Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => Iron Europe => Released Modifications => Events => Topic started by: MrFinnT on March 02, 2014, 01:11:03 am

Title: Saturday Trenchbattle - 20:15 GMT Canceled until 1.2 full release
Post by: MrFinnT on March 02, 2014, 01:11:03 am
German Version
Hallo Leute.Wir sind das 6tes GSB.

Unser Event wird um 21:15 Uhr sein.
Wir wollen alle, Nord-Amerikaner und Europäer oder von wo ihr auch kommen magst. Der Server steht in der EU.

Kein Rambo, keine Trolls, kein Rassismus, kein Rechtsextremismus. "Kein Rambo" bedeutet das ihr euch nicht vom Spawn wegbewegt mit weniger als 4 Mann. Verluste sind kein grund um umzukehren. Der Trupp muss zusammenbleiben. Wenn ihr sterbt, solltet ihr euch neu gruppieren.

Es wird erwartet, dass das Event eine (und ne halbe) Stunde dauern wird. Wir haben 200 slots.

Wenn ihr bei diesem (wöchentlichem) Event mitmachen wollt, macht einfach einen Post in diesemTopic.
Sagt mir einfach wie viele Leute ihr mitbringt und welches Squad Built ihr beforzugt. (ein post hier ist weder nötig noch zwigt es euch an diesem Event teil zu nehmmen, es zeigt mir nur wie viel interesse besteht.)

füge MrFinnT ( auf steam deiner Freundesliste hinzu und schreib mir welchen squadbuild ihr wollt, wie vieleihr seit und wie euer Regimentsname ist, für das nächsten Samstag Trenchbattle.
bitte komm dennoch auf unseren Teamspeak ( server. ich werde um 20 Uhr da sein. Falls du fragen hast oder sicherstellen willst das ich dich aufgeschrieben habe. ich werde Server Name und Passwort um 21 Uhr posten und es dann jeden der mich in Steam geadded hat zuschreiben.

Ich habe dem Spielmodus zu Battle gewechselt, aufgrund hoher Nachfrage.

Wenn du eine Kommentar hierzu hast fühl dich frei ihn hier zu hinterlassen
Hello folks. We are the 6tes GSB.

Our event will be Saturday 8.15pm GMT (3.15 pm EST)
We want everyone, so North Americans and Europeans or wherever you are from. but the sever is hosted in the EU

No rambo, no troll, no racism, no Nazi-ism. "No rambo" means don't move out of spawn with less than 4 men. casaulies are no reason to turn back
the Squads have to stay togther. if you die you should regroup.

~ Infanterie Squad Build ~
1 Officier
2 to 99 Riflemen
1 to 3 Supports
0 to 2 Medics
0 to 2 Grenadiers
0 to 2 Light MGs
0 to 1 MG Ammo
0 to 1 Sappers
~ no limit ~
......~ Assault Squad Build ~
1 Officier
1 to 99 Riflemen
0 to 1 Supports
0 to 2 Medics
2 to 5 Grenadiers
0 to 2 Light MGs
0 to 1 MG Ammo
0 to 0 Sappers
~ no limit ~
......~ Heavy MG Build ~
1 Officier
1 to 3 Riflemen
0 to 0 Supports
0 to 1 Medics
0 to 0 Grenadiers
1 to 2 Heavy MGs
1 to 1 MG Ammo
0 to 1 Sapper
~ limited to 2 ~
~ per team ~
......~ Mortar Squad Build ~
1 Officier
0 to 4 Riflemen
0 to 0 Supports
0 to 1 Medics
0 to 0 Grenadiers
2 to 2 Mortars
1 to 2 Mortar Ammo
0 to 1 Sappers
~ limited to 2 ~
~ per team ~
......~ Sniper Squad Build ~
0 Officier
0 to 0 Riflemen
0 to 1 Supports
0 to 0 Medics
0 to 0 Grenadiers
1 to 1 Snipers
0 to 0 -
0 to 0 Sappers
~ limited to 1 ~
~ per team ~

Estimated time is a half hour, we have 200 slots.

join in
if you want to join this weekly event please make a post in this topic.
Tell me how many guys you have. and what squad build you want to use. (this is not mandatory nor required, just give me a little impression)

Add me at Steam MrFinnT (, tell me what Squadbuild you want, how many you are and your regiments name for the next saturday Trenchbattel.
please still come to our Teamspeak ( server. I will be there at 19 GMT. if you have any questions or want to make sure I have you written down. I will post server Name and pw at 20:00 GMT and whrite it then to everyone who added me.

I changed the game mode to Battle, due to high demand.

if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a comment
Title: Re: Saturday Conquest Event 20:00 GMT
Post by: bobertini on March 03, 2014, 01:25:36 am
We'd like to see how the event rolls out first before saying we'll attend weekly.

Regiment Name: BRIR_Nr16 (16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment)
Preferred Faction: Germany
Regiment Leader Steam (if you wanted it):

Ideally we'd be using a mixture of Infantry/Assualt with the added option of using mortar/sniper if its not been taken. What that would mean is if we were allowed to take 1 officer, ~8 rifle, 3-4 grenadiers that would be lovely plus ~2 supports.
Title: Re: Saturday Conquest Event 20:00 GMT
Post by: Nasoori on March 03, 2014, 10:46:11 am
Good luck (:
Title: Re: Saturday Conquest Event 20:00 GMT
Post by: MrFinnT on March 08, 2014, 08:04:34 pm
Edit: I changed the way you can join the trench battle

Add me at Steam MrFinnT (, tell me what Squadbuild you want, how many you are and your regiments name for the next saturday Trenchbattel.
please still come to our Teamspeak ( server. I will be there at 19 GMT. if you have any questions or want to make sure I have you written down. I will post server Name and pw at 19:45 GMT and whrite it then to everyone who added me.

Allowed are

~ Infanterie Squad Build ~
~ no limit ~
......~ Assault Squad Build ~
~ no limit ~
......~ Heavy MG Build ~
~ limited to 2 ~
~ per team ~
......~ Mortar Squad Build ~
~ limited to 2 ~
~ per team ~
......~ Sniper Squad Build ~
~ limited to 1 ~
~ per team ~

Title: Re: Saturday Battel Event 20:00 GMT
Post by: MrFinnT on March 10, 2014, 05:30:00 pm
I changed the game mode to Battle, due to high demand.
Title: Re: Saturday Trenchbattel - 20:00 GMT
Post by: Dasher54 on March 11, 2014, 06:24:02 am
I use battle mode as well for my events,

Btw its *Battle not battel

Title: Re: Saturday Trenchbattel - 20:00 GMT
Post by: Arsenal on March 11, 2014, 10:29:47 am
Ok ill come to your ts3 at that time to sign up
Title: Re: Saturday Trenchbattle - 20:00 GMT
Post by: MrFinnT on March 17, 2014, 10:51:41 pm
Moved start time 15 minutes later
Title: Re: Saturday Trenchbattle - 20:15 GMT Canceled until 1.2 full release
Post by: Barbaneth on March 29, 2014, 10:20:37 pm
10thLR will come we probably bring 10 people as Infantry
Title: Re: Saturday Trenchbattle - 20:15 GMT [Canceled]
Post by: MrFinnT on March 30, 2014, 11:01:15 pm
Canceled, sorry i have no time to do this event anymore, I also lost the interest in the mod.