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Messages - Commissar_Cripple

Pages: 1
[1] Nickname: Commissar_Cripple
[2] GUID:???
[3] Steam:Sir_doormat
[4] How long have you played on the server?: 5 years
[5] Current weekly hours on the server?: 3
[6] How active can you be?: maybe like 6 hours a week
[7] Age:23
[8] Timezone/Location: EST, North America
[9] Current Regiment/Clan:[KoR]
[10] Admin experience: Been an admin on the BBG_bot_survival server for over a year
[11] Any Active Admins that can be a referral?:Lauck, Zoot, Blee, Zayas, Blee, Lord chappie, Quixotic knight, Ez_trash
[12] Why do you want this role?: I would like to be admin on the BBG zombie survival server because I want to see it grow in popularity as well as keep the server running smoothly. Such as by going zombie if the game is slowing down and making sure no one is unreachable.

[1] Nickname: Commissar_Cripple
[2] GUID:???
[3] Steam:Sir_doormat
[4] How long have you played on the server?: 5 years
[5] Current weekly hours on the server?: 3
[6] How active can you be?: maybe like 6 hours a week
[7] Age:23
[8] Timezone/Location: EST, North America
[9] Current Regiment/Clan:[KoR]
[10] Admin experience: Been an admin on the BBG_bot_survival server for over a year
[11] Any Active Admins that can be a referral?:Lauck, Zoot, Blee, Zayas, Blee, Lord chappie, Quixotic knight, Ez_trash
[12] Why do you want this role?: I would like to be admin on the BBG zombie survival server because I want to see it grow in popularity as well as keep the server running smoothly. Such as by going zombie if the game is slowing down and making sure no one is unreachable.

Nickname: Commissar_Cripple
Steam: kinkydoormat
How active can you be?: well my work scheduel is kinda all over the place but I can atleast be on a few hours each day and on weekends.
Current Regiment/Clan: none
Admin experience: none ( gotta start somewhere )
Why do you want this role?: I would like to become an admin because I have  put in a lot of hours playing this server and in my time I have seen a lot of admins come and go, some good and some bad and I think I have a pretty good idea of how to keep players happy, as well as how not to behave as an admin. As an admin I would try to focus on keeping things fun and interesting. For example increasing bot count if its too easy or speeding along the delayers. 

Pages: 1