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Topics - Traeeseron

Pages: 1

The regiment was formed in Catalonia where he fought during the period 1810-1814.
Under direct orders of General O'Donnell, Earl of Bisbal, is created a regiment of cuirassiers in Reus, on May 24, 1810. These cuirassiers came from destruction during the Battle of Mollet del Vallès, on January 22, 1810, of the the French Provisional Regiment squadron n.3.
This regiment is composed of two squads of three companies formed by 360 men and 140 horses and his Colonel Juan Malats. To standardize the cuirassiers, they wear red jackets,  and captured French armor.
The uniform jacket was red, supposedly of English origin, with collar and cuffs of green. The pants were white with high-riding boot and boot campaign were gray with camall below.

Given the lack of cavalry in Catalonia, the regiment was divided into several detachments distributed among the different corps that operated throughout the country and participated in numerous activities including two incursions into French territory.


Captain-Capitan Cpt.
Lieutenant-Teniente Tnt.

Sergeant-Sargento Sgt.
Coporal-Cabo Cbo.

Cuirassier-Coracero Cor.
Recruit-Cadete Cdt.


Cpt. Traeeseron
Tte. Guderina

Sgt. Willy
Cbo. Pablito
Cbo. NervaTrajano

Cor. Spinola
Cor. Bart
Cor. Van Horstmann
Cor. Meyler
Cor. Danrex
Cor. David
Cor. MerCuRi
Cor. Ramirez
Cor. Deenieh
Cor. ManuCasado

Cdt. Requiem
Cdt. Ivan
Cdt. Diblos
Cdt. Antonio
Cdt. Felipe
Cdt. Nestor
Cdt. Mabrek
Cdt. Lonfield

Contact us!

Add me in steam: NiRiDa ! 1roCR_Cpt_Traeeseron

Regiments / Lanceros de castilla (spanish cavalry regiment)
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:23:40 pm »

Created this unit by Julian Sanchez Garcia "El Charro", one of the most famous guerrilla fighters in the War of Independence, coming to send a real army and rose to the rank of Brigadier.

This cavalry unit was aligned initially as Salamanca, about two hundred components that were known as "The Departure of two hundred of Don Julián" but not for long as their numbersincreased until it ended up creating with them Light Lancers regiment of Castilla.

His actions took place between the rivers Duero and Tajo, collaborating with him on the actions of another famous guerrilla fighters "The Stubborn."

Ends up joining the already large force to the Army of General Wellington.


-Captain : RE_LC_Cpt_nick
-Lieutenant : RE_LC_Tnt_nick

-Sergeant: RE_LC_Sgt_nick
-Corporal: RE_LC_Cbo_nick

-Lancers: RE_LC_Lnc_nick
-Recruits : RE_LC_Rct_nick

-Bugler: RE_LC_Cor_nick


-Cpt :Traeeseron


-Sgt : Guderina
-Sgt : Keke
-Cbo: WillyM4AK

-Cor: Pablito


-Lnc :Van.Horstmann
-Lnc :Holygan
-Lnc :Napoleon
-Lnc :Sir clarrus
-Lnc :ManuCasado
-Lnc :Ramirez
-Lnc: Liyor92
-Lnc :Carlosastur
-Lnc: Gabriel


-Rct. Lorver
-Rct. Stil
-Rct. Bart
-Rct. Spinnola
-Rct. MerCuRi
-Rct. Nerva_Trajano

We have a private ts3 and 2 Napoleonic wars servers, RE_Train and RE_Battle, and more servers in others mods (hosted in France)

Contact us

-Our website:
-My steam: RE_LC_Cpt_Traeeseron

Check the topics of the rest of our regiments

Pages: 1