Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Community => Events: NA => Topic started by: Moraine on May 09, 2015, 09:23:17 pm

Title: 8EST Blood and Iron Mod Line Battle event!
Post by: Moraine on May 09, 2015, 09:23:17 pm
Hello and Welcome to a Franco Prussia Mod hosted event by Lady Moraine! I am currently working on all the issues with this but if you'd like to sign up feel free I will be making a steam group and will contact everyone once the event

-Event will be held every Sunday at 8:00 PM EST time.

-Event meeting will be held 15 mins prior to start at 7:45 pm est in the TS.

-TS IP for meeting and info is: "TS not chosen yet"

-Specialties will be given out on a first come first serve basis in the TS or via steam.


Rules for Line Infantry


-Lines Must always fire in line and in formation.

-Line infantry is not allowed spacing.

-Gaps from deaths in line do not have to be fixed, unless moving out.

-FoC and FoL will be tolerated as long as you carry the charge.

-Line infantry may only crouch in a double ranked line.


-If only 2 men remain in a line, they must immediately seek out and join a friendly line OR charge directly toward their enemy into melee.
Rules for Light/Skirm Infantry

-Must have at least 8 men but can not have more than 15 men including the officer.

-Must always move together, but doesn't have to be in formation.

-Allowed 3-4 Man spacing at maximum.

-Allowed to crouch.

-Artillery can have a maximum on two artillery peices

-Max of 8 arty guard

Application To Sign Up!
Regiment Name:
Regiment FSE Thread(URL):
Leaders Steam(URL):
Estimated Attendance:
France or Prussia?:
Have you read the rules:
Title: Re: 8EST Blood and Iron Mod Line Battle event!
Post by: Josh Faraday on May 10, 2015, 05:44:46 pm
Good Luck
Title: Re: 8EST Blood and Iron Mod Line Battle event!
Post by: Alasdaaaairo on May 16, 2015, 01:37:41 am
Bump and good luck:)
Title: Re: 8EST Blood and Iron Mod Line Battle event!
Post by: ~Midnight~ on May 16, 2015, 03:23:34 pm
Good Luck
Title: Re: 8EST Blood and Iron Mod Line Battle event!
Post by: PapaBean on May 17, 2015, 06:20:58 am
good luck