Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Other Games => Off Topic => Events => Topic started by: DaMonkey on February 12, 2014, 04:49:08 pm

Title: Conceptual Linebattle Event
Post by: DaMonkey on February 12, 2014, 04:49:08 pm
Good morning (or afternoon) my good fellows,

     In order to test some concepts, and with a goal of bringing a fresh and new experience for the Napoleonic Era, this impromptu event had been set up. This event will be using the conceptual Napoleonic addon for Arma 3. It should be noted, that both the addon and the event are very early conceptions, and will be quirky. The mod, being little more than a project, will be put to a few tests via this event, to see if the concept of large-map Napoleonic battles are both fun and workable. The mix of the Napoleonic Wars with Arma 3 seems to be one heck of a combination, but executed right I believe it can be done in a manner that provides a fun template for events.

The Mod

     The mod is more of a project, developed by Icewindo. From what I gather, he just wanted to see if the idea would work, and since then has (again from what I understand) dropped the project, but has uploaded the files. Having played myself, I do believe there's potential there, and therefore if there is any trace of interest, will pick up development. I'm sure you've already been told twice, but this is a very early release of what it could be, and by no means is a finished project- it is 100% conceptual, to see if certain aspects work and are enjoyable.

The Event

     As stated in the opening paragraph, this is a very impromptu event that will test various theories on how a mod like this could work in a multiplayer community. As with the mod, this event is conceptual and is by no means a professional and complex event.

    For the first few events, we would like to keep things basic. The only addons that will need to be downloaded will be the Napoleonic assets. In the future, if the events gain momentum, we may incorporate various map addons, but for now we will use the Altis and Stratis maps.

     The rules are very basic, and are subject to sudden change. The whole purpose of this event is to test different rules and theories on how to make an event like this work. If a rule is incorporated that makes play unbearable, notice that it is subject to redaction and revision.


     The schedule for this event is undecided, as we know various things are released this week that will take up some people's time. If you are a regiment interested in attending, please let us know in this thread. Arma's got a huge map, so the more regiments the more combat will be had.

  • 2. Pommersches - 15-20
  • 8teLeib - 20
Title: Re: Conceptual Linebattle Event
Post by: DaMonkey on February 12, 2014, 04:49:29 pm
* Reserved, and also. Forgive me, it's a shitty thread. *

Obligatory video.
