Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => General Discussion => Topic started by: William on December 16, 2013, 12:09:54 am

Title: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: William on December 16, 2013, 12:09:54 am
For me it would have to be a few more cavalry units, as in, maybe France could have another hussar unit or maybe England could have the Scot Grays. Then perhaps some new infantry units in the misc section. I would love to see the Marins Garde implemented as another unit in the naval section for France.

Overall just put what you want, now I know FSE probably won't update it but why not put down some food for thought. For all we know FSE might do one more  ;)

Please sign and send to friends/regiments/officers, whoever you know. Let's get 1000+ as fast as we can! (
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: McEwan on December 16, 2013, 12:14:02 am
Marins Garde
Only thing I would care about.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TheZach_Attack on December 16, 2013, 12:18:15 am
Probalby wouldn't be historcally accurate but lancer on UK and some new smaller maps, nothing like Venice.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TORN on December 16, 2013, 12:26:43 am
sailors and marines for every faction.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Reginald Schneider on December 16, 2013, 12:40:11 am
Bitches money weed
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Madbull on December 16, 2013, 12:50:38 am
Bringing back Up Stab reach  :'(
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Peter Broetz on December 16, 2013, 12:55:12 am
Flat maps and adding bayonets to the 95th would be nice as well.  :'(
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: JackieChan on December 16, 2013, 01:02:41 am
Try to reduce randomness in melee. I often experience random chambers or hitbox randomness.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Colbac on December 16, 2013, 01:04:41 am
Light Infantry for Prussia.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: SeanBeansShako on December 16, 2013, 01:16:40 am
Light Infantry for Prussia.

And Russia. Would be nice if all factions were mostly balanced to break the dull as dish water Austria UK combo.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 16, 2013, 01:23:34 am
A new faction or two would be nice. Seeing Dutch troops on the field or some Turks would be sweeeeet.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Commissar Jdf on December 16, 2013, 01:24:20 am
It's obvious what I would want, I can even supply multiple skins. For real though, since that would be impossible in the Napoleonic Wars, the Ottoman Nation would be amazing.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Matthew on December 16, 2013, 01:28:55 am
Better destructible terrain, enviromenthaving more of an impact and improvement of the conquest game mode.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Walko on December 16, 2013, 01:34:19 am
Making sure that every faction has a light infantry, and a skirmisher unit.


Light: 51st

Skirmishers: 95 Rifles


Light: Some Voltigeur unit

Skirmishers: Some Chasseur unit


Light Infantry: Grenzers

Skirmishers: Jeager regiment


Light Infantry: Fusiliers (My suggestion would be No.6 West Prussian Infantry regiment, 3rd battalion)

Skirmishers: Silesian Jeager regiment


Light Infantry: Some sort of light infantry
Skirmishers: 21y jeagers

Other Suggestions:

- Give all units a sergeant class, with a musket.

- Improve bracing

Realistically FSE, you could VERY VERY easily put a Prussian fusilier unit in the game. They would have the same uniform as the 8th Brandenburgish, but with black crossbelts, and different facing colors. 
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Super on December 16, 2013, 01:55:44 am
Run animation, Sergeant classes for most factions (UK ones with pikes) and possibly the 12th Lancers for Uk being as they were made Lancers in 1812 and thus were the only UK lancers at any point during the Napoleonic Wars.

Mainly just superficial stuff, and a different run animation can be easily modded in. But i would really like Uk sergeants with Pikes.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KillerMongoose on December 16, 2013, 02:09:19 am
I would just want to see more units really

-Chasseurs a Cheval
-Moar Germans (Westphalians, Saxons, etc.)

-Scott's Greys
-28th Foot
-KGL light foot

-Real uhlans, not those landwehr pretenders

-More variation for the line infantry >.>
-Finnish units
-Variation in the cossacks, I don't think the blue pajamas would have been universal for irregular cossack troops

-More German infantry
-Landwehr units
-Czech troops
-Maybe another grenzer unit
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dom_ on December 16, 2013, 02:14:23 am
Just  some more infantry units would be cool just to shake things up a bit, and serjeant classes for all unit types and have the option for that pike or a musket.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Killington on December 16, 2013, 03:01:15 am
A baton for the sergeant so I can beat the recruits.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Walko on December 16, 2013, 05:20:40 am
A baton for the sergeant so I can beat the recruits.


Just  some more infantry units would be cool just to shake things up a bit, and serjeant classes for all unit types and have the option for that pike or a musket.


I would just want to see more units really

-Chasseurs a Cheval
-Moar Germans (Westphalians, Saxons, etc.)

-Scott's Greys
-28th Foot
-KGL light foot

-Real uhlans, not those landwehr pretenders

-More variation for the line infantry >.>
-Finnish units
-Variation in the cossacks, I don't think the blue pajamas would have been universal for irregular cossack troops

-More German infantry
-Landwehr units
-Czech troops
-Maybe another grenzer unit

I agree, I think we should just have more units per faction. Maybe not bring in so many different types of troops from different countries, but I would like to see more units, that's the big thing.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dom13WorstNW on December 16, 2013, 06:21:28 am
a new engine

Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Zzehth on December 16, 2013, 07:33:12 am
Mexican units, but this game is not cool enough.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Mik_ on December 16, 2013, 08:25:21 am
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Archduke Sven on December 16, 2013, 09:19:45 am
Suicide option for officers to blow their brains out.

The ability to shoot your own horse in the head when riding it.

A bydand charge ability for highlanders that grant them melee and speed bonuses.

Different voice acting for black characters, i want the voice actors to be Crips and Bloods.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Desert Thunda on December 16, 2013, 09:25:07 am
Suicide option for officers to blow their brains out.

The ability to shoot your own horse in the head when riding it.

A bydand charge ability for highlanders that grant them melee and speed bonuses.

Different voice acting for black characters, i want the voice actors to be Crips and Bloods.

Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: CrumpetAwesome on December 16, 2013, 09:35:14 am
More foreign units for classes. Like France for instance, adding In Dutch and Swiss units. Just a bit more variation. :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Erik le Rouge on December 16, 2013, 09:59:19 am
I would love to see the Marins Garde implemented as another unit in the naval section for France.

If the Marins de la Garde would implemented, it certainly wouldn't be as a naval unit such as the sailor or the Fusilier de Marine. The Marins de la Garde were considered as a line infantry unit of the Guard, they were on the field alongside the others. :)

Anyway, I'd like to see plenty of new units for every faction, especially some Chasseurs à Cheval for France, and some light infantry for every faction as well.

And... bring back MM's original 7e Hussards to the game, death to the 2e !
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Duuring on December 16, 2013, 11:24:19 am
sailors and marines for every faction.

Impossible. The Prussians had no navy and that of the Austrians only sailed on the rivers.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TORN on December 16, 2013, 11:55:13 am
sailors and marines for every faction.

Impossible. The Prussians had no navy and that of the Austrians only sailed on the rivers.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Svensson on December 16, 2013, 12:14:35 pm
Revamped melee, make melee more fluent and consistent.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 16, 2013, 02:25:13 pm
I would love to see the Marins Garde implemented as another unit in the naval section for France.

If the Marins de la Garde would implemented, it certainly wouldn't be as a naval unit such as the sailor or the Fusilier de Marine. The Marins de la Garde were considered as a line infantry unit of the Guard, they were on the field alongside the others. :)

Anyway, I'd like to see plenty of new units for every faction, especially some Chasseurs à Cheval for France, and some light infantry for every faction as well.

And... bring back MM's original 7e Hussards to the game, death to the 2e !

You can go to troop.txt and just rename the 2e to 7e  ;)

2e_Regiment_de_Hussards Hussar ===>  7e_Regiment_de_Hussards Hussar

and the reason I said to put the Marins in the naval infantry is because all of France's's infantry section are filled.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Jorvasker on December 16, 2013, 03:23:34 pm
Suicide option for officers to blow their brains out.

The ability to shoot your own horse in the head when riding it.

A bydand charge ability for highlanders that grant them melee and speed bonuses.

Different voice acting for black characters, i want the voice actors to be Crips and Bloods.
This, would make NW the best game ever...
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TheZach_Attack on December 16, 2013, 04:38:33 pm
sailors and marines for every faction.

Impossible. The Prussians had no navy and that of the Austrians only sailed on the rivers.
I thought Prussia had a small merchant fleet.. Guess it isn't much of a Navy though
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: AeroNinja on December 16, 2013, 04:39:56 pm
The Arisaka yes please! :D
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KillerMongoose on December 16, 2013, 05:17:49 pm
Go home Japan, you're drunk.

Anyway, it sounds like everybody agrees with adding new units for one, and to whoever said replace the 2e Hussards with the 7e Hussards, I love you and I will support you until your dying days T.T
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Erik le Rouge on December 16, 2013, 11:59:46 pm
You can go to troop.txt and just rename the 2e to 7e  ;)

2e_Regiment_de_Hussards Hussar ===>  7e_Regiment_de_Hussards Hussar

We have it since the begginig of NW, don't worry ahah ^^
We also have our texture pack etc, but I'd just like everyone to see it like it was back on MM :'(
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: SeanBeansShako on December 17, 2013, 09:38:56 am
Oh, and the ability for skirmishers to crouch and move at the same time whilst being crouched.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Super on December 17, 2013, 10:29:27 am
Oh, and the ability for skirmishers to crouch and move at the same time whilst being crouched.

Like the way crouching works in the bear force mod? That could be quite cool.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 17, 2013, 10:43:10 am
Russian Jagers to the fact were light/skirmisher units, there were no specific light infantry units. Finns didnt serve in Russian army in period of Napolenic Wars. Cossacks uniform was blue, only the Guard Cossacks had red. However, in Napoleonic Wars at Borodino fought the first battalions of Marine Infantry.
Marines of the Guard by the way:
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Desert Thunda on December 17, 2013, 12:44:18 pm
Finns didnt serve in Russian army in period of Napolenic Wars.

But what about the Finliandsky Life Guards? They were Finnish :P
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: 2ndHess_Maj_Baneblade on December 17, 2013, 02:48:30 pm
also more units, especially in France the "Dutch Grenadiers" and the "Scots Grey´s in UK AND ... Grenades (but i know its unrealistic, but as a leader of a Grenadier Regiment i have to think about them ^^).
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Richard_Miller on December 17, 2013, 03:34:58 pm
also more units, especially in France the "Dutch Grenadiers" and the "Scots Grey´s in UK AND ... Grenades (but i know its unrealistic, but as a leader of a Grenadier Regiment i have to think about them ^^).
Grenades would be a bit op unless they only took away half of the health and did a minor stun
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Walko on December 17, 2013, 07:54:07 pm
... Grenades (but i know its unrealistic, but as a leader of a Grenadier Regiment i have to think about them ^^).

Sorry but, I would absolutely hate for this to happen. No grenades please.

I think it also might be neat to through in another dying animation or two.

Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: SeanBeansShako on December 17, 2013, 08:26:59 pm
More forms of minor uniform randomization would also be a pretty cool thing.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 17, 2013, 09:06:42 pm
Finns didnt serve in Russian army in period of Napolenic Wars.

But what about the Finliandsky Life Guards? They were Finnish :P
They wasnt finnish, Finland was annexed in 1809, while regiment was created in 1806, and why they need to take in army people, who they just annexed, it's aint save in any way.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: BlackFysh on December 19, 2013, 01:27:28 am
Marins Garde.  It needs to be said again. 
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 19, 2013, 02:28:47 am
I put up a new poll, I couldn't find a very good 4th choice, oh well
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dom13WorstNW on December 19, 2013, 02:38:51 am
U forgot a new engine  :(

but yea. All the above
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: regwilliam on December 19, 2013, 04:01:58 am
ranks on uniforms would make them lowers ranks feel important and make it easier to tell what rank some one is in a line when you got 20 or more xD
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Ryner on December 19, 2013, 04:08:31 am
I'll take an order of more faction with a side of more units plz.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: SneakyFellow on December 19, 2013, 01:52:58 pm
I would just want to see more units really

-Chasseurs a Cheval
-Moar Germans (Westphalians, Saxons, etc.)

-Scott's Greys
-28th Foot
-KGL light foot

-Real uhlans, not those landwehr pretenders

-More variation for the line infantry >.>
-Finnish units
-Variation in the cossacks, I don't think the blue pajamas would have been universal for irregular cossack troops

-More German infantry
-Landwehr units
-Czech troops
-Maybe another grenzer unit
FINNISH UNITS +10000000000
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Walko on December 19, 2013, 03:39:40 pm
U forgot a new engine  :(

but yea. All the above

That's not even possible.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Ryner on December 19, 2013, 04:07:17 pm
For the love that is all good and holy. Don't. Suggest. That. They. Change. The. Melee. They mucked it up enough without potentially making it worse.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Viktor 90th on December 21, 2013, 05:20:20 pm
Those looked so awesome I was inspired to make a quick skin.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Killington on December 21, 2013, 06:39:10 pm
Ooh, thought of something.

The ability for admins to temp/perma people after they have left the server, up to maybe 5 minutes or so after they've left.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TORN on December 21, 2013, 06:42:15 pm
Well you can by log-banning people.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Killington on December 21, 2013, 06:43:19 pm
Yeah, but, (for me) that means bothering someone else that has the ability to do log-bans, and they aren't always available.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TORN on December 21, 2013, 06:46:10 pm
hmmm it would be quite difficult.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 21, 2013, 06:49:17 pm
Those looked so awesome I was inspired to make a quick skin.
Oh, nice work! Good to see, that someone interested in pictures, i found :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Matim on December 22, 2013, 07:54:48 pm
Fixing heavy cav, cuz hussars own everything nao (i wunt to be a hussar too :( )
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KillerMongoose on December 22, 2013, 08:02:05 pm
You've obviously never seen the PLG go heavy cav
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Archduke Sven on December 22, 2013, 08:37:59 pm
Those looked so awesome I was inspired to make a quick skin.

Why didn't you just use the normal Life Guard's shako instead of the line infantry's? the guard shako resembles the real one much more. Nice job nonetheless
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 22, 2013, 08:39:41 pm
Those looked so awesome I was inspired to make a quick skin.

Why didn't you just use the normal Life Guard's shako instead of the line infantry's? the guard shako resembles the real one much more. Nice job nonetheless

and why an exe file? why not just zip so I can just extract it.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TheZach_Attack on December 22, 2013, 09:13:45 pm
I just thought of this, be able to swim.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: DanyEle on December 22, 2013, 10:33:16 pm
Fix the last few bugs
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Viktor 90th on December 23, 2013, 12:13:14 am

Why didn't you just use the normal Life Guard's shako instead of the line infantry's? the guard shako resembles the real one much more. Nice job nonetheless
I worked from the paintings, but I'll look into it, probably need to update it a little to fix a few errors anyway
and why an exe file? why not just zip so I can just extract it.
I'll upload a Zip asap.
People tend to prefer .exe's if it's the first time they are installing a skin
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: AeroNinja on December 24, 2013, 11:59:08 am
All the above only the MM moves doesn't have to anymore for me.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Juice Kelly on December 26, 2013, 05:18:49 am
i do not see the option for more explosives
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: kpetschulat on December 26, 2013, 05:41:16 am
I'm content with all the options, but would love these units specifically:

France - Marins de la Garde, 2er Chasseurs-a-peid de la Garde, 2er Lanciers Rouge de la Garde, 7e Hussards (LaSalle's Legere Chevaliers), 18e Fusiliers d'Ligne, 3er Chassers-a-Cheval, and Genie d'Ligne.
Prussia - 1. Ost-preussisches Infanterie, 2. Garde-Fusilier-Regiment, 4. Schlesisches or 6. Westfallisches Landwehr, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Freikorps Jaegers Bataillon, and Garde-Pioniere-Infanterie.
Austria - 4. Hoch und Deutschmeister Infanterie Regiment, 1. Erzherzog Charles Legion Infanterie, Tiroler Landesschuetzen, and 3. Kuirassieren "Graf O'Reilly."
Russia - Leib-Gvardii Kazaki (Lancers), Moskva Opolcheniye and other Opolcheniye infantries, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Leib-Gvardii Yegere, Leib-Gvardii Kazaki Artilleriskaya, and Pavlogradskiy Gusarii.
U.K. - 44th East Essex, 3rd (Scots) Guards, 71st Highland Light Foot, some more hussars like the 15th or 17th, 24th Warwickshire Foot, Royal Artillery, Forlorn Hope Sappers, and maybe a bonus of a Dutch infantry unit.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dealen on December 26, 2013, 05:47:17 pm
They allready released a patch back during the summer and that was stated to be the last content they would add to NW, they are working everyday on their new project which keeps them to busy for working on NW so I doubt they will continue work on It.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 26, 2013, 05:50:37 pm
Read the title

If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dealen on December 26, 2013, 05:52:04 pm
You want me to read It 2 times?
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 26, 2013, 05:55:33 pm
This thread is simply about inquiry as to what people want. Why are you acting like a sore thumb, it's just a way for the community to come together and voice things that they have wanted.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dealen on December 26, 2013, 05:57:32 pm
Well friend It's good that you opened a thread about wish list they want In NW but santa claus ain't gonna bring you those wishes :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Joseph Graham on December 26, 2013, 06:00:38 pm
Hue. Stop being a tart.

I'm content with all the options, but would love these units specifically:

France - Marins de la Garde, 2er Chasseurs-a-peid de la Garde, 2er Lanciers Rouge de la Garde, 7e Hussards (LaSalle's Legere Chevaliers), 18e Fusiliers d'Ligne, 3er Chassers-a-Cheval, and Genie d'Ligne.
Prussia - 1. Ost-preussisches Infanterie, 2. Garde-Fusilier-Regiment, 4. Schlesisches or 6. Westfallisches Landwehr, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Freikorps Jaegers Bataillon, and Garde-Pioniere-Infanterie.
Austria - 4. Hoch und Deutschmeister Infanterie Regiment, 1. Erzherzog Charles Legion Infanterie, Tiroler Landesschuetzen, and 3. Kuirassieren "Graf O'Reilly."
Russia - Leib-Gvardii Kazaki (Lancers), Moskva Opolcheniye and other Opolcheniye infantries, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Leib-Gvardii Yegere, Leib-Gvardii Kazaki Artilleriskaya, and Pavlogradskiy Gusarii.
U.K. - 44th East Essex, 3rd (Scots) Guards, 71st Highland Light Foot, some more hussars like the 15th or 17th, 24th Warwickshire Foot, Royal Artillery, Forlorn Hope Sappers, and maybe a bonus of a Dutch infantry unit.

Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 26, 2013, 06:01:12 pm
Well friend It's good that you opened a thread about wish list they want In NW but santa claus ain't gonna bring you those wishes :)
Alright, but "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn". Besides, it at least gives some way of people telling FSE what they had wanted in this game but never got. So go back to your thread seeing as you are contributing nothing of value to the discussion at hand.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dealen on December 26, 2013, 06:09:14 pm
Well friend It's good that you opened a thread about wish list they want In NW but santa claus ain't gonna bring you those wishes :)
Alright, but "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn". Besides, it at least gives some way of people telling FSE what they had wanted in this game but never got. So go back to your thread seeing as you are contributing nothing of value to the discussion at hand.
There Is nothing to contribute with to begin with because none of It will be added, continue live In Imaginary thread about wanted NW Regiments :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KillerMongoose on December 26, 2013, 06:13:02 pm
Well we're playing a game where we enact imaginary battles pretending to be regiments that may or may not have existed. And there's nothing wrong with discussing the things we'd like to see, even if it won't be added, it's a forum, discussion is kind of the point of a forum. You do not need to hop in this thread for no other reason than to start shit with people and make an ass of yourself.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 26, 2013, 06:17:36 pm
Thank you Mongoose, and in other news I would love to see another ship model which can have a ladder be deployed so you can board other ships. Boarding is a bit treacherous right now.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dealen on December 26, 2013, 06:18:46 pm
Well we're playing a game where we enact imaginary battles pretending to be regiments that may or may not have existed. And there's nothing wrong with discussing the things we'd like to see, even if it won't be added, it's a forum, discussion is kind of the point of a forum. You do not need to hop in this thread for no other reason than to start shit with people and make an ass of yourself.
Starting shit with people Is equal with stating the obvious? :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 26, 2013, 06:20:14 pm
As the owner of the thread I'm telling you to gtfo. Thank you
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dealen on December 26, 2013, 06:23:00 pm
Thank you Mongoose, and in other news I would love to see another ship model which can have a ladder be deployed so you can board other ships. Boarding is a bit treacherous right now.
Hahahahhahahah, yeah I wonder If they ever gonna add that :D
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 26, 2013, 06:27:12 pm
As the owner of the thread I'm telling you to gtfo. Thank you
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Commissar Jdf on December 26, 2013, 06:28:58 pm
Everyone should just drop the argument. It's getting no where. The narcissism on this page isn't lacking, in other words.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: McEwan on December 26, 2013, 06:40:36 pm
Yes, it's pretty obnoxious. Dealen, if a thread OP does not wish for someone to post on his thread, he may say so and it would be best for you to respect his wishes.

And William, it would make more than a few people happy if you stopped posting vote requests on their threads. Thanks.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: regwilliam on December 26, 2013, 06:41:36 pm
i would like to see maybe some historical maps that LBs could be fight in

Talavera ect.

would allow for some cool reacments. instead of just fighing over some random maps that start to look like on another after a time
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Coconut on December 26, 2013, 06:47:02 pm
FSE should do more community map contests, like they did before.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Admaa on December 26, 2013, 07:09:30 pm
Just fixing an obviously incomplete game is all I would like, but there's no option for that. ;~;
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Herishey on December 26, 2013, 07:10:23 pm
I think the melee system is fine other than softspots and the sideblock glitch.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Riddlez on December 26, 2013, 07:21:20 pm
Hue. Stop being a tart.

I'm content with all the options, but would love these units specifically:

France - Marins de la Garde, 2er Chasseurs-a-peid de la Garde, 2er Lanciers Rouge de la Garde, 7e Hussards (LaSalle's Legere Chevaliers), 18e Fusiliers d'Ligne, 3er Chassers-a-Cheval, and Genie d'Ligne.
Prussia - 1. Ost-preussisches Infanterie, 2. Garde-Fusilier-Regiment, 4. Schlesisches or 6. Westfallisches Landwehr, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Freikorps Jaegers Bataillon, and Garde-Pioniere-Infanterie.
Austria - 4. Hoch und Deutschmeister Infanterie Regiment, 1. Erzherzog Charles Legion Infanterie, Tiroler Landesschuetzen, and 3. Kuirassieren "Graf O'Reilly."
Russia - Leib-Gvardii Kazaki (Lancers), Moskva Opolcheniye and other Opolcheniye infantries, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Leib-Gvardii Yegere, Leib-Gvardii Kazaki Artilleriskaya, and Pavlogradskiy Gusarii.
U.K. - 44th East Essex, 3rd (Scots) Guards, 71st Highland Light Foot, some more hussars like the 15th or 17th, 24th Warwickshire Foot, Royal Artillery, Forlorn Hope Sappers, and maybe a bonus of a Dutch infantry unit.


This is not something that, if there would be an update, would even remotely considered.

If you so badly want this, make a reskin module.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 26, 2013, 07:22:46 pm
Singleplayer will be enough.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Riddlez on December 26, 2013, 07:24:40 pm
Singleplayer will be enough.

Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Joseph Graham on December 26, 2013, 07:26:12 pm
If you so badly want this, make a reskin module.

Already done.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Archduke Sven on December 26, 2013, 07:37:13 pm
i want the ability to trikshot, like so you can no scope and jump and spinn an such, trikshot clans will help the community grow
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: InUrBase, EatingUrBacon on December 26, 2013, 07:39:55 pm
i want the ability to trikshot, like so you can no scope and jump and spinn an such, trikshot clans will help the community grow

Marvelous idea Sven, I have always wanted to be able to 360 in mid air while on horseback and stab/slash at the same time.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Millander on December 26, 2013, 08:42:10 pm
game is pretty good as it is.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Ribs on December 26, 2013, 08:42:38 pm
New units and destructible environments.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 26, 2013, 09:43:33 pm
New uniforms would not make this community larger. However, adding Singleplayer can atleast enlarge playerbase.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Ledger on December 26, 2013, 11:14:13 pm
More Up-Stab reach?! A player like me who never uses the Up-Stab and depends on the speed of the downstab, would be nerved to nothing.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: McPero on December 26, 2013, 11:25:10 pm
Add Turkey or Spain!
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: #LionCarry on December 26, 2013, 11:37:47 pm
Add The Netherlands! :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: McPero on December 27, 2013, 12:56:25 am
Add The Netherlands! :)
Netherlands was almost part of France ...
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Ledger on December 27, 2013, 01:09:11 am
Turkey or Spain.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: kpetschulat on December 27, 2013, 02:31:09 am
Hue. Stop being a tart.

I'm content with all the options, but would love these units specifically:

France - Marins de la Garde, 2er Chasseurs-a-peid de la Garde, 2er Lanciers Rouge de la Garde, 7e Hussards (LaSalle's Legere Chevaliers), 18e Fusiliers d'Ligne, 3er Chassers-a-Cheval, and Genie d'Ligne.
Prussia - 1. Ost-preussisches Infanterie, 2. Garde-Fusilier-Regiment, 4. Schlesisches or 6. Westfallisches Landwehr, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Freikorps Jaegers Bataillon, and Garde-Pioniere-Infanterie.
Austria - 4. Hoch und Deutschmeister Infanterie Regiment, 1. Erzherzog Charles Legion Infanterie, Tiroler Landesschuetzen, and 3. Kuirassieren "Graf O'Reilly."
Russia - Leib-Gvardii Kazaki (Lancers), Moskva Opolcheniye and other Opolcheniye infantries, Russisches und Deutsches Legion Infanterie, Leib-Gvardii Yegere, Leib-Gvardii Kazaki Artilleriskaya, and Pavlogradskiy Gusarii.
U.K. - 44th East Essex, 3rd (Scots) Guards, 71st Highland Light Foot, some more hussars like the 15th or 17th, 24th Warwickshire Foot, Royal Artillery, Forlorn Hope Sappers, and maybe a bonus of a Dutch infantry unit.


This is not something that, if there would be an update, would even remotely considered.

If you so badly want this, make a reskin module.

They're not working on NW at all, anymore. This is a list of units that I wish they had made.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 27, 2013, 02:34:38 am
I dunno, maybe once BCoF is out the they'll do something.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: kpetschulat on December 27, 2013, 02:36:05 am
That's a far shot. But, who knows, you could be right? ;)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: SeanBeansShako on December 27, 2013, 02:45:55 am
I'm kind of hoping they'd go back to the Napoleonic Wars.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 27, 2013, 02:52:28 am
Maybe an NW2? Except now it'd be a full game, with more nations and uniforms. Better graphics and mechanics too. Plus some singleplayer.

There isn't going to be any SP in BCoF right? I remember Vincenzo saying it'd cost $X,000 to make it.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Archduke Sven on December 27, 2013, 02:59:50 am
Look, if you want a big community, you have to make something really nooby seem skillful, since that will attract players who think they'll get hoes wid their skills.

Trikshotting is the way forward guis, add ladderstalls, no scopes, bayonet detach mid air etc. and this game will be played for like another year, like MW2
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 27, 2013, 03:05:17 am
Look, if you want a big community, you have to make something really nooby seem skillful, since that will attract players who think they'll get hoes wid their skills.

Trikshotting is the way forward guis, add ladderstalls, no scopes, bayonet detach mid air etc. and this game will be played for like another year, like MW2

If FSE did that to my American Civil War I'd have hunt them down one by one and burn their homes :D
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KillerMongoose on December 27, 2013, 06:03:11 am
Add The Netherlands! :)
Netherlands was almost part of France ...
Depends on which Netherlands we're talking about. Kingdom of Holland was a Napoleonic satellite state, the Kingdom of the Netherlands was an independent state which fought against Napoleon and contributed to his defeat.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Who- on December 27, 2013, 08:46:40 am
Slowing Down stabs?? They are already slow enough compared to what they used 2 be.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: USE4life on December 27, 2013, 05:37:18 pm
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Sotilas on December 27, 2013, 10:21:52 pm
Nerf bayonet.
Kebab making device op pls nerf.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Gokiller on December 28, 2013, 02:12:27 am
Uhm, why do I see you on a lot of regimental threads asking for people to vote for this? Is it so important?

I'm aware it's off-toptic, but I just had to ask.  :-*
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TORN on December 28, 2013, 02:30:05 am
he want views man. I'm  suprised he isn't warned for spamming
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 28, 2013, 02:45:10 am
I suppose if I got a warning for spam so would all the others who spammed on everyones' thread for Christmas wishes
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: TORN on December 28, 2013, 03:00:15 am
maybe but you take the top

proving my point
now you begging for votes
 ( (
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on December 28, 2013, 03:05:09 am
maybe but you take the top

proving my point
now you begging for votes
 ( (

I already got a verbal warning. I'm not spamming anymore
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: SeanBeansShako on December 28, 2013, 03:06:58 am
Uhm, why do I see you on a lot of regimental threads asking for people to vote for this? Is it so important?

I'm aware it's off-toptic, but I just had to ask.  :-*

This is clearly a theoretical poll and they are just being sillies for not reading the OP properly.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: NOT_RED on January 03, 2014, 06:06:28 am
everytime they attempt to "balance the melee system" i have a couple aneurysms and have to go to mental health counseling
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Dasher54 on January 03, 2014, 06:35:24 pm
A new faction or two would be nice. Seeing Dutch troops on the field or some Turks would be sweeeeet.

Turks, Amen.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on January 03, 2014, 07:16:51 pm
Would like to see that spare infantry slot on Austria taken, please FSE  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Mr_hankie_elite on January 12, 2014, 03:11:40 am
I gotta say I wish that Napoleonic wars had a single player RPG experience just like naitive. That would be so fucking awsome!
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Devmc99 on January 12, 2014, 11:04:32 pm
I want to see French have rifles and light infantry for all factions personally. Also Will, can you make it so you can remove your own vote because I want to revote.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on January 12, 2014, 11:07:46 pm
I want to see French have rifles and light infantry for all factions personally. Also Will, can you make it so you can remove your own vote because I want to revote.

But no French troops had rifles.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Devmc99 on January 12, 2014, 11:13:01 pm
I want to see French have rifles and light infantry for all factions personally. Also Will, can you make it so you can remove your own vote because I want to revote.

But no French troops had rifles.
Mercenaries? Even if they didn't it would balance so much stuff out.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: kpetschulat on January 12, 2014, 11:14:27 pm
Nope. Just as I was saying to you in Steam. French regulars, foreign troops, and mercenaries were equipped with smoothbore muskets. They proved to be far more effective than rifles, cheaper to produce, and easier to use.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: stylish on January 12, 2014, 11:14:30 pm
Actually include every nation in the War of the Seventh Coalition. As a dutchman it pisses me off that we never get any credit *raises fist in the air*

You'd almost forget it was us to save the brits at Quatre Bas and that 1/3 of the army present during the Waterloo campaign belonged to the United Kingdom of the Netherlands :(:(
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KillerMongoose on January 12, 2014, 11:20:17 pm
stylish speaks the truth, but sadly we'll never get our Dutch faction :(

Also kpet took the words right out of my mouth. I've seen people say that France needs rifles but clearly they don't and they definitely didn't in history considering French light infantry were some of the best in the world.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Bruin on March 08, 2014, 04:24:08 pm
I just want one or two more factions + new units. But I know it will not happen so... :,(
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: -~Carson~- on March 09, 2014, 03:56:01 am
All of dem!
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on March 13, 2014, 02:14:42 am
Bit of a rude statement considering you play the game they made.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Rutger Müller on March 13, 2014, 04:37:39 am
A Sergeant class pls
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Onii on March 13, 2014, 08:43:12 am
Afros and 70's soundtrack.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: PrideofNi on March 13, 2014, 01:03:00 pm
Afros and 70's soundtrack.

I'm with you on that one. Please also add some 90's shit music.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Onii on March 13, 2014, 01:30:15 pm
Afros and 70's soundtrack.

I'm with you on that one. Please also add some 90's shit music.
Might aswell do 80's too then.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Killington on March 13, 2014, 02:21:27 pm
Afros and 70's soundtrack.

I'm with you on that one. Please also add some 90's shit music.
Might aswell do 80's too then.

Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Onii on March 13, 2014, 11:02:19 pm
Afros and 70's soundtrack.

I'm with you on that one. Please also add some 90's shit music.
Might aswell do 80's too then.

No, I don't go near that (I knew it was gonna be brought up)

Not enough afros ;_;
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Conway on March 17, 2014, 05:33:52 pm
Light Infantry for Prussia.

I thought the Frikorps was a light infantry unit? At least historically, If not don't listen to me anyways :P
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: AeroNinja on March 17, 2014, 05:35:32 pm
More faction. The United Netherlands, Ottoman Empire, Sweden, Denmark etc
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Hugh MacKintosh on March 18, 2014, 10:49:01 pm
More factions. And way more units, they can't be that hard to add.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Kore on March 20, 2014, 10:03:01 pm
Grenadiers need grenades :p
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: kpetschulat on March 21, 2014, 04:04:31 am
Lol, no. Grenades stopped being used in the 1740's. Too dangerous and unreliable.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Millander on March 21, 2014, 06:28:16 pm
NW is pretty good as it is.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: -~Carson~- on March 23, 2014, 03:23:14 am
I think they should add some Serjeants with some spears (Like the one in my signature). THis would be pretty damn cool  :D
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Millander on March 24, 2014, 03:34:24 am
I believe they were abolished by the time NW takes place. To my understanding the game is technically set in 1813 however the Lutzow Freikorps wasent raised until 1813 and the 33rd still has their pre 1812 shackos.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Grimsight on March 27, 2014, 05:41:19 am
Remove sailors, fix siege, fix conquest, and undo all melee patches.

I'd say a new faction as well but from what I hear its not possible due to engine restrictions
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Hugh MacKintosh on March 27, 2014, 07:54:57 am
I think they currently use all their time for the Battle Cry of Freedom game, so I doubt it'd happend anytime soon. If they decided to update it however I would like to see more units, however I'd like to see the Taleworlds making some patches that will fix a couple of glitches in the native game that hasn't been looked at since the beginning of the game. Also if possible improve the system so that it won't lag so much when reaching above 100 players..
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Keita on March 27, 2014, 06:51:09 pm
New units :P
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Anastaysia on April 09, 2014, 04:59:00 pm
More factions.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Josef Lenin on April 14, 2014, 12:21:56 pm
Russian light inf, or at least deploy able bayonets for their rifles. 
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: William on April 14, 2014, 01:39:47 pm
So it's great to have seen so many answers and suggestions and to catch Olaf reading this. Maybe for all we know they are patching this game.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: The_Ace on April 22, 2014, 04:21:33 pm
Grenadier units with grenades of course.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Von_Clausewitz on April 22, 2014, 04:37:59 pm
A proper Naval system, without bugs/glitches, and a couple of new units.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: Conway on April 22, 2014, 04:47:57 pm
I think that the ability to attach and detach your bayonet from your musket would be cool. Also allow rifles to attach their sword bayonets. Also they should add cannons to the boats if possible, That would take the game to new levels.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: InfamousBeats on April 24, 2014, 04:37:47 pm
I think that the ability to attach and detach your bayonet from your musket would be cool. Also allow rifles to attach their sword bayonets. Also they should add cannons to the boats if possible, That would take the game to new levels.

+1 On both points, totally agree
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? It's happening
Post by: Offizer on December 14, 2014, 07:19:58 pm
le petition?
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? It's happening
Post by: Gurkha on December 14, 2014, 07:20:51 pm
Make a petition to let TW give us their sourceode and I promise you that we will fix it. If it happens I also promise you that we will make an addon to NW with proper Naval Battles and more factions.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? It's happening
Post by: kpetschulat on December 14, 2014, 07:29:54 pm

Be sure to go here and sign and comment, guys! This CAN happen. We're a strong community!
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? It's happening
Post by: Butts on December 14, 2014, 08:13:04 pm
It's not looking like their going to give it up :(
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? It's happening
Post by: EdwardC on December 14, 2014, 08:37:31 pm
Sepoys. New Factions.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? It's happening
Post by: kpetschulat on December 14, 2014, 09:33:03 pm
ATTENTION: Please sign the formal petition, which can be found here ( We want this to be a professional application and petition towards TaleWorlds Entertainment. All signatures, both here (,320402.0.html) and on the official petition will help immensely toward our future goal of having the Warband source code given to the Flying Squirrel Entertainment developer team.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: KL4R1N0G4MPR0S on December 15, 2014, 05:24:05 pm
Moar Horsies.  :P
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it?
Post by: EdwardC on December 16, 2014, 02:25:21 am
A new faction or two would be nice. Seeing Dutch troops on the field or some Turks would be sweeeeet.

a new engine


More, more...more
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: SamTheZamER on December 28, 2014, 04:07:24 pm
There were countless German states that took part in the NW, I just wish some would have a special unit in either France or Prussia to pay homage to the real units
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Coconut on December 28, 2014, 04:08:46 pm
I want one thing and one thing only. Bring back spontoon spears for British flag bearers.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Peppers on December 28, 2014, 05:35:47 pm
I hope they nerf cav more like in all the updates  ;D
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Coconut on December 28, 2014, 11:27:55 pm
I hope they nerf cav more like in all the updates  ;D
Separates the good cav from the great cav;d
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Pickett Pie on December 28, 2014, 11:33:03 pm
Cav is hard :c
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: SwissGronkh on December 29, 2014, 03:51:16 pm
Some swiss mercenary units :P
Or a Swiss nation :P
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: OttoFIN on December 29, 2014, 04:06:06 pm
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on January 10, 2015, 07:53:54 pm
Spain!!! So i can reenact Sharp's Rifles.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Överste Karolinen on January 14, 2015, 11:47:05 am
Hell yeah ! it would be great if they added Konungariket Sverige as a nation  :D
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Olafson on January 14, 2015, 12:42:20 pm
There were countless German states that took part in the NW, I just wish some would have a special unit in either France or Prussia to pay homage to the real units

Bavarian units in France?
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Josh Faraday on January 15, 2015, 08:24:37 am
Spain ofc.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Ambiguous on January 15, 2015, 11:20:00 am
Add Light Infantry to Prussia Pls,

And the Extra slot in austria replaced by an extra line infantry unit would be awesome :)

Everything else is pretty cool i guess, I hope after BcoF comes out, fse will begin working on this beautiful game again :)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Dekkers on January 15, 2015, 11:27:18 am
I want one thing and one thing only. Bring back spontoon spears for British flag bearers.

I miss them too...

I don't even get why they were ever removed. They're worse than muskets in melee... So who can complain. It's not like you can throw them.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Ambiguous on January 15, 2015, 11:28:30 am
I want one thing and one thing only. Bring back spontoon spears for British flag bearers.

I miss them too...

I don't even get why they were ever removed. They're worse than muskets in melee... So who can complain. It's not like you can throw them.
Oh god imagine if you could 0____0, the ragdoll animation would be hilarious xD
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Dekkers on January 15, 2015, 11:31:56 am
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Ambiguous on January 15, 2015, 11:35:38 am
this would turn NW line battles,  into a competition of piercing the enemys officer with a throwing spear xD
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Dekkers on January 15, 2015, 11:39:12 am
True dat

Still don't get why they got removed tho
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Physic58 on January 27, 2015, 12:58:53 am
1.Ability to fix bayonets and unfix which is very possible in mods for nw
2. Ability to salute which is possible in many mods for NW
3. better marching animations and in sync marching, because its out of sync for musicians when playing music, when they march with other units
4.200+ servers which was promised in the release trailer
5. more factions and sergeants for every unit, and perhaps a colonel unit on a horse for regiments and then a regular sergeant and officer unit as well, more weapons and better artillery
If mods can do alot of this then NW, should be able to
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: 62nd_Landino on February 02, 2015, 02:15:57 am
I would want a Spain faction to be added!!!!!!
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: SwissGronkh on February 02, 2015, 08:31:59 am
I would like a "historical battle mode", where you take control of a soldier and follow the commands of your leader ;)
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Ambiguous on February 02, 2015, 08:45:11 am
I would like a "historical battle mode", where you take control of a soldier and follow the commands of your leader ;)
that would be so good :P The voice of the officer should be historically relatable too so deep, and the commands oh god I can imagine it ;P
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Johann on February 04, 2015, 04:29:37 am
Ottoman Empire or Batavian Republic. Maybe even Spain.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Phoen!x on February 21, 2015, 03:06:07 pm
I think they should delete the pokes. It's just anoying and random. I also think, that they should fix the hitboxes, because they are quite bugged sometimes.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Coconut on February 25, 2015, 01:41:42 am
CSGO is only 4 months newer than NW, the game got a huge boom in population when they released skins.

What NW needs is gun skins plz. I want an Bayoneted Musket Asiimov plz vincenzo.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: KL4R1N0G4MPR0S on February 25, 2015, 02:02:34 am
CSGO is only 4 months newer than NW, the game got a huge boom in population when they released skins.

What NW needs is gun skins plz. I want an Bayoneted Musket Asiimov plz vincenzo.

£1.99 for AWP Camo skin
£5.99 for the DLC Skin Pack,
£20.00 for the Season Pass to get the sixth faction when FSE get the source code
£59.99 for the Definitive Edition, which will also buy you a copy of BCoF when it releases
£79.99 for the XtreMe PC M@astr Reis Version that gets you a full-size poster of the devs to hang oon your walls
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Coconut on February 25, 2015, 02:07:51 am
CSGO is only 4 months newer than NW, the game got a huge boom in population when they released skins.

What NW needs is gun skins plz. I want an Bayoneted Musket Asiimov plz vincenzo.

£1.99 for AWP Camo skin
£5.99 for the DLC Skin Pack,
£20.00 for the Season Pass to get the sixth faction when FSE get the source code
£59.99 for the Definitive Edition, which will also buy you a copy of BCoF when it releases
£79.99 for the XtreMe PC M@astr Reis Version that gets you a full-size poster of the devs to hang oon your walls
Needs to add $5.00 for Operation Egypt, adds 5 new custom maps with half the money going to the map makers from the community.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Von Alten on February 25, 2015, 07:12:34 pm
CSGO is only 4 months newer than NW, the game got a huge boom in population when they released skins.

What NW needs is gun skins plz. I want an Bayoneted Musket Asiimov plz vincenzo.
rifle | dragon lore
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Coconut on February 25, 2015, 11:48:43 pm
Stattrak muskets+ naming tags would just alone be epic.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Who- on February 26, 2015, 02:57:23 pm
Why would you want to slow the melee speed even further, Its already cancer enough.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: AP0CALYPS3 on March 17, 2015, 06:47:13 am
Why would you want to slow the melee speed even further, Its already cancer enough.

^ srsly. I think if this game wants the competitive scene that so many seem to be craving you need to speed that shaz up. Watching these slow as heck duel tournaments are probably one of the most boring things to watch since elementary school football.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: SilverFlamingo on March 31, 2015, 04:42:20 pm
This games needs more RP. The player base is very much in love with RP. NW could use more game types suited to that.

NW must update. I know all the FSE Mods go on about how sales have risen etc etc.

Yet the community side is fast decaying. Once the community side goes (community pays for public servers) the game will fall very quickly.#

If you dont believe their has been a general decline in the past year or two speak with your 'community reps' Ask the biggest regimental leaders..

Then again, FSE have made a blunder with BCF.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Betaknight on March 31, 2015, 05:19:18 pm
LOL Community Rep? We still have that?
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: KL4R1N0G4MPR0S on March 31, 2015, 05:52:49 pm
I saw the 2013 election thread
it reminded me of the good old days when I started playing NW  :-\
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Coconut on April 01, 2015, 07:38:02 am
I saw the 2013 election thread
it reminded me of the good old days when I started playing NW  :-\
that thread was literally cancer. It was just a a bunch of people who wanted to get banned.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: AeroNinja on April 01, 2015, 11:03:12 am
Better melee Mechanics defo.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Wastee on April 01, 2015, 11:15:07 am
Faster melee and such, what's it matter tho they don't pay attention to us
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: AeroNinja on April 01, 2015, 11:26:22 am
+1. But I would love to have fast melee. EU uses medium. Pfff. Hope I can go fast on vacation to be gone here.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Walpole on April 11, 2015, 02:08:14 pm
 i think they sohuld ad parkour so that u can parkour and like jump and climb...
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Alexander on April 12, 2015, 01:36:47 am
Turned this thread into cansor..
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: SwissGronkh on April 14, 2015, 12:41:37 am
I would like to see naval battles like in Deluge.
That would be awesome
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: AsianP on April 14, 2015, 03:55:38 am
Hitmarkers.  8) But seriously, I would love the old NW melee back.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Who- on April 14, 2015, 09:32:59 am
We need micro transactions.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Betaknight on April 14, 2015, 01:27:12 pm
We need micro transactions.
Good idea. 5$ per ammo box. 10$ for cannonball. 2$ to fire the cannon. 15$ for bayonet. 20$ for a horse. Putin faction 25$. Every Russian unit with a shotgun costs 30$ to spawn.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Riddlez on April 14, 2015, 01:29:20 pm
I would like to see naval battles like in Deluge.
That would be awesome

It can't be done.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Turin Turambar on April 14, 2015, 01:54:56 pm
I would like to see naval battles like in Deluge.
That would be awesome

It can't be done.
The guys from Deluge seem to be better programmers than FSE.
Title: Re: If FSE Decided to update NW, what would you want in it? Petition out! Check MP!
Post by: Riddlez on April 14, 2015, 06:09:59 pm
I would like to see naval battles like in Deluge.
That would be awesome

It can't be done.
The guys from Deluge seem to be better programmers than FSE.

I was kinda hinting... I remember the resistance I got when I joined that team that wanted to make it happen on NW.... Truth is, the coder abandoned and had pretty much no skills, but still...