Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Historical Discussion => Topic started by: Odysseus on November 27, 2012, 10:38:38 pm

Title: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Odysseus on November 27, 2012, 10:38:38 pm
A thread where you can discuss your ancestry, where your family is from, stories, heirlooms and other things realting to your family history.

My Father says he has a family tree that he could give me, so hopefully ill be able to trace back my family name (i know its from england, thats it :P)
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Rogov on November 28, 2012, 02:20:22 am
I have a family tree going back to the late 18th century for the English side of my family. Their last name was Roadhouse and they originally hailed from Lincolnshire.

On my German side, my ancestors lived not only in Germany, but also in Russia, Yugoslavia, and Chile before coming to Canada.

Dunno much about my Polish ancestors, but that's who I got my surname from.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Bluehawk on November 28, 2012, 10:01:09 am
Irish, English, Scottish, Ukrainian, Finnish, and Iroquois blood...

I have three names, with the middle being my father's, in the Irish tradition, and all three are supposedly Irish. If I were a medieval Gael, I would have both a Mac and an Ua to separate them. But all three are actually not Irish at all; my given name is potentially French, my middle name is Biblical and my last name comes to Gaelic by way of a Viking prince from a backwater island off the western coast of Scotland. My father's attempt to project his ethnic pride is deliciously ironic, since I am living proof that he has no culture, he is an not an Irishman, and the diaspora is a ignorantly self-destructive. My mother's background consists of only a few words and phrases her grandfather taught her, and they are in Swedish instead of Finnish.

I am, at most, a Canadian, but in practice I do not consider myself to be anything at all.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Frappiller on November 28, 2012, 10:47:32 am
French, Norwegian, and Cree

My last name is French and has many ways to spell it like Frappier, Frappart and so on and like many French people who came to the new world before it was explored my ancestor married a Cree Indian women and my dad is the last in the family to have dark indian skin. My moms side is Norwegian and the farm they started had the original wagon tracks up to when my grandpa had a new house built.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Duuring on November 28, 2012, 12:55:50 pm
My family name goes back to 1712 (at least), and some ancesters by the name of 'Van Nee' go back to the 1600's. That's just my grandfathers side, though. Don't any more stuff.

So no 'foreign' blood for me, nor has my family done anything 'special' in history.

That said, like most people on the internet claim, I'm probably related to someone famous in a way. But who isn't?
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: James Grant on November 29, 2012, 07:42:04 pm
I made a thread similiar to this in the TW forums :)
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Odysseus on November 29, 2012, 09:29:31 pm
I made a thread similiar to this in the TW forums :)
Indeed, this thread however covers ancestors from every period, not just the Napoleonic Wars.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Hugh MacKay on November 30, 2012, 02:08:49 am
Quite a few books about my ancestors, both on my fathers and mothers side.
Everyone on my dads side pretty much lived in Schleswig since the start 1800. A farm that still belongs to the family can be traced back to the 16th century.
My mothers part is more split as my granddad comes from Lolland, but nobody knows much about that line. They probably lived there as farmes in centuries.
My grandmother is from Bavaria but when they came to Denmark in 1940 and she doesn't remember people from more than 2 generations before her.

But there is some quite interesting people on my fathers side, but when you digg deep enough, who doesn't? I mean, just going back to the 13th century where the first one in my family books is from, everyone can be traced to some royal family somehow.

And as some of you might know, I'm quite proud of my heritage here from Sønderjylland(Northen Schleswig) which is probably because of my dad's line :P
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Vikestad on December 03, 2012, 07:09:08 pm
I can trace some relatives back to the 14th century, but family traced that far back will have to be shared with a ton of people.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Karth on December 03, 2012, 07:12:35 pm
Its sort of sad... Im American and uh... I have really no idea where my ancestors are from (I think part Irish/Italian, which goes back maybe 200 years ago) Great grandfather was American who worked at a steel mill in New York.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Odysseus on December 03, 2012, 09:40:02 pm
My mothers side has actually been in canada for over 400 years (minus the Acadian deportation).
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Hugh MacKay on December 04, 2012, 01:25:40 pm
Its sort of sad... Im American and uh... I have really no idea where my ancestors are from (I think part Irish/Italian, which goes back maybe 200 years ago) Great grandfather was American who worked at a steel mill in New York.

Since it's only 200 years it would be fairly easy to find out :)
Just the fact that you know stuff about your great grandfather you've already traced it quite fa back and should have a good starting point as you now know where he lived and what his work was.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: König on December 04, 2012, 11:04:17 pm
English on my father's side and Scottish on my mother's. And of course, being American, there could be any number of other things in my history. I do know there's also a bit of Irish in there somewhere.

On my father's side, the family was either German, French, or most likely, Scandinavian, before "becoming" English. They were granted land in Essex by William the Conqueror for their assistance at the battle of Hastings. Staying in England until around the late 1600s or so when (part of) the family came to America. From there, my ancestors moved to Virginia.

On my mother's side, the family is Scottish (from the Highlands). One of the larger clans. Unfortunately, that's about all I know.  :-\

I had a lot of ancestors that fought in both World Wars.
My great-grandfather (father's side) was a mechanic during WWI. My great-great-uncles (father's side, twins) were both pioneers in WWI. One lost his sight during the war. I think they may have fought in Italy. During WWII my great-grandfather (mother's side) was in the 10th Mountain Division (I think) in Italy, before being transferred to Okinawa shortly before the end of the war. One of my great-uncles (father's side) fought in the Philippines as an Engineer. One died during D-Day in Normandy. And another arrived there shortly afterwards.

Other than that, I'm don't think I'm (directly) related to anyone famous. :P
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: James Grant on December 05, 2012, 07:38:51 pm
The earliest family member I know of was alive in the early 1600's and I have reason to believe the family line goes back longer than that.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Odysseus on December 05, 2012, 10:51:49 pm
I happen to know that one of my ancestors was actually an Acadian rebel, perhaps I'll try and learnmore about him.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Hawke on December 05, 2012, 11:32:43 pm
Well, as far as I know, my family goes really far back. Pre 1066, in fact. I know that the start of my family originated in Norway, as Vikings! I've been told that they were also chieftains/warlords of some sort. Then my family took part in the group that settled in Normandy. They became Dukes, and owned a fair bit of land. Then, they went with the Norman invasion to England. Owned a bit more land around Yorkshire, I believe. They also fought in the war of the Roses, on the side of York. Good few hundred years later, and it's WW1. One of my family entered service as a machine-gunner. Survived the entire war. My great uncle also served as a home guard in WW2.

That's just my dad's side.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: König on December 06, 2012, 02:16:39 am
Yay! Another Norman!  ;)
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Akame on December 06, 2012, 12:56:17 pm
I haven't looked up very far, but I've heard that my fathers side during the Grand Duchy of Finland were nobility, and one of them was a procurator. All that is left from that time is the coat of arms on the wall of ritarihuone(riddarhuset). My great-grand father was a ww2 veteran. And way before all this I suppose they were Rus' people like most finns.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Hawke on December 06, 2012, 06:50:39 pm
Yay! Another Norman!  ;)
Haha!  ;D
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Glory on December 13, 2012, 05:56:02 am
My original last name was cachepole(or something like that). My mothers maiden name is Vineyard. Any help with finding the origins of the two names?
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: KillerMongoose on December 13, 2012, 04:14:32 pm
An ancestor of mine actually fought in the Battle of Waterloo (and possibly battles before in French service) in the 8th Hussars (Belgian) During the charge of Ghigny's Brigade (8th Hussars and 4th Light Dragoons) against the French lancers, when the cavalry melee ensued my ancestor was struck in the belly by a lance but when the lancer withdrew the point and raised the lance for a death blow, my ancestor (I believe his last name was Beaupry but I don't know for sure) grabbed the lance and tore it from the Frenchman's hands and smashed it over his head then thrust the broken end into his neck. My ancestor survived, wounded, but alive and Ghigny's Brigade had managed to cut the French lancers to pieces and pursue them until they took shelter near a French infantry square.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Bluehawk on December 13, 2012, 04:19:23 pm
My original last name was cachepole(or something like that).

It's a vocational surname (like Miller, Smith etc.) that comes from a noose and baton used to drag prisoners around by officers of the law. One of your paternal ancestors was probably a constable or maybe a tax collector. These names usually form like "John the Catchpole", and then "Edward, son of John the Catchpole," then "Jacob Edward Catchpole" etc.

Vineyard is probably... a farmer that grew grapes.
Title: Re: The Lineage Discussion!
Post by: Glory on December 13, 2012, 06:30:07 pm
My original last name was cachepole(or something like that).

It's a vocational surname (like Miller, Smith etc.) that comes from a noose and baton used to drag prisoners around by officers of the law. One of your paternal ancestors was probably a constable or maybe a tax collector. These names usually form like "John the Catchpole", and then "Edward, son of John the Catchpole," then "Jacob Edward Catchpole" etc.

Vineyard is probably... a farmer that grew grapes.
Thanks for that, it clears it up a bit. I still have the question of nationality though.