Should the report be posted here?
PM it to Brot.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Fwuffy on October 04, 2015, 10:55:14 pm
the drama
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on October 04, 2015, 10:56:20 pm
Do we report referees here or is there a specific topic for that? Can any player from the participating regiments file a complaint, or does it have to be the regiment leader?
in my opinion, you should tell your leader about the reason. he is the right man for it to tell it brot

He already knows it, I just got the evidence on my computer so thought it would be easier for me to post. Should the report be posted here?
PM it to Brot.

Yep, best way is to PM me over FSE.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 04, 2015, 10:57:47 pm
Do we report referees here or is there a specific topic for that? Can any player from the participating regiments file a complaint, or does it have to be the regiment leader?
in my opinion, you should tell your leader about the reason. he is the right man for it to tell it brot

He already knows it, I just got the evidence on my computer so thought it would be easier for me to post. Should the report be posted here?
PM it to Brot.

Yep, best way is to PM me over FSE.
Already got enough drama on this thread. ^^
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on October 04, 2015, 11:04:50 pm
Which point was drama on "how to NWL"?

As i said before, it's necessary, not optional  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on October 04, 2015, 11:05:42 pm
Just to make things clear - If you feel f*cked with, here is a plan for you on how to proceed:
Keep calm. Don't insult, be patient. Best is you record it and show it to me. DO NEVER LEAVE THE GAME OR INSULT THE REF. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE MATCH FOR SOME STUPID DISCUSSION.

End of story.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 04, 2015, 11:06:27 pm
Just to make things clear - If you feel f*cked with, here is a plan for you on how to proceed:
Keep calm. Don't insult, be patient. Best is you record it and show it to me. DO NEVER LEAVE THE GAME OR INSULT THE REF. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE MATCH FOR SOME STUPID DISCUSSION.

End of story.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: huanmpth on October 04, 2015, 11:12:52 pm
Hello 3teFK vs 61e on next sunday (11/10/2015), could we have a ref please?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Macca on October 04, 2015, 11:20:56 pm
Hello 3teFK vs 61e on next sunday (11/10/2015), could we have a ref please?
I can referee if needed?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: huanmpth on October 04, 2015, 11:22:27 pm
Hello 3teFK vs 61e on next sunday (11/10/2015), could we have a ref please?
I can referee if needed?
Ok sir.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 04, 2015, 11:27:14 pm
the drama
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: El_Presidente on October 04, 2015, 11:38:04 pm
Quote all you want - if there weren't any drama this wouldn't be a Napoleonic Wars thread!.

Real shame I've been at university these past two matches, I genuinely believe in my own silly arrogance I could have made a difference in both, more so the first one. I love the melee fights in NWL, the intensity level is unreal, and ofc I get really mad over them. Still I managed to kill someone in the 72nd with 300~ ping :3.

Herishey back me up plz tell them how good I was.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Phailur on October 04, 2015, 11:39:30 pm
Quote all you want - if there weren't any drama this wouldn't be a Napoleonic Wars thread!.

Real shame I've been at university these past two matches, I genuinely believe in my own silly arrogance I could have made a difference in both, more so the first one. I love the melee fights in NWL, the intensity level is unreal, and ofc I get really mad over them. Still I managed to kill someone with 300~ ping :3.

Herishey back me up plz tell them how good I was.
Herishey is an anti-social autstic 8 year old. Don't expect much  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Herishey on October 04, 2015, 11:51:44 pm
Quote all you want - if there weren't any drama this wouldn't be a Napoleonic Wars thread!.

Real shame I've been at university these past two matches, I genuinely believe in my own silly arrogance I could have made a difference in both, more so the first one. I love the melee fights in NWL, the intensity level is unreal, and ofc I get really mad over them. Still I managed to kill someone with 300~ ping :3.

Herishey back me up plz tell them how good I was.
Herishey is an anti-social autstic 8 year old. Don't expect much  ::)
Presidente was better than you Phailur, get mad.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on October 04, 2015, 11:57:47 pm
Match: 27th vs 3rd
League : 1st League
Date : 8./10/15
Time : 7 gmt
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: El_Presidente on October 05, 2015, 12:00:40 am
Next match I will be sure to go home from University just to play the match, and when the 54e will ofc win 10-0 and I reveal my full and ultimate power like when Sauron fights Galadriel you will all sorry! (I'll even turn blue). One man, El Presidente the Great, will make a difference!

Also ty bbz @ Herishey

Anyway Gnight. 4 lectures tomorrow.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Kore on October 05, 2015, 07:59:31 am
Next match I will be sure to go home from University just to play the match, and when the 54e will ofc win 10-0 and I reveal my full and ultimate power like when Sauron fights Galadriel you will all sorry! (I'll even turn blue). One man, El Presidente the Great, will make a difference!

Also ty bbz @ Herishey

Anyway Gnight. 4 lectures tomorrow.

I believe you.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 05, 2015, 10:40:03 am
Match: 27th vs 3rd
League : 1st League
Date : 8./10/15
Time : 7 gmt
Referee : Needed

I'm willing to be your referee for the match if you accept me :)

Rather one sided match last night with some rulebreaking on 17th's side... nothing we couldn't resolve. 17th JR vs 16th - 9:1. Good luck in the rest of the league to both.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 05, 2015, 01:40:19 pm
Match: Saints vs 82nd_Prince_of_Wales
League : 2nd League
Date : 10th of October
Time : 19gmt
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: pieter on October 05, 2015, 01:44:44 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 59th
League : 1st league
Date : Friday, 9th of october
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed (perhaps Ragnar if he is free)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 05, 2015, 04:46:31 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 59th
League : 1st league
Date : Friday, 9th of october
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed (perhaps Ragnar if he is free)

Sure pita
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Take on October 06, 2015, 05:49:11 pm
Due to a bit of miscommunication we still need a ref for our match against suisse for 7pm gmt (today). Would be awesome if someone could do this on such a short notice.

Edit: Chicken is ref for the match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Bever on October 06, 2015, 07:45:00 pm
Brot, images are missing. :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Fwuffy on October 06, 2015, 07:47:51 pm
Brot, images are missing. :o
rip :c
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DasBrot on October 06, 2015, 07:51:23 pm
Brot, images are missing. :o

I know m8. Does your dude still have them?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on October 06, 2015, 07:52:21 pm
Match: 66Pp vs Spartans
League : 1st league
Date : Wednesday, 7th of october
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 06, 2015, 08:37:18 pm
Nr12 vs. 2Lhr: 10 - 0

A very honorable match, the Nr12 played superior and archieved this good victory. Its been a pleasure to ref the big boys

About the map: After 10 minutes swapping random deserts a good random steppe map appeared and both teams agreeded to play. Once the match started we noticed some areas of the map were more of a "Forest" setting but i can ensure you it was a non-forest map... unlucky choice, NW is weird
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: ExoticFail on October 06, 2015, 08:41:59 pm
Great Match. Honorable opponents we faced today. Quite enjoyable. A very good Refferee as well. Thanks for stepping in as last minute Ref since Goj was not Online. Next week we will fight the Spartans, I am kinda scared  ;D But still looking forward to it.

Again, thanks for the Match and have a nice evening.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Cazasar on October 06, 2015, 08:50:01 pm
Suisse 6 | 4 1te Rhein

Good match, loads of melee, only minor rule breaks
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 06, 2015, 09:05:03 pm
Match: 92nd vs Preobraz
League : 2nd League
Date : Saturday, 10th of october
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Henri

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: SwissGronkh on October 06, 2015, 09:07:07 pm
Thanks for the really nice 1vs1. :D I think it was one of the greates i played of all time (as line ofc. :P).
Thanks Chicken for Ref the game :D

Would face Nr12 everytime again :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dairus on October 06, 2015, 09:08:26 pm
Thanks for the really nice 1vs1. :D I think it was one of the greates i played of all time (as line ofc. :P).
Thanks Chicken for Ref the game :D

Would face Nr12 everytime again :)
Inv confirmed!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Dominic on October 06, 2015, 09:29:13 pm
Nr35 vs 47e [3rd League]

7 : 3 Endscore
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: DaCrowh on October 06, 2015, 09:32:47 pm
Thanks for the really nice 1vs1. :D I think it was one of the greates i played of all time (as line ofc. :P).

Its great to see you enjoy losing, it definitely is good a trait to have especially in this very season of NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Cazasar on October 06, 2015, 09:33:16 pm
Thanks for the really nice 1vs1. :D I think it was one of the greates i played of all time (as line ofc. :P).

Its great to see you enjoy losing, it definitely is good a trait to have especially in this very season of NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Gojkov on October 06, 2015, 09:40:11 pm
Apologies to 2Lhr and Nr12 for not making it tonight I was on uni... this year's schedule is fucked up so I'll have no choice but to resign as referee. I'll still do my last match on Thursday (23e vs Miqueletes).

Thanks everyone for the kind words so far and cya around.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on October 06, 2015, 09:41:11 pm
Match: 27th vs 3rd
League : 1st League
Date : 8./10/15
Time : 7 gmt
Referee : Needed

Still needed ay lmao
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: 25th Official on October 06, 2015, 09:42:42 pm
Match: 25th vs 3teFK
League : 2nd League
Date : 8/10/15
Time : 19.00 gmt

Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Moi~ on October 06, 2015, 10:04:31 pm
Apologies to 2Lhr and Nr12 for not making it tonight I was on uni... this year's schedule is fucked up so I'll have no choice but to resign as referee. I'll still do my last match on Thursday (23e vs Miqueletes).

Thanks everyone for the kind words so far and cya around.

psst: Miqueletes omg my eyes ;-;
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Henri on October 06, 2015, 10:08:02 pm
Match: 25th vs 3teFK
League : 2nd League
Date : 8/10/15
Time : 19.00 gmt

Referee : Needed

I'll reff that.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: SwissGronkh on October 06, 2015, 10:21:19 pm

Thanks for the really nice 1vs1. :D I think it was one of the greates i played of all time (as line ofc. :P).

Its great to see you enjoy losing, it definitely is good a trait to have especially in this very season of NWL.
I had fun because it was an enjoyable match, not because we lost.... ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: TheRealHunter on October 06, 2015, 11:12:39 pm
Apologies to 2Lhr and Nr12 for not making it tonight I was on uni... this year's schedule is fucked up so I'll have no choice but to resign as referee. I'll still do my last match on Thursday (23e vs Miqueletes).

Thanks everyone for the kind words so far and cya around.
No problem
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 07, 2015, 04:21:08 pm
Pictures are fixed, ty bever for providing new links :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 07, 2015, 04:30:55 pm
Pictures are fixed, ty bever for providing new links :*

Always hny. :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: Salakien on October 07, 2015, 06:16:14 pm
Match: 66Pp vs Spartans
League : 1st league
Date : Wednesday, 7th of october
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed

We still need referee for tonight
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 07, 2015, 08:36:45 pm
66Pp vs. Spartans: 6 - 4

Good match for both teams, the 66Pp for fighing that well the first 5 rounds and the spartans for the great comeback at last moment. The Spartans claim the 66Pp did some FoL and consequently won the round. We'll leave it like this as there's not enought proval and some spartans did fic/fol last round
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 07, 2015, 08:44:42 pm
Well we ll see that fic in last round from Spartans , anyway great match guys we ll meet again on Sunday :) GG WP CZSK MASTER RACE
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Phailur on October 07, 2015, 10:50:42 pm
Well we ll see that fic in last round from Spartans , anyway great match guys we ll meet again on Sunday :) GG WP CZSK SLAVIC MASTER RACE
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Kore on October 08, 2015, 12:06:45 am
Well we ll see that fic in last round from Spartans , anyway great match guys we ll meet again on Sunday :) GG WP CZSK SLAVIC MASTER RACE
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Fwuffy on October 08, 2015, 12:12:04 am
Well we ll see that fic in last round from Spartans , anyway great match guys we ll meet again on Sunday :) GG WP CZSK SLAVIC MASTER RACE
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Rommel on October 08, 2015, 03:44:07 pm
It all goes crazy when I am not there :/.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 08, 2015, 03:56:43 pm
It all goes crazy when I am not there :/.
I did my best but it wasnt enough sry dad :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Phailur on October 08, 2015, 07:05:19 pm
It all goes crazy when I am not there :/.
I did my best but it wasnt enough sry dad :(
ur just bad kidd0
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Vir An on October 08, 2015, 08:30:38 pm
Match:72nd (RUS) vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 09/10/15
Time : 6.00 GMT
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Louisss on October 08, 2015, 08:36:00 pm
GG 3teFK was nice match  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 08, 2015, 08:38:26 pm
27th 7 | 3 3rd

Nice melee, shame 27th disbanded tho  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 08, 2015, 08:39:05 pm
25th 8:2 3teFK

3te had only 14 men, so it was handicapped, but it fought well nevertheless. No bigger problems, gg both sides.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 08, 2015, 08:40:32 pm
27th 7 | 3 3rd

Nice melee, shame 27th disbanded tho  :-\

Was a really good match, nice and tight and yeah its a shame we've gone inactive but shit happens I guess
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 08, 2015, 09:41:55 pm
Match:72nd (RUS) vs 1°Reg
League : 3rd League
Date : 09/10/15
Time : 6.00 GMT
Referee : Needed
I'll do it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:28:18 pm
Alright as I don't want to continue the NWL with a loss match that we never played I want you Brot to remove the 72nd Seaforth Highlander Regiment from the NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 08, 2015, 10:31:48 pm
Alright as I don't want to continue the NWL with a loss match that we never played I want you Brot to remove the 72nd Seaforth Highlander Regiment from the NWL.
21e merged into 72nd and so its treated as a rename..
Otherwise thatd just be kinda cheating
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:32:43 pm
Alright as I don't want to continue the NWL with a loss match that we never played I want you Brot to remove the 72nd Seaforth Highlander Regiment from the NWL.
21e merged into 72nd and so its treated as a rename..
Otherwise thatd just be kinda cheating

It's not just the old 21e members played.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 08, 2015, 10:33:06 pm
Alright as I don't want to continue the NWL with a loss match that we never played I want you Brot to remove the 72nd Seaforth Highlander Regiment from the NWL.
21e merged into 72nd and so its treated as a rename..
Otherwise thatd just be kinda cheating

It's not just the old 21e members played.
Makes no difference.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:34:02 pm
Alright as I don't want to continue the NWL with a loss match that we never played I want you Brot to remove the 72nd Seaforth Highlander Regiment from the NWL.
21e merged into 72nd and so its treated as a rename..
Otherwise thatd just be kinda cheating

It's not just the old 21e members played.
Makes no difference.

When we played againts the 54e it was like 4-5 ex 21e members playing. It does make difference. It's another regiment not the 21e under a new name.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 08, 2015, 10:34:43 pm
So many tryharders nowadays QQ moar.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 08, 2015, 10:35:44 pm
72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:37:20 pm
So many tryharders nowadays QQ moar.

Ah so if the 27th would have joined the NWL during the 2nd matchday and if they would have started with a 10-0 loss because they joined later you would have agreed to that?  I don't think so.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 08, 2015, 10:38:19 pm
So many tryharders nowadays QQ moar.

Ah so if the 27th would have joined the NWL during the 2nd matchday and if they would have started with a 10-0 loss because they joined later you would have agreed to that?  I don't think so.
Whats  has 27th to do with me?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Pumti on October 08, 2015, 10:38:28 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 08, 2015, 10:38:53 pm
So many tryharders nowadays QQ moar.

Ah so if the 27th would have joined the NWL during the 2nd matchday and if they would have started with a 10-0 loss because they joined later you would have agreed to that?  I don't think so.
You dont know what other people think xD You will just have to deal with it either way or just ragequit NWL
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:39:44 pm
72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O

We agreed with Brot that we can have a match againts the 12th as the NWL just started. We fixed a match with the 12th for this Saturday but as the 12th cried to Brot he changed his decision.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 08, 2015, 10:41:37 pm
xD well then thats a different story ;3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 08, 2015, 10:42:03 pm
72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O

We agreed with Brot that we can have a match againts the 12th as the NWL just started. We fixed a match with the 12th for this Saturday but as the 12th cried to Brot he changed his decision.
Well ur crying aswell now.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Steffan on October 08, 2015, 10:43:05 pm
72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O

We agreed with Brot that we can have a match againts the 12th as the NWL just started. We fixed a match with the 12th for this Saturday but as the 12th cried to Brot he changed his decision.

A referee changing his decision. Sounds familiar, like in the match against you guys in fact. The strong message we got from the community was move on, so we did. You should do the same Martoni.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 08, 2015, 10:45:09 pm
72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O

We agreed with Brot that we can have a match againts the 12th as the NWL just started. We fixed a match with the 12th for this Saturday but as the 12th cried to Brot he changed his decision.

The Organiser changing his decision. Sounds familiar, like in the match against you guys in fact. The strong message we got from the community was move on, so we did. You should do the same Martoni.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Steffan on October 08, 2015, 10:46:39 pm
Referee in a wider sense. In my example it was the referee of the our match, in his the referee of the league, yes the organiser.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:47:01 pm
72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O

We agreed with Brot that we can have a match againts the 12th as the NWL just started. We fixed a match with the 12th for this Saturday but as the 12th cried to Brot he changed his decision.
Well ur crying aswell now.

I don't know how is it "crying". I just don't want to continue the NWL with a "loss" match that we never played.

72nd werent in NWL when 21e merged. Therefore 72nd will keep the score 21e had O_O

We agreed with Brot that we can have a match againts the 12th as the NWL just started. We fixed a match with the 12th for this Saturday but as the 12th cried to Brot he changed his decision.

A referee changing his decision. Sounds familiar, like in the match against you guys in fact. The strong message we got from the community was move on, so we did. You should do the same Martoni.

Does it matter? You didn't loose because of that 1 round.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Steffan on October 08, 2015, 10:50:14 pm
But it is the principle which i feel you are most aggrieved about. Which we were too, most aggrieved about. Unfortunately we let the anger take over and we didn't fight properly from then on, so it did make a difference to the result. But we have moved on, join us. ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 08, 2015, 10:55:30 pm
But it is the principle which i feel you are most aggrieved about. Which we were too, most aggrieved about. Unfortunately we let the anger take over and we didn't fight properly from then on, so it did make a difference to the result. But we have moved on, join us. ;)

It makes difference. You began to troll instead of trying to win the match. At least I tried to fix a match with the 12th.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Steffan on October 08, 2015, 10:57:53 pm
But it is the principle which i feel you are most aggrieved about. Which we were too, most aggrieved about. Unfortunately we let the anger take over and we didn't fight properly from then on, so it did make a difference to the result. But we have moved on, join us. ;)

It makes difference. You began to troll instead of trying to win the match. At least I tried to fix a match with the 12th.

hasa diga eebowai
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 09, 2015, 12:52:01 am
Hey Marton,
you are constantly making me trouble. I thought I'd give you the chance to make your match with them. Match was about to be played THIS THURSDAY and then you threw it all over and didn't care about 12th who accepted my decision and were still very friendly. You profited from me changing it so you can play that one match. But since you are still disrespectful not only to me but to 12th too, they can keep the score as I told them from the very beginning. You had your chance this Thursday, but you didn't deserve it.

Stay mad, chap. Now leave NWL thread as you left NWL :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 09, 2015, 06:21:54 am
Match: Saints vs 82nd_Prince_of_Wales
League : 2nd League
Date : 10/10/15
Time : 7pm gmt
Referee : Wustenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Marton on October 09, 2015, 11:21:43 am
Hey Marton,
you are constantly making me trouble. I thought I'd give you the chance to make your match with them. Match was about to be played THIS THURSDAY and then you threw it all over and didn't care about 12th who accepted my decision and were still very friendly. You profited from me changing it so you can play that one match. But since you are still disrespectful not only to me but to 12th too, they can keep the score as I told them from the very beginning. You had your chance this Thursday, but you didn't deserve it.

Stay mad, chap. Now leave NWL thread as you left NWL :*

There wasn't any day fixed. As he quoted on steam he said "probs on Thursday". I told him on Monday to answer until Wednesday but he didn't. Also as you said we left NWL so remove us from it. Plus thanks for changing back the russian 72nd's name and trying to make me mad but actually people already know there is 2 72nds (sadly) so I don't really care anymore. :*

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Kore on October 09, 2015, 01:05:17 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: james gilray on October 09, 2015, 03:19:36 pm
Happy days in the NW community.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: notmoving on October 09, 2015, 03:28:04 pm
I think ... its time.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Pumti on October 09, 2015, 05:08:22 pm
I think ... its time.


Good you are here to cheer us up  ;)

But i think we should all sit down for a moment and actually thank Brot for hosting all this!  :D
Ofcourse lots of regiments would give up, and rage quit. Like last year ^^
Lets just hope there isnt too many regiments like that  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Nick Lazanis on October 09, 2015, 06:09:35 pm
Happy days in the NW community.

LOL. (You don't have to attach the image btw.)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 09, 2015, 06:46:41 pm
Let it go, let it goooooooooooooooooooooooo, such beauty :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 09, 2015, 07:37:56 pm
72nd vs. 1ºReg: 9 - 1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season starts 25th Sept!
Post by: GerRagnar on October 09, 2015, 07:41:17 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 59th
League:1st league
Date: Friday, 9th of october
Time: 19:00 GMT
Server: NWL_4
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 09, 2015, 08:42:58 pm
16eJG vs. Suisse: 9 - 1

Good match with intense fighting, well played both teams
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 09, 2015, 08:52:41 pm
15th YR vs. 59th 9:1

nice match but pretty one-sided
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 09, 2015, 09:10:43 pm
15th YR vs. 59th 9:1

nice match but pretty one-sided
My sword skills saved the day at the 3rd round  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 09, 2015, 09:12:31 pm
I sense 59th butthurt incoming on this thread quite soon.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Herishey on October 09, 2015, 09:16:58 pm
I sense 59th butthurt incoming on this thread quite soon.
They lost with the same score to 4e/27th and didn't have any butt-hurt I see no reason for them to do it in this case.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 09, 2015, 10:08:56 pm
1Pa 6-4 1°Rgt

Fine match, no issues just a bit long :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 09, 2015, 10:14:41 pm
Henri has joined us so im gonna need a new ref for 10th October at 7pm GMT against Preobraz and takers?

nvm Chicken is reffing :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 09, 2015, 10:25:14 pm
Henri has joined us so im gonna need a new ref for 10th October at 7pm GMT against Preobraz and takers?
je serai ton referee :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 09, 2015, 10:43:23 pm
Chicken pro francais confirmed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 09, 2015, 11:02:37 pm
I sense 59th butthurt incoming on this thread quite soon.

I dont think this post was needed was it now Dan ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: William on October 09, 2015, 11:03:07 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Kore on October 09, 2015, 11:08:20 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?

I am from the third :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Gojkov on October 09, 2015, 11:11:30 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?

I was in the first season but I'm not active anymore...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Herishey on October 09, 2015, 11:28:15 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?
I am, but not the same reg as its rip.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Dusan on October 09, 2015, 11:36:33 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?
Here 8)
I played all nwl seasons 8)
1  season with spvg
2-3 Nr7
4-6  15th_YR
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 09, 2015, 11:49:05 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 10, 2015, 12:56:18 am
Is anyone still here from the first season?
6te was in all seasons.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 10, 2015, 09:27:29 am
Is anyone still here from the first season?

33rd has been in all 6 seasons :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 10, 2015, 09:55:38 am
Exotic has been useless all time, get on my lvl pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season
Post by: Patricius on October 10, 2015, 12:49:22 pm
Match: 47e vs 1Pa
League : 3rd league
Date : Friday, 16.10.2015
Time : 19:00 GMT (20:00 CET)
Referee : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 10, 2015, 12:55:25 pm
Is anyone still here from the first season?

33rd has been in all 6 seasons :)

6te + 33rd NWL brothers confirmed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Saxon on October 10, 2015, 08:34:10 pm
gg preo, some madmin fuck ups but didn't affect much :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 10, 2015, 08:34:41 pm
92nd vs. Preobraz: 9 - 1

Banter match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 10, 2015, 09:09:55 pm
5pp - GGR Nr4 4:6

Very close game, good shooting from the GGR
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 10, 2015, 09:15:53 pm
Match: Miquelets vs 23e
Score: 1-9
Referee: MrSt3fan
League: 2

A very clean match from both sides. Well played both regiments and good luck in the rest of NWL!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 10, 2015, 09:16:34 pm
Match: Miquelets vs 23e
Score: 1-9
Referee: MrSt3fan
League: 2

A very clean match from both sides. Well played both regiments and good luck in the rest of NWL!

Thanks for being back up :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 10, 2015, 09:21:53 pm
Saints 8 - 2 82nd PoW

This match took more than one hour now, but both sides fought well.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 10, 2015, 11:52:21 pm
Match: 92nd vs 23e
League : 2nd league
Date : Saturday 17th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Clikenforce on October 10, 2015, 11:53:54 pm
Match: 92nd vs 23e
League : 2nd league
Date : Saturday 17th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: William on October 11, 2015, 06:20:22 am
Is anyone still here from the first season?

33rd has been in all 6 seasons :)
You're alive! I thought you were dead m9 haha  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 11, 2015, 01:35:13 pm
Match: Saints vs 25th
League : 2nd league
Date : Tuesday, 20.10.2015
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 11, 2015, 04:08:23 pm
Match: Nr12 vs Spartans
League : 1st league
Date : Wednesday, 14.10.2015
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 11, 2015, 05:29:30 pm
Match: Nr12 vs Spartans
League : 1st league
Date : Wednesday, 14.10.2015
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Needed

I could do it if you wish :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 11, 2015, 06:01:36 pm
Can anyone referee 33rd vs 6te tomorrow at 7 Gmt?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 11, 2015, 06:34:23 pm
Can anyone referee 33rd vs 6te tomorrow at 7 Gmt?
I'm up for it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 11, 2015, 06:55:14 pm
51st vs. 63e: 9 - 1

A very intense match, congratulations to the 51st for their amazing shooting.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: Herishey on October 11, 2015, 08:45:11 pm
17th_JR 9 - 1 Nr.35, well fought 17th_JR nice melee, decent match to ref but a few too many rule-breaks on Nr.35's part but nothing major.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: notmoving on October 11, 2015, 09:43:43 pm
51st vs. 63e: 9 - 1

A very intense match, congratulations to the 51st for their amazing shooting.

Was an amazing match thank you 63e :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 11, 2015, 09:47:47 pm
Can anyone referee 33rd vs 6te tomorrow at 7 Gmt?
I'm up for it

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 12, 2015, 01:59:08 am
All regimental Leaders: Please check the fixtures for missing scores and message them to me.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 12, 2015, 02:19:46 am
Would be very nice if the signature urls could be updated as they all link to the first nwl thread
Here they are, corrected.




I also noticed the first image on the main thread is broken. Thanks :D

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Fwuffy on October 12, 2015, 02:23:44 am
Would be very nice if the signature urls could be updated as they all link to the first nwl thread
Here they are, corrected.




I also noticed the first image on the main thread is broken. Thanks :D
chicken with el OCD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 12, 2015, 02:48:07 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 12, 2015, 01:24:04 pm
Unfortunately, 3teFK left NWL.  :( All games against them are 0-0 as usual.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 12, 2015, 01:36:36 pm
Unfortunately, 3teFK left NWL.  :( All games against them are 0-0 as usual.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Zappy on October 12, 2015, 04:15:44 pm
52y - 16eJG 7-3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 12, 2015, 07:14:19 pm
Date: Wednesday 14/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: don't know
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 12, 2015, 07:17:52 pm
Date: Wednesday 14/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: don't know
Ref: needed
nice. But what is happening at that time ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Phailur on October 12, 2015, 07:37:22 pm
Date: Wednesday 14/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: don't know
Ref: needed
nice. But what is happening at that time ?
Something 2edgy4u
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 12, 2015, 07:42:56 pm
maybe a chicken wing partey
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 12, 2015, 08:33:32 pm
Match: 3rd vs 2Lhr
Date: Wednesday 14/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: don't know
Ref: needed

Erm oups
Now it should be fine
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 12, 2015, 08:41:54 pm
33rd vs. 6te: 5 - 5

One good match, fair and intense, with big amounts of fun (and banter) ggwp
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 12, 2015, 08:43:08 pm
33rd vs. 6te: 5 - 5

One good match, fair and intense, with big amounts of fun (and banter) ggwp

Sums it up quite nicely! Thanks for being referee and thanks for the 6te for a nice match! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 12, 2015, 08:45:36 pm
33rd vs. 6te: 5 - 5

One good match, fair and intense, with big amounts of fun (and banter) ggwp

Sums it up quite nicely! Thanks for being referee and thanks for the 6te for a nice match! :)

Thank you guys for this match! Exciting and fun. Luv u 33rd <3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 12, 2015, 08:48:45 pm
33rd vs. 6te: 5 - 5

One good match, fair and intense, with big amounts of fun (and banter) ggwp

Sums it up quite nicely! Thanks for being referee and thanks for the 6te for a nice match! :)

Thank you guys for this match! Exciting and fun. Luv u 33rd <3

<3 6te is love, 6te is lyf <3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 12, 2015, 09:02:19 pm
Match: 92nd vs 23e
League : 2nd league
Date : Saturday 17th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed
Ref still needed for this


Match: 92nd vs Saints
League : 2nd league
Date : Friday 16th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed

(Due to timezones (Russian ones) and permission off DasBrot)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 12, 2015, 09:41:00 pm
maybe a chicken wing partey

Match: 92nd vs 23e
League : 2nd league
Date : Saturday 17th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed
Ref still needed for this


Match: 92nd vs Saints
League : 2nd league
Date : Friday 16th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed

(Due to timezones (Russian ones) and permission off DasBrot)
*edit: nvm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 12, 2015, 10:13:21 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 13, 2015, 12:36:28 am
Chicken is doing the Gojkov
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 13, 2015, 07:43:37 am
Chicken is doing the Gojkov
m88 we need a Gojkov wannabe i even had to postpone a match last sunday cuz there was 2 matches and only me up to skip my shit just for ref :P
no h8ing babes just dont procrastinate kthx
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 13, 2015, 10:02:30 am
Match: 3rd vs 2Lhr
Date: Wednesday 14/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: don't know
Ref: needed

still need a ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Pumti on October 13, 2015, 02:01:01 pm
There is a mistake in the point system for league 2. The 25th have 3 points, not 1. We lost against the 82nd, and then won against the 3teFK, and we have our 3rd match today.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 13, 2015, 03:07:27 pm
There is a mistake in the point system for league 2. The 25th have 3 points, not 1. We lost against the 82nd, and then won against the 3teFK, and we have our 3rd match today.

3teFK pulled out of NWL, so your match won't count anymore against them.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 13, 2015, 03:19:23 pm
Since 27th didn't disband and is still/again around, they are still in NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Herishey on October 13, 2015, 03:20:05 pm
Since 27th didn't disband and is still/again around, they are still in NWL.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 13, 2015, 04:05:25 pm
Match: 92nd vs 23e
League : 2nd league
Date : Saturday 17th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed
Ref still needed for this


Match: 92nd vs Saints
League : 2nd league
Date : Friday 16th October
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : needed

(Due to timezones (Russian ones) and permission off DasBrot)
I actually cannot referee on Friday nor Saturday. Talk to me on steam if you're moving any match day or if you need another ref.

Match: 3rd vs 2Lhr
Date: Wednesday 14/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: don't know
Ref: needed

still need a ref
I could do it if you like ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 13, 2015, 06:33:59 pm
For me it would be okay, just ask Super, then it should be fine :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 13, 2015, 06:36:57 pm
needing Referee to ref

92nd vs Saints Friday 16th Oct! 7pm GMT  and
92nd vs 23e Saturday 17th Oct! 7pm GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 13, 2015, 07:21:33 pm
needing Referee to ref

92nd vs Saints Friday 16th Oct! 7pm GMT  and
92nd vs 23e Saturday 17th Oct! 7pm GMT

We have a referee already.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 13, 2015, 07:30:48 pm
k well need a ref for Friday 16th Oct 7pm GMT 92nd vs saints 7pm ;3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 13, 2015, 09:03:50 pm
k well need a ref for Friday 16th Oct 7pm GMT 92nd vs saints 7pm ;3

I will do it :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 13, 2015, 09:50:45 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 27th
Date: Sunday 18-10-2015
Time: 7 pm GMT
Server: don't know
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 13, 2015, 10:42:54 pm
hello pita
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Herishey on October 13, 2015, 10:44:19 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 27th
Date: Sunday 18-10-2015
Time: 7 pm GMT
Server: don't know
Ref: needed
Hopefully be a fun game again.  :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Beatz on October 14, 2015, 06:07:40 pm
Match: GGR_Nr4 vs 59th
Date: Today
Time: 7 pm GMT
Server: don't know
Ref: rly needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 14, 2015, 07:26:56 pm
82nd_Bashi is kicked out of NWL. All matches against them are 0-0.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 14, 2015, 07:27:26 pm
82nd_Bashi is kicked out of NWL. All matches against them are 0-0.
I liked him
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 14, 2015, 08:35:28 pm
3rd vs. 2Lhr: 7 - 3

One good match with close melee fighting, lots of FiC tho but apart from that its been a pleasure to referee you guys ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DaCrowh on October 14, 2015, 08:53:49 pm
Match: GGR Nr4 vs 59th
Score: 9-1

First half was fast, disciplined and great fun and Duke put on his carry pants in the last round almost winning the match for the 59th on his own.
Second half was a bit sloppy, some minor rule breakage from both sides but in the end it was a fun match to ref and to watch

good game and well played to both sides.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 14, 2015, 08:59:16 pm
Sooo, nice Match vs the Spartans, a 6:4 for the Nr12, we are really happy that we won this Game today. I think we trained really hard for it, Thanks to the 15th_YR to train with us :)

Also I want to apologise to Wüstenfuchs, I was kinda harsh in the Steam Chat, but it was a very intense Match, I hope you can forgive me  :-*

Anyways, GG WP bois.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 14, 2015, 09:00:18 pm
Awesome match. Great shooting from your part, pretty even melee. Looking forward to meet you in the RGL !
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Executor on October 14, 2015, 09:07:20 pm
Awesome match. Great shooting from your part, pretty even melee. Looking forward to meet you in the RGL !
indeed u 2 ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 14, 2015, 09:15:49 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 1Pa
League: 3rd League
Date: 18.10.2015 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Cazasar
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Patricius on October 14, 2015, 10:32:05 pm
Match: 72nd vs 47e
League: 3rd League
Date: 24.10.2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Referee: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: notmoving on October 15, 2015, 02:54:14 am
51st vs. 63e: 9 - 1

A very intense match, congratulations to the 51st for their amazing shooting.

This still needs to be added to the table
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 15, 2015, 09:46:51 am
Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/09/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Kore on October 15, 2015, 09:56:12 am
hi nwl
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 15, 2015, 11:22:38 am
47e vs 1Pa
Date: Friday 16/10/2015
Time: 7 pm BST
Server: NWL 3
Ref: Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 15, 2015, 11:24:18 am
66Pp vs 8pp
Date: Saturday 17/10/2015
Time: 8 pm BST
Server: dont care
Ref: needed - Chicken is the best  :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 15, 2015, 04:00:17 pm
66Pp vs 8pp
Date: Saturday 17/10/2015
Time: 8 pm BST
Server: dont care
Ref: needed - Chicken is the best  :D
kek im afraid i'll be away this saturday :c
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 15, 2015, 04:54:25 pm
No way
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 15, 2015, 08:44:10 pm
52y 6:4 16th

close game with some minor rulebreaking in the beginning
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 15, 2015, 09:09:09 pm
Preobraz 8-2 Miquelets

Nice and fair Linebattle!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 15, 2015, 09:16:03 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 52y
League: 3rd League
Date: 25.10.2015 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Nick Lazanis
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 16, 2015, 08:09:28 am
My apologies to tje 52y and 16th, my internet went off yesterday (just like last month remember guys)
Might take a couple days to solve
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 16, 2015, 10:00:03 am
Match: 5te vs Miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 16.10.2015 (Friday)
Time: 19:30 BST
Referee: Needed
Server : Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 16, 2015, 12:41:11 pm
Match: 5te vs Miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 16.10.2015 (Friday)
Time: 19:30 BST
Referee: Needed
Server : Needed
I thought 33rd was against miquelets today?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 16, 2015, 01:38:53 pm
4th Mathday starts today! Don't forget to tell me scores, and please tell/yell (at) me when I forgot to put scores in the fixtures!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dom_ on October 16, 2015, 01:47:24 pm
I hate maths though.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 16, 2015, 02:11:10 pm
I hate maths though.

Who does not?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 16, 2015, 03:08:12 pm
Match: 5te vs Miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 16.10.2015 (Friday)
Time: 19:30 BST
Referee: Needed
Server : Needed
I thought 33rd was against miquelets today?
Not from what I know , still looking for a ref btw.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 16, 2015, 08:05:50 pm
Match: 5te vs Miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 16.10.2015 (Friday)
Time: 19:30 BST
Referee: Needed
Server : Needed
I thought 33rd was against miquelets today?
Not from what I know , still looking for a ref btw.

We had also planned a match against the Miquelets indeed, but have canceled it since they had a double booking.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 16, 2015, 09:02:18 pm
Miquelets 6:4 5te

nice match, well played by both teams

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 16, 2015, 09:04:57 pm
47e 10:0 1Pa

One side match with some problems like rambo or OA but we figured out everything .
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Bever on October 16, 2015, 09:05:45 pm
92nd 9-1 Saints
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 16, 2015, 09:17:22 pm
Miquelets 6:4 5te

nice match, well played by both teams
was a nice match indeed :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dairus on October 16, 2015, 11:19:44 pm
4th Mathday starts today! Don't forget to tell me scores, and please tell/yell (at) me when I forgot to put scores in the fixtures!
1st and 3rd league are completely missing, DasNab
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 16, 2015, 11:33:08 pm
Match: 5te vs Miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 16.10.2015 (Friday)
Time: 19:30 BST
Referee: Needed
Server : Needed
I thought 33rd was against miquelets today?
Not from what I know , still looking for a ref btw.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Vir An on October 17, 2015, 12:02:16 am
Who do I have to contact for 72 [EU Comp] from the 3rd League?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 17, 2015, 12:48:59 am
Who do I have to contact for 72 [EU Comp] from the 3rd League?
theyre gone from NWL m8 if u kept up with the thread
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 17, 2015, 10:01:40 am
Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/09/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed
Still need ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 17, 2015, 12:36:20 pm
Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/09/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed
Still need ref

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Vir An on October 17, 2015, 02:31:58 pm
Who do I have to contact for 72 [EU Comp] from the 3rd League?
theyre gone from NWL m8 if u kept up with the thread

Then sorry for the request, I try to read everything but sometimes I miss some posts.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 17, 2015, 04:15:52 pm
Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/10/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed

Now fixed, can I get an achievment for making a mistake in every match announcment?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 17, 2015, 04:30:42 pm
Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/10/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed

Now fixed, can I get an achievment for making a mistake in every match announcment?
wish granted
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 17, 2015, 04:44:00 pm
Match: 8pp vs 66Pp
Date: 17/10/2015
Time: 8pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed

really guys no referee for tonight on that time
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 17, 2015, 04:58:13 pm
Just add the refs and ask them lol
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on October 17, 2015, 07:34:17 pm
17th JR 9-1 52y

Great match some really good melee. Only 1 or 2 issues.

Good Job :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: TheRealHunter on October 17, 2015, 08:34:29 pm
6te vs Preobraz

6:4 for 6te. Was a nice match and sorry for me being a bit retardet  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ndreval on October 17, 2015, 08:43:44 pm
That was too close for me to fell calm  :-[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 17, 2015, 09:39:59 pm
Match: Saints vs 61e
Date: 18/10/2015
Time: 7:30 pm GMT
Referee: Wustenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 17, 2015, 09:50:54 pm
92nd 6-4 23e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Nick Lazanis on October 18, 2015, 11:26:27 am
Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/10/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: needed
Ref: needed

Now fixed, can I get an achievment for making a mistake in every match announcment?

Match: Spartans vs 2Lhr
Date: 21/10/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: NWL_3
Ref: Nick Lazanis
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Steffan on October 18, 2015, 04:33:31 pm
Match: 54e v 16 Jeunes
Date: 23/10/2015
Time: 7pm BST
Server: Needed
Ref: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 18, 2015, 05:33:31 pm
Next season i will only accept experienced and stable regiments. sick of all that disbanding.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dom_ on October 18, 2015, 05:46:53 pm
Next season i will only accept experienced and stable regiments. sick of all that disbanding.
DasBrot right now
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 18, 2015, 06:05:34 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 18, 2015, 06:11:01 pm
Next season i will only accept experienced and stable regiments. sick of all that disbanding.
DasBrot right now
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 18, 2015, 06:31:24 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 18, 2015, 08:39:48 pm
15th_YR vs 27th 7-3 to 15th
GG, but very difficult/fun to ref this.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 18, 2015, 08:44:50 pm
Nr35 vs. 1Pa: 9:1

A fair match with amazing shooting
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 18, 2015, 09:59:45 pm
61e 6:4 Saints

1:30h LB, 3 rounds voided because of FiC, gg
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Lecourbe on October 18, 2015, 10:04:01 pm
Like our last 1vs1 against Saints, too many camping.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: huanmpth on October 18, 2015, 10:12:34 pm
61e 6:4 Saints

1:30h LB, 3 rounds voided because of FiC, gg

Gg to our opponents.

Then give a medal to Wüstenfuchs for this match. 1h30 of lb i had never seen that.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 18, 2015, 10:27:50 pm
i think the one between 82nd and Saints were longer..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 18, 2015, 11:01:32 pm
Dunno, I nearly fell asleep at both of them
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 18, 2015, 11:11:12 pm
Dunno, I nearly fell asleep at both of them

what a waste of time :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 18, 2015, 11:59:44 pm
Dunno, I nearly fell asleep at both of them
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 19, 2015, 04:57:28 pm
Thank you Nettelbeck for hosting NWL_6!

Be sure to add this german server in your favourites!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 19, 2015, 09:06:21 pm
Match: 92nd vs 5te
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 19, 2015, 09:24:28 pm
Match: 92nd vs 5te
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
choose me pls kthx
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dom_ on October 19, 2015, 09:24:46 pm
Match: 92nd vs 5te
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
choose me pls kthx
Don't do it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [2nd Matchday 02 - 08 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 19, 2015, 09:39:10 pm
Match: Saints vs 25th
League : 2nd league
Date : Tuesday, 20.10.2015
Time : 19:00 GMT
Referee : Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 19, 2015, 09:58:24 pm
Match: 92nd vs 5te
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
choose me pls kthx
Don't do it.
u mad bro
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ndreval on October 19, 2015, 10:14:30 pm
when Saints have 4 weeks without any matches XD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 20, 2015, 12:23:43 am
Match: 92nd vs 5te
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
choose me pls kthx
Don't do it.
so mean dom :c
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Beatz on October 20, 2015, 01:33:23 pm
Match: GGR_Nr4 vs 15th_YR
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: Nwl 4
Ref: Godygamer
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 20, 2015, 05:09:49 pm
Match: 63e vs 66Pp
Date: 25/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 20, 2015, 08:53:55 pm
Saints vs. 25th: 5 - 5

Good game to both teams, close fighting
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 21, 2015, 07:31:34 pm
Match: Nr12 vs 8pp
Date: 22/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: ze best one plox
Ref: ze sexiest one ples
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 21, 2015, 08:35:09 pm
Spartans vs. 2lhr: 6 - 4

Great match very close , thanks for having me
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 21, 2015, 08:47:17 pm
Spartans vs. 2lhr: 6 - 4

Great match very close , thanks for having me

gg to Spartans, sorry for the little camping but our shooting was to good :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DaCrowh on October 21, 2015, 09:07:29 pm
GGR vs 27th: 6-4

long match, with long rounds and minor difficulties. Sad to see, that in the end some members of the 27th resorted to insults instead of thought and fairness.
If you feel like any decisions were unfair, feel free to hit me up on steam or Brot for that matter.

gg wp
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Vir An on October 21, 2015, 09:50:43 pm
Match: 1°Reg vs 1Rhein
Date: 27/10/15
Time: 7.30 pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: Marshal_Chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 21, 2015, 09:55:56 pm
Match: Nr12 vs 8pp
Date: 22/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: ze best one plox
Ref: ze sexiest one ples
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 21, 2015, 10:07:24 pm
thanks Rommel that you publish the score 8pp vs 66Pp :-D , 10:0 for 66 , good match with one OA and we are sorry for that . :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Super on October 21, 2015, 11:27:36 pm
Match: 3rd vs 15thYR
Date: Thursday 22/10/2015
Time: 7.00 pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: Needed, will try and contact one.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Take on October 22, 2015, 06:04:16 am
Match: 12th vs 1Rhein
Date: 26/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 22, 2015, 07:46:57 am
Match: Saints vs 33rd
Date: 23/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: NWL6/NWL1/NWL2/NWL3  :)
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 22, 2015, 05:36:35 pm
Match: Nr12 vs 8pp
Date: 22/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: ze best one plox
Ref: ze sexiest one ples
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 22, 2015, 06:43:24 pm
Match: Nr12 vs 8pp
Date: 22/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: NWL_4
Ref: me
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Patricius on October 22, 2015, 07:35:31 pm
Match: 72nd (RUS) vs 47e
League: 3rd League
Date: 24.10.2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Referee: needed

still need refree
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 22, 2015, 08:24:32 pm
Nr12 9-1 8pp
nice match, quite less rulebreaks, ty for that :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Bjorn on October 22, 2015, 08:26:05 pm
. No Firing in melee or out of formation.
  1.1 A melee is where one bayonet or sword from either line strikes the player or weapon of the opposing team.
  1.2 Firing out of formation is where a shot is fired from a player of a line which is not stationary and in a tightly packed formation

10.2 Referees are not allowed to referee a match that their own regiment is partaking in.

Chicken is in the 15th_YR, and quite a bad FiC was ignored from the 15th_YR killing quite a few of us.

Nice one  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Josh Faraday on October 22, 2015, 08:26:13 pm
Nr12 9-1 8pp
nice match, quite less rulebreaks, ty for that :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 22, 2015, 08:26:19 pm
Good Linebattle tonight. Thanks to the 8pp for the nice and fair play.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 22, 2015, 08:28:04 pm
15th_YR vs. 3rd: 10 - 0

A good and fun match.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Saxon on October 22, 2015, 08:52:06 pm
. No Firing in melee or out of formation.
  1.1 A melee is where one bayonet or sword from either line strikes the player or weapon of the opposing team.
  1.2 Firing out of formation is where a shot is fired from a player of a line which is not stationary and in a tightly packed formation

10.2 Referees are not allowed to referee a match that their own regiment is partaking in.

Chicken is in the 15th_YR, and quite a bad FiC was ignored from the 15th_YR killing quite a few of us.

Nice one  ;)

I'd talk to Brot on steam if you are unhappy about anything buddy. You can find him @@@ DasBrot or something
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 22, 2015, 09:09:18 pm
There is a mistake in league table spartans vs 2lhr did not end 6:7
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 22, 2015, 09:29:03 pm
. No Firing in melee or out of formation.
  1.1 A melee is where one bayonet or sword from either line strikes the player or weapon of the opposing team.
  1.2 Firing out of formation is where a shot is fired from a player of a line which is not stationary and in a tightly packed formation

10.2 Referees are not allowed to referee a match that their own regiment is partaking in.

Chicken is in the 15th_YR, and quite a bad FiC was ignored from the 15th_YR killing quite a few of us.

Nice one  ;)

1) I am 15th YR but first of all I'm Miquelet -or atleast during the NWL- I've talked with Brot about this before, been told i cannot referee the Yorkshire Snappers but there was no other free referees tonight so with Brot's permission we made an exception for once.
As I take my job as serious and inpartial as possible, I don't really think this is much of an issue.

2) There was some FiC from both sides, most from 15th YR yeah, but with any kill at any round, i can ensure you. I warned several times about not FiC'ing but I decided not to randomly slay just for this.

I hope you guys understand my choice of action.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 22, 2015, 10:30:21 pm
And further more your argument against Chicken is invalid. He made a great Job so far. And you argue, that he gave bonuses to the 15th? Well, he reffed the Matches for the Nr12, so far, he did a great Job, even tho the Nr12 and 15th had some issues before. (Just an example, the 15th_YR are good GF mates now. But back there we flamed each other.)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Kore on October 23, 2015, 09:02:09 am
chicken is the best ref in nwl no doubts
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 23, 2015, 01:34:32 pm
One of the best, at least :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Take on October 23, 2015, 01:38:11 pm
Match: 12th vs 1Rhein
Date: 26/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed

still need ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Perrier on October 23, 2015, 03:01:07 pm
I LEAVE THE 16eJG, contact now [16eJG] JBB28
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 23, 2015, 03:02:44 pm
Match: 12th vs 1Rhein
Date: 26/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed

still need ref

Take it,
it seems like most of the refs are inactive  ???
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Kieran on October 23, 2015, 03:37:59 pm
The 54e has a NWL match today against the 16eJG and we are still missing a ref. can someone helps us with this please

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Take on October 23, 2015, 04:25:01 pm
Match: 12th vs 1Rhein
Date: 26/10/2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Server: needed
Ref: needed

still need ref

Take it,
it seems like most of the refs are inactive  ???

thanks :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 23, 2015, 05:53:32 pm
Looks like we need some new refs out tthere
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Take on October 23, 2015, 06:17:18 pm
Looks like we need some new refs out tthere

If Im not mistaken most referees had matches themselves yesterday and therefor couldnt ref.
There should be a rule that prohibits that from happening like " max 2 regiments which provide referees can do lb on the same day" that way there should always be enough refs available.

On the other hand there are 32 registered admins so it shouldnt be possible to not get a ref for a match ~
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 23, 2015, 06:45:25 pm
Looks like we need some new refs out tthere

If Im not mistaken most referees had matches themselves yesterday and therefor couldnt ref.
There should be a rule that prohibits that from happening like " max 2 regiments which provide referees can do lb on the same day" that way there should always be enough refs available.

On the other hand there are 32 registered admins so it shouldnt be possible to not get a ref for a match ~

I suggest that every partaking regiment has to provide at least one referee.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 23, 2015, 06:53:41 pm
Match: 8pp vs 2Lhr
Date: 23/10/2015 7 BST
Server: none
Ref: need one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 23, 2015, 08:37:06 pm
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 23, 2015, 08:37:31 pm
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.
Not for the swedes.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 23, 2015, 08:43:26 pm
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.
Not for the swedes.

GG, was a good match! Thanks to the Saints for the good match and thanks to Chicken for being referee!

As stark said though, all our swedish players had 100+ ping on the server. It did not matter a whole lot as we only had 3 or 4, but regiments with a lot of swedish players should not play on NWL_6 I guess
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 23, 2015, 11:25:13 pm
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.

33rd vs Saints was meant for matchday 13 ???
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: huanmpth on October 24, 2015, 12:14:54 am
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.

33rd vs Saints was meant for matchday 13 ???

He asked to play before. We played against them too.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DarkTemplar on October 24, 2015, 03:59:05 pm
Match: 63e vs 2Lhr
Date: 30/10/2015
Time: 7 BST
Ref: needed
Server: ze best one plz
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Phailur on October 24, 2015, 05:23:00 pm
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.
Not for the swedes.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 24, 2015, 05:35:45 pm
Match: 92nd v 21o
Date: 31/10/2015 7pm GMT
Server: Good one pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 24, 2015, 08:02:45 pm
the other 82nd left NWL. 14th disbanded. Anyone else planning to leave?  ::)

Oh and I forgot 8pp. They're gone, too.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: bobertini on October 24, 2015, 08:45:07 pm
Next season i will only accept experienced and stable regiments. sick of all that disbanding.
Thank god.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Fwuffy on October 24, 2015, 09:29:49 pm
Next season i will only accept experienced and stable regiments. sick of all that disbanding.
Thank god.
inb4 like 5 attending regiments
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 24, 2015, 10:45:41 pm
the other 82nd left NWL. 14th disbanded. Anyone else planning to leave?  ::)

Oh and I forgot 8pp. They're gone, too.
ermahgerd. Were gunna have like 7 weeks off.. O_O in a row
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 24, 2015, 11:42:55 pm
what happ to 8pp ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 24, 2015, 11:44:32 pm
63e vs. 77y: 2 - 8

Great match a lot of fun , thanks for having me
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 25, 2015, 12:06:29 am
what happ to 8pp ?
8pp Disbanded.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 25, 2015, 12:16:27 am
rip brot's nerves
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: MrSt3fan on October 25, 2015, 02:01:54 am
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.

33rd vs Saints was meant for matchday 13 ???

Apparently you gave them permission to play their matches earlier due to their time zone, so we did. You're getting old  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 25, 2015, 02:29:01 am
33rd vs. Saints: 8 - 2

Another fun match testing the NWL_6, the server works pretty well.

33rd vs Saints was meant for matchday 13 ???

Apparently you gave them permission to play their matches earlier due to their time zone, so we did. You're getting old  ;)

kek, I remember. Timezones
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Ambiguous on October 25, 2015, 11:01:55 am
as I said before,

rip brot's nerves
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 25, 2015, 12:01:33 pm
Now we all must rise his spirit!
No leavers anymore! Only clean matches without any issues! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 25, 2015, 01:50:58 pm
Hey lads. The referee for the tonight's match (Nr35 vs 52y) droped out. So I'm looking for a new one.
The Match will start at 19gmt.

Would be someone interested ? =)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 25, 2015, 03:57:03 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 72nd RUS
League: 3rd League
Date: 01.11.2015 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 25, 2015, 04:17:27 pm
Match: 92nd v 21o
Date: 31/10/2015 7pm GMT
Server: Good one pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 25, 2015, 04:21:12 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 52y
League: 3rd League
Date: 25.10.2015 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Nick Lazanis

Cancelled for tonight because of no referee.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 25, 2015, 04:29:44 pm
add them and msg them.. and u still have like 3 hours yet.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 25, 2015, 05:41:14 pm
Warder ( = new Ref

Also Abekrampe ( = new Ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 25, 2015, 05:49:48 pm
Noice :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 25, 2015, 07:02:16 pm
LI_Ulster joining in an enpty spot in 2nd League, 18e joining into 3rd League! Please catch up with the matches!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 25, 2015, 08:29:15 pm
92nd vs. 5te: 10 - 0

Good game, the bushpirate just made it funnier :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 25, 2015, 08:34:17 pm
54e 6:4 16e

good match, well played by both sides
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Abekrampe on October 25, 2015, 08:44:51 pm
63e vs 66pp 5 - 5 Final score.

Good melee and great shooting from both sides.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: El_Presidente on October 25, 2015, 08:46:37 pm
54e 6:4 16e

good match, well played by both sides

Good match :).

Unlucky to the officer I was fighting who probably tried to swap to a sword but pulled out a spyglass :P. That 3v1 was intense!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Dom_ on October 25, 2015, 08:48:18 pm
92nd vs. 5te: 10 - 0

Good game, the bushpirate just made it funnier :D
It was some autistic American who couldn't handle the banter.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Fwuffy on October 25, 2015, 08:48:51 pm
92nd vs. 5te: 10 - 0

Good game, the bushpirate just made it funnier :D
It was some autistic American who couldn't handle the banter.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Henri on October 25, 2015, 08:49:10 pm
92nd vs. 5te: 10 - 0

Good game, the bushpirate just made it funnier :D
It was some autistic American who couldn't handle the banter.

Couldn't handle my banter
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: |Heinrich| on October 25, 2015, 09:02:48 pm
You mean couldnt handle my yell at him.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 25, 2015, 09:32:56 pm
15th YR vs. GGR Nr4: 9 - 1

a one hour match, i sometimes miss anti-camping rules :P

*Cazasar started refereeeing, but he had to leave at 20:00 and i carried on the last 4 rounds.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 25, 2015, 10:47:51 pm
77y (Pp :D) vs. 5pp : 10 - 0

Great match, 5pp tried  their very best but 77y was superior on melee .
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Warder on October 25, 2015, 11:13:24 pm
77y (Pp :D) vs. 5pp : 10 - 0

Great match, 5pp tried  their very best but 77y was superior on melee .
77pp, best pp.
Good russian music, to celebrate our glorious victory. (
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 26, 2015, 12:13:18 am
Match: Nr35 vs 52y
League: 3rd League
Date: 25.10.2015 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Nick Lazanis

Cancelled for tonight because of no referee.

New Date and Time: 27.10.2015 / 19gmt
Referee: Still need one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Super on October 26, 2015, 12:44:41 am
3rd (East Kent) Regiment of Foot - The Buffs has renamed to 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot - The Black Watch.


3rd/42nd vs Spartans: 5-5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 26, 2015, 05:55:32 pm
Which match should Templar ref tonight ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 26, 2015, 06:21:05 pm
New referee Pieter (!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 26, 2015, 06:29:55 pm
Match: 92nd v 21o
Date: 31/10/2015 7pm GMT
Server: Good one pls

All be your ref :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Dusan on October 26, 2015, 06:39:32 pm
New referee Pieter (!
Rip nwl ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 26, 2015, 06:40:40 pm
New referee Pieter (!
Rip nwl ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 26, 2015, 06:44:39 pm
New referee Pieter (!
Rip nwl ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 26, 2015, 07:36:53 pm
72nd vs VIe_47e

6-4 win for the 72nd

a few minor rule breaks but overall a good match!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [3rd Matchday 09 - 15 Oct]
Post by: Dominic on October 26, 2015, 07:49:52 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 52y
League: 3rd League
Date: 25.10.2015 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Nick Lazanis

Cancelled for tonight because of no referee.

New Date and Time: 27.10.2015 / 19gmt
Referee: Still need one

Referee: Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: KOBZIK on October 26, 2015, 08:23:02 pm
New referee Pieter (!
Rip nwl ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 26, 2015, 08:36:33 pm
1Rhein : 12th - 3:7
League 3
Ref : Salakien

There were FoL´s but it wasnt so bad :) Good match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: wilu_daskar on October 27, 2015, 07:06:29 am
Should 18e and LI_Ulster complete their 1-5 week matches in one week (this)?  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 27, 2015, 11:34:02 am
Should 18e and LI_Ulster complete their 1-5 week matches in one week (this)?  :-\

Thats (almost) not possible, but they should try to play 2 matches per week to keep up with the rest.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Barbaneth on October 27, 2015, 06:33:36 pm
Match: 10thLR v 1Rhein
Date: 29/10/2015 7pm GMT
Server: Something
Ref: Need a ref


Match: 10thLR v 18e
Date: 28/10/2015 7pm GMT
Server: Something
Ref: Need one also
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 27, 2015, 08:17:02 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 52y
League: 3rd League
Score : 8:2
Referee: Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 27, 2015, 09:40:45 pm
1Rhein vs. 1ºRgt: 9 - 1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: DasBrot on October 29, 2015, 06:47:36 pm
Preobraz vs 61e   6-4
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: huanmpth on October 29, 2015, 06:57:10 pm
Preobraz vs 61e   6-4

gg a goo match, thanks brot for being our ref.  :-*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Ndreval on October 29, 2015, 07:01:54 pm
gg, nice, hard match.Thx Broat for ref,and sry for some fics from us  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Take on October 29, 2015, 07:08:49 pm
Looking for ref for :

Match: 1Rhein vs 47e
Date: Monday 02.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 29, 2015, 07:19:30 pm
Match: 2Lhr vs 63e
Date: Friday 30.10.2015
League: 1st League
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on October 29, 2015, 09:17:54 pm
51st 8-2 27th

Probably the worse NW I have ever played for a while.

Valid "tactic" but it still just why? Run and shoot and run and shoot and run and shoot.

Thank you warder for referring. Excuse the language from my guys but when a match last 1 hour and 15 mins you just give up life.

Good luck to anyone else against 51st, hope you got 2 hours to spare.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Tharan on October 29, 2015, 09:18:29 pm
51st vs 27th

Was the worst match I have ever had in NW.

95% of the time was chasing after the 51st and waiting for the 51st to stop camping.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Fwuffy on October 29, 2015, 09:19:33 pm
ouch that sounds so painful
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Tharan on October 29, 2015, 09:22:58 pm
ouch that sounds so painful

took 40 minutes to do three rounds because of the 51st running away/camping
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 29, 2015, 09:23:04 pm
I was enjoying it tbh, I mean there is nothing better and enjoyable in life than run around and get shot to wait 10 minutes to get shot again, must be really enjoyable for the 51st ayy no wonder so many people quit playing this game since reges only play to win the matches without thinking of the fun in the game, I mean I dont mind losing but must it be that campy really?

I mean they arent even too bad in melee and still do it, I dont get it.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Cazasar on October 29, 2015, 09:24:51 pm
RGL starts soon
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 29, 2015, 09:25:19 pm
RGL starts soon

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on October 29, 2015, 09:26:15 pm
RGL starts soon

<3 pls save us
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Herishey on October 29, 2015, 09:31:19 pm
RGL starts soon

<3 pls save us
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Warder on October 29, 2015, 09:32:01 pm
 Indeed it was 8:2. About match:
- Great melee, from both sides.
- No Fic. One OA.
- That was a pleasure to watch 51st  forming and wheeling. Nonetheless, you reminds me a bit Chelsea when Mourinho first time was a coach there.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: GerRagnar on October 29, 2015, 09:33:57 pm
Indeed it was 8:2. About match:
- Great melee, from both sides.
- No Fic. One OA.
- That was a pleasure to watch 51st  forming and wheeling. Nonetheless, you reminds me a bit Chelsea when Mourinho was a coach there, first time.

park the bus and wait till they run into your bullets, glory to the glorious 51st may they become the best in NWL AMENAKOI
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 30, 2015, 12:12:17 am
RGL starts soon

My hero
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Moi~ on October 30, 2015, 12:14:56 am
RGL starts soon

My hero
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Fwuffy on October 30, 2015, 12:16:21 am
RGL starts soon

My hero
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Salakien on October 30, 2015, 12:25:19 am
Looking for ref for :

Match: 1Rhein vs 47e
Date: Monday 02.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed

I ll take it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Murphy on October 30, 2015, 02:32:48 am
51st 8-2 27th

Probably the worse NW I have ever played for a while.

Valid "tactic" but it still just why? Run and shoot and run and shoot and run and shoot.

Thank you warder for referring. Excuse the language from my guys but when a match last 1 hour and 15 mins you just give up life.

Good luck to anyone else against 51st, hope you got 2 hours to spare.

It's okay, Croompet. As far as I'm concerned, any victory the 51st 'gain' is null and void due to their autistic tactics.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [5th Matchday 23 - 29 Oct]
Post by: Take on October 30, 2015, 08:28:54 am
Looking for ref for :

Match: 1Rhein vs 47e
Date: Monday 02.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed

I ll take it

thank you :) btw noticed that I forgot to tell the time. it will be at 7pm gmt
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on October 30, 2015, 01:05:42 pm
Merfie, i like you hahahaa
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Macca on October 30, 2015, 08:40:11 pm
17th_JR 10 - 0 Suisse

Repeated FiC and FoL, was addressed towards the end. Overall wasn't too bad. Congratulations to the 17th.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 30, 2015, 09:06:04 pm
63e 6 : 4 2Lhr

well played both sides
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [4rd Matchday 16 - 22 Oct]
Post by: pieter on October 31, 2015, 05:33:35 pm
Match: 92nd v 21o
Date: 31/10/2015 7pm GMT
Server: Good one pls

All be your ref :)

server: NWL_4 or 5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on October 31, 2015, 08:38:08 pm
92nd vs 21o resulted in a 9 - 1 win for the 92nd

apart from a few fire in the charge and fire out of line rule breaks a clean match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on October 31, 2015, 09:57:15 pm
21o 6:4 Miquelets

pretty nice comeback by 21o after a 4:0 for the Miquelets
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Dominic on November 01, 2015, 01:20:22 pm
Match: Nr35 vs Suisse
League: 3rd League
Date: 10.11.2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: NEEDED
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 01, 2015, 04:00:46 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 72nd RUS
League: 3rd League
Date: 01.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 01, 2015, 04:05:38 pm
Match: 54e vs 16th
League: 3rd League
Date: 07.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Barbaneth on November 01, 2015, 09:03:57 pm
Match: 10thLR vs 1Rhein
League: 3rd League
Date: 04.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Dominic on November 01, 2015, 09:17:32 pm
Nr35   7 - 3    72nd RUS

[3rd League]
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 01, 2015, 09:34:08 pm
23e 8 : 2 61e

well played from both sides, no bigger issues exept of a mistake from my side

Match: 2Lhr vs 5pp
League: 1st League
Date: 06.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: huanmpth on November 01, 2015, 09:35:28 pm

well played from both sides, no bigger issues exept of a mistake from my side

So much Fic from admin  ;D .
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Bever on November 01, 2015, 09:39:48 pm

well played from both sides, no bigger issues exept of a mistake from my side

So much Fic from admin  ;D .

Still a nice match, especially the shooting parts :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 01, 2015, 09:49:34 pm
Match: 63e vs Nr12
League: 1st League
Date: 04.11.2015, Wednesday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 01, 2015, 10:49:34 pm
Match: 63e vs Nr12
League: 1st League
Date: 04.11.2015, Wednesday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed

I could do it if you like
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 02, 2015, 02:11:09 am
Match: 15th_YR vs 51st
League: 1st League
Date: thursday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Godygamer
server: either 4 or 5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 02, 2015, 07:11:07 am
Ask 63e, im okay with it :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pumti on November 02, 2015, 03:41:50 pm
Referee needed for this Thursday 19.00 GMT
25th vs Miquelets - 2nd league
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Take on November 02, 2015, 06:05:45 pm
Match: 10thLR vs 1Rhein
League: 3rd League
Date: 04.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed

Still need ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 02, 2015, 08:05:32 pm
Does someone know how to contac 16e_Jenus from the third league?

I've tried adding the colonnel, who doesn't answer on steam (sending messages for 5 days, online, offline and on game, but nothing), so I added also some random guy from their steam group, but they didn't accept me.

Don't know what to do and time is passing.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 02, 2015, 08:26:47 pm
look in there steamgroup.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 02, 2015, 08:42:08 pm
Match: 1Rhein vs 47e
Score : 1:9
Referee: Salakien
Date: Monday 02.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 03, 2015, 01:33:53 pm
look in there steamgroup.

Already done, no answer.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 03, 2015, 02:00:31 pm
Ok solved

Match: 1°Reg vs 16e_Jeunes
Date: Thu 05.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Macca on November 03, 2015, 06:37:09 pm
Match: 18e vs 10thLR
League: League 3
Date: 07/11/15
Referee: In need of a referee. Contact me if able to ref please.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pumti on November 03, 2015, 10:07:00 pm
Referee needed for this Thursday 19.00 GMT
25th vs Miquelets - 2nd league

Feel free to add me on steam any referee's ;)

[25th] Pumti
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Take on November 04, 2015, 06:34:47 am
Match: 10thLR vs 1Rhein
League: 3rd League
Date: 04.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed

Still need ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Super on November 04, 2015, 06:44:57 pm
Match: 42nd vs Spartans
League: 1st League
Date: Tomorrow (05/11/2015)
Time: 19:00 GMT
Referee: Brot
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 04, 2015, 08:38:37 pm
Match: 10thLR vs 1Rhein
Score: 2:8
League: 3rd League
Date: 04.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Salakien
FiC and FoL were made by both teams and OA in last one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 04, 2015, 08:53:47 pm
Nr12 6:4 63e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 04, 2015, 09:04:41 pm
Match: 54e vs 1Rhein
League: 3rd League
Date: 05.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Chriseh
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: MrSt3fan on November 04, 2015, 09:28:36 pm
Can anyone referee 33rd vs Preobraz tomorrow at 6:15 GMT?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 04, 2015, 11:53:04 pm
Match: 1°Reg vs 16e_Jeunes
Date: Thu 05.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed

Still needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: MrSt3fan on November 05, 2015, 02:26:48 pm
Can anyone referee 33rd vs Preobraz today at 6:15 GMT?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pumti on November 05, 2015, 05:24:47 pm
First of all, the 25th were supposed / are supposed to fight the Miquelets today ( 2nd league ) at 19.00 GMT. That is what me and their colonel agreed on.

I came back 20 minutes ago, seeing that the referee he had found couldnt referee, and he would first be online tomorrow again, and his 2nd in command was offline + i couldnt add him becuse his friend list is full. What a great day.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 05, 2015, 05:40:00 pm
Match: 1°Reg vs 16e_Jeunes
Date: Thu 05.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed

Still needed

Tried to contact some ref from the list, but a lot are offline or the links are wrong. 3 hours to the event and still need of it. If someone knows some Referee that could be avaible please contact me, thanks.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 05, 2015, 06:05:24 pm
First of all, the 25th were supposed / are supposed to fight the Miquelets today ( 2nd league ) at 19.00 GMT. That is what me and their colonel agreed on.

I came back 20 minutes ago, seeing that the referee he had found couldnt referee, and he would first be online tomorrow again, and his 2nd in command was offline + i couldnt add him becuse his friend list is full. What a great day.

fight us den boi xd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pumti on November 05, 2015, 06:58:08 pm
Got in contact with the miquelets now.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Barbaneth on November 05, 2015, 07:56:20 pm
Match: 10thLR vs 16 Jeunes
Date: Fri 06.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on November 05, 2015, 08:33:42 pm
25th 9-1 Miquelets

Great match barely any issues good fighting!

Pumti dirty clutch one round too  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Take on November 05, 2015, 08:53:13 pm
1Rhein : 54e  - 4:6

gg even though 54e leadership apparently cant control their men and its really not that fun to get insulted from the first round on ... by far most unmannered regiment I have playd in NWL so far.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 05, 2015, 10:25:12 pm
Match: 92nd vs 25th
League: 2nd League
Date: 13/11/2015 Friday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Server: NWL_5 if possible but any is fine i suppose :)
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 05, 2015, 11:06:58 pm
16e_Jeunes vs. 1ºRgt: 9 - 1

A weird match, NWL_6 suddently went 200 ping for all of us
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: MrSt3fan on November 06, 2015, 01:37:15 am
16e_Jeunes vs. 1ºRgt: 9 - 1

A weird match, NWL_6 suddently went 200 ping for all of us

33rd vs Preobraz started in NWL_6 too. While spawning for the second round the server lagged out and kicked everyone. We changed server but seems like we're not the only ones experiencing issues on NWL_6
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 06, 2015, 04:17:54 pm
Match: 92nd vs 25th
League: 2nd League
Date: 13/11/2015 Friday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Server: NWL_5 if possible but any is fine i suppose :)
Referee: Needed

I think I have time to referee as its Friday :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Barbaneth on November 06, 2015, 05:51:33 pm
Match: 10thLR vs 16 Jeunes
Date: Fri 06.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed

Still needed for tonight
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 06, 2015, 05:52:44 pm
Match: 92nd vs 25th
League: 2nd League
Date: 13/11/2015 Friday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Server: NWL_5 if possible but any is fine i suppose :)
Referee: Needed

I think I have time to referee as its Friday :)
cheers boi
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 06, 2015, 09:06:31 pm
Match: 10thLR vs 16 Jeunes
Date: Fri 06.11.2015
League: 3rd League
Server: needed
Referee: needed

Still needed for tonight

What time ???
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 06, 2015, 09:08:19 pm
72nd vs the 1pa ended in a 9-1 win for the 72nd

2Lhr vs the 5pp ended in a 8-2 win for the 2Lhr
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 07, 2015, 02:17:59 pm
Match: 92nd vs 25th
League: 2nd League
Date: 13/11/2015 Friday
Time: 19:00 gmt
Server: NWL_5 if possible but any is fine i suppose :)
Referee: Needed
Date has been changed to Saturday 14/11/2015
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: wilu_daskar on November 07, 2015, 05:50:15 pm
Did LI_Ulster change their name to 46e?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 07, 2015, 06:17:26 pm
Did LI_Ulster change their name to 46e?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Bever on November 07, 2015, 08:47:05 pm
23e 7-3 33rd

Thanks to the 33rd, very fair and nice match. Also thanks to Gody for refing! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 07, 2015, 11:20:47 pm
17th_JR vs. 12th: 9 - 1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: El_Presidente on November 08, 2015, 08:00:33 pm
gg 17th_JR :)

Whoever that lucky player was at the end, 3 stabs and a kick, lucky you!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 08:38:34 pm
18e 10-0 10thLR

Because, 10th trolled so giving win to 18e.
Was so horrible by the 10th, flaming the chat constantly, being racist to the 18e. Just horrible, they should be ashamed of themselves.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Abekrampe on November 08, 2015, 08:42:17 pm
9 - 1 66pp vs 5pp

Good game mostly no rule breaking!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Momchilo on November 08, 2015, 08:42:48 pm
18e 10-0 10thLR

Because, 10th trolled so giving win to 18e.
Was so horrible by the 10th, flaming the chat constantly, being racist to the 18e. Just horrible, they should be ashamed of themselves.

This is outrageous, you should be removed from refereeing NWL ever again. Uploading screenshots as evidence of their trolling and admin abuse, stay put. The real score is 9-1 for 10thLR.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 08:46:36 pm
18e 10-0 10thLR

Because, 10th trolled so giving win to 18e.
Was so horrible by the 10th, flaming the chat constantly, being racist to the 18e. Just horrible, they should be ashamed of themselves.

This is outrageous, you should be removed from refereeing NWL ever again. Uploading screenshots as evidence of their trolling and admin abuse, stay put. The real score is 9-1 for 10thLR.

Obviously 18e won this match, your constant rule breaking was awful! At the end all you did was flame. The 18e responded to it, of course they would. So please respect me.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Bear Grylls on November 08, 2015, 08:49:45 pm
I am honestly disgusted at your abuse towards us. 3 of our members left crying at the racial abuse they received. 
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 08:50:36 pm
I am honestly disgusted at your abuse towards us. 3 of our members left crying at the racial abuse they received.
Do you see what you have caused? Horrific.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Gurksylt on November 08, 2015, 08:59:33 pm
I am honestly disgusted at your abuse towards us. 3 of our members left crying at the racial abuse they received.
Do you see what you have caused? Horrific.

This is so pathetic it's funny. If you can't stand losing just don't play, losing is a part of the game. We might have been a bit unfair, being more than you, but this is just so childish and ridiculous.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Duke on November 08, 2015, 09:02:13 pm
I am honestly disgusted at your abuse towards us. 3 of our members left crying at the racial abuse they received.
Do you see what you have caused? Horrific.

This is so pathetic it's funny. If you can't stand losing just don't play, losing is a part of the game. We might have been a bit unfair, being more than you, but this is just so childish and ridiculous.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Lawbringer on November 08, 2015, 09:04:48 pm
You should see the shit that gets typed in NA matches
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Momchilo on November 08, 2015, 09:06:30 pm
18e 10-0 10thLR

Because, 10th trolled so giving win to 18e.
Was so horrible by the 10th, flaming the chat constantly, being racist to the 18e. Just horrible, they should be ashamed of themselves.

This is outrageous, you should be removed from refereeing NWL ever again. Uploading screenshots as evidence of their trolling and admin abuse, stay put. The real score is 9-1 for 10thLR.

Obviously 18e won this match, your constant rule breaking was awful! At the end all you did was flame. The 18e responded to it, of course they would. So please respect me.

Ok so, here we can see that you friends arent all sunshine and innocence, if you are just interested in the admin abuse skip to the next section.


Now for the admin abuse, the most absurd situation we had was when their leader teleported infront of our line, engaged in meele, after which you claimed it was fire in charge and reset the round, as we can see in these screenshots:

At the end of the match, the admin said it was 9-1 for them, not for us.

And then he proceeded to temp banning our leader out of spite:

I am ashamed that this kind behaviour even happened, if our members insulted you it was only because you started insuting us first but we would have never resulted to this kind of scamming and clear abuse. Im afraid what would happened if we had no evidence, if this kind of abuse would pass by unnoticed.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 08, 2015, 09:07:52 pm
17th JR 6:4 54e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:08:37 pm
Just made me laugh tbh, I don't really give a shit what happens, it was just so funny to partake in xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Momchilo on November 08, 2015, 09:09:50 pm
Just made me laugh tbh, I don't really give a shit what happens, it was just so funny to partake in xD

You should give shit because you were the refeere of this match, and you were the one who was part of this abuse of power.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:11:03 pm
As I just stated, I don't give a shit. It was funny. It's a game! Chill the fuck out.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Bear Grylls on November 08, 2015, 09:12:33 pm
Momchilo no offence. But you seem like a prick that as no clue what a joke is.

So take the dick thats shoved up your arse and play nicely
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:13:05 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Momchilo on November 08, 2015, 09:13:24 pm
Momchilo no offence. But you seem like a prick that as no clue what a joke is.

So take the dick thats shoved up your arse and play nicely

I dont find lying and abuse a joke, sorry if you do.

As I just stated, I don't give a shit. It was funny. It's a game! Chill the fuck out.

It is just a game, that is why we should all do our best to follow the rules and not abuse them or our position so we could all have a fair and fun game.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:15:50 pm
I personally think this is a better way to play the game! Just having a laugh, was so funny. One of the best experiences i've had on NW. So just shut up, k thnx bai.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Lawbringer on November 08, 2015, 09:17:09 pm
And here I thought NA had the worst refs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:18:06 pm
Lawbringer, I don't give a shit anymore, it just made me laugh! I really don't give a shit what happens.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Herishey on November 08, 2015, 09:20:43 pm
And here I thought NA had the worst refs
im a good ref pls trust me!11!!!!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:21:18 pm
And here I thought NA had the worst refs
im a good ref pls trust me!11!!!!

+1, ask Herishey rather than me, k.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Lawbringer on November 08, 2015, 09:22:08 pm
And here I thought NA had the worst refs
im a good ref pls trust me!11!!!!

Admin Pass to 15th YR server is FalkLovesLittleGirls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Bellyfort on November 08, 2015, 09:23:27 pm
How is this not Fire In Charge/Melee?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 08, 2015, 09:24:06 pm
It's not.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on November 08, 2015, 09:24:30 pm
Lawbringer, I don't give a shit anymore, it just made me laugh! I really don't give a shit what happens.  ;D ;D

Sort of just roasted yourself there.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pandakins on November 08, 2015, 09:25:37 pm
Crypet ily bb xx
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 08, 2015, 09:26:10 pm
Just wow  :o :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pandakins on November 08, 2015, 09:26:57 pm
Salakien y u remove me on stemerino? QQ
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: DasBrot on November 08, 2015, 09:28:35 pm
Please cut the discussion. If you have anything specific to report, please write me a PM over FSE. I saw the screenshots but I am waiting for some point of view from the other reg too.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 08, 2015, 09:29:38 pm
Add me again :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 08, 2015, 10:50:17 pm
This is our third attempt at playing this fixture please pm me if you are a ref and available. I will love you long time.

Match: 54e vs 16th
League: 3rd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Tardet on November 09, 2015, 08:51:01 pm
Gg 77y fun match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Warder on November 09, 2015, 09:33:37 pm
No fun allowed, nein.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on November 09, 2015, 09:37:59 pm
WOw that 10thLR vs 18e Match must of Been Really Bad :-X
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 09, 2015, 09:41:38 pm

Match: Nr12 vs 5pp
League: 1st League
Date: 11.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 10, 2015, 12:14:04 am

Match: Nr12 vs 5pp
League: 1st League
Date: 11.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
I'll do it ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 10, 2015, 01:47:09 am
Match: 15th_YR vs 77y
League: 1st League
Date: 12.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server: 4 or 5 pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Dominic on November 10, 2015, 03:41:00 pm
Match: Nr35 vs Suisse
League: 3rd League
Date: 10.11.2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: NEEDED

Referee: Bigmama
Server: NWL_6
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Bigmama on November 10, 2015, 08:54:28 pm
Nr35 8:2 Suisse

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 10, 2015, 10:00:20 pm
This is our third attempt at playing this fixture please pm me if you are a ref and available. I will love you long time.

Match: 54e vs 16th
League: 3rd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Dom_ on November 10, 2015, 11:43:18 pm
WOw that 10thLR vs 18e Match must of Been Really Bad :-X
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Murphy on November 11, 2015, 02:50:18 am
WOw that 10thLR vs 18e Match must of Been Really Bad :-X

If a match ever epitomized the word autist, this would probably be it.

Looking forward to our match tomorrow evening.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Super on November 11, 2015, 11:28:34 am
Need a ref for our event tonight, please post or send a PM to Merfie (above) if you are around, I won't be around for the match.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Spartan Hoplites Official on November 11, 2015, 07:13:22 pm
Match: Spartans vs. 63e
League: 1st League
Date: 15.11.15
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server: dodo pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 11, 2015, 08:27:27 pm
Nr12 vs. 5pp: 9 - 1

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 11, 2015, 08:32:36 pm
Nice and fair Match against the 5pp. Really good Match. Havnt seen such a sportsmanship since quite a while, thanks for that. Also Chicken did a great Job as referee. He fullfilled his role to perfection in this Match, As expected.

Looking forward to our next Match against the 59th, Date not set yet, nice evening folks.

To get the standard lvl of FSE Posts:

Cyka Blyat, uwot, madcuzbad and fuk off. kthxbai

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on November 11, 2015, 09:06:35 pm
Match: 5te vs 61e
League: 2nd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 11, 2015, 11:47:33 pm
Nice and fair Match against the 5pp. Really good Match. Havnt seen such a sportsmanship since quite a while, thanks for that. Also Chicken did a great Job as referee. He fullfilled his role to perfection in this Match, As expected.

Looking forward to our next Match against the 59th, Date not set yet, nice evening folks.

To get the standard lvl of FSE Posts:

Cyka Blyat, uwot, madcuzbad and fuk off. kthxbai

lol where can i meet that chicken guy? ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 12, 2015, 12:02:40 am
This is our third attempt at playing this fixture please pm me if you are a ref and available. I will love you long time.

Match: 54e vs 16th
League: 3rd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 12, 2015, 07:40:18 am
Dunno maybe in the swinger club OHHHHHH
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on November 12, 2015, 11:16:49 am
Match: 5te vs 61e
League: 2nd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed
still looking for ref pls contact me on steam.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 12, 2015, 04:11:44 pm
I still ask myself: Why did Brot add a list with refs in the start post?  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 12, 2015, 04:26:13 pm
And why refs put themselves down as refs if they never want to ref...

 I personally feel you need a dedicated administrator and ref team for each league. I have spoken to a growing number of leaders who are getting sick of not being able to play their matches due the absence of a ref.

 It's a shame because cos girls just want to have fun.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 12, 2015, 04:42:37 pm
And why refs put themselves down as refs if they never want to ref...

 I personally feel you need a dedicated administrator and ref team for each league. I have spoken to a growing number of leaders who are getting sick of not being able to play their matches due the absence of a ref.

 It's a shame because cos girls just want to have fun.
My friend , almost everyone of those referees are playing NWL with their reg and also you want to have match on a day and time  when a lot regs play too .
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 12, 2015, 04:43:26 pm
I'm not your friend buddy.

But ye I understand it's difficult. Maybe there are too many teams at the moment.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 12, 2015, 04:44:57 pm
I'm not your friend buddy.

Okey :D I wanted to ref you but if you are not my friend why would I (Just kidding,if i got time for it i ll ref your match but yet i dont know if i could)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 12, 2015, 05:20:24 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 77y
League: 1st League
Date: 12.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server: 4 or 5 pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 12, 2015, 05:33:43 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 77y
League: 1st League
Date: 12.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Rognir
Server: 4 or 5 pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: DasBrot on November 12, 2015, 06:30:47 pm
It will save you trouble if you fix matches AND refs like one week beforehand. Also ask them directly on steam instead of writing your date here. This way they won't think "meh someone else will do it".
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 12, 2015, 07:35:16 pm
It will save you trouble if you fix matches AND refs like one week beforehand. Also ask them directly on steam instead of writing your date here. This way they won't think "meh someone else will do it".
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 12, 2015, 08:27:42 pm
I've sent you messages through steam in the past with no reply dasbrot. I understand the sentiment, my observation is that a week in advance is too far in advance for refs to be certain actually...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 12, 2015, 08:41:26 pm
15th_YR 7:3 77y

good match !
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on November 12, 2015, 09:46:09 pm
16th 7-3 DI

Good fight, shame about numbers early on but good match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 12, 2015, 10:00:27 pm
15th_YR 7:3 77y

good match !

This referee so good way better then chicken having a rating 11/10 IGN rated  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 12, 2015, 10:04:37 pm
15th_YR 7:3 77y

good match !

This referee so good way better then chicken having a rating 11/10 IGN rated  ::)

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Dusan on November 12, 2015, 10:15:13 pm
15th_YR 7:3 77y

good match !

This referee so good way better then chicken having a rating 11/10 IGN rated  ::)
I thought I am the best ref  :'(
fuk this Ragnar und chicken kids  >:( >:(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 12, 2015, 10:15:50 pm
Match: 5te vs 61e
League: 2nd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed

ref Salakien and NWL 6 pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on November 12, 2015, 10:16:05 pm
Match: 5te vs 61e
League: 2nd League
Date: 15.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed

ref me and NWL 6 pls
Salakien is bae ref
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Cazasar on November 13, 2015, 06:26:23 am
15th_YR 7:3 77y

good match !

This referee so good way better then chicken having a rating 11/10 IGN rated  ::)
sry again for not being available :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Abekrampe on November 13, 2015, 07:28:55 pm
Does that mean we blame cazasar and get a rematch? ??????
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 14, 2015, 07:23:50 am
Does that mean we blame cazasar and get a rematch? ??????

it means 15th_YR gets a 10-0 win due to Cazasar being  being incompetent kek ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Cazasar on November 14, 2015, 07:30:21 am
Your welcome Pieter, when do I get my money ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: DasBrot on November 14, 2015, 03:56:09 pm
Your welcome Pieter, when do I get my money ?
30% goes to me pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Warder on November 14, 2015, 05:46:23 pm
Your welcome Pieter, when do I get my money ?
30% goes to me pls
    No 27th v 77y score added, fix it 2k15 Brot! :P (
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 14, 2015, 06:55:08 pm
Your welcome Pieter, when do I get my money ?
30% goes to me pls

hmm that means of the 1000 euro's I promised to caz 300 is yours DasBrot ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Fwuffy on November 14, 2015, 07:10:26 pm
91st pages lol <3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 14, 2015, 07:27:39 pm
soon to be 92nd pages
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 14, 2015, 08:36:59 pm
92nd vs the 25th ended in a 5-5 draw
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Saxon on November 14, 2015, 08:45:43 pm
GG 25th, your shooting was absolutely prolific. Awesome shit, melee not far behind either.

Good shit from both sides, minor issues - no problems though. Thanks to the ref!

Hope to play you guys again.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 14, 2015, 08:46:05 pm
17th_JR vs. 10thLR: 10 - 0
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: DasBrot on November 14, 2015, 10:28:12 pm
So seeing the schedules and the fked up 2nd League (disbanders and leavers suck), what is your opinion of getting rid of the matchday system? Regiments could choose freely when to play their opponents with no specific order given. Many regiments can't keep up with their schedules for whatever reason...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 14, 2015, 10:32:41 pm
So seeing the schedules and the fked up 2nd League (disbanders and leavers suck), what is your opinion of getting rid of the matchday system? Regiments could choose freely when to play their opponents with no specific order given. Many regiments can't keep up with their schedules for whatever reason...
pls dad
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Fwuffy on November 14, 2015, 10:38:18 pm
So seeing the schedules and the fked up 2nd League (disbanders and leavers suck), what is your opinion of getting rid of the matchday system? Regiments could choose freely when to play their opponents with no specific order given. Many regiments can't keep up with their schedules for whatever reason...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on November 14, 2015, 11:01:22 pm
So seeing the schedules and the fked up 2nd League (disbanders and leavers suck), what is your opinion of getting rid of the matchday system? Regiments could choose freely when to play their opponents with no specific order given. Many regiments can't keep up with their schedules for whatever reason...

Na pretty bullshit. Regs will plan who they want to play first and last. Almost guaranteed every time the regiment will base of it of the opposing regiments skill.

The current scheme is a lot better as its random and forced to play that regiment in the given weeks.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Cazasar on November 14, 2015, 11:39:52 pm
I agree with crumpet.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: TheRealHunter on November 14, 2015, 11:46:12 pm
I agree with crumpet.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Pumti on November 15, 2015, 12:54:38 am
I agree with crumpet.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 15, 2015, 12:56:36 am
tru dat but would it be possible since some regiments have liek 5 weeks off without NWL and if it'd be possible to bring the match closer on a week we both have it off and use that for the match day if you understand what i mean.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on November 15, 2015, 02:12:10 am
tru dat but would it be possible since some regiments have liek 5 weeks off without NWL and if it'd be possible to bring the match closer on a week we both have it off and use that for the match day if you understand what i mean.

Personally I see that as causing a lot of crap for the Organizers to deal with as they will now need to keep track of the regs who brought forward their matches.

Whereas once again these are fixed matches. Everyone will have that time when they don't play for a week or a few.

Need to consider other regiments before taking this course.

Using Meinspielplan works fine, it was just a hiccup where regiments decided to leave/disband which made the league kaput. No need to jump the gun and presume that everyone would like this change.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Murphy on November 15, 2015, 03:18:36 am
Three leagues was always incredibily ambitious considering the current state of decline the game is in. I suppose it's too late now, but the organizers would have been better off having two leagues made up of 10 decent, upstanding regiments that are unlikely to disband within a week of the first match of the league.

As for match days, I feel that it is generally better, as Crumpet has stated, to keep it fixed on a weekly basis. I do however believe that if two regiments agree to move the date of their match forward then that is their prerogative.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 15, 2015, 09:00:07 am
Three leagues was always incredibily ambitious considering the current state of decline the game is in. I suppose it's too late now, but the organizers would have been better off having two leagues made up of 10 decent, upstanding regiments that are unlikely to disband within a week of the first match of the league.

As for match days, I feel that it is generally better, as Crumpet has stated, to keep it fixed on a weekly basis. I do however believe that if two regiments agree to move the date of their match forward then that is their prerogative.

true story, but I do believe as well that if smaller regiments want to particapate in a some what competitive tournament that this should be possible and that is why the 3rd League has been created offcourse with these kind of regiments you cant be sure if they will keep existing, then again you cant be sure at all if a regiment will keep existing now a days regiments just randomely disbanned even in the 1st league ::)

but to come back to the point of the matchday system dont get rid of that, I mean how else are you suppose to play the matches in an orderly fashion ?

Just keep it going as it is  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 15, 2015, 11:10:45 am
In my opinion an administrator for each league, a go to guy for leaders to talk to about their fixtures, and a team of referees for each league. Meaning this team of 3-4 refs' priority would be the league they have been assigned, they would serve as backup for the other leagues.

This way, if I was organising a match, I would have 3-4 people to talk to try and agree on a day. Since they are dedicated to my league we will work together to get to an agreeable date and time. If no resolution is possible then i would go to my league's administrator who's job would be to find a ref from the other leagues, this administrator is better connected and better positioned to sort it out quickly.

I am happy to develop this idea with anybody who is interested to discuss further.

I would keep the structured fixture list. It is something we should be aiming to achieve. If both leaders agree on a different week however, then so be it, that's common sense.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Barbaneth on November 15, 2015, 01:29:44 pm
Ref needed for tonight 8 GMT, 16_Jeunes vs 10thLR
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Herishey on November 15, 2015, 02:40:10 pm
So seeing the schedules and the fked up 2nd League (disbanders and leavers suck), what is your opinion of getting rid of the matchday system? Regiments could choose freely when to play their opponents with no specific order given. Many regiments can't keep up with their schedules for whatever reason...
Nah, in my experience of hosting if you don't tell players what fight to do and when, simply they won't do it or will leave all their matches till the last minute.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ndreval on November 15, 2015, 04:59:00 pm
btw, about shedule. 2nd league. Preobraz vs 33rd : 6-4 to 33rd
And Preobraz vs 23 on 21.11 at 7.15 GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 15, 2015, 05:03:07 pm
oh shit! its page 92nd!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 15, 2015, 07:50:55 pm
NWL_6 got 120 ping
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 15, 2015, 08:32:44 pm
Match : 5te vs 61e
Server : NWL_4
Referee : Salakien
Result : 4:6

It was good match , a very few rulebreaks , there were melee only round . GJ guys , wish you luck in league .:)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: huanmpth on November 15, 2015, 08:34:04 pm
Match : 5te vs 61e
Server : NWL_4
Referee : Salakien
Result : 4:6

It was good match , a very few rulebreaks , there were melee only round . GJ guys , wish you luck in league .:)

It was a really nice match thanks to the ref and to our opponents.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 15, 2015, 08:56:37 pm
Spartans vs. 63e: 9 - 1

One very nice match, enjoyed to referee
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Bigmama on November 15, 2015, 09:37:00 pm
10th Lr vs. 16eJg:6 - 4
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on November 15, 2015, 09:52:10 pm
16th 7-3 54e

Iffy match to say the least, lots of abuse being thrown regarding decisions and some quite offensive comments aimed at me arent very good nor wanted.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 15, 2015, 10:05:17 pm
Well fought by the 16th.

We would like to contest 3 counts where the 16th outnumbered us by two, despite making the admin aware of the in-balance, no reset was forthcoming, a common sense issue, and one count of a round we won being reset due to fic, where earlier in the match when the 16th fic a simple slay was chosen as the punishment. Inconsistent and confusing.

I'd prefer to talk on teamspeak or discord rather than take up any more space here or any misunderstandings on steam chat.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on November 15, 2015, 10:46:45 pm
I want to comment on the part when you were outnumbered by 2 since i a do not remember exactly what happened with the Firing in Charge. This happened twice and in both cases you had a person crashing/leaving/dying within the first few seconds. I am pretty sure after the "live" notification we don't have to drop if we were correct at the start of the round.

Also i completely ignored the  rage messages against people from my nation just because of their ethnicity during the event.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [6th Matchday 30 Oct - 05 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 15, 2015, 10:49:46 pm
17th JR 6:4 54e

I think this result hasn't being posted yet.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Steffan on November 15, 2015, 10:53:12 pm
I want to comment on the part when you were outnumbered by 2 since i a do not remember exactly what happened with the Firing in Charge. This happened twice and in both cases you had a person crashing/leaving/dying within the first few seconds. I am pretty sure after the "live" notification we don't have to drop if we were correct at the start of the round.

Also i completely ignored the  rage messages against people from my nation just because of their ethnicity during the event.

Our member did not spawn in, tis very silly, just a simple reset would have sufficed...

I can ensure you our special friend is unaware of your nationality. I'll waive being called bitches (in Russian) from your side...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: 5te_Kpl_Jacobgr43 on November 17, 2015, 08:49:41 pm
Match: 5te vs 33rd
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Take on November 17, 2015, 09:27:37 pm
Is the representative for the 1Pa (Fantasy.(wfry) "фэнтези") still current ? if so his flist is full and I would appreciate him adding me over steam to discuss when we will do our nwl match.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 18, 2015, 01:31:23 pm
Is the representative for the 1Pa (Fantasy.(wfry) "фэнтези") still current ? if so his flist is full and I would appreciate him adding me over steam to discuss when we will do our nwl match.

Hi, I think that for 1Pa you've to add this player ( ).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 19, 2015, 12:37:42 am

Match: 15th_YR vs 66pp
League: 1st league
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Abe
Server : 4 or 5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: 5te_Kpl_Jacobgr43 on November 19, 2015, 04:52:30 am
Match: 5te vs 33rd
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Macca on November 20, 2015, 09:17:16 pm
17thJR 8 - 2 1Rgt

Well played 17th. Not a bad match, good melee etc. Both sides officer aimed once and there was a little too much fire in charge and fire out of line.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on November 21, 2015, 12:52:28 am
4e vs Nr12.
Need a ref :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: 5te_Kpl_Jacobgr43 on November 21, 2015, 03:12:01 am
Match: 5te vs 33rd
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: DarkTemplar on November 21, 2015, 02:53:59 pm
Match: 4e vs 2Lhr
Date: 28/11/15 7 GMT
Ref: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: aroslaw46 on November 21, 2015, 07:51:37 pm
Match: 5pp vs Spartans
League: 1st League
Date: 32.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Needed
Server : needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Bever on November 21, 2015, 08:56:51 pm
23e 8-2 Preobraz

Nice match. Thanks to Gody! :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 21, 2015, 09:15:49 pm
Match: 5te vs 33rd
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Chickerino
Server: NWL_4
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: huanmpth on November 22, 2015, 02:21:26 pm
Match: 61e vs 21o
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: needed
Server: needed

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 22, 2015, 03:03:44 pm
Match: 4e vs 2Lhr
Date: 28/11/15 7 GMT
Ref: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on November 22, 2015, 03:10:33 pm
4e vs Nr12.
Need a ref :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Rommel on November 22, 2015, 03:57:29 pm
Match: 17th_JR vs. 47e
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Rommel
Server : NWL_7
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 22, 2015, 08:39:49 pm
Thanks for great and funny match 15th , im sorry for that troll :( at least i ban him so we can have his U-ID
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 22, 2015, 08:50:26 pm
61e 7 : 3 21o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: huanmpth on November 22, 2015, 08:54:55 pm
61e 7 : 3 21o
8:2 no?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: quickzR on November 22, 2015, 08:56:07 pm
Match: 63e vs 42nd
Date: 22-11-2015
Ref: quickzR
Score: 63e 3 - 7 42nd
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Cazasar on November 22, 2015, 09:06:04 pm
4e 6|4 Nr12
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 22, 2015, 09:09:50 pm
Intense Match. Wont say any more.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 22, 2015, 09:22:39 pm
33rd vs. 5te: 9 - 1 8 - 2

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on November 22, 2015, 09:28:45 pm
8-2 Chicken...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Fwuffy on November 22, 2015, 09:29:44 pm
8-2 Chicken...
33rd vs. 5te: 9 - 1
wow busted chicken remove from ref pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 23, 2015, 01:55:02 am

Match: 15th_YR vs 66pp
League: 1st league
Date: 22.11.2015
Time: 7:00 gmt
Referee: Abe
Server : 4 or 5

9-1 win for the 15th_YR

I post it here because Abe did not posted it yet

Still love you Abe and also ty for being ref

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 23, 2015, 07:31:21 am
8-2 Chicken...

33rd vs. 5te: 8 - 2
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 23, 2015, 06:39:23 pm
Hi, I'm trying to contact [52y]ST0СKER, but he doesn't accept my friend request on steam. Can someone please tell him to accept please? Thanks.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: wilu_daskar on November 23, 2015, 08:29:37 pm
As I know, he has left 52y already. Try to speak with [52y]Typhus. Or add me on steam ([Saints], 2nd league, steam profile is in the first post of this thread), tomorrow I'll speak with some of my friends, that are 52y members to solve this problem.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 23, 2015, 08:38:29 pm
Match : Spartans vs 5pp
Server : NWL_4
Referee : Salakien
Result : 9:1

No rulebreaks , nice match , GG WP
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: crazytoes on November 23, 2015, 08:47:56 pm
12th 6-4 16th

Nice match no major rule breaks, gg!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: NoXic on November 23, 2015, 09:10:24 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 23, 2015, 09:17:21 pm
Match : 15th_YR vs Nr12
Server : NWL_4 or 5 just reset the servers once I mean lagg is starting to become real even for dodo servers
Referee : Herishey
Date: 26/11/15
Time: 7pm GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Herishey on November 23, 2015, 10:32:20 pm
Match : 15th_YR vs Nr12
Server : NWL_4 or 5 just reset the servers once I mean lagg is starting to become real even for dodo servers
Referee : Herishey
Date: 26/11/15
Time: 7pm GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 25, 2015, 12:02:29 am
Hi, I'm trying to contact [52y]ST0СKER, but he doesn't accept my friend request on steam. Can someone please tell him to accept please? Thanks.

Thanks to wilu_daskar now I know that the leader of 52y is "Red (", but he didn't accept my steam request yet, and days avaible to play it are going to end soon (also because we've other events to play..).

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 25, 2015, 01:32:16 am
Match : 15th_YR vs Nr12
Server : NWL_4 or 5 just reset the servers once I mean lagg is starting to become real even for dodo servers
Referee : Herishey
Date: 26/11/15
Time: 7pm GMT

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Herishey on November 25, 2015, 09:18:23 am
Match : 15th_YR vs Nr12
Server : NWL_4 or 5 just reset the servers once I mean lagg is starting to become real even for dodo servers
Referee : Herishey
Date: 26/11/15
Time: 7pm GMT

:( :( :( :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Dominic on November 25, 2015, 09:20:02 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 12th
League: 3rd League
Date: 26.11.2015 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Abekrampe
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on November 25, 2015, 09:24:32 pm
Hi, I'm trying to contact [52y]ST0СKER, but he doesn't accept my friend request on steam. Can someone please tell him to accept please? Thanks.

Thanks to wilu_daskar now I know that the leader of 52y is "Red (", but he didn't accept my steam request yet, and days avaible to play it are going to end soon (also because we've other events to play..).

Still waiting  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 25, 2015, 09:25:15 pm
Match: 92nd vs 6te
League: 2nd League
Date: 2/12/2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Pieter
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 26, 2015, 03:25:51 pm
Match: 92nd vs 6te
League: 2nd League
Date: 2/12/2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Pieter

have fun fighting the Nr12
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on November 26, 2015, 03:44:02 pm
Actually some went 92nd as well, so its nr12 vs nr12

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 26, 2015, 03:56:50 pm
Match: 92nd vs 6te
League: 2nd League
Date: 2/12/2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Pieter

have fun fighting the Nr12
not as if i didnt know
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 26, 2015, 04:07:51 pm
Match: 92nd vs 6te
League: 2nd League
Date: 2/12/2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Pieter

have fun fighting the Nr12
not as if i didnt know

not as if I didnt know you could know it already but still bantering cos banter
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 26, 2015, 04:15:37 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: DasBrot on November 26, 2015, 06:07:05 pm
Actually some went 92nd as well, so its nr12 vs nr12

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 26, 2015, 08:48:43 pm
Nr35 vs. 12th: 9 - 1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Cazasar on November 26, 2015, 08:51:31 pm
25th  0 | 10  6te
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 26, 2015, 09:32:15 pm
Match: 92nd vs 6te
League: 2nd League
Date: 2/12/2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Pieter

have fun fighting the Nr12
not as if i didnt know

not as if I didnt know you could know it already but still bantering cos banter

I see russian invites hmm ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: KOBZIK on November 26, 2015, 09:58:39 pm
Match: 92nd vs 6te
League: 2nd League
Date: 2/12/2015
Time: 19:00 gmt
Referee: Pieter

have fun fighting the Nr12
not as if i didnt know

not as if I didnt know you could know it already but still bantering cos banter

I see russian invites hmm ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Warder on November 27, 2015, 09:00:58 pm
17thYR 9:1 1pa
Fine match.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 28, 2015, 02:18:06 pm
Match: 92nd vs Miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 28/11/2015 [Today]
Time: 18:00pm GMT
Referee: Rommel
Server: NWL 5 if poss
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 28, 2015, 07:31:13 pm
92nd 9-1 Miquelets
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Abekrampe on November 28, 2015, 07:55:26 pm
17th_JR vs Pavlovskiy 9 - 1

GG both sides
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on November 28, 2015, 08:37:39 pm
4e 6 | 4 2Lhr
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 28, 2015, 09:00:13 pm
Preobraz vs. 21o: 8 - 2
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Saxon on November 30, 2015, 07:10:46 pm
Might want to update my steam link on the thread by the way.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Take on November 30, 2015, 08:14:11 pm
Looking for ref for

Match: 1Rhein vs 1Pa
League: 3rd League
Date: 04/12/2015
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Need
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on November 30, 2015, 08:34:52 pm
Preobraz vs 5te resulted in a 9:1 win for the Preobraz

5te had low attendance ( 7 members ) so I told the Preobraz they could use the minimum amount of people which is 15 yet they decided to bring only 10 good sportmanship if you ask me right there!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kore on November 30, 2015, 08:52:53 pm
Chicken is a blind fuck, don't let him referee your matches!

top banter today, i luv u chicken
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Saxon on November 30, 2015, 08:56:30 pm
Please fix NWL 4 lag

And again to the 66Pp, as Chicken said - he didn't see anything and most of the 4e probably didn't (I didn't), so a screenie or vid would be more appreciated than screaming "I DEMAND A RESET" every 5 minutes in internal and admin chat.

Also, good melee from you guys.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kaasovic on November 30, 2015, 08:56:43 pm
Chicken is a blind fuck, don't let him referee your matches!

top banter today

Aaaah hmmmmm the salty tears yummy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 30, 2015, 08:57:59 pm
dont blame chicken :( <3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Tharan on November 30, 2015, 09:02:08 pm
66PP be like
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 30, 2015, 09:03:54 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 30, 2015, 09:06:03 pm
4e vs. 66Pp: 6 - 4

1) Artic Servers need to be resetted, the lag is getting stronger.

2) one sec
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Tharan on November 30, 2015, 09:09:11 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun

When you cancel an event at the last second to go to a siege :) So wb that officer rambo or how much of a cunt Kore was being or your whining every 5 seconds if you had won you would not be crying over this so stfu no one likes the 66pp or wants to ref. Like because of you guys chicken has resigned :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Saxon on November 30, 2015, 09:09:47 pm
4e vs. 66Pp: 6 - 4

1) Artic Servers need to be resetted, the lag is getting stronger.

2) I'm resigning my NWL refereeing as a result of tonight's match. This job is meant to help out with league, delivering quick time responses when needed.  I dont want to continue doing this the way its going after matches like tonight's one. Even I still dont get what happened, I'll take the shame and move apart from the league, atleast from this 6th season.

Thank you people, its been an enjoyable time.

I agree with the first point.

However, you can't exactly be expected to watch the screen 100% of the time (It was also a split second thing that they were complaining about) and I've no issue with your usual state of refereeing - Don't leave me child
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 30, 2015, 09:13:41 pm
4e vs. 66Pp: 6 - 4

1) Artic Servers need to be resetted, the lag is getting stronger.

2) I'm resigning my NWL refereeing as a result of tonight's match. This job is meant to help out with league, delivering quick time responses when needed.  I dont want to continue doing this the way its going after matches like tonight's one. Even I still dont get what happened, I'll take the shame and move apart from the league, atleast from this 6th season.

Thank you people, its been an enjoyable time.

Your Choice in this case, I mean its fine that Salakien is claiming major rulebreaks during the whole game since there were some, no deny... BUT dont piss on Chicken during the match, how is he meant to keep calm and make proper decisions, ty to all those salty people who just complain about everything instead of trying to understand and help. Chicken did a great job in reffing so far as many people can confirm (supposedly the best ref till now) But still he gets blamed for those things like you were fighting for your lifes. I mean there is nothing against some banter edge but if you insult somone because of that you should really turn of your pc and go outside for a while.

Im really upset to see this :(

PS; I dont only mean 66pp alone there are edgy people everywhere who dont make it easier to do this properly
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Saxon on November 30, 2015, 09:15:09 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kore on November 30, 2015, 09:16:53 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun

When you cancel an event at the last second to go to a siege :) So wb that officer rambo or how much of a cunt Kore was being or your whining every 5 seconds if you had won you would not be crying over this so stfu no one likes the 66pp or wants to ref. Like because of you guys chicken has resigned :)

What do you mean, you were spamming like some 12 years old kids, screaming insults all around the place. I was just having some deep banter with phailur, yet some of your guys were interferring, being I'd even say 'salty' about me bitching.

I am really sorry if I somehow offended you, I didn't mean to.

Also @Kaas: no not really, I will put there some emoticons next time, as that spoiler is not that noticable as I thought so.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Salakien on November 30, 2015, 09:19:01 pm
Wtf i dont blame chicken for everything , i know him as ref and he´s my pal in this game but i was just really upset when you guys where responding in internal chat and chicken did it after a long while and pls dont blame me for the fact that Chicken quit as referee . :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on November 30, 2015, 09:21:05 pm
Wtf i dont blame chicken for everything , i know him as ref and he´s my pal in this game but i was just really upset when you guys where responding in internal chat and chicken did it after a long while and pls dont blame me for the fact that Chicken quit as referee . :)

sorry if I said it wrong, I didnt mean you alone its just the general salt some people in this community are starting which really can take someones nerves
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kaasovic on November 30, 2015, 09:31:37 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun

When you cancel an event at the last second to go to a siege :) So wb that officer rambo or how much of a cunt Kore was being or your whining every 5 seconds if you had won you would not be crying over this so stfu no one likes the 66pp or wants to ref. Like because of you guys chicken has resigned :)

What do you mean, you were spamming like some 12 years old kids, screaming insults all around the place. I was just having some deep banter with phailur, yet some of your guys were interferring, being I'd even say 'salty' about me bitching.

I am really sorry if I somehow offended you, I didn't mean to.

Also @Kaas: no not really, I will put there some emoticons next time, as that spoiler is not that noticable as I thought so.


Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kore on November 30, 2015, 09:32:17 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun

When you cancel an event at the last second to go to a siege :) So wb that officer rambo or how much of a cunt Kore was being or your whining every 5 seconds if you had won you would not be crying over this so stfu no one likes the 66pp or wants to ref. Like because of you guys chicken has resigned :)

What do you mean, you were spamming like some 12 years old kids, screaming insults all around the place. I was just having some deep banter with phailur, yet some of your guys were interferring, being I'd even say 'salty' about me bitching.

I am really sorry if I somehow offended you, I didn't mean to.

Also @Kaas: no not really, I will put there some emoticons next time, as that spoiler is not that noticable as I thought so.



you havin' a giggle m8?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kaasovic on November 30, 2015, 09:33:35 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun

When you cancel an event at the last second to go to a siege :) So wb that officer rambo or how much of a cunt Kore was being or your whining every 5 seconds if you had won you would not be crying over this so stfu no one likes the 66pp or wants to ref. Like because of you guys chicken has resigned :)

What do you mean, you were spamming like some 12 years old kids, screaming insults all around the place. I was just having some deep banter with phailur, yet some of your guys were interferring, being I'd even say 'salty' about me bitching.

I am really sorry if I somehow offended you, I didn't mean to.

Also @Kaas: no not really, I will put there some emoticons next time, as that spoiler is not that noticable as I thought so.



you havin' a giggle m8?

i sure do, you're saltyness is feeding me, continue please
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Gi on November 30, 2015, 09:35:59 pm
Its just a game
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on November 30, 2015, 09:38:59 pm
seems like by leaving the ref team i am creating an even bigger cycle of salt
thats cancer

give me a few days i need to make up my mind
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kore on November 30, 2015, 09:39:34 pm
66PP be like

well when you fkin fol almost every round :) Its great to know that , GL Bois and have fun

When you cancel an event at the last second to go to a siege :) So wb that officer rambo or how much of a cunt Kore was being or your whining every 5 seconds if you had won you would not be crying over this so stfu no one likes the 66pp or wants to ref. Like because of you guys chicken has resigned :)

What do you mean, you were spamming like some 12 years old kids, screaming insults all around the place. I was just having some deep banter with phailur, yet some of your guys were interferring, being I'd even say 'salty' about me bitching.

I am really sorry if I somehow offended you, I didn't mean to.

Also @Kaas: no not really, I will put there some emoticons next time, as that spoiler is not that noticable as I thought so.



you havin' a giggle m8?

i sure do, you're saltyness is feeding me, continue please

get some then

i am only salty from you thinking that i am actually salty
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on November 30, 2015, 10:54:27 pm
5te is rip so yeah disbanded
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kore on November 30, 2015, 10:59:06 pm
5te is rip so yeah disbanded

rip Dan  :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on November 30, 2015, 11:22:10 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Vir An on December 01, 2015, 12:07:36 am
Match: 1°Reg vs Suisse
League: 3rd League
Date: 01/12/2015
Time: 20:00 gmt
Referee: Chicken (?)

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: ExoticFail on December 01, 2015, 08:10:13 am
 Rip dan :( and rip chiken

Wot dafuq gois stop making ppl go down u lil cunts.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on December 01, 2015, 08:18:32 am
Match: 1°Reg vs Suisse
League: 3rd League
Date: 01/12/2015
Time: 20:00 gmt
Referee: Chicken (?)

Welp, i suppose i'll do it as i guaranteed you some days ago
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kaasovic on December 01, 2015, 08:19:01 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ndreval on December 01, 2015, 08:37:59 am
Fking shit?! Wth is 2nd league? It is 6th regiment just disbanded. Cmon,I understand all,but this is just dishonest xD Especially when we played with 5te just yesterday and won.
I am dissapointed   :'(
P.S rip Dan...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: KOBZIK on December 01, 2015, 06:45:31 pm
3rd league one love
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: 25th Official on December 01, 2015, 07:23:30 pm
Well, rip half of the regiments in 2nd league. 5te was a very well known regiment.

However, the 25th still stands, and so does the 61e.
We have a match on Thursday, the 3rd. At 19.30 GMT. We need a referee! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on December 01, 2015, 10:16:31 pm
1ºReggimento vs. Suisse: 5 - 5

how evil are you guys to arrange a NWL at 20:00 GMT and camp ...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 02, 2015, 08:58:44 pm
92nd 5 - 5 6te
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: DasBrot on December 02, 2015, 09:09:07 pm
92nd 5 - 5 6te

Enjoyable and fair, intense match! Thank you for that one, and congrats to 1st place!

( (
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Fwuffy on December 02, 2015, 09:14:50 pm
92nd 5 - 5 6te

Enjoyable and fair, intense match! Thank you for that one, and congrats to 1st place!

( (
indeed GG was a nice match, good chat in the screenshot as well :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: TheRealHunter on December 02, 2015, 09:16:06 pm
92nd 5 - 5 6te

Enjoyable and fair, intense match! Thank you for that one, and congrats to 1st place!

( (
indeed GG was a nice match, good chat in the screenshot as well :p
good because iam not on it  ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on December 02, 2015, 09:34:44 pm
92nd 5 - 5 6te

Enjoyable and fair, intense match! Thank you for that one, and congrats to 1st place!

( (
indeed GG was a nice match, good chat in the screenshot as well :p
good because iam not on it  ;D

Goodmatch to ref as well :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: TheRealHunter on December 02, 2015, 09:36:06 pm
Thx for reffing peter
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: pieter on December 02, 2015, 09:39:27 pm
Match: 15th_YR vs 2Lhr
Date: 3-13-2015
time: 7 pm GMT
Ref: Ragnar
Server: NWL_4 or 5 kthxbai
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 03, 2015, 08:38:26 am
Match: 15th_YR vs 2Lhr
Date: 3-13-2015
time: 7 pm GMT
Ref: Ragnar
Server: NWL_4 or 5 kthxbai
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Pumti on December 03, 2015, 01:57:24 pm
Any referee available for a match in 2 league tonight at 19.30 gmt? :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Bigmama on December 03, 2015, 02:00:09 pm
Any referee available for a match in 2 league tonight at 19.30 gmt? :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: DarkTemplar on December 03, 2015, 02:07:48 pm
quote author=DanDerMann link=topic=25791.msg1213533#msg1213533 date=1449128306]
Match: 15th_YR vs 2Lhr
Date: 3-13-2015
time: 7 pm GMT
Ref: Ragnar
Server: NWL_4 or 5 kthxbai

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: 25th Official on December 03, 2015, 05:58:15 pm
Bigmama couldnt referee the match afterall, so we are in deep need for a REFEREE AT 19.30 GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Tharan on December 03, 2015, 07:46:31 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Tharan on December 03, 2015, 07:46:48 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on December 03, 2015, 08:29:22 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on December 03, 2015, 08:43:30 pm
77y vs. 51st: 7 - 3

nice 77y cadets

rikimaru is back
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 03, 2015, 08:53:39 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe
Cheeeky carry by dan in first half but k
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Herishey on December 03, 2015, 08:55:57 pm
77y vs. 51st: 7 - 3

nice 77y cadets

rikimaru is back
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Phailur on December 03, 2015, 09:06:23 pm
77y vs. 51st: 7 - 3

nice 77y cadets

rikimaru is back
ur nan
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Haze on December 03, 2015, 09:07:57 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of War   8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 03, 2015, 09:12:40 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of Nub   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Cazasar on December 03, 2015, 09:28:31 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Herishey on December 03, 2015, 09:29:09 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: bobertini on December 03, 2015, 09:29:34 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it
  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 03, 2015, 10:00:47 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it
  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 03, 2015, 10:01:41 pm
25th 5 | 5 61e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Moi~ on December 04, 2015, 12:43:25 am

rip nwl
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: GerRagnar on December 04, 2015, 12:44:21 am

rip nwl

Oy vey
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Warder on December 04, 2015, 06:43:08 am
Divisions should consist less teams. Or it should be like in UEFA Champions League, group stage then knock-outs as now it takes too long to play all matches so half of teams disbands :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Kore on December 04, 2015, 08:26:27 am
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it

He isn't, trust me, there are worse.  :)  :-X  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [8th Matchday 13 - 19 Nov]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 04, 2015, 11:44:46 am
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it

He isn't, trust me, there are worse.  :)  :-X  ::)
Like u ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Kore on December 04, 2015, 12:04:53 pm
15th YR 10:0 2Lhr

good match, cheeky HaZe

you can't slay the French God of backpadelling and downfeinting with 9 ping   8) 8) 8)
Fixed it

He isn't, trust me, there are worse.  :)  :-X  ::)
Like u ::) ::) ::)
Did we ever meet in a duel, dear Dan?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 04, 2015, 12:07:46 pm
It was a joke, calm yer tits. And if you want to duel just add me on steam I would love to duel someone who isn't a complete noob  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Kore on December 04, 2015, 12:10:46 pm
It was a joke, calm yer tits. And if you want to duel just add me on steam I would love to duel someone who isn't a complete noob  ::) ::)

I know it was, faggot
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Take on December 04, 2015, 04:19:47 pm
Looking for ref for

Match: 1Rhein vs 1Pa
League: 3rd League
Date: 04/12/2015
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Need
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Ancient on December 04, 2015, 07:02:01 pm
Don't think Quickzr posted First league 42nd-7-3 63e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 04, 2015, 08:52:49 pm
1Rhein 10 | 0 1Pa
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Bever on December 05, 2015, 03:32:50 pm
Did 5te disband?  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: bobertini on December 05, 2015, 03:37:55 pm
Did 5te disband?   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 06, 2015, 12:21:31 pm
In regards to the rules, I'd like to see a rule that involves this:

If you charge, your whole line has to.

This would prevent those Rambo officers from charging at you while close proximity shooting and giving their line more time to shoot - its a bit bullshit

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Bever on December 06, 2015, 12:42:36 pm
Did 5te disband?   ;D ;D

Urgh.  :-\
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 06, 2015, 01:24:41 pm
In regards to the rules, I'd like to see a rule that involves this:

If you charge, your whole line has to.

This would prevent those Rambo officers from charging at you while close proximity shooting and giving their line more time to shoot - its a bit bullshit

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on December 06, 2015, 01:37:34 pm
In regards to the rules, I'd like to see a rule that involves this:

If you charge, your whole line has to.

This would prevent those Rambo officers from charging at you while close proximity shooting and giving their line more time to shoot - its a bit bullshit


66pp ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 06, 2015, 01:47:26 pm
In regards to the rules, I'd like to see a rule that involves this:

If you charge, your whole line has to.

This would prevent those Rambo officers from charging at you while close proximity shooting and giving their line more time to shoot - its a bit bullshit


66pp ;)

I could name quite a few regiments, it is a bit Rambo and unfair.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 06, 2015, 02:21:29 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 06, 2015, 03:40:33 pm
Would be nice anyway Brot, seems to be used quite a bit now and its just canca
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Kore on December 06, 2015, 04:39:39 pm
Would be nice anyway Brot, seems to be used quite a bit now and its just canca

quite a bit now? I remember regimental leaders doing it quite often last 3 NWL seasons as well
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 06, 2015, 05:05:24 pm
Would be nice anyway Brot, seems to be used quite a bit now and its just canca

quite a bit now? I remember regimental leaders doing it quite often last 3 NWL seasons as well

Yep, its basically ramboing lol
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 06, 2015, 08:59:55 pm
Spartans vs. 4e: 7 - 3

regarding the discussion above that would also apply the other way round, when a line is chasing the ending of the enemy line and the last guy there gets attacked by the enemy officer...

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 07, 2015, 05:45:56 am
Would be nice anyway Brot, seems to be used quite a bit now and its just canca

quite a bit now? I remember regimental leaders doing it quite often last 3 NWL seasons as well

its something that is being used for ages literally I cant remember a regiment that doesn't use this tactic because it is what it is a tactic to get your men into melee without them getting fucked up by bullets while charging and then still if you decide to do this there is a big chance of you getting shot as you were charging which allows the opponent to shoot you.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 07, 2015, 01:24:01 pm
I dont do it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 07, 2015, 03:14:52 pm
Would be nice anyway Brot, seems to be used quite a bit now and its just canca

quite a bit now? I remember regimental leaders doing it quite often last 3 NWL seasons as well

its something that is being used for ages literally I cant remember a regiment that doesn't use this tactic because it is what it is a tactic to get your men into melee without them getting fucked up by bullets while charging and then still if you decide to do this there is a big chance of you getting shot as you were charging which allows the opponent to shoot you.
When the enemy officer is at a clearly visible attempt to charge you, you are allowed to shoot him. So if he charges you, shoot him. You can move away afterwards and continue ranged combat because charge didn't even begin. Should put you into an advantage then. Will think about a rule though to handle other situations like these.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: ST0CKER on December 07, 2015, 03:56:46 pm
52y disbanded :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: bobertini on December 07, 2015, 04:57:08 pm
When the enemy officer is at a clearly visible attempt to charge you, you are allowed to shoot him. So if he charges you, shoot him. You can move away afterwards and continue ranged combat because charge didn't even begin. Should put you into an advantage then. Will think about a rule though to handle other situations like these.

What if the officer is usain bolt? Plus if you are concentrating at shooting a line you aren't going to be looking out for usain bolts? Make a rule that officers should remain with their line unless its to scout for the enemy.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: ExoticFail on December 07, 2015, 05:09:24 pm
For example, i used teleport hax, this is 10/10 legit, if you want a download link, just give me you steam login thingis, i will install it for you kappa
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 07, 2015, 05:14:31 pm
When the enemy officer is at a clearly visible attempt to charge you, you are allowed to shoot him. So if he charges you, shoot him. You can move away afterwards and continue ranged combat because charge didn't even begin. Should put you into an advantage then. Will think about a rule though to handle other situations like these.

What if the officer is usain bolt? Plus if you are concentrating at shooting a line you aren't going to be looking out for usain bolts? Make a rule that officers should remain with their line unless its to scout for the enemy.

^ This.

Its really fucking goy when officers do this, also;

"When the enemy officer is at a clearly visible attempt to charge you, you are allowed to shoot him." So their line can fire/reload when in charge? lol

  1.2 Firing out of formation is where a shot is fired from a player of a line which is not stationary and in a tightly packed formation.
  1.3 The officer is not allowed to shoot on his own while his line is waiting in cover

1.2 - The officer isn't part of the line?
1.3 - Can't shoot on his own but can charge on his own?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 07, 2015, 06:00:34 pm
This makes no sense but it's clearly not against the rules ^^

to 1.2: the Officer isn't shooting and this rule only relates to the people shooting I think
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Cazasar on December 07, 2015, 06:19:02 pm
so erm, with 1.2, not closing gaps is FoL ? a lot of matches need to be replayed ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 07, 2015, 07:40:07 pm
I dont do it

you do, like everyone else its that small headstart you have over your own man when you give the order to charge ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 07, 2015, 07:52:55 pm
so erm, with 1.2, not closing gaps is FoL ? a lot of matches need to be replayed ::)

 Caz the referees are there to decide if its FoL and to warn them as well if there are any gaps to be filled ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 07, 2015, 08:03:00 pm
6te vs. Saints: 5 - 5

the worst match i've ever seen by far
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 07, 2015, 08:19:01 pm
6te vs. Saints: 5 - 5
the worst match i've ever seen by far

I now know what everyone else had to do with when they were complaining on FSE about Rules. Wow.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Cazasar on December 07, 2015, 08:21:36 pm
6te vs. Saints: 5 - 5
the worst match i've ever seen by far

I now know what everyone else had to do with when they were complaining on FSE about Rules. Wow.
Video ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 07, 2015, 08:24:33 pm
6te vs. Saints: 5 - 5
the worst match i've ever seen by far

I now know what everyone else had to do with when they were complaining on FSE about Rules. Wow.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: KOBZIK on December 07, 2015, 08:24:55 pm
6te vs. Saints: 5 - 5
the worst match i've ever seen by far

I now know what everyone else had to do with when they were complaining on FSE about Rules. Wow.
Video ?
Saints will have one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 07, 2015, 08:28:27 pm
6te vs. Saints: 5 - 5
the worst match i've ever seen by far

I now know what everyone else had to do with when they were complaining on FSE about Rules. Wow.
Video ?
Saints will have one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 07, 2015, 08:36:33 pm
how bad was 6te vs saints xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: ExoticFail on December 07, 2015, 08:37:37 pm
On a scala from 1-10, it was Ausschwitz.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 07, 2015, 08:38:33 pm
On a scala from 1-10, it was Ausschwitz.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 07, 2015, 08:44:41 pm
On a scala from 1-10, it was Ausschwitz.
So it was great?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 07, 2015, 08:45:16 pm
On a scala from 1-10, it was Ausschwitz.
So it was great?
compared to hitler, yes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Cazasar on December 07, 2015, 08:45:42 pm
Did Saints scream "cyka rush b bliat !" Mid round ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 07, 2015, 08:46:53 pm
We have a video, too.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 07, 2015, 08:56:18 pm
We have a video, too.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 07, 2015, 09:45:31 pm
We have a video, too.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 07, 2015, 10:42:46 pm
Need to upload first though ye
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Fwuffy on December 07, 2015, 10:45:48 pm
Need to upload first though ye
notmoving got rekt
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 07, 2015, 11:33:48 pm
Need to upload first though ye
notmoving got rekt

Sheet tell no one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Patricius on December 09, 2015, 03:59:43 pm
Match: 47e vs Suisse
League: 3rd League
Date: 16.12.2015
Time: 7pm GMT
Referee: Need
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 09, 2015, 06:03:01 pm
Need to upload first though ye

vid pls
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 10, 2015, 01:09:11 am
Match: 15th_YR vs spartans
League: 1st League
Date: 13.12.2015
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Gody
server: 4 or 5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 10, 2015, 01:49:54 pm
Hello Community,

Christmas is ahead and with it comes the time when you will most likely be spending your days away from the computer (Hopefully). Therefore, Matchday 13 will start on December 18th and end on January 7th 2016. Afterwards, the remaining matchdays will continue as usual.

If you want to do your match earlier, feel free to do so. All matches from 1st to 12th matchday that have not been completed until January 1st 2016 will be scored 0-0 for both regiments.

If there is a missing result on the schedules please contact me about it. Sometimes it happens that I miss a result on FSE or a referee forgets to post it/tell me. I have been a bit lazy for the past days and the scoreboard got a bit messy due to regiments quitting NWL. I apologise for this mess and I will do my best to ensure it doesn't happen again.

When this season is finished I would like to continue with NWL but on a smaller scale. Organizing this league has been fairly easy as most regiments were competent enough to organise and play their matches on their own. But what really bugs me is
- Regiments that quit the NWL
- Regiments that got disbanded
- Regiments who disobey the rules and Regiments that have a huge lack of discipline and/or sportmanship. Remember this is something that the community does for fun. No need to ruin it with bad behaviour.

So when the time comes to sort out the regiments for the next season, I will only select those regiments who are:
- stable (AKA they won't disband during the NWL)
- fair (they don't try to cheat)
- well behaved and have good sportmanship
Any regiment which fails (or has failed) to obey the rules will most likely get kicked from the NWL. Finally, if there are still too many regiments left, those regiments who broke some "unwritten rules" (such as camping constantly and excessively) may get sorted out aswell.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 10, 2015, 05:33:25 pm
Hello Community,

Christmas is ahead and with it comes the time when you will most likely be spending your days away from the computer (Hopefully). Therefore, Matchday 13 will start on December 18th and end on January 7th 2016. Afterwards, the remaining matchdays will continue as usual.

If you want to do your match earlier, feel free to do so. All matches from 1st to 12th matchday that have not been completed until January 1st 2016 will be scored 0-0 for both regiments.

If there is a missing result on the schedules please contact me about it. Sometimes it happens that I miss a result on FSE or a referee forgets to post it/tell me. I have been a bit lazy for the past days and the scoreboard got a bit messy due to regiments quitting NWL. I apologise for this mess and I will do my best to ensure it doesn't happen again.

When this season is finished I would like to continue with NWL but on a smaller scale. Organizing this league has been fairly easy as most regiments were competent enough to organise and play their matches on their own. But what really bugs me is
- Regiments that quit the NWL
- Regiments that got disbanded
- Regiments who disobey the rules and Regiments that have a huge lack of discipline and/or sportmanship. Remember this is something that the community does for fun. No need to ruin it with bad behaviour.

So when the time comes to sort out the regiments for the next season, I will only select those regiments who are:
- stable (AKA they won't disband during the NWL)
- fair (they don't try to cheat)
- well behaved and have good sportmanship
Any regiment which fails (or has failed) to obey the rules will most likely get kicked from the NWL. Finally, if there are still too many regiments left, those regiments who broke some "unwritten rules" (such as camping constantly and excessively) may get sorted out aswell.

Nice one :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: ExoticFail on December 10, 2015, 06:17:00 pm
No moar camp cancer gois!!!!!1!1!1!  :o  ::)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Spoons on December 10, 2015, 06:31:46 pm
Match: 33rd vs 25th
League: 2nd League
Date: 11.12.2015
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: still needed last minute rip
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: wilu_daskar on December 10, 2015, 07:12:40 pm
Good game 6te, fair match from your side. Unfortunately, not from our's. I am very sorry for FiC and slow gaps closing from us. When the match was going to start I thought that it would be not fair to play 15-17 vs 15-17, when we both have more then 25 players each. Now I realise that decision was wrong. Unfortunately, not all of those 25 our men are experienced players. That is one reason why we break the rules sometimes. So it is completely my fault, because I hadn't train them well. I apologies for my mistake. Next time we at least will send our not experienced players to spectators, and try to prepare our members better. Thanks for refering Chicken, you was enough patient and careful to catch all our rulebreakings :)
Btw, I am very interested in watching the video from the match. Anybody have one? I think it will help us to remedy our mistakes in following the rules. Now we will try to follow the example from such experienced regiments as 92nd Gordon, 91st Argyllshire, 6te_Garde, 5pp etc.

Few words regarding the next season. There was a ten bullets script previous season, as I remember. Why not to use it again? It seems to me that it was very usefull.
I am not trying to blame someone, but it is really imortant to do something to solve the problem with leaving regiments.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Salakien on December 10, 2015, 09:38:38 pm
47e vs 16th
9      :       1
REF Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Vir An on December 10, 2015, 10:05:15 pm
Match: 1°Reg vs 54e
League: 3rd League
Date: 17/12/15
Time: 19:30 GMT
Referee: needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 10, 2015, 11:48:54 pm
Few words regarding the next season. There was a ten bullets script previous season, as I remember. Why not to use it again? It seems to me that it was very usefull.
You could bypass the script by dropping your Musket and picking it up again. For a referee it was impossible to check for bugusers as it is normal to pick up loaded muskets of fallen members.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Fwuffy on December 10, 2015, 11:49:50 pm
Few words regarding the next season. There was a ten bullets script previous season, as I remember. Why not to use it again? It seems to me that it was very usefull.
You could bypass the script by dropping your Musket and picking it up again. For a referee it was impossible to check for bugusers as it is normal to pick up loaded muskets of fallen members.
Why not just make the NWL melee-only? That would solve all problems 8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 10, 2015, 11:56:00 pm
Few words regarding the next season. There was a ten bullets script previous season, as I remember. Why not to use it again? It seems to me that it was very usefull.
You could bypass the script by dropping your Musket and picking it up again. For a referee it was impossible to check for bugusers as it is normal to pick up loaded muskets of fallen members.
Why not just make the NWL melee-only? That would solve all problems 8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: TheRealHunter on December 11, 2015, 12:01:24 am
Few words regarding the next season. There was a ten bullets script previous season, as I remember. Why not to use it again? It seems to me that it was very usefull.
You could bypass the script by dropping your Musket and picking it up again. For a referee it was impossible to check for bugusers as it is normal to pick up loaded muskets of fallen members.
Why not just make the NWL melee-only? That would solve all problems 8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 11, 2015, 12:02:49 am
A few weeks I thought about a different scoring system. Round lasts 6 to 10 Minutes instead of 60 Minutes. If you manage to kill all opponent members, you score 2 points this round. If you win at the end of the time by majority of men, you only score 1 point.
What do you think: Would this system rather encourage moving towards your enemy? what are your thoughts the time limit? Would you say that a system like this makes melee more important, too?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Kaasovic on December 11, 2015, 12:03:51 am
Few words regarding the next season. There was a ten bullets script previous season, as I remember. Why not to use it again? It seems to me that it was very usefull.
You could bypass the script by dropping your Musket and picking it up again. For a referee it was impossible to check for bugusers as it is normal to pick up loaded muskets of fallen members.
Why not just make the NWL melee-only? That would solve all problems 8)

You must have had a cup of concrete
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 11, 2015, 12:28:29 am
A few weeks I thought about a different scoring system. Round lasts 6 to 10 Minutes instead of 60 Minutes. If you manage to kill all opponent members, you score 2 points this round. If you win at the end of the time by majority of men, you only score 1 point.
What do you think: Would this system rather encourage moving towards your enemy? what are your thoughts the time limit? Would you say that a system like this makes melee more important, too?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 11, 2015, 12:30:52 am
A few weeks I thought about a different scoring system. Round lasts 6 to 10 Minutes instead of 60 Minutes. If you manage to kill all opponent members, you score 2 points this round. If you win at the end of the time by majority of men, you only score 1 point.
What do you think: Would this system rather encourage moving towards your enemy? what are your thoughts the time limit? Would you say that a system like this makes melee more important, too?

nah just leave it as it is
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 11, 2015, 12:49:50 am
Ye I know it's a completely new and different thing, but I want your honest thoughts about it, not just a "wat" or "no"
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Ambiguous on December 11, 2015, 08:26:30 am
Old system is better
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: wilu_daskar on December 11, 2015, 09:04:10 am
A few weeks I thought about a different scoring system. Round lasts 6 to 10 Minutes instead of 60 Minutes. If you manage to kill all opponent members, you score 2 points this round. If you win at the end of the time by majority of men, you only score 1 point.
What do you think: Would this system rather encourage moving towards your enemy? what are your thoughts the time limit? Would you say that a system like this makes melee more important, too?
Interesting idea. However, i think that only significant majority need to be considered. For example, +10 or +20% majority.
Plus a timer should stop, when a melee starts (for example, by adding 10 minutes to the round time, after a begining of melee combat). You know, sometimes melee run for 5 minutes or more, especially if there is a duel at the end of the round.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Fwuffy on December 11, 2015, 09:11:26 am
Why not just set a forced maximum of shooting playtime, and then make the lines melee if that time has passed and they are still camping/shooting. I think changing the scoring system is too much tho.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 11, 2015, 09:13:58 am
A few weeks I thought about a different scoring system. Round lasts 6 to 10 Minutes instead of 60 Minutes. If you manage to kill all opponent members, you score 2 points this round. If you win at the end of the time by majority of men, you only score 1 point.
What do you think: Would this system rather encourage moving towards your enemy? what are your thoughts the time limit? Would you say that a system like this makes melee more important, too?
Could still encourage camping to try get the majority with 1 point, a 5 minute camping rule is more effective I think.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: KOBZIK on December 11, 2015, 11:35:08 am
Why not just set a forced maximum of shooting playtime, and then make the lines melee if that time has passed and they are still camping/shooting. I think changing the scoring system is too much tho.
than the melee reg could just awoid shooting contact and just w8 time for melee
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Fwuffy on December 11, 2015, 12:07:03 pm
Why not just set a forced maximum of shooting playtime, and then make the lines melee if that time has passed and they are still camping/shooting. I think changing the scoring system is too much tho.
than the melee reg could just awoid shooting contact and just w8 time for melee
in combination with a camping rule then?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on December 11, 2015, 05:12:36 pm
Or just keep the rules as it is.

Enforcing these rules will just make it so that melee regs with remain dominant and certain regs will just come out on top all the time.

The rules atm determine whether a regiment can combat each tactics, throwing these shooting limits and random point system will just encourage each side to release their inner Jew and try to take as many points doing the most bollocks tactics possible.

Don't try to fix whats not broken.....
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 11, 2015, 05:24:40 pm
I'd just say to add these:

-Camping rule
-OR bullet script (or both?)

Seems the general gist of what people want, could always make a poll anyway. Also, Fwuffy just wants melee 24/7 so ignore him ;)


Don't try to fix whats not broken.....

This is true, nothing is particularly bad at the moment. The occasional regiment cannot follow rules or whatever, but again adding those top two rules would limit shooting or movement against a better melee regiment, which would ultimately force them into melee meaning its basically a win for the better hand-to-hand regiments.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Steffan on December 11, 2015, 06:24:36 pm
A ref for each team.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 11, 2015, 06:40:21 pm
A ref for each team.

its almost imposable to find a ref even 2 weeks ahead of time. Sticking two refs to a match would cause more issues than it fixed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: wilu_daskar on December 11, 2015, 06:55:23 pm
Or force every regiment to provide at least one referee at the beginning of the season.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 11, 2015, 07:09:35 pm
That would just cause issues IMO
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Steffan on December 11, 2015, 08:05:00 pm
If there are a lot fewer teams, then a lot fewer fixtures. Should be enough refs. The refereeing and the admin side of things that are unsatisfactory. Fewer teams, more referees would solve this. An administrator for each league too. Brot is swamped, no one's fault.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: wilu_daskar on December 11, 2015, 08:06:28 pm
That would just cause issues IMO
For example?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: TheRealHunter on December 11, 2015, 08:46:34 pm
17th jr vs 1rhein

7           :   3   was a good match some minor rulebreaks on both sides and we had to change the server because the other one had issues but still a nice match tho
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: MrSt3fan on December 11, 2015, 09:15:55 pm
33rd vs 25th - 7-3

Enjoyable match, thanks 25th! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 11, 2015, 10:05:15 pm
33rd vs 25th - 7-3

Enjoyable match, thanks 25th! :)
dat last round i cri  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 11, 2015, 11:39:08 pm
I'm totally ok with keeping the rules as they are btw. I just had the impression that there are a lot of people who are not satisfied with the current situation.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: MrSt3fan on December 12, 2015, 01:07:09 am
Custom maps with low hills so you can shoot but not camp on a ridiculously advantageous position, and there is still cover for the agressing team to walk in cover towards the enemy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 12, 2015, 01:19:05 am
Custom maps with low hills so you can shoot but not camp on a ridiculously advantageous position, and there is still cover for the agressing team to walk in cover towards the enemy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: wilu_daskar on December 12, 2015, 07:56:55 am
We just put in values as to how big we want the map, how much flora, barely any mountains or a ton of them, etc etc, then it generates us a map. A few that are generated like this:


I personally think maps like the last one are perfect for NWL. They are relatively flat, but they still have some hills you can use for shooting, but they aren't big enough for camping
Sound good :) Thank you, Stefan.
This maps?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 12, 2015, 11:42:37 am
They are just examples I believe, but if a camping rule won't be added again I think at the minimum about 10 balanced custom maps would be good (they don't take long to make with a generator).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 12, 2015, 01:15:37 pm
Match: Nr35 vs 1Rhein
League: 3rd League
Date: 17.12.2015
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Warder on December 12, 2015, 03:38:12 pm
   I don't understand one thing, why melee oriented clans are now trying to force others to play agressive. If one side defend the hill, so second team should force to move. How? Superior firing? Flanking?
   NW is a game about Napoleonic Wars( ;D), lol, when eg. On June 18th we can say that whole Wellington's army camped the hill,   ( didn't agree to move. Borodino (A.ka Moscow)? Pretty same.
   So what I mean that NW,  is not a game for those who suck in native. If someone prefer melee, so go ahead change module, play native and have fun.  And let every regiment play in his own style, even if you think that it's "autistic" this is game is both about firing and melee.
    I know that it's a bit annoying when a decent player is killed by a lost bullet every single round. Still it's not native. If someone wants only melee, he should asap switch module.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 12, 2015, 05:17:40 pm
Custom maps with low hills so you can shoot but not camp on a ridiculously advantageous position, and there is still cover for the agressing team to walk in cover towards the enemy

Lets not do that have seen enough bullshit with custom made maps in an other tournament :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 12, 2015, 05:24:55 pm
Custom maps with low hills so you can shoot but not camp on a ridiculously advantageous position, and there is still cover for the agressing team to walk in cover towards the enemy

Lets not do that have seen enough bullshit with custom made maps in an other tournament :P

Anyone remember 1v1ing the 47th on their custom maps? They knew every inch lol
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 12, 2015, 08:26:17 pm
23e vs. 21o: 10 - 0

the 21o coudnt do it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Bever on December 12, 2015, 08:28:39 pm
}23e vs. 21o: 10 - 0

the 21o coudnt do it

Ye, they had to cancel. Thanks to Revan for not telling it to late tho. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on December 12, 2015, 11:28:25 pm
Im free to ref matches any day except tuesdays, thursdays and sunday between now and new years. just an fyi (can guarantee a day if you ask me the day before)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on December 13, 2015, 04:46:38 pm
Match: 4e vs 63e
Date: 13.12.2015 (Today)
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Needed
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 13, 2015, 07:02:23 pm
Nr35 wins 10:0 against the 54e because they couldn't bring enough men
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Kore on December 13, 2015, 07:04:29 pm
Custom maps with low hills so you can shoot but not camp on a ridiculously advantageous position, and there is still cover for the agressing team to walk in cover towards the enemy

Lets not do that have seen enough bullshit with custom made maps in an other tournament :P

Anyone remember 1v1ing the 47th on their custom maps? They knew every inch lol

Then just rotate the maps every matchweek.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: wilu_daskar on December 13, 2015, 07:05:46 pm
Custom maps with low hills so you can shoot but not camp on a ridiculously advantageous position, and there is still cover for the agressing team to walk in cover towards the enemy

Lets not do that have seen enough bullshit with custom made maps in an other tournament :P
Anyone remember 1v1ing the 47th on their custom maps? They knew every inch lol

Then just rotate the maps every matchweek.
Yeah, good idea.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: TheRealHunter on December 13, 2015, 08:49:47 pm
4e vs 63e : 5-5
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 13, 2015, 08:56:26 pm
51st vs. 66Pp: 8 - 2

a game of sitting and waiting
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 13, 2015, 09:08:02 pm
51st vs. 66Pp: 8 - 2

a game of sitting and waiting
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Dusan on December 13, 2015, 09:14:29 pm
15th_YR vs Spertens: 7:3
Ref: Gody
thanks for dat 10 rounds as spec  :-[ :'( :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Spartan Hoplites Official on December 13, 2015, 10:32:12 pm
Match: Spartans vs 51st
League: 1st League
Date: 20.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Server: 4, 5 or 6.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 13, 2015, 10:47:48 pm
Match: Spartans vs 51st
League: 1st League
Date: 20.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Server: 4, 5 or 6.
I would suggest not to play on Artic Servers until they get restarted, try yourself someday the lag is insane
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: MrSt3fan on December 14, 2015, 01:57:33 pm
Match: Spartans vs 51st
League: 1st League
Date: 20.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Server: 4, 5 or 6.
I would suggest not to play on Artic Servers until they get restarted, try yourself someday the lag is insane

4 or 5 are hosted by Dodo I believe, 1, 2 and 3 by me and I forgot the name of the guy who is hosting 6, as far as I am aware Arctic isn't hosting any NWL servers. If you have Dodo on steam, ask for a reset. Usually hosters aren't aware of any lag issues because people don't tell them. The lag is most likely caused because his servers have been up for quite some time without a reset. A simple reset should fix it
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 14, 2015, 02:14:15 pm
Oh true, 4 and 5 are dodo not artic, my bad
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Pumti on December 15, 2015, 11:44:02 am
Ref needed for thursdsy, 2nd league match 19.00 GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 15, 2015, 05:56:10 pm
Match: 2lhrvs 51st
League: 1st League
Date: 15.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Needed
Server: Any
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DarkTemplar on December 15, 2015, 08:45:34 pm
51st 7:3 2Lhr
gg, nice game :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: notmoving on December 16, 2015, 12:28:16 am
51st 7:3 2Lhr
gg, nice game :)

Yeah was a great match really enjoyed it :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Vir An on December 16, 2015, 09:36:21 am
Searching a ref for this thursday at 19.30 GMT, 3rd league, please contact me.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 16, 2015, 04:53:37 pm
Match: 2lhr vs 77y
League: 1st League
Date: 16.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Result: 7:3 for 77y

Match: 54e vs 1° DI
League: 3rd League
Date: 17.12.15
Time: 19:45pm GMT
Referee: Wüstenfuchs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Salakien on December 16, 2015, 09:02:54 pm
Match : Suisse vs 47e
Server : NWL_5
Referee : Salakien
Result : 4:6
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Salakien on December 17, 2015, 04:49:29 pm
I asked 42nd 3 times in two weeks about our NWL match but they are just ignoring me . Did you recieve my messages or you just don t want to play with us ?
Im asking on fse cause i got same problem with 59th and i heard that they left NWL so I just want to be sure . Thanks for answers :) #Moar Salt
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 17, 2015, 06:54:54 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Salakien on December 17, 2015, 09:06:19 pm
Preobraz vs 25th
Score : 8:2
Referee : Salakien
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Kore on December 17, 2015, 09:12:07 pm

do you like it? i prefer sugar
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 17, 2015, 09:32:45 pm
Nr 35 6 | 4 1Rhein

The 54e didn't attend to their match so this will be a 10:0 for 1° DI against them
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 17, 2015, 11:48:51 pm
15th_YR vs 63e
referee: looking for one
server: just not a laggy one
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Josh Faraday on December 19, 2015, 07:27:02 pm

do you like it? i prefer sugar
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 19, 2015, 07:36:21 pm

do you like it? i prefer sugar
yeah same
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: huanmpth on December 20, 2015, 02:23:54 pm
Match: 61e vs 33rd
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Needed
Server: Not a german one.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 20, 2015, 08:44:32 pm
15th_YR vs. 63e: 9 - 1
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Wüstenfuchs on December 20, 2015, 08:48:21 pm
Spartans 8 : 2 51st
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on December 20, 2015, 09:17:53 pm
Spartans 8 : 2 51st

RIP 51st :(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 20, 2015, 10:24:51 pm
15th_YR vs. 63e: 9 - 1

Noice we are done with all matches for NWL, ty for tourney :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 20, 2015, 10:42:45 pm
Match: 61e vs 33rd
League: 2nd League
Date: 22.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Needed
Server: Not a german one.
Hopefully it'll be a nice last match, gl. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Tango on December 20, 2015, 11:31:11 pm
Quick question, was in an LB just recently (NWL) and the reg leader started to tell people to leave the server if they had a bad k/d. This meant that then the reg we were facing had to cut down on their numbers as well, is this allowed? It just seems like it could be exploitable somehow although obviously both regiments will kick out the bad people it just doesn't seems right/fair.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Saxon on December 21, 2015, 01:05:57 am
Quick question, was in an LB just recently (NWL) and the reg leader started to tell people to leave the server if they had a bad k/d. This meant that then the reg we were facing had to cut down on their numbers as well, is this allowed? It just seems like it could be exploitable somehow although obviously both regiments will kick out the bad people it just doesn't seems right/fair.

Not against the rules but its a dick move, its happened for ages.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 21, 2015, 12:22:46 pm
Quick question, was in an LB just recently (NWL) and the reg leader started to tell people to leave the server if they had a bad k/d. This meant that then the reg we were facing had to cut down on their numbers as well, is this allowed? It just seems like it could be exploitable somehow although obviously both regiments will kick out the bad people it just doesn't seems right/fair.

Not against the rules but its a dick move, its happened for ages.

Rules say 15 minimum attendance, but what you can do in these situations is Forcing the people that the other reg is putting spec to tell them to leave the server as they only take a slot of the server if they are not going to play anyways ;) that way you can out balance them with 16 men haha :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Tango on December 21, 2015, 12:54:57 pm
Quick question, was in an LB just recently (NWL) and the reg leader started to tell people to leave the server if they had a bad k/d. This meant that then the reg we were facing had to cut down on their numbers as well, is this allowed? It just seems like it could be exploitable somehow although obviously both regiments will kick out the bad people it just doesn't seems right/fair.

Not against the rules but its a dick move, its happened for ages.

Rules say 15 minimum attendance, but what you can do in these situations is Forcing the people that the other reg is putting spec to tell them to leave the server as they only take a slot of the server if they are not going to play anyways ;) that way you can out balance them with 16 men haha :p

Yeah but still there should be some kind of rule to stop people dropping players, it's just stupid. You should start off with a certain number of players and finish with the same.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: DasBrot on December 21, 2015, 05:54:54 pm
Quick question, was in an LB just recently (NWL) and the reg leader started to tell people to leave the server if they had a bad k/d. This meant that then the reg we were facing had to cut down on their numbers as well, is this allowed? It just seems like it could be exploitable somehow although obviously both regiments will kick out the bad people it just doesn't seems right/fair.

Not against the rules but its a dick move, its happened for ages.

Rules say 15 minimum attendance, but what you can do in these situations is Forcing the people that the other reg is putting spec to tell them to leave the server as they only take a slot of the server if they are not going to play anyways ;) that way you can out balance them with 16 men haha :p

Yeah but still there should be some kind of rule to stop people dropping players, it's just stupid. You should start off with a certain number of players and finish with the same.
15v15 all day erry day
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 21, 2015, 07:49:15 pm
Sometimes people have to leave or have better things to do than stay there for the entire match if it is a long game, it would be stupid to put a rule that made it so people can't leave essentially.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: bobertini on December 21, 2015, 08:52:01 pm
How to put the event today from the stories I was told.

Day 5000: They still be camping.
Day 6000: They still be camping.
Day its over 9000: They still be camping.

Nice to know people can't play nice LBs ;(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Cazasar on December 21, 2015, 08:52:44 pm
How to put the event today from the stories I was told.

Day 5000: They still be camping.
Day 6000: They still be camping.
Day its over 9000: They still be camping.

Nice to know people can't play nice LBs ;(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on December 21, 2015, 10:13:56 pm
Sometimes people have to leave or have better things to do than stay there for the entire match if it is a long game, it would be stupid to put a rule that made it so people can't leave essentially.
I think he means like if a reg destroys them in melee and like at halfway through for example 5-0 the leader of the loosing regiment orders like 8-10 people to leave for a stronger melee base.. It happened with us ;[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Tyrionpk on December 21, 2015, 10:49:04 pm
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on December 22, 2015, 01:12:29 am
If that rule would be made and enforced oh no he disconnected cuz bad internet sorry, oh no an other one ;-; Well rip he has to go for dinner, sorry he was feeling ill... The bullshit would be cant force people to stay on xD

Jk make this rule happen or ban of groupfighting
Nah jk jk or maybe not  :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Salakien on December 22, 2015, 11:52:24 am
66Pp vs 77y
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 22, 2015, 07:11:09 pm
Saints vs. Preobraz: 9 - 1

saints are the new 51st
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: TheRealHunter on December 22, 2015, 08:11:17 pm
If that rule would be made and enforced oh no he disconnected cuz bad internet sorry, oh no an other one ;-; Well rip he has to go for dinner, sorry he was feeling ill... The bullshit would be cant force people to stay on xD

Jk make this rule happen or ban of groupfighting
Nah jk jk or maybe not  :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 22, 2015, 08:49:51 pm
33rd vs. 61e: 9 - 1

best match i've ever refereed by very far
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 22, 2015, 09:27:48 pm
33rd vs. 61e: 9 - 1

best match i've ever refereed by very far
GG, was fun I will have a video up sometime before xmas probably.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: huanmpth on December 22, 2015, 09:59:01 pm
33rd vs. 61e: 9 - 1

best match i've ever refereed by very far

I really enjoyed this match thanks to all.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: MrSt3fan on December 22, 2015, 10:23:58 pm
33rd vs. 61e: 9 - 1

best match i've ever refereed by very far

I really enjoyed this match thanks to all.

It was a very good and fun match! Thanks 61e and Chicken, one of the most enjoyable ones I've played in all 6 seasons
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Bever on December 23, 2015, 01:36:06 pm
23e vs Saints
January 9th
7pm GMT
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Moi~ on December 24, 2015, 12:12:32 am
6te vs. Miquelets: 9 - 1

Jonas was our referee, just posting this as he seems not to do it kek
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Nico on December 27, 2015, 11:32:10 am
Sorry, my browser wouldn't work the other day.

6te vs Miquelets: 9-1

Very smooth match
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: huanmpth on December 28, 2015, 01:01:16 pm
Match: 61e vs miquelets
League: 2nd League
Date: 30.12.15
Time: 19:00pm GMT
Referee: Needed
Server: Not a german one.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Herishey on December 28, 2015, 04:46:03 pm
Here's the video from 33rd's last NWL match against the 61e;

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: Frittentime on December 29, 2015, 11:31:06 pm
Here's the video from 33rd's last NWL match against the 61e;

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: huanmpth on December 30, 2015, 10:44:58 pm
Miquelets couldn't come today.

Chicken: any of us  knew about that
Chicken: and guifre is afk
Chicken: our other CO and NCO dont want to play
[61e]huanmpth: ...
Chicken: you can ahve a 10-0
Salakien were suppose to be our ref.
Salakien: post that on fse
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: |Heinrich| on January 05, 2016, 02:16:54 am
Has this even finished yet?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on January 05, 2016, 04:00:22 am
Has this even finished yet?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [11th Matchday 04 - 10 Dec]
Post by: pieter on January 05, 2016, 11:19:59 am
Has this even finished yet?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday Until Jan 7th]
Post by: DasBrot on January 05, 2016, 02:19:10 pm
There are still Matches to be finished.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday Until Jan 7th]
Post by: pieter on January 06, 2016, 03:14:01 pm
So tomorrow is the very last match day right ? :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on January 06, 2016, 10:03:51 pm
So tomorrow is the very last match day right ? :D
depends on the league you're in, but yes, last matchday for 1st League
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Vir An on January 06, 2016, 11:50:16 pm
Does anyone know the leader of Nr35? Link in the first page doesn't go anywhere.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on January 06, 2016, 11:53:56 pm
Nr35 is rip apparently.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Vir An on January 07, 2016, 02:08:44 pm
Nr35 is rip apparently.

Ok, thanks for the answer.

Second thing, is the table updated? Some of our score is missing ( 1 draw and 1 win).

And last, I've seen now that I've missed a match with a reg that wasn't present at the start into the match calendar, is it possible to play it soon as possible? Or instead of the match with 35, so we would finish in time like others.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on January 07, 2016, 11:43:54 pm
well 42nd dont have time for a month so it seems we are on very end . Thanks DasBrot for organizing this season , then providers for hosting a bit laggy server but at least we have somewhere to play officially :D , thanks referees for your time and team that participate to the end of the season . Cya in next season if there will be another one and in other competetive tourneys , cups , leagues . cheers
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Moi~ on January 08, 2016, 08:55:13 pm
23e vs. 25th: 6 - 4

a good match with some great clutching
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Bever on January 09, 2016, 08:55:14 pm
23e 6-4 Saints

Thanks to Gody! Yay, we're Runner-Up :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: wilu_daskar on January 09, 2016, 09:13:15 pm
Thanks Godygamer for refereing, thanks to our opponent, and finally, thanks to Brot. That was an interesting league and invaluable expirience for us. We expect that next 7th season will be even more interesting and well-orginized. :)
That was a nice headshot in last round =)
Congratulations to 23e :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Bever on January 09, 2016, 09:29:33 pm
Thanks Godygamer for refereing, thanks to our opponent, and finally, thanks to Brot. That was an interesting league and invaluable expirience for us. We expect that next 7th season will be even more interesting and well-orginized. :)
That was a nice headshot in last round =)
Congratulations to 23e :)

Thanks man! :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Benallo on January 11, 2016, 06:34:37 pm
Thanks Godygamer for refereing, thanks to our opponent, and finally, thanks to Brot. That was an interesting league and invaluable expirience for us. We expect that next 7th season will be even more interesting and well-orginized. :)
That was a nice headshot in last round =)
Congratulations to 23e :)

Thanks man! :)
Nice camp match, but gg
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on January 13, 2016, 11:32:23 pm
GG. Sad to see no signatures ;[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on January 14, 2016, 12:00:43 am
GG. Sad to see no signatures ;[
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: pieter on January 14, 2016, 10:42:52 am
Well Today is last match day I suppose DasBrot will have something :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Benallo on January 15, 2016, 07:23:30 am
What is the match ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Moi~ on January 15, 2016, 09:24:59 pm
Is the 6th season over?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on January 15, 2016, 09:27:32 pm
Is the 6th season over?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on January 18, 2016, 01:16:37 am
Is the 6th season over?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [13th Matchday 8th - 14th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on January 18, 2016, 08:27:14 am
Is the 6th season over?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Pumti on January 18, 2016, 10:05:48 pm
What do you mean NWL? We didnt sign up and we are not intresting to sign right now.

From the 21o captain, so i guess the 25th wins without a fight the last match. Thanks for the season!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on January 18, 2016, 10:53:24 pm
What do you mean NWL? We didnt sign up and we are not intresting to sign right now.

From the 21o captain, so i guess the 25th wins without a fight the last match. Thanks for the season!
21o disbanded i think.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on January 19, 2016, 11:03:15 am
Stop disbanding nubs
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on January 19, 2016, 12:48:07 pm
all these reliable regiments now a days :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Carolus. on January 19, 2016, 01:01:05 pm
all these reliable regiments now a days :D

Luckily there will always be a steady stream of edgy kids wanting to play for you Pieter ;D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Cazasar on January 19, 2016, 02:20:22 pm
Carolus spitting super Hot fire
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on January 19, 2016, 04:06:14 pm
all these reliable regiments now a days :D

Luckily there will always be a steady stream of edgy kids wanting to play for you Pieter ;D

Pita knows how to seduce kids
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Windflower on January 19, 2016, 09:10:23 pm
Was the 21o actually comprised of homsexual greeks or are they just normal guys
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on January 19, 2016, 10:09:19 pm
Was the 21o actually comprised of homsexual greeks or are they just normal guys

they've been around for ages and yes only greekerinos
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Windflower on January 19, 2016, 10:10:12 pm
Was the 21o actually comprised of homsexual greeks or are they just normal guys

they've been around for ages and yes only greekerinos

only homosexuals though?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on January 19, 2016, 10:26:29 pm
Was the 21o actually comprised of homsexual greeks or are they just normal guys

they've been around for ages and yes only greekerinos

only homosexuals though?

Im not sure of the sexual orientation but I want my money back cheeky greekos
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Windflower on January 19, 2016, 10:36:31 pm
rip cheeky greekies
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on January 22, 2016, 01:08:59 pm
So we done Ye :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Caps on January 25, 2016, 09:54:04 pm
when is next season?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on January 31, 2016, 11:03:51 pm
Where is my NWL Sig?  :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on January 31, 2016, 11:29:44 pm
Where is my NWL Sig?  :o
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Diversey on February 03, 2016, 07:17:26 pm
What's a 21th?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: IVe_Vadé on February 05, 2016, 07:35:48 pm
when is next season?

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on February 07, 2016, 12:32:49 am
Next season signups are in 2 months.

EDIT: I meant my reban.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Carolus. on February 12, 2016, 01:17:45 pm
Where is my NWL Sig?  :o

Focus on correcting the mistakes in your current one instead bud
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on February 13, 2016, 08:42:23 pm
Where is my NWL Sig?  :o

Focus on correcting the mistakes in your current one instead bud
Their is nothing wrong with my sig   :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 02, 2016, 01:22:55 pm
I might make some sigs just need to clarify, 15th_YR won 1st League, and 92nd won 2nd League right? Also who won 3rd League?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: KOBZIK on March 02, 2016, 05:28:10 pm
I might make some sigs just need to clarify, 15th_YR won 1st League, and 92nd won 2nd League right? Also who won 3rd League?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 02, 2016, 06:32:00 pm
Alright, will get around to it someday.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on March 02, 2016, 07:03:26 pm
Alright, will get around to it someday.
get around to it now fgt and make them pro!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: ~NickCole~ on March 03, 2016, 12:38:17 am
Alright, will get around to it someday.
get around to it now fgt and make them pro!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Gamersaufromage on March 05, 2016, 01:06:57 pm
When is the next season please ?:D !
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 05, 2016, 02:44:24 pm
You will find out soon!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Karth on March 08, 2016, 01:46:34 am
Looking forward to next season  :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 08, 2016, 02:08:21 am
Yea, really glad Brots going to be doing one more before the release of bannerlord.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Karth on March 08, 2016, 02:10:15 am
Yea, really glad Brots going to be doing one more before the release of bannerlord.
When's that coming? Will it have nw
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on March 08, 2016, 02:11:02 am
Yea, really glad Brots going to be doing one more before the release of bannerlord.
When's that coming? Will it have nw
mods will defonl be made for it concerning nw
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Kore on March 08, 2016, 09:54:07 am
Yea, really glad Brots going to be doing one more before the release of bannerlord.
When's that coming? Will it have nw

TW wants to release it this year.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 08, 2016, 06:01:07 pm
I'm getting questions about a new NWL season pretty often: At the moment I am busy with some kind of exam stuff, but I really want to host another season before Bannerlords is released. I hope that I can host one in a few weeks. Signups will be pretty short since I guess that the slots will get filled quickly, next season will be a smaller one. Hope you are looking forward to this one because I definately am :*
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 08, 2016, 06:44:00 pm
Brot please have my babies
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on March 08, 2016, 09:38:46 pm
Ye, should be some fun
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 08, 2016, 09:55:43 pm
Ye, should be some fun
The children making or NWL?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on March 09, 2016, 12:39:13 am
Ye, should be some fun
The children making or NWL?

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 09, 2016, 09:27:15 am
Ye, should be some fun
The children making or NWL?

Damn right
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 13, 2016, 07:41:06 pm
Good evening everybody!
Signups will most likely start within the next week! Tell everyone, and let us have a great last season of NWL before bannerlords!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on March 14, 2016, 01:35:06 am
That was quick
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 14, 2016, 02:50:15 am
Nice Brot! Hosting it alone?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Cazasar on March 14, 2016, 07:13:14 am
Nice Brot! Hosting it alone?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 14, 2016, 07:57:04 am
Nice Brot! Hosting it alone?
what do you want fukboi
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Falk on March 14, 2016, 11:58:49 am
Nice Brot! Hosting it alone?

Zasasar collectin posts
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 14, 2016, 11:59:26 am
Two leagues next season or just one ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 14, 2016, 02:17:09 pm
2 leagues, reduced attendance ("only" 24 Regiments). Cazasar will be part of the NWL organisation for the next season. This way it will be easier to coordinate refs and stuff.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 14, 2016, 03:00:12 pm
Awesome ^^
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Wolfster on March 14, 2016, 04:56:10 pm
44th wil be attending this one :D Cannot wait :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Cazasar on March 14, 2016, 05:25:38 pm
fuck that caz guy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: TheRealHunter on March 14, 2016, 05:28:02 pm
fuck that caz guy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 14, 2016, 05:33:48 pm
fuck that caz guy
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on March 14, 2016, 05:46:03 pm
93e will be going ham this season
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: TheRealHunter on March 14, 2016, 06:29:49 pm
93e will be going ham this season
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 14, 2016, 06:31:44 pm
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Eamon on March 14, 2016, 06:32:21 pm
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on March 14, 2016, 06:33:23 pm
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 14, 2016, 09:18:47 pm
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)


Top notch
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Mr_Etherton on March 14, 2016, 09:46:13 pm
Caz's dodgy admin skills running another comp, rip final season?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Carolus. on March 14, 2016, 09:51:20 pm
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)

Create own leage for Pieter, 17e too strong :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Cazasar on March 14, 2016, 11:20:53 pm
Caz's dodgy admin skills running another comp, rip final season?

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 14, 2016, 11:45:15 pm
Don't start changing the rules like you did with NLC.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 15, 2016, 02:13:33 am
Don't worry, NWL will stay the same.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 15, 2016, 02:19:45 am
Should be a great year. This will be my last NWL and the last NWL for NW I assume.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 15, 2016, 03:11:22 am
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)

Create own leage for Pieter, 17e too strong :)

Haha to strong pls carol :P in the end it all comes down to leadership :D
I cant wait to versus you guys in a friendly 1v1 Should be Great fun :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 15, 2016, 06:02:25 am
looking forward  ;)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Cazasar on March 15, 2016, 07:01:47 am
Don't start changing the rules like you did with NLC.
I had nothing to do with NLC rule changes :) if you look at how the RGL is run than you know im not to fond of doing stuff no one likes
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Wolfster on March 15, 2016, 08:57:39 am
17e can't wait for the NWL to start ;)

Create own leage for Pieter, 17e too strong :)

Haha to strong pls carol :P in the end it all comes down to leadership my melee gods :D
I cant wait to versus you guys in a friendly 1v1 Should be Great fun :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 15, 2016, 09:11:04 am
Tbf you can win against a better regiment in 1v1 if you have good movement and understand the concept of how to get into a good position to fuck up the enemy from range. The perfect example would be 5te (Below Average Melee) vs 47e (2 year old Czech Reg). We were outskilled in melee but because we used some nice formations to get them to fire off their shots in a bad position and then put down 7 people in shooting helped us win 9-1 :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Frittentime on March 15, 2016, 09:23:49 am
Tbf you can win against a better regiment in 1v1 if you have good movement and understand the concept of how to get into a good position to fuck up the enemy from range. The perfect example would be 5te (Below Average Melee) vs 47e (2 year old Czech Reg). We were outskilled in melee but because we used some nice formations to get them to fire off their shots in a bad position and then put down 7 people in shooting helped us win 9-1 :p
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 15, 2016, 09:32:04 am
Tbf you can win against a better regiment in 1v1 if you have good movement and understand the concept of how to get into a good position to fuck up the enemy from range. The perfect example would be 5te (Below Average Melee) vs 47e (2 year old Czech Reg). We were outskilled in melee but because we used some nice formations to get them to fire off their shots in a bad position and then put down 7 people in shooting helped us win 9-1 :p
You don't get to have an opinon German scrub <3
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Pumti on March 15, 2016, 09:51:03 am
Don't start changing the rules like you did with NLC.

What are you talking about? Rule changes are definetly needed! Half the fucking league 2 disbanded last season. In my opinion there should only be allowed regiments in that had been alive for at least 6 months.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 15, 2016, 10:00:47 am
Don't start changing the rules like you did with NLC.

What are you talking about? Rule changes are definetly needed! Half the fucking league 2 disbanded last season. In my opinion there should only be allowed regiments in that had been alive for at least 6 months.
I disagree, some regiments which are Alive for 6 months are less likely to survive than some that formed two weeks ago or so. You have to understand that the age of the regiment does not guarantee it won't disband throughout the duration of the Napoleonic Wars League. What I would suggest is we add more factors to predict the regiment's ability to survive the period of the NWL. Some people who made regs are more likely to have them survive than others etc.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on March 15, 2016, 11:43:03 am
Tbf you can win against a better regiment in 1v1 if you have good movement and understand the concept of how to get into a good position to fuck up the enemy from range. The perfect example would be 5te (Below Average Melee) vs 47e (2 year old Czech Reg). We were outskilled in melee but because we used some nice formations to get them to fire off their shots in a bad position and then put down 7 people in shooting helped us win 9-1 :p
You don't get to have an opinon German scrub <3

Yeah we have no opinions

Actually that point is a bit weak since players tend more to melee these days and regiments like the 51st are getting hated for running and shooting.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 15, 2016, 12:10:39 pm
Tbf you can win against a better regiment in 1v1 if you have good movement and understand the concept of how to get into a good position to fuck up the enemy from range. The perfect example would be 5te (Below Average Melee) vs 47e (2 year old Czech Reg). We were outskilled in melee but because we used some nice formations to get them to fire off their shots in a bad position and then put down 7 people in shooting helped us win 9-1 :p
You don't get to have an opinon German scrub <3

Yeah we have no opinions

Actually that point is a bit weak since players tend more to melee these days and regiments like the 51st are getting hated for running and shooting.
51st just camp on a hill. The 5te didn't, we ran around and shot. We kept our distance and when they would charge we would trap them and get like 5 kills and then melee.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 15, 2016, 02:02:44 pm
First of all, there will not be any rulechange regarding shooting or camping and so on. Maybe I will change a few definitions about how a line has to move in a formation, because last season there were many situations that reminded me of a team charge on a public server over half the map. If a regiment decides to camp - no problem with that. You better get your officers to think of tactics to close the distance as fast as possible. 3 years ago it was a common way to choose the best hill and shoot the shit out of the opponent, and nobody cried about rivers. Leadership was actually needed back then. Today I have the feeling tegimental leaders try to get the best meleers around and just throw them into a charge, but thats not what NWL is about.

Then to answer Pumti's question: Last season I was really disappointed on how many regiments decided to drop out or disbanded. All free spots will be given to those regiments first that attended the whole 6th Season. If there are still free spots, I will prefer regiments who were stable a certain amount of time over new found regiments. When there are still free slots (I doubt there will be any after that), regiments that chose to quit sometime MAY have a chance after Cazasar and me did some background-checks. We really want this probably last NWL season before bannerlords to be an enjoyable tournament without salting and flamewars, without quitters and disbanders and without invites.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 15, 2016, 06:38:20 pm
Don't start changing the rules like you did with NLC.

What are you talking about? Rule changes are definetly needed! Half the fucking league 2 disbanded last season. In my opinion there should only be allowed regiments in that had been alive for at least 6 months.
Nonono, I meant the silly amount of actual match based changes they did. Although I think that was more just Obelix etc. making the league the personification of how the spartans wanted it to be.

Its hard to change rules like that. You may not get enough sign ups. That would mean we cant except 17e etc?

Tbf you can win against a better regiment in 1v1 if you have good movement and understand the concept of how to get into a good position to fuck up the enemy from range. The perfect example would be 5te (Below Average Melee) vs 47e (2 year old Czech Reg). We were outskilled in melee but because we used some nice formations to get them to fire off their shots in a bad position and then put down 7 people in shooting helped us win 9-1 :p
I mean no offense Dan (although you will take it ofc as I would) but we are talking about actually good regiments fighting the much latter ones. If 74th was to fight 17e we would get dumpstered even if we did camp. Thats just the space in difference. Although we are getting alot better as time goes on.

47e never won anything as far as I'm aware, just being a long standing regiment doesn't make them great. 92nd's melee was outmatched for a long time till regiments disbanded and they gained alot of good players (although they were still better than most).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 15, 2016, 10:36:29 pm
First of all, there will not be any rulechange regarding shooting or camping and so on. Maybe I will change a few definitions about how a line has to move in a formation, because last season there were many situations that reminded me of a team charge on a public server over half the map. If a regiment decides to camp - no problem with that. You better get your officers to think of tactics to close the distance as fast as possible. 3 years ago it was a common way to choose the best hill and shoot the shit out of the opponent, and nobody cried about rivers. Leadership was actually needed back then. Today I have the feeling tegimental leaders try to get the best meleers around and just throw them into a charge, but thats not what NWL is about.

Then to answer Pumti's question: Last season I was really disappointed on how many regiments decided to drop out or disbanded. All free spots will be given to those regiments first that attended the whole 6th Season. If there are still free spots, I will prefer regiments who were stable a certain amount of time over new found regiments. When there are still free slots (I doubt there will be any after that), regiments that chose to quit sometime MAY have a chance after Cazasar and me did some background-checks. We really want this probably last NWL season before bannerlords to be an enjoyable tournament without salting and flamewars, without quitters and disbanders and without invites.

Would be rather funny to find out that the release of Bannerlord still is 1-2 years away lol
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: notmoving on March 15, 2016, 11:44:05 pm
I do agree with everything das as put, looks like we are going to have a great season.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 16, 2016, 12:02:31 am
What Das put was completely logical. I do hope that the glorious 74th gets a space after all the regiments that took part last season! D:

I believe I was still in the 92nd at that point.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: |Heinrich| on March 16, 2016, 01:12:34 am
What Das put was completely logical. I do hope that the glorious 74th gets a space after all the regiments that took part last season! D:

I believe I was still in the 92nd at that point.
yeh u left towards the end of nwl
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 16, 2016, 01:37:12 am
What Das put was completely logical. I do hope that the glorious 74th gets a space after all the regiments that took part last season! D:

I believe I was still in the 92nd at that point.
yeh u left towards the end of nwl
Fix yer PC nig nog
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 16, 2016, 04:37:53 am
47e never won anything as far as I'm aware, just being a long standing regiment doesn't make them great. 92nd's melee was outmatched for a long time till regiments disbanded and they gained alot of good players (although they were still better than most).

they did (47e), they were in 3rd league last season but they disbanded on december and some of them merge to 66Pp
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 16, 2016, 04:43:08 am
What Das put was completely logical. I do hope that the glorious 74th gets a space after all the regiments that took part last season! D:

I believe I was still in the 92nd at that point.

put in perspective regiments that are rip(now) or went rip in/during the 6th NWL season:

- 1st league: Nr12, GGR_Nr4, Spartans, 8pp(kinda), 42nd
- 2nd league: 5te, 23e, 21o, Li_Ulster, 3teFK
- 3rd league: not even going to bother jesus fucking christ fuck knows what happend to them  ::) :P
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Bagel on March 16, 2016, 02:02:11 pm
1stEB will be interested in joining and getting rekt repeatedly xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Herishey on March 16, 2016, 03:19:07 pm
If it's going to be the "last" season everyone should be allowed to partake, just only put the regiments you trust in league 1.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 16, 2016, 03:28:56 pm
If it's going to be the "last" season everyone should be allowed to partake, just only put the regiments you trust in league 1.

Sounds like NWL should have some kind of trial-league

What Das put
I do agree with everything das as put
:( :( :( :(
Das means The. DasBrot - The Bread. I should consider renaming myself in Brot only I guess.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 16, 2016, 03:52:53 pm
DasBrot ist gut
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 08:37:16 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just little faith in half of the regiments lasting 4 months. When regimental leaders disband/remake more times then I can count. Skill based means nothing as the 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Wolfster on March 17, 2016, 08:56:23 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just rather the stable regiments play each other rather then a mix of new and old. Not skill based as 59th will beat anyone ;)).
I agree with this.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Herishey on March 17, 2016, 09:10:38 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just little faith in half of the regiments lasting 4 months. When regimental leaders disband/remake more times then I can count. Skill based means nothing as the 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Look at the last few NWL's lots of the older regiments disbanded too, it can't be judged purely on a timescale.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:11:43 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just little faith in half of the regiments lasting 4 months. When regimental leaders disband/remake more times then I can count. Skill based means nothing as the 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Look at the last few NWL's lots of the older regiments disbanded too, it can't be judged purely on a timescale.

The names I mentioned didn't disband. Question is. Do you trust in regiments like the 33rd, 77y, 63e to finish a NWL or regiments such as the 74th?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Herishey on March 17, 2016, 09:13:45 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just little faith in half of the regiments lasting 4 months. When regimental leaders disband/remake more times then I can count. Skill based means nothing as the 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Look at the last few NWL's lots of the older regiments disbanded too, it can't be judged purely on a timescale.

The names I mentioned didn't disband. Question is. Do you trust in regiments like the 33rd, 77y, 63e to finish a NWL or regiments such as the 74th?
Yet*, all regiments disband eventually.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:15:57 am
Lovely wisdom there.

My point: evidence suggests older regiments like the ones I mentioned will finish a NWL regardless whether they win or lose all their matches. Its not perfect... Im sure all if not most of the older leaders of them regiments will agree.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Frittentime on March 17, 2016, 09:18:13 am
Lovely wisdom there.

My point: evidence suggests older regiments like the ones I mentioned will finish a NWL regardless whether they win or lose all their matches. Its not perfect... Im sure all if not most of the older leaders of them regiments will agree.
If this is the last season every "skilled" reg should play in 1 league. .. boring without 15th yr vs 17e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:19:48 am
As I said. My point is not skill. its whether the regiments after losing or winning 5 matches will continue. By logic of skill if the 17e win the newer league and 15yr win older league they will face each other anyway in the final.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Herishey on March 17, 2016, 09:20:59 am
As I said. My point is not skill. its whether the regiments after losing or winning 5 matches will continue.
So how would you suggest that Brot fills league 1, when at least 3 of those regiments you mentioned to go into league 1 want to stay in league 2?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Frittentime on March 17, 2016, 09:22:34 am
As I said. My point is not skill. its whether the regiments after losing or winning 5 matches will continue.
Cant agree... Just make one last season  with all good regs in 1 league dont split them because they might disband ...
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:22:53 am
They have the wish to stay in league One their choice. As I said it will not be based on League One or Two it will be defined on your longevity.

Top 4 of each league face each other for the finals. I mean us older regiments are fucking tired of having to do 15v15 1v1s. When many of us can bring double that number.

Skill and longevity finalised.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Herishey on March 17, 2016, 09:24:57 am
They have the wish to stay in league One their choice. As I said it will not be based on League One or Two it will be defined on your longevity.
In that case compared to quite a lot of regiments 15thYR are fairly new so they could end up in the second league then, seems very logical! And as I said half of those regiments wanted to step down a league because they knew they would struggle to compete at the higher level and it would be less fun for them. Even if its based on age they may still want to step down if that league is filled with old skilled regiments (meaning again you will struggle to fill the League a).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:25:51 am
They have the wish to stay in league One their choice. As I said it will not be based on League One or Two it will be defined on your longevity.
In that case compared to quite a lot of regiments 15thYR are fairly new so they could end up in the second league then, seems very logical! And as I said half of those regiments wanted to step down a league because they knew they would struggle to compete at the higher level and it would be less fun for them. Even if its based on age they may still want to step down if that league is filled with old skilled regiments (meaning again you will struggle to fill the League a).

15YR is well over a year old mate. We should get the opinion of all the potential leaders. You're either thick or just plain arrogant. I said leagues will not be based on skill. Until the top 4 of each leagues face each other. So there previous comments about league one or two will be re-visited. It seems attractive from a 'older' regimental  point of view.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: KOBZIK on March 17, 2016, 09:30:36 am
They have the wish to stay in league One their choice. As I said it will not be based on League One or Two it will be defined on your longevity.
In that case compared to quite a lot of regiments 15thYR are fairly new so they could end up in the second league then, seems very logical! And as I said half of those regiments wanted to step down a league because they knew they would struggle to compete at the higher level and it would be less fun for them. Even if its based on age they may still want to step down if that league is filled with old skilled regiments (meaning again you will struggle to fill the League a).

15YR is well over a year old mate. We should get the opinion of all the potential leaders. You're either thick or just plain arrogant. I said leagues will not be based on skill. So there previous comments about league one or two will be re-visited. It seems attractive from a 'older' regimental  point of view.
i think he was talking about 17e
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 17, 2016, 09:31:15 am
What is the point of putting Long Lasting Regiments in the same Group if they have different skill levels. I don't think that it would work as some regs will just rq as they wouldn't like losing to everyone. Skill leagues please not Longetivity because longetivity =/= regiment is skilled.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:32:13 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just rather the stable regiments play each other rather then a mix of new and old. Not skill based as 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Read my paragraph. Us in the older regiments don't have faith in most regiments to finish the NWL. Do you have faith in the 77y, 33rd, 15yr to finish a NWL over the 74th, 93e etc? Base the League on longevity then at the end have a final play off top 4 of each league.

Currently league one will be decided by Caz or Das Bot added in with regiments who finished last year NWL. Which likely rules out the 17e, 74th anyway.

Clearly if your in the newer regiment you won't be happy and I understand why.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 17, 2016, 09:39:42 am
It has a lot to do with how competent the regiment leader is and how sturdy the regiment is. I understand you may have Concerns with the 74th, 93e, 17e, etc. But you have to understand that doesn't mean the older will finish NWL over some of the older regiments. Regiment Longetivity does not guarnatee they will survive in NWL. It increases the chances statistically yes, but statistics do not represent everyone. I would put my trust into the 74th, 93e, and 17e in surviving the NWL no matter what. It is the last season after all.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Frittentime on March 17, 2016, 09:40:14 am
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just rather the stable regiments play each other rather then a mix of new and old. Not skill based as 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Read my paragraph. Us in the older regiments don't have faith in most regiments to finish the NWL. Do you have faith in the 77y, 33rd, 15yr to finish a NWL over the 74th, 93e etc? Base the League on longevity then at the end have a final play off top 4 of each league.

Currently league one will be decided by Caz or Das Bot added in with regiments who finished last year NWL. Which likely rules out the 17e, 74th anyway.

Clearly if your in the newer regiment you won't be happy and I understand why.
Just nope
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:40:35 am
It has a lot to do with how competent the regiment leader is and how sturdy the regiment is. I understand you may have Concerns with the 74th, 93e, 17e, etc. But you have to understand that doesn't mean the older will finish NWL over some of the older regiments. Regiment Longetivity does not guarnatee they will survive in NWL. It increases the chances statistically yes, but statistics do not represent everyone. I would put my trust into the 74th, 93e, and 17e in surviving the NWL no matter what. It is the last season after all.

Evidence suggests John Price will disband next week. Alot of these 'New Melee regiments' rarely last. We all know it. The only people will be against the idea so far. Is Hersh from the 93e and you from the 17e. who want a shot at the big time when evidently your regiments in its current form are new.

My proposal works in skill level. Das and Caz will likely refuse regiments like the 74th, 93e from being league one anyway. On the grounds they don't or won't finish League one. Which occurred in the past.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 17, 2016, 09:42:39 am
I understand that you may have your concerns, but lets talk statistically. The 74th is a 100 man regiment which fields 20-25. As long as John Price has some competent CO's and NCO's he will survive.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:44:34 am
I understand that you may have your concerns, but lets talk statistically. The 74th is a 100 man regiment which fields 20-25. As long as John Price has some competent CO's and NCO's he will survive.

No one believes john Price will last a NWL League one. Which may end in 4-5 months time. He will get rejected from league one on Das bots proposals anyway.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 17, 2016, 09:46:00 am
I understand that you may have your concerns, but lets talk statistically. The 74th is a 100 man regiment which fields 20-25. As long as John Price has some competent CO's and NCO's he will survive.

No one believes john Price will last a NWL League one. Which may end in 4-5 months time.
Your own opinon which you are entitled to.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:48:02 am
I understand that you may have your concerns, but lets talk statistically. The 74th is a 100 man regiment which fields 20-25. As long as John Price has some competent CO's and NCO's he will survive.

No one believes john Price will last a NWL League one. Which may end in 4-5 months time.
Your own opinon which you are entitled to.

Thanks for reminding me of my entitlements.

Last NWL. Lets have the old regiments which 'grew' together in a league. Have some of these new and great regiments in a leauge.

Top 4 of each league faces each other in a play off. A real way to end NWs. And it means us older regiment can actually get the chance to field 25-35 players again.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 17, 2016, 09:50:23 am
That would be awesome yes, I quite like your idea but the 17e and 93e would have quite an easy time in League 2 if thats what you suggest.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:52:26 am
That would be awesome yes, I quite like your idea but the 17e and 93e would have quite an easy time in League 2 if thats what you suggest.
I disagree. There are plenty of good newish 15-20 man regiments. 61e, 13te etc
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Ambiguous on March 17, 2016, 09:53:42 am
92nd is quite older than 93e and 17e. 61e have been around for more than a year, so have 13te. How are these not long lasting regiments by your standards?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 09:55:10 am
Evidently the longevity is up for a discussion. Most of the regiments I mentioned are over 2-3 years old. 15yr, 78th, 63e 59th, 33rd, 25th 6te, 45e etc.

92nd is a good regiment Yet added in with Longevity is regiments that played in last NWL which makes most of the spots anyway.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: KOBZIK on March 17, 2016, 09:58:35 am
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: KOBZIK on March 17, 2016, 09:59:51 am
Evidently the longevity is up for a discussion. Most of the regiments I mentioned are over 2-3 years old. 15yr, 78th, 63e 59th, 33rd, 25th 6te, 45e etc.

92nd is a good regiment and is relatively new and didn't participate in last NWL. By Das bot standards there already unable to attend league one unless spots open

Yet added in with Longevity is regiments that played in last NWL which makes most of the spots anyway.
92nd won last season the 2nd leage, didnt they?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 10:01:35 am
Evidently the longevity is up for a discussion. Most of the regiments I mentioned are over 2-3 years old. 15yr, 78th, 63e 59th, 33rd, 25th 6te, 45e etc.

92nd is a good regiment and is relatively new and didn't participate in last NWL. By Das bot standards there already unable to attend league one unless spots open

Yet added in with Longevity is regiments that played in last NWL which makes most of the spots anyway.
92nd won last season the 2nd leage, didnt they?

They did. I'm still confused about the whole John-Price involvement in it. Not to mention most regiments disbanded in league two.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 10:05:04 am
NWL spots go to league one members of the previous year added with the top of league 2. Which means league one is already full pretty much.

Question I pose is this. Who decides who gets league one? When other regiments older regiments like the 45e, preobraz, 21o Miquelets might want to return or participate  in  league one. Or the other regiments such as the 93e, 17e 74th, 23e and your Polish pps etc.

17e and the 93e don't have a divine right to be in league despite there skill. When regiments such as the 92nd, preobraz might wish to particiate to league one. Which they have access due to being in NWL league two last year.

Best option.
I think the issue are clear to see. New regiments join the leagues and tend to disband or face a loss of attendance.

We can fix that by simply only allowing the older regiments into a particular 'Stable League'  'Old Guard' league or something. The likes of your 33rds, 77y, 59th, 63e, 15YR, 78th, 51st, 25th, 45e, 6te etc (I only know English speaking sorry).

The newer regiments should enter a separate league. Which should have nothing to do with skill level but defined on their existence age.

That way the likes of your 74ths, 93e, 17e, 7thQRC, 92nd and other newer and mostly highly skilled regiments can play without fear of them disbanding and compromising the existence of the older member league.

To conclude. Two seperate leagues: no difference or intended difference in skill. Regiments are assigned into the two leagues based on direct proof on their regimental history.

At the end the winner of the two leagues face each other.  Or the top 2 or 4 regiments of each league face each other in a play off.

(I hope no one gets offended. I just rather the stable regiments play each other rather then a mix of new and old. Not skill based as 59th will beat anyone ;)).
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: bobertini on March 17, 2016, 01:57:22 pm
I actually agree with kaide/59th.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Herishey on March 17, 2016, 03:06:37 pm
No matter what regiment I was in I wouldn't agree, the leagues would be totally unbalanced. You would have very weak regiments in League A with some very strong that would dominate, then you'd have some very skilled regiments in League B with weak regiments again where one half of the league would end up being dominated. The idea of all tournaments and leagues is to make it as balanced as it can be so that it is more fun for everyone partaking, good regiments don't want to face bad regiments every week, just like bad regiments don't want to face good ones every week, there would almost be no point partaking in the league for some regiments as they either know they will just dominate the entire thing with ease or end up in reverse..
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 03:09:40 pm
No matter what regiment I was in I wouldn't agree, the leagues would be totally unbalanced. You would have very weak regiments in League A with some very strong that would dominate, then you'd have some very skilled regiments in League B with weak regiments again where one half of the league would end up being dominated. The idea of all tournaments and leagues is to make it as balanced as it can be so that it is more fun for everyone partaking, good regiments don't want to face bad regiments every week, just like bad regiments don't want to face good ones every week, there would almost be no point partaking in the league for some regiments as they either know they will just dominate the entire thing with ease or end up in reverse..

17e and 93e will not get league one based on Das proposals. (Das bot "Spots for league one go to last years league one league two members" Which makes NWL league one 80% full). NWL does not work like that. its not like the 91st reformed and entered the league. Both regiments in theory have never been in the NWL. Hersh You don't have a divine right to enter NWL when your regiments have disbanded god knows how many times over the past year.

Top 4 of each league face each other in a final contest. Which actually means more priority is on skill.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Spoons on March 17, 2016, 03:18:15 pm
A few people have brought up the issue of regiments disbanding during the tournament in the past, obviously it will be greatly limited by introducing a 1st league purely based on regiment 'founding date' but it can still happen (e.g. spartans).

p.s. add a no camping rule at the discretion of the admin(s)  :D

There is something that NWL could become which may also help with the disbanding issue AND the issue of balanced fights between equally matched regiments, but of course it would require a bigger commitment from people willing to run it; in the tldr spoiler below ;p

A permanent ladder may be a better solution (change to L to stand for ladder :D ), allowing those that want to fight and compete to do so when they want, and when a reg doesn't have time or has setbacks etc it would simply mean them refusing to defend their ladder position and dropping down a few places.

For example, the ladder could be broken up into groups of 5 -  to move up the ladder a regiment must declare on a regiment above (within their group) and only once at the top of their group could they declare on the bottom regiment from the group above. This system would keep regiments fighting others at their level and strength, those that disband would just be removed and those below get moved up one.

A persistent ladder would actually give a little more meaning to which reg's are 'best' at any one time, rather than for the entire 4 month period between NWL tournaments. Once a reg is challenged they get 2 weeks to plan and play their match, whilst receiving a 2 week immunity to being challenged after the match date is played.

Of course as with all new ideas, its all about finding people willing to do the work ;p the current system means only a few months of running things before getting a break from it. However one perm ladder somewhere may be nice amidst all of these tournaments all over the place.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 17, 2016, 03:23:55 pm
Do I remember correctly that 59th have had got problems last season ? I do not think so that we met on battlefield :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 03:24:55 pm
Do I remember correctly that 59th have had got problems last season ? I do not think so that we met on battlefield :D

59th was never meant to be in league one or NWL overall. We did it because no one other regiment could attend. it was a personal favour. We attended till NWL could find a replacement, which they could not. We tried helping league from our hearts.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 17, 2016, 03:25:56 pm
Thanks for your quick answer
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 17, 2016, 03:32:23 pm
I think that every regiment that mean to attend on NWL should provide some referees , cause it was quite issue to find one on Sunday which i assume was common day for NWL . I know that it could be quite problem from beginning but if a newbie referee co-spectate with senior one like Chicken he could understand the way to do it from the very best ( :* Chickeniro) and provide help when other ref got to go away for a moment ( to piss or to get food :D ) and match could continue and in the end more referees bring more options and more valid opinions on problems that arise in match . :) Just an opinion :)

P.S. sorry for engrish you all know how bad it is :D
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 03:39:46 pm
What.. Kaide is literally just attacking me for the sake of being a little turd.

We have taken part in 4 season of NWL and I plan to make this the 5th. We have 30-35 attendance and will continue to do so, how does evidence show I will disband in a week?

Either way I think Kaides useless attempts at attacking other regiments are silly. 93e is in question but I still think 15thYR and other regiments have a right to be in this league.

Oh and btw for those who didn't believe me about my attendance, here's the last 3 days. Could post more days but we have been doing Groupfighting quite regularly so.


EDIT: People pointed out when I pulled out of NWL as the 8teLeib last season, I pulled out at the start due to home troubles and merged into the 92nd. We then finished the season. It was right after NLC ended as well.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 03:42:16 pm
What.. Kaide is literally just attacking me for the sake of being a little turd.

We have taken part in 4 season of NWL and I plan to make this the 5th. We have 30-35 attendance and will continue to do so, how does evidence show I will disband in a week?

Either way I think Kaides useless attempts at attacking other regiments are silly. 93e is in question but I still think 15thYR and other regiments have a right to be in this league.

Oh and btw for those who didn't believe me about my attendance, here's the last 3 days. Could post more days but we have been doing Groupfighting quite regularly so.


I'm sorry you got salty over a decent conversation. I never once insulted you despite you getting insulted over a simple remark that I don't think you'll finish intact in 4 months. 15YR would be in league one...(read my posts).  93e/74th dont have a right as older regiments from league two will likely fill the spots anyway. Das Bot statement confirms this.

I'm sorry if you're offended I don't see your regiment alive in 4 months.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Blaze on March 17, 2016, 03:46:46 pm
What.. Kaide is literally just attacking me for the sake of being a little turd.

We have taken part in 4 season of NWL and I plan to make this the 5th. We have 30-35 attendance and will continue to do so, how does evidence show I will disband in a week?

Either way I think Kaides useless attempts at attacking other regiments are silly. 93e is in question but I still think 15thYR and other regiments have a right to be in this league.

Oh and btw for those who didn't believe me about my attendance, here's the last 3 days. Could post more days but we have been doing Groupfighting quite regularly so.


I'm sorry you got salty over a decent conversation. I never once insulted you despite you getting insulted over a simple remark that I don't think you'll finish intact in 4 months.  93e dont have a right as older regiments from league two will likely fill the spots anyway. Das Bot statement confirms this.

I'm sorry if you're offended I don't see your regiment alive in 4 months.

I don't actually see why you are bashing these Regiments for no reason?
There is no evidence the 74th will disband your not a wizard now shut it and go read a book.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 03:48:30 pm
I've not bashed anyone. I'm sorry if your egos so easily bruised. Can we keep this a constructive debate.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Time2Troll on March 17, 2016, 03:49:18 pm
It has a lot to do with how competent the regiment leader is and how sturdy the regiment is. I understand you may have Concerns with the 74th, 93e, 17e, etc. But you have to understand that doesn't mean the older will finish NWL over some of the older regiments. Regiment Longetivity does not guarnatee they will survive in NWL. It increases the chances statistically yes, but statistics do not represent everyone. I would put my trust into the 74th, 93e, and 17e in surviving the NWL no matter what. It is the last season after all.

Evidence suggests John Price will disband next week. Alot of these 'New Melee regiments' rarely last. We all know it. The only people will be against the idea so far. Is Hersh from the 93e and you from the 17e. who want a shot at the big time when evidently your regiments in its current form are new.

My proposal works in skill level. Das and Caz will likely refuse regiments like the 74th, 93e from being league one anyway. On the grounds they don't or won't finish League one. Which occurred in the past.

Kaide you must have a serious case of autism or something
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 03:50:04 pm
It has a lot to do with how competent the regiment leader is and how sturdy the regiment is. I understand you may have Concerns with the 74th, 93e, 17e, etc. But you have to understand that doesn't mean the older will finish NWL over some of the older regiments. Regiment Longetivity does not guarnatee they will survive in NWL. It increases the chances statistically yes, but statistics do not represent everyone. I would put my trust into the 74th, 93e, and 17e in surviving the NWL no matter what. It is the last season after all.

Evidence suggests John Price will disband next week. Alot of these 'New Melee regiments' rarely last. We all know it. The only people will be against the idea so far. Is Hersh from the 93e and you from the 17e. who want a shot at the big time when evidently your regiments in its current form are new.

My proposal works in skill level. Das and Caz will likely refuse regiments like the 74th, 93e from being league one anyway. On the grounds they don't or won't finish League one. Which occurred in the past.

Kaide you must have a serious case of autism or something

Might be best if we wait till we get a admin or Das bot to moderate this thread.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Time2Troll on March 17, 2016, 03:51:15 pm
It has a lot to do with how competent the regiment leader is and how sturdy the regiment is. I understand you may have Concerns with the 74th, 93e, 17e, etc. But you have to understand that doesn't mean the older will finish NWL over some of the older regiments. Regiment Longetivity does not guarnatee they will survive in NWL. It increases the chances statistically yes, but statistics do not represent everyone. I would put my trust into the 74th, 93e, and 17e in surviving the NWL no matter what. It is the last season after all.

Evidence suggests John Price will disband next week. Alot of these 'New Melee regiments' rarely last. We all know it. The only people will be against the idea so far. Is Hersh from the 93e and you from the 17e. who want a shot at the big time when evidently your regiments in its current form are new.

My proposal works in skill level. Das and Caz will likely refuse regiments like the 74th, 93e from being league one anyway. On the grounds they don't or won't finish League one. Which occurred in the past.

Kaide you must have a serious case of autism or something

Might be best if we wait till we get a admin or Das bot to moderate this thread.

Because autists work best in groups?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Blaze on March 17, 2016, 03:53:43 pm
I've not bashed anyone. I'm sorry if your egos so easily bruised. Can we keep this a constructive debate.

Started bashing the 74th for no reason.
You're not a fucking wizard so shut the fuck up you Swine.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Time2Troll on March 17, 2016, 03:55:15 pm
I've not bashed anyone. I'm sorry if your egos so easily bruised. Can we keep this a constructive debate.

Started bashing the 74th for no reason.
Your not a fucking wizard so shut the fuck up you Swine.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 03:58:56 pm
No you said you used "evidence". You used no evidence because all evidence points towards us finishing a league lol.

The point is Kaide you clearly have no idea on the current regiments, you seem to think that regiments that are years old are "new". Someone just fucking ban 59th official its so obviously Kaide, even if it wasn't him double accounting is punishable by bans on this forum.

The 92nd is basically dead at this point so I am not sure why they are being mentioned as joining the league their members are starting to leave as far as I have seen.

The point is you should be going off is definitely longevity. We have been doing linebattles non stop since September last year as the 18e. There's screenshots on my thread if you do not believe me. So that already disproves your point. After the 3 week Christmas break I decided to go with 74th to carry it onto Bannerlord (I like the scottish heritage).

You are ill informed. NW is almost dead. You should make a compromise allowing regiments that show no reason for disbanding into the league.

I agree with the 93e though, Crumpet reformed around 4 months into this reg and around 4-5 of my goys left :'(
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Time2Troll on March 17, 2016, 04:07:03 pm
im pita look at my forehead
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 04:07:39 pm
and the retardation ensues.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 04:11:43 pm
What I am trying to say in brief:

Half the league one and two regiments are dead and gone now. You cannot base sign ups for that league on just purely skill anymore etc.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Pluto on March 17, 2016, 04:14:01 pm
I'm pretty sure that all of you on this forum are adopted.

Best wishes from the adoption center                 
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: notmoving on March 17, 2016, 04:20:01 pm
Ima throw in my two cents here,

i half agree with what kaide is saying on the terms that if this is going to be the last NWL i do not want to have it like the 92nd had it last season. Where they had 5 weeks on the trot of matches being cancelled because of regiments that have disbanded. Although 1st league has never really had that problem, but i still think it would be a great idea to have the leauge based on the larger/older regiments the "Old Dogs" in the final NWL as a tribute to all thats been for the final days of nw before we all bow out.

However on the flip side, the other league is going to be cancer not having the "risk" regs spread out in the other leagues we will find that if infact the "Risk" regs removed from 1st league into the 2nd all end up disbanding then its a horrid situation to be in for 2nd league
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 17, 2016, 04:34:06 pm
Well it seems kaide has a really strong opinion on new formed regiments but as far as I know 74th has a great attendance, 93e has a great attendance and 17e has a great attendance with all competent leaders which could make this last NWL season a lot more interesting but offcourse if you want to have no rivalry, no fights to be looking forward to, nor having clashes of great regiments which will decide who will become champion then go ahead you missed out on one of the greatest oppertunities in longtime of NWL since the Nr24 and the 17e both took part in the NWL.
And we all still remember how breath taking that NWL season was till the very last match was played.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on March 17, 2016, 04:36:59 pm
Well it seems kaide has a really strong opinion on new formed regiments but as far as I know 74th has a great attendance, 93e has a great attendance and 17e has a great attendance with all competent leaders which could make this last NWL season a lot more interesting but offcourse if you want to have no rivalry, no fights to be looking forward to, nor having clashes of great regiments which will decide who will become champion then go ahead you missed out on one of the greatest oppertunities in longtime of NWL since the Nr24 and the 17e both took part in the NWL.
And we all still remember how breath taking that NWL season was till the very last match was played.

got to agree and I dont really get why kaide is so butthurt about all this
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Pluto on March 17, 2016, 04:39:23 pm
I'm gonna make my own nwl with blackjack and hookers
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 04:41:56 pm
Well it seems kaide has a really strong opinion on new formed regiments but as far as I know 74th has a great attendance, 93e has a great attendance and 17e has a great attendance with all competent leaders which could make this last NWL season a lot more interesting but offcourse if you want to have no rivalry, no fights to be looking forward to, nor having clashes of great regiments which will decide who will become champion then go ahead you missed out on one of the greatest oppertunities in longtime of NWL since the Nr24 and the 17e both took part in the NWL.
And we all still remember how breath taking that NWL season was till the very last match was played.

got to agree and I dont really get why kaide is so butthurt about all this

What have I said that is butthurt? Brot has already said preference is given to past members of league one and two. Which means there is very few spots open.

Which the 17e, 74th and 93e are not apart and will according to NWL rules have to apply as new regiments. I've said in my previous posts there very good regiments.

What if other good regiments want to be in the last NWL too? Yet how can brot decide who should join league one?
Base it off his own opinion on whos the best? I've seen no alternative, feel free to present one. We'll fight any of the regiments. I just had the idea which some regimental leaders agree with.

I have nothing against new regiments. I'm just recycling what Brot said and adding a new alternative. Otherwise alot of regiments will be turned away.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 04:53:31 pm
Once sign ups happen, have a meeting amongst all regiment leaders as to who gets the position. That is the only way you can reliably select the regiments and please everyone.

Well it seems kaide has a really strong opinion on new formed regiments but as far as I know 74th has a great attendance, 93e has a great attendance and 17e has a great attendance with all competent leaders which could make this last NWL season a lot more interesting but offcourse if you want to have no rivalry, no fights to be looking forward to, nor having clashes of great regiments which will decide who will become champion then go ahead you missed out on one of the greatest oppertunities in longtime of NWL since the Nr24 and the 17e both took part in the NWL.
And we all still remember how breath taking that NWL season was till the very last match was played.

got to agree and I dont really get why kaide is so butthurt about all this

What have I said that is butthurt? Brot has already said preference is given to past members of league one and two. Which means there is very few spots open.

Which the 17e, 74th and 93e are not apart and will according to NWL rules have to apply as new regiments. I've said in my previous posts there very good regiments.

What if other good regiments want to be in the last NWL too? Yet how can brot decide who should join league one?
Base it off his own opinion on whos the best? I've seen no alternative, feel free to present one. We'll fight any of the regiments. I just had the idea which some regimental leaders agree with.
Its the way you said it Kaide. What you want is for all your "chums" to be in 1st league with you.

Look at the previous line up for first league


Look at all the dead regiments, who actually are you going to fill those slots with other than regiments like 74th?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 17, 2016, 04:59:10 pm
17e,93e,78th , your reg and 33rd + 47th
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 05:00:28 pm
I agree with all those but 33rd I don't think so.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on March 17, 2016, 05:01:23 pm
- The Spartans are the 78th by now,
- 27th is the 93e by now
- 2Lhr Infantry from last season formed the 72nd with some ex Nr12 players
- 6te gained some some new players and is on a good form recently so they could play in first league

so there are hardly any regiments who even really died and there are still some decent reges from league 2

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 05:01:30 pm
The meeting a decent idea. I'm just hammering out a suggestion.

Spartans are effectively 78th. 27th which pulled out are now renamed as the 93e. (Which may disqualify them).
We don't know who wants to step up from league two yet or who else wishes to join too. FSE does not represent most regiments sadly.

I want to fight the best. Yet I want the league to be stable. I just attempted to bridge the two. The old way is fine by me. Yet as NotMoving said "All the old dogs hammering it out at the end. Is poetic".

Maybe my idea is better discussed as a separate competition. It was only a suggestion. I know the new regiments these days are very very good and capable of being in league one.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 05:06:25 pm
- The Spartans are the 78th by now,
- 27th is the 93e by now
- 2Lhr Infantry from last season formed the 72nd with some ex Nr12 players
- 6te gained some some new players and is on a good form recently so they could play in first league

so there are hardly any regiments who even really died and there are still some decent reges from league 2
2Lhr Infantry is still there, therefor should go down to league 2.

All the 27th being 93e proves now is how you guys probably shouldn't be league 1 imo

The 78th will play more than just the Grens to their 1v1's.

6te I agree should be League 1. Had a 1v1 against them recently and they gave us a good run for their money.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Shadow on March 17, 2016, 05:11:56 pm
Please refrain from using the regiment account for purposes it was not intended for. Thank you.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 05:39:09 pm

You're acting a cunt Shyne/Breezy. 74th has some colourful individuals.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: GerRagnar on March 17, 2016, 05:40:17 pm
All the 27th being 93e proves now is how you guys probably shouldn't be league 1 imo

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 17, 2016, 05:40:28 pm

posting private pictures is also not a good idea.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Nock on March 17, 2016, 05:40:57 pm
All the 27th being 93e proves now is how you guys probably shouldn't be league 1 imo

Good banter mate
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 17, 2016, 05:53:48 pm
Once sign ups happen, have a meeting amongst all regiment leaders as to who gets the position. That is the only way you can reliably select the regiments and please everyone.

Well it seems kaide has a really strong opinion on new formed regiments but as far as I know 74th has a great attendance, 93e has a great attendance and 17e has a great attendance with all competent leaders which could make this last NWL season a lot more interesting but offcourse if you want to have no rivalry, no fights to be looking forward to, nor having clashes of great regiments which will decide who will become champion then go ahead you missed out on one of the greatest oppertunities in longtime of NWL since the Nr24 and the 17e both took part in the NWL.
And we all still remember how breath taking that NWL season was till the very last match was played.

got to agree and I dont really get why kaide is so butthurt about all this

What have I said that is butthurt? Brot has already said preference is given to past members of league one and two. Which means there is very few spots open.

Which the 17e, 74th and 93e are not apart and will according to NWL rules have to apply as new regiments. I've said in my previous posts there very good regiments.

What if other good regiments want to be in the last NWL too? Yet how can brot decide who should join league one?
Base it off his own opinion on whos the best? I've seen no alternative, feel free to present one. We'll fight any of the regiments. I just had the idea which some regimental leaders agree with.
Its the way you said it Kaide. What you want is for all your "chums" to be in 1st league with you.

Look at the previous line up for first league


Look at all the dead regiments, who actually are you going to fill those slots with other than regiments like 74th?

if you think about it the 2Lhr was rather competitive with DarkTemplar leading now that DarkTemplar is a gone I dont see them that quickly applying to participate again anytime soon and 8pp recently got remade meaning they are a new regiment as well :P but lets face it there are not many regiments out there anymore that can play on the level of the 1st league and have a proper chance of winning it.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 06:04:40 pm
Ofc I was just going off the  regiments that are still there. "Lhr should be league 2. 8pp is extremely good now that the 5pp is gone so I think it would be worth them participating.

Oh yea and we all forgot 5pp disbanded xD
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Salakien on March 17, 2016, 06:16:29 pm
Oh yea and we all forgot 5pp disbanded xD
44th want to participate , plus 25th with pumti or preobraz could make it :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on March 17, 2016, 06:16:36 pm
Lol Price, with all do respect mate. We have always been in league 1 and most likely won't change. What have you got against taking us out?

Just going to add as well that we never officially pulled out or made any recognition to doing this.
27th was still the slot obtained by myself over 2 NWL seasons. Yes I agree I went down in between there not being seasons but we are back.
Easily continue as the slot we left in.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Falk on March 17, 2016, 06:50:37 pm
lol. Why do you guys always have to make such a shitstorm ? Dont you think Brot is competent enough to decide who plays where, when he opened the sign ups ?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 07:03:01 pm
Dont get me wrong you guys are a good regiment, you just look pretty out of place in 1st league. All those 1st league regiments can bring 30 members if they wanted too.

I am looking at making first league balanced

Falk is right doe, I blame Kaide!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 17, 2016, 07:05:50 pm
Chill, guys. Kaide is right in many things. Just to remind you: This NWL only has 24 Slots, last one had double the slots. So in the case a regiment that attended last season 100% will not get rejected in this signups in favor for a "new" NWL regiment. If, lets say, only 20 slots are taken from NWL vet regs, the last 4 Slots will be given to regiments that have proven their stability and longlivety.

I will not reject a veteran regiment in favor for a completely new (to NWL) regiment, and I will not reject a regiment that has proven its stability over one that yet has to.

Attendance stuff is dependent on who will actually sign up.

Alles ungelegte Eier!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 07:07:50 pm
Daaamn Brot, back at it again with the logical baaaantz
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: 59th Regiment of Foot on March 17, 2016, 07:10:42 pm
Chill, guys. Kaide is right in many things. Just to remind you: This NWL only has 24 Slots, last one had double the slots. So in the case a regiment that attended last season 100% will not get rejected in this signups in favor for a "new" NWL regiment. If, lets say, only 20 slots are taken from NWL vet regs, the last 4 Slots will be given to regiments that have proven their stability and longlivety.

I will not reject a veteran regiment in favor for a completely new (to NWL) regiment, and I will not reject a regiment that has proven its stability over one that yet has to.

Attendance stuff is dependent on who will actually sign up.

Alles ungelegte Eier!

Thank you. I did try and put that across.

Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: John Price on March 17, 2016, 07:13:19 pm
Imo Kaide
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: pieter on March 17, 2016, 07:13:36 pm
Fair play from DasBooty  8)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Falk on March 17, 2016, 07:52:16 pm
Alles ungelegte Eier!
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Wolfster on March 17, 2016, 09:13:38 pm
can 44th play

we has 25 man line

and by god I love the name too much to disband in a month

or 2 months

or 3 months

or 4 months

or 5... You get the idea
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: bobertini on March 17, 2016, 09:30:25 pm





you get the idea
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Wolfster on March 17, 2016, 09:54:28 pm





you get the idea
I didn't realize, thank you  :-* :-*

I get the idea
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: DasBrot on March 18, 2016, 03:38:58 pm
Look what I did
Not a new season (
Title: Re: Napoleonic Wars League - 6th Season [14th Matchday 15th - 21th Jan]
Post by: Moi~ on March 19, 2016, 04:39:48 pm
fuck that caz guy