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Topics - Foster.

Pages: 1

Start Date : 20/01/2024
Groups Stage End : 03/02/2024
Plays off Ends : 02/03/2024
End Date : 21/04/2024

Sign Up Close : 15/01/24


The aim of this tournament is to show which regiment is the best of them all! The tournament will be double-elimination, over a period of 5 to 6 weeks few months !

Group Stages: Best of 10 rounds, If there is a tie, we add 3 extra rounds
Plays-Off: Best of 10 rounds. In the event of a tie, we'll add 3 rounds.
Semi-Final and Final: Best of 10 rounds. In the event of a tie, we'll add 4 rounds with a side swap.


I.Matches should be completed within 5-6 weeks of the tournament start date. You should agree on a date with your opponent and inform the tournament administration team so they can take note.

II. It is possible to postpone a match by a maximum of one week. If you are unable to attend your match after postponement, you will be penalized with a forfeit of 0 to 10. In order to postpone a match, you must have a good reason for doing so.

III. If a regiment withdraws from the tournament, a 10 - 0 will be given to the regiments that fought against them, win or lose, play or not.

IV. The rosters will be updated every Friday, and transfers are allowed up to 5 people per regiment.

V.Maps will evolve as you move up the tournament ladder. It's only in the final match that the finalists get to choose which map to play on.

VI.The admin password is reserved for referees. It can be given to regimental leaders or to the person in charge of events, if there are no referees. But the match will have to be registered if one of the two regiment members is refereeing, with mutual agreement of course.

VII.Each regiment must have at least one default referee who can referee another regiment's match or his own if there are no other referees available.


IX.The +1 rule only applies to groups of 12 or more. The minimum number of players is 12, if there are fewer than 12, the +1 rule does not apply. If you end up with 8, it will be 8 against 12

X. General chat is forbidden to use except for the officer.

XI. Multiple firearms are prohibited.

XII.For quarter, semi-final and final matches, transfers will no longer be possible.


Fire In Charges (FiC) l Fire Out Lines & Gaps (FoL) | Movement in Formation |
A charge is considered to have occurred when a regiment's formation has been broken or contact has been initiated. Contact is considered to have occurred when 1 or more members of a regiment have blocked a stab, broken formation or suffered hand-to-hand damage. A formation break occurs when an officer moves more than 2 men away from his formation.

      If a charge shot is fired, the administrator will not reanimate, but will kill. Reanimation causes a lot of problems during a charge. Let's say 4 people have been killed in FiC, it will be complicated to reanimate them in full charge. But this depends on the situation and the referees present.
| A shot is said to be out of formation when a person is outside the line by more than the distance between 2 people. 

Reload -> Repair -> Shoot. In this order. Holes must be filled before your players can shoot. While shooting, there must be no more than half a man between players. If you shoot without clearing the gap, you will receive a warning. If you don't heed this warning, you'll have to kill the player(s). It is forbidden to crouch, jump or move behind your line to avoid shots. | It is not permitted to move with more than 3 people between players. As soon as your line moves, all shots must stop or the players concerned will be slayed. Reloading when the line moves is considered acceptable, as long as it doesn't violate the 2 or 3 man gap rule. For example, if they join the back of the line, this is not considered RoL (Reload Out Lines).

 If you move beyond the 3-man gap, you will receive a warning from a referee. Repeat offences will be penalized by slays.

Officer rules & OA | Camp Timer | Referee's
Officers and ranks must respect the same spacing rules when shooting. Officers must stand to the side of their lines at a maximum distance of 3 men. 

If the officer walks in a column towards his opponent, passes in front of his own line or is at a distance of more than 3 men, this will not be considered as an OA. If the officer moves to the front or back of his line, this is not considered an OA. The officer unit can only be used by the lead officer; officers at the end of the line during U-turns are not allowed to use this class.

When in charge the officer should still be following spacing rules, therefor he must be within 3 spaces of his closest ranker, unless that ranker is far away from his line/ramboing. The officer must be with his main body of troops. If an officer breaks the 3 men spacing rule and breaks the formation of a shooting enemy regiment, this will NOT be considered Fire in Charge depending on the situation. This is to prevent the rampant officer Rambo which has become more and more of an issue.

Beware of Rambo officers who can be caused. If he's in charge, he's not allowed to shoot, only when the line is in formation. If you think the officer has committed a Rambo during the charge, stop firing and let the charge finish so that the admin can process what has just happened and, if necessary, contest the round. If the receiving regiment is at a numerical disadvantage, it can request a reset.
| A regiment is not allowed to stay in a position for more than 5 min, but can be reduced to 2 min depending on the situation and arbitration. Both sides can request that it be automatically reduced to 2 min if possible. | Referees are not authorized to referee their own regiment's match if the latter is participating in the tournament.

However, if no other referees are present at the match, they will be authorized to referee the match, send a video or score picture (before and after side swap) as proof.

But if no referee is present, then it will be up to the 2 regiments to agree who will referee the match.


Regiment Sign Ups
Regiment Name:
Regiment Leaders (Links are required):
Regimental Referee (At least 1):
Regiment Steam Group:
Regiment Roster (With GUID's):

Referee's register
Name :
Link :
Regiment :
Past Event admin experience:
GUID (for Whitelist) :

Roster Update
Regiment Name:
Player(s) to add (GUID's):
Player(s) to remove (GUID's):
Transfer Request
Regiment Name (from):
Regiment Name (to):

Accepted regiments


Leaders : Foster & Thomasso


Leaders : Desant


Leaders : Marksman


Leaders : Stanislav


Leaders : Marat Varuh


Leaders : Dileas


Leaders : Filson


Leaders : Eternal & CezzarPasha


Leaders : Movement


Leaders : Timitix & Niki4


Leaders : Nightwing & NotOnly


Leaders : Syrcrim


Leaders : Kincaid

List of referees








Regiments / 86e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "Mortem Resistere"
« on: February 03, 2019, 02:25:46 pm »

On January 1st, 2019, the 86e Line was created by Foster and Mathieu.

Since it's creation, we have said to ourselves that we must put various objectives in mind. First, the 86th Line is a competitive regiment, that's why we focus all our efforts on having French-speaking recruits so that communication is as simple and comprehensive as possible, and the best we can help our recruits to improve their performance, and then turn them into veterans. Our various recruits come mostly from former regiments of the community, both hand to hand and shooting. The 86th Line was now ready to take up arms and fight all the regiments in the community as it grew.

The 86th Line was historically created during the Revolution in 1689, from the "Courten Regiment", a Swiss infantry regiment in the service of the Kingdom of France, and the 11ᵉ light infantry regiment created from the hunters of the Ardennes. The 86th Line Infantry Regiment proved worthy in several battles. in 1745, it took a large part in the battle of Fontenoy where "it took 80 steps, without btonçher, the fire of the English". It was in 1791 that it appeared under number 86. As early as 1794, it was called
86th half-brigade (11C formation), then in 1796, it was the 86th half-brigade (2nd formation), and in 1803, it was the 86th Infantry Regiment. In 1802, he was part of the Santo Domingo expedition, in 1807, he was in Portugal and entered Lisbon on December 2, 1813, he took part in the Spanish campaign, and General Foy wrote "The 86th held a conduct above all praise". In 1814, he took part in the glorious battle of Toulouse. That same year the 2nd Battalion was in Dresden, taking 2,500 prisoners and 150 cars. The 86th took part in the French campaign and in 1815, he fought at Ligny.
Will you be with us ? Against us ? This is your choice !


Major Foster

Capitaine TheDeaD


Adjudant Mathieu
Adjudant Rolph

Hommes de Rang

Caporal-Fourrier ShivTyr
Caporal-Fourrier Achille

Caporal Valco

Soldat d'Honneur Obelix

Soldat Vétéran Dark
Soldat Vétéran Tarkan
Soldat Vétéran Salozin
Soldat Vétéran WeeZoo

Soldat 1ère Classe VincentRostov
Soldat 1ère Classe Radulf

Soldat 2e Classe Briochin
Soldat 2e Classe VonWrede

Soldat Harper
Soldat Trinadir
Soldat Asgard
Soldat Kingtigertank
Soldat PARA
Soldat Jeanlenul
Soldat Squalala
Soldat Zorkone
Soldat DTNGJ
Soldat Jhones

Conscrit Tom
Conscrit Bêta
Conscrit Yurry
Conscrit Mahmo
Conscrit DimitrovShenka

Instructeur David Faucet

Major Foster

Capitaine TheDeaD

Adjudant Mathieu

Adjudant Rolph

Steam Group

Join us on our TS :
And on our Forum : WIP


Le 1er Janvier 2019, le 86e de Ligne est crée par Foster et Mathieu.

Dès sa création nous nous sommes dit qu'il fallait nous mettre en tête divers objectifs. En premier temps, le 86e de Ligne est un régiment compétitif, c'est pour cela que nous concentrons tous nos efforts afin d'avoir des recrues francophones pour que la communication sois le plus simple et le plus compréhensif.Au mieux nous pourrons aider nos recrues afin d'améliorer leurs performances, pour ensuite en faire des vétérans. Nos différentes recrues viennent en majorité tous d'ancien régiments de la communauté aussi bien former au corps à corps qu'au tir. Le 86e de Ligne est maintenant prêt à prendre les armes et à combattre tous les régiments de la communauté au fur et à mesure qu'il grandit.

Le 86e de ligne a été crée historiquement sous la Révolution en 1689, à partir du "Régiment de Courten", un régiment d'infanterie suisse au service du Royaume de France, et du 11ᵉ régiment d'infanterie légère créé à partir des chasseurs des Ardennes.Le 86e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne s'est montré digne dans plusieurs batailles.En 1745, il prend une belle part à la bataille de Fontenoy où « il essuie à 80 pas, sans btonçher, le feu des Anglais ». C'est en 1791, qu'il apparaît sous le n° 86. Dès en 1794, il s'appelle
86e demi-brigade (11C formation), puis en 1796, c'est la 86e demi-brigade (2e formation), et en 1803, c'est le 86e Régiment d'Infanterie. En 1802, il fait partie de l'expédition de Saint-Domingue.En 1807, il est au Portugal et entre à Lisbonne le 2 décembre par la suite en 1813, il prend part à la campagne d'Espagne, et le général Foy écrit « Le 86e a tenu une conduite au-dessus de tout éloge ». En 1814, il participe à là bataille glorieuse de Toulouse. Cette même année le 2e bataillon est a Dresde, il fait 2.500 prisonniers et prend 150 voitures. Le 86e prend part à la campagne de France et en 1815, il combat à Ligny.
Serez vous avec nous ? Contre nous ? Tel est votre choix !


Major Foster

Capitaine TheDeaD


Adjudant Mathieu
Adjudant Rolph

Hommes de Rang

Caporal-Fourrier Achille
Caporal-Fourrier ShivTyr

Caporal Valco

Soldat Vétéran Dark
Soldat Vétéran Tarkan
Soldat Vétéran WeeZoo

Soldat 1ère Classe VincentRostov
Soldat 1ère Classe Radulf

Soldat 2e Classe Briochin
Soldat 2e Classe VonWrede
Soldat 2e Classe DTNGJ

Soldat Dantes
Soldat Vengeur974
Soldat Horyo
Soldat PariSS
Soldat Fenrisulfr
Soldat Charle Lebrun
Soldat Karlbrissez
Soldat Sepuvelda
Soldat Talsedrin
Soldat Harper
Soldat Trinadir
Soldat Asgard
Soldat Kingtigertank
Soldat PARA
Soldat Jeanlenul
Soldat Squalala
Soldat Zorkone
Soldat Jhones

Conscrit Arn
Conscrit Tom
Conscrit Bêta
Conscrit Yurry
Conscrit Mahmo

Instructeur David Faucet

Major Foster

Capitaine TheDeaD

Adjudant Mathieu

Adjudant Rolph

Groupe Steam

Rejoignez-nous sur notre TS :
Et sur notre Forum : WIP

Pages: 1