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Topics - usnavy30

Pages: 1 2
Hello everyone, I wish to make a M&M event happen. I have the resources to make it happen. A small server willing to host in support.

Event Info

Server: MM_NA_Event
The server is NA and 200 slots. Server is located in Dallas, Texas.
Password will be given in TeamSpeak Server 20 minutes prior to the event starting

Event Rule Set
Quote from: Tormidal

The rough draft of the rules are as follows:

No firing out of line.
Firing on a charge is okay, as long as there is some cohesion to it.
Officer aim will be frowned upon, but we won't disallow it.
No rambo. Period.
Any line with less than 4 people must join another line.
Also no more than half man spacing.

As I have never had the opportunity to play M&M in the ol' days I would love to kickstart this event and interest. It would benefit all those like me, who never played M&M in an online event to experience it finally.

So is anyone interested?

M&M Download Links

Event Media
Early Pre-event playing.


Pilot Test Event 6/29/14
The 1stEPI in full force, once more.
Vietnam river crossing is best crossing.
The French took our base!
The 1stEPI charges uphill

The Waterloo Event
Good example of old event done with high attendance.

Regiments with Attendance Estimates (Min Goal: 80-100)
40th 10-20
89thRG 10-20
1stEPI 30-40
91st 10-25
5th 10-15
24th 1-15
1stRddt 10-15
75th 20-30

Minimum total so far: 101~
Maximum total so far: 180+
Server slots: 200 maximum

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / NW_Official_NA_1 -Unban Request
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:47:53 am »
Name: usnavy30 in-game, at the time of the incident GOD_# (It was some number that I can't remember)
Server: NW_Official_NA_1
Why I was banned: I was trolling by blowing up the chapel and tking people with explosive box. At least I think that is why.
Date: I do not know it was some months ago that I forgot.

I have since learned it doesn't pay to troll at all and be banned from my favorite servers and if I teamkill again it is always by accident in the thick of melee and I always say sorry when I can. Since then I have learned trolling is not acceptable nor is it worth it. Please consider pardoning my offense, thank you.

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