Author Topic: Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]  (Read 4414 times)

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Offline Bever

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Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:34:25 pm »
Diese Anleitung von Olafson gab es mal in einer Dropbox, ist aber nicht mehr zu finden, soweit ich weiß. Deswegen kopiere ich sie mal hier rein. Ist nicht alles drin, aber nützlicher Kram wie Wetter und Kartengröße usw. :)

- Only edit scenes in the "scene edit" gamemode, or you will screw up your map (cannons, walls, windows etc etc)
- Testing of map settings and what not should be in any other gamemode. ( But dont save your map in this gamemode then! )
- Never place bushes as scene props! use the "flora" plant types. This saves performance.
- Place trees as scene prop; In the future we will have destructible trees which will need them placed as scene props.
- To place walls more easily;
To make objects have the same direction; first rotate one, then store its direction (press leftShift+R),
Then select other objects and load stored direction(press R).
- Don't use the scene edit mode while testing the map, it ****s up the lightning effects and whatnot.
- Don't invert destructible objects


Prop settings
# Weather scene props
mm_weather_time       # var1 = time of day 0-23; Default = 15 (hours)
mm_weather_rain        # var1 = rain type; 1 = rain 2 = snow, var2 = rain amount 0-25
mm_weather_clouds   # var1 = cloud amount 0-100; Default = 30
mm_weather_fog         # var1 = fog distance in meters * 10 where fog completely blocks visibility. 1-127; 0 = default (no fog)
mm_weather_thunder      # var1 = thunder type: 0 = none 1 = thunder only 2 = thunder & lighting,
                                     # var2 = thunder frequency 0-100 ; the higher value the more thunder
mm_weather_wind       # var1 = flora_wind_strength in % 0-100; Default = 14
                                     # var2 = water_wind_strength in % 0-100; Default = 14

# Door settings;
Var1 = Team ownership and Open/close rotation reversed;  IMPORTANT; This is a special case.
You can enter two numbers, the first number will be the Open/close reversed., second will be team ownership.
10  = (reversed rotation, any team can open)
11  = (reversed rotation, owned by team 1)
12  = (reversed rotation, owned by team 2)
1  = (no reversed rotation, owned by team 1)
2  = (no reversed rotation, owned by team 2)
0  = (no reversed rotation, any team can open)

var2 = linkage with wall;  choose a identity between 1 and 127, any walls with that same identity will delete this door when reaching critical prop destruction.

# Wall settings
var1 = window spawn setting;
             1= Rich type glass
             2 = Broken normal type glass
             3 = Broken rich type glass
             4 = Don't spawn any window,
             All else normal glass type is spawned.
var2 = linkage with cannon;  choose a identity between 1 and 127, any cannons with that same identity will be deleted when reaching critical prop destruction.

# cannon settings.
var1 = rotation limit 1-127 degrees in each direction. 45 means it can rotate 45 degrees in each direction.
var2 = linkage with wall;  choose a identity between 1 and 127, any walls with that same identity will delete this cannon when reaching critical prop destruction.

spr_mm_spawn_with_cannon # If added to the map artillery sergeants spawn with the cannon. and rocketeer troops spawn with rocket placement. unless var 1 is set;
var1 = spawn limitation;
             1= Spawn with cannons only
             2 = Spawn with rockets only

spr_mm_spawn_restrictions # If added to the map and set the Var1 correctly you can restrict the players to only spawn as either infantry to Cavalry.
var1 = spawn restriction;
   1 = Infantry only
   2 = cav only.

spr_mm_ship # controllable boat
var1 = Enabling boat to be controllable
   1 = Enable controlling

mm_disable_explosives  #  If this prop is in the map, the sappers cannot place explosives.

Siege Setup:

Defender Flag = Entry point 66


Conquest Setup:

Make sure to place the correct entry points in the correct game mode.

Entery Points - Place the entry points near the flag you would like the team to spawn.
Entry point 64 = Team 1 flag
Entry point 65 = Team 2 flag

Scene Prop - Flag scene props for either team to cap.
headquarters_flag_red"    - Team 1 Flag
headquarters_flag_blue"   - Team 2 Flag
headquarters_flag_gray"   - Neutral Flag


All Outer Terrains:



Scene Codes:

0x0000000330004563000d23480000074800005c49000021c5 -biggest map size possible. flat plains, without plants,without river.

0x000000033999062e800d234800004cca80004479000003da -biggest map size, flat plains, with plants, random. river.

0x000000034c59062e800d23480000067f80004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat snow, with plants(forest), random. river.

0x0000000346d9062e400d234800006bc080004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat snow, with plants

0x000000034c79062e400d234800006bc080004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat snow, with plants(forest)

0x000000033c79062e400d234800006bc080004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat plains, with plants(forest)

0x000000033c79062ec00d234800006bc080004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat plains, with plants(forest), river

0x000000035c79062e000d234800006bc000004cb1000003da -biggest map size possible, desert, without plants,without river.

0x000000032c79062e000d234800006bc000004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat steppe, with plants(forest)

0x000000032739062e800d234800006bc000004cb1000003da -biggest map size, flat steppe, with plants, river, random

0x0000000020000500000d2348000009e40000452d000004b2 -steppe biggest
"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

Offline John_Weingarten

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Re: Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 10:55:53 pm »
danke fürs posten.
eine frage weinger:)

Offline Bever

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Re: Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2014, 03:46:12 pm »
danke fürs posten.
eine frage weinger:)

Gerne doch. :D
"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

Offline KArantukki

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Re: Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 10:04:41 am »
Das ganze kann man auch hier finden (am ende des ersten Beitrags), zusammen mit einigen anderen nützlichen Tipps.

Offline Yuriisback

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Re: Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2015, 03:38:34 pm »
Hallo zusammen,

wahrscheinlich eine blöde Frage und wahrscheinlich auch langweilig zu beantworten, weil zu einfach...aber trotzdem:
Ich bin aus Langeweile auf die verschiedensten "Scene making" und "Scene additing" tutorials und beim
Ausprobieren sogleich auf meine intellektuellen Grenzen gestoßen ;).
Unten werden die verschiedenen "door settings" von Olafson aufgeführt. Ich hab`s ausprobiert und siehe da es funktioniert. ::)
Aber wie kann ich eine vorhandene Tür abschließen, so dass sie durch keine Fraktion zu öffnen ist ?
Gibt es hierfür auch einen "Var1 door code" ?
Oder muss ich die Tür durch Wand ersetzen ? Sieht blöd aus eine Hütte ohne Tür  :-\
Oder muss die ganze Hütte durch eine "non openable door" ersetzt werden ?

# Door settings;
Var1 = Team ownership and Open/close rotation reversed;  IMPORTANT; This is a special case.
You can enter two numbers, the first number will be the Open/close reversed., second will be team ownership.
10  = (reversed rotation, any team can open)
11  = (reversed rotation, owned by team 1)
12  = (reversed rotation, owned by team 2)
1  = (no reversed rotation, owned by team 1)
2  = (no reversed rotation, owned by team 2)
0  = (no reversed rotation, any team can open)

Ich bin wahrscheinlich einfach zu blöd, aber trotzdem vielen Dank für die eine oder andere Antwort.

Habe das Problem gelöst. Vielen Dank für eure PM`s.
Da sieht man mal wieder wie stark die Community ist.
Dank an alle, die mich angeschrieben haben.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 11:07:05 am by Yuriisback »

Offline Bever

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Re: Olafson's NW Mapping [Re-Upload]
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2015, 09:46:21 pm »
Am besten die Antworten auch mal hier posten, dann können alle es lesen. :)
"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien