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The Lounge => Historical Discussion => Topic started by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 12:31:57 am

Title: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 12:31:57 am
Alternate History Thread

Welcome to the alternate history thread were you can debate different alternate history scenarios and such. I have always been interested in alt history stuff such as "How would a 1914 confederate soldier look like?" or "What would happen if Germany would have won WW1?". I will be putting up polls to break the ice along the way.

Some random interesting alt history stuff I found:
Moon Heer
WW2 CSA Officer
1933 Kaiser Willhelm II
WW1 Roman Legionary


Would the world have been better if the Central Powers won WW1?
50% Yes
50% No
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 12:32:17 am
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Walko on December 04, 2013, 12:37:15 am
Pat Conroy is a great alternative history author, you should check him out.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Killington on December 04, 2013, 12:37:33 am
Anyone read the book Leviathan? It's about alternate WW1 with the central powers have steam-powered mechs and massive tanks, and the entente has super-advanced genetic engineering, and uses large beasts and monsters in place of tanks. I found it pretty interesting, and they have a cool map on the inner page :P

Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 12:38:12 am
Pat Conroy is a great alternative history author, you should check him out.
Sure will! Thanks for the tip.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Walko on December 04, 2013, 12:38:32 am
Yea! I remember reading that! A really great book!
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 04, 2013, 12:38:41 am
Yes, I actually do think the world would be a much better place if:

A. The US didn't get involved in World War I

B. The Central Powers won the war

Other than things like World War II and the rise of Hitler not happening, the German Empire was... really better than France and Great Britain. The quality of life was better, it was more modern, hell the people were more tolerant. The German Empire was... a good place. As was Austria Hungry. The Ottoman Empire... yeah she was dying a slow death, but that was going to happen with or without World War I.

Anyone read the book Leviathan? It's about alternate WW1 with the central powers have steam-powered mechs and massive tanks, and the entente has super-advanced genetic engineering, and uses large beasts and monsters in place of tanks. I found it pretty interesting, and they have a cool map on the inner page :P


I own the entire series, I love it :D
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Killington on December 04, 2013, 12:40:42 am
Anyone read the book Leviathan? It's about alternate WW1 with the central powers have steam-powered mechs and massive tanks, and the entente has super-advanced genetic engineering, and uses large beasts and monsters in place of tanks. I found it pretty interesting, and they have a cool map on the inner page :P


I own the entire series, I love it :D
I haven't gotten the other books yet, I'll have to track it down some day :/
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Walko on December 04, 2013, 12:40:52 am
Pat Conroy is a great alternative history author, you should check him out.
Sure will! Thanks for the tip.

Yea, the ones I remember are...

- If Unites States and Soviet's get in a fight right after WW2

- Japan invades Hawaii

- CSA defends itself during the civil war

-England enters the American Civil war

Also another series that is slightly different, but still kinda the same is the "World War" series I think, it's about aliens attacking Earth during WW2, and all the axis and allies teaming up to fight them, really cool series.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 12:40:56 am
And we wouldn't have the annoying political climate like we have today.

I have to say that that WW1 Roman looks really badass.
Not like WW1 would happen if Rome was still around...
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 04, 2013, 12:43:41 am
Anyone read the book Leviathan? It's about alternate WW1 with the central powers have steam-powered mechs and massive tanks, and the entente has super-advanced genetic engineering, and uses large beasts and monsters in place of tanks. I found it pretty interesting, and they have a cool map on the inner page :P


I own the entire series, I love it :D
I haven't gotten the other books yet, I'll have to track it down some day :/

It really is a must-read. Behemoth is a great book, and Goliath has the most satisfying ending I've seen in a looooong time.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Killington on December 04, 2013, 12:46:29 am
WW1 Roman Guy
That's an interesting picture, but I think that the Roman Empire probably would have changed it's helmet design over the 2000 thousand years between the two eras, other soldiers didn't use a sallet or a great helm :P

Anyone read the book Leviathan? It's about alternate WW1 with the central powers have steam-powered mechs and massive tanks, and the entente has super-advanced genetic engineering, and uses large beasts and monsters in place of tanks. I found it pretty interesting, and they have a cool map on the inner page :P


I own the entire series, I love it :D
I haven't gotten the other books yet, I'll have to track it down some day :/

It really is a must-read. Behemoth is a great book, and Goliath has the most satisfying ending I've seen in a looooong time.
A satisfying ending?! That's pretty rare, I must get this now!!! ::)
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: George385 on December 04, 2013, 02:35:35 am
there are quite a few doccos thatd o this sort of thing.

this is one about if the Nazi's had won WWII and conquered the USA
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Killington on December 04, 2013, 03:16:20 am
Lets get the discussion about the poll topic started, what do you guys think might have happened differently if the central powers won? Would they have imposed a "Treaty of Versailles" on members of the entente? Might an English or French Hitler have arisen, or would they have been more gracious, and prevented World War 2?

Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on December 04, 2013, 03:18:15 am
It really is a must-read. Behemoth is a great book, and Goliath has the most satisfying ending I've seen in a looooong time.

Leviathan and Behemoth were really good, but by the time Goliath came out, I had sort of lost interest in the series and I couldn't get into it. I suppose I'll have to try again sometime.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: DeoVindice61 on December 04, 2013, 03:33:10 am
That roman uniform is pretty epic. Would love to fight in that.

Alternate History, my favorite subject. Harry Turtledove is one of my favorite author, I'm currently reading through his "Settling Accounts" series as if CSA and USA are torn in ww2 again. This time, The German backed US while British backed CSA, war ravage through out America, General Patton leading Confederate armors kickin' ass and Pittsburgh being fought around just as Stalingrad.

Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Walko on December 04, 2013, 07:10:28 am
That's who I meant! I couldn't remember his name! Pat Conroy is a completely different author.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 09:57:30 am
If the CSA won the civil war. There probably wouldn't be a WW2...
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 04, 2013, 10:03:29 am
There never have been written real alternative history books concerning the Napoleonics. Apart from some fantasy/steampunk rubbish.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Augy on December 04, 2013, 10:21:20 am
I remember an alternate history film where Nazi Germany was victorious, pretty good dystopian film.

Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 04, 2013, 07:54:10 pm
If the CSA won the civil war. There probably wouldn't be a WW2...
that is a very very weird statement.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 08:06:23 pm
If the CSA won the civil war. There probably wouldn't be a WW2...
that is a very very weird statement.
I was thinking that there wouldn't be a WW2 (or atleast as we know it) because Germany might have won the Great War with either US or CS help.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 04, 2013, 08:17:10 pm
Germany was losing with or without help of the USA. Germany was completely exhausted it couldn't continue the war.
And you can't be certain that if the CSA won the civil war that they still didn't interfere in the great war.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 04, 2013, 08:30:23 pm
Germany was losing with or without help of the USA. Germany was completely exhausted it couldn't continue the war.
And you can't be certain that if the CSA won the civil war that they still didn't interfere in the great war.
I don't think that the US and CS would be on the same side in the great war.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 04, 2013, 08:34:13 pm
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on December 04, 2013, 08:39:38 pm
Germany would most likely still not have won without the help of the USA, but they certainly would have had a better chance. The surrender of Russia left a power vacume that shifted the balance of the war, and the United States shifted it back in the favor of the allies. With the threat of Russia on the eastern front gone, and a weakened western front without the aid of the USA, things could have turned out very differently.

Now, on the other hand, the CSA, being almost completely unindustrialized at the time of the civil war, would not have survived as a state for more than a decade on its own. To think that they still would have been around by the time of world war 1 is ridiculous. The CSA and USA would have most likely, having lived for a few years apart from each other, realized that they had more to gain being together than separate, and reunited.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TWking on December 04, 2013, 09:07:50 pm
there are quite a few doccos thatd o this sort of thing.

this is one about if the Nazi's had won WWII and conquered the USA

4 mins into the video and I am already disagreeing with it.
If the Germans had ME 262s the would be no invasion until the Allies had them.
Also Russia was pounding the Germans in the east even with ME 262s they would probably still get crushed by the Russians.
They even said that if the nuclear arms race was given more support in Germany they would of won it but it wasn't.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: DeoVindice61 on December 04, 2013, 10:24:52 pm
If the CSA won the civil war. There probably wouldn't be a WW2...

I have a alternate history book about CSA in ww2. its quite different, theres no nazi and 3rd reich because USA helped the Central power win ww1. So the Kaisier lives through and goes to war in ww2 successfully taking over entire Europe to ensure peace. CSA was actually parraell to 3rd reich because of the typically racism toward to blacks. So they build concentration camp for african americans and placed them in ghetto. Interesting role change.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 04, 2013, 10:28:04 pm
If the CSA won the civil war. There probably wouldn't be a WW2...

I have a alternate history book about CSA in ww2. its quite different, theres no nazi and 3rd reich because USA helped the Central power win ww1. So the Kaisier lives through and goes to war in ww2 successfully taking over entire Europe to ensure peace. CSA was actually parraell to 3rd reich because of the typically racism toward to blacks. So they build concentration camp for african americans and placed them in ghetto. Interesting role change.
What wait WHAT?! Why would the CSA aid the german empire? Why would it build concentration camps for african americans? I'm pretty sure the CSA would've caved under pressure from other countries to abolish slavery. If the Central powers won WW1 there wouldn't be WW2, nothing really makes sense of what you just said.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on December 04, 2013, 10:31:56 pm
1. He said the USA helped the Germans, the Union.

2. People always find reasons to kill eachother, another World War could have happened for different reasons.

3. If the CSA went through the same radical right wing takeover as Germany had, it wouldn't be unlikely that blacks would be persecuted post slavery. They'd treat African Americans as the Nazis did Jewish people.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 04, 2013, 10:34:37 pm
Germany had the right wing take over because of the depression after WW1. Which would still be there if they won but they could've recovered faster if it wasn't for all the debt they had to pay.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Walko on December 05, 2013, 05:19:40 am
Ok, so here is a question I'de like an answer to.. What would have happened, if America had not entered WW1? More specifically, do you think either side had steam left? I mean after the Michael offensive, I feel like both sides were pooped. I guess the German home front was in horrible shape, but I still feel that the allied armies were getting close to breaking. While I know very little, I'm pretty sure French soldiers had some sort of strike in 1917. I was just wondering if you think either side would have the recourses and willpower to keep fighting, and if so, how much longer? Sorry if I got any information wrong.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 02:12:03 pm
Need more napoleonics pl0x
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 05, 2013, 02:42:41 pm
Need more napoleonics pl0x
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 03:20:16 pm
There are simply no alternativ history-novels concerning Napoleonics. No fair.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 05, 2013, 03:32:02 pm
If the French won at waterloo i'd probally be french right now  :o
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 03:38:18 pm
Not really. Napoleon changes of winning in 1815 were incredibly slim. There were over half a million men marching for France. The Russians corpses alone outnumbered the entire French force.

Had Napoleon won Waterloo, he would again have to split his force to chase both the Allied as well as the Prussian army. The allied had a reserve at Hal that could make up for all their losses, and with that reserve they would retreat behind the Schelde, with Antwerp as HQ. Brussels would have been lost, but apart from being the capital and thus being prestigious, it held little tactical value.

Had Napoleon tried to sue peace with William I of the Netherlands, there is just no way he would demand ANYTHING, let alone entire Belgium. Napoleon was in no position to negotiate, even after a victory.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: TORN on December 05, 2013, 03:40:37 pm
Okay if he won the war then.

Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 03:43:21 pm
There are plenty of possibilities for alternative history. Just not Waterloo. Asking 'what would have happened if Napoleon had won Waterloo?' Is like asking "What would have happened if Lee had won Appomattox?

Try Russia 1812, Spain 1808, Austria 1809 (Wagram!), or my personal favorite, England 1804-05. What would have happened if the French had managed to invade Britain with their allies? First of all - No Austerlitz.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 05, 2013, 04:03:11 pm
Well, if in 1812 Napoleon won in Russia, he would pass to India and hammered brits there. Then, cutting Britian from thier main colonies, he would greatly succseed in the Europe.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 04:08:43 pm
That was his idea when invading Egypt, actually.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 05, 2013, 04:13:21 pm
That was his idea when invading Egypt, actually.
In invading Russia, that was his idea too.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 04:24:35 pm
Sorry, I don't believe you. It might have been one of Napoleons ideas, stored far in the back of his head, but making way for the invasion of India wasn't reason #1.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 05, 2013, 04:28:06 pm
Sorry, I don't believe you. It might have been one of Napoleons ideas, stored far in the back of his head, but making way for the invasion of India wasn't reason #1.
I didnt say that was the idea #1 Just one of the ideas in invading Russia.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on December 05, 2013, 04:31:26 pm
Then it's just one of those motives historians decided to add to the long list of 'reasons to invade Russia'. Incorrectly, in my opinion.

Napoleon had an alliance with both Russia, Austria and Prussia after the 1809 campaign. If he wanted to invade India, he would have done at that stage.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Olafson on December 05, 2013, 05:01:06 pm
Most interesting alternate history is... What if the Romans invented space travel in 20 AD and the Greek the nuclear missiles ??????????????????

And what if the Macedonians invented the Katana, and used that instead of the pike? Would they have conquered the whole word????!!!!!!!?????
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Wismar on December 05, 2013, 05:04:37 pm
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Prince_Eugen on December 05, 2013, 06:14:54 pm
Then it's just one of those motives historians decided to add to the long list of 'reasons to invade Russia'. Incorrectly, in my opinion.

Napoleon had an alliance with both Russia, Austria and Prussia after the 1809 campaign. If he wanted to invade India, he would have done at that stage.
Fair enough.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Harybo on December 13, 2013, 07:00:04 pm
What if the Germans had entered the Second Boer war on the Boers side against Britain, starting something that might have been like WW1, but around 15 years earlier?
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on December 13, 2013, 07:20:05 pm
What if the Germans had entered the Second Boer war on the Boers side against Britain, starting something that might have been like WW1, but around 15 years earlier?

I don't imagine that it'd be anything besides an isolated conflict, like the Crimean war. Wars between great powers in the 19th century tended to be rather small in scale and concise, due to most nations still observing the principles of the Congress of Vienna from the end the Napoleonic wars. World war 1 marked an end to this, but it wasn't triggered by something as small as a conflict between Germany and Britain would have been in the Boer wars.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Harybo on December 14, 2013, 05:28:47 am

I don't imagine that it'd be anything besides an isolated conflict, like the Crimean war. Wars between great powers in the 19th century tended to be rather small in scale and concise, due to most nations still observing the principles of the Congress of Vienna from the end the Napoleonic wars. World war 1 marked an end to this, but it wasn't triggered by something as small as a conflict between Germany and Britain would have been in the Boer wars.

But this was still at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th, and it would have been between two Great Powers who probably wouldn't give up so easily when they had already started
But maybe not, it just depends on if anyone else would get involved, which might have been unlikely since it was mostly Britain and Germany having anything to do with southern Africa at the time
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: GodsonGuys on December 14, 2013, 05:55:02 am
Most interesting alternate history is... What if the Romans invented space travel in 20 AD and the Greek the nuclear missiles ??????????????????

And what if the Macedonians invented the Katana, and used that instead of the pike? Would they have conquered the whole word????!!!!!!!?????

The battle of Word. Who would win? 2 great powers, one language killed off, and the other, is now an International language.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Killington on December 14, 2013, 06:15:07 am
What if the Germans had entered the Second Boer war on the Boers side against Britain, starting something that might have been like WW1, but around 15 years earlier?
I'm not really a history buff, but I don't think it would have been like World War 1. WW1 had loads of artillery spamming, but the Haber Process hadn't been industrialised until 1913, so Germany wouldn't be able to produce enough explosives to have good ol' WW1 warfare.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on January 06, 2014, 11:01:12 pm
What if Alexander the Great didn't die of disease at the age of 33?
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Turin Turambar on January 06, 2014, 11:45:49 pm
... and would have lived forever like a god?

He would have conquered the world and that's it.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Pinball Wizard on January 07, 2014, 01:20:22 am
What if the framers of the Constitution really created the NSA
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on January 07, 2014, 01:24:47 am
... and would have lived forever like a god?

He would have conquered the world and that's it.

Eh, his Army did mutiny when it reached India. They said that they wanted to go home (To be fair it'd been 10 years)
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Prince_Eugen on January 07, 2014, 08:53:20 am
... and would have lived forever like a god?

He would have conquered the world and that's it.

Eh, his Army did mutiny when it reached India. They said that they wanted to go home (To be fair it'd been 10 years)
Well, he could end the campaign without reaching the India, disband veterans, and for certain period of time just worked on establishing his rule in conquered states. Then he could create a new army and start new wars.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on January 08, 2014, 03:22:55 pm
He actually estamblished a rule at the conquered territories :D The title "Great" is given to a person when he is both a good battle-commander and a good state-commander and a person loved by the population
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Duuring on January 08, 2014, 04:13:10 pm
Not really. 'The Great' is given to so many people for the silliest of reason. It's a weapon of propaganda. Even Napoleon was, especially after he was gone, often called 'The great' by his admirers.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: darthdj31 on February 21, 2014, 06:07:03 am

I don't imagine that it'd be anything besides an isolated conflict, like the Crimean war. Wars between great powers in the 19th century tended to be rather small in scale and concise, due to most nations still observing the principles of the Congress of Vienna from the end the Napoleonic wars. World war 1 marked an end to this, but it wasn't triggered by something as small as a conflict between Germany and Britain would have been in the Boer wars.

Crimean war was more wide spread than just Crimea though. Everywhere except Europe: Baltic Ocean, the Pacific, Caucasus, even the White Sea.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Bruin on March 13, 2014, 12:07:56 am
Confederate States of America would never of lasted I think. Roman Legion's in WWI they wouldn't look like that. Moon Heer, why have guns, and helmets if they would float off and bullets would go up you could never fire straight.  :P :o ;)
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Ililsa on March 22, 2014, 12:56:12 am
helmets if they would float off

Do people think helmets are held on by the will of God or something?

They're not hats. Straps, yo.
Title: Re: Alternate History Thread
Post by: Bramif on March 22, 2014, 03:02:26 pm
why have guns bullets would go up you could never fire straight.  :P :o ;)
Bullshit, The only difference is the fact that it will fly away forever! (Unless you hit of course :P)