Author Topic: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Update is out.  (Read 4318 times)

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Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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North and South - 1.3 RLB - Update is out.
« on: May 29, 2023, 02:06:59 pm »

The United States of America - in the Year 1861. The Union and the Confederate States of America are at War.
Both sides fight in the biggest war on the american continent: The American Civil War 1861-1865!

The modification features the Battle of Manassas, which was the first big battle of the Civil War.
On July 21st, 1861 both armies clashed near Manassas junction and the river Bull Run. It should be the first and last battle of the war.


As several times requested, behind the scenes the Reinforcement-Linebattle Mode was worked into North and South.
The update is basically done. There is just some testing and clean ups left (the mode is dependant on class types (cav, skirms, rifles etc), and the NaS classes are a mess, a lot are not assigned or wrongly assigned atm  :-\ )

• A new gamemode: RLB

The Gamemode of the 1.3 will be a Team-Deathmatch with some changes to the gameplay-dynamics. Every regiment will dynamicly spawn at their regimental flag and depending on their class they will slowly drain the tickets of their teams until they cannot spawn anymore. This enables a moving battlefield with epic firefights between lines and balanced meleecharges. This translates especially well to the Era of the Secessionwar.

• Tons of new Adminoptions

Over 20 new options for admins to customize the Gamemode.


Full CLIENT 1.3
- No installer is out yet, 1.2 will stay compatible, however for admins it is heavily advised to upgrade, for the new adminoptions -

PATCH 1.3 - If you have 1.2 installed! (1mb)

Notice: Those are the official module installers from fse, so some firewalls might block it.
Solution for Win10 users:
right click the file and open "Properties" (sometimes you first need to try to run it as administrator I was told), then check the follwoing:


Instructions for full 1.3 client install

1) Run the downloaded file!

2) The installer should point out your correct Mount&Blade folder automatically. If its the wrong folder, please navigate yourself!

3) The installation path should end with \North and South First Manassas. If its a different folder, please make sure to edit!

4) Play the game and have fun!

Instructions for the manual 1.3 patch file

1-5) Same steps like above

6) De-Installer wont work correctly if you use the patch only, uninstall it manually if you want to remove NaS later(just delete the Module folder)

Full CLIENT 1.3 - as manual installation
no link at the moment

Youtube tutorial to install the mod manually

- TBD -

How to set up a server and use the new options:

Setting the vars via the config
Add this block as a whole into the config, do not remove any commands from it, dont change the order, dont add any other command, that is very important, it wont work correctly otherwise.
You can change the values that the commands set (except from the first and last command).
custom_command6 583834 #starts the variable config for the reinforcementLB, make sure to keep the order and amount of the commands, the position matters!

custom_command6 1 #activate mode: default = 1
custom_command6 2 #ticketCav: default = 2
custom_command6 3 #ticketLight: default = 3
custom_command6 3 #ticketRifle: default = 3
custom_command6 4 #ticketArty: default = 4
custom_command6 0 #Flag Capture Time: default = 0
custom_command6 30 #Flag Despawntime: default = 30
custom_command6 4 #ticketSapper: default = 4
custom_command6 4 #ticketMedic: default = 4
custom_command6 50 #Cav-Spawn-Reinforce-Range: default = 50
custom_command6 50 #Flag-Spawn-Reinforce-Range: default = 50
custom_command6 5 #Flag-Reinforcement-Range: default = 5
custom_command6 4 #Needed Allies around Flag: default = 4
custom_command6 20 #FlagCapturePoints: default = 20
custom_command6 5 #Enemy-Flag-Block-Range: default = 5
custom_command6 1 #Cav must dismount for capture: default = 1
custom_command6 0 #Need to retreat on flagloss: default = 0
custom_command6 1 #Remove Items on death: default = 1
custom_command6 0 #Dynamic Flag Capture Points: default = 0
custom_command6 1 #Inf Capturecost per Soldier: default = 1
custom_command6 2 #Lights Capturecost per Soldier: default = 2
custom_command6 2 #Rifle Capturecost per Soldier: default = 2
custom_command6 0 #Autobarrier Distance: default = 0
custom_command6 0 #Anti FiC Time: default = 0
custom_command6 0 #Rifle allowed to FiC: default = 0
custom_command6 0 #Lights allowed to FiC: default = 0
custom_command6 20 #Additional spawntime cav: default = 20
custom_command6 1 #Cav cant mount with flag: default = 1
custom_command6 1 #ticketInf: default = 1
custom_command6 0 #Block Shooting from Horseback: default = 0
custom_command6 1 #FlaggerBeacon: default = 1
custom_command6 0 #FlaggerBeaconVariant: default = 0
custom_command6 1 #FooF: default = 1
custom_command6 60 #SlayPunishTime: default = 60
custom_command6 1 #BlockCrouch: default = 1
custom_command6 0 #BlockCrouchLights: default = 0
custom_command6 0 #BlockCrouchRifles: default = 0
custom_command6 0 #BlockCrouchArty: default = 0
custom_command6 1 #BlockFlaggerTK: default = 1
custom_command6 0 #TicketLossSlay: default = 0
custom_command6 300 #RandomSpawnRange: default = 300
custom_command6 1 #BlockExplosives: default = 1

custom_command6 872954 #ends the variable config for the reinforcementLB

The screenshots are from NW, but the panel looks just the same in NaS, no worries

Ticket Cost
* Ticket Cost: how many tickets a team loses on spawn with that class.
Slay Ticket Cost: how many tickets a team loses when one of theirs is slayed

Flag-Reinforcement-Range: The range in Meters around the flag, where the specified amount allies need to stand, so that you can spawn at the flag.
Needed Allies around Flag: How many allied troops must be around the flag, so the unit can spawn there. The flagger itself is also counted. So if the number is 1, you can always spawn there.
Enemy-Flag-Block-Range: The range in Meters around the flag, where an enemy blocks the spawning around the flag
Cav-Spawn-Reinforce-Range: The range for a cav-unit to be close to the spawn, so their dead mates can respawn at the spawn. (make sure to set this higher than the barrier range [+10m should be fine])
Flag-Spawn-Reinforce-Range: The range in Meters to the spawnpoint, where you can always spawn at the flag (if no enemy is close, see above). (make sure to set this higher than the barrier range [+10m should be fine])
Need to retreat on flagloss: If this checkbox is on, after losing its flag, a unit can only spawn, if the unit is completly wiped, or all alive players of the unit are in Flag-Spawn-Reinforce-Range.
Additional Spawntime Cav: This are the seconds the cav needs to wait more than normal units to spawn.
Additional Spawntime Slay: This are the seconds a player who was slain by an admin has to wait more to spawn.
Random Spawn Range: This is the range in cm which people will randomly spawn around their flag

Flag Capture
(Max) Flag Capture Points: The amount of tickets a team loses, when the enemy captured a flag (if Dynamic Flag Capture Points is on, then this is the max amount you can lose)
Flag Capture Time: The time an enemy team needs to capture a flag. The timer starts the moment the enemy team first gets hold of the flag and is only stopped, when an ally gets hold of the flag again. If the timer runs on 0 and is standing around, the own team can still retrieve the flag. If this var is on 0, a flag is instantly conquered.
Cav must dismount for capture: If this checkbox is on, cav has to dismount to pick up a flag.
Cav cant mount with flag: If this checkbox is on, cav cannot mount a horse, while holding a flag.
Dynamic Flag Capture Points: If this checkbox is on, then when a flag is captured, it counts the size of the captured unit and calculates the tickets lost on that base
* Capturecost per Soldier: If Dynamic Flag Capture Points is on, this is the cost per soldier of the captured unit (based on the class (Inf, Lights, Rifle)
Activate Flag Away Beacon: If this checkbox is on, then when a flag is beeing hold by another regiment (friend or foe), the holding agent gets a beacon over his head for the members of the owning regiment.
Transfom to Always Beacon: If this checkbox is on, then the above Beacon is always shown to the regiment, even when they hold their own flag. (useful for public events, so players see their flag)
BlockFlaggerTK: If this checkbox is on, then people with a flag in their hand cannot be teamkilled by Trolls.

Total Tickets: Starting ammount of Tickets for each team for next round.
Flag Despawntime: The time a flag stands around before despawning without ticketloss. This timer starts everytime new when the flag is dropped and runs parallel to the capture timer.
Remove Items on death: If this checkbox is on, items wont drop, when ppl die (except shovels, ramrods and lighters). Alive ppl can drop items normally.
Block Shooting from Horseback: If this checkbox is on, shooting from horseback wont do any damage.
Autobarrier Distance (x10m): This will set the radius around the spawnpoints where oneway barriers and wooden markers are placed. This enables to use unedited battlemaps. If this var is 0, then no barriers will be spawned.
Anti FiC Time: This is the time in seconds a unit cant do ranged damage after the last melee-action of the unit (hitting or getting hit). This only activates if the unit is engaged with at least 2 enemies, to avoid rewarding rambos. So keep in mind, this feature has a lot of weaknesses, but should help against the blatant FiC respawning ppl do. Just try around with the value a bit, if you want to use it. If this var is 0, then it is inactive.
Rifles can FiC: When checked on, rifles are exempt from the Anti FiC
Lights can FiC: When checked on, lights are exempt from the Anti FiC
Auto FooF: When this checkbox is activated, it will be more difficult for players to shoot out of formation.
Block Crouching: When checked on, infantry cannot crouch anymore.
also Lights/Rifles/Arty: Can be used to additionally include specialists to the Crouch Blocking.
Block explosives: When checked on, explosive chests will not work anymore

Some stuff mentioned for admins:

Make sure that each regiment has its own unit assigned
Normal "Team point limit" is the starting ticket amount
Use the normal "Respawn period (seconds)".
Dont use stuff like "gf mode", "comp score" and so on, will cause issues.
Use Team Deathmatch Mode
Inf, Lights, Rifles all spawn with flags for their sergeant. Only one of them though.
Cav-Flagger will get a spyglass instead.
Siegeflags will spawn at the spawns, so the spawns are recognisable, they have no further use.
The map wont autochange, however at the end there will be a normal battle ending (when 0 tickets and last guy dies)

Some functions explained:

Sappers can press N to change their spawn unit, each N press rotates down the roster. Only Units with flags can be chosen. Pressing V resets to normal spawn at spawn.
Officers can press V to display all the ppl who use their class (Flaggers are especially marked), this helps to identify ppl from other regiments who took your class and are blocking you probably.

Information for mappers:
Entrypoint 0 is team 1 spawn
Entrypoint 32 is team 2 spawn (just like in battle)
Should protect spawn from entering with barriers (optional but useful) [not needed anymore with autobarriers]

« Last Edit: June 20, 2023, 05:19:44 pm by Lilja Mariasdóttir »
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2023, 03:43:18 pm »
Do people still play this in big linebattles?

I swear the saturday event died already last year...
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2023, 03:49:34 pm »
Not to my knowledge. My own regiment had the last time Event with the NRP campaign 2021 or 22.
However I was asked for it several times in the last months, and maybe the patch will lead to a smaller event for some time.
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2023, 10:09:00 pm »
Whaaaat update?

1x3 years 2Lhr,  1xVerdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, 1xKleine Gefechtsspange, 1xSilver Star,  5xBronze Star

Offline FearlessHussar

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2023, 08:45:59 pm »
Not to my knowledge. My own regiment had the last time Event with the NRP campaign 2021 or 22.
However I was asked for it several times in the last months, and maybe the patch will lead to a smaller event for some time.
I had been waiting for this for a LONG time. And yes, NaS events still occur when the mod is chosen for the mod events of Friday and Saturday. In fact, a whole new regular NaS event was planned by the mod events community should RLB be modded into the mod and i had requested from Wustenkrieger to provide us with the module on steam. The regular NaS event will be on Sunday probably at 8pm BST as is common within the mod events community, granted, of course, that there is enough interest, though there are already regiments and clans from the mod events community that would participate in this and we are hopping that more regiments from NW will also join such an event should it start. I actually held off making a thread on Events EU for the mod events because I had been waiting to see if we would be able to host a new event on NaS RLB.
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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2023, 02:10:03 pm »
 ;D An update! cool

I had been waiting for this for a LONG time. And yes, NaS events still occur when the mod is chosen for the mod events of Friday and Saturday. In fact, a whole new regular NaS event was planned by the mod events community should RLB be modded into the mod and i had requested from Wustenkrieger to provide us with the module on steam. The regular NaS event will be on Sunday probably at 8pm BST as is common within the mod events community, granted, of course, that there is enough interest, though there are already regiments and clans from the mod events community that would participate in this and we are hopping that more regiments from NW will also join such an event should it start. I actually held off making a thread on Events EU for the mod events because I had been waiting to see if we would be able to host a new event on NaS RLB.

Where is info on this "mod events community"? I have sometimes been looking for events but can only find inactive forum threads :(

Offline FearlessHussar

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2023, 02:31:28 pm »
Where is info on this "mod events community"? I have sometimes been looking for events but can only find inactive forum threads :(
The mod events use discord exclusively at the current time. An fse thread is planned to be released once we have a functional Sunday event as well. The mod events discord is:
All mod events are public so you don't need to be in a clan/reg to join, though I think the events are more enjoyable if you play with a clan/reg. Also, for the record, the mod events are not new. They have been around since 2013-2014 but were being handled by different people at times.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 02:37:40 pm by FearlessHussar »
Leader of 1st "Saint George's" Regiment
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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2023, 12:40:47 am »

Offline FearlessHussar

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2023, 01:37:07 pm »
It's Reznov! We are still using your maps lol. Btw if this comes out, could you edit your maps to add a protected zone close to the spawns with invisible barriers? Though I suppose I could do that myself.
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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2023, 07:54:09 pm »
Nice haha, yeah, I could update the maps. Mind sending me a headsup next time when N&S is played at the mod event?

Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2023, 09:19:35 am »
edit your maps to add a protected zone close to the spawns with invisible barriers
No need to edit maps, the update is doing everything for you  8)

Autobarrier Distance (x10m): This will set the radius around the spawnpoints where oneway barriers and wooden markers are placed. This enables to use unedited battlemaps. If this var is 0, then no barriers will be spawned.

Any map, even random maps, get automaticly converted for the Gamemode. You should make sure to check on all the options for admins before hosting an event, because the quality of the mode can differ a lot from the right, or wrong settings.
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.

Offline FearlessHussar

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2023, 02:18:45 am »
edit your maps to add a protected zone close to the spawns with invisible barriers
No need to edit maps, the update is doing everything for you  8)

Autobarrier Distance (x10m): This will set the radius around the spawnpoints where oneway barriers and wooden markers are placed. This enables to use unedited battlemaps. If this var is 0, then no barriers will be spawned.

Any map, even random maps, get automaticly converted for the Gamemode. You should make sure to check on all the options for admins before hosting an event, because the quality of the mode can differ a lot from the right, or wrong settings.
That's awesome! But you mention that this will only be for un-edited battlemaps. Reznov's are edited ones. Will autobarrier work there too?
Leader of 1st "Saint George's" Regiment
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Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2023, 10:33:47 am »
"unedited" means in this context "not edited to fit the new gamemode".
So any map which is working for battle mode, will also work for the RLB mode without the need to get an edit.
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.

Offline FearlessHussar

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Announcement soon™
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2023, 08:03:15 pm »
"unedited" means in this context "not edited to fit the new gamemode".
So any map which is working for battle mode, will also work for the RLB mode without the need to get an edit.
Ah, that's truly perfect. Can't wait to have the new updated game mode for the mode events. And, of course, thanks a ton for the effort you are putting into implementing this into the mod.
Leader of 1st "Saint George's" Regiment
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Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: North and South - 1.3 RLB - Update is out
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2023, 05:18:30 pm »
First test event with 70-80 players worked like a charm, no big issues appeared. Thanks to Fearless for hosting it.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2023, 05:20:11 pm by Lilja Mariasdóttir »
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.